Singer Kuzmin. Vladimir Kuzmin. Creative union with Alla Pugacheva

Vladimir Borisovich Kuzmin. Born on May 31, 1955 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian musician, singer. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2011).

Father - Boris Grigorievich Kuzmin (1928-2013), military man, marine. IN recent years lived in Dnepropetrovsk. Died in an accident on May 30, 2013 in Ukraine at the age of 85. It is known that when my father came to Vladimir, even in his old age he rode a motorcycle with him.

Mother - Natalya Ivanovna (1930-2001), foreign language teacher.

The younger brother, Alexander Kuzmin (pseudonyms: Alexander Telegin and Sanya Diegov), was a keyboard player in the group “Dynamic”. Since 1992, he lived in San Diego (stayed during the “Dynamics” tour in the USA), musician, singer, composer and songwriter, has his own recording studio “Sex(t)-Accord”, where he releases his and his brother’s albums, married, has children. In 2010 he returned to Russia.

The younger sister, Irina, lives in Moscow.

Due to his father's profession, the family had to travel a lot around the country. So, soon after Vladimir’s birth, his father was transferred to the Northern Fleet - to the Sputnik garrison in the Murmansk region.

He went to first grade in 1962 in the Belarusian city of Bykhov.

Later, the family moved again and he studied at school No. 5 in the village of Pechenga, Murmansk region.

Despite frequent changes of schools, he studied well and for a long time I was even an excellent student.

WITH early childhood was interested in music. He studied violin at a music school. Already at the age of five he mastered the electric guitar. And he wrote his first song at the age of six.

When I was in sixth grade, I organized my first group. He performed with her at concerts and school parties, performing both his own songs and compositions by The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and other rock groups.

From 1978 to 1983 he studied at the wind department of Dnepropetrovsk music school named after Glinka in flute class with Sergei Dmitrievich Pyatov (now the chief conductor of the circus orchestra, soloist of the chamber orchestra “Seasons” named after Harry Logvin).

As Kuzmin recalled, he began learning the flute from scratch. But very soon he even overtook his classmates. And for the state exam I chose the most difficult pieces: “Suite No. 2” by Bach, “Poem” by Zhanna Kolodub and “Flight of the Bumblebee” by Rimsky-Korsakov. He played in such a way that the testimonial signed by the chairman of the state commission, professor of the Leningrad Conservatory Alexander Yuryev, read: “The student showed a fairly deep understanding of the composer’s style and good command of the instrument. He has a beautiful sound, excellent intonation, a good “Bach” touch, confident, clean finger technique... The rating is five.”

He studied at MIIT in the same course with Chris Kelmi and Vladimir Slutsker.

In 1976, he began playing in VIA Nadezhda, where he declared himself to be a very capable guitarist. IN VIA "Nadezhda" For the first time, Vladimir Kuzmin's songs began to be publicly performed. Together with “Nadezhda”, singer Igor Ivanov performed several solo numbers, who also sang Kuzmin’s song “Don’t Leave”.

Nikolai Noskov, who worked at Nadezhda for about six months, later recalled that he sang songs by Vovka Kuzmina.

Until some point, Kuzmin himself did not sing, but then, at the suggestion of Igor Ivanov, he began to perform his compositions from the stage. “Once, while on tour, I saw Volodya humming something. I listened and said: “Vova, you have a timbre like Santa Esmeraldaruen!” He made surprised eyes - he didn’t hear. I gave him the cassette to listen to, he listened and after some time he began to sing, so we heard him as a vocalist,” recalled Igor Ivanov.

Kuzmin recorded his performance of “The Furious Construction Squad” by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. Pakhmutova and Dobronravov themselves came to record the song at the Recording House, and they liked his performance. However, his superiors forbade him to sing this song because of the peculiar manner of performance.

In 1982-1985 he worked in the group "Speaker", participated in the first and second lineups of the group. The basis of the group's repertoire were songs by Vladimir Kuzmin.

In June 1982, the group was registered under the name “Dynamic” at the Tashkent State Circus, the first composition of which included: Vladimir Kuzmin (songwriter, vocals, guitar, violin, flute, saxophone), Yuri Chernavsky (music producer, arranger, keyboards , saxophone), Sergey Ryzhov (bass guitar, vocals), Yuri Kitaev (drums, percussion).

Despite the lack of support from the “official” radio and television, Dinamika’s concerts invariably attracted full houses. The group's first magnetic album became a resounding success. The progressive press recognized "Dynamic" as the best ensemble of 1983, and all its musicians were included in the top lists.

After the departure of Chernavsky, Kitaev and Ryzhov, Vladimir Kuzmin invited new musicians to the Dynamik group - his brother Alexander, Sergei Evdochenko (keyboards) and Yuri Rogozhin (drums), and in November 1983 the group, after a break, resumed performances, but as an accompanying band team of soloist Vladimir Kuzmin.

Vladimir Kuzmin improved his skills as a singer-songwriter, and his name, as a soloist-singer, began to be heard throughout the country. He began performing and recording new albums under the name "Vladimir Kuzmin and the group "Dynamic"".

In 1985, the group released the album “Music of Telegraph Wires.” For unknown reasons, the album was banned in the USSR, and at the moment is preserved only in digitization from reel-to-reel recordings. However, several songs from it were re-released on the anthologies of the group “Dynamic” and Kuzmin.

But he really gained widespread popularity when he began collaborating with Alla Pugacheva. At the beginning of 1986, the premiere of Igor Nikolaev’s song “Two Stars” took place, which Pugacheva and Kuzmin performed as a duet. The song quickly became popular and soon Kuzmin became the vocalist and guitarist of the Recital group, which accompanied Pugacheva. In 1986, he reached the finals of the All-Union Television Festival “Song of the Year” with her for the first time. And in February 1987 he performed with her at the Italian Song Festival in San Remo.

During 1986-1987, a number of joint tours between Pugacheva and Kuzmin took place both in the USSR and abroad (in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and other countries). In September 1986, Kuzmin and Pugacheva gave a joint concert for the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the shift workers' village of Cape Verde near Pripyat and the emergency reactor.

Vladimir Kuzmin - Simone

Vladimir Kuzmin wrote songs for Alla Pugacheva. At the end of 1986, they recorded a joint split album, “He, She and the Rain,” which was to be released in 1987. However, the album was never released on time, since Kuzmin and Pugacheva abruptly stopped collaborating. Part of the material (songs performed by Kuzmin) was included in the album “Romeo and Juliet”, and the idea was fully realized only 10 years later, in 1997, in the album “Two Stars”.

In 1987, the Melodiya company released Vladimir Kuzmin’s first solo album, “My Love.”

In March 1987, Kuzmin assembled a new line-up of the Dynamik group: Alexander Stepanenko (saxophone; ex-Bravo), Valentin Lezov (bass; ex-Arsenal, Rock Studio), Alexander Goryachev (guitar; ex-Bravo), “Gulliver”, “Brigade S”), Alexander (“Bach”) Bakhurets (drums) and Alexander Telegin (aka Alexander Kuzmin) (keyboards).

After V. Lezov left the group, A. Telegin (Alexander Kuzmin, Sanya Diegov) began playing bass guitar, who was replaced on keyboards by Igor Len (ex-Nicholas Copernicus, Obermaneken, Center). After a short rehearsal period, Kuzmin went on tour with the group. He successfully toured with this lineup and recorded records, including one of Kuzmin’s best albums, “Tears on Fire.”

Vladimir Kuzmin - When you call me

In 1991-1992, Kuzmin and “Dynamic” continued their career in California, where, together with local musicians, they performed in nightclubs and recorded two English-language albums: “Dirty Sounds” and “Crazy about Rock-n-Roll”.

At the end of 1992, the musician returned to Moscow, where he restored his accompanying composition, recruiting new musicians, since almost all the members of his previous group remained living in America. In 1993, Kuzmin began touring and recording new concert and studio solo albums, while changing the lineup of Dynamics musicians several times and achieving the sound he needed from the group.

In 2002, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of Russia.

The singer has repeatedly become a laureate of prestigious music awards: “Golden Gramophone” (1996, song “Seven Seas”); Award “Song of the Year” (1999, song “I won’t forget you”); Golden Gramophone Award (2000, song “Thresholds”); Golden Gramophone Award (2003, song “A Tale in My Life”); Award “Song of the Year” (2004, song “730 days a year”); Award “Song of the Year” (2005, song “Ogonyok”); Award “Song of the Year” (2006, song “You are everything to me”).

Continues touring.

Vladimir Kuzmin. Alone with everyone

Vladimir Kuzmin's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin:

He was married three times (not counting civil marriages).

Vladimir Kuzmin now

Filmography of Vladimir Kuzmin:

1985 - Dancing on the roof - vocals
1988 - Dear Elena Sergeevna - performs the song “Only You and Me”
1988 - Rain Music (short film) - sings the song “My Love”
2001 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2008 - Living history. Russian rock (documentary)
2015 - Valaam. Salvation Island (documentary)

Discography of Vladimir Kuzmin:

in the Speaker group:

1982 - Speaker I
1982 - Speaker II
1983 - Take it with you
1984 - Miracle Dreams
1985 - Music of telegraph wires

in the Center group:

1983 - Summer flight stewardess


1985 - Voice
1985 - My love
1986 - Until Monday came
1987 - Romeo and Juliet
1988 - Look at me today
1989 - Tears on Fire
1991 - Dirty Sounds
1992 - Crazy About Rock'n'Roll
1992 - My Girlfriend Luck
1995 - Heavenly Attraction
1996 - Seven Seas
1997 - Two stars
1997 - Sinful Angel
1999 - Our best days
2000 - Networks
2001 - Rocker
2002 - Rocker-2
2003 - About something better
2006 - Holy Stream
2007 - Mystery
2012 - End or Fin (Disc 1 Epilogue)
2013 - End or Fin (Disc 2 Organism)
2013 - End or Fin (Disc 3 Interferon)
2014 - End or Fin (Disc 4 Dream Angels)
2017 - Rocker-3 / Closing of the season

The famous composer, musician and singer is Vladimir Kuzmin. Skills in playing various musical instruments this composer is simply amazing. Vladimir Borisovich is without a doubt a legend of Russian rock, and the same applies to the stage.

His compositions belong to such genres as synthpop, blues, and fusion rock. In addition, Kuzmin is the leader of such rock groups as “Dynamic” and “Carnival”. Thanks to such hits as “A Tale in My Life” and “Hey, Beauty” and many others that became real hits, Vladimir secured the title of legend.

Height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin

Due to the fact that the musician is extremely popular, his army of fans wants to learn as much information as possible about their idol. For example, physical data - height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin. At this point in time, the musician is 62 years old, weighs 75 kilograms, and height is 173 centimeters.

The musician’s fan audience is very diverse and not everyone knows what Vladimir Kuzmin was like in his youth. Photos from his youth can still be found in the public domain, although the quality of the photographic materials leaves much to be desired, but they still exist. According to the Zodiac calendar, Vladimir is a Gemini, because he was born at the very end of May.

Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin

This wonderful musician was born on the last day of the month of May (31st), in 1955. At the moment when the first screams were heard in the maternity ward, the biography of Vladimir Kuzmin began.

Mother - Kuzmina Natalya Ivanovna was a school teacher English language. Father - Kuzmin Boris Grigorievich was a marine and had an officer rank.

After graduating from school at the military camp, it was decided to apply to the capital's railway institute. But studies did not work out due to the realization that Vladimir’s life belongs to music.

His musical career began when he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Music College. Vladimir began playing in the Nadezhda ensemble, but due to criticism from the artistic director, the musician left the group.

Subsequently, Kuzmin performed in the groups “Gems” and “Carnival”, and in 1982 the legendary “Dynamic” was created, in which he performed until 1986.

After annual work with Alla Pugacheva, the musician revives “Dynamic” and goes to the States. And in the 90s, Vladimir returned to his homeland, where he assembled the same “Dynamic” for the third time. At the same time, Kuzmin opens a recording studio that is not inferior to those overseas and re-records his music.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin

The personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin is busy and rich. A separate episode in the media highlights the relationship with the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva. This relationship was hidden quite carefully, and all that is known is that there were tender feelings between colleagues on the stage, but creativity came first. Constant competitions in creativity, as well as many musical works were dedicated specifically to Pugacheva - that’s all that can be said on this matter.

In addition to a huge army of fans, Vladimir Kuzmin had several women with whom he tied the knot living together married.

Family of Vladimir Kuzmin

In addition to his parents, the musician has a younger brother, whose name is Alexander, and an older sister, Irina Kuzmina.

When my father was transferred to another garrison, Vladimir Kuzmin’s entire family moved from Moscow to a military town. In the future, all that is known is that Vladimir’s brother joined his musical group. After this, he lived for some time in the United States of America, but eventually returned to Russia, where he settled in the capital just like their older sister Irina. Little is known about her sister, but you can find several photographs where Irina is surrounded by her younger brothers.

Children of Vladimir Kuzmin

Such a topic as the children of Vladimir Kuzmin is associated with both bright and tragic moments in his life. It is known that the musician has three children from his first marriage, but to everyone’s regret, the two eldest left this world, and the eldest daughter died a violent death.

Another tragic moment in Vladimir's life is the unnatural death of his father. Boris Grigorievich had an accident. Sharing his son's passion for two-wheeled vehicles, the musician's father preferred to drive motorized vehicles. At the time of the car accident, Boris Kuzmin was 86 years old.

Son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan

One of the musician’s eldest children was born in 1983. The son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Stepan, followed his father’s path, becoming a musician. Just like my father, young man he dreamed of making a career as a singer, he even managed to form his own group. But evil fate did not allow the guy to realize his goals and dreams.

The guy died, and this happened due to a fire caused by an unextinguished cigarette. The young man fell from more than fifty meters at a time when he tried to get out of the apartment engulfed in flames. The factor in the fall of Vladimir’s eldest son was the flimsy cornice along which he tried to move to his neighbors.

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita

The child of his ex-wife Tatyana Artemyeva was not related by blood to the composer, and then he decides to adopt him. The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Nikita, was born five years later deceased Stepan. The guy’s life also didn’t work out, because he, in turn, got involved in one very serious scam. By court decision, Nikita was sentenced to three years in a general regime colony.

The good news for him was the consideration of an amnesty. The guy was amnestied right in the courtroom. Apart from this high-profile case, press service employees were unable to obtain more information.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizaveta

The eldest daughter Lisa first saw this world in 1977. At the age of twenty-five, Vladimir Kuzmin’s daughter, Elizaveta Kuzmina, died a violent death at home.

Living at that time in the capital Russian Federation the girl was stabbed sixteen times. The girl died from excessive blood loss and injury internal organs. When investigating the case, the police, having reached a dead end, were unable to find the identities of those who committed such a terrible crime. And on one of the walls in the apartment it was written “The Matrix has you”, which means: “You are stuck in the Matrix” - a quote from the film, then still by the Wachowski brothers, The Matrix.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya

Regarding the youngest daughter of our hero, there is negligible information from the consecrated press. The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Sonya, is youngest daughter Among the children from the singer’s first marriage, the girl is also the only living daughter from the same marriage.

Sonya was born in 1985. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of her star parent, she became a singer, the public realized this when the girl got involved in a project called “Star Factory”. This was the third season of a Russian television music project to support young performers. There is no more information about the musician’s daughter in the public domain, and even if there is, it is only at the level of rumors, gossip and possible discussions.

Illegitimate daughters of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole and Marta

The period from 1985 to 1987 was very eventful for the musician; in those years, Vladimir gave birth to two girls. Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughters – Nicole and Martha, whom the musician admitted were born from different women. Martha was born on International Women's Day - March 8, 1986. Actually, that’s why the girl was named “Martha.” The girl’s mother is Irina Miltsina, that’s all the information about Marta.

Another daughter born out of wedlock is Nicole. The girl was raised and raised by her grandmother, who lived in the American “City of Angels”. The composer learned about the existence of his daughter only 26 years after the girl’s birth.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Tatyana Artemyeva

The musician has a unique ability to charm women, and therefore he tied himself to marriage more than once. The first ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin is Tatyana Artemyeva. The woman was an excellent poetess, thanks to this, not a single text was written for Vladimir’s songs.

The couple lived together for almost a decade and over the years, they had three children. And the reason for the breakup was problems in everyday life, as well as the musician’s addiction to alcoholic drinks. Tatyana is not at all angry with her ex-spouse, in fact, like his other women.

Former wives of Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova

The next marriage relationship of the famous musician lasted only two years. The next marriage partner was American top model Kelly Curzon. Apart from this, nothing more is known.

Vera Sotnikova is the third wife of the legendary composer. It is worth noting the fact that the third marriage became civil. Vera is closely connected with the world of cinema, as she was an actress and also a presenter on television. After seven years of marriage, the couple decides to separate. Ex-wives Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova are not at all angry with their ex-husband.

Vladimir Kuzmin's wife - Ekaterina Trofimova

This is already the fourth marriage for the composer and it is worth noting that he is very happy in it. Vladimir Kuzmin’s wife, Ekaterina Trofimova, is twenty-seven years younger than her husband, but this fact did not become an obstacle in their life. The couple loves each other very much.

Another love of Vladimir is love with alcoholic drinks, because of which family ties were under great threat, even on the verge of destruction, but despite this, his young beloved is still close to the composer.

There are many rumors about plastic surgeries that Vladimir had done so that his face would not be wrinkled and he would at least somewhat match the image of his wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin

When bringing up the topic of the composer’s media presence, one cannot say much. Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin are a twofold thing. Thanks to his merits and acquired fame, the composer has his own page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. But on the photo sharing service Instagram, you cannot find the musician’s profile, since it simply does not exist.

But he has an account on Twitter, where you can find fresh photographic materials from Vladimir’s creative life, as well as exclusive videos. In addition, anyone can ask questions or leave a wish for the celebrity. Article found on

Vladimir Borisovich Kuzmin is an excellent singer and musician, composer and lead singer of several groups, who has distinguished himself in the rock style. His songs are popular all over the world; many people, singing them, do not even know who their author is. He composes compositions in a rather complex genre, which is a combination of rock, synthpop, and blues.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vladimir Kuzmin?

Fans deify their famous idols, so they want to know literally everything about them. Parameters such as height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin are not a universal secret. How old is he?

The future singer was born in 1955, that is, it is easy to calculate that he was 61 years old.

Vladimir Kuzmin is not tall, as his height is only one meter seventy-three centimeters. Although the singer and composer himself considers his height ideal.

For his height, Vladimir Borisovich weighs a little, namely, 75 kilograms. He manages to maintain this weight with the help of a balanced diet and a sports lifestyle.

This one was born famous person in May, so his zodiac sign is Gemini. And the year of birth of a man corresponds to this sign eastern horoscope, like a Goat.

Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin

Little Vovka was born in the capital of our Motherland on May 31, 1955. His father, Boris Grigorievich, served in the Marine Corps for a long time, and his mother, Natalya Ivanovna, worked as a teacher. foreign languages in a regular school. In addition to him, there were two more children in the family: an older sister Irishka and a little brother Sashka.

The family led a nomadic life, following their father from city to city. The boy spent most of his childhood life in the city of Murmansk.

Vladimir went to a regular school at the Belarusian garrison of Bykhov, where his father served. He excelled in all subjects and proved to be an excellent student. The boy's photo never left school board honor, he constantly received certificates of merit.

The boy fell in love with music from an early age and dreamed of playing any musical instrument. Mom and dad advised Volodya to learn to play the violin. The boy hated the violin because he was teased by the boys in the yard.

Later, ten-year-old Volodya overcame his hatred and learned to play the electric guitar. In the sixth grade, the guy created his own musical group, which wanted to play like the Beatles, famous at that time. The songs of this group gained popularity, and the guys often performed at school parties. It is worth noting that already in the eighth grade, Vovka began writing songs for his group.

The biography of Vladimir Kuzmin preserved the fact that he was a graphomaniac in his youth. A nineteen-year-old boy managed to compose a thick book in which he perfectly described the adventures of his peers. This novel was fantastic and very talented, but no one dared to publish it.

Having brilliantly graduated from school, Vladimir began to think about what he wanted to connect his future life. He decided to become a railway worker and even entered the corresponding institute. After a couple of years, the guy realized that this was not his life path. By chance, his classmates were Chris Kelmi and Vova Slutsker.

Vladimir Kuzmin successfully passed the exams and became a student at the Dnepropetrovsk music school. In it, he decided to learn how to masterly play the violin, piano, saxophone, flute, electric guitar and other instruments. For example, the guy started playing the flute from zero level, but quickly overtook his classmates.

He amazed the final exam examiners with his beautiful sound and confident movements. Naturally, Kuzmin was promised a wonderful musical future. After graduating in 1977, he began playing guitar in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Nadezhda”. Later, the vocalist of the group took Vladimir as a backing vocalist. The guy covered the musical compositions solo and received a lot of criticism from the artistic director of the group.

Due to a conflict with the manager, the guy moved to the music group “Gems”. In its composition, Vladimir honed his guitar style, which combined traditional and saxophone playing. However, in this musical group the talented musician could not prove himself.

In 1979, the guy, in tandem with Barykin, created his own musical group “Carnival”. He believed that he had a sufficient collection of songs, music and arrangements to captivate the public. The group successfully traveled around the country, singing Kuzmin’s songs, which captivated with their novelty. A year later, the tape album “Superman” was released, which consisted of ten romantic compositions.

In 1981, three songs of the group were released on a separate record with the inscription rock band “Carnival”. Before this, the word rock had not been used at all, so the record was sold out in a couple of hours.

The group toured and was very popular until its composition changed. The creators of the rock band quarreled and it broke up. Later, Barykin revived his brainchild under the same name.

But Vladimir already toured as part of the group “Dynamic” in 1982. He surprised everyone with his ability to write songs that were born from everyday little things. These compositions were written in the style of rock, reggae, and blues.

Famous musicians, including Antonov, began to invite the excellent instrumentalist to jointly record musical compositions. Unfortunately, the anti-rock government campaign finally destroyed the Dynamik group.

In 1986, Kuzmin surprised everyone by performing at Alla Pugacheva’s pop theater. Romantic compositions began to appear in the singer’s repertoire, which were included in the solo album “My Love”.

In 1987, the group “Dynamic” was revived, with which he went to the USA. When Kuzmin returned to the USSR, his musicians remained in the States. A new composition of the musical group was assembled in their native country.

In the nineties, a recording studio was opened where songs were re-recorded onto CDs.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin

The personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin was very stormy. It consisted of crowds of fans and several beloved women.

A special secret, the revelation of which the singer’s fans have been waiting for a long time, is his affair with the Prima Donna. Romantic relationships The young composer and singer, who was a force to be reckoned with, was carefully hidden. However, many colleagues in the shop happily gossiped about him.

Two born leaders and two brightest stars not only had tender feelings for each other, but also competed creatively. Many kind and beautiful song compositions of that time were dedicated to Alla Pugacheva.

Alla Borisovna recently admitted that her then husband, whom she loved and respected, pulled her out of her relationship with Kuzmin.

Family of Vladimir Kuzmin

The most beloved person for Vladimir was his father Boris. He shared all his son's hobbies and went crazy from driving fast. At eighty-five, my father crashed his motorcycle in an accident near Dnepropetrovsk.

The singer’s mother also died, so Vladimir Kuzmin’s family is brother and sister. The older sister Ira lives and works in Moscow, and the younger brother Alexander performed under different pseudonyms in Vladimir’s musical groups. Sasha has a recording company where he records songs of his famous brother.

Children of Vladimir Kuzmin

The famous singer and talented composer has quite a lot of children, both born in marriage and out of wedlock, but recognized by him.

In the first marriage, three offspring were born: Lisa, Stepan and Sophia. The eldest children of Vladimir Kuzmin died during mysterious circumstances.

Son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan

The son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Stepan, was born in 1983. The guy was musical, he always wanted to become a singer. He even created his own musical group. Stepan died when he fell from the eighteenth floor balcony on Pilyugin Street during a fire and died in 2009. The cause of the fire was said to be an unextinguished cigarette.

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita

The composer also adopted Artemyeva’s son. The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Nikita, was born in 1988. Recently, a guy became a participant in a grandiose financial scam. He was sentenced to three years in prison and was given amnesty in the courtroom.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizaveta (Liza)

The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Elizaveta, was born in 1977. She was found murdered with extreme cruelty in her apartment on Seslavinskaya Street in Moscow in 2002. The murder was never solved.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizaveta photo

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya

The youngest daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Sonya, was born in 1985. She followed in her father's footsteps and became a singer, appearing at the Star Factory.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya photo

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Marta

From Irina Miltsina in 1986, Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughter, Marta, was born. Almost nothing is known about the girl’s fate.

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Marta photo

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole

From a mulatto fan, Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughter, Nicole, was born in 1987. The youngest girl was born white-skinned, which caused the indignation of black relatives. Nicole was raised by her grandmother, who doted on her.

Illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole photo

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Tatyana Artemyeva

It is worth noting that the singer was still ringed more than once. By the way, none of the composer’s ex-wives hold a grudge against him, since he knew how to charm women. Couples separated, as a rule, against the backdrop of domestic troubles or because of Kuzmin’s excessive consumption of strong drinks.

Vladimir Kuzmin’s first ex-wife, Tanya Artemyeva, was an excellent poetess who wrote several lyrics for her husband’s song compositions. This marriage lasted eight years.

Ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon

The singer's second wife was an American. The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Kelly Curzon, was a famous model. The couple's happiness lasted only two years.

The common-law ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Vera Sotnikova

The singer's third marriage was civil and lasted seven years. The common-law ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Vera Sotnikova, was an actress and TV presenter.

Vladimir Kuzmin's wife - Ekaterina Trofimova

Vladimir Kuzmin is happy in his fourth marriage. Vladimir Kuzmin's wife is Ekaterina Trofimova. The chosen one is 27 years younger, however, this does not stop the couple from loving and dreaming. The composer's family was on the verge of collapse several times because of Vladimir's love for alcohol.

Over the past few years, there have been persistent rumors that Vladimir Kuzmin has undergone plastic surgery and more than one. Rumor has it that he did everything to smooth out his wrinkles and become a young macho. However, it is impossible to find high-quality photos of Vladimir Kuzmin before and after plastic surgery.

Fans say that the plastic surgery was not entirely successful, since the composer’s face lost its lively facial expressions and became unnaturally smooth.

There is a possibility that the intense Botox injections did the trick. Kuzmin underwent plastic surgery for the sake of his young wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin do not exist. All latest news about the work, personal life, creative plans of the singer and composer are posted on his official website on the Internet.

There is, however, an official Twitter page where you can view old and modern photographs, watch exclusive videos. There you can ask a question or wish something to the famous musician and composer of all times.

The famous composer, musician and singer is Vladimir Kuzmin. This composer's skills in playing various musical instruments are simply amazing. Vladimir Borisovich is without a doubt a legend of Russian rock, and the same applies to the stage.

His compositions belong to such genres as synthpop, blues, and fusion rock. In addition, Kuzmin is the leader of such rock groups as “Dynamic” and “Carnival”. Thanks to such hits as “A Tale in My Life” and “Hey, Beauty” and many others that became real hits, Vladimir secured the title of legend.

Height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin

Due to the fact that the musician is extremely popular, his army of fans wants to learn as much information as possible about their idol. For example, physical data - height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin. At this point in time, the musician is 62 years old, weighs 75 kilograms, and height is 173 centimeters.

The musician’s fan audience is very diverse and not everyone knows what Vladimir Kuzmin was like in his youth. Photos from his youth can still be found in the public domain, although the quality of the photographic materials leaves much to be desired, but they still exist. According to the Zodiac calendar, Vladimir is a Gemini, because he was born at the very end of May.

Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin

This wonderful musician was born on the last day of the month of May (31st), in 1955. At the moment when the first screams were heard in the maternity ward, the biography of Vladimir Kuzmin began.

Mother - Kuzmina Natalya Ivanovna was a school English teacher. Father - Kuzmin Boris Grigorievich was a marine and had an officer rank.

After graduating from school at the military camp, it was decided to apply to the capital's railway institute. But studies did not work out due to the realization that Vladimir’s life belongs to music.

His musical career began when he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Music College. Vladimir began playing in the Nadezhda ensemble, but due to criticism from the artistic director, the musician left the group.

Subsequently, Kuzmin performed in the groups “Gems” and “Carnival”, and in 1982 the legendary “Dynamic” was created, in which he performed until 1986.

After a year of work with Alla Pugacheva, the musician revives “Dynamic” and goes to the States. And in the 90s, Vladimir returned to his homeland, where he assembled the same “Dynamic” for the third time. At the same time, Kuzmin opens a recording studio that is not inferior to those overseas and re-records his music.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin

The personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin is busy and rich. A separate episode in the media highlights the relationship with the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva. This relationship was hidden quite carefully, and all that is known is that there were tender feelings between colleagues on the stage, but creativity came first. Constant competitions in creativity, as well as many musical works were dedicated specifically to Pugacheva - that’s all that can be said on this matter.

In addition to a huge army of fans, Vladimir Kuzmin had several women with whom he tied the knot in marriage.

Family of Vladimir Kuzmin

In addition to his parents, the musician has a younger brother, whose name is Alexander, and an older sister, Irina Kuzmina.

When my father was transferred to another garrison, Vladimir Kuzmin’s entire family moved from Moscow to a military town. In the future, all that is known is that Vladimir’s brother joined his musical group. After this, he lived for some time in the United States of America, but eventually returned to Russia, where he settled in the capital just like their older sister Irina. Little is known about her sister, but you can find several photographs where Irina is surrounded by her younger brothers.

Children of Vladimir Kuzmin

Such a topic as the children of Vladimir Kuzmin is associated with both bright and tragic moments in his life. It is known that the musician has three children from his first marriage, but to everyone’s regret, the two eldest left this world, and the eldest daughter died a violent death.

Another tragic moment in Vladimir's life is the unnatural death of his father. Boris Grigorievich had an accident. Sharing his son's passion for two-wheeled vehicles, the musician's father preferred to drive motorized vehicles. At the time of the car accident, Boris Kuzmin was 86 years old.

Son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan

One of the musician’s eldest children was born in 1983. The son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Stepan, followed his father’s path, becoming a musician. Just like his father, the young man had a dream of making a career as a singer, he even managed to form his own group. But evil fate did not allow the guy to realize his goals and dreams.

The guy died, and this happened due to a fire caused by an unextinguished cigarette. The young man fell from more than fifty meters at a time when he tried to get out of the apartment engulfed in flames. The factor in the fall of Vladimir’s eldest son was the flimsy cornice along which he tried to move to his neighbors.

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita

The child of his ex-wife Tatyana Artemyeva was not related by blood to the composer, and then he decides to adopt him. The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin, Nikita, was born five years later than the deceased Stepan. The guy’s life also didn’t work out, because he, in turn, got involved in one very serious scam. By court decision, Nikita was sentenced to three years in a general regime colony.

The good news for him was the consideration of an amnesty. The guy was amnestied right in the courtroom. Apart from this high-profile case, press service employees were unable to obtain more information.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizaveta

The eldest daughter Lisa first saw this world in 1977. At the age of twenty-five, Vladimir Kuzmin’s daughter, Elizaveta Kuzmina, died a violent death at home.

A girl living at that time in the capital of the Russian Federation was stabbed sixteen times. The girl died from excessive blood loss and damage to internal organs. When investigating the case, the police, having reached a dead end, were unable to find the identities of those who committed such a terrible crime. And on one of the walls in the apartment it was written “The Matrix has you”, which means: “You are stuck in the Matrix” - a quote from the film, then still by the Wachowski brothers, The Matrix.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya

Regarding the youngest daughter of our hero, there is negligible information from the consecrated press. The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin, Sonya, is the youngest daughter among the children from the singer’s first marriage, and the girl is also the only living daughter from the same marriage.

Sonya was born in 1985. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of her star parent, she became a singer, the public realized this when the girl got involved in a project called “Star Factory”. This was the third season of a Russian television music project to support young performers. There is no more information about the musician’s daughter in the public domain, and even if there is, it is only at the level of rumors, gossip and possible discussions.

Illegitimate daughters of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole and Marta

The period from 1985 to 1987 was very eventful for the musician; in those years, Vladimir gave birth to two girls. Vladimir Kuzmin’s illegitimate daughters – Nicole and Martha, whom the musician admitted were born from different women. Martha was born on International Women's Day - March 8, 1986. Actually, that’s why the girl was named “Martha.” The girl’s mother is Irina Miltsina, that’s all the information about Marta.

Another daughter born out of wedlock is Nicole. The girl was raised and raised by her grandmother, who lived in the American “City of Angels”. The composer learned about the existence of his daughter only 26 years after the girl’s birth.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Tatyana Artemyeva

The musician has a unique ability to charm women, and therefore he tied himself to marriage more than once. The first ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin is Tatyana Artemyeva. The woman was an excellent poetess, thanks to this, not a single text was written for Vladimir’s songs.

The couple lived together for almost a decade and over the years, they had three children. And the reason for the breakup was problems in everyday life, as well as the musician’s addiction to alcoholic beverages. Tatyana is not at all angry with her ex-husband, in fact, like his other women.

Former wives of Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova

The next marriage relationship of the famous musician lasted only two years. The next marriage partner was American top model Kelly Curzon. Apart from this, nothing more is known.

Vera Sotnikova is the third wife of the legendary composer. It is worth noting the fact that the third marriage became civil. Vera is closely connected with the world of cinema, as she was an actress and also a presenter on television. After seven years of marriage, the couple decides to separate. The ex-wives of Vladimir Kuzmin, Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova, are not at all angry with their ex-husband.

Vladimir Kuzmin's wife - Ekaterina Trofimova

This is already the fourth marriage for the composer and it is worth noting that he is very happy in it. Vladimir Kuzmin’s wife, Ekaterina Trofimova, is twenty-seven years younger than her husband, but this fact did not become an obstacle in their life. The couple loves each other very much.

Another love of Vladimir is love with alcoholic drinks, because of which family ties were under great threat, even on the verge of destruction, but despite this, his young beloved is still close to the composer.

There are many rumors about plastic surgeries that Vladimir had done so that his face would not be wrinkled and he would at least somewhat match the image of his wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin

When bringing up the topic of the composer’s media presence, one cannot say much. Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Kuzmin are a twofold thing. Thanks to his merits and acquired fame, the composer has his own page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. But on the photo sharing service Instagram, you cannot find the musician’s profile, since it simply does not exist.

But he has an account on Twitter, where you can find fresh photographic materials from Vladimir’s creative life, as well as exclusive videos. In addition, anyone can ask questions or leave a wish for the celebrity.