Plinth for the ceiling 6 letters first letter. Ceiling plinth: types, sizes, colors, photos in the interior. Types of skirting boards for the ceiling

One of the final stages of finishing the interior of a room is the installation of a ceiling plinth. Fillet is a more correct or scientific name for a plinth; it is translated from German as a recess or groove. You can often hear other names: cornice, molding, frieze, baguette. He is important detail ceiling design, and is also able to add aesthetics, create comfort and emphasize the style of almost any room.

The arguments for using fillets are the following:

  • they can be used to cover extended communications (for example, Internet cable, power wiring or water pipe small diameter);
  • they can hide small errors left after puttying or painting walls, or wallpapering;
  • with their help you can make the room visually larger or smaller.

Types of ceiling plinths

This building material may differ in size, color, shape and material from which it is made. Many buyers are faced with the question of how to choose a ceiling plinth. Therefore, we will look at the main types, as well as their pros and cons.

A wide variety of baguette widths are produced. Depending on the length, the most common are 1.2, 1.5 and 2.0 m.

This product is divided into:

  • injection – having a convex, embossed surface;
  • extruded - having grooves, recesses along the length;
  • laminated - those that have smooth surface.

There is a classification according to the material from which the product was made: polyurethane; polyvinyl chloride (PVC); foam; expanded polystyrene; gypsum; wooden. Let's look at them in more detail.


Polyurethane ceiling plinth is one of the most practical and versatile options

Polyurethane fillets and frames are considered a practical and versatile option. Their positive qualities include:

  • high strength and ability to maintain its initial appearance for a long time(not to fade);
  • good flexibility, which allows gluing to areas that have a complex shape;
  • excellent moisture resistance, which allows them to be installed in rooms with high humidity;
  • to glue them with your own hands, you don’t need special glue;
  • a wide variety of polyurethane products depending on size and design, which makes it easier to find a suitable option;
  • it can be painted.

There are also some disadvantages to polyurethane cornices and frames. These include:

  • they are heavy, for this reason they are not recommended for installation on suspended ceilings;
  • high cost compared to other baguettes.

If there are uneven and rough surfaces of the ceiling or wall, it is recommended to stick polyurethane friezes that can easily cover the gaps. And also, their installation is easier to do with your own hands.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Plastic plinth can be white or colored

This plastic profile, acting simultaneously as both a decorative and fastening element. It may have a different shape (for example, be smooth or have an ornament), and may also differ in color.

Most often it is installed on those surfaces that are made of lining or MDF panels. To properly install such a molding, you first need to secure it to the ceiling using self-tapping screws or staples, and only then the sheathing itself.

PVC skirting boards are used primarily for slatted ceilings

To the benefits plastic frames include:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • variety of designs and models.

Main disadvantages:

  • cannot be repainted;
  • poor fire resistance, high fire hazard, so they cannot be mounted near lights and heaters.

Foam plastic

Polystyrene foam adhesive must not contain solvents

The main advantages include:

  • low cost;
  • light weight and flexible edges;
  • variety of shapes and colors;
  • possibility of repainting;
  • easy to operate and install with your own hands.

How to install foam ceiling plinth? In general, this is not difficult, but it is important to remember that when installing this type of frieze, you need to glue it with glue that does not contain a solvent.


  • these baguettes are fragile, they cannot be installed on a surface of complex shape;
  • they need additional processing (trimming, painting)
  • high fire hazard, so they are not suitable for use near lighting or heating sets.

Expanded polystyrene

This molding resembles foam, but at the same time has a distinctive structure. Used on plastic or gypsum ceilings. Sticking a frame made of polystyrene foam can be done not only with glue, but also with mortar. Installation is generally not complicated and installing a ceiling plinth with your own hands is generally not difficult.

  • strength;
  • smooth texture;
  • easy to install;
  • low price;
  • variety of assortment.


  • color change when heated;
  • fragility.


For those who are interested in how to choose a ceiling plinth, we note that this material is rarely used, as it has many “disadvantages”. This:

  • high cost of the material itself, especially if it is a rare type of wood;
  • there are many difficulties when processing with your own hands using a hacksaw and a file (errors are difficult to correct);
  • heavy weight, which creates difficulties when it is necessary to glue a wooden plinth (if you want to carry out the installation correctly and glue the baguette using an adhesive mixture, it is important to ensure good fixation until it dries completely);
  • walls and ceiling must be absolutely flat;
  • wooden molding (not laminated) must be coated with varnish or a special protective tinting agent so that the material does not rot or darken.

The positive qualities of wooden fillets include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • gives the interior luxury, high cost, aristocracy.


Plaster moldings, frames, and cornices are considered classic ceiling moldings. Such interior details are a real work of art, which is not so easy to do with your own hands. It is recommended to hire a specialist.

Samples of gypsum products

Positive qualities:

  • very high plasticity of the material;
  • uniqueness and originality of the product;
  • The design is carried out to suit the style of the room and will easily fit into any interior.

Main disadvantages:

  • heavy, have significant weight;
  • fragile;
  • difficult to install.

The ceiling is an important part of any interior, which is why it is so important to approach its design responsibly. Using a ceiling plinth you can not only decorate a room and emphasize its style, but also hide minor irregularities.

On the market building materials presented huge selection ceiling plinths, which differ from each other in size, color and material of manufacture, so the buyer is faced with the question - how to choose a ceiling plinth?

Below we will talk about what types of ceiling skirting boards exist and what you should pay attention to when choosing.

Which material is better?

In the manufacture of ceiling plinths we use various materials, each of which has its own advantages.


Polyurethane ceiling plinth is one of the most practical and versatile options because:

  • It is highly durable and does not fade over time.
  • Flexible, due to which it can be glued to an area of ​​complex shape, including a semicircular one.
  • Moisture resistant. Can be used in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom.
  • Almost any glue is suitable for installation.
  • A wide range of sizes and patterns, making it easy to choose the one that suits your specific interior.
  • Can be painted.

For non-standard solutions suitable flexible ceiling plinth

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Quite heavy weight, which can be a hindrance when installing on suspended ceilings.
  • Relatively high price.
Advice: If the ceiling and walls have unevenness and roughness, then it is better to stick polyurethane foam moldings that can easily close the gap. In addition, polyurethane foam is lighter and more convenient to install.

Foam plastic

Ceiling plinth made of polystyrene foam has the following advantages:

  • Low price.
  • Light weight and soft edges, suitable for stretch and uneven ceilings.
  • Varied design.
  • Easy to cut and easy to install.
  • Can be dyed multiple times.

Polystyrene foam adhesive must not contain solvents

Among the disadvantages:

  • Fragility. Not suitable for curved surfaces.
  • Often requires additional processing (trimming and painting) due to the grainy structure and uneven edges.
Advice: Foam ceiling plinth is a fire hazard, so to decorate an apartment it is better to use a baguette made of extruded polystyrene foam, which does not support combustion and goes out on its own.

Expanded polystyrene

When choosing a ceiling plinth made of polystyrene, it is better to choose denser options, made not by stamping like polystyrene foam, but by extrusion like polystyrene foam moldings, which differ:

  • More strength.
  • Smooth texture.
  • Ease of use.
  • Not high cost.
  • Wide range of sizes and designs.

Extruded polystyrene is ideal for room decoration


Another material from which ceiling plinth can be made is PVC (polyvinyl chloride). This type is a plastic profile, most often simultaneously serving as a decorative and fastening element. It can be either smooth or with a relief pattern.

Plastic plinth can be white or colored

Plastic ceiling plinth is usually installed on surfaces made of PVC lining (siding) or MDF panels. Moreover, the baseboard is installed first, and then the sheathing. Fastening is carried out directly to the ceiling with self-tapping screws or staples.

Plastic is cheap, easy to use, not afraid of moisture, and the abundance of colors (it can be an imitation of metal, wood, marble, etc.) will help you easily fit it into any interior.

PVC skirting boards are used primarily for slatted ceilings

Advice: Plastic skirting boards cannot be repainted - this should be taken into account when decorating the interior using them.


Ceiling wooden plinths are not so often used today because:

  • Natural wood is an expensive material, especially for rare types of wood.
  • Difficult to process. The edges of such cornices and the joints must be processed with a hacksaw and file. Any mistakes, including cracks and gaps, are quite difficult to eliminate, since putty is not always able to hide the defect, especially with the original shade and texture of the wood.
  • Wooden fillets are quite heavy, so fastening methods are limited and require preliminary installation of fasteners. When installing with adhesives, fixation is required until they dry completely.
  • The surfaces on which the plinth is mounted must be perfectly flat.
  • The ceiling wooden plinth, if it is not laminated, should be treated with protective tinting compounds or varnish. This way the wood will not be subject to rotting and darkening.

But despite its features, such a ceiling plinth, photo below, can give the interior an aristocratic, luxurious look. In addition, if the walls are lined with clapboard or wood panels, a wooden cornice is not only appropriate, but also necessary for the harmonious combination of all the design elements of the room.

A wooden fillet with gold trim will add a little luxury to your home.

Advice: Gypsum elements are widely used to decorate the ceiling. But stucco molding is quite expensive to manufacture, and installation can only be carried out using gypsum mortar.

Ceiling plinth with lighting

Increasingly, hidden lighting is used in interior design, which can easily be hidden behind baseboards. In this case, special cornices are used, which are installed at a distance of about 20 cm below the ceiling level, having a groove for mounting the LED strip. The elements can be made of any material, and depending on the chosen mounting method, the lighting can be directed to the top or side surface.

For hidden backlight it is better to choose polyurethane molding


Despite all the variety, almost any baguette has a length of about 2 m, and the width varies from 1 to 20 cm or more. It is the width that is the determining factor when choosing, and the following rules will help you correctly determine the right size:

  • The width of the plinth depends on the height of the room. For heights up to 2.5 m, it is recommended to use parts 2-4 cm wide; from 2.5 to 3 m – 4-7 cm; and in rooms with a height of over 3 m it is better to install wide skirting boards from 7 cm.
  • Too wide baseboard in a room with low ceiling will visually reduce the height and overload the space, and the narrow one will “get lost” in a spacious room.
  • A wide baguette can smooth out corners and give the interior softness, and if the room is too elongated, it can visually expand it.

The baguette can be painted or decorated to your liking


The ceiling plinth in the interior is not in last place, so when choosing, you should focus not only on its size, but also on the color, texture and ornament.

The color of the cornice can visually change the room, for example, if the shade of the wall and the baseboard match, this will visually reduce the height of the room, and the same color molding and ceiling, on the contrary, will visually make the room taller.

Ceiling plinths in a contrasting color to the walls can also reduce the height of the room, which should be taken into account, but at the same time they will add uniqueness to the interior. In this case, the baguette should be combined with the rest of the interior elements, in particular with furniture, flooring, etc.

As for shape and ornament, it is better to focus on the following principles:

  • The drawing is selected according to the style of the room. For example, the interior in classic style involves the use of cornices with rich decor, imitating stucco, or wood with skillful carvings. English style Wide smooth skirting boards, possibly tinted, will highlight the look. For minimalist interiors, thin fillets without ornament or with a geometric pattern are suitable.
  • It is more appropriate to use a three-dimensional pattern on plain walls so as not to burden the interior, especially for small rooms.
  • If you choose a baguette with a pattern, then the latter must be combined with one of the surfaces so that the transition from one plane to another is as smooth as possible.

Ceiling plinth: wide or narrow?

Advice: Complex shape and the relief of the moldings significantly complicates the fit; in this case, you can use special corner elements.

Features of choosing skirting boards depending on the type of ceiling

When choosing ceiling plinths, it is important to take into account the material, shape and color, but the ceiling itself, namely its type, also plays an equally important role.

For tension

Ceiling plinth for suspended ceilings is installed to eliminate the gap with the wall. But you cannot glue it directly to the ceiling surface, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Weight. Lightweight options (plastic, polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene) can only be glued to the wall without fear of deformation. The adhesive itself used for installation must be as reliable as possible, so preference should be given to specialized brands.
  • The plane adjacent to the wall should be wider than the ceiling.
  • Thin plastic skirting boards will reliably disguise the junction of the wall and ceiling, while being almost invisible.
  • Installation of wooden ceiling plinths is only possible when using wall fasteners.

The plinth allows you to hide the gap between the suspended ceiling and the wall

For gypsum board

When installing suspended ceilings made of plasterboard, almost any ceiling plinth can be used, since the fastening is carried out to both planes. Such ceilings can be successfully complemented with flat skirting boards made of polystyrene or polyurethane foam, and the wider side adjacent to ceiling surface will visually increase the height of the room.

Ceiling plinth is also called baguette, molding or fillet

A suspended ceiling allows the use of wooden baseboards and illuminated cornices.

For plastered

Separately, it should be noted the features of installing skirting boards on a ceiling that is a plastered surface. This type is rarely completely smooth, so it is better to opt for skirting boards with soft edges: polyurethane, foam. In addition, gypsum skirting boards can be mounted on such a surface.

Stucco occupies special place among the varieties of decor

Advice: For installation on plastered surfaces, a ceiling plinth with a cable channel is ideal, which allows you to hide the necessary wiring in them without the need to groove the walls.

Fillet (ceiling plinth, baguette, frieze, deco plinth) is an additional element of room decoration. Its main task is to give the connection between the ceiling and the wall a complete look, to hide possible irregularities and gaps. Ceiling fillets add completeness and elegance to the room.

Ceiling skirting boards in the interior

We think everyone already knows that with baguettes the room looks much more attractive. We won’t reveal anything new for you here, but the desire to show how much your room can be transformed does not become any less. Therefore, we decided to make a small photo selection with beautiful and original ceiling plinths.

Plinth for the ceiling - dimensions and material

There are many types of skirting boards. The most common and inexpensive is the foam frieze.

It is usually produced in lengths of 2 m, less often 1.3 and 1.5 m. Ceiling plinth can be of various widths and patterns, concave or convex, imitating stucco or smooth, mostly unpainted, white.

It is better to prefer polystyrene foam to polystyrene foam, which in comparison is homogeneous, dense and smooth. A big advantage of products made from this material is its low fire hazard - it does not burn, but only melts under the influence of an open flame.

Advice! It is quite easy to visually distinguish high-quality polystyrene from polystyrene foam, but it is still better to ask for a certificate when purchasing to be on the safe side.

Another type of material is polyurethane ceiling fillet. The material is more elastic and durable. The price of such a frieze is higher and it is more difficult to work with. It is produced in a length of 2 meters.

On curved surfaces with a large bend radius, straight fillets made of foam or polystyrene foam can be used. But for bends of small radius they are already used.

If the design of the room requires it, a wooden ceiling plinth is used. Products made of gypsum, PVC, laminated MDF and others can also be used. Wooden fillet is used for lining steam rooms in saunas and baths.

The baguette can be not only white (for painting), but also painted or laminated.

Attaching the ceiling fillet

There are several ways and sequences of performing this work.

Before wallpapering

The most common option is to install the decoplinth before painting the ceiling and wallpapering the walls.

In this case, proceed as follows:

  • The prepared ceiling and walls are cleaned of dust and covered with deep penetration soil;
  • Mount the frieze;
  • Seal all joints and cracks with finishing putty (if necessary);
  • Paint the ceiling along with the frieze;
  • Wallpaper is glued to the walls, with some overlap on the baseboard;

  • Cut off the excess with a sharp wallpaper knife, using a spatula so as not to damage the frieze.

After wallpapering

Sometimes you have to install the fillet after painting the ceiling and wallpapering. Most often, the fillet already has a factory finish (painting or lamination).

The work must be done very carefully, using transparent glue. The preparation of the walls and ceiling must be perfect, because the cracks cannot be masked with putty.

Note! The baguette must be purchased with a reserve, since a very careful adjustment of the joints (without gaps) is required and errors are difficult to correct.

What and how to glue it on

There are several gluing methods:

  • Usage finishing putty for gluing frieze and sealing seams and cracks. A frieze of any thickness and weight can be glued to the putty, followed by painting.
  • The disadvantage of this connection is low elasticity. Therefore, in case of shrinkage of the structure or its seasonal fluctuations due to the influence of soil, cracking and peeling are possible.
  • But there are many more advantages: the material is very cheap; Immediately with gluing, the joints are sealed, which, after drying, are sanded and painted along with the baseboard. This connection is considered the most inconspicuous among others - with skillful installation.

  • Using a special paste adhesive for foam plastic and polystyrene (usually white) for the same purposes. Polystyrene adhesive can withstand heavy loads. It can also be used to fill small gaps in joints, corners or areas adjacent to walls and ceilings.

  • Gluing using transparent glue “Dragon”, “Titan” and the like. Transparent glue is used mainly when installing on wallpaper - it is worth knowing that in this case, each fillet will have to be supported until the composition sets, which is very inconvenient.

Note! Excess glue is difficult to remove, so you need to apply it carefully. After this, let it set a little, and only then mount the decorative element in place.

Mounting on acrylic sealant(white or transparent). This compound has one very important advantage - it remains elastic after drying. Excess sealant can be removed with a damp sponge. They also seal small cracks. In the future, the appearance of cracks is unlikely.

Advice! Application silicone sealant- error. It is difficult to remove from the surface; silicone does not stain.

  • And the most popular solution is “liquid nails”. They are easy to apply, have strong adhesion to many surfaces, and immediately hold the glued elements in a given position.

How to glue fillets

Start work from one of the corners of the room. You can cut foam plastic with a sharp knife, preferably with a stationery knife.

For other types of frieze, use a blade with a fine tooth (a hacksaw). Using a miter box will significantly facilitate and speed up the process.

For hard options, you can use an electric miter saw with adjustable cutting angle. At the same time corner connections will be performed more accurately and accurately.

  • First, the angle is adjusted without glue;
  • When an acceptable result is achieved, glue is applied and the frieze is glued;
  • Excess glue is removed immediately after installation;
  • The next frieze strips are glued in the same way.

Advice! There is no need to press the decoplinth too hard during installation to avoid damaging it.

For fixation on curved surfaces use masking tape or finishing nails that don't finish all the way. After gluing, the nails are removed and the holes from them are filled with putty.

Video instructions for installing ceiling plinths with your own hands:

There are special corner decorative elements for baguettes. They make installation easier only at perfectly adjusted angles, which is practically unheard of in our apartments and houses, so learn to adjust the baseboard yourself.

If the ceiling is suspended

In this case, fillets for suspended ceilings are glued only to the wall, since the canvas must be able to shrink and stretch. This will also make it easier to dismantle the baseboard if it is replaced.

There are special plugs for connecting the stretch ceiling and the wall, but fillets made of foam or polyurethane can be used. The reason lies in the fact that the native corner is very small and flexible, therefore it repeats all the irregularities of the walls. You can place it at short distances, somewhere in the bathroom on a tile.

A little about painting

Painting the ceiling plinth is done either before or after its installation. It all depends on the surrounding decoration and the designer’s ideas. Before installation, decorative painting is usually done to resemble gilding or imitate various materials.

For reference! The procedure of imitation coloring is carried out using special paints - glazes!

Framing a suspended ceiling made of plastic panels (lining)

Suspended ceilings made of PVC panels or lining are most often used in rooms with high humidity (showers, bathrooms). For them special PVC profiles installed around the perimeter.

During installation, the panels are inserted with their edges into a special groove in the profile. The installation of this plinth is a little tricky (installation of the finishing panel), so many people prefer the starter or the types that we described earlier.

Using a baguette to organize ceiling lighting

If you attach a decorative ceiling plinth to the wall, stepping back a certain distance, and place an LED strip behind it, you can get beautiful and simple lighting.

As lighting fixtures low-power tapes are used. They are usually installed with LEDs to the ceiling or wall. In the first case, the light will be brighter, and in the second - diffused, which has great value for decorative lighting.

If you decide to do something similar at home, then look for special skirting boards that have mounting grooves for the tape, otherwise it will be difficult for you to attach the lighting fixture.

Our article was short, but informative enough to understand what a ceiling fillet is, its purpose and the basics of installation. Today, a room without this element seems boring and somehow not homey. Decorate your home and make it more comfortable! Good luck!

To understand why you need polyurethane baseboard for the ceiling, you apparently need to try to frame a column or figured ceiling with a plinth made of some other material. Of course, hardly anything will come of this idea. In the recent past, however, this was done using gypsum plinths, but this was too troublesome and time-consuming. Now polyurethane baseboards are successfully used for this purpose, which, if desired, can be used to decorate ceilings with any curves.

This plinth is so flexible that you can even tie it in a knot. Sometimes sellers in construction stores will demonstrate the capabilities of this plinth in this way.

A plinth (baguette) on the ceiling is an excellent solution that allows you to almost 100% hide the curvature of the joints of the ceiling and wall.

In the rooms mansard type, using ceiling plinth is extremely difficult, especially when the joint angle is more than 90°. In such cases, use a flat plinth (wall).

The invention of this absolutely irreplaceable element of decoration has eliminated a number of problems in the field of room decoration.

Purpose of the plinth:

  • The plinth hides defects in the junction of the wall and ceiling;
  • Ceiling plinth makes any design solution more meaningful and complete;
  • The costs of perfect alignment of walls and ceilings are reduced - this is no longer necessary;
  • There is a real opportunity to radically change the look of any room;
  • Possibility of visually changing the height of ceilings.

The reasons listed are not all, but these are more than enough to use ceiling plinths.

Gluing the plinth to the ceiling (video)

What is the name of the plinth on the ceiling: the name does not change the essence

Skirting on the ceiling is called differently.

What is it called:

  1. Baguette;
  2. Border;
  3. Frieze;
  4. Fillet;
  5. Platband;
  6. Balustrade.

Many people do not understand what we are talking about when they hear the words “frieze” or “border” - these are the names of plinths

As you can see, although the name options are different, the most common name is baguette, or plinth.

Regardless of the name of this decorative element, its purpose does not change.

It is used to achieve a normal, aesthetic joint between the wall and the ceiling, giving the room a more “elegant” look.

Flexible ceiling plinth: possibilities are unlimited

With the help of a flexible plinth, even the most daring and adventurous, at first glance, home project can be easily brought to life. At least this applies to finishing surfaces with increased curvature.

So that the upper frame of the column or figured ceiling, which is now back in fashion, did not turn into flour, and did not cause a nervous breakdown, it is better to choose the baseboard that will work easily and simply in this situation.

This plinth is a polyurethane plinth.

Its advantages:

  • High elasticity, as well as strength, which allows you to frame the most complex ceilings;
  • They are successfully used in the design of wet rooms: swimming pools, baths, bathrooms, etc.
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • Used after installing suspended ceilings.

Types of ceiling skirting boards: you need to choose the right one

Skirting boards are made from various materials.

Types of skirting boards for the ceiling:

  1. Made of wood;
  2. From plaster;
  3. Made from polystyrene foam;
  4. Made from polyurethane;
  5. Made of aluminum.

Aluminum plinth, in addition to its decorative purpose, is also a fastener. They are used to attach suspended ceilings.

Time gypsum stucco almost gone. It would hardly occur to anyone to fashion some kind of “special” plinth, given the ready-made ones available in construction stores!

Aluminum plinth can be either visible or hidden - it all depends on the purpose.

The most popular are foam plastic skirting boards, and the most expensive are handmade wooden skirting boards.

Skirting for suspended ceiling (video)

Skirting board in the color of the ceiling: the best option

When installing a stretch ceiling, it is very important that the ceiling plinth is the same color.

The ceiling plinth is an important element in the finishing process, and if it is chosen correctly, then there is no “screaming” joint between the wall and the ceiling.

The modern market offers more than a hundred colors of skirting boards, so choosing the right one is not difficult. However, do not discount the possibility of painting the baseboard in the desired color.

So, the rules for choosing the color of the baseboard:

  • The white plinth optically increases the height of the ceiling. The ceiling is usually the same color. This technique is also relevant for a two-level ceiling.
  • No longer welcome indoors three colors, otherwise, the room will look colorful.
  • White, like black, goes well with most other colors.

And yet best combination– this is the color when the color of the ceiling matches the color of the ceiling plinth.

PVC skirting board for ceiling: best for wet rooms

PVC plinth is one of the most inexpensive ceiling plinths. This plinth is made of plastic, which explains its low cost.

Any product has its own advantages and disadvantages in comparison with analogues.


  1. It is easy to wash;
  2. Does not turn yellow over time, unlike foam baseboards, which does not at all detract from its decorative qualities;
  3. Together with a plastic ceiling, it will form a single ensemble, unlike other types of finishing.

As can be seen from all that has been said, its main advantage is a clear advantage over other types of skirting boards when decorating plastic ceilings.


  • Poor flexibility;
  • The baseboard cannot be repainted;
  • Difficult installation, especially when it comes to installing the last part;
  • The unevenness of the walls is visible.

And, nevertheless, its advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages, and for wet rooms the plinth is simply irreplaceable.

Foam ceiling skirting boards: the most budget option

The most popular is foam baseboard. It can be painted, which gives this plinth a more “expensive” look.

Its virtues:

  1. Low price;
  2. Light weight;
  3. Can be painted in any color;
  4. A worthy replacement for stucco;
  5. Suitable for plasterboard ceiling, and any other suspended one, including tension.

The low price of foam plinth is also an important factor.

Foam plinth can have a very presentable appearance - this largely depends on the painting

The aesthetic qualities of foam plinth are much higher than its price, and the ease of installation allows you to install the plinth with your own hands, without having high qualifications!

Plastic skirting boards for ceilings: scope of application

There are many types of ceiling plinths, and, it would seem, for all occasions. However, there are also plastic skirting boards, which have also found their area of ​​application.

They are used:

  • To decorate ceilings from plastic panels;
  • For particularly wet rooms, for example, in the bathroom.

When decorating plastic ceilings, when there is some gap between the wall and the ceiling, which can significantly spoil the appearance of the room, a plastic plinth is most appropriate.

Externally, this plinth is very reminiscent of the well-known “Elka” - a fastening profile in the form of the letter “L”. The only difference is that the plinth is also decorative.

The difference from polyurethane skirting boards is the presence of a fastening groove.

Dimensions plastic skirting board somewhat different than, say, foam plastic. The plinth is not wide, but its length is 3 meters.

How to properly glue ceiling plinths (video)

In conclusion, I would like to say once again about the important role of ceiling plinths in interior decoration. A correctly selected baseboard is a significant percentage of success in a process such as interior decoration. The ceiling plinth for the ceiling is no less important than the floor plinth for the floor. Wrong choice ceiling plinth can make your room optically lower. Narrow skirting boards can do the opposite, and low room will become visually taller.

You can read a great many articles, but it doesn’t hurt to study photo and video materials in order to finally understand what kind of skirting boards you need for a better idea of ​​the subject. Consider all the nuances!

Plinth, border, baguette, cornice are additional elements finishing. IN German a fillet is used and in translation it sounds like “notch, groove.” The plinth serves to harmoniously combine the wall and ceiling, hides the wires, and also serves as a decorative element, gives the interior design a finished look.

A baguette is the same plinth, but wide. They can hide the lighting, which will further decorate the ceiling with its soft, muted light.


Skirting was invented in the first century AD. The French were the first to invent inlaid plinths, which have survived to this day. The first wooden border was made by hand, and by the 16th century machines were made to cut skirting boards. This gave a new round in the development of the plinth; they began to make it from expensive types of wood, not in one piece: on the front side they used a molding made of valuable wood, the back side - from ordinary wood.

The most expensive and labor-intensive was ceramic plinth, so it was rarely used in mass construction. The fillet, made from mosaic, appeared in Europe and was used to decorate palaces and architectural objects. In the 16th–18th centuries, mosaic fillets were made by hand, which is why today these preserved landmarks attract the attention of tourists from all over the world.

The materials for making modern skirting boards are gypsum, stone, wood, polystyrene and polyurethane. Fillets come in different lengths, widths, texture and pattern, and can also be concave or convex. Ceiling plinths are free of mechanical load.

If the room has a low ceiling, then it is better to glue a narrow baseboard, since a wide version will visually lower the ceiling. For walls with floral patterns, it is better to use a smooth plinth without a pattern, while a textured plinth with a pattern is suitable for plain walls.

Color plays an important role when choosing skirting boards. Light colors will add height to the room. Traditional white It will go well with any shade of wall color, and it looks very harmonious. An excellent option is to combine skirting boards with furniture. This is a duplicate color when the baguette matches the color and style of the furniture set.

How to choose a plinth for the ceiling and not get confused when there is such a variety of types and models, different in composition, color, texture and purpose.

Foam plinth for the ceiling is called so because of its production material, like other types. The scope of application of ceiling plinths is quite wide. Baguette fixtures can be mounted even on a two-level attic ceiling covering.

You can choose a dark shade of the product, an uneven rope instead of a traditional baseboard, or a black luminous option. These are the most fashionable trends today.


Depending on the material, skirting boards are divided into several types.

Polyvinyl chloride

The range of PVC fillets is varied in design and models, and is characterized by color stability.

A plastic profile made of this material has the following advantages:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of installation and maintenance of baguettes;
  • moisture resistance, not susceptible to mold and mildew;
  • the surface can be smooth and embossed.

There are also a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • cannot be repainted;
  • fire resistant material;
  • fire hazard;
  • fragile;
  • problem with installation on curved walls.


This material is lightweight, but at the same time durable, resistant to moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage. The disadvantages are that polyurethane frames are heavy and not suitable for suspended ceilings. They are more expensive than baguettes made from other materials.

Skirting boards made of polyurethane have the following advantages:

  • durable, retain their original appearance and color for a long time;
  • moisture resistant – can be used in rooms with high humidity;
  • suitable for painting;
  • Any glue is ideal for installing polyurethane skirting boards.

Ceiling rim for finishing ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane is suitable for finishing a bathroom. Important condition: the baseboard for the bathroom must be resistant to steam and humidity, to the processes of rotting and corrosion, to household chemicals. Because of high humidity wooden skirting boards They are not suitable for use in such premises.

It would be more functional to use a fillet made of plastic or tile so that labor-intensive work is not required.


Molding made from this material is smooth, durable, and is used on plaster and plastic ceilings. It can be attached to the ceiling using glue or mortar, and is characterized by simple installation that you can do yourself. The disadvantage is that it is fragile and changes color when heated.


Wood (oak, ash, mahogany, spruce) is rarely used for the production of skirting boards, because:

  • the material is expensive;
  • difficult to install with your own hands;
  • relatively heavy weight;
  • when using glue during installation, good fixation is required, the ceiling and walls must be perfectly smooth;
  • additional treatment with varnish or a special protective agent is required.

But at the same time, wooden baguettes have the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • the interior is given aristocracy and luxury.


Gypsum cornices are a classic. But installation requires a specialist, since it is not so easy to make ceiling moldings with your own hands.

Positive qualities include the following:

  • environmental friendliness– patterns made of gypsum are harmless, since there are no toxic substances in the composition of gypsum;
  • plasticity of the material– you can show your imagination by creating complex deep reliefs;
  • originality and uniqueness of baguettes– you can design according to the chosen style of the room.

The disadvantages of gypsum elements include the following:

  • significant weight;
  • fragility;
  • difficulty during installation.

Depending on the shape, ceiling fillets are divided into the following types:

  • injection has a convex, relief surface. It is produced using molds by sintering polystyrene granules. Baguettes have a grainy structure and are an independent decorative element;
  • extruded has longitudinal depressions and grooves. The heated liquid mass of polystyrene is pressed through the holes of the mold, the resulting baguette has a smooth surface and a uniform dense structure, it can be painted;
  • laminated The plinth has a smooth surface.


The standard length of the plinth varies from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, width - from 1 to 40 centimeters. For small, low rooms, a narrow fillet is suitable.

It is worth starting from the following parameters:

  • room height up to 2.5 meters - ceiling edge up to 3.5 centimeters wide;
  • room height 2.5–3.0 meters – finishing panel 4–6 centimeters wide.

For spacious large rooms ideal option A fillet 6–7 centimeters wide will serve. It is better not to frame narrow rooms with thin baseboards, as this will make the room even more elongated. You can decorate your office with a wooden ceiling molding.

To hide fasteners or large differences between the levels of the slabs, a wide molding is required.


First, you definitely need to think about the lighting itself, what it will be like. LED backlight looks perfect on multi-level or suspended ceilings. The main action is to correctly measure the room where the LED strip will be installed, and then install it and connect it to the general power supply. To do this, you need a high-quality DC power supply equal to 12 volts.. For ease of installation of the LED strip, there is a strip of universal tape on its back side, which will help firmly glue the strip to any surface.

You need to glue the strip on top of the baseboard so that the light bulbs look at the ceiling. For the bedroom and living room, to make your rest comfortable, an LED strip with light blue, blue or white light bulbs is suitable. For the kitchen and hallway it is worth choosing bright: green, yellow and even red LED options.

You should definitely choose an option that allows you to adjust the brightness of the backlight.

When installing skirting boards, you should adhere to the following advice from experts:

  • you need to paint the plinth, baguette, fillet before installing it;
  • fasten ceiling cornices necessary before finishing the walls;
  • glue the baguette to suspended ceiling not recommended, since the ceiling can be damaged during installation, and it is also necessary to cover the ceiling canvas with polyethylene so that the glue does not get on the canvas;
  • the end of the fillet must be sanded;
  • should be used when installing skirting boards special tools: ruler, tape measure, pencil, miter box (machine for cutting fillets for right angle), hacksaw, painting knife;

  • during installation, it is necessary to seal the cracks with putty or a special sealant;
  • to calculate required quantity ceiling plinth, you should measure the perimeter of the room, then divide the resulting number by the standard length of the fillet, while you need to take into account the length of each wall, try not to allow many joints;
  • you need to decide on the choice of glue, it depends on the material of the baseboard and wall, and you need to take into account the humidity of the room. The glue must be non-toxic and safe; it is recommended to choose between polymer and acrylic compounds; preference should be given to acrylic, as it is safer. But there is one minus - acrylic composition made on water based, when exposed to moisture, it loses its adhesive ability. Polymer composition The glue is moisture resistant, but has a specific smell, the room requires long-term ventilation, and is not cost-effective.

For wooden or plaster moldings, glue alone will not be enough for installation; first you need to glue it and then secure it with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

How to decide what to glue first – baseboard or wallpaper. According to the technology, both options are possible, but the optimal and correct option The idea is that you should first install the plinth and then decorate the wall.

Decorating the corner beautifully and correctly with molding is the main feature of the installation. For this there are special stencils 45, 60, 67.5, 900, for perfect right angle you need to take a stencil 450. First you need to determine which edge of the plinth will rest on the wall, and which on the ceiling. When making a left cut in a miter box, the lower ceiling part is located at the top, and for the right cut, vice versa. U internal corner The outer edge of the plinth should be shorter, and the inner edge should be longer.

For a room with external corners, the plinths are cut in exactly the same way; the cut is obtained with the same angle, but only in reverse side. The outer edge is longer and the inner edge is shorter..

And also it is important to correctly connect the joints of the ceiling moldings along the length. You can use two methods: inclined and straight. In the straight version, two fillets are joined at their ends, and in an inclined version, oblique cuts are made on each fillet. When gluing skirting boards, one should have a sharp corner at the bottom, the second should have a sharp corner at the top.

Polyurethane and wooden baguettes are combined with oblique cuts; it is important to combine the pattern or design. Moldings made of polystyrene and polystyrene, given their softer structure, it would be more correct to glue them end-to-end, since it is more difficult to do it obliquely.

Painting the ceiling fillet

For painting you will need the following consumables:

  • paint of the desired color;
  • masking tape;
  • paint brush of appropriate size;
  • rubber spatula.

Painting the baseboard can be done in two ways:

  1. The ceiling fillet is already installed. Painting in this case is harder and more expensive, you need to cover plastic film furniture, cover the floor with paper, stick masking tape around the entire perimeter so as not to stain the wallpaper with paint. It is better to use for painting ceiling skirting boards water-based paint. It should be diluted with water according to the instructions. You need to grab the paint onto the brush little by little and slowly, so that there are no streaks or smudges left, and paint the baseboard. When the paint is completely dry, you need to remove the tape and wipe the contour of the fillet.
  2. The ceiling plinth can be painted before installation. After the paint has dried, the fillet is installed and the joints are adjusted.

Experts' recommendation: skirting boards should be painted in two layers. The best option The paints are considered to be water-based and acrylic; they are relatively easy to apply and can be washed. Can be used for wet cleaning detergents, because they will not affect the appearance and color of the fillets.

Using the advice of professionals and your wishes, you can create coziness in your apartment by simply painting the fillets a different color or making a more pronounced shade, and you can also use many colors to color the edging, ornament or design.

On modern market The range of materials for use in the interior is expanding. In practice, you can successfully implement any design ideas, which not only increases the internal comfort of the premises, but also makes it possible to apply innovations when working with ceilings. New materials in terms of variety and manufacturability include: flexible polyurethane ceiling moldings. They are appropriate when installing original ceiling structures . Flexible cornice makes it possible to use the most complex ceilings suspended structures. They can be spherical or radial in shape and give the room a final, presentable look.