Plumbing cable for drain cleaning. Plumbing cable for sewer cleaning: types and rules for selecting and using the cable. Types of clogged sewer pipes.

Hello again!

Did you know that such a surprisingly simple device as a plumbing cable was invented relatively recently, in late XIX century (in 1896). It was invented by the American inventor John Wrigley. The enterprising American received a patent for his invention, and already at the beginning of the 20th century, the simple device was on the advertising brochures of that time.

Since then, the design of the plumbing cable has changed little; it still remains one of the most effective means combating sewer blockages. By the way, the photo shows exactly the same progenitor of all modern cables (scanned copy of a patent received by John Wrigley).

A plumbing cable is a cleaning device. sewer pipes And . Due to its resemblance to a snake, the device received the nickname “cobra”.

The basis of the design is a long flexible steel strip or wire coiled into a spring. A handle is installed on one side of it: it sets the “cobra” translational and rotational movement. Wriggling, the “snake” is screwed into the deposits formed in the sewer, destroys, pushes or, conversely, removes them from the pipe.

Plumbing cables are used to remove traffic jams in:

  • House and housing and communal city sewers.
  • Livnev sewer systems Oh.
  • Water supply and other pipelines.

Types of blockages and reasons for their formation

There are several reasons for the formation of blockages. However, not all of them can be eliminated chemically or. Sometimes you can get rid of it only by disassembling the sewer circuit.

Classification of blockages Cause Solving the problem
Mechanical Large inorganic objects (toys, rags, plastic, etc.) get into the pipe. They block the sewer gap. Fouling of objects with plaque and debris, formation of a traffic jam. Dismantling pipes where there is a blockage.
Operational Gradual overgrowing of the pipe with fatty deposits and small debris accumulating on it. Reducing the capacity of the sewer main. Preventive cleaning of pipes with chemicals. Cleaning
lines with a plumbing cable.
Technological Errors in the design and installation of the sewer system. Insufficient or excessive slope of sewer pipes. Punching through a blockage with a “cobra”. Reconstruction of the sewer system.

What types of clogs can be cleared with a plumbing cable?

You can try to push mechanical blockages to the exit using a “cobra”. However, in apartment buildings this task is complicated by the too long length of the sewer line. Because of this, there is a high probability that the plug will simply move lower.

In this case, it is better to use a plumbing cable to localize the plug, disassemble the pipe in this section of the pipeline, clean it and put it back in place.

Organic blockages are most easily cleared with a flexible cable. It not only easily destroys the plug, but also removes fat deposits from the walls of the sewer pipe. This is why it is so important to thoroughly clean the entire length of the pipe.

However, if the real reason the formation of blockages is a technological problem, then “cobra” will not be able to solve it once and for all. After some time, the sewer will have to be cleaned again.

Types of plumbing cables

Plumbing "cobras" on the market engineering plumbing, are extremely diverse. They differ in design, dimensions, cross-sectional shape, type of control and equipment.

The only thing that unites them is the material from which they are made. According to standards, it is durable, reliable stainless steel capable of withstanding the physical stress placed on it.

Due to some design features in separate category There are tension models and cables for cleaning toilets.

Rope type plumbing fixture (rigging)

Rope “cobra” is the most common type used at home. Its design exactly copies the structure of an ordinary cord or ship's rope, which is why, in fact, it received its second name - “rigging”. In essence, a cobra rope is several spirally twisted strands of galvanized steel wire tightly twisted into one cord.

Models larger than 12 mm are rarely used in everyday life. Professional ones can be up to several centimeters.

Note! The end of the rigging “cobra” must be fixed. The retainer cannot be removed even if you want to “fluff” the tip. It needs to be moved and firmly secured in a new place.


A spring-wound plumbing cable is a hollow “snake” inside, twisted from thin metal wire (tape). Maximum simple design– the reason for the low performance qualities. Therefore, spring-wound “cobras”.

Their maximum thickness is no more than 13.5 mm, and their length reaches 25 meters.

Advantages Flaws
High flexibility Due to excessive flexibility, it can form loops within a wide sewer circuit.
It goes through all pipeline bends perfectly. Low penetration force (due to the same excessive flexibility).
It copes well with torque in the direction opposite to the curl. When stuck, it is prone to deformation and excessive stretching.
The ribbed structure of the walls makes it easier to clean the internal walls of the sewer pipe along its entire length. Ineffective in dealing with complex blockages.
Low probability of damaging the sewer line. Not used in conjunction with attachments.
Low cost Difficult to maintain: the dirt that accumulates inside is difficult to clean out.

Spring plumbing cable with core

This option combines everything best qualities previous models. It is a multi-strand steel rope (core) wrapped around the outside with spirally twisted wire.

The degree of mobility of the core determines the division of spring cables into 2 groups:

  • With a rigidly fixed core. In such models, each layer of wire is wound in a spiral in the direction opposite to the previous level. This winding pattern increases the cobra's resistance to torque. The cable can be twisted in any direction without the risk of it unraveling. The end easily opens into a “rose” - a kind of brush that improves the quality of pipe cleaning. The handle is attached to the inner rod, and the coupling that holds the “cobra” is attached to the outer spiral shell.

  • With movable core. In models with a moving middle, a small gap remains between the core and the outermost layer. At the end of the core there is a mount for a nozzle, which comes out of the outer shell only when it encounters a sewer plug.

Spring “cobras” with a core belong to the class professional equipment, but can also be used at home for cleaning sewers yourself. The standard thickness of such models is 13.5–16 mm, but can reach 3 cm. The maximum length is 60 m.

Tape type plumbing cables

Cobra design belt type extremely simple. This is a solid flat strip of hardened metal, at least 4 mm thick, with a pointed tip or cylinder at one end and a round rotating lock at the other. Most cleaning belts are additionally equipped with a flat movable handle with a clamp that slides freely along a flat plumbing cable.

Atypical for classic options the configuration of the tape model somewhat limits its use. Due to their low flexibility, cleaning tapes are used to break through straight sections of the sewer main, such as communal risers and storm drains.

Cable for cleaning toilets

Distinctive features of plumbing “cobras” for toilets are their protective housing and relatively short length. The housing prevents damage to fragile plumbing fixtures. Long handle and the bend of the case facilitate cleaning work. The cable itself can be rope, spring-wound or spring with a core.

A short cable is usually enough to break up the blockage or push it further into the sewer riser. If the problem is not completely eliminated, you can use a regular “cobra”.

Tension varieties

A plumbing cable with a tensioner is the same spring “cobra” with a movable core, one side of which is fixed to the die, and the other is attached to the tensioner. This model belongs to the class of professional plumbing equipment and is designed to remove complex blockages.

Possessing high penetration ability, the working edge of the core penetrates through the blockage. After which the cable tightens and becomes rigid. Further back-and-forth movements completely destroy the plug.

Which plumbing cable is better to choose?

The model of the plumbing cable depends on the type of blockage and the configuration of the sewer circuit:

  1. For preventive cleaning, an inexpensive spring-wound “snake” is quite sufficient.
  2. A conventional spring-wound cable is the only possible option for a sewer that is too winding. If you don’t want to clean it for a long time, choose a model with a plastic braid. The polymer will make the cable easier to maintain and will also give it additional rigidity.
  3. To deal with complex blockages, it is better to give priority to a rope model or a spring “cobra” with a core.

Note! Give priority to those models that can be used in conjunction with attachments. This way you will significantly expand the functionality of your cable and avoid unnecessary expenses in the future.

The thickness of the plumbing cable depends on the diameter of the clogged pipe. The wider it is, the thicker the cable will be needed. However, it is also impossible to specifically increase the thickness of the “cobra”. In a wide pipe too thin device will be ineffective and may twist into loops. An excessively thick plumbing cable will not be able to pass through the rotating elements of the sewer circuit, and with excessive pressure it can damage it.

Important! In some sources you can find advice that maximum length The plumbing cable is determined by the distance from the plumbing siphon to the in-house riser. I would not recommend following this rule. A blockage can form there, especially if it is a kitchen riser. It is usually somewhat narrower. If you don’t want to languish waiting for plumbers from housing and communal services, then the minimum length of the “cobra” is 5 meters.

Additional equipment

Application of various additional equipment allows you to significantly facilitate the elimination of blockages:

  1. Mechanical and electrical devices that provide winding, advancement and torsion of a plumbing cable.
  2. A variety of attachments that increase the efficiency of removing traffic jams.

Electrical and mechanical drain cleaning devices

Cleaning sewer pipes with a long plumbing cable is extremely inconvenient. When unwound, it takes up a lot of space, tends to stain everything around it, and storing it is not very convenient.

Helps change the situation completely special devices– turntable drums for plumbing cables. These are closed plastic coils, inside of which the “cobra” is placed. According to the control method, they are divided into mechanical (manual) and electric.

Mechanical spinning reels are equipped with a handle. The use of a turntable ensures uniform feeding of the “snake”, makes it easier to twist, and makes the procedure for clearing the blockage more hygienic. However, when faced with a complex plug, a mechanical spinner cannot provide the required penetration power. You have to apply force manually.

Note! Some models of hand-held turntables provide the ability to connect an electric drill. To do this, you need to remove the handle and install an electric drill on the landing hexagon of the drum.

Electric reel models have more power and therefore cope better with complex blockages. The electric drive allows:

  1. Work in reverse mode, turning the plumbing cable first to the right, then to the left.
  2. Vary the speed, achieving the proper penetration ability.

Electric machines are large-sized and portable, with manual and automatic supply of plumbing cable. Absolutely all models are equipped with a safety button that stops the operation of the machine in the event of a threat of damage to the sewer circuit.

Due to the high price, electrical pipe cleaning equipment is used mainly by professionals.

Types of nozzles for plumbing cable

The use of nozzles increases the efficiency of pipe cleaning. However, their use is not provided for by every model. To install the nozzle, a special threaded or screw tip (adapter with a special groove) must be installed at the end of the “cobra”.

The validity and possibility of using one or another nozzle depends on the type of blockage, the type of plumbing cable, the configuration and diameter of the sewer line.

Nozzle type Purpose Rope compatible Taking turns and bends
Flexible Tensioner
Hook Removing hair and fibrous debris, rags and other items + + +
Whisk (corkscrew) Universal + +
Removing whisk To remove a broken or lost coil (coil) + +
Ruff Cleaning wall deposits + + +
Pliers (sliding knife) +
Spear (harpoon, pike) Breaking through dense congestion + + +
Knife 4 blades Viscous and hard chemical deposits + +
C-shaped knife Breaking through fat blockages +
Shark tooth knife Removing growths, cutting off fine roots +
Spiral knife (root cutter) Removing complex root blockages, sticks, burlap +
Knife saw Removing complex root blockages in medium-sized pipes +
Curved blade scraper (drill) Removing sediment from silt and sand + +
Carbide tip with spikes Destruction of complex concrete plugs + +
Chain attachment with spikes For cleaning concrete and cast iron pipes + +

Important! Some attachments are used only in conjunction with special electrical equipment. They are mobile and controlled by a button on the plumbing cable gun.

Buy a plumbing cable or make it yourself

If you have special equipment and certain skills, you can make a plumbing cable, as well as some types of attachments for it, yourself. I will tell you how to do this further.

Approximate prices for plumbing cables

When choosing, it is better to focus on trusted manufacturers:

  • SibrTech (Russia).
  • REMS (Germany).

The question is, how much can they cost? Below you can see a selection of current prices for plumbing cables:

How to make a plumbing cable with your own hands from improvised materials

Making a homemade sewer cleaning cable is not difficult. Follow my recommendations:

  1. For the cobra core you will need steel wire with a cross section of 9 mm.
  2. One end of it needs to be flattened with a hammer into the shape of a “rose” or wrapped into a hook. This way you will make a “nozzle”.
  3. On the other side, we form a ring or lever from the wire. This will be an improvised handle to control the device.

Your homemade plumbing cable is ready.

Note! The steel wire can be replaced with climbing cord or rigid nylon clothesline.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning drains with a plumbing cable

To work with a manual plumbing cable, you do not need any special knowledge or special skills. All you need are canvas gloves to hold it tightly.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to do the following:

  1. Check the Cobra for damage. You cannot break through a clog with a damaged plumbing cable. During operation, it may burst and fall into the sewer riser, further aggravating the problem.
  2. Lubricate the bushings at the handle. This will make it easier to rotate.
  3. Install the nozzle (if there is one).
  4. Clear the surrounding area of ​​foreign objects.
  5. Disconnect the siphon from the socket through which the “cobra” will be inserted.
  6. Pour hot water into the riser.

It is better to clean the sewer in work clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. The floor is covered with film or rags.

Clearing the blockage

It is better to work with a manual plumbing cable together. One person unwinds and serves the “cobra”, the other pushes it and turns it. It is important to follow certain rules:

  1. The cable unwinds slowly and is smoothly pushed into the pipe.
  2. Translational-rotational movements begin from the moment of first resistance. To do this, without reducing the pressure, the handle or the plumbing cable itself is twisted in the opposite direction from the outer turn.
  3. The rotation should be combined with the up and down movement of the cable.
  4. If there is strong resistance, the “cobra” is pulled out, cleaned and sent back into the sewer pipe. They pull the cable with the same rotation as they push it.
  5. During the process, you should monitor the filling of the riser with water.
  6. After the plug has been broken through, the rotation continues for several minutes. This allows you to thoroughly clean the pipe walls from dirt adhering to them.

Important! Should be avoided overpressure. It can cause a loop to form, damage the sewer line, and cause a leak.

Final stage

After the blockage is cleared, the siphon is installed in place. Its tightness is checked. Is allowed into the system hot water and rinses for 2-3 minutes. Formed by drain hole the funnel will signal a successful outcome of the case.

Important! Do not pour boiling water down the drain. Too hot water is a direct path to damage to the gaskets and leakage.

A plumbing cable for cleaning drains and sewer pipes, a spiral is used to remove dense blockages that are located far in the pipe. The sewer punch is made of spring steel to provide the required rigidity and flexibility in the pipe.

We all face the problem of a clogged sewer system. Of course, this breakdown must be corrected as quickly as possible, since ignoring it can lead to more serious consequences. But very often it happens that calling a master costs a person a tidy sum. A plumbing cable for drain cleaning is an excellent budget alternative to calling a plumber. Today we will tell you exactly about this tool, its features and operating rules.

Types of clogged sewer pipes

Everyone without exception faces the problem of clogged drains. The reasons that lead to this nuisance can be very diverse and the users themselves are often to blame for them: large insoluble and impassable objects, hair, etc. getting into the sewer system.

Before you get acquainted in detail with the cable for cleaning sewer pipes, you need to understand what types of blockages exist.

  • A blockage occurred during use. The cause of this trouble is the entry of hair, all kinds of debris, and other parts into the pipeline. Over time, a kind of coating appears on the walls of the pipes, which interferes with the normal passage of water through them. This problem can be easily solved thanks to a pipe cleaning cable or chemicals;
  • The blockage can also be mechanical. As a rule, this is facilitated by large impassable objects and parts getting into the sewer pipes, through the toilet. If the blockage is severe, it even becomes necessary to dismantle them, but using a cable is often enough;
  • Technological driving. Arising from incorrect installation sewer system. In this case, the sewer cable is powerless; the entire system must be replaced.

Professional plumbing sewer cable. Its varieties

A cable for cleaning sewer pipes is special tool, which is designed for punching water supply and sewer systems. Such a tool is made in the form of a core, with two intertwined wires. Additional wires are also used to wind the tool itself. The number of wires directly depends on the size and length of the tool.

There are several types of cables:

  • Cable. Clean various pipeline systems. The diameter of this tool is 0.6 cm. It is made of galvanized steel, which provides it with durability and flexibility. Thanks to these characteristics, the cable passes perfectly through all bends of the pipeline. When clearing the blockage, the tip on the cable unravels and its appearance resembles a brush. It is thanks to this “brush” that it is very easy to remove debris. If the blockage occurs in an apartment or private house, it is better to use a cable with a length of 250 to 500 cm.
  • Spring hinged. This cable is a professional plumbing cable with a diameter of 0.9 cm. Externally it has a spiral shape, but inside the structure is empty. Used for breaking through heavy blockages in residential areas. Thanks to a special holder that acts as a tensioner, the blockage is removed very quickly and effortlessly.

If you decide to buy a plumbing cable for cleaning sewer pipes, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that they are classified according to their purpose and type of nozzle:

  • Punching - removes old clogs;
  • Bottom;
  • Hook-shaped. With their help you can get rags, hair and other large debris;
  • Loop-shaped. Cleaning is carried out in non-removable water seals.

Buying a plumbing cable for cleaning sewer pipes is an alternative to calling a plumber, which has a number of advantages:

  • Thanks to the flexible wire shafts from which sewer cleaning cables are made, you can easily get rid of clogs of any complexity;
  • Long service life. Plumbing cable, its price is relatively low, with proper care can last up to twenty years;
  • With the help of various attachments, the plumbing cable becomes a universal tool;
  • The presence of a special handle makes working with the tool much easier;
  • Buying a cable for cleaning sewer pipes does not mean that it can only be used for these purposes. This tool easily cleans chimneys from soot residues, ventilation from debris, and boilers from blockages.

So, we see that the plumbing cable for cleaning sewers, its price is completely justified. Therefore, you must have such a tool at home. If, nevertheless, you have decided that you need to buy a sewer cable, then this is exactly the place where you can implement this idea.

Our online store offers wide range goods high quality. A plumbing cable for drain cleaning, buying it means saving a significant amount of money on calling a plumber.

Buy a plumbing cable and make your life easier!

The operation of working plumbing equipment usually does not attract attention. If the speed of water drainage suddenly slows down, unpleasant odors, then with a high probability we can assume that a blockage has formed in the sewer.

Causes and types of sewer blockages

The formation of blockages is caused not only by gross violations of the rules for using plumbing (removing rags, polyethylene, paper, sand, and other foreign objects down the drain), but also by normal use, during which hair, wool, threads, food debris, and the like get into the pipes.

In addition, fat deposits form a coating in communications, regardless of compliance with the rules for using plumbing and the type of waste disposed of.

Owners of new plumbing systems made of plastic (PVC) elements are also not immune from blockages - even though the internal surfaces of such pipes are ideally smooth, plaque and deposits form even in them.

If it is not possible to remove the blockage using special chemicals, and it is not possible to call a plumber, you have to use a plumbing cable.

Some clogs can be cleared by pushing them further down the pipe to a wider area of ​​the sewer system. If the size of the pipes does not change, or the area with an increase in pipe diameter is far away, you can catch the clog and pull it out.

In both cases, the use of a plumbing rope is necessary to clean the sewer.

Convenience of a plumbing cable

Despite the wealth of tools and equipment for plumbing work, plumbing cables take the lead when it comes to effectively eliminating a clog problem without professional experience.

The main advantages are:

Ease of use. How to use a plumbing cable is intuitive; its use does not require skills or special knowledge, while a person directly controls the progress of work, the force of the load, and evaluates the effectiveness of the actions taken.

Reliability and low cost. Due to the simplicity of the design, the absence of electromechanical and precision components, plumbing cables are reliable, and you can buy a plumbing cable inexpensively in any store that sells repair supplies.

Durability of service. Subject to the rules of operation and minimal care, the plumbing cable can be used for 15-20 years.

Possibility of applied use. Plumbing cables are also used for cleaning chimneys, ventilation, boiler equipment, and other hard to reach places. A variety of cable attachments expands their application areas.

Types of cables

Several types can be specified:

Rope rope

It is made of steel (often galvanized) wire, which gives it good characteristics in terms of wear resistance, strength, flexibility. Such a cable easily passes along any bends of communications.

The end of the rope cable is crimped so that the wire strands do not unravel, however, it is often specially broken, obtaining a brush-shaped tip that better catches debris and blockages.

The diameter of rope cables is small, usually up to 6 mm. To combat household blockages and use in standard apartment A cable of 3-5 meters in length is sufficient.

Spring-wound rope

The photo of this plumbing cable resembles a twisted metal “hose” - a spring hollow inside with a diameter of 9 mm. A spring-wound cable removes blockages in pipelines not only in apartments, but also in houses.

For convenient pushing and imparting rotational movement, the tool has a Z-shaped handle; a bend or tip is made at the end of the cable to facilitate movement inside the communications.

Spring-wound cables are characterized by flexibility and easily pass through all bends, intersections and connecting elements.

Spring cable

It is used to remove very difficult blockages and is most often a tool of professional plumbers. The length of this type of plumbing cable is from 30 to 60 meters, diameter is from 13 to 16 mm. Made from 2mm non-galvanized steel wire.

The spring cable must have a handle, which is also used as a tensioner (when tensioned, the rigidity of the cable increases, which makes it possible to effectively clean sewer structures of various configurations and cross-country ability).

The spring plumbing cable can be supplemented with various special attachments that allow you to effectively break through blockages or, when securely fastened, pull out garbage plugs. Also, spring cables can be equipped with devices for further increasing the length.

Nozzles for sewer cables

There are a large number of different attachments to improve the quality of cleaning communications. In accordance with the basic methods of working with a cable, the nozzles are intended either to pierce and push through the blockage, or to catch the source of the blockage and pull it out.

The operating principle of most nozzles is clear from their name or appearance(“brush” - for cleaning from deposits on pipes, punching nozzles, bottom nozzles - for removing construction debris, sand, hook-shaped nozzles - for removing rags, accumulations of dirt, etc.).

Application of plumbing cable

To clean the drain efficiently and effectively with a plumbing cable, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • before starting work, disconnect the siphon, cover the floor of the room with film;
  • while moving the cable deeper into the pipe, simultaneously rotate the handle without changing the direction of rotation;
  • during the cleaning process, regularly remove the cable from the pipe and remove dirt;
  • when the cable hits the garbage plug, it is recommended to increase the rotation speed;
  • there is no need to apply strong pressure - this can damage the pipes or the tightness of the sewer;
  • if the tool gets stuck in the pipe, it must be removed with careful rotational movements;
  • After removing the blockage, the system should be flushed hot water, detergents;
  • After use, the cable should be dried and lubricated with machine oil to prevent rust.

Preventing blockages

You can also get rid of small blockages by following these tips:

Try using a plunger - a device with a rubber suction cup, similar to a manual transmission control knob. A few seconds of use can clear a clog in the bathroom or sink.

Boiling water poured into the pipe effectively dissolves grease and food waste.

Periodic treatment of drains and pipes chemical compositions, soda and vinegar will have a preventive effect and will delay the need to use a plumbing cable. If you still need to clear the blockage, this can be done easily and effectively using a plumbing cable!

Photo of a plumbing cable for cleaning drains

When chemicals To eliminate a blockage in a siphon or sewer does not work, a rigid plumbing cable for cleaning pipes comes to the rescue - with its help you can eliminate the problem in one go.

To work with the equipment, you do not need to have special qualifications; the main thing is to choose the right cable and follow the simple rules for its use. The article is devoted to solving these issues.

We suggest you figure out which tool is best to use in a given situation, and which attachments are suitable for cleaning sewer pipes. The instructions we offer will help you clear the blockage yourself, without waiting for a plumber to arrive.

Before purchasing a cable for liquidation sewer plug it is necessary to determine the cause of the blockage, because in some cases mechanical methods are not enough and the only solution to the problem is to disconnect the pipes.

All blockages are divided into three categories:

  • mechanical;
  • operational;
  • technological.

Mechanical blockages most often occur due to the fault of children who lower large toys or household items into the toilet or bathtub.

They partially block the pipes and trap fibrous structures and hair. Such blockages rarely completely block the flow of water and lead to emergency situations. Eliminating the problem often ends with dismantling the pipes.

Operational blockage periodically forms in pipes with a slight slope and a large amount of greasy waste. Inner surface pipes slowly become overgrown with fat, to which hair, food particles and mechanical impurities stick.

Over time throughput the highway is reduced, and . It is best to eliminate operational blockages using cables.

Operational blockages require lengthy cleaning of the entire length of the clogged pipe. During their elimination, it is advisable to ensure that the pipe is constantly filled with water so that the garbage is gradually washed into the sewer riser

Technological reasons pipes being clogged with debris are a consequence of gross design errors and. Solid particles and fat deposits quickly accumulate in pipes and bends with insufficient slope.

After eliminating such a blockage, it is important to exclude its cause, otherwise in a few weeks you will have to clean the pipes again.

Each blockage has not only its own cause, but also optimal means elimination. One of the options for cleaning pipes is the proven mechanical method using plumbing cables of various designs.

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Plumbing cable care

Contact of a metal cable with water is fraught with the appearance of rust and subsequent rupture of its constituent wires. To maintain the functionality of the equipment, it is necessary to comply with basic rules for its maintenance and care.

After use, the plumbing cable must be subjected to the following procedures:

  1. Use a rag to remove sewage.
  2. Rinse warm water with the addition detergentoptimal choice is dishwashing liquid. For cleaning, you can use a brush with metal or hard plastic bristles.
  3. Wipe dry and let dry.
  4. Lubricate metal parts with universal machine oil. Vegetable oil no need to lubricate!
  5. Wrap in paper or place in a dry box.

Following the instructions described above will extend the life of the cable, remove the unpleasant odor coming from it and keep clothes clean when handling it.

If the blockage is not old, you can try to remove it alternative ways, more details in these articles:

    Clearing a blockage using a drill and plumbing cable:

    Removing the blockage sewer riser using an electrical installation:

    Clearing clogged drain pipes is quite simple. To do this, you should buy the necessary cable and follow the instructions described above. Better take ten minutes self-cleaning pipes from garbage, rather than suffer for months from the slow drainage of water in the sink or bathtub.

    If you have experience clearing cable blockages, please share the information with our readers. Tell us what tool and what attachment you used, or suggest effective remedy for cleaning sewer pipes. You can leave comments in the form below.

Cluster household waste leads to periodic clogging of sewer pipes in Moscow and other cities. Internal ones are susceptible to this engineering systems pipelines made of various materials: steel pipelines, cast iron, pipelines made of polymer materials. In almost all such cases, it is possible to eliminate blockages in sewer pipes without dismantling them. For this purpose, simple, but very effective tools for cleaning. They are part of the technical arsenal of professional plumbers. In some cases, you can use the tools yourself if you have basic operating skills and knowledge of the construction of household sewer systems.

According to the principle of operation, plumbing fixtures are divided into mechanical, pneumatic and hydrodynamic. Among the mechanical cleaning tools domestic sewerage include, in particular, the following: plumbing cable, tape, wire, flexible shaft. Pneumatic ones include cylindrical and conical rubber plungers, professional plungers with a pneumatic cylinder. Hydrodynamic professional cleaning tools are used to remove blockages in main sewer lines.

Plumbing cable: application features

Among the mechanical tools for cleaning sewers, plumbing cables are most often used. This hand tool, made of flexible elastic wire wound on a core in a special way. The industry produces cables of various diameters, lengths and stiffness. They are equipped with a handle for rotation at one end and a sleeve for attaching attachments at the other. Required condition for a high-quality cable - resistance to twisting.

Using a plumbing cable, it is possible to clear (break through) blockages in pipes of small diameter (less than 300 mm). The depth of penetration into the duct is determined by the length, rigidity of the cable, the presence of elbows, and sharp bends of the collector pipes. The combination of translational and rotational motion of the cable allows you to penetrate to the required depth. The use of special attachments expands functionality plumbing cable. With their help, you can remove accumulations of dirt (rags, stray hair, other objects) from the collector.

Plumbing cable is universal tool. It can also be used (by selecting the desired diameter and length) for cleaning sections of water supply pipes, heating pipes, chimneys, and drainage systems. After use, the cable is washed, wiped, dried, and lubricated. mineral oil and rolls into a compact bay for storage.

Professional and household plungers

Among plumbers, models of professional plungers of the Ropump Super series with a pneumatic cylinder from the Rothenberger company (Germany) are popular. They help to quickly clean sewer pipes. Such plungers remove blockages in the drain manifolds of toilets, sinks, built-in household appliances(dishwashers, washing machines). Pneumatic plungers of this type work effectively to create excess pressure and suction. The use of Ropump Super plumbing cleaning machines quickly destroys the plug formed in the pipe and restores the flow.

In some cases, you can clear the blockage using an ordinary rubber household plunger. Such devices are produced various designs- with a wooden or plastic handle, with a cylindrical or conical shape elastic rubber cap (bowl). Their sizes may vary. These hand-held plumbing cleaning tools remove clogs in sinks, bathtub drains, shower trays, and toilets. From time to time you have to do this yourself, so a plunger is often included in the arsenal of mandatory home plumbing tools. The inability to remove the blockage using a plunger is a reason to contact professional plumbers.