Cucumbers with vodka without vinegar. Crispy pickled cucumbers with vodka. Delicious crispy cucumbers with cold vodka

An alcohol-containing drink does not affect the taste of canned cucumbers, but greatly increases the shelf life and quality of the preparations. The properties of cucumbers in jars do not change; they remain strong and crisp throughout the entire period. Preservation is convenient to store in heated rooms. The lids do not rise, the fermentation process does not occur, since alcohol prevents the development of any mold reactions, being a good preservative. There are enough recipes for pickling crispy cucumbers with vodka for the winter. Sometimes it is very difficult to decide and choose the most interesting one.

The main goal of each pickling process is to carry it out correctly. What tricks do housewives go to in order to get a high-quality product that can be stored for a long time? Canned cucumbers are very capricious, constantly fermented, and often explode.

To increase the preservation of pickles, cooks use various preservatives. Pickled cucumbers with the addition of vodka showed the greatest effectiveness. To ensure that the taste of the product is always at its best, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Before salting, the crop must be soaked in a humid environment;
  • cucumbers with cut ends are salted faster;
  • oak leaves or bark are used for pickles, this increases the strength of the vegetable;
  • the greens are not placed in the container too tightly;
  • vodka, horseradish roots, dry mustard will protect the preparation from explosion.

Preparing the main ingredients

For canning cucumbers, crops grown in open ground. The fruits should be small, hard, with a tough skin, dark green tips or prickly pimples. IN traditional recipes Leaf blades of currants, horseradish, cherries, and dill umbrellas are used.

Spices are also added: peppercorns, bay, garlic. For pickled cucumbers, the main ingredients will include onions, carrots, parsley, celery, and cumin. The volume of herbs is determined depending on preferences, only the proportions of the alcoholic drink remain unchanged.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers with vodka at home

Cucumbers preserved in jars are in particular demand among amateurs. Assembled good harvest Every housewife tries to preserve it in the form of conservation. Cucumbers are pickled and pickled. In order for the preparations to be stored better, a certain amount of liquid containing alcohol is added during the preparation of each recipe.

A quick method for a liter jar

For a one-liter jar, take small cucumbers. Before the process, the glass is thoroughly treated with a cleaning agent and rinsed. The fruits are kept in liquid for some time, washed, and placed in a container.

To get incredibly tasty pickled crispy cucumbers, layer the filling with finely chopped leaves. Boiling liquid is poured into the container, covered, and allowed to brew. Next, the solution is poured into a saucepan and the marinade is prepared. Lastly they pour out alcoholic drink, roll up with an iron seaming lid.

Without sterilization

Salting without sterilization is particularly simple. A standard set of spicy leaves is placed in a well-washed large glass container. Add all the necessary spices. Clean water put on fire, pour out all the ingredients for the marinade.

The boiling composition is poured into a glass vessel. After ten minutes, the brine is poured back into the pan and boiled again. Ready solution pour cucumbers. Add two tablespoons of vodka. Close tightly with a nylon tightening lid.

You can pamper ardent opponents of preservation with the addition of acid with cucumbers.

“Rowanberry” with citric acid, honey and vodka without sterilization

Fans of preparations with a mild taste can preserve cucumbers without vinegar and sugar. Medium-sized fruits are salted in a three-liter container. Preparatory procedures are carried out traditionally, only a sprig of rowan with fruits is added to the main composition of spices and herbs.

For pouring, use three large spoons of salt, four of the same liquid honey, two teaspoons of acid, one hundred grams of alcoholic beverage. Boiling water is poured into the cucumbers, left to steep, the solution is poured into a saucepan, and the brine is boiled. First, vodka is poured into the vessel, and then the boiling marinade. Seal with iron lids, turn over, and place in a warm place.

With lime and cognac

To prepare spicy cucumbers, you will need some unusual ingredients. To pickle one liter jar you need:

  • five lime slices;
  • granulated sugar, two teaspoons of salt;
  • cinnamon, star anise, nasturtium buds, cardamom, cherry leaf blades, tarragon;
  • alcohol-containing drink – one and a half large spoons;

Preparing vegetables and putting herbs and spices into jars is carried out in the same way as preparing marinade - standard. Before pouring the brine, add an alcoholic drink to the jar. Canned under a metal lid, the first day the jar is kept in a dark, warm place.

Assorted with tomatoes

This is one of the most delicious options for winter preparations. You can salt cucumbers and tomatoes at the same time. Fruits with different tastes complement each other, which makes the canned product even tastier.

Canned vegetables according to the usual recipe. Cucumbers are placed in the jar first and sprinkled with herbs. Then fill to the brim with tomatoes. For a rich, tasty brine you will need salt, vinegar, fifty grams of vodka, and granulated sugar – one hundred grams.

With onions, vodka and vinegar

The fruits are soaked in water, washed, and placed in jars. To get real, pickled cucumbers, the filling is layered with herbs, chopped vegetables, and spices. On initial stage Boiling water is poured into the jar and left for ten minutes. Next, the solution is drained and boiled again.

The boiled mixture is poured into a jar and left for a few more minutes. The infused liquid is placed in a saucepan, the necessary ingredients are added, brought to a boil, and poured into the cucumbers. At the last stage, add vodka and roll up the jar with a metal lid. For sterilization to take place correctly, the container is turned upside down and left in a dark place.

With mustard

You can pickle cucumbers with mustard in the usual, simplest way, in a fast way. Mustard gives the preparations a piquant taste, making the cucumbers crispier and more appetizing. Even a cook without much experience can seal jars of cucumbers by adding a pinch of dry mustard.

With red currants

Every housewife, when canning vegetables for the winter, tries to roll up as many cans as possible. But, in addition to the quantity of canned cucumbers, it should surprise with the quality and appearance conservation. Sprigs of red currant placed in jars with pickled cucumbers will not only complement the preparations with a new taste, but will add color and elegance.

Further storage

Traditionally, home preserves are stored in a cold, unheated room, but this is not always possible. Thanks to great recipes Using an alcohol-containing drink, storing pickled cucumbers has become easier. They stand perfectly in warm pantries, on mezzanines, without clouding the brine or swelling of the lids.

Sort the cucumbers and wash them. If the fruits are a little wilted, you can soak them for a couple of hours in cold water. This will significantly “restore” their strength. Then cut off the tails or prick each vegetable in several places with a toothpick to better soak it in the marinade.

Wash and sterilize jars. The amount of ingredients is based on two liter jars. Arrange herbs and spices.

Place cucumbers on top. It is advisable to select a size so that they fit into the jar without any problems, but if this is not possible, you can cut them in half.

Place a piece of hot pepper on top.

Pour a tablespoon of salt and pour in 30 ml of vodka. Fill the jars with boiling water and add vinegar.
Roll up the lids, turn over and let cool, wrapped in warm blanket or a towel.

Cucumbers marinated with vodka are ready for the winter. Bon appetit!!!

Just don’t tell anyone how easy they are to prepare!

Step by step recipe with a photo specifically for the Well-fed Family website. Sincerely, Alena Bondarenko.

Traditionally, salt, sugar and vinegar are used to preserve cucumbers - these substances protect the pickles from souring and mold. But they are not always effective, so clouding and swelling of the cans is a common occurrence. In addition, vinegar gives cucumbers softness and a specific taste, and also deprives them of their characteristic crunch. The recipe for cucumbers with vodka is for those who want to get a guaranteed result.

Alcohol is a natural preservative that has been successfully used in cooking for a long time. For example, you can use it to quickly and effectively salt and pickle cucumbers. IN finished product The alcohol concentration is negligible, children and drivers can eat this pickling without fear.

Canned cucumbers with vodka are suitable for preparing salads, vinaigrettes, and soups. And of course, they are a classic Russian snack for strong alcoholic drinks.

Food preparation

Medium-sized cucumbers grown in the ground are best suited for pickling.

To make pickles crispy, they must first be soaked in cold water for 8–10 hours. It is advisable to change the water periodically.

For salting you need to use only coarse salt. Fine iodized ones are not suitable. You won't get crispy cucumbers with it.

To preserve cucumbers, a variety of seasonings are used - dill, parsley, garlic, horseradish, cumin, black pepper, currant and cherry leaves. They are also combined with other vegetables – peppers, tomatoes, zucchini.

The jars must be thoroughly washed with the solution. baking soda, sterilize and heat in the oven. Do the same with the lids. The use of vodka does not cancel the basic rules for preparing containers (especially for long-term storage).

The recipes offered below are based on a three-liter jar.

Vodka can be replaced with high-quality moonshine.


This recipe is ideal for stocking up for the winter. Pickles, prepared without vinegar, are stored for a long time, while remaining elastic and crispy.


  • cucumbers;
  • water;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • 50 ml vodka;
  • 0.5 cups salt.

How to pickle.

1. Scald the seasonings with boiling water and place them on the bottom of the jars, then place the cucumbers in vertical rows.

2. Pour salt into each container. Fill cold water, cover with lids and leave for fermentation.

3. After a few days, a film should form on the surface. This indicates that it is time to start conservation.

4. Pour the brine along with the film into an enamel bowl and boil.

5. Pour a shot glass (50 ml) of vodka into each three-liter jar, fill with hot brine.

6. Cover with prepared lids and roll up. Let cool and store the pickles.

Cold salting

The ambassador in this way does not take much time, and is stored canned cucumbers several years.


  • cucumbers;
  • water;
  • 50 ml vodka;
  • 4 tablespoons salt;
  • dill, garlic, horseradish and other spices.


1. As usual, place herbs in the prepared jars as the first layer, then fresh vegetables.

2. Add three tablespoons of salt to each container and fill with ordinary unboiled water, preferably bottled.

3. Leave to ferment for 3 days under a nylon cover.

4. A film has appeared - it’s time to continue the process. Drain the brine, add fresh water and a tablespoon of salt.

5. Pour vodka into jars, close the lids, and place in a cool place.

In two weeks the pickling will be ready.

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe in jars are not inferior in taste and aroma to barrel cucumbers.


  • cucumbers;
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 tablespoon citric acid;
  • garlic (required), other seasonings optional.

How to marinate.

1. Fill the jars with a standard set of seasonings and place the vegetables.

2. Fill each jar raw water and immediately pour into the pan. This will give you the exact volume of water needed to prepare the brine.

3. Add salt, sugar to the water, citric acid. Bring the solution to a boil.

4. Slightly cooled, but still hot marinade pour into jars.

5. After 7-10 minutes, drain and boil again.

6. Pour into jars again, add vodka.

7. Seal with lids. Can be closed with nylon.

8. Store in a cool, dark place. Pickling can be stored for up to 3 years.

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe can be tasted within a few hours. Among the spices, it is enough to have dill and garlic in the kitchen. If desired, you can use other spices and herbs.

As a container for lightly salted cucumbers any utensils (enamel, glass), plastic container and even plastic bag. Because lightly salted cucumbers do not require long-term storage; you can do without sterilizing the jars.


  • cucumbers;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka;
  • water;
  • 3–4 cloves of garlic, dill (greens, umbrellas with seeds);
  • spicy herbs to taste.


1. Wash fresh vegetables, you can cut off the ends.

2. Cut the garlic cloves, so they will release the aroma better.

3. Place vegetables and spices in layers or mixed in any clean bowl.

4. Sprinkle salt on top.

5. Boil water and pour over cucumbers, add vodka.

6. Close with a nylon lid and put in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted cucumbers can be prepared without brine. Place all the ingredients in a bag, tie it, shake it a little and put it in the refrigerator. After 6–8 hours the product is ready for use.

Vodka can serve not only as alcohol, but also as a good disinfectant and, most importantly, a means for extending the storage of food. In the latter case, it works as a kind of preservative. Try sealing cucumbers with vodka for the winter. As a result, you will get crispy and delicious vegetables. The recipe will help you use such a colorful ingredient correctly.

You can easily give ready-made cucumbers to your children; you should not consider such a recipe inappropriate, since the main essence remains the same - canning. So, perhaps your husband will still be upset, because an alcoholic cucumber will be completely non-alcoholic. So, let's go through the list of everything you need.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

  • medium-sized cucumbers - how many will fit,
  • table salt– 1 tbsp. l. without a slide,
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l. with a low hill,
  • vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l,
  • vodka – 1 tbsp. l,
  • garlic – 2 cloves,
  • dried dill seeds – 1 tbsp.,
  • sprigs of green dill – 2-3 pcs.,
  • hot pepper– 1/3 pod,
  • water.

How to prepare cucumbers with vodka for the winter

Our cucumbers must be left in cold water, and the water itself must be periodically replaced with fresh water. It’s worth doing this at least two or three times. Leave the cucumbers in this state for four hours.

Meanwhile, all jars and lids are thoroughly washed and sterilized. When our container is ready, we put all the aromatic spices on the bottom of the jars: dill, red pepper rings, dill seeds and garlic, cut into halves.

Now you can place the previously soaked cucumbers on top. It is advisable to cut off the butts.

We also add the same spices on top as below.

Carefully pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid (do not roll it up) and let the cucumbers warm up for half an hour. To prevent the jar from bursting, place it on a knife and then pour boiling water over it.

We pour the water back and heat it to boiling water, pour our cucumbers again.

Now they should warm up for about fifteen minutes and cover them as well. Now it’s time to pour salt into the second drained water.

Again you need to bring the marinade to a boil.

Meanwhile, pour 9% vinegar and vodka into a jar.

We also pour the boiling marinade back into the jars; it is necessary to pour it to the very top; it will be better if the liquid reaches the top and begins to overflow.

Roll up the lids and turn our jars over. We leave them for a day.

Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Wash currant and cherry leaves, sprigs (or umbrellas) of dill. Peel the garlic. If you have horseradish leaves, they can also be used for pickling.

Sterilize jars for preservation in advance in any way convenient for you. I sterilize jars in dishwasher. Place currant leaves, cherries, dill and bay leaf. Add garlic and peppercorns. Pack the cucumbers tightly.

Then carefully drain the water from the jars into the pan. Put water on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, pour it over the cucumbers again and leave for 10 minutes.

After the time has passed, drain the water into a saucepan and put on fire. While our water is boiling, add salt and sugar to the jars. I use coarse sea salt for salting.

Our delicious, crispy cucumbers marinated with vodka are ready. Store cucumbers in a dark, cool place, ideally in a cellar, but I don’t have one, so I store cucumbers in the pantry.

Bon appetit!