Home care for crassula - money tree. Fancy succulents or Crassula hobbit and gollum Crassula coral

Favorite conditions for Crassula



Water regime and humidity


Planting and transplanting

To grow beautiful flower at home, you need to choose the right pot for planting. Since Crassula has a very delicate, small root system and a heavy crown, to plant it you need to use a wide and heavy flowerpot that will ensure stability and full growth of this plant. The diameter of the pot should not be smaller than the diameter of the crown.

Crassula, Crassula or Money Tree

The genus Crassula or Crassula belongs to the Crassula family and includes about 300 species of plants, mostly succulents. In addition to succulents, which are very diverse in size and shape, among Crassulas there are also aquatic plants and creeping herbaceous plants and even tree-like shrubs.

Crassulas are found on all continents and grow in arid areas and swamps.

A common feature for all Crassulas is the arrangement of thick, fleshy leaves on the stem opposite each other, pairs of leaves are arranged crosswise to each other. The shape of the leaves can be different: oval, lanceolate, pointed.

At home, the most common types of Crassula rarely bloom, but their amazing unpretentiousness and wide variety of forms have made Crassula a very popular indoor plant.

Most often found in indoor culture Crassula Ovata. This fat plant is known to everyone under the name “Money Tree” or “Tree of Happiness”. Its homeland is South-West Africa, its height in natural conditions can reach 3 m.

In conditions ordinary apartment this is a small tree up to 1.5 m tall, with branched shoots, with fleshy rounded, shiny leaves. The leaves are dark green, sometimes turning red at the edges. The flowers are white or cream. Rarely blooms.

Crassula Ovata

Crassula Arborescens

Perfect for creating miniature landscapes and various compositions of plants, since this plant can easily be given the shape of a branched tree, it grows quite slowly, root system shallow. Crassula oval combines well in composition with both decorative foliage plants and cacti.

Crassula Arborescens very similar to Crassula oval, differs from it in almost round leaves with a bluish bloom.

Crassula falcata

Crassula lycopodioides

Crassula perforata

Crassula schmidtii

Crassula Coral

Crassula tetragona

Crassula cooperi Regel

Crassula rosularis

Crassula care

Lighting. It is better to place all fat plants in a bright place; most of them do not require shading from direct sunlight. East, south or south-west windows are perfect for crassulas. With a lack of light, the shoots become longer, the internodes become larger, and leaves may fall off.

In the summer, it is advisable to take the fat plants out into the open air, placing them on the balcony or in the garden. Many types of Crassula grow well on sunny balconies, but you need to make sure that when watering drops of water do not fall on the leaves.

Air temperature. Most crassulas are heat-loving, preferring an air temperature of 20-25°C. In autumn and winter they grow well both in cool rooms with a temperature of 10-15 ° C, and in normal conditions of apartments with heating.

Air humidity. It doesn’t really matter, Crassula grows well in ordinary room conditions.

Watering. Crassulas accumulate a lot of moisture in their thick and fleshy leaves. therefore, excess moisture is more dangerous for fatwort than its lack, especially in winter. In spring and summer, fat plants are watered when the soil is only slightly moist, in autumn and winter - almost dry. The plant will easily tolerate lack of watering for 2-3 weeks during your vacation in a not too hot room.

Soil. Crassulas are undemanding to soil. They grow well in prepared succulent soil.

Money tree (crassula, crassula)

You can mix turf soil and sand, or use a mixture of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand in equal parts. It is recommended to add pieces of coal to the soil. The root system of Crassulas is shallow, so low containers are used. Crassulas grow well in bowls. Good drainage in the pot will not allow water to stagnate and cause fungal diseases plants.

Feeding. It is enough to feed Crassula once a month with a fertilizer solution for cacti and other succulents in spring and summer. In cold weather, you can not fertilize the plant at all or water it once a month with a weak fertilizer solution (half concentration or less).

Transfer. Adult fatworts are replanted once every two years or even less often in the spring. Most common among indoor species Crassula arborescens grows quite slowly. With age, its thick trunk and large mass of fleshy leaves become heavy, and the root system is weak. When replanting, it is recommended to use wide, stable containers, making sure that the plant does not fall out of the pot until it has established itself in the new container. Sometimes it is advisable to use supports.

Reproduction. Crassula can be propagated easily and simply by leaf and stem cuttings. This is usually done in the spring. A shoot or even a large leaf is cut with a sharp blade, and the cut is treated with crushed activated carbon and dry for 2-3 days. Then they plant it in a bowl, in the mixture leaf soil and sand.

At high humidity air, some types of Crassulas develop aerial roots and take root even faster.

It can also be propagated by seeds, but this method is rarely used.

Diseases and pests. Crassula is resistant to pests. But if scale insects appear, it is better to treat the plant with Actellik, since wiping numerous leaves is a rather labor-intensive task.

The main danger is represented by various fungal diseases that develop when humidity is too high. It is difficult to fight them; it is much easier not to over-water the plant.

Other unpretentious indoor plants:

  • Zamiakulkas
  • Chlorophytum
  • Crassula
  • Aspidistra
  • Kalanchoe
  • How to care for Crassula ( money tree)?

    Crassula is a houseplant known as the “money tree”. For many, this flower has become a talisman in the home, attracting wealth and material well-being. If you are interested in Crassula, which is a pleasure to care for, read on.

    Description and modern varieties

    Crassula, also known as Crassula, belongs to the Crassula family and has over 300 varieties of succulents. Among all species there are annual and perennials tree-like, bushy and herbaceous forms.

    The most common species grown at home include:

    Favorite conditions for Crassula

    Despite its unpretentiousness, Crassula still requires attention and proper care. Considering biological features this flower, you can create ideal conditions for its growth. Crassula care, right place its location in the room, as well as some subtleties in the process of growing it, should be known to everyone who wants to grow this amazing flower at home.


    Crassula is almost the only indoor plant that develops quite successfully on a windowsill with south side, being under direct solar lighting. But still, the ideal place to keep this plant would be the southeast, as well as a window sill on the east side. Crassula easily tolerates a lack of light at home. The flower will not die from this, but its juicy, fleshy leaves will begin to fade and lose their bright color.

    In spring, the plant must gradually adapt to sunlight.

    It is exposed to the sun for several hours, and removed at midday so as not to cause burns. Timely care and attention are very important here.


    The temperature regime of keeping a flower in winter and summer is significantly different. In the spring, as well as summer time, during the growing season, the plant needs to be provided with a temperature within 22-25 degrees. To do this, the flower is displayed on the balcony or in the garden.

    IN winter time The plant enters a dormant period, so it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of 7-10 degrees. This succulent tolerates temperatures down to -1-2 degrees. It is not recommended to place the plant next to heating devices in winter. If Crassula has not had a period of rest, this is fraught with massive falling of leaves and elongation of shoots.

    Water regime and humidity

    Caring for crassula at home includes regular and moderate watering. Water the flower rarely, only after the top layer of soil has dried. This is due to the fact that all succulents tolerate a lack of moisture much more easily than its excess. In winter, watering is minimized, since at this time of year there is a risk of Crassula becoming waterlogged, which can lead to rotting of the root system and death of the flower. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, the succulent is watered no more than 1-2 times a month.

    Sluggish and soft leaves flowers may indicate a lack of moisture. It is recommended to use warm and settled water for irrigation. Best time to moisten the soil - evening.

    As for air humidity, Crassula easily tolerates drought and does not need to spray the leaves. The accumulated dust on the leaves is removed with a damp cloth.

    The Crassula responds very well to warm showers. Before this procedure, the soil is covered with film.


    Feeding Crassula is not prerequisite care Fertilizer is applied only 1-2 times every 30 days throughout the entire growing season. As a top dressing, you need to use liquid fertilizer for succulents. With the onset of cold weather, the flower can be fed with the same substance with a half-reduced concentration.

    It is important to remember that fertilizing is carried out only after watering, in moist soil. It is not recommended to fertilize actively growing and healthy plants transplanted into new fertile soil containing compost.

    Planting and transplanting

    To grow a beautiful flower at home, you need to choose the right pot for planting.

    How to care for Crassula at home?

    Since Crassula has a very delicate, small root system and a heavy crown, to plant it you need to use a wide and heavy flowerpot that will ensure stability and full growth of this plant. The diameter of the pot should not be smaller than the diameter of the crown.

    When planting, a good layer of expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the flowerpot, then soil for planting. To create a decorative effect, plants are planted in pots one at a time.

    Land for planting succulents can be purchased at flower shop. If desired, it can be prepared at home.

    This plant is not picky about soil and grows quite successfully in any loose soil that contains coarse sand, gravel and agroperlite. Some gardeners add a small proportion of crushed charcoal, which will prevent rotting of the roots in case of excess moisture.

    In general, caring for crassula and its other varieties is almost the same and differs little.

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    Money tree (60 photos): how to get a beautiful and healthy plant?

    Crassula oval and tree-like - everyone's favorite and widespread indoor and garden plants, but their genus includes more than 300 species of incredible beauty

    Crassula tree, Crassula or money tree is a plant that has received widespread in the apartments and gardens of many of our compatriots. IN European countries it appeared towards the end of the 17th century, and its peak of popularity falls on early XIX centuries. From our article you will learn what types of crassula there are, how to plant a money tree, what conditions are necessary for its growth, and much more.

    § Types of Crassula

    § Money tree: care and reproduction

    § Which soil should you choose?

    § Does the fat woman need feeding?

    § How to water a money tree?

    § Optimal temperature and air humidity

    § Lighting

    § Trimming

    § Diseases and treatment

    § Pests

    Uncommon Crassula capitella, also known commercially as Campfire

    The money tree is a fairly common and very traditional houseplant, but in any modern interior it pleases the eye

    Types of Crassula

    There are about 300 varieties of money trees. For the most part they belong to succulents, although herbaceous, aquatic and creeping species are also found. The most commonly bred types of Crassula are:

    § Crassula oval. The fleshy leaves are rich green in color and have a characteristic shine. In the wild, Crassula ovala can reach a height of three meters, while in an apartment or house it stops growing after reaching 0.6-1 m. This plant differs from its fellows in that it has characteristic aerial roots on the branches and trunk.

    In many species of succulent money tree, the root system extends superficially horizontally

    Flowering of the money tree Crassula ovata, also known as Crassula ovata or Crassula ovata

    § Crassula arborescens. It was this variety of plant that received the name “money tree” due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves to coins. Outwardly, it is similar to Crassula oval, but has a more rounded shape of the leaves and a bluish coating on them. A flowering money tree is rare, but this variety is still able to please its owners with flowers after it reaches ten years of age.

    Tree crassula blooms only after reaching the age of about ten years

    The flowering money tree is an excellent companion for other succulents, they get along well in the same pot

    § Crassula minor. A small plant with rounded leaves with a reddish border.

    One of the most popular types of money tree in home floriculture: crassula minor

    § Sunset Crassula. This variety has reddish-yellow streaks on the leaves.

    Sunset Crassula has a bright red border on the edges of the leaves.

    Pale pink Crassula Sunset flowers

    Advice!If you want to enjoy original look multi-colored Crassula sunset leaves, grow it under bright sunlight in a greenhouse, as in simple home conditions its leaves turn green.

    Sunset Crassula acquires a beautiful red border on the leaves only if it receives enough straight sunlight

    A money tree in a succulent arrangement is always a great touch landscape design walls and design of the yard itself

    § Crassula tricolor. This plant is distinguished by beautiful white stripes on a green background and red-pink edging.

    § Crassula crescent. One of the few flowering varieties of Crassula. Characterized by large umbrella inflorescences of a reddish color. Under indoor conditions, this type of money tree blooms in July-August.

    In English-speaking countries, the crescent plant is popular under the name “propeller plant.”

    Bright red flowers of crescent crassula

    Money tree: care and reproduction

    This plant is propagated by the vegetative method - leaves and cuttings.

    It is best to plant Crassula in shallow pots, the bottom of which is covered with a drainage layer (small pebbles, expanded clay). Before planting, the soil needs to be moistened and a small depression formed in it. Place the shoot in it and dig it in lightly.

    Please note that it is better not to disturb an adult plant unless necessary - it will be enough to replant the fat plant once every three years. But while Crassula is still young (up to three years of age), the money tree should be transplanted annually, preferably in the spring.

    Unusual plant Crassula Campfire. The more often and more it receives direct sunlight, the brighter the color of the leaves.

    Which soil should you choose?

    The indoor money tree grows excellently in succulent soil. If it is difficult to find it on sale, you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, you will need to combine sand, humus, leaf and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:4.

    Advice!You can also add small pieces of charcoal to this mixture.

    DIY home decoration: Crassula and other succulents growing on driftwood

    Step-by-step guide: creating a composition of Crassula, other succulents and sphagnum moss on dry driftwood

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    Crassula (Crassula) is one of the most common indoor plants, also known to everyone under the popular name “money tree”. Propagating Crassula cuttings is a simple matter, but rooting a leaf and getting a baby is a little more difficult. I really wanted to get a variegated Crassula. And then somehow a couple of leaves of the treasured plant appeared. Before this, I had not been specifically involved in rooting leaves; they themselves took root on the ground, breaking away from the mother plant. I didn’t find any information on this issue on the Internet and... the ineptly carried out rooting process led to the fact that my variegated leaves rotted. I set myself a goal - to root a leaf! So…
    Before rooting, the leaf must be dried for several days (at least 2) in a dry and warm place. After the leaf becomes limp, you can begin to root it. I did it in different ways:
    1. Take a small bottle of water (you can add any drug that promotes root formation to the water), bottom part The leaf is immersed in water by 0.5 cm. The bottle is placed in a bright and warm place.
    2. The leaf is placed on the edge of the pot, and the lower part is dug into the ground to a shallow depth. The soil should be moist; overmoistening can contribute to leaf rot.
    3. The soil can be replaced with clean crushed sphagnum moss. Moss is also kept wet; only the lower part of the leaf is placed in the moss.
    The first and third rooting methods are good because you can notice leaf rotting in time. If it starts to rot, don’t despair and throw it away. Cut the leaf above the rotting area, dry it as you did the first time and start all over again. The roots appear after 3-4 weeks, their appearance is possible both earlier and later than these dates, everything will depend on the conditions of detention. In the case of the first rooting method, after the roots appear, the leaf must be planted in the ground. The leaf is planted in the same way as in the second rooting method, without deep penetration and minimal contact of the leaf with the ground.
    With all the methods described above, none of the experimental sheets died.

    These are the roots produced by a leaf of the variegated crassula in water.

    Crassula: home care, types and reproduction

    The leaf was picked up in a store. Crassula plants were sold in a “killed” state, with long-fallen leaves lying around them.

    This leaf began to rot in water, I cut the leaf just above the rotten area, dried it for several days and placed it in damp moss to root. And then these small roots were discovered.

    Such a baby grew from a rooted leaf of a fat plant.

    Types of tree crassulas

    Crassula got its Russian-language name for its dense succulent leaves.

    Crassula mix: home care, watering and replanting rules

    I like the tree-like types of Crassulas for their ease of formation and the possibility of obtaining an original man-made tree. These wonderful plants have a thick, woody trunk, the cuts of which quickly become overgrown. Crassulas are best formed by pruning and stretching.

    Crassulas are very unpretentious in care. In winter, they require almost no attention - just keeping them cool (in my conditions, it’s a window sill, right next to the glass) and watering once a month, when the leaves become slightly lethargic. In summer, without shading, plants sunbathe on the loggia from the end of March to November, withstanding differences in night-day temperatures.

    In hot summer weather, if the fat plant is placed on a sunny windowsill indoors, you need to water it carefully - in the evenings, almost every day. At temperatures of 30–40 °C, plants become stagnant and can easily rot after untimely heavy watering.

    The following species of tree-like crassulas were in my collection.

    Crassula ovata (argentea)

    Crassula ovata has oval, ovoid leaves. Ovata is exactly the fat plant that our grandmothers raised.

    Crassula ovata

    Crassula ovata obliqua

    Crassula ovata obliqua is distinguished by its characteristic pointed tip of the leaf. A striking representative of this variety of Crassula is the variegated Crassula ovata obliqua var. Tricolor with pure white chlorophyll-free stripes on the leaves:

    Crassulla Tricolor

    Crassula Tricolor grows slower than other species and branches reluctantly. In good light, the underside of the leaf takes on a rich crimson color.

    Crassula argentea Lemon & Lime

    Crassula Lemon & Lime also has a second name - Solana. Crassula Solana differs from Tricolor not in snow-white, but in yellow variegation. Unfortunately, the variegation of this cultivar is unstable.

    Crassula Solana

    Crassula ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

    Crassula "Sunset" has a pronounced red edge along the yellow edge of the leaf:

    Crassula ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

    The most amazing thing is that my specimen, purchased in a store, after a month on a sunny windowsill lost all this beauty and turned into an ordinary green-leaved Crassula ovata. But there is no doubt about the existence of this variety - there are photos of wonderful adult specimens on the Internet.

    Crassula Blue waves

    The tree-like crassula with curly leaves with a bluish-blue coating on them is very unusual:

    Crassula arborescens curviflora

    It branches well, grows slowly, forming spherical clumps.

    Crassula Coral

    Crassula Coral is also known as Crassula Skinny Fingers. Crassula Coral branches well, grows quickly relative to the others, and has a powerful trunk:

    Crassula Coral

    Crassula Gollum

    I really love Crassula Gollum for its leaves in the shape of “Shrek ears” - tubular, with funnel-shaped tips:

    Crassula Gollum

    It grows very slowly in the sun, and stretches out in the shade. I dream of having it in my collection Crassula Hobbit variegata.

    Crassula ovata Minor

    Other names for Crassula Minor - Compacta, Crosbys Compact. Crassula Minor Compacta is different small size leaves that turn red along the edges in the sun - they do not exceed 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width:

    Crassula Minor

    Crassula Hobbit

    After radical pruning of an adult specimen of the Hobbit Crassula, I ended up with a quite nice bonsai:

    Crassula Hobbit

    Several times I came across the opinion that Crassula is a shade-tolerant succulent. I can't agree with this. Only in the sun do they grow as they should, acquiring a wonderful color, short internodes, and good spontaneous branching.

    Countless diversity of habitat conditions has created many bizarre plant species. , children of harsh waterless deserts, have long been loved by flower growers for their unusual look and unpretentiousness. Succulents include plants from a variety of families, but they have one thing in common: the ability to accumulate moisture in their leaves and stems.

    Crassula, also known as crassula and money tree, is a classic succulent. This is a tree or bush with thick stems and small rounded fleshy leaves that resemble coins.

    The most common in culture Crassula tree, Crassula purslane, Crassula ovata (or oval) and its variety “Hobbit”, different unusual shape leaves: they resemble tubes with a thickening at the upper end, and make the bush look like coral.

    Money tree care

    How to care for crassula, what features need to be taken into account when watering, choosing a place and soil for the plant?

    Watering Crassula

    Different types of Crassula differ little in terms of care. This is an unpretentious and hardy plant. But we must remember that the flower came to us from South Africa, and in nature grows in desert and semi-desert areas, which means Can't stand flooding.

    Excessive watering for Crassula is much more dangerous than lack of moisture, and easily leads to rotting of the roots and base of the stem, damage such as gray rot.

    If the leaves of the plant turn yellow or become covered brown spots , it could be a fungus. A sick fat plant needs to be treated with fungicides; in case of serious damage, the root system must be cleared of soil, slightly dried and replanted in fresh, lighter soil. Also, why this happens and how to fight it, read the link.

    If necessary, severely damaged above-ground parts of the plant should also be removed.

    The intensity of watering Crassula depends on the season. In spring and summer it is worth watering it when it dries out. top layer soil in the pot, not often, but plentifully. If the soil is dry at a depth of about two phalanges of fingers, you need to water the flower.

    In autumn, the intervals between waterings gradually become longer, and in winter, during the dormant period, the soil should be moistened approximately once a month. Do not allow water to stagnate in a pot or tray and water the fatty with cold water.

    For more details, read our article.


    To plant a money tree, the soil should be light and well-drained.

    You can use a ready-made special mixture for succulents (if you don’t have one, a mixture intended for cacti will do) or you can make it yourself.

    For this you will need:

    • sand;
    • grain land;
    • leaf soil.

    Mix all ingredients in a ratio of 1:1:3.

    Substrate under no circumstances shouldn't be sour, Crassula prefers neutral and alkaline soils . Therefore, a small amount of ash should be added.

    For greater looseness, you can also add expanded clay or brick chips to it.

    You can also feed the plant with fertilizers for cacti, from April to September approximately once a month.


    The Crassula root system lies near the surface, so it not needed deep pot , much what is more important is its width and stability.

    The plant will survive in a very small container, but due to the heavy fleshy crown, sooner or later it will begin to tip the pot and fall on its side, in this case, fragile succulent shoots can break.

    At the same time, you cannot select a pot “for growth”; in a large container it will pull the stems unsightly. A young plant that is actively growing its crown should change the container once a year, an adult - once every three years.

    Crassula does not tolerate transplants well and often loses some of its leaves after them; it is best to transfer it without disturbing the root system.

    Lighting requirements

    Like any desert plant, the fat woman loves light, a sea of ​​light!

    East or south window - perfect place in order to plant Crassula ovata and plants of related species on the windowsill. Under the sun's rays, the edges of the leaves acquire a slight reddish tint, “sunbathe”, young shoots grow thick, powerful and do not stretch out.

    For all its love of light, the Crassula is one of the most tolerant desert inhabitants to lack of lighting - she will survive in partial shade. But in such conditions, its stems will be thin, the coin-like leaves will be pale and dull, so you should not place it in a shady place if you want to fully enjoy the beauty of the flower.

    Crassula undemanding to air humidity and does not require spraying, which many indoor plants love; it is better to simply wipe its leaves with a damp cloth so that dust does not collect on them.


    In order for the fat woman to feel good, you need to take care of the temperature in the room. During the period of active growth, it should not fall below 20 degrees, and in autumn and winter, during the dormant period, the plant should sleep at a temperature of 8 - 14 degrees. If there is a heating radiator right under the window where the flower pot is located, you can fence it off using polyethylene film or foil to hot air did not go up to the window and Crassula was not too hot.

    Features of caring for Crassula "Hobbit"

    In terms of care, this unusual plant differs little from other crassulas - drought-resistant, light-loving and unpretentious.

    The only thing to remember is that, unlike her wild ancestor, doesn't like too much sun. Delicate coral-shaped leaves-tubes burn easily and, if the light is too bright, they can begin to turn black and die.

    To avoid burns, the fat plant of this variety should be kept in a place that is sufficiently lit, but not exposed to direct sunlight.

    Forming Crassula

    Being undemanding to living conditions, the fat woman reproduces easily. Cuttings taken from non-lignified shoots root well in soil or sand without the use of root formation stimulants.

    They also produce roots well in water, but can rot.

    Often a young plant grown from a cutting begins to produce branches from internodes close to the ground and takes on a bush-like shape. But the form small tree much more attractive!

    For that, to form a stem, you need to stop the seedling’s attempts to branch ahead of time, plucking out the emerging rudiments of the branches, and allow the trunk to grow to the desired height (new shoots will not form from the internodes from which shoots were removed), and then pinch the crown.

    If you follow all these simple rules, Crassula will grow strong, strong, beautiful, and one day it may even please the owner with small white flowers. And according to folk superstition, the flowering of the money tree promises wealth. In addition, you will find out which ones in our article.

    Hobbit Crassula (Crassula ovata Hobbit) is the most common and interesting Crassula oval variety. Crassula "Hobbit", a decorative succulent that grows to considerable size. The highly branched crown and rough stem make the flower ideal for bonsai-style formation. Fleshy leaves characteristic of the variety various shapes, more often - sharp, tubularly wrapped. The leaves resemble the ears of Shrek, or Tolkien's Hobbit, which is where the name of the plant comes from. Young specimens often have leaves that are flat or slightly curled. It grows quite slowly, usually only a few centimeters during the year. With proper care it can live a long time. Old specimens can bloom beautiful white or pink flowers. At home, flowering is extremely rare.


    The plant feels better in a bright and warm place. Loves the sun, but the heat and burning rays of summer can cause yellowing and wrinkling of the leaves. Tolerates dry air well and does not require spraying. It grows well on sandy-clayey soil; the soil should be permeable; for better drainage, the bottom of the pot is filled with expanded clay. In summer, the plant can be placed on the balcony or in the garden, but it is worth providing protection from rain. In winter, it is better to move it to a cool place and reduce watering so that the fat plant goes into a dormant state, otherwise it may wither and lose leaves.


    Crassula “Hobbit”, like other representatives of the Crassula genus, is easy to grow. IN warm time year requires moderate watering. Water thoroughly, then wait until the soil dries well. From spring to autumn, fertilize once a month with fertilizer intended for cacti. Replant if necessary when the roots no longer fit in the pot. It is better to replant in spring or summer. Large and highly branched specimens should be planted in heavy, stable pots to protect the plants from tipping over.


    Crassula "Hobbit" reproduces with great ease through shoots and cut leaves. It is better to take cuttings in spring or summer. The pruning area should dry out; after a few days, the plant fragments are placed in water or a peat mixture. Crassulas quickly produce roots; fallen leaves often take root in the soil themselves.

    Sometimes in stores you can buy small succulent plants under common name"succulents mix". An entire collection of small (and very inexpensive) succulents are displayed on one tray-pallet: take what you want. But when you bring a new pet home, you want to know the name more precisely.

    For example, here are the following sentences:

    If the name of the plant indicates "mix", as in this case, then this means that the houseplant can be different colors(and species).

    Succulent mix. Choose yours!

    Our latest acquisitions are a couple of such plants, the names of which were established thanks to the help of people knowledgeable about succulents.

    "Mixed succulents", the names of which are yet to be determined.

    Sometimes determining the exact name can cause some difficulties, because many species are quite similar. It’s easier to see the difference in an adult plant, but when you have a baby, you may have doubts.

    For example, difficulties may arise when determining the type of Crassula.

    For example, is this plant Crassula gollum, hobbit or coral? Apparently (see species comparison below) this is a gollum.

    Crassula (crassula) gollum (C. gollum).

    Crassula ovata Hobbit and Crassula gollum (C. Gollum) are similar, but the hobbit has wider leaves and more ears, and the gollum has more tubes and sticks.

    Hobbit or Gollum?

    Crassula hobbit (C. Hobbit) and gollum (C. Gollum) - two similar to each other hybrid varieties, created in the 1970s in the USA, presumably by crossing Crassula Ovata and Milk (C. Lactea).

    Both types have original form leaves, in Hobbit - turned outward and fused from the base to the middle, and in Gollum - completely rolled into a tube with funnel-shaped expanding tips (the so-called “Shrek ears”).

    There is also Crassula Coral (C. Coral, synonymous with C. Skinny Fingers), similar to them. Most of its leaves look like sticks, tapering towards the end, with funnel-shaped tips, as well as a powerful trunk and numerous side shoots.

    Crassula mix, different plants.

    What is this second plant (from the first photo in the article)?

    This Cooper's Adromiscus.

    Adromischus belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Native to South West and South Africa. Very thick leaves, reminiscent of “barrels”, with a wavy edge with spots.

    Cooper's Adromischus.

    There is a similar species called cotyledon.

    And this made the mix younger.

    Nowadays, plants from the succulent family have become very popular for growing at home. This is what Crassula is (otherwise known as Crassula). Sometimes it is called the money tree, or the tree that brings happiness. However, this is only one type of Crassula; other varieties look completely different. It is loved for its interesting appearance (there are several types that are strikingly different from each other) and very simple care.

    The plant does not require close attention. Necessary good lighting, moderate watering. It is not advisable to spray foliage.

    One of the advantages of the fat woman is that it is completely unpretentious. Due to the ability to accumulate the resulting liquid in the stem and leaves, nothing will happen to it if you forget to water it. You shouldn’t over-moisten the soil either; remember that this is, first of all, a succulent - a plant that came to us straight from the desert. This plant will definitely decorate your home with its interesting appearance and become great addition to the design of any apartment.

    However, the fact that Crassula is a picky plant does not mean that it is not necessary to care for it. Below you will learn about how to properly maintain a plant, care tips, and what to do if you find a pest.

    Growing and care

    Choosing soil and a suitable pot

    In this regard, the plant is also not particularly whimsical. It is enough to choose the soil for growing cacti. Some people prefer to do it themselves. For this you need coarse sand, charcoal, and fine gravel. The soil environment must be slightly acidic and breathable. In order for air to flow better, some people place large stones at the bottom and only then begin to lay out the main soil.

    Choose pots from wide and heavy shapes. The root system of the plant is small, so a flat pot will do. There must be a hole at the bottom to drain water.

    When transplanting, you also do not need to know any special rules. You just need to remember that it is better to dry out the plant than to over-water it. Therefore, yes, you need to replant Crassula in moist soil, but the main thing is not to overdo it with water.

    Watering and spraying

    You need to water the soil itself; the leaves do not need to be sprayed. In winter, watering should be done once a month; in the warm season, water the plant about once every two weeks. The water should be at room temperature. If you forgot to water the fat plant or don’t remember when you did it in last time- pay attention to the leaves. If they are soft, it’s time to water.


    There should be a lot of lighting. Again, since this is a desert plant, it is used to plenty of sun. Therefore, the most optimal place to place the plant there will be a windowsill where the fat plant can receive direct sunlight. In winter, when the abundance of sunlight is not so great, and most often it is simply not there, use lamps artificial lighting. With insufficient lighting, the leaves lose their rich color, becoming simply green, the stems begin to stretch upward, thin out, and then simply break.

    The plant tolerates winter well, so gardeners do not recommend placing it near batteries with central heating- possible overdrying. In summer, let the plant get used to the sun gradually. If you expose a young Crassula directly to the scorching sun, you may get burns ( yellow spots on the leaves).

    If you provide competent and careful care, Crassula may begin to bloom (usually this occurs in plants aged 5-8 years). However, this happens quite rarely.

    Plant Formation

    If you want to not just decorate the windowsill with another beautiful plant, and to make it a real work of art, you can start forming the crown. It is quite difficult to do this, however, if desired, it is possible. U young plant with four pairs of leaves, it is necessary to remove the next growing bud, from which two new ones will later grow. This means that the trunk begins to branch.

    If only one bud grows back at the site of the removed bud, remove it again. Then the same procedure is repeated when three pairs of leaves grow on the regrown shoot (formed from the removed bud). If more pairs of leaves have grown, break off the extra pairs and wait for a new bud to appear.

    Pests and diseases

    One of the most popular diseases among Crassulas is gray rot. It occurs due to too much watering. Stopping it is quite simple (if it is only at the infection stage) - just stop watering the soil. If the stage of the disease is quite serious, wash the roots, dry them and replant them in new soil. Reduce watering and carefully monitor the condition of the plant.

    In addition, the leaves may turn yellow or become covered with brown. Your plant may have become infected fungus. It needs to be dealt with in the same way as with gray mold (washing the roots, drying them, replanting them in new soil). In addition, fungicide treatment is possible. This is a fairly affordable type of chemical that can be found in any flower shop.

    It also happens that the fat woman is affected by ordinary pests that are so familiar to us:, and many others. In this case, the plant must be treated with chemicals, strictly according to the instructions, and isolated from healthy plantings.

    Reproduction and transplantation

    The fat woman does not tolerate various types of transplants very well. After this, it may lose a lot of leaves, so be prepared for this waste. When transplanting Crassula into new pot remember that it must be wide and stable, since due to the heavy crown the plant may fall or deviate to the sides.

    Young plants need to change their pots about once a year, adults - every three years. This is the case if you do not buy a container “for growth”, but take it, as they say, end-to-end.

    Crassula propagation occurs using seeds, cuttings and leaves. In the first case, you get the opportunity to infect the plant and the process in general takes much longer than by cuttings or propagation using leaves. It is necessary to cut off a young, healthy shoot and treat it with a stimulant to dissolve the roots. After this, you need to plant it in a small container, where the soil will be a mixture of sand and peat. As soon as the root system is strengthened, the Crassula can be transplanted into a regular pot.

    How to choose a plant in a store?

    Pay attention to the appearance of the plant. The leaves should not be yellow, holey, or too soft. Inspect the soil carefully. Pre-purchase inspection is important because this way you can notice pests and protect yourself from buying a diseased plant. Remember that pests can be found not only on the upper side of the leaf, but also on the lower part, on the stem and, naturally, on the soil.

    It is worth paying attention to the plant’s surroundings. If diseased plants are noticed nearby, it is better not to purchase such a crassula.

    Types and varieties

    • Owatta. She is also Crassula oval. The most popular type of plant, with proper care can grow up to three meters high. Leaves are oval, rich green, brilliant. It grows very quickly, forming a crown is quite simple. If you have a tense situation with light in your apartment/house, pay attention to this type - it tolerates shadows very well.
    • Hobbit. This is probably the most unusual type of Crassula. The leaves are turned inward, forming hard tubes. Very interesting fact that this species grows independently and does not need to form a crown. The Hobbit grows slowly.
    • Buddha Temple. A hybrid formed using two species of Crassula. Very popular in the West. It is a narrow column on which the leaves are arranged very tightly, thus creating a kind of square. Indeed, it somewhat reminds buddhist temples This is how this species earned its name. After some time, the trunk may begin to fall due to its own weight. Possible red flowers at the top of the leaves. At correct formation The crown falling process can be avoided.
    • Mix. Differs in round leaves. This species is called the money tree. The care is no different from previous types, the only thing that can be noted is the independent formation of the crown. Of course, you can still enhance the natural shape to make it thicker, but this is not necessary.