Dream interpretation of kissing an unfamiliar man in a dream. I kissed a young stranger in a dream; I didn’t know what that meant at the time. Kissing your boyfriend in a dream

This dream means reconciliation with an enemy, erotic need, success in love, as well as various favorable or unfavorable circumstances.

Kissing a guy in a dream can indicate not only that you can be attracted to him and show interest, but also about rapprochement on a spiritual level, if you did it of your own free will.

Usually the dream book interprets such a dream to mean that in life you will show qualities characteristic of this person and they may not always turn out to be positive.

It also matters if you dream that an unfamiliar guy is trying to kiss you.

Pay attention to whether he was pleasant to you or not.

To understand what a dream means in which you started kissing an unfamiliar man, take a closer look at it. Because a kiss can mean the answer to some question about your personal life, and its character will tell a lot about what will happen ahead.

This is how the dream book interprets such a dream and what it can mean in real life.

Nice man

If nothing interesting is planned in your personal life, then an erotic kiss in a dream means striving for your ideal man. Usually, the dream book interprets if a guy you don’t know or just saw in a movie or on TV tries to kiss you as a sign of a love interest , positive emotions or trials, when you decide to simply understand whether you will like a relationship with a man who looks like the stranger from the dream or not.

A girl can subconsciously decide for herself whether she can marry a rich but unpleasant-looking man, whether she will like kissing or sleeping with a guy who is handsome but completely indifferent to her, and much more.

Therefore, kissing in a dream means joy, pleasant emotions and the choice of a role that a girl is ready to endure for the sake of her well-being.

Therefore, even for someone who has never met a guy, dreaming of a guy who kisses means preparation for love relationships, intimacy.

Why dream of kissing stranger, which is pleasant, interesting and you liked? Such a dream means success in your personal life.

The dream book writes that such a dream means joy and surprise. Very often such a dream turns out to be prophetic, but it does not come true immediately.

Very often, a real guy you know turns out to be similar to your future chosen one or just a new one young man.

Usually prophetic dream such a plan comes true either the next day, or several months and even years later.

If in a dream your friend or a girl you know starts hugging a stranger, you will soon learn something new about her personal life. It is possible that she already has a boyfriend, but you don’t know anything yet, or she cheated on her loved one.

Why does the bride dream of a long kiss with a guy she doesn’t know? This is a sign of doubt about the correctness of your choice, as well as separation for lovers. Kissing a more pleasant person in a dream, a girl subconsciously begins to compare her chosen one with others or regret her choice.

If a stranger begins to pester her and she rejects him, this is a sign that others will still be worse for her than her boyfriend, which subconsciously confirms the correctness of her choice.

And your young man kissing, who is pleasant to you, often means separation or that the wedding will soon be postponed. Or the girl will meet a man who will later become her destiny and husband.

The nature of the kiss

He talks about what exactly will happen in your personal life. Usually it shows an event, the true attitude of a person towards you, whom you like, but for now you are not familiar with him enough.

The dream book writes that after a dream one can judge how events will develop further. It is known that a kiss can be friendly, passionate, farewell and even apologetic.

If this happens in your dream, pay attention to what happened in your dream. Usually, by kissing you can determine his true attitude towards you.

An apologetic kiss most often means betrayal or that he will have to act contrary to love, guided by the arguments of reason.

It is for this reason that the dream book writes that such a person does not truly love you and you should not count on him.

A friendly kiss speaks of a frivolous attitude, but mutual passion - good sign, which promises you a continuation of the romance and pleasant feelings.

True, happiness may also turn out to be stolen, since a man may be married or simply consider love to be an insufficient reason to be together or destroy his family. This is why the dream book does not always interpret a kiss with a stranger whom you like as a positive sign.

Kissing a celebrity is a sign of success. This dream often suggests that others will envy you. An apologetic and farewell kiss from a pleasant person - bad sign, which predicts separation.

But if in a dream you start kissing someone else’s boyfriend or just a stranger and are horrified by this, since in reality you have a fiancé or spouse, this is a good sign.

After such a dream, you can expect success or a scandal in which you will find yourself drawn. Sometimes such a dream predicts accidental betrayal, flirting and regrets about it.

Kissing a freak in a dream means trouble. It seems that you will have to submit to someone's ill will. This dream almost always predicts troubles and dissatisfaction with oneself. Try to get rid of bad habits and people with a boring and oppressive character.

Kissing a stranger is a rather complex and contradictory symbol. An unknown representative of the stronger sex in a dream, as a rule, good sign, while the interpretation of bodily contacts is often associated with negativity. When interpreting what a dream image means, the dream book takes into account the dreamer’s feelings and moods, as well as circumstances from reality.

Miller's Predictions

When in a dream you happen to kiss a stranger on the lips, Miller’s dream book draws attention to the attractiveness of the one you dreamed about. A cute dream hero is a good sign, a harbinger of pleasure in reality. The repulsive appearance of a stranger promises grief. If you happen to see physical defects, someone from your close circle will disappoint you.

A little self-knowledge

If in a dream you had to kiss an unknown person on the lips, the Wanderer’s dream book considers the abstract figure as a reflection of one of the brightest character traits of the sleeper. This may turn out to be a projection of both light and dark side, the important thing is that soon this quality will make itself felt. It can equally help you out or teach you a serious lesson.

Interpreting why a woman dreams of a symbol, Loff’s dream book recalls masculine, which is present in everyone. If the dreamer underestimates it or over-cultivates it, the image in the dream will tell you how to maintain balance.

The plot, in which I had to passionately kiss a stranger on the lips and enter into closer contact, was inspired by the fantasies of my lover. He would like to see the sleeping woman as passionate and sophisticated.

What does a kiss portend?

IN various dream books the choice of explanations for why you dream of kissing a random passer-by is quite wide.

  • For a lover to kiss another with disgust means a cooling of feelings in reality;
  • Passionately kissing a stranger happens on the eve of amazing events;
  • Passionately kissing a stranger means a pleasant surprise;
  • If you dream of hostility, disappointment and bad news lie ahead.

The emotional background in a dream will help predict the nature of unforeseen events. The range of human sensations is so vast that not a single interpreter can fully accommodate it. To accurately interpret what you dreamed, trust your own intuition.

What to fear

If you dreamed of kisses and other attributes of intimacy, some dream books warn dreamers against frivolity and excessive gullibility. The interpretation of dreams especially concerns young people.

Freud's dream interpreter will tell you why a girl dreams of kissing a stranger. The mysterious image of Mr. X in a dream represents insatiable curiosity, which will lead to negative sexual experiences. The result may be psychological trauma, unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases.

The English dream book advises to be more selective in making new acquaintances. Meeting with a gigolo or a rogue who can ruin your reputation is now high. The symbol foreshadows that the dark past of one of the old acquaintances will soon be revealed.

Visions born in the depths of the subconscious are sometimes surprisingly pleasant. I immediately want to look into the dream book. Kissing a man, experiencing great pleasure, for example, what's the point? What if this process causes horror or disgust, what does this mean? Interested? Let's look through the books of wisdom to know what to prepare for.

New dream book

Kissing a man, the source claims, means he is unfaithful or insincere.

This is when you have a close (unofficial) relationship with this representative of the stronger sex. That's how twisted it is! Kissing your husband means he will be faithful. He will please you with attention and affection, according to this dream book. Kissing a guy for whom your heart is yearning means that your dreams will come true, giving you extraordinary happiness. For a guy to caress a beauty with his lips is a sign of luck, for an unattractive girl is a sign of failure, the dream book predicts. Kissing a man, experiencing terrible disgust - to illness or other trouble. The girl should think over her actions. Such a dream predicts that she will suffer from unjust people with perverted views. They will judge her kind but slightly naughty behavior based on their own destructive experiences and aspirations. It will be unpleasant and offensive when evil words are repeated to you.

Miller's Dream Book

This source believes that it is necessary to analyze the feeling and the environment in which everything happened.

If caresses took place under the cover of darkness, you will be accused of debauchery (maybe only by your own conscience), says the dream book. Kissing a man in bright light means that your integrity and loyalty to high ideals are reflected in your attitude towards the opposite sex. This is not only commendable, but will help you get the desired happiness with a faithful and reliable chosen one.

When you see with horror that you are kissing your sworn enemy, do not worry. Such a strange and unpleasant vision predicts reconciliation with a friend, the dream book reassures. Kissing a stranger is showing immorality. After such a dream, try to think about your intentions and relate them to such an important concept as morality. When you find your friend and your loved one kissing, expect a crisis in the relationship. You'll have to part with one of them, or maybe both. The reason will be their betrayal, abuse of your trust. Most likely, they started a cunning affair behind your back.

Intimate dream book

Kissing in a dream means a new fascinating acquaintance for a woman. Her imagination will be captivated by the extraordinary qualities of the gentleman, which will later turn out to be just a subtle game. After a certain time, it turns out that this individual is an experienced gigolo, which, naturally, will lead to disappointment. Try to be more critical of “what glitters,” separating first impressions from real moral qualities, the dream book recommends.

Kissing on the lips is good for spouses. This is a sign family harmony and well-being. For young couples, such a vision foreshadows the appearance of a desired heir, conceived in love. The child will become the support and pride of the parents. When you dream of a kissing couple, beware of being drawn into unseemly affairs. Enemies, hiding behind good intentions, will try to involve you in their evil intrigues. The one who did not suspect anything and believed in bright ideals will be guilty. Try not to be that fool.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This source predicts betrayal for those who have experienced pleasure from their partner’s caresses. Most often, such a vision means separation, this dream book warns. Kissing your ex, on the contrary, is good. This is a sign that now there is a faithful person next to you who will never let go of love of his own free will. Appreciate this person. It is given to you for life. If women kiss each other, it means they will start making a scandal, finding out “who is the cutest in the world.”

A quarrel will not be worth a damn; it will only inflame dormant enmity. Don’t pay attention, be above petty anger and envy. Kissing with unpleasant person means that your kindness will be valued in society. Some of your actions will be discussed, recognizing that it is worthy of a real leader. After this, you will have a chance to acquire new loyal supporters, many of whom will become support.

People's dream book

When you dream of a kiss with a person of the same sex, there will be enmity. Most often, it is this person who experiences negative feelings towards you, secretly criticizing every word or deed. Soon this enmity will come to light. Nothing particularly bad will happen. It’s better to know who hates you than to watch the disapproving glances of others. Now you will understand exactly which way the wind is blowing.

Kissing your loved one is a sign of his dishonesty. He already has another object of adoration. Yes, he “forgot” to tell you about this. We'll have to bring him out into the open.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

When a guy kisses a beauty, he will soon get married. The chosen one will turn out to be faithful, decent and economical. If a girl kisses a good fellow, she will not see a wedding feast. Her lot is suffering from the infidelity of the one to whom her heart is most inclined.

When you dream that you do not dare to kiss a person dear to your soul, you will become sad, thinking that your desires will never come true. You need to shake yourself up and call on your sense of humor to help. As you know, it is precisely this behavior that helps to improve relationships. Make your loved one laugh, and you will see that your souls are already connected, the only thing left is to clarify positions and establish contacts. Kissing the ground means great anxiety.

In a dream, it is considered a sacred symbol, capable of giving vitality, returning from oblivion, and opening portals to other worlds. Nowadays, to find out why you dream of a kiss with unknown guy so difficult that professional psychologists have joined modern predictors in an attempt to unravel secret meaning dreams.

Some interpreters suggest viewing the dream as an upside-down dream, where disgust promises joy, and a feeling of bliss should alert you.

Description from different dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    The interpretation directly depends on the attractiveness of the stranger with whom the kiss took place in a dream. Cute Stranger portends pleasure and entertainment. If you dreamed of a repulsive person, one of your real-life acquaintances may seriously disappoint you.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    He sees in the symbol a lot in common with reality. Often the plot serves as a reminder that your partner should be given more passion and attention. A kiss from a stranger promises lonely people fateful meeting. There is a high probability that the first one will somehow remind you of itself.

    Women's dream book

    Sincere passion in a dream foreshadows a surprise from fortune itself. Mild hostility warns that the long-awaited news will not be at all what it was expected. Complete rejection indicates that personal life fades into the background, giving the green light to other hobbies. If you dreamed of a kiss with an abstract figure at dawn, in reality you will meet like-minded people.

    According to the interpretations of this dream book, an elderly stranger personifies gossip and unpleasant news. A handsome young man in a dream means respect and universal sympathy from those around him.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Considers a kiss from a stranger in a dream to be a very serious warning. If you dreamed about this, it is dangerous to trust your existing partner.

    It is advisable to beware of experiments in bed, interest in which may increase sharply in the near future. The consequences threaten to be disappointing: indecent illness, inopportune, psychological trauma.

    When a guy happens to see his beloved kissing a stranger in a dream, in reality he is upset by the lack of respect on her part. If the dreamer wisely distanced herself from a loving stranger in her night dreams, in reality she values ​​relationships very much and does not dream of anyone else.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing yourself kissing someone of the same sex. The symbol warns a man that a strong rival or competitor in the business sphere will soon appear on the horizon. Seeing this happens to women, who often rightly believe that their lack of femininity makes them unattractive to men.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Offers an interesting explanation of why you dream about your ex as a stranger. It seems that the dreamer still cannot come to terms with the separation and dreams of starting a relationship with this person from scratch. Kissing a photograph of a beautiful stranger happens to those who experience burning envy of a well-known person.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    He claims that anyone who saw a similar plot in a dream is his own enemy in reality. There is a high probability, due to gullibility, recklessness, and dubious adventures, of falling under the influence of suspicious and very authoritarian individuals. There is a risk of significantly worsening living conditions as a result of bankruptcy due to negligence. Past pranks may unexpectedly become public.

Features and Cautions

From Noble dream book Nina Grishina can be recognized as evidenced by areas of the face and body kissed by a stranger in a dream:

  • Intimate parts reflect the dreamer's unseemly plans.
  • If you dreamed of a kiss on the lips, details of the dream talk about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kiss on the cheek promises an unexpected catch.
  • When he kisses hands in a dream, self-esteem in reality is simply off the charts.
  • When the object of affection is the neck, support from friends will be very helpful.
  • air kiss reflects a feeling of superiority.

Some interpretations of what it means to dream of a kiss with an unfamiliar guy contain direct warnings. Family indicates an increased likelihood of conflicts between households or in professional circles.

The youngest and most inexperienced English dream book warns against excessive gullibility. Sometimes a disgusting stranger appears in the dreams of young ladies who dream of a profitable marriage of convenience, in which there may be no place for love.

If you dream of a kiss with an unpleasant stranger. If the gentleman is persistent, circumstances threaten to get out of control and turn out badly. You should also beware of moral pressure and physical aggression.

Star Kiss

The erotic dream book claims that in night dreams the role of a stranger can be played well famous person who is unaware of your existence. As a rule, dreams in which you happened to kiss a celebrity do not contain erotic overtones; they symbolize the area where you would like to achieve success. Now is a favorable moment to achieve tangible results, it is important not to miss it.

Kissing public figures in a dream happens to those who in reality are trying their best to hide their crush, considering it inappropriate or shameful.

The esoteric dream book draws attention to the lighting and the people around you. If the kiss took place in bright light and in front of everyone, the dreamer will have to work for the public to the detriment of his ego, and sacrifice his own moral principles for the sake of decency.

In the dream book of the sorceress Medea, a frivolous gesture in a dream serves as a call to overcome internal barriers and phobias to enjoy life to the fullest.

A kiss is an intimate affair, so it is well written about in the erotic dream book. Not only the circumstances are important here, but also the feelings that you experienced while kissing a stranger. Pay attention even to small details, they will help interpret your dream.
  • If you were the active party when kissing a stranger, then this will solve your problems. In the coming days, you will find a solution or way out of a long-standing unpleasant situation.
    Advice: be more proactive in life, it will definitely bear fruit.

  • Kissing a handsome stranger in a dream is good news. If it was his cute appearance that you remembered after you woke up, then expect pleasant surprises in the near future.

  • A hot, passionate kiss that usually ends in intimacy. If in a dream a stranger kissed you this way, then there are two options: either you are missing the relationship that you have at the moment, or you will soon have a bright romance. By the way, one does not exclude the other.

  • Kissing an ugly man in your dream is unpleasant decisions problems. If you have a problem or situation that has been waiting for a solution for a long time, perhaps it will soon be resolved. But you may not like this solution.

  • Kiss a man who is much older than you. An adult, experienced man in your dream suggests that you lack seriousness. Take your affairs, work and relationships with greater responsibility. You should gain wisdom in life, think about everything several times before you do something.

  • Kissing a young boy who is younger than you is a sign of new discoveries. Wait, something unusual will happen very soon, opening up a new world for you. Forward to new discoveries!

  • A kiss in the rain with a young man you don't know can only mean that... given time you have difficulties. You will definitely overcome them and become even stronger. Patience, perseverance and self-confidence are what you need now.

  • A kiss with a stranger that didn't make you feel good. Don’t be upset, but a not very pleasant situation awaits you in life. You will have to overcome it. You are strong, you will definitely cope with all difficulties.

  • A kiss with a stranger whose face you later recognized. Something that still scares you with its unknown will become near and dear. This could be a relationship that you have been trying to start with one of the men for a long time. Or you will finally decide to take a long-awaited vacation in another country.

    Think about what you really want in life, but are afraid to do? But now don’t be afraid, because very soon this unknown will become a part of your life, and you won’t be able to live without it.

  • A kiss with an unfamiliar man who will be remembered for a long time means that soon there will be a significant event in your life. Something important will happen, you won’t be able to forget it for a long time. This can be either a pleasant accomplishment or not. Don't be sad, any experience makes us harder and stronger.
Now you know why you usually dream of a kiss with a stranger. Analyze your dream. Understand what you remember so much about him, and then find the answers in this article.