Apple tree white pouring Latin. Apple tree variety White filling: characteristics and cultivation features. Preparing the planting hole

Apples of the white filling variety are today the most popular among domestic summer residents and gardeners. This popularity of this variety is explained by its excellent yield, excellent taste and ease of care. We offer you a short description of the white filling variety. The information in this article will allow you to grow excellent harvest, and you will know how to properly care for an apple tree.

The white filling variety was bred by breeders of the Baltic countries in the sixties of the last century. This variety is characterized by early ripening, allows you to get an excellent harvest and tolerates frost well in winter time year. In nature there are various options hybrids based on white filling, which may differ in their taste characteristics. Quite often, white filling is called papyration. This is the same variety, which has its own name in different regions of the country.

Description of the variety

The available description of the variety allows you to most accurately determine this or that type of apple tree. The white filling variety has an elongated crown shape with trees of medium height. Only with age do trees acquire a rounded shape. The bark of the main branches has a pronounced gray. The leaves of the white filling variety have oval shape, large-sized flowers with a slight pinkish tint.

The fruits of even a young tree will be large in size and weigh about 150 grams. Apples have conical shape and clearly defined ribs. Ripe fruits have a characteristic light yellow color, and during ripening they may have a slight white coating. The white pulp is soft and sweet, the seed box is filled with aromatic juice.

Feature of this variety is its rapid and active growth. The tree begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. The harvest ripens in mid-July. It should be remembered that stored harvested maybe no more than a month. Due to their softness, such apples are difficult to transport. That is why it is recommended to process it into jam, compote or preserves immediately after harvesting.

Advantages of the white filling variety

Among the advantages of the white filling variety, the following can be noted:

  • Fruit ripening in mid-summer
  • Apple trees tolerate cold well
  • Early onset of fruiting
  • Maximum yield.

It is necessary to note the versatility of this variety. Picked apples have a great taste, so you can eat them fresh or make various jams from them.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the existing disadvantages:

  • Poor transportability of the grown crop,
  • Rapid ripening of the entire crop,
  • Short storage period,
  • Frequency of fruiting.

The entire crop ripens at the same time, so the summer resident and gardener may have a problem with how to use a large number of harvested apples. It should also be noted that seasons with abundant fruiting alternate with years when the tree does not bear fruit at all. This problem can be partly solved by landing on summer cottage several trees at once, the fruiting cycles of which should differ by 1 year.

Useful properties of this variety

The beneficial properties of the white filling variety come directly from its description. It is necessary to note the rich composition of apples of this variety:

  • Ripe fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C. This vitamin increases the body's protective functions and strengthens the immune system.
  • Insoluble fiber in apple pulp helps remove cholesterol from the body. This in turn improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system.
  • Pectins contained in apples cleanse the liver, fight toxins and improve the functioning of internal organs.
  • Apple peel contains a large amount of antioxidants, which are an excellent preventive measure against cancer.

Selection of seedlings

When choosing seedlings for planting, you must give preference to high-quality shoots that are grown on horticultural farms. By selecting a high-quality annual seedling, you can guarantee its full survival rate, and the tree itself will be characterized by active growth and will quickly begin to bear fruit. Seedlings have good survival rate, but only if the right choice time for landing. Best this work to be carried out in mid-autumn. By planting white filling 3-4 weeks before the onset of cold weather, you will allow the seedling to take root, which will be the key to active tree growth in the spring.

Planting and caring for a tree

Planting a white filling apple tree seedling is not particularly difficult. A few weeks before the expected planting date, it is necessary to dig a hole that is twice the size of the root system of the seedling. Fertilizers and fertile soil are poured into the bottom of the hole.

When planting an apple tree, be sure to pay attention to the so-called growing point. It should be located 5-10 centimeters above ground level. The soil is carefully compacted and the seedling must be watered with several buckets of water.

Do not forget that the planted tree must be tied to a peg. In a few weeks, the seedling will take root, which will guarantee its subsequent growth in a new place.

Just before the cold weather, it is necessary to tie the trunk with roofing material and lay any other heat insulator around it. If you have chosen a high-quality seedling, planted it correctly and provided proper care, the tree will survive its first winter without any difficulties. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, it is necessary to remove the protective thermal insulation material and inspect the tree. If necessary, pruning is carried out to remove dried branches. It is also recommended to fertilize the growing tree for the first time in the spring. For these purposes, you can use purchased mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen. The first feeding is recommended to be done at half the recommended dose. A similar feeding is done in mid-summer.

Remember to regularly water a growing tree. It would be a good idea to loosen the soil near the trunk, which will ensure the necessary ventilation and saturation of the soil with oxygen. This improves the development of the root system, the tree itself becomes stronger, which has a positive effect on its growth rate. In the fall, the tree is fertilized with organic matter and insulated for the winter. In most cases, the gardener does not have any difficulties with autumn-winter care.

White filling apples are resistant to various diseases. Only under inappropriate conditions can they appear infectious diseases, fungus and damage by various insects. In specialized stores you can purchase the appropriate chemicals for processing apple trees. By correctly identifying the disease and carrying out appropriate treatment, you can completely get rid of the problems, and your tree will begin to grow actively and quickly bear fruit.


As mentioned above, trees of this variety are distinguished by the earliest and most abundant fruiting. Already in the third year the first delicious apples. A full harvest you can get it already in the fourth year of cultivation. Mature tree can bring about 100 kilograms of ripe fruit per season. The apples ripen at the same time and, when ripe, fall to the ground.

Try not to allow ripened apples to remain on the ground for a long time, as this will invariably lead to damage to the harvest. It is best to pick apples before they fall to the ground. This will protect them from mechanical damage, which in turn leads to a reduction in the shelf life of the fruit.


White filling apples are very popular among summer residents and gardeners. This tree bears fruit abundantly, and the harvested crop has excellent taste. The proposed description of the growing technology will allow you to be guaranteed to get an excellent harvest. This garden culture easy to care for, so white apples are recommended for beginning summer residents and gardeners.

Rare garden plot Russia does without apple trees. The fruits are extremely prized for their health benefits and taste. But most varieties ripen at best by early autumn. Among the exceptions is Belyi Naliv. It is planted not only to enjoy apples in the middle of summer, but also for nostalgic reasons. Some gardeners are not ready to exchange the taste of childhood for more modern hybrids, such as Naliv pink, golden, Ural, honey, etc. However, the variety also has other advantages - cold resistance, low maintenance, high yield.

History of selection

To date, it has not been possible to reliably determine the place of origin and time of appearance of White Filling, as well as establish its “pedigree.” Therefore, in catalogs it is referred to as a “folk selection variety.”

In different localities, Belyi Naliv is known under the dialect names “Bel”, “Dolgostebelka”, “Pudovshchina”. In the former Soviet republics The name “Alabaster” is often found.

White filling or Papirovka?

White Filling is often confused with Papirovka, believing that it is different names of the same variety. Most likely, Papirovka is a seedling of White Naliv that has taken root in the Baltic States, which over time acquired some characteristic features determined by climatic conditions.

In fact, their fruits and trees are quite similar. Distinctive feature is frost resistance. Padding loses significantly in this regard. In addition, it is noticeably more sour, but it ripens 5–7 days earlier and suffers less from diseases and pests. Another feature is its clear side “seam”.

In the Baltics, these apples are also separated, calling the “native” Papirovka “Popierinis”, and the “foreign” White Naliv - “Baltasis Alivinis”.

Characteristics of the White Naliv variety

Most often, Belyy Naliv is grown in its homeland, in the Volga region. It is also suitable for southern regions with warm climates. But in the Urals, Far East and in Eastern Siberia gardeners may not count on abundant fruiting.

An adult apple tree (about 15 years old) reaches a height of 4.5–5.5 m. In young trees, the crown forms something like a pyramid, but over time it becomes round, almost spherical.

The tree is decorative, especially during the flowering period, when it is literally strewn with delicate white and pink flowers. Neat, small, slightly pubescent leaves below have a rounded shape.

Apple size and yield depend on the age of the tree. Young apple trees have fewer fruits, but they are larger. Individual specimens can weigh up to 150 g (about the size of a child’s fist).

The variety got its name because of the color of the skin of the apples. From a distance it does appear white, but is actually a very light greenish-yellow hue. On the side facing the sun, a pinkish blush may appear in the form of blurry spots. Brighter green or white subcutaneous dots are also normal.

The taste of apples is balanced, sweet and sour, very refreshing. The snow-white pulp literally melts in your mouth. Even some looseness and coarse grain do not spoil the impression. There is a characteristic apple aroma, but it is not too pronounced.

The shape of Belyi Naliv apples is symmetrical, round, slightly tapering towards the base. As the tree matures, the variety of fruit sizes becomes more and more apparent.

The stalk is quite long. There is practically no “seam”. The harvest ripens in the second decade of July. Then the second wave - towards the end of August.

A characteristic feature of the White Naliv apple tree is that it is impossible to graft cuttings of the Ranetka and Sibirskaya Yagodnaya varieties onto it. And vice versa.

The variety bears fruit even without pollinators, but if there are several trees on the site flowering at the same time as Belyi Naliv, the yield increases significantly. Most often Melba, Anise, Grushovka or Borovinka are planted.

Description of the apple tree variety White Pouring - video

Varieties of bulk apples

The positive qualities of White Naliv are highly valued by breeders. At the moment, there are more than 20 new varieties with his participation, each with its own characteristic features.

The apples are very sweet, with a noticeable pear flavor, and are quite large (up to 140 g) and do not shrink over time. The skin is thin, pale golden, and the seeds are clearly visible in fully ripened fruits. Besides:

  • the variety ripens significantly later than the “parent” - only in the third ten days of August;
  • Apple trees are almost not susceptible to scab and black cancer.

Golden Naliv is practically not represented in catalogs, and cuttings taken from the tree do not take root well on other apple trees.


Large apples (at least 200 g). The side that received the sun is covered with a crimson or dark pink blush in the form of longitudinal blurred stripes. The skin is quite dense, light green in color. The shape of the fruit resembles a turnip.

Other features:

  • the variety, with rare exceptions, is found only in its homeland, in the Nizhny Novgorod region;
  • the fruits ripen at the very end of July (if the summer turns out to be cold and cloudy, the date may shift significantly - up to mid-August);
  • the tree rarely reaches a height of 2.5–3 m, the crown quickly grows in width, becomes very thick, and therefore needs regular pruning;
  • Pink Pouring holds tightly to the branches, even when fully ripe;
  • the variety is susceptible to fire blight, but is resistant to most pathogenic fungi;
  • characterized by irregular fruiting, but the yield for small tree excellent - 50–60 kg.

Pink Pouring is extremely unpretentious and hardy. Proof of this is that completely unharmed and fruit-bearing apple trees were discovered after the extremely harsh winters of the Great Patriotic War.


These are undoubtedly the most delicious and sweetest apples among bulk ones. The fruits are quite small (70–90 g), and the trees are not winter hardy, but the honey taste compensates for all the shortcomings. Both the sunny yellow skin and the soft creamy flesh are reminiscent of honey. The first harvest is harvested 5–6 years after planting the seedlings. This variety extremely rarely suffers from scab and fruit rot.


The apples are medium-sized (up to 100 g), greenish-golden, with the obligatory bright blush covering almost half the surface of the skin. The fruits ripen at the very beginning of autumn. The pulp is soft beige or yellowish, sweet, with a slight sourness. The “apple” aroma is almost invisible. Features:

  • high winter hardiness (up to -40ºС);
  • drought resistance (therefore common in Kazakhstan);
  • long shelf life (in proper conditions, Ural Naliv will last up to 2–2.5 months);
  • high early fruiting (the first apples are harvested in 2–3 years) and productivity (with proper care more than 200 kg of fruits are obtained from an adult tree);
  • susceptibility to pathogenic fungi;
  • self-sterility (other pollinating apple trees are needed for fruiting).


Such apple trees are common in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory; they are somewhat less common in the Amur region and Sakhalin. These are very small (no more than 45 g), rather inconspicuous, flattened apples of a yellowish color with an orange-pink pattern of wide stripes. Steppe Naliv is sometimes found under the name "Amur" and has the following features:

  • tree height - no more than 2 m, crown compact, medium dense;
  • even completely ripe apples are not afraid of monsoon rains and sharp gusts of wind - they continue to stay firmly on the branches;
  • good early fruiting (harvest 3–4 years after planting) and good yield (on average 40–45 kg of apples per tree 6–8 years old);
  • The lifespan of an apple tree is short - about 15 years (with proper care it can be extended to 20 years, but no more);
  • The variety is extremely rarely affected by moniliosis and tolerates drought and frost well.
  • the tree is quite tall (about 4–4.5 m), but with a very sparse crown;
  • the timing of fruit ripening is affected by the weather (the harvest is harvested at the end of August or towards the end of September);
  • there is weak resistance to scab, especially in cloudy and cool summers;
  • excellent indicators of cold resistance and precociousness are noted;
  • The shelf life of apples is no more than 10–15 days.

Apple varieties bred with the participation of Belyi Naliv - photo gallery

Isetskiy Naliv, unlike White, can be grown in the Urals
Stepnoy Naliv - small, rather inconspicuous apples, but the variety is highly valued by breeders for winter hardiness and early fruiting Uralsky Naliv, unlike other varieties in this group, demonstrates relatively good keeping quality Apples of the Honey Pouring variety - small but amazingly tasty Pink Filling is unpretentious and frost-resistant
The Golden Filling variety is extremely rare in orchards, although the apples are very tasty.

Advantages and disadvantages of apples

The undoubted advantages of the White Naliv variety include:

  1. Precociousness and regularity of fruiting. White Naliv will bear its first harvest 4–5 years after planting. Thereafter, the fruits are harvested annually.
  2. Long life of the tree. Give the crop enough attention, and it will delight you with abundant harvests for 40–45 years. Some trees live up to 65–70 years without stopping bearing fruit.
  3. Cold resistance. Apple tree if available winter shelter tolerates long-term frosts down to -25ºС. Even a tree significantly damaged by frost recovers completely within 1–2 years.
  4. Late flowering. Because of this, the plant relatively rarely suffers from recurrent spring frosts. In the second half of May, negative temperatures in the Volga region are rare.
  5. Productivity. If the weather in summer was suitable, 150–170 kg of apples are removed from one tree.

There are also noticeable disadvantages:

  1. Completely unsuitable for long-term storage and very low transportability.

    Apples of this variety are stored for no more than 15–20 days, and even less if there is even minimal damage. This is why White Bulk is almost impossible to find on sale.

  2. Mass fruiting. It would seem that, on the contrary, this is an advantage, but the harvest must be collected and processed very quickly. Even slightly overripe apples fall off the tree at the slightest breath of wind and do not become deformed or crack, but literally explode.
  3. Significant loss of taste if overripe. The pulp becomes “cotton-like,” unpleasantly mealy and almost tasteless.

What White Naliv apples look like - video

Landing Features

At home, in the Volga region, Belyi Naliv is planted in early May. In regions with warmer climates, they prefer to postpone planting any seedlings until the beginning or mid-September. In both cases, the apple tree will have enough time to adapt to new living conditions.

Selecting a location

The White Naliv apple tree is quite tall. She also needs pollinating varieties. Will determine in advance e, do you have enough free space on the site, based on the fact that optimal distance between mature trees is approximately 4–5 m.

White Naliv grows best in areas well heated by the sun. A lack of light and heat sharply reduces the quantity and quality of apples.

Pay attention! Trees must be protected from sudden gusts of cold wind. When with north side the garden is covered by a fence or wall, this is almost ideal. Another good option- the slope of a not too steep hill, located in the direction from north to south or from northeast to southwest.

The most suitable soil for White Naliv - light, breathable. The seedling will grow well in loam or sandy loam soil. Immediately exclude places where groundwater located closer than 1.5 m from the surface. If a more suitable area is not available, fill up a hill (at least half a meter).

Preparing for landing

The preparation looks like this:

  1. Dig a planting hole. It is prepared in advance, 3-4 weeks in advance. A cube of soil with an edge of 60–65 cm is removed from the soil.

    Sometimes a pit for spring planting prepared in the fall, leaving all the fertilizers to “overwinter” in the soil.

  2. Add substances that increase soil fertility and normalize acid-base balance. Sod land, which is removed first (layer 15–18 cm thick), set aside, mixed with necessary fertilizers. Each apple tree requires about 30 liters of rotted compost, humus, and dry peat. If the soil acidity is different from neutral or slightly alkaline, add dolomite flour (about 0.4 kg) or sifted wood ash (twice as much). Fluff lime is used extremely rarely due to the excessive “aggressiveness” of the chemical.
  3. Add mineral fertilizers. During spring planting, urea (150–170 g), potassium nitrate (80–100 g) and simple superphosphate (120–140 g) are added. In autumn they limit themselves to the last two. Nitrogen stimulates the development of leaf buds, and before frost this is not at all necessary. White Naliv reacts poorly to the chlorine content in the soil, so you will have to give up, for example, potassium chloride. All of the listed fertilizers can be replaced with a complex (Azofoska, Diammofoska) or natural (sifted wood ash) analogue.

Step by step planting process

Immediately before planting, the seedling is placed in water for several hours, then inspected thoroughly, cutting off all rotten or dried roots with a sharp knife. Experienced gardeners It is advised to dip the roots in a thick mixture made from fresh cow dung and powdered clay before placing them in the ground. The consistency of the product should resemble thick sour cream.

The procedure for planting the White Naliv apple tree has no specific features compared to other varieties. The only remark is that it is better to do it together, it will be more convenient.

  1. Fertile soil mixed with fertilizers is poured into the bottom of the hole in the shape of a mound. The soil is watered abundantly.
  2. The support for the seedling is securely fixed in the ground. Her minimum height- 20–25 cm larger than the tree. Before doing this, you need to wait until the water is properly absorbed.
  3. A seedling is placed on the top of the mound. Its roots are carefully straightened - none of them should bend upward.
  4. The pit is gradually filled with small portions of earth, and the soil is periodically compacted. The root collar should be 6–8 cm above the top edge landing pit. When the soil settles, it will drop just to ground level.
  5. The tree is fixed at the support, the soil is once again well moistened. Several buckets of water heated to room temperature are poured into a circular groove dug at a distance of 35–40 cm from the seedling.
  6. After 20–30 minutes, the space limited by the ditch is filled with dry peat, rotted compost, chopped straw, and sawdust.
  7. The final stage is pruning the tree. When meteorologists promise hot weather without precipitation, all existing shoots are shortened by half. If their forecasts are not so optimistic, they cut off about a quarter of the length of all branches.

How to plant an apple tree - video

Plant care

White Naliv is relatively unpretentious, but this does not mean that you can simply forget about the tree. An apple tree requires cleaning the tree trunk, timely weeding and regular loosening of the soil (ideally, every time after watering and precipitation).


Belyi Naliv has relatively high drought resistance, but moisture deficiency significantly reduces the expected yield. Therefore, you need to moisten the soil regularly. The frequency is determined based on the weather. Under normal conditions, the apple tree is watered abundantly 3-4 times per season (in mid-April, 3 weeks after flowering, 3 weeks before the expected apple harvest and in the second or third ten days of October). For young seedlings under the age of 3 years, 30–40 liters of water are enough; for adults, the norm is doubled.

Important! Forget about watering while the apples are ripening - they may well crack. If the summer is dry, the frequency can be increased by performing the procedure weekly.

Top dressing

A planting hole for a seedling of the White Naliv variety, prepared according to the above recommendations, allows you to forget about fertilizing for a year.

During the season, the apple tree needs 4 feedings:

  1. In mid-April, when the soil thaws, it is well loosened or dug up, adding 40–50 liters of rotted manure, humus or 0.5 kg of urea crystals.
  2. When the buds are almost open, the apple tree is watered with an infusion of fresh cow manure or bird droppings, spending 15–20 liters on each tree. The container is filled with raw materials, adding water. There should be approximately twice as much liquid. Then the container is tightly closed and placed in a warm place for several days. The fertilizer is stirred well and before use, water is added again in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15 for manure and droppings, respectively.
  3. 1–1.5 weeks after flowering, the tree is fed with a complex liquid mineral fertilizer designed specifically for apple trees or for any pome trees, preparing the solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A mixture of Nitrophoska and sodium humate is also suitable (50 g and 1 g, respectively, per 10 liters of water). A natural alternative is an infusion of wood ash (a glass of raw materials in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for two days, strain before use) or nettle greens, dandelion leaves.
  4. A few weeks after the second harvest, the apple tree is watered with a solution: 200 g of simple superphosphate, 150 g of potassium sulfate per 35–40 liters of water.


The procedure for the White Naliv variety is carried out 2 times a year.

  1. In spring, pruning is carried out before the leaves appear, but not when negative temperatures. The goal is to remove all dried, frozen, broken branches, shoots affected by insects and/or diseases, as well as to form a crown.
  2. In autumn - after the leaves have fallen. At a minimum, remove all shoots growing downward and deep into the crown, as well as branches located too low.

Trimming is carried out as follows:

  • after a year, the central shoot is cut so that 15–20 cm remains to the lateral one, located above all. From the lateral branches, 3–4 of the strongest and most developed ones are selected, shortening them by a third. The remaining growth is completely removed. If the selected shoot grows at an acute angle to the trunk, it is carefully bent and tied to a peg, fixing it in the desired position. Ideally, the branches of the apple tree should be located almost horizontally;
  • after a year, 3–4 branches are left on each side shoot. They should not intertwine and block each other's sun. At the same time, a second tier is laid at a distance of 20–25 cm from the first.

In the future, you will only need to maintain the achieved results and regularly carry out sanitary pruning.

Pay attention! A correctly formed crown is 2–3 tiers with 4–5 shoots located at equal intervals on each. The length of the branches gradually decreases from bottom to top.

Try to cut branches as close to the growth point as possible, without “stumps”, as perpendicular as possible. Immediately treat the sections with a 3% solution of copper sulfate and cover thin layer garden var. Use only serviceable, sharp and clean pruners, scissors and saws. Disinfect the tool after each use. Otherwise, you will do more harm to the apple tree than good.

Another kind of “pruning” is thinning fruit ovaries. The White Naliv apple tree is physically unable to make as many apples ripen as are formed on it. Overloading a tree leads to its depletion, smaller fruits, and a decrease in their quality. The plant suffers much more often from diseases and pests. Therefore, at least one future apple, best located in the middle of the “bundle,” is carefully removed.

Be sure to pick off all flowers without exception from annual seedlings. This will help you get your first harvest as quickly as possible.

Proper pruning of apple trees - video

Preparing for winter

Mid autumn trunk circle Be sure to clear all types of plant debris. First of all, fall leaves and carrion are removed. The space is mulched with peat chips or rotted compost, increasing the layer directly near the apple tree to 18–20 cm, especially if meteorologists do not promise heavy snowfalls.

To protect the wood from rodents, the trunk and branches growing close to the ground are whitened with a special composition based on aqueous solution slaked lime. Copper sulfate and office glue are added to it.

In addition, it is recommended to wrap the barrel with any material that allows air to pass through - burlap, spunbond, lutrasil, even women's elastic tights. Newly planted trees can be covered with a long, narrow cardboard box, stuffing it with straw or paper.

Diseases and pests

Belyi Naliv is a variety with average resistance to diseases and harmful insects. But it also has a significant advantage: apple trees are extremely rarely affected by anthracnose.

How to protect a tree and save the harvest - table

Disease or pest Symptoms Control and prevention measures
  1. Dark gray-brown round spots on leaves and fruits.
  2. Subsequently, the leaves wither and dry out, the apples crack and fall off.
  3. The quality of ripened fruits deteriorates significantly.
  1. Prevention: spraying apple trees three times in spring with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or another fungicide (copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, Cuprozan, Oleocuprit). The drug Topaz is also suitable. The treatment is carried out on blossoming leaves, buds and after the tree has flowered.
  2. In the fall, if the crop is damaged by fungus: spray the apple trees with colloidal sulfur (40 g per 5 liters of water).
  3. Recommended insecticides are Gamair, Strobi, Horus, Fitolavin.
  1. A thin layer of whitish or beige coating on bark, leaves, apples.
  2. The spots grow; if you look closely, small black-gray, slightly convex dots are noticeable on their surface.
  3. The tree practically stops growing, leaves and fruits fall off.
  1. Prevention: before the leaves bloom, spray the apple trees with a solution of Topaz or Skor (3–4 ml per 10 liters of water).
  2. When the trees have flowered: use any fungicide, preferably HOM.
  3. After picking apples: treatment using Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. To ensure that the above solutions “stick” well to the wood, you can add 30–40 g of soap shavings per 10 liters of liquid.
  1. Rapidly expanding spots brown on apples.
  2. The flesh also darkens.
  3. The fruits stop growing and fall off.
  1. If the problem was observed last year: treat newly blossomed leaves with copper oxychloride (CHOM) - 30 g per 5 liters of water (the norm for an adult apple tree).
  2. Repeat treatment when flowers fall.
Bacterial burn (“black cancer”)
  1. Leaves and young shoots become deformed, turn black and dry out.
  2. Apples rot, but do not fall from the tree.
No more or less effective ways There is no way to combat the problem. The only way out is to uproot and immediately burn the affected apple tree before it infects the entire garden. Therefore, special attention should be paid to prevention:
  • quarantine of purchased seedlings;
  • targeted control of insects, many of which spread the disease;
  • thorough disinfection garden tools after each use;
  • periodic treatment of the substrate under the tree with a solution of HOM or copper sulfate (60–70 g per 10 liters of water). Norm for mature apple tree- 2 l/m².
  1. The pest gathers in large clusters on the tops of young shoots, feeding on the sap of the leaves.
  2. The leaves curl and dry out before they have time to bloom.
  1. A folk remedy (for recently appeared aphids) is a soap solution with the addition of soda ash.
  2. Prevention: spraying apple trees with infusions of onions, garlic, wormwood, marigolds, tansy, home-grown tobacco leaves, hot red pepper, dry citrus peels. The effect lasts until the first rain.
  3. Recommended insecticides are Iskra, Inta-Vir, Karbofos, Actellik, Fitoverm.
  1. In the spring, caterpillars almost completely destroy young foliage.
  2. Adult pests lay new eggs by fastening several leaves together with a web-like substance.
  1. Spraying apple trees with Zolon or Chlorophos before leaves appear.
  2. Repeated processing after harvesting fruits.
  3. Watering the soil with a solution of these drugs, reducing the concentration recommended by the manufacturer by half.
leaf roller
  1. Caterpillars eat away leaf and flower buds, and the leaves are entwined with whitish cobwebs.
  2. In July, the caterpillars turn into pupae in leaves pre-folded along the central vein.
  1. Treatment of leaf buds with Nitrophen (300 g per 10 liters of water).
  2. Spraying the blossoming leaves with Chlorophos (70 g for the same volume).
Apple flower beetle
  1. Small bugs with a long proboscis eat away flower buds and buds from the inside. Females lay eggs in the resulting cavities.
  2. The affected buds turn black, as the female’s “nest” is glued together with excrement.
  1. Using adhesive belts placed on trunks.
  2. Timely cleaning of trees from exfoliated bark.
  3. Mechanical collection of beetles in the early morning. Place newspapers or cloth under the apple tree and shake the tree vigorously. A significant part of the pests will simply fall.
  4. Prevention: spraying the tree and the soil underneath with Karbofos or Chlorophos (20–25 g per 10 liters of water) after removing the last apples
codling moth
  1. At the end of spring, butterflies leave clutches of eggs in the ovaries of fruits and unblown leaves on the tops of shoots.
  2. The caterpillars that emerge from them destroy young foliage and eat away unripe apples from the inside, including the seeds.
  1. Sticky belts for adult butterflies.
  2. Use of light sources. In the evening, next to the apple trees, it is useful to turn on lamps whose shades are coated with glue that takes a long time to dry.
  3. Homemade traps made from bright sheets of cardboard, smeared with honey or jam, or containers filled with sugar syrup.
  4. In severe cases: any insecticide from the pyrethroid group.

Apple tree diseases and pests - photo gallery

Leaf rollers cause most fruit trees significant damage, apple trees are no exception
The main danger is not from adults, but from apple moth caterpillars. Aphids, one of the most “universal” garden pests, do not ignore apple trees It is impossible to save apple trees from fire blight: uproot them before the entire garden is damaged Apples affected by fruit rot should not be eaten. If powdery mildew is not dealt with, you will lose your apple tree in a couple of seasons. Scab significantly impairs the taste of apples

Harvest and storage

Apples tolerate transportation very poorly and are stored for no more than three weeks. This makes the industrial value of the variety zero. It is almost impossible to buy White Bulk.

Pay attention! Choose a dry, cool day to harvest. Wait until the dew that fell during the night disappears. Wet fruits will last for a maximum of 5–6 days, then almost all of them will rot, and the pulp of the surviving ones will completely lose its taste.

  • For storage, only fruits removed from the apple tree are selected, discarding all carrion;
  • apples are taken one-dimensional, without the slightest damage or dark spots;
  • the fruits are picked from the tree, tightly clasped with the palm of your hand, but without damaging the skin with your nails or pressing (the ripe fruit is removed from the branch with one full turn);
  • the stem of the apple is not pulled out;
  • White Bulk is placed in boxes or crates with holes for air circulation, placing them in one layer so that the fruits do not touch (for greater preservation, apples are wrapped in soft paper);
  • line the bottom of the container soft cloth or covered with a thick layer of straw, sawdust, sand;
  • where apples are stored, maintain the temperature at 10–12ºС;
  • In the absence of ventilation, the room is regularly ventilated (ideal air humidity is 65–70%).

What are apples good for?

White Naliv are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy apples. This is due to the characteristics of the composition:

  • approximately 10% of the fruit’s weight is pectin;
  • 8.8–9% – fructose, glucose and other sugars;
  • vitamin C - slightly less than 22 mg per 100 g;
  • The peel contains a unique antioxidant, quercetin, which protects the body from the effects of free radicals.

The caloric content is quite within the norm for apples. Depending on the specific variety, bulk varieties have energy value 40–47 kcal per 100 g. The tasting score of the fruit varies from 4.2 to 4.6 out of 5 points.

Despite all the possible benefits, sour White Bulk should not be eaten by people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

In addition to fresh consumption, White Naliv is also used for winter preparations, but selectively. The jam turns out to be not very presentable, since the pulp boils down into porridge. In almost colorless compotes, apples also crack, burst, and turn into a solid mass.

But the variety is excellent for making juices, marshmallows, marmalade, cider and wines. The fruits are used as a filling for all kinds of baked goods. Pickled apples are highly praised.

You can White Fill and dry it. The aroma is noticeably enhanced. You just need to pick the apples in time before the pulp becomes soft and loose. Selected fruits are washed and dried on paper towels or cotton cloth. Then, without peeling or cutting out the seed pod, the apples are cut into slices, circles, and plastics. Dry either in a special electric dryer or in an oven with the door ajar at a temperature of 50–60ºС, spread out on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.

White Naliv is a proven variety that has not lost popularity for a long time. This great choice for beginner gardeners. Early dates The ripening of apples allows you to enjoy the fruits already in the middle of summer.

They talked about apples... They didn’t say a word about White Filling... Did they talk about apples?

And skeptics.

Valery:“Or maybe innovators?! I have never had as many problems as from White filling with any variety of apple tree. Occupies a large area. We are forced to trim the branches of the apple tree so that it does not climb where it is not needed. But apples are delicious!”

I won't comment. I will give you this opportunity.

Features of planting and care

Landing dates

If this is best period from the end of April. At the beginning of May.

The earth is no longer cold. They will take root over the summer. They will spend the winter well.

That's why! Take care of the apples so as not to finish eating after it.

Appearance of fruits

  • Round white-greenish apple, even yellowish-white:
    • With such a characteristic line-fold.
    • AND barely noticeable ribs.
  • There is a white coating on the apple. It is preserved until the apples are picked.
  • You will notice a slight brownish coloration near the stalk in the hole.

Cyclicity of fruiting

Two apple trees grew White filling at a distance of 5-7 m. But like two different ones:

  • One:
    • The crown is wider.
    • Smaller apples.
    • But it bears fruit almost every year.
  • Other:
    • More apples.
    • Almost a year later there were apples.

In fact, this is negative points good productivity. To put it simply – overload with the harvest.


  • Regulate yield by removing excessive ovary and spring pruning.
  • Try to guess. Plant two White fillings. And so that their yield cycles do not coincide.

Annual growth

On average, 4-6 strong shoots grow at an acute angle, up to 80 cm long.

And again. Depends on the rootstock and specific growing conditions.

Top dressing

Don’t forget about (potassium, phosphorus, microelements). But also observe moderation, especially with nitrogen.

What does a 3-4 year old tree need?:

  • For - per 1 sq.m of tree trunk soil:
    • 8-10 kg organic fertilizers(compost and humus).
    • 12-15 g of potassium chloride.
    • 12-15g superphosphate.
    • 9-12 g of urea (12-15 g of ammonium nitrate).
  • - macro- and microelements.
  • You can use nitramophoska, mosaic and ordinary wood ash.

And don't forget! Do not add nitrogen fertilizers in the summer.

What to do if it doesn’t bloom or bear fruit?

I consider it possible and necessary to just post it versions:

Why do apples fall?

Several reasons:

  • Insufficient watering;
  • Damage by codling moth;
  • Other weather disasters.

Features of cultivation in the regions

Ripening in Siberia and the Urals is the end of August and even early September.

Moscow region

Most gardeners in the Moscow region consider White filling a must for their garden.

And they are not confuses:

  • Frequency of fruiting (every 2 years).
  • Short shelf life.
  • Insufficient adaptability for transportation.

The first apples of the season and such a taste are worth paying attention to and enjoy wonderful fragrant apples.


  • They prefer to grow this variety in form, citing insufficient winter hardiness. Although the yield is lower.
  • Ripens at the end of August. And 2-3 weeks are at your disposal for them correct use. After all, this is real White Pouring!


  • And in Siberia there are also many lovers of either Papirovka or White filling. Wet seasons are associated with more severe scab infestations.
  • Smaller apples:
    • Sizes (60-90 g).
    • Significantly in quantity (20-40 kg is already decent).
    • And they begin to bear fruit only at 5-6 years of age.


  • One of the most frost-resistant varieties.
  • Large fruits triangular.

Amur region and Far East

  • I have come across information in several publications that Belyi Naliv is included in the State Register of many regions of Russia. The exception is the Ural, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.
  • But I have already given reviews from gardeners from these regions. And they enjoy their White filling.

Subspecies and options

The apple variety “Daughter of Papirovka” is a summer apple variety and was developed as a result of hybridization of Papirovka varieties.

In circles of specialists and gardeners with experience it is considered to be the Baltic variety Papirovka, bred from the Russian White filling. In the Baltics, America, Rus', Ukraine.

Specialists at the breeding station in Sverdlovsk created the Naliv Isetsky variety.

Lifespan on different rootstocks:

  • Known interesting story with one gardener. Talking with his grandmother under the old White Fill tree, he wanted to clarify the age of the apple tree. I like my grandmother’s answer: “When I got married, she was already growing up.”
  • 20-25 years – common. But not on a dwarf rootstock.


  • Their productivity is higher.
  • You can plant where you can’t grow vigorous ones due to high groundwater.
  • Plant it. If there is not enough space in the garden.
  • Very comfortable For . After all, the height is up to 3 meters.
  • They begin to bear fruit after 2-3 years.
  • Pay more attention to watering, fertilizing, and agricultural technology.


  • The white filling on a semi-dwarf rootstock is almost indistinguishable from a dwarf one.
  • Here it grows - and determine where it is:
    • The difference in size is about 25%.
    • Height – up to 4 meters.


But these are not varieties, but forms.

And again!

White filling is an early summer variety with large (up to 200 g) and more medium (80-120 g) apples. But in winter it’s problematic to eat it!

Useful video

Watch the video description of the White filling variety:

See the gardeners' review of the White Naliv apple tree:

See the opinion of experts about the Papirovka or White Naliv apple tree:

See a real review from gardeners about the White Filling harvest:

Many novice gardeners do not dare to purchase and plant in your garden White filling due to scab damage or a short period of use. I advise you to pay attention to undeniable advantages. Basic care and attention will ensure that you enjoy having these apples in your garden.

Find the opportunity and time for 2-4 applications with fungicides and insecticides. They will allow you not to talk about scab problems, powdery mildew and pests.

And remember! Whitewashing with lime, copper sulfate and clay is not for beauty. But for good!

Juicy, sweet and sour White filling apples ripen in the garden earlier than other fruits. You can enjoy apples by mid-July. Well-ripened fruits have a white-green hue, which determines their name. Apples ripen quickly, but do not last long, so in addition to eating them fresh, they are used for preservation: they make preserves, jams, compotes, and make purees. And of course, during the ripening period of the White Pouring apples, housewives bake fragrant apple pies.

Features of the variety

There is no consensus on the origin of the White filling apple variety. It is believed that the variety was bred in the Baltic states and brought to Europe, but there is also a theory that white apples were enjoyed back in the Ancient Rus'. White filling apples are loved not only in our area. They are successfully grown in America. The variety is called Yellow Transparent.

White apple trees grow, on average, up to 5 meters high and have a rounded crown shape. They can bear fruit for 15 – 20 years.

Knowing the external characteristics and description of the variety, the White Pouring apple tree can be distinguished from other trees even before the harvest:

  • the bark of the trees is light gray, rough (smooth - only on young apple trees);
  • the leaves of the apple tree are ellipsoidal, on the reverse side they are covered with “fluff”;
  • The color of the leaves is gray-green, the petiole is lighter in color.

The White Filling apple tree blooms with beautiful and fragrant flowers with white, delicate petals. The beauty of a tree during flowering is difficult to describe.

The fruits, depending on the age of the tree and its care, can weigh from 60 to 180 g. The older the tree, the smaller the apples. They have a round shape, slightly tapered towards the cup. A “seam” characteristic of the variety runs along the entire apple from the tail to the calyx; it can be seen in the photo below.

Interesting: after the ovary, a white coating forms on the fruits. It remains on them until harvest. It can be easily washed off with water or removed by rubbing the apple in your hands. This bloom enhances the whiteness of ripe apples. No wonder the variety is called White filling.

About growing trees

Young trees are planted in early May. When choosing a place for planting, you need to make sure that the White Apple tree is at least 4 meters from the crowns of nearby trees. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, but, of course, when planted on fertile soil, the yield will be higher. Trees love the sun, so it is advisable not to plant them in the shade or near buildings.

A hole measuring half a meter by half a meter is dug under the seedling. A bucket of humus and a layer of earth are poured into it. The seedling is placed in the center of the embankment, and the roots are placed along its slopes. The roots are covered with earth from above and compacted so that the hole is deepened relative to the soil level. The tree is watered abundantly. To allow oxygen to reach the roots, the soil around the tree must be loosened periodically.

Note: to protect the apple tree from the wind and prevent it from bending, the tree is tied up. To do this, place a wooden peg near the trunk.

From the 2nd year of growth, young apple trees can be fertilized. Gardeners use potassium and phosphate fertilizers, urea.

After planting the seedling, the first harvest can be harvested in 5–6 years. The trees are unpretentious in care, but for maximum fruiting they require:

  • glaze;
  • application of fertilizers;
  • pruning old and weak branches;
  • loosening the soil;
  • protection from insect pests and diseases.
Note: like other varieties of apple trees, White filling can be attacked by pests. The apple harvest must be protected from scab, aphids, powdery mildew, leaf roller, apple stalk and flower beetle.

Trees are frost-resistant. Even if frosts still occur in the spring after the ovary, the harvest will be preserved. However, they are not grown in cold climates.

Due to the large size of the flowers, the apple tree can be pollinated by the wind, without the participation of insects. After the formation of the ovary, “bundles” containing 2–3 apples are formed on the branches. To ensure large fruits, gardeners thin out the ovaries, removing the central apples in each bunch.

Note: thinning the ovaries will not only allow you to collect larger fruits, but will also prevent depletion of the tree and its low yield next year.

Fruit picking

White filling - early ripening variety apples In July you can already pick delicious fruits, and their full ripening occurs in mid-August. Interestingly, the ripening of fruits on the tree is uneven, so the fruits are collected at least twice during the summer.

Important! Harvesting must be done entirely by hand. If you shake a tree, the fruits will fall to the ground and break. Impacts create brown marks on them, which lead to rapid spoilage of apples.

As the fruits ripen, their taste changes:

  • unripe fruits have a sweet and sour taste;
  • ripe apples are sweet, slightly sour, juicy, thin-skinned;
  • overripe ones become “woolly” and lose their juiciness (such fruits are rarely eaten).
Important! Gardeners know that it is not worth keeping the harvest on the branches. Apples that are too ripe become tasteless.

One of the advantages of the White Naliv apple variety is its high yield. Gardeners manage to collect about 200 kg of fruit from one tree.

But the main difficulty lies in the short shelf life of the crop. Even when creating optimal conditions, fruits can rarely be stored for more than 3 weeks. The fruits are very tender, their skin is thin and at the slightest blow the apple begins to rot. Collected fruits should be eaten fresh and quickly processed for winter preparations. It is also worth knowing that when stored, apples lose their beneficial qualities.

Advice: do not use containers that are too deep to store fruit, otherwise the fruits below will quickly deteriorate, being squeezed by the upper layers.

The benefits of apples

White filling is a variety of apples that not only has high taste, but also contains many vitamins and microelements. They contain:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin N.

White filling apples contain such macro- and microelements as:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine.

The fruits can be eaten regularly at any age. Being a local fruit for the residents of our country, apples can even be recommended as the first food for babies.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of fruits determines their beneficial properties:

  • due to the content of ascorbic acid, they increase immunity, strengthen the body’s defense against viruses and colds;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • due to the fiber content, they reduce the likelihood of constipation and improve intestinal function;
  • pectin in the fruit ensures the removal of harmful toxins from the body;
  • Apple peel contains the antioxidant quercetin, which protects the body from free radicals;
  • The iron content in fruits prevents anemia;
  • Potassium in fruits strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the development of heart disease;
  • calcium and phosphorus help strengthen bones;
  • apples normalize metabolic processes in the body and prevent early aging;
  • they improve brain function and strengthen the nervous system.

However, when eating apples, you should know that they are contraindicated for some people. Unripe White wine has a sour taste and contains a lot of acid. Eating such fruits is dangerous in case of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

It is also worth knowing that fresh fruits provoke excessive gas formation, which leads to bloating and painful cramps in the intestines.

Nutritional value

The characteristics and description of the variety would not be complete without data on the nutritional value and calorie content of White filling apples. Almost 86% of an apple consists of water. The fruit contains 8–9% sugar and 10% pectin. 100 g of pulp contains:

  • proteins – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 9.8 g;
  • fat – 0.4 g;
  • organic acids – 0.7 g;
  • dietary fiber – 1.8 g.

Carbohydrates are represented by starch, dextrins, mono- and disaccharides, sucrose, glucose and fructose. Proteins are represented by essential amino acids: leucine, arginine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, and non-essential: glycine, tyrosine, proline, alanine.

Sweet and sour varieties of apples, including White filling, have minimal calorie content. 100 g of pulp contains only 47 kcal. However, this product can only be partially called dietary. The fact is that the acid in the fruit helps whet the appetite. This means that after eating an apple you may want to eat even more. In addition, one large apple can weigh up to 200 grams, which means that its calorie content will reach up to 100 kcal, which is comparable to an average-sized banana or 2 - 3 tangerines.

You can feel more full after eating apples if you eat them baked. By the way, baked apples have a gentler effect on the walls of the stomach. Organic acids as a result heat treatment there is less in them, and more pectin is formed. However, it is worth understanding that if you add nuts, honey, dried fruits, cottage cheese and other additives to the White filling apple during baking, its calorie content will increase significantly.

Note: baked apples can be an excellent dessert. This variety of apples has delicate and soft flesh, so they need to be baked much less than other fruits.

Apple recipes

What could be tastier than picking a White Fill apple straight from the branch and eating it right away? But due to the fact that the fruits spoil quickly, they are not eaten fresh for long. Fruits are often used to prepare various desserts, drinks and preparations for the winter. If you have reaped a rich harvest, we suggest you find out delicious recipes apple dishes.

Apple jam

To make jam, it is better to take unripe fruits, then they will remain whole and will not boil over. After thorough washing, they are cut into pieces (one fruit into 8 - 10 parts), removing the core. Pour a layer of apple slices into a container (you can use a saucepan), sprinkle with sugar, then again lay out a layer of fruit and again cover with sugar. For 1 kg of fruit you need to take about 800 g of sugar.

The container with the workpiece is covered and left for 10 hours (overnight possible) at room temperature. During this time, the apple slices will release juice, and you can start cooking. Place the container on the stove and cook over low heat, stirring, for 20 - 25 minutes. The aromatic jam is placed in sterilized jars, rolled up and stored in the basement.

By making jam, even in winter you can feel the pleasant taste of White filling apples. The calorie content of the dish can be varied by adding less sugar. The photo shows White filling apple jam.

Apple jam

White filling apples are perfect for making apple jam. Its calorie content will be slightly higher than that of the jam, the recipe for which is presented above, due to the increase in the amount of sugar. To make jam you need to take:

  • 2 kg apples;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • 2 kg sugar.

Cooking begins with preparing the apples. They are peeled, the core is cut out, and the pulp is grated. Add sugar and zest to the apple “chips” and leave for 15 minutes to form juice. Then cook the mass over low heat until it boils, wait 1 - 2 minutes, remove from the stove and cool. After it has cooled, it is put into jars and rolled up with lids.

Note: apple jam can be used in winter to make pies. It's delicious spread on crispy toast with butter.

Diet apple pie

Unlike traditional apple pies, in which there is more dough than filling, this recipe will allow you to fully experience the taste of White filling apples. Note that the calorie content of the pie, due to the minimal amount of sugar and flour, will be surprisingly low, which makes this recipe ideal for those watching their figure.

To prepare the pie you will need:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 60 g flour;
  • cinnamon;
  • baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml milk.

In a container, mix flour, cinnamon, honey, baking powder. Beat eggs with sugar and add to other ingredients. Stir, pour in milk. The dough should be liquid. Peel the apples and cut into thin slices (the thinner the better). Add apple slices to the dough and mix. The dough should envelop the apples.

Take a baking dish and grease it with oil. Pour the mixture into the mold, level it, pressing lightly so that there are fewer voids between the apple slices. Bake the pie for 30 - 35 minutes until golden brown.

Apple cookies

Cookies are another option homemade baked goods, in which White filling will be especially tasty. The calorie content of these cookies will be much lower than store-bought ones, and they have significantly more benefits. Your family will definitely appreciate this dish!

To prepare cookies you need to take:

  • 70 g butter;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 200 g flour (maybe a little more);
  • baking powder.

Apples need to be peeled, cored and grated on a fine grater. Beat the egg with sugar, add the softened butter, flour mixed with baking powder, apples. Everything is mixed. With wet hands, form the dough into balls and place them on a silicone mat or baking paper. You need to bake cookies for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. The finished cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pickled apples

Pickled apples are considered not only delicious dish, but also food that is healthy for the intestines. They are no worse than pharmaceutical prebiotics and can restore intestinal microflora, relieve discomfort, and improve bowel movements. The process of soaking apples is based on lactic acid fermentation. As a result of this process, the fruits retain their beneficial properties, acquire an interesting taste and are stored for a long time.

For urination, it is better to use sour, unripe fruits. As a rule, winter varieties are used, but White filling is also suitable for cooking. IN original recipe wooden barrels are used for urination, but if you don’t have such utensils in everyday use, you can use three-liter jars.

Preparation begins with preparing the container. After the jars are sterilized, you need to:

  • prepare the brine: boil 5 liters of water, add 150 g of sugar, 80 g of salt, cool, stir 3 tablespoons of honey in the water;
  • Place black currant and cherry leaves on the bottom of the jars;
  • fill the jars tightly with apples (start with large ones, and place smaller apples closer to the neck);
  • pour the brine over the apples;
  • throw a handful of raisins into the jar;
  • Cover the top of the jar with gauze;
  • the jars are left at room temperature for several days to allow the fermentation process to begin;
  • then the gauze is removed, the resulting foam is removed, the jars are closed with nylon lids and put into the cellar.

After a month, the fruits will be ready to eat. They become most delicious after 2 months.

Having planted a White Naliv apple tree on a plot, the gardener will not go wrong: this tree produces a rich harvest of juicy apples. The only drawback of the variety is the short shelf life of the fruits, but they can be used to make tasty preparations for the whole winter.

There is no gardener who does not know this white, porcelain-looking, small and fragrant summer apple called White Pouring. The history of this variety is long and controversial. Reviews about it can range from enthusiastic to negative. To understand why White Naliv is so famous and what causes conflicting opinions about the variety, you need to learn more about some of its features.

History of origin of the variety

Pouring white is the official name of the variety in the Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation. Its other names are also listed there: Alabaster, Dolgostebelka, Real white pouring, Through pouring, White pouring, Alabaster pipka, Pudovshchina. Most often the variety is called White Bulk.

This number of name variations is due to the fact that the variety does not have an author; it has been cultivated for a long time and was widespread in the central part of Russia and the Volga region. The first description of Belyi Naliv appeared in 1848 in the book of the famous Moscow gardener-practitioner N.A. Krasnoglazov “Rules of Fruit Growing”.

White Naliv is a variety of folk selection; it has been widespread in Russia since the 19th century.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Papirovka variety appeared in the western regions of Russia, presumably from the Baltic states (Popierinis) or Poland (Papierowka). Both names translate as “paper”. By appearance and properties, White Filling and Paping have much in common. Probably for this reason, some scientists began to combine these two apple trees into one variety in their descriptions.

For more than a century and a half, well-known representatives of various breeding schools have not been able to come to a consensus regarding White Filling and Papirovka: are they two varieties or one. In the State Register of the Russian Federation, varieties are described separately. VNIISPK (All-Russian Research Institute for Breeding Fruit Crops) considers Belyi Naliv and Papirovka synonymous.

A. S. Grebnitsky in his “Atlas of Fruits” (1906) clearly shows external differences White Filling and Papirovka apples

Proponents of the opinion of two different varieties identify the following most significant differences Papers from Belye Naliv:

  • Larger fruits, a narrower shape towards the cup (Belyi Naliv has rounded apples) and the presence of a pronounced side seam.
  • The quality of the fruits is higher, they have a more delicate structure, are juicier, have a little more acid and a different aroma.
  • The ripening period is earlier.
  • Productivity and winter hardiness are lower than those of White Naliv.
  • Both varieties are affected by scab, but Papirovka to a lesser extent.

Among the broad masses, Belyi Naliv and Papirovka have become a collective image, including many varieties, forms and clones, growing in different regions and having much in common with each other.

In 1947, the variety was included in the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation. It is zoned in the North-Western region, but in fact in Russia it is distributed everywhere, from the southern latitudes to the Urals and the Altai Territory. White Bulk is widely used in breeding work, with his participation more than 20 varieties were bred.

Description and characteristics of the White Pouring apple tree

The ripening period is very early; in terms of early ripening, Belyi Naliv is ahead of almost all summer varieties. In mid-latitudes, fruits begin to be harvested in early August, then after 2-3 weeks the harvest is finally harvested. In the southern regions, apples ripen in July, in northern latitudes - by the end of August.

The trees are medium-sized, growing up to 4–5 m. The crown of young trees has a pyramidal shape, in adults it becomes round, becomes dense and spreading. Fruiting occurs mainly on the ringlets. During the flowering period, apple trees look very impressive thanks to their large white or white-pink inflorescences.

The mature Belyi Naliv tree is medium-sized (up to 5 m), with a dense spreading crown

During the period of intensive fruiting, the fruits are of average size - 100–120 g, on young trees they are larger, reaching 150 g, and on old trees they become smaller up to 60 g. The attachment of the stalk to the branch is fragile. The shape is rounded-conical, sometimes broadly ovoid, there is weak ribbing, and sometimes there is a longitudinal seam. The funnel is deep, of small width with a radiant rustiness. The saucer is shallow, narrow, ribbed. The delicate skin is smooth and shiny, with a waxy coating, colored white with a barely noticeable greenish tint. On fruits that are with south side, a light pinkish blush is formed. There are subcutaneous dots of gray and green color.

The fruits are medium-sized, round-conical, white, the skin is thin, smooth and shiny - ripe apples look like porcelain

The fruits are fragrant, juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. The pulp is white and has a fine-grained structure. It is important not to miss the moment of picking the fruits, since when they become overripe, they become loose, become soft, and lose their juiciness. The direction of use is universal. The fruits are consumed fresh and also used for processing (juices, wine, liqueurs, compotes, marmalade, jams, mousses). Products are obtained high quality, tender and fragrant.

Homemade preparations from the fruits of Beloye Naliv are of excellent quality, exceptionally aromatic

Apples are absolutely non-transportable, as they are sensitive even to light blows and touches. They immediately appear subcutaneous dark spots. Such fruits quickly begin to rot. Keeping quality is poor, apples can be stored for no more than 2-3 weeks, but even such a short storage period can only be counted on if the fruits are carefully picked from the branch, do not have the slightest damage and are in a cool place. IN industrial scale The variety is difficult to use due to poor transportability.

During harvest, the fruits of Beloye Naliv are carefully removed from the branches and placed in containers, avoiding damage.

Fruiting is sharply periodic and begins relatively early, at 5–6 years. The yield is quite high; an adult tree can produce up to 200 kg of apples. As trees age, productivity decreases as the fruits become smaller. Belyi Naliv is self-sterile; the following varieties can be planted nearby as pollinators: Antonovka, Medunitsa, Ottawa, Grushovka Moskovskaya, Aromat de Vare, Mantet.

The White Pouring apple tree variety is productive, you can collect up to 200 kg of fruit from one tree

Winter hardiness and frost resistance are very high; according to reviews, trees can withstand harsh winters without damage. The variety is susceptible to scab and is also affected by the codling moth.

White Filling has a number of disadvantages: poor shelf life and transportability, frequency of fruiting, rapid yield and instability to scab. However, thanks to such advantages as early ripening, winter hardiness, productivity and early fruiting, as well as the excellent taste of fresh and processed products, the variety continues to be popular among gardeners.

Video: White Naliv apple tree during fruiting period

Features of growing the variety

The White Naliv apple tree is considered unpretentious in terms of soil composition and care. There are a small number of nuances that need to be taken into account when growing; they largely relate to the variety’s vulnerability to certain lesions.


In the southern regions it is quite acceptable autumn planting apple trees In mid-latitudes and to the north, it is better to plant Belyi Naliv in the spring to prevent the seedling from freezing. Most suitable soil there will be loam. Growing conditions typical for this crop:

  • A place with a slight slope to the south or southwest with good lighting.
  • Protection from northern winds: mature trees, fence, wall (at a distance of at least 2.5 m from the seedling).
  • Apple trees do not grow in wetlands; in lowlands, trees are planted on a mound.
  • When planting on clay soil, it is necessary to improve its structure: add river sand to the soil to fill the planting hole.
  • Soil acidity - pH 6–6.5 (neutral and slightly acidic reaction).

For the spreading trees of Beloye Naliv, the recommended planting pattern is 4x5 m; it is better not to disturb it, so as not to thicken the plantings. The diameter of the planting hole is 80–90 cm, the depth is 60–70 cm, on clay soils it is increased to one meter in order to place drainage at the bottom. A mixture of chernozem, peat, humus and sand in equal parts is placed in the pit, and 300 g of superphosphate and 3 liters of wood ash are added. Otherwise, the process of planting White Naliv is standard for this crop.

In order not to create favorable conditions for the spread of fungi, dense plantings of White Naliv should not be allowed,

Caring for the White Pouring apple tree

Due to the instability of the variety to some fungal diseases, the White Naliv tree needs to be shaped to ensure good ventilation of the crown, which is prone to thickening. A bowl shape will be most suitable for this apple tree. It is not difficult to carry out such a formation; even a gardener without experience can do it. In the second year of the seedling’s life, three or four skeletal branches are selected, growing in different directions and located at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. These branches are shortened by one third, and the rest are cut into a ring along with the conductor. In the next season, one or two second-order branches are formed on the skeletal branches, making sure that they are not directed into the crown. Sanitary pruning is carried out annually, removing dry, diseased and damaged branches, and the crown is also regularly thinned.

The formation of the crown of White Naliv in the form of a bowl provides the tree with good ventilation and lighting

Young trees of Belyi Naliv are demanding when it comes to watering; the soil should not dry out, but excess moisture should also not be allowed. They focus on the amount of precipitation and water from 6 to 10 times per season. After 4–5 years, when root system gets stronger, it will be possible to limit yourself to four waterings during the season. They are carried out at the following standard times: before and after flowering, during the filling of apples, and also in the fall (moisture-recharging irrigation). An adult White Naliv tree is quite resistant to drought, however, in productive years, a lack of moisture can lead to the fall of the ovary and fruits.

Belyi Naliv seedlings are watered quite often in the first years after planting.

The nutrients added during planting are enough for 3–4 years of growing season. Then the grown tree needs to be fed. The types and timing of fertilizing for Beloye Naliv have no special features and are standard for apple trees. Organic matter (humus or compost) is added every 3–4 years during spring digging at the rate of 5–7 kg/m2. Mineral fertilizers fed annually at the following times:

  • During spring digging, 30–40 g/m2 of urea or urea is sprinkled.
  • When the fruits begin to form and once again at intervals of 2–3 weeks, feed them with potassium monophosphate dissolved in water (10–20 g/m2).
  • In the fall, 30–40 g/m2 of superphosphate is added for digging.

And also in summer, trees can be fed with a liquid infusion of cow manure or chicken droppings

White Naliv is fed like any other apple tree, according to the standard scheme for this crop.

Diseases and pests

White Naliv can be affected by some diseases and pests, so it is necessary to take preventive measures. Typically the following work is performed:

  • Collection and destruction of plant residues and weeds.
  • Deep autumn digging of the soil.
  • Crown thinning and sanitary pruning.
  • Stripping damaged bark followed by whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches.
  • Fastening trapping belts to the bollards.

It will also be useful to get acquainted with diseases and pests, the probability of which is very high.


White Naliv does not have immunity to this common and harmful disease, so it is worth getting to know scab better. Its development is favored by weather conditions high humidity, as well as thickened plantings and unthinned crowns. Signs of the disease and the harm caused are as follows:

For preventive purposes, trees are sprayed with biofungicides (Fitosporin-M, Fitolavin, Gamair and others). They can be used throughout the season. For significant lesions use chemicals. in autumn and early spring trees are treated 3% Bordeaux mixture. Before and after flowering, they are sprayed with fungicides (Skor, Horus, Quadris and others). If necessary, treatment with the same drugs is repeated 1–2 more times with an interval of 10–12 days.

Video: how to deal with scab on an apple tree

Powdery mildew

This disease also does not bypass Belyi Naliv. In spring, a dirty white coating appears on young leaves, shoots and inflorescences. In mid-summer, the affected leaves curl and fall off, the shoots become deformed and die. The fruits are covered with a rusty mesh that penetrates the pulp and destroys it. Treatments are carried out with the same preparations as for scab in similar periods. Colloidal sulfur is highly effective against powdery mildew, which can be added to the working solution with fungicides. Lime-sulfur decoction is also successfully used.

A grayish-white coating on young leaves is the first sign of powdery mildew on an apple tree.

What pests can be dangerous

Pest control begins in early spring. Before buds open, trees are sprayed with a 1% DNOC solution or 3% nitrafen - this treatment is effective against all types of pests. After bud break, the following insecticides are used: Karbofos, Phosfamide, Fufanon, Mospilan, Decis and others.

Table: the most likely apple tree pests

Pest nameHarm causedControl measures
The most common pest of apple trees. During the period of mass flight, which begins three weeks after the flowering of winter varieties of apple trees, females lay eggs on leaves or fruits. The emerging caterpillars eat the apple seeds and pulp. Without systematic control, crop losses can reach 80–90%.Spraying with insecticides 17–18 days after the end of flowering of winter apple varieties and two more times with an interval of 12–14 days.
Settles on leaves and green shoots. Damaged leaves curl, shoots become deformed and dry out. Over the summer, up to 10 generations of the pest develop. Aphids cause great harm by weakening plants.After bud break, spray with insecticides. If there are large aphid colonies, the treatments are repeated.
The female lays one egg in each bud. The emerging larvae gnaw the receptacle, the damaged buds dry out. The larvae pupate, and beetles emerge from the pupae 10–20 days after the petals fall and leave the buds.During bud break and when beetles emerge from buds, treat with insecticides.

Photo gallery: common apple tree pests

Apple codling moth is a dark gray butterfly 10 mm long, its caterpillars eat the pulp and seeds of apples. Aphids feed on the juice of leaves and young shoots. Apple flower beetle is a small (3.5–4.5 mm) brownish-brown bug, its larvae damage buds.