Prostatitis in men - causes and provoking factors. The main causes of prostatitis in men What causes prostatitis in men

Only a specialist is able to establish the causes of prostatitis in each case. The main aspects that provoke the onset of the disease can be conditionally divided into groups. The causes of prostatitis are called both a certain way of life of a person, the presence of bad habits, and complications from other diseases. Information about what prostatitis can be from makes it possible to prevent this disease. By eliminating provoking factors, a man provides prevention.

Many patients who were only familiar with the main causes of prostatitis believe that the pathology appears only at the age of 40-50. In youth, you should not worry about this. At what age are representatives of the strong half of humanity treated for prostatitis? According to the data, quite young guys are susceptible to the disease. Therefore, both a young man and a mature man should know about the causes of prostatitis.

What causes pathology?

Often, guys have doubts about whether there can be prostatitis at 20 years old? Unfortunately, more and more teenagers have recently turned to the urologist with this problem. This is due to the early onset of sexual activity, a large number of partners, certain living conditions. It's time to consider in detail the causes of pathology and when it should be guarded against.

Reasons for the development of an acute form

What causes prostatitis may vary from patient to patient. Basically, pathological changes are due to stagnant processes in the pelvic organs, infection. The causes of prostatitis in young men are similar in older men.

  • Sexual infectious diseases.
  • Prolonged abstinence from sexual contact.
  • Poor blood circulation in the pelvic area.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Prolonged stay in the cold.
  • Hormonal dysfunction.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.
  • Lack of macronutrients and vitamins in the body.

According to statistics, there is a risk of getting such an ailment as acute prostatitis at the age of 25, in adolescence, in old age. But by the age of forty, the probability increases significantly.

Important! Men should closely monitor changes in their health status. After all, an ailment without proper treatment from an acute stage can quickly turn into a chronic form.

Causes of chronic inflammation

Here, the causes of prostatitis in young men are the same as in the older age group. The chronic form often occurs as a result of incorrect treatment of the acute stage or non-compliance by the patient with the doctor's recommendations.

In some cases, untimely seeking help leads to the fact that all methods of treatment are not effective enough to stop inflammation in the prostate gland. Among other reasons, due to which the chronic stage may develop, the following factors are listed.

  • Insufficient personal hygiene.
  • Promiscuous sex life, change of partners, unprotected sex.
  • Diseases of the urinary organs.
  • Urological trauma.
  • Lack of sufficient physical activity.
  • Inaccurate insertion of a catheter into the urethra.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Overweight.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system, hormonal failure.
  • Alcoholism.

Important! Alcoholic beverages, even weak ones, negatively affect the condition of the prostate gland, other organs of the genitourinary system, and the body as a whole. In addition to the fact that alcohol provokes prostatitis in men, it also prevents its cure. Therefore, its use should be abandoned.

Lifestyle as the cause of prostatitis

What causes prostatitis is often associated with a certain lifestyle. Men 40 years of age are more likely to face pathology if they have a sedentary job. Violation of blood circulation causes an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

Improper nutrition, together with a violation of metabolic processes in the body, provokes obesity. Obese men already in their thirties often turn to a urologist for help. Addiction to fatty foods negatively affects the state of blood vessels. Over time, they become clogged with cholesterol, disrupting blood exchange between the pelvic organs.

Prostatitis in young people is often caused by sexually transmitted infections. This risk group includes young men who are active sexual life but forgetting the precautions. Inflammation caused by prolonged abstinence is diagnosed much less frequently.

Can common diseases cause inflammation of the gland?

Consider another list of factors due to which prostatitis develops. We have already said that infection often provokes pathology. It can be both diseases of the genitourinary sphere, and other ailments:

  • pneumonia;
  • advanced caries;
  • purulent inflammation of the tonsils;
  • sinusitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • flu;
  • herpes virus, papillomas;
  • microplasma infection;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • fungal infections.

Guys! Big tip - take care of your prostate. You don't even know how important this is.

Read. We are all different (in the sense of organisms). One may be helped by this, another by another. Need to try.

A decrease in the protective functions of the body provokes stagnant processes in the pelvic area. Microcirculation is disturbed, causing inflammation in the prostate gland.

The causes of prostatitis are similar to the factors that provoke secondary immunodeficiency. Wrong lifestyle, poor nutrition, overwork, prolonged exposure to cold, bad habits adversely affect the body as a whole.


It is important to know about the first signs of the disease, the characteristic symptoms. This will allow at an early stage to suspect the development of pathology, in a timely manner to seek help.

Treatment of inflammation of the prostate in men largely depends on the clinical picture, etiology, age of the patient. Doctors distinguish 2 stages of the disease: acute, chronic form. Symptoms in these two cases are significantly different. Consider in detail the signs of prostatitis in men.

Dysuric disorders

With inflammation of the prostate, symptoms of a violation of the urinary process appear. The man feels the need for frequent visits toilet room. All this is accompanied by false urges, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

In the acute form of the disease, provoked by inflammation of the prostate gland, its swelling, a person is faced with a delay in the discharge of fluid while visiting the toilet. A sluggish, intermittent trickle is observed. Emptying is carried out with attempts. This symptomatology occurs most often when adenoma is combined with prostatitis. In other cases, it is simply difficult for the patient to keep a large portion of the liquid in the bladder. Because of this, there is a need for frequent visits to the toilet room.

Specific Symptoms

What causes almost every disease? Pain is the body's signal that it needs help. A man can feel different nature, intensity with the appearance of prostatitis. In the acute course of the disease, pain significantly worsens the quality of life (working capacity decreases, sleep is disturbed).

Important! In the stage of remission in chronic prostatitis, the symptoms are mild or absent.

Localized pain at the time of inflammation of the prostate gland in the area of ​​the pelvic organs (lower abdomen, perineum, lower back). Unpleasant sensations often radiate to the genital area. A man experiences pain during a visit to the toilet, arousal, ejaculation.

Another specific symptom of prostatitis is a violation of sexual functionality. Failures of this nature are considered a sign of chronic prostatitis. Dysfunction manifests itself in different ways, respectively, therapy in each case will be different.

Often there is a sluggish erection. Or the man is unable to complete sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation is observed, and the sensations at this moment will be blurry. Along with such disorders, the composition of sperm is changing.

Depending on the pathogens that cause the disease, the seminal fluid changes its characteristics. There may be discharge from the channel of yellow, green color. But most often they are transparent, with the consistency of mucus. Impurities are also found in the urine, especially in the morning portions.

is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. Manifested by frequent urination, pain in the penis, scrotum, rectum, sexual disorders (erection dysfunction, early ejaculation, etc.), sometimes urinary retention, blood in the urine. The diagnosis of prostatitis is established by a urologist or andrologist according to a typical clinical picture, the results of a rectal examination. Additionally, an ultrasound of the prostate, bakposev of prostatic secretion and urine is performed. Treatment is conservative - antibiotic therapy, immunotherapy, prostate massage, lifestyle correction.


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General information

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the seminal (prostate) gland - the prostate. It is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in men. Most often affects patients aged 25-50 years. According to various data, 30-85% of men over the age of 30 suffer from prostatitis. Possible abscess formation of the prostate gland, inflammation of the testicles and appendages, which threatens infertility. The ascent of the infection leads to inflammation of the upper genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Pathology develops when an infectious agent enters the prostate tissue from the organs of the genitourinary system (urethra, bladder) or from a remote inflammatory focus (with pneumonia, influenza, tonsillitis, furunculosis).

Causes of prostatitis

As an infectious agent in an acute process, Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), Enterococcus (Enterococcus), Enterobacter (Enterobacter), Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas), Proteus (Proteus), Klebsiella (Klebsiella) and Escherichia coli (E. Coli) can act. Most microorganisms belong to conditionally pathogenic flora and cause prostatitis only in the presence of other predisposing factors. Chronic inflammation is usually due to polymicrobial associations.

The risk of developing the disease increases with hypothermia, a history of specific infections and conditions accompanied by congestion in the tissues of the prostate. There are the following predisposing factors:

  • General hypothermia (one-time or permanent, associated with working conditions).
  • A sedentary lifestyle, a specialty that forces a person to be in a sitting position for a long time (computer operator, driver, etc.).
  • Constant constipation.
  • Violations of the normal rhythm of sexual activity (excessive sexual activity, prolonged abstinence, incomplete ejaculation during a “habitual” sexual intercourse devoid of emotional coloring).
  • The presence of chronic diseases (cholecystitis, bronchitis) or chronic infectious foci in the body (chronic osteomyelitis, untreated caries, tonsillitis, etc.).
  • Transferred urological diseases (urethritis, cystitis, etc.) and sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).
  • Conditions that cause suppression of the immune system (chronic stress, irregular and malnutrition, regular lack of sleep, overtraining in athletes).

It is assumed that the risk of developing pathology increases with chronic intoxication (alcohol, nicotine, morphine). Some studies in the field of modern andrology prove that chronic perineal trauma (vibration, concussion) in motorists, motorcyclists and cyclists is a provoking factor. However, the vast majority of experts believe that all of these circumstances are not the real causes of the disease, but only contribute to the exacerbation of the latent inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate.

A decisive role in the occurrence of prostatitis is played by congestion in the tissues of the prostate. Violation of capillary blood flow causes an increase in lipid peroxidation, edema, exudation of prostate tissues and creates conditions for the development of an infectious process.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Acute prostatitis

The degree of sexual dysfunction is determined by many factors, including the sexual constitution and mental attitude sick. Violations of potency and dysuria can be due to both changes in the prostate gland and the suggestibility of the patient, who, if he has chronic prostatitis, expects the inevitable development of sexual disorders and urination disorders. Especially often psychogenic dyspotence and dysuria develops in suggestible, anxious patients.

Impotence, and sometimes the very threat of possible sexual disorders, is hard to tolerate by patients. Often there is a change in character, irritability, obnoxiousness, excessive concern for one's own health, and even "care for the disease."


In the absence of timely treatment of acute prostatitis, there is a significant risk of developing a prostate abscess. With the formation of a purulent focus, the patient's body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C and can become hectic in nature. Periods of heat alternate with severe chills. Sharp pains in the perineum make it difficult to urinate and make defecation impossible.

The increase in prostatic edema leads to acute urinary retention. Rarely, an abscess spontaneously ruptures into the urethra or rectum. When opened, purulent, cloudy urine with an unpleasant pungent odor appears in the urethra; when opened, the feces contain pus and mucus in the rectum.

Chronic prostatitis is characterized by an undulating course with periods of long-term remissions, during which inflammation in the prostate is latent or manifests itself with extremely poor symptoms. Patients who are not bothered by anything often stop treatment and turn only when complications develop.

The spread of infection through the urinary tract causes the occurrence of pyelonephritis and cystitis. The most common complication of the chronic process is inflammation of the testicles and epididymis (epdidymo-orchitis) and inflammation of the seminal vesicles (vesiculitis). The outcome of these diseases is often infertility.


The characteristic clinical picture simplifies the process of diagnosis in acute and chronic prostatitis. It is mandatory to:

  • collection of prostate secretion to determine the sensitivity of microflora (sowing of prostate secretion and urine culture).
  • Ultrasound of the prostate to identify structural changes (tumors, cysts, adenoma) and differentiate prostatitis from other diseases is performed
  • spermogram to exclude or confirm the development of infertility.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

Treatment of chronic prostatitis should be complex, including etiotropic therapy, physiotherapy, immunity correction:

  • Antibiotic therapy. The patient is prescribed long courses of antibacterial drugs (within 4-8 weeks). Selection of the type and dosage of antibacterial drugs, as well as determining the duration of the course of treatment is carried out individually. The drug is chosen based on the sensitivity of the microflora according to the results of urine culture and prostate secretion.
  • Prostate massage . Massage of the gland has a complex effect on the affected organ. During the massage, the inflammatory secret accumulated in the prostate gland is squeezed out into the ducts, then enters the urethra and is removed from the body. The procedure improves blood circulation in the prostate, which minimizes congestion and ensures better penetration of antibacterial drugs into the tissue of the affected organ.
  • Physiotherapy. To improve blood circulation, laser exposure, ultrasonic waves and electromagnetic oscillations are used. If it is impossible to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, the patient is prescribed warm medicinal microclysters.

In chronic, long-term inflammation, an immunologist's consultation is indicated to select the tactics of immunocorrective therapy. The patient is given advice on lifestyle changes. Making certain changes in the lifestyle of a patient with chronic prostatitis is both a curative and a preventive measure. The patient is recommended to normalize sleep and wakefulness, establish a diet, conduct moderate physical activity.

Forecast and prevention

Acute prostatitis is a disease that has a pronounced tendency to become chronic. Even with timely adequate treatment, more than half of the patients end up with chronic prostatitis. Recovery is far from always achieved, however, with correct consistent therapy and following the doctor's recommendations, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and achieve a long-term stable remission in a chronic process.

Prevention is to eliminate risk factors. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, alternate between sedentary work and periods of physical activity, eat regularly and fully. For constipation, laxatives should be used. One of preventive measures is the normalization of sexual life, since both excessive sexual activity and sexual abstinence are risk factors in the development of prostatitis. If symptoms of a urological or sexually transmitted disease appear, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland. To date, about 30% of men suffer from prostatitis after 30 years, and this figure increases with age. This disease is much easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to know the causes of prostatitis, the symptoms of its acute and chronic forms, and ways to prevent complications such as adenoma and prostate cancer.

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    The main causes of prostatitis

    The clinic of prostatitis implies a wide range of symptoms associated with the body's systemic response to the inflammatory process. The most common and significant are the disorders of sexual life. The degree of manifestation of symptoms of prostatitis is multifactorial, that is, it depends on many factors: individual characteristics the body of a man, the condition of the prostate and the presence of concomitant pathologies, from the lifestyle that a man leads, smoking, alcohol abuse, from the activity of the immune system.

    Specialists distinguish two main types of the disease, on which further treatment will depend:

    1. 1. Infectious. Inflammation is associated with the pathogenic action of microorganisms.
    2. 2. stagnant. Inflammation is associated with stagnation of blood, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and the manifestation of ischemia and alteration (damage) and remodeling of the gland, replacement of functionally active connective tissue against its background.

    Types of prostatitis

    Often one form of the disease passes into another. The infectious process affects the vessels and disrupts local circulation, causing stagnation, on the other hand, the initial stagnation reduces the ability of the immune system to locally fight the developing infection, as it reduces the rate of transport of immunocompetent cells in the blood to the lesion. Prostatitis proceedsin acute and chronic form. More often, specialists meet with the first one - its symptoms are quite characteristic, so the process can be slowed down and further development completely prevented.

    If the disease is not treated properly, then it can go into a stationary state, and then into a chronic one. At the moment, he experiences a general deterioration in his state of health, pains appear in the lower back, in the groin area, the process of urination is disturbed, and the body temperature rises.


    An acute pathological process, unlike a chronic one, manifests suddenly and has vivid clinical symptoms that make a man see a doctor. Body temperature rises to 39 degrees, the man feels severe pain in the lumbar region. The highest point of incidence falls on the age of 30 to 40 years.

    Symptoms of prostatitis

    The reason for the appearance of the pathological process is infectious foci, which may be located in distant organs. The causative agent of the disease can enter either ascending rectally or through the urethra, or descending hematogenously (through the blood) and lymphogenously (through the lymph).

    The type of pathogen directly affects the therapy:

    Pathogen Frequency of occurrence Gram stain (required for selection of antibiotic therapy)
    Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli)OftenGR-
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)OftenGR-
    Klebsiella (Klebsiella spp)OftenGR-
    Enterococcus (Enterococcus fecalis)OftenGH+
    Proteus (Proteus mirabilis)OftenGR-
    Serration (Serratia marcescens)RarelyGR-
    Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis)OftenGR-
    Staphylococci (Staphylococci spp)RarelyGH+
    Enterobacteria (Enterobacteriaceae)RarelyGR-
    Ureaplasmas (Ureaplasma urealyticum)RarelyGR-
    Gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)RarelyGR-
    Mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma hominis)RarelyMollicutes
    Candida (Candida spp)RarelyMushrooms
    Trichomonas (Trichomonas)RarelyProtozoa

    Prostatitis can be caused by:

    • intestinal and urological infections;
    • infectious diseases of the genital area;
    • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

    Often the cause of inflammatory lesions of internal organs is caries.

    The ascending route of infection with bacteria, fungi and protozoa is that they enter the prostate tissue from the urethra and rectum. More often, the lesion is still associated with urological infections, such as:

    • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
    • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
    • pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis).

    Diseases that are sexually transmitted, often become the main cause of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, gonorrhea is most common. The formed pathological focus, located in the immediate vicinity of the prostate, easily spreads into the prostate tissue. To prevent such diseases, it is important to practice protected sexual intercourse.

    The descending path of spread of the pathogen consists in its penetration from the primary focus into the prostate by lymphogenous and hematogenous. The source of infection can be a pathological process in the throat (tonsillitis), in the upper and lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, influenza) or the oral cavity (caries).

    Disseminated or hematogenous tuberculosis. The first symptoms appear 2-3 weeks after the underlying disease. Collecting an epidemiological history is an important part of the diagnosis.

    The immune status plays an important role in the incidence of prostatitis. Not all men exposed to infectious diseases develop prostatitis. If immunity suppresses the development of a pathogenic microorganism, then the process in the gland tissue stops without the occurrence of pathology. On the other hand, weakened immunity leads to complications. The prostate gland is a vulnerable organ, which is located close to the potential entry gates of infection, so it is she who is the first to be exposed to the negative effects of microbes.


    A chronic process develops if acute prostatitis has not been completed. The symptoms of this form of pathology are less pronounced, the general condition is satisfactory, the temperature is normal. That is why men do not consider such a pathological process dangerous and put off going to the doctor.

    Like any chronic disease, prostatitis occurs with stages of remission and exacerbation. In a chronic course, it has a sluggish character, therefore, the symptoms may not manifest themselves to the full extent. They will intensify only at the moment of exacerbation.

    A chronic pathological process causes a deterioration in the innervation of the organ, which leads to trophic (nutrition) disorders of the organ, this negatively affects its function. An autoimmune reaction is also likely. A person's own immune system produces antibodies against prostate cells. In this case, the inflammation will be maintained even after the complete disposal of the pathogen.

    Chronic prostatitis with prostate enlargement


    Non-infectious inflammation of the prostate occurs due to congestion in the pelvis. The disease develops progressively, and over time, the intensity of the symptomatic complex increases. This form of prostatitis is the most common today.

    The main reason - discirculatory phenomena, lead to the fact that the blood does not flow from the pelvic area, so all organs located in this area do not receive sufficient nutrition, adequate oxygenation. The outflow of secretion is disturbed, dystrophy of the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm occurs. The most important cause of stagnation is an inactive lifestyle. Injuries also contribute to stagnation. Diabetes mellitus through macro- and microangiopathy can reduce blood flow to the pelvic organs.

    Etiological factor Pathogenesis
    Low level of physical activityExperts consider it the most common cause of congestive prostatitis. This is facilitated by the increasing impact of technological progress on human life: escalators, elevators, cars. Lack of physical activity leads to failure of the muscle pump mechanism that helps blood flow away from the organs. Prevention is gymnastics, sports, walking
    Improper nutritionIt negatively affects all body systems and, above all, the regulation of the vascular system due to both local and systemic factors.
    OverweightObesity is one of the components of the metabolic syndrome, which also includes hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus. One component has a beneficial effect on the likelihood of developing the rest, all this leads to vascular insufficiency and stagnation
    constipationAn increase in the volume of the rectum leads to clamping of the veins and a violation of the outflow
    Sedentary lifestyle (common in drivers and office workers) Sitting on a chair, a person does not change his position for a long time. As a result, there is a clamping of individual venous vessels and local stagnation. Prevention is a change in sitting position and periodic gymnastics, walks
    Irregular sex lifeLeads to stagnation not only of blood, but also. As a result of metabolic processes, the secret can turn into poison and produce a systemic toxic effect. An excess of sexual life is also harmful to a man, as it leads to depletion of the nervous and hormonal systems, loss of nutrients, hyperfunction of the gland and depletion of its regenerative properties.
    Frequent suppression of the urge to urinateThe prostate is an additional sphincter in the male body. Its overstrain leads to an increase in the volume of muscle tissue and a decrease in the volume of glandular tissue. Moreover, an enlarged bladder compresses the veins, disrupting the outflow
    Smoking and alcohol abuseSmoking and alcohol lead to dysregulation of vascular tone
    Traumatization in the lumbar regionTrauma often damages the prostate itself or important neurovascular bundles. This will disrupt the trophism of the gland, reduce the outflow of blood
    Excessive nervous tension, stress and depressionThey lead to the depletion of the nervous regulation of vascular tone. A hormonal imbalance develops, which leads to dysregulation of the gland (development) and systemic hemocirculation
    Features of the development and structure of the organs of the genitourinary systemMay lead to more likely infection or remodeling of the gland


    All of these causes have a devastating effect on the circulatory system, both local and general.

    If a man felt that he had problems with urination, he began to go to the toilet more often, he was worried about pain in the lumbar region, groin during urination, then you need to contact a urologist.

    The influence of age

    Taking as a basis the indicators of men from 20 to 39 years old, specialists get a statistical incidence of prostatitis in the age range from 40 to 49 years more by 1.7 times, at the age of over 55 years - by 3.1 times. However, statistics take into account only identified patients. However official statistics has a noticeable error, and methods for diagnosing prostatitis are not well developed.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    The method of treatment directly depends on the cause of the onset of the disease, so the most important point is the diagnosis, which includes:

    • Collection of anamnesis of life and epidemiological anamnesis.
    • Rectal digital examination.
    • Bacteriology of the prostatic secretion.
    • PSA level - analysis (required to exclude prostate adenoma and prostate cancer).
    • Urinalysis.
    • General and biochemical analysis of blood.

    Combinations of the following methods:

    • pharmacological treatment. Preparations are selected, as a rule, in a complex manner. Antibiotics are often prescribed: Amoxiclav Ciprofloxacin Azithromycin and others.
    • Medical massage.
    • Physiotherapy. Medicinal electrophoresis, Darsonvalization, UHF therapy, etc.
    • Gymnastics and active lifestyle.
    • Folk remedies. Application of various herbal preparations that are sold in pharmacies.

    Do not self-prescribe pills or practice methods traditional medicine without consulting a specialist. Many of the drugs and herbs for the treatment of prostatitis are systemic in nature and are contraindicated in some patients.

    Do not forget about prevention, which is to eliminate harmful factors, active lifestyle.

There are different causes of prostatitis in men. Each type of inflammation in the prostate gland is caused by its own factors that adversely affect the male body. Knowing what exactly leads to prostatitis, a person can protect himself from this pathology. To do this, it is enough for him not to be subjected to negative influence aggressive environment and take care of your own health.

Before you find out what causes prostatitis, you need to understand the classification of this disease. Experts divide it into several types. They are distinguished from each other by symptoms and causes. If you suspect the development of prostatitis in men who came to the appointment, the urologist will first try to identify a type of pathological process. Inflammation in the prostate can be:

  • Acute bacterial. It is considered the most dangerous form of the disease of the genitourinary system. It is caused by an acute infection that enters the body;
  • Chronic bacterial. It has a permanent character. The disease makes itself felt with every exacerbation;
  • Antibacterial. It is caused by specific causes of prostatitis, which are due to the absence of damage to the gland by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Asymptomatic. The most difficult thing is to diagnose, as it proceeds without obvious signs of malaise. It is possible to identify the disease only after a study of the genitourinary system.

Each type of prostatitis has its own causes

Each classification has its own manifestations. Thanks to them, physicians are able to distinguish different types of diseases from each other. The correct calculation of the cause of prostatitis helps to determine the form of inflammation.

An acute inflammatory process in the gland is the easiest to diagnose and treat. It is usually caused by colds and severe hypothermia of the body. The disease issues heat body and fever. With such symptoms, the patient should see a doctor.

The acute form of the disease is often accompanied by painful sensations in the perineum, groin, genitals and anus. The severity of the main signs of malaise in men depends on the cause of prostatitis. Usually acute inflammation begins after infection of the prostate with an infection. Unfortunately, its source in most cases is almost impossible to determine. This disease needs to be treated immediately. The longer a man delays therapy, the greater the chance that prostatitis will become chronic.

Chronic prostatitis develops due to the fact that a man, for certain reasons, did not manage to cure the acute course of the disease in a timely manner. Most often, this is exactly what happens, since few people try to contact a specialist for help at the first sign of malaise.

In chronic prostatitis, a lot of symptoms are revealed that cause severe discomfort. Regardless of the cause, the disease manifests itself along with difficult or frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, and a violation of sexual life. Chronic prostatitis is very stable. Therefore, with the help of standard therapy, it will definitely not work to get rid of it.

Prostatitis, which is characterized by a chronic course, helps to identify persistent pain. A sharp decline in the quality of sexual life is also an alarming signal. If you find such signs, you need to urgently contact a specialist. With such a diagnosis, it is impossible to refuse treatment, as this will cause a number of serious health complications.

Abacterial prostatitis is usually caused by congestive processes in the prostate gland and other pelvic organs. It has almost all the symptoms that characterize past varieties. inflammatory disease.

Many men are interested in what causes bacterial prostatitis. Its name already indicates main reason pathology. It is possible to provoke this violation by pathogenic microflora, which different ways enters the genitourinary system and reaches the prostate. There are a number of other factors that cause inflammation. They increase the chance of getting sick. The doctor must definitely determine and familiarize himself with the cause that caused the pathology in order to choose the most optimal course of treatment for the patient.

Both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can provoke bacterial prostatitis.

Bacterial prostatitis occurs due to damage to the organs of the genitourinary system by the following pathogens:

  1. Chlamydia;
  2. Streptococci;
  3. gonococci;
  4. coli;
  5. Trichomonas;
  6. Pale treponema.

When asking a doctor about what causes prostatitis in a man, the patient will receive the most accurate answer from him. He will tell you that this form of the disease is most often transmitted sexually, since its causative agent may be microorganisms that provoke the development of sexually transmitted pathologies.

Bacterial prostatitis is caused by such causes and factors:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, which occur in acute or chronic form;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Conducting a promiscuous sexual life;
  • Prolonged abstinence from sex;
  • Unprotected intimate relationships;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • hypothermia;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Excess weight;
  • Having bad habits.

It is very easy to get prostatitis from hypothermia in the cold season. Colds are dangerous not only for men, but also for women. In their case, severe hypothermia of the body is fraught with the development of cystitis.

Many factors that negatively affect the body, such as hypothermia, can provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis, which can occur due to the lack of timely treatment, in most cases proceeds in a latent form. A man does not even notice that unhealthy changes are taking place in his body. The disease reminds of itself only in moments of exacerbation. If the patient is affected adverse factors, then the chronic form of prostatitis is quickly replaced by an acute one. After that, painful symptoms appear that force the man to go to the urologist.

Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis can happen due to any reason. To avoid this, a man does not need to supercool, succumb to stress and strong feelings, and also allow infection with viral diseases.

Recurrence of prostatitis is sometimes caused by an operation on the organs of the genitourinary system.

Causes of congestive prostatitis

Patients ask urologists about what can cause congestive prostatitis. Many experts confidently adhere to the opinion that this form of inflammatory disease is caused by the following reasons:

  • Psychosomatic disorders;
  • Congestion, that is, stagnation of biological fluids;
  • Violation of the processes of microcirculation and hemodynamics in the small pelvis.

That's what causes prostatitis abacterial (stagnant) type. It is diagnosed when the patient has a state of congestion. So called stagnation of the secret in the prostate gland. This is due to the lack of proper drainage and blood filling of the pelvic veins. Because of this, they are overfilled in the region of the lower vesical and prostatic plexus.

It is believed that congestion in the pelvis along with chronic pelvic pain syndrome can lead to the development of chronic prostatitis. Several factors increase this probability:

  • Severe hypothermia of the body;
  • The practice of coitus interruptus as the main method of contraception;
  • Masturbation;
  • stress;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Obesity;
  • Chronic nicotine intoxication.

The main reasons also include concomitant pathologies that are related to the development of varicose veins located in the pelvic area. Also in this group include violations in the work of the rectum and failure of the motor function of the intestine. All these factors are an exhaustive answer to questions about why prostatitis appears.

Congestive prostatitis is called a disease of office workers, so physical activity after work is a must.


If a man began to show signs of prostatitis, he should immediately contact a urologist for medical help. The sooner he does this, the sooner he will get rid of an unpleasant disease. Unfortunately, its first symptoms appear after some time, therefore, in the early stages of development, the inflammatory process in the gland can only be detected during a routine examination. The most difficult is the diagnosis of the chronic course of bacterial prostatitis. This is because she is not able to appear with pronounced signs. They are usually so weak that a person hardly notices them.

Doctors understand that the prostate gland is affected by a disease such as prostatitis, which is diagnosed only in men, after studying the results of the tests and studies passed by the patient:

  1. Clinical analysis of urine and blood. Helps identify inflammation in the body and others important indicators needed to make a diagnosis;
  2. Prostate secretion analysis. Detects the presence or absence of an infectious agent that could lead to a violation;
  3. Buck seeding for bacterial susceptibility. Necessary when detecting bacterial prostatitis for correct selection antibiotic therapy;
  4. Blood test for prostate-specific antigen. The PSA level determines the current problems in the work of the glandular organ;
  5. General history. It is collected at the very beginning of the diagnosis. The study evaluates subfebrile temperature, the frequency of inflammation and dirusis disorders;
  6. Instrumental diagnostics. The urologist will be able to see the full picture of the disease after the patient undergoes a study of the genitourinary system using TRUS, digital rectal examination and MRI. If the disease proceeds in a latent form, then PET-CT will help to identify it.

Before treating the disease, the specialist must make sure that the diagnosis is correct. If necessary, he can consult with other highly specialized specialists who also treat prostatitis and identify its causes.

Sometimes a urologist sends a man for examination to an oncologist. This is because neglected prostatitis can one day lead to the growth of glandular tissue. Against this background, the patient shows signs of prostate adenoma or cancer. The oncologist will carry out standard procedures with the patient, which allow to identify the malignant course of pathological processes in the prostate.

After a complete diagnosis, the patient will be able to start treatment of prostatitis. The entire course should take place under the full supervision of a specialist so that he can monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health are implementing the program "Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a reduced price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland is quite common, the causes of prostatitis in men are infections and congestion. According to statistics, after the age of 30, 30% of men suffer from this disease, and with age, the numbers increase, and the disease becomes younger. As is known, the best treatment- this is prevention, and if we know the causes of a particular pathology, then it will be easier to protect ourselves from it.

Where does prostatitis come from?

The clinical picture of the disease may include a different set of symptoms. The most common and significant are urinary disorders and sexual disorders. In each case, the set of symptoms and the degree of their manifestation depend on the individual characteristics of the man, in particular, on his lifestyle, general health, and the functioning of the immune system.

Sexual disorders - one of the main symptoms of prostatitis!

In accordance with the causes, it is customary to distinguish two forms of the disease:

  • infectious,
  • stagnant.

Reasons for the development of infectious prostatitis

In the infectious form of the disease, the causes of prostatitis are pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the disease develops when a focus of infection forms in the prostate. It can occur in both acute and chronic forms, but infectious prostatitis is more often acute. At the same time, the general state of health worsens in a man, pains appear in the lower back, in the groin, the process of urination is disturbed, and the body temperature rises.

Acute prostatitis

The immediate causes of prostatitis in men are foci of infection, which can be located in completely different organs. Pathogens enter the prostate either ascending from the rectum or urethra, or descending through the blood and lymph.

The most common causative agents of acute prostatitis

  • coli,
  • staphylococcus,
  • Streptococcus,
  • Gonococcus.

What causes prostatitis, where are the foci of infection that lead to acute inflammation of the prostate gland? First of all, urological infections, sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, infections in the intestines can cause prostatitis. Even banal caries can provoke the development of prostatitis, because there is an infection in carious teeth.

The ascending path of spread of pathogenic microorganisms is their entry into the tissues of the prostate gland from the rectum and urethra. When does this happen? Most often, this phenomenon is due to urological infections: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. Possible cause prostatitis are sexually transmitted diseases, and of these, gonorrhea is the most common. If a man falls ill with this disease, then a focus of infection is formed in him, which is located in close proximity to the prostate gland. This means that pathogenic microflora can easily spread to prostate tissues. The entry of gonococci or Trichomonas into the prostate gland can occur during unprotected intercourse if the partner is sick.

The descending path of infection means its penetration through the blood or lymph from the organs located above the prostate. In this case, the causes of prostatitis lie in the negative impact on the body of infections of the throat, upper respiratory tract or oral cavity. Among the diseases that cause prostatitis, there may be bronchitis, influenza, tonsillitis, tuberculosis. Inflammation of the prostate resulting from these problems is usually a complication, and the first symptoms appear a couple of weeks after the main infection.

Strong immunity will help protect against prostatitis!

An important role in whether inflammation occurs or not is played by the state of immunity. Not all men who have foci of infection develop prostatitis. If the body is in an active alert state, the immune system copes with the infection, and the pathological process stops. The deterioration of the state of protective forces leads to the development of complications. They manifest themselves in various diseases, it all depends on individual characteristics and "weak" places in the body. The prostate gland is one of the most sensitive organs in the male body, so any negative impact can affect its condition.

Why does immunity fall? The reason for this is stress, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia. Infections themselves, especially sexually transmitted infections, become a factor in reducing immunity and contribute to the development of complications.

Chronic prostatitis

In the acute form of the disease, all the symptoms are quite bright, it is impossible not to pay attention to them, so men with acute prostatitis, as a rule, immediately go to the doctor. The chronic form of the disease has a sluggish character, the symptoms are not very pronounced, the state of health most often remains satisfactory, and the temperature is normal. It was because of the low-symptomatic nature of chronic prostatitis that he received such wide use. Men do not tend to actively treat a problem that does not have bright, characteristic symptoms, so they usually do not rush to the doctor with mild manifestations of prostatitis.

What causes chronic prostatitis? The causes may be the same as in acute prostatitis, but due to the work of the immune system or the weakness of the pathogenic microflora, the disease does not acquire sharp character but develops slowly. However, most often the cause of chronic prostatitis is the acute form of this disease, which has not received sufficiently effective treatment.

Reasons for the transition of acute prostatitis to chronic

  • Delayed start of treatment
  • Wrong start of treatment,
  • Lack of treatment
  • A significant decrease in immunity.

In chronic prostatitis, the inflammatory process of the tissues of the prostate gland is unexpressed, so the symptoms may not be felt until an exacerbation occurs.

The peculiarity of chronic prostatitis is also that the primary inflammation of the prostate causes a deterioration in the innervation of the organ, which negatively affects its work and can cause autoimmune processes. During such processes, the immune system produces antibodies directed against prostate tissue. Even after the infection is eliminated, such prostatitis will progress.

Causes of non-infectious prostatitis

Non-infectious, that is, congestive, prostatitis occurs due to congestion in the pelvic area. Most often it is chronic, develops gradually, with time increasing symptoms. It is this form of inflammation of the prostate gland that occurs most often.

What causes prostatitis in men in most cases? The main reason is a violation of blood circulation, its stagnation. As a result, the body does not receive residual nutrition, oxygen, there is no full outflow of secretion, that is, there are favorable conditions for the development of inflammation. This condition usually occurs in men who lead a not very active lifestyle, less often it occurs against the background of an injury.

Causes of congestive prostatitis

  • Work related to prolonged sitting at the table, driving a car,
  • Irregular sex life
  • constipation,
  • Excess weight,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • Frequently suppressed urge to urinate
  • smoking and alcohol abuse,
  • Injuries in the lumbar region,
  • Features of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Insufficient physical activity can cause congestive prostatitis!

All of these causes have an adverse effect on blood circulation, both local and general. For example, smoking and regular alcohol consumption greatly weaken vascular tone, which worsens blood flow throughout the body. The prostate gland also suffers from this. Stagnation in the pelvic organs affects men who have a sedentary job, as well as those who spend a lot of time driving a car or are accustomed to passive rest on the couch. Sitting for a long time, in general, is not at all good for men's health. One way or another, the vessels that supply blood to the pelvic region are pinched and supply blood to the prostate worse.

An unbalanced diet leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the body, excess weight, bad job intestines. All this also adversely affects the state of blood circulation, especially in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Sexual life is very important for men's health, it should be regular. Sexual intercourse three times a week can be considered average figures, however, each has its own characteristics, which depend on the constitution of a man, his desires and needs. Insufficient sexual activity leads to stagnation, since the inevitably accumulating tension does not receive discharge. There is a stagnation of not only blood, but also the secretion of the prostate, in which harmful substances accumulate.

Excessive sexual activity is also harmful, as it takes a lot of strength from a man, leads to physical and nervous exhaustion, and hormonal imbalance. All this becomes a factor provoking inflammation of the tissues of the gland.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes that men develop prostatitis. Today we travel a lot by transport, we go up to the upper floors by elevator, a lot has been done to make our life easier. However, the human body, especially the male body, is designed for high physical activity. To get it, men should do some kind of sport. You can always choose what you like, what brings pleasure. Good results gives daily gymnastics, consisting of simple exercises, walks.

Anatomical features of the vessels or other structures located in the pelvic area can lead to congestion in the prostate. These features may be due to congenital anomalies or defects, as well as acquired due to injuries or other diseases. Violation of the structure of tissues, the state of blood vessels, the formation of cysts or tumors very often leads to significant changes in the functioning of both the organ itself and the arteries and veins that provide its blood supply.

When to worry

If a man felt that he had problems with urination, he began to go to the toilet more often, he was worried about pain in the lumbar region, groin, then you need to see a urologist. Even if the manifestations are minor, they should not be ignored. The appearance of such symptoms indicates that adverse changes have occurred in the body.

If you have problems with urination, pain in the groin and lower back, you need to contact a urologist!

Diagnosis and treatment

The causes and treatment of prostatitis are closely related, therefore, in order to successfully overcome the disease, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis.

Diagnostic procedures

  • collection of anamnesis,
  • rectal digital examination,
  • Bacteriological analysis of prostate secretion,
  • Blood and urine tests,
  • Analysis to determine the level of PSA.

These procedures give an idea of ​​the state of the prostate gland, make it possible to identify inflammation and its causes. The level of PSA is necessary to exclude adenoma and prostate cancer. Repeated such analysis is needed to monitor the success of treatment.

It is necessary to treat prostatitis in a complex way, including such methods:

  • medical therapy,
  • massage,
  • physiotherapy,
  • physiotherapy.

Depending on the causes of the disease, medications are prescribed that eliminate the infectious component, improve blood circulation, outflow of urine and gland secretions, and relieve spasms. The earlier treatment is started and the more responsible the man is to him, the better his results will be.