People with sharp facial features. Character based on facial features: thin lips will indicate a gossip, a hooked nose will indicate an egoist. The most common misconceptions



Be attentive and perceptive. What do a person’s eyes, eyebrows, forehead, nose and lips tell about? Learn to read character, strengths and weak sides a person by his face.

What will your eyes tell you?

Big eyes, which immediately attract the attention of others, indicate increased emotionality. Most likely, the owner of such eyes is an extrovert. This is by no means a frivolous person (although people with big eyes give the impression of being very frivolous at first).
Positive qualities: capable of deep feelings, can be true friends and devoted spouses, caring, warm, unclear, a friendly family and a friendly team - this is what they strive for in life.
Negative qualities: suspiciousness, tearfulness, increased vulnerability.

Small eyes– decreased emotionality. This does not mean that these people are more callous than the “big-eyed” ones, they just keep everything to themselves, without splashing out their emotions, which can seethe inside them!
Positive qualities: thriftiness, prudence, ability to control oneself, analytical skills.
Negative qualities: owners of small eyes are a “thing in themselves”, they are slow, uncommunicative.

The upper eyelid hangs over the eyelashes- before you is a rationalist.
Positive qualities: focused and keeps a sober view of things in any circumstances. Before taking any action, be sure to evaluate, think about, consider everything possible consequences, are able to make a serious impression on the interlocutor, speak weightily and convincingly, thoroughly and authoritatively.
Negative qualities: they can be stubborn, give too much advice, calculating, strive to enrich themselves at the expense of others.

The upper eyelid is raised above the eyelashes- an irrationalist who experiences the world through feelings.
Positive qualities: temperamental, impulsive, well-developed intuition, active, efficient, quick to respond to everything that happens, sensitive, able to empathize, attentive.
Negative qualities: they do not cope well with managing their emotions, they are prone to rash, risky actions.
Monotonous, regulated work is contraindicated for irrationalists; boredom and monotony are destructive for them. They can find their place in help services, education, medicine, in short, where they need to work with people. They can achieve the greatest heights in creativity and show business, especially on stage.

Wide-set eyes– slowness. Such people do not like to go into details and details of any events. They have a broad outlook, a developed imagination, and are usually full of dreams, hopes and wonderful plans for the future, but they usually lack the dynamism to implement these projects. They are loyal friends and patient spouses and will turn a blind eye to all your “pranks.”
Positive qualities: philosophical attitude to life, non-conflict, tolerance, peacefulness.
Negative qualities: gullibility, carelessness, inability to learn from the mistakes of others and one’s own, absent-mindedness.

Close-set eyes– their owners are characterized by a choleric temperament and quick reaction. Their speech is hasty, their facial expressions are agile, their movements are accelerated. On any occasion, they have their own opinion, which they consider indisputable and very quickly strive to convey to others. These people are very energetic, businesslike, always full of plans. They perform best during emergency work, when deadlines are pressing.
Positive qualities: entrepreneurial spirit, they can thoroughly work out various little things, do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
Negative qualities: prudence in choosing friends and partners, increased emotionality, intolerance to other people's shortcomings, quick-tempered.

The outer corners of the eyes are drooping– critical attitude to the surrounding reality, increased observation. These people are constantly on the alert, they are excellent strategists, capable of building a plan of action in the optimal way based on all the nuances of the situation that they notice. They are distinguished by the ability to understand and feel many hidden connections, subtleties of relationships and the hierarchy of forces in any system. They work best in areas where insight is required and there is no strict schedule, and they make good researchers, diagnosticians, editors, investigators, and reporters.
Positive qualities: they understand and feel business partners and loved ones well, they are focused, organized, and kind.
Negative qualities: pettiness, criticality, demandingness, pickiness.

The outer corners of the eyes are raised– inattention, lack of criticality. It is easy to deceive such people; very often they do not notice the obvious dangers that threaten them. Many profitable opportunities pass by them, but they also conveniently go unnoticed.
Positive qualities: optimism, accepting the world as it is.
Negative qualities: frivolity, inattention, absent-mindedness.

What do eyebrows tell you?

Thin, high-raised, rounded eyebrows- artistic personality. If you or your friend are the lucky owner of such eyebrows, then you won’t be bored! Artistic people are a real celebration of life and a fireworks display of events; you won’t get bored with them. Such people cannot be alone for a long time; they definitely need an audience.
Positive qualities: sensuality, sensitivity, desire for creativity, highly developed intuition, emotionality, determination.
Negative qualities: excessive self-confidence and vulnerability, the desire to constantly work for the public, tendency to deceive, narcissism.

Straight eyebrows, the inner edge of which is raised and the outer edge is lowered (“Pierrot eyebrows”),- tendency towards melancholy. In life, such people often go with the flow, accepting what fate sends them. It’s good when there is always a “leading” person next to them with good intentions and a positive attitude, otherwise Pierrot people can swim anywhere.

Positive qualities: attention to others, ability to do monotonous work, non-conflict, compassion.
Negative qualities: skepticism, inability to defend one’s rights and interests, indecisiveness, unjustified criticism.

Smooth, short eyebrows located high above the eyes– legibility. These people have a strong sense of self-esteem, which they value above all else. Owners of such eyebrows strive to live according to existing rules and regulations, are subject to various formalities, try to adhere to established routines, and avoid getting into unpredictable situations. Keep in mind that such a person may appear friendly and attentive... but only seem so, because this is exactly the kind of behavior that decency requires.
Positive qualities: the ability to select the wheat from the chaff, they have a good understanding of people, good observers, attentiveness, exceptional politeness.
Negative qualities: arrogance, selfishness, maximalism, insincerity, arrogance.

Straight eyebrows– naturalness. These people do not play to the public and do not try to recognize others only in order to appreciate them. Natural people have it easy, they live one day at a time and get along very well with the surrounding reality.
Positive qualities: sociability, friendliness, tolerance, sincerity, optimism, confidence in own strength.
Negative qualities: impudence, excessive assertiveness, susceptibility to bad influence, lack of sense of responsibility.

What does the forehead tell you?

Wide and high forehead- a sign of high intelligence. Yes, this is a strong opinion: “highbrow” cannot be stupid, however latest research physiognomists have shown that if a person does not have any specific disease, then the level of his intelligence is mainly determined by the conditions of upbringing and socialization. At modern development information network and with universal access to education, a person with average natural abilities, developing them, can achieve great intellectual heights.
Positive qualities: desire for self-improvement, philosophical mindset, consistency and clarity in actions.
Negative qualities: excessive self-absorption, avoidance of reality.

Narrow and low foreheadlow level intelligence. This does not mean that this person is as stupid as a plug. Yes, he will not quote Kant, but in everyday issues that relate to construction, repair and selection of cars and other pressing issues, they will surpass any thinker.
Positive qualities: reliability, clear goal setting and achievement, “breakthrough” abilities, patience.
Negative qualities: lack of cognitive interest, stubbornness, cruelty.

Concave forehead- a tendency towards conservatism. They say that this is a typically male character trait that helps to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. Such people become good researchers and analysts. However, they have a hard time in life, because they lack such a quality as adaptability. They can change their spouse or place of work only in absolutely extreme and desperate circumstances. Parting with their usual way of life or with familiar people is always painful for them.
Positive qualities: perseverance, desire to finish what you start, curiosity, thoughtfulness.
Negative qualities: excessive conservatism, callousness, decreased emotionality, criticality.

Convex forehead- tendency to change. Such people have a very flexible and selective attitude towards knowledge and life, but the information that they try to keep in their heads is only superficial. When solving problems, these people look for alternative approaches, strive to be original, use their imagination, and easily change friends and life partners if for some reason they do not live up to their expectations. They may seem frivolous; they often create such an image for themselves so that increased demands and obligations are not placed on them.
Positive qualities: flexibility of thinking, creativity to work and personal life, sensuality, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: “on their own minds”, rarely take into account anyone’s opinion.

What does the nose tell you?

Short upturned nose– gullibility. The owner of such a nose at any age has a childish view of the world, with all the advantages and disadvantages of such a vision. T. A. Belikova in her book “Face and Personality” noted that “the financial shortsightedness of gullible people and their naivety in matters relating to career growth, significantly impede their enrichment and promotion. It is extremely rare that you will be able to see a snub-nosed leader, businessman or boss somewhere, but such people make excellent subordinates, nimble and efficient.”
Positive qualities: optimism, agreeableness, emotional flexibility, ability to find a common language with everyone, diligence.
Negative qualities: slowness, spiritual immaturity, irresponsibility.

The tip of the nose is downward– skepticism. These are the people who lead the snub-nosed brothers. It is difficult to deceive them, because they do not take their word for it; they need to be convinced of everything, personally touch it with their hands, before believing it. Owners of such noses have an amazing “smell” for profit, which is why they make excellent entrepreneurs.
Positive qualities: dedication, reliability, leadership qualities.
Negative qualities: excessive pettiness, suspicion and jealousy.

Thin pointed nose- insight. Yes, these people, both with business and without business, poke their noses into the lives of their friends and acquaintances. They are able to successfully defend their rights, not offend their loved ones, and find the maximum benefit not only for themselves. But also for all my relatives.
Positive qualities: instant reaction to what is happening, sensitivity, observation, energy.

Negative qualities: hot temper, domineering, stubbornness.

Potato nose- simplicity. Such people are undemanding, they will always help in any way they can, and they themselves will not refuse help. Most often, these people have a practical streak, but their practicality can be directed to their own benefit, and to the detriment of others.
Positive qualities: generosity, reasonableness, patience, caring.
Negative qualities: gullibility, “not giving a damn.”

Curved, tense wings of the nose- determination. What can come from determination? The desire to pull the blanket over oneself, to perform actions without regard to the opinions of others. These people are absolutely confident that they are right, they do not like it when people poke their noses into their affairs, but they themselves constantly give advice to everyone.
Positive qualities: determination, energy, prudence, endurance, efficiency.
Negative qualities: propensity for adventurism, excessive risk-taking, rigidity.

Pressed wings of the nose– indecision. Owners of such a nose are not confident in themselves. They will consult you, but will not necessarily follow your advice. The fact is that they are not sure of anything at all. In life, they try to enlist the support of the powers that be, be it a boss, a spouse or a friend, and will feel comfortable in the shadow of someone else's success.
Positive qualities: kindness, gentleness, flexibility, tendency to analytical thinking.
Negative qualities: uncertainty, indecisiveness, excessive worry.

What will your lips tell you?

The corners of the mouth are raised- in front of you is an optimist. Optimistic people always believe in the best, find the bright side in any situation and look to the future with hope.
They contain a huge charge of energy, allowing them to crush any obstacles in their path.
Positive traits: positive attitude, goodwill, cheerful disposition, love of life.
Negative qualities: carelessness, excessive gullibility.

The corners of the mouth are turned down- in front of you is a pessimist. Pessimists know how to smile and even laugh, but with the caveat that “all this is not good.” While optimists with rose-colored glasses enjoy life, pessimists will see all the disadvantages of the surrounding reality and will have time to lay a straw for themselves.
Positive qualities: a realistic view of what is happening, the ability to adequately assess the situation and people, composure, attentiveness.
Negative qualities: excessive inertia and distrust, despondency.

Bright full lips– generosity. A truly generous person easily parts with money, does not suffer because of lost things, and has a philosophical attitude towards any material losses. Such people are generous not only with words, but also with good deeds and any manifestations of their soul. In modern life, we are more often faced with false generosity: they simply put beautiful “noodles” on your ears, and then bitter disappointment awaits you. Don't fall for the bait! Be able to distinguish a truly generous person from a fake!
Positive qualities: altruism, selflessness, kindness, generosity.
Negative qualities: extravagance, carelessness, gullibility, frivolity.

Thin and pale lips- economy. Such people always feel their benefit and it is very difficult, almost impossible, to force them to go against their personal interests. A frugal person can help you, but only when you ask him to, and only if it is not too burdensome for him. Please note that it is useless to ask such people for a loan!
Positive qualities: ability to conduct business, rationality, realism, ability to analyze.
Negative qualities: low emotionality, prudence, skepticism, tendency towards misanthropy.

Large mouth with lips of indeterminate shape– lack of composure. These people are very Good friends- they have an excellent sense of humor, a need for friendship and communication, they will help and take off their shirt if necessary. Wives cry from such husbands: why is he taking off his shirt for someone? Girls try to re-educate such individuals: monitor the neatness of the wardrobe and appearance, but it's no use. Such an individual can easily disappear for several days, and then appear with terrible stubble and... again without a shirt.
Positive qualities: charm, friendliness, kindness, generosity, altruism.
Negative qualities: carelessness, negligence, optionality, rudeness.

Small mouth with bow lips– organization. You can completely rely on this person, but do not expect that he will easily open his soul to you; count only on routine politeness and generally accepted friendliness. To become completely at home with such a person, you need to eat more than a pound of salt with him.
Positive qualities: fairness, prudence, clarity, determination, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: rigidity, distrust, prudence.

Some classify physiognomy as a pseudoscience, while others recognize it as an independent branch of psychology, allowing for more effective psychodiagnosis and psychoanalysis. I belong to the second group of people. Physiognomists are often asked to help solve a complex crime or take a polygraph.

However, it is worth saying that not everything should be immediately taken at face value. For example, wrinkles, posture, and gait really reflect a person’s life and his characteristics. But it is not clear whether the characterization based on unchanging features, for example, face shape, is correct. On the one hand, it seems that no, but on the other hand, Theophrastus was the first to describe it precisely by appearance. In general, from the article you will learn the basic principles of physiognomy, you can apply them in practice, and then decide for yourself what it is for you: science or fiction.

Physiognomy is the science of the face. Physiognomists study a person’s character based on the marks that life has left on the face. It is believed that all our experience can be learned by looking at us. And if we start talking and the face comes to life, then even more so. But our genetic inclinations are even more obvious. However, at the same time, according to physiognomy, depending on changes in fate and a person, his facial features may change. Up to changing the shape of the ears, lips, eyebrows, skull.

Physiognomy involves the study of appearance only within one race. This is not racism, but the requirements of anthropology. After all, no one will deny that the races differ in appearance. This article will look at the Caucasian face type.

What does physiognomy tell you?

Physiognomy allows you to assess a person’s health, life prospects and suggest experience and character. Two directions can be distinguished - the study of features of the face and skull (identifying genetic traces) and the study of wrinkles (identifying traces of life experience).


A person's gait reflects their temperament. Choleric and sanguine people walk quickly and energetically. They are prone to sharp turns of the head, rapid speech and active manipulation of their hands. Very pompous and ambitious people walk imposingly. A frightened, weak-willed man walks with restraint, his head down and his hands cuffed.

What else has nature put into us?


Within the framework of physiognomy, there is a huge amount of literature, reliable and not very reliable. For example, discussions about the proportions of the head and body are popular. Allegedly, a large head is a sign of intelligence. No. These proportions don't matter. But the proportions of the face and head should be taken into account.

  • Small facial features relative to the head and body are a sign of pragmatism, a narrow outlook in terms of strategies and petty ambition.
  • People with a broad outlook and open to the whole world also have a more open face, large and expressive features.
  • and rancor narrow facial features no less than a limited worldview.
  • People with naturally large facial features sometimes exhibit mania, a desire to achieve a goal at any cost. But they are always ready to cover someone else with themselves.
  • Developed cheekbones – a high level of communication, a tendency to take the first steps.
  • The combination of a short haircut and developed cheekbones is a sign of a fighter, and a very dangerous one at that. He lacks a reflex to comprehend the situation. With sunken eyes, he is able to defeat an opponent with one glance. Fighters with bulging eyes, on the contrary, quickly find reference points and act without hesitation.

Head shape

  • People with a long face are characterized by a tendency to reflect, the desire to force the world to fit their standards, abstractness, subjectivism, authority and assertiveness. Such people are prone to drama. An elongated head is a symbol of reduced ability to adapt.
  • People with overly elongated faces are intellectuals, geniuses, creators, saviors of the world, inventors.
  • Developed temporal lobes signal the rationalism of the individual.
  • People with round faces have the same soft, streamlined personality. They are non-conflict, gentle, peaceful and excellent conversationalists. It is interesting that their handwriting is most often smooth and rounded. They are open to communications and outside influence. Their emotions are sincere.
  • The forehead always speaks of intelligence, and the jaw of action. By the difference in proportions, one can determine the predominant factor: biological (instincts, activity) or social (thinking, analysis, thoughts, but not necessarily actions).
  • If an overly elongated face is combined with a large forehead and a small jaw, then this signals fragmentation of thoughts and actions, a certain clumsiness. If to this is added a narrowed position of the eyes, undeveloped cheekbones and sunken cheeks, then this is a sign of a person’s excessive passion for his inner world, a certain detachment from reality.
  • The head, shaped like a pumpkin, speaks of the impulsiveness and spontaneity of its owner, the same immediate sociability, sometimes bordering on arrogance. Aggression is not typical, except in words and for the purpose of defense.

Right and left hemisphere (left and right side of the face)

Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the face. Let me remind you that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, generalization and analysis, synthesis of information, making plans. Right hemisphere – images of the past, creativity, fantasies, emotions.

You can do it yourself interesting experiment: Take a photo of yourself and make two portraits (two left sides and two right sides). This can be done in any photo editor where you can crop and mirror the image. Look at the two portraits. You will see two different people because our face is asymmetrical. Which side of you is more attractive: the logical side with a focus on the future or the creative side that remembers the past and gives in to emotions?

It is not uncommon to encounter a one-sided smile or the same one-sided formation of wrinkles, especially around the mouth. What does asymmetry say?

  • People burdened with the burdens of the past and prone to over-reflection about their problems or the imperfect structure of the world are bent to the left side.
  • A fold of some kind of grief and sadness appears at the corner of the mouth of those people who do not expect mercy from life and do not believe in luck.
  • An unnatural grin on the right side will tell the whole world about skepticism and disbelief. Such people are not even confident in their actions, so it is better not to deal with them.
  • A drooping right corner of the mouth is a sign of pessimism and a tendency to compromise.
  • Compression of the right corner and several pronounced wrinkles are a sign of self-justification, which manifests itself in cynicism and powerlessness.
  • The same facial expression on the left is a reaction to the situation.

Unnatural emotions on the right side, that is, when thinking about the future, should be alarming. A smile that exposes fangs should also be alarming. This is an evil animal grin. By the way, our smile is a socialized grin. That's why sometimes instincts take over.

What’s also interesting: in the psychology of lying, any grin is often attributed to a deceitful and arrogant person. But here we see a completely different meaning.

Chin and lower jaw

The jaw always symbolizes gripping power.

  • For example, a developed, almost square jaw speaks of its owner’s intransigence, determination and preference for force. A prominent chin adds
  • People with a rectangular face and a wide jaw are believed to have a domineering and tenacious character. A massive jaw is always a sign of strength nervous system. Additional confirmation will be a slightly protruded jaw and prominent chewing muscles.
  • A sharp chin is a sign of touchiness, ambition, and self-confidence.
  • A poorly developed jaw, but excessive sociability indicate that a person is significant only in words.
  • The almost complete absence of a chin (especially visible in profile) indicates lack of will and vulnerability. But to compensate for this, a person often becomes resourceful and cruel, very cautious.

Interesting fact: the latter type often chews gum. The work of the jaw inspires a degree of self-confidence. This is where the myth of the “cool, strong personality” who always ostentatiously chews gum came from.

Mouth and lips

  • People with large mouths have a good appetite, which is constantly growing. They are invaders. They will not miss either their own or someone else's. They act impudently and exhaustedly. If you are with them, you are under strong protection. But if you go against them, you will not be happy.
  • People with a round small mouth do not like to spray themselves, they are selective and always strictly follow their goal. Although sometimes the strength is not enough to capture, but the effort is always full. These are nice people on the outside, but dangerous on the inside.
  • People with small mouths are better at keeping secrets, while people with large mouths are more talkative. At the same time, the first type is introverts who do not need excessive communication. People with big mouths and big smiles are extroverts who feed on outside connections.
  • Separately, a small mouth also signals selectivity and scrupulousness in choice.
  • Thin lips and a large mouth are a sign of less selectivity, but more activity and determination. Additionally, a clearly defined groove above the lips is further confirmation of this.
  • A large mouth combined with a small jaw indicates great needs and desires, but little opportunity.
  • When we are stubborn, overthinking and seeking benefits, we purse our lips and withdraw from the world. In moments of happiness we “dissolve” them. People with an accumulative nature and a sense of alienation from the world always keep their lips pursed.
  • Compressed thin or thick lips are a sign of masculinity and confidence. Often a muscle fold under the lip is added to them. The picture is complemented by a noticeably protruding chin.
  • Parted lips are a sign of openness to the outside world, but at the same time it indicates a certain amount of narcissism. These people are not inclined to self-sacrifice, but they will always be able to justify themselves and make a counter-reproach.
  • Plump lips, as if turned outward, are a sign of very sensitive sensory perception. Plump lips are a sign of sensuality, sensitivity and emotionality. Regardless of gender, their owners are vulnerable, feminine, gentle people. Thin lips are a sign of life according to the mind. Their owners are prudent and pragmatic people.
  • A protruding lower lip signals self-will, sensuality and a tendency to whims. These people are used to achieving what they want and taking the initiative into their own hands. Caution and self-criticism are reduced. Such people are impulsive and a little impudent.
  • Thick lips are preserved from ancestors who sucked the bone marrow of animals and mollusks from shells. You may inadvertently become a victim of another “puff-lip”.
  • The corners of the lips indicate the state of a person’s will and level of vitality. With lowered or raised corners, everything is clear: grief or joy. But what do raised but tense corners of the lips mean? This is a symbol of the self-control of a person who is always ready to fight back and is emotional by nature.
  • A pursed lower lip, while overlapping the upper lip, is a sign of offended complacency, rancor, and readiness for the worst.
  • An expressive groove dividing the upper lip into two halves is a sign of inconsistency between the left and right hemispheres. Such a person always gives 100% to everything, but in turn: first to feelings, then to reason. These people do not tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty, they are often categorical and assertive, and jealous. They are drawn to decisive and assertive people and have a strong emotional attachment.
  • People with full lips are theoreticians, rationalists, but not such active figures. Their thinking is more focused on the future than the present. They do not tolerate alternatives and cannot always say why they need to do something this way, but they will always analyze the situation (or rely on intuition) and tell them what to do.
  • For people with a split lip, it is better to explain everything clearly and point by point. But people with a single lip are waiting general information, vision of the situation as a whole. Sometimes these features cause problems in communication.
  • People with a large distance between their nose and lips are prone to risk and adventure.
  • The lips are closely related to the eyes. But if the lips rather reflect the stable characteristics and conditions of a person, then the eyes are relevant at the present time (I don’t count, of course, wrinkles around the eyes).


It is not so much the shape or shape of the eyes that matters, but other characteristics.

  • A dilated or easily dilated pupil is a sign of sensitivity, pliability and a person’s tendency to defend himself rather than attack.
  • A constricted pupil is a sign of a constantly high concentration of adrenaline, which means a readiness to attack and show aggression. The pupils constrict when something or someone is “in the crosshairs.” But it is worth remembering that the pupils, for example, contract from light. So, as always, consistency in monitoring a person and taking into account external factors is important.

There is a theory regarding eye color:

  • dreamers and romantics have blue eyes;
  • blue for loyal and reliable people;
  • gray for persistent, independent and pragmatic people;
  • brown - a symbol of practicality and stability;
  • owners of green eyes are persistent, stubborn and calculating;
  • black is a sign of perseverance and mysticism;
  • yellow - originality, instability, sometimes deceit.

Personally, these data do not seem to me the most reliable, but since we are talking about physiognomy comprehensively, then I am obliged to tell this too.

I think the shape of the eyes is a more accurate informant:

  • Cat's eyes are a sign of breadth of soul and integrity of perception of the world.
  • Close-set eyes reveal purposefulness and a desire to learn everything deeply and in detail. These are people who go ahead.
  • Boggle-eyed people are accustomed to living for their own pleasure, not denying themselves anything, and being sincerely surprised if this does not happen.
  • Sunken eyes and a drooping forehead are a sign of caution and secrecy. However, he is a very effective, purposeful and courageous person. As a rule, these are temperamental and hot-tempered people.
  • Small eyes indicate a widely developed personality.
  • A tendency towards demonstrative behavior will be indicated by looking over the heads of other people, active movements of the hands with a protruding thumb, directed away from oneself.
  • We all know that sparkling eyes are a sign of life, activity, strength and joy. Empty and seemingly lifeless eyes are a signal of a person’s inner pain.


The nose is an indicator of the level of curiosity. For discoverers and explorers, it is always hump-shaped, sharp and long, sometimes slightly hooked.

Any large nose is a sign of sensitivity and good communication skills, despite the deliberate equanimity and calmness. Those with a pronounced nose have a good sense of smell for life events.

  • A massive and even overhanging nose is a sign of good adaptive abilities.
  • A slightly turned up nose is a sign of naivety and arrogance.
  • A short nose means short-sightedness, a long nose means far-sightedness.
  • A nose with a hump symbolizes high sensitivity to criticism and insults, pride, arrogance, intransigence, and scrupulousness.
  • Large nasal wings are a sign of temper, passion and energy.
  • A flat nose is a sign of weak temperament, selectivity and caution.
  • People who are closed from the outside world have a hooked nose.
  • A nose with a massive tip is a sign of a lover of sensual pleasures. He cannot deny them to himself; he is always assertive.
  • The more expressive the groove between the nose and lip is, the more decisive a person is and the more his words correspond to his actions.
  • Pessimists and people who, in principle, do not perceive the joy of life, like to sniff.
  • They are being sniffed out by sycophants and those who want to profit from something.

Is it worth adding that every emotion will definitely be reflected in wrinkles? Be careful.


  • Long and thick eyelashes are a sign of tenderness and softness, fidelity, restraint (with strangers). Their carriers tolerate life's troubles well.
  • Short and thick eyelashes are a sign of activity and determination, hard work (sometimes workaholism). These people do not know how to adequately spend their energy, they are resistant to short-term stress, but in general they cannot be called hardy.
  • Long eyelashes – endurance and sensitivity.


Have you ever wondered what guides women when choosing the shape of their eyebrows? Yes, today you rarely see a natural design, but an artificial image will say a lot. However, one thing is constant - the thickness of the eyebrows.

  • Thick Brezhnev eyebrows are a sign of a craving for life’s joys and glory. In achieving what they want, spontaneity and straightforwardness cannot be taken away from such people. Thick eyebrows are a sign of the predominance of the animal in a person. But in vain, those with pronounced eyebrows do not demonstrate aggression, only when there is danger (truly like animals).
  • Thin eyebrows are a sign of caution, plasticity and anger. Such people are very ambitious, but their abilities do not match their ambitions. So we have to resort to cunning, and even cruelty. These are vindictive people who regularly reflect and cleanse their environment.
  • Arched eyebrows are a sign of high self-esteem, ambition and even sometimes vanity. At the same time, there is a disdainful attitude towards others.
  • Eyebrows a la wings are characteristic of self-confident and even manic people. You can’t convince them or out-argue them; they’ll rather convince you.
  • Wide eyebrows are characteristic of honest people who are not prone to pettiness. They look at the world and themselves openly.
  • Narrowed or closely spaced eyebrows are found in people with complexes, preoccupation with problems, and a narrow vision of the world and themselves. These are difficult and secretive people to communicate with, but if a common language is found and a goal is established, then you can go the whole way with them.
  • Very thin and closely spaced eyebrows are a sign of an analytical mindset, a tendency to constant reflection and an inferiority complex, expressed by attempts to assert oneself. Thin eyebrows are a sign of bitchiness, lack of spontaneity, anxiety, and obsession with the Ego.
  • Almost horizontally straight eyebrows hanging over the eyes are characteristic of pragmatic people, realists who are used to achieving everything themselves and know that nothing in life comes easy. They are distinguished by perseverance and survival in difficult situations.
  • Eyebrows that widen at the bridge of the nose indicate sensitivity to the perception of problems and excessive adherence to attitudes.
  • Extension to the temples speaks of suggestibility, enthusiasm and inconstancy.
  • A fused eyebrow is a sign of weak control, the predominance of instincts over social attitudes.


Think: what can you say about this person?

Good indicator Large ears and sparkle in the eyes serve as health benefits. And elongated and large ears are a sign of long life. A fleshy lobe is an indicator of inner vitality and developed intelligence. What else will your ears tell you?

  • A lop-eared person is distinguished by his ability to choose and make decisions; he loves freedom and is always independent.
  • The lobe speaks of independence and independence. The larger it is, the more resistant a person is to external influences.
  • A tragus facing outward indicates a person’s need to receive support from the outside.
  • A tragus facing inward indicates that a person does not know how to use his own potential.
  • An even tragus is a sign of balance between the internal and external worlds.
  • The larger and deeper the auricle, the more likely it is that a person is hiding something (whether complexes or not).
  • Thin ears are characteristic of nervous individuals, impulsive and irritable.
  • Small ears, very close to the head, are a sign of deceit and vindictiveness.
  • Powerful ears – pessimism.
  • Small and very neat ears are found in equally neat individuals, sometimes this leads to pedantry and exactingness towards all the people around them.
  • Hard, dense ears are a sign of health. Too soft - weakness.
  • Long ears indicate stinginess.

Life experience, character

The previous paragraph described genetic characteristics, including temperament. Wrinkles will tell about the social, including the character (although they have already been mentioned, it is understandable, since everything in a person is interconnected). No wonder they try so hard to hide them with makeup or surgery. It's not just a sign of aging, it's a photo album. Everything is important: where exactly the wrinkles formed, what kind of wrinkles they are.

With wrinkles from emotions, everything is simpler. Try to reproduce some emotion near the mirror. Where do you see wrinkles? If a person experiences some emotion very often, then over time the wrinkles in these places become permanent.

  • Wrinkles from the bridge of the nose to the cheekbones are a sign of determination. Their bearer always achieves what he wants, clearly sets priorities, and is able to subordinate his entire life to the main one.
  • Circles under the eyes are worn by a person prone to compromise. If to this is added the unbearable burden that a person carries through life, then the circles become even larger. In principle, it is logical. We all know that circles mean fatigue.
  • Vertical furrows on the cheeks are a sign of a person’s kindness, self-sacrifice and dedication.
  • Bulldog cheeks are a sign of business acumen.
  • Wrinkles a la continuation of a smile are a sign of a person accustomed to success and the capture of large prey.
  • Bow lips curled into a tube are a sign of a complainer and a beggar.
  • Dimples on the cheeks are a sign of kindness and generosity.
  • A vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead is a sign of a developed ego, the habit of always achieving what you want (sometimes ignoring other people’s desires) and anger or thoughtfulness. Let's remember how we frown. What's happening to the forehead? Just the same wrinkle.
  • A wrinkle from the wing of the nose to the corner of the lip is a sign of pragmatism, practicality, and sometimes commercialism.
  • A wrinkle from the wing of the nose to the attachment of the lower jaw is a sign of dreamers, travelers, but at the same time people who know life well and understand that something truly valuable is not material.
  • Any wrinkles from internal corner eyes - the desire to expand the overview, vision of the world. A person with such a life trace sees the world holistically and always finds many perspectives and options for solving problems, even the most unexpected ones. They are always strategists. Most often, such wrinkles remain on the faces of chess players, military men, and writers. But deceivers, manipulators, and gamblers are famous for the same thing.
  • A transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose is a sign of overload with affairs, which most often the person himself calls very significant and urgent.
  • Wrinkles at the corners of the mouth occur in a person who is accustomed to limiting his interests, desires, and tastes. He is characterized by self-control in order to restrain aggression and appear compliant and kind. Sometimes to this are added lips that are drawn up, as if offended. This behavior is most often based on fear of failure. But often a person develops the thought “I could ..., but they didn’t let me.”
  • A vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead is a sign of an egoist and self-willed person.
  • A wrinkle between the eyebrows is a sign of perseverance and pragmatism, but without whims (unlike the character described above).
  • A wrinkle under the lower lip is a sign of a deceitful nature. A person does not believe in himself.
  • Wrinkles at the inner corner are a sign of vulnerability, weakness, and touchiness. The external one has irony and openness.
  • A horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, clearly in the middle of the eyes, is a sign of harmony with oneself and the world, integrity of character, and sometimes even toughness.
  • Vertical folds there are a sign of stubbornness, self-will and disharmony. If the wrinkles are shifted to the left, then the person lives in the past and may suffer from complexes. A shift to the right indicates a strategic mindset and future orientation. Two wrinkles are a sign strong-willed person, protecting both the present and the past.


You can use physiognomy anywhere: hiring, entering into a relationship, psychological correction, crime analysis. And the examples described are only a small and pathetic part of all science, or rather art. Physiognomy finds answers to where a person himself is not aware of the true motives of his actions. At the same time, physiognomy will tell about the inclinations of a person.

Most often, genetic inclinations manifest themselves in emergency situations. It is enough to recall the description of the appearance of any historical figure and compare it with what physiognomy says. And then compare the description of his activities and actions.

It is better to build a personality portrait gradually, putting it together like a puzzle. And of course, one cannot be categorical about interpretations. You should always remember to constantly monitor and take into account external factors.

Psychologist, ex-special services officer Artem Pavlov, as part of the TV show “Calendar,” spoke about what physiognomy is and how to use it.

Experts have long developed a theory of how to recognize a person’s character by their face. There is a whole science - physiognomy, which allows you to say a lot about a person after the first glance.

Studying the forehead

The analysis of any person’s face must begin with the forehead. This is a social trait that allows us to understand the relationship of an individual in society.

The best option there will be an elongated forehead, this is a clear leader who easily finds new acquaintances and is able to show himself correctly. The most difficult person there will be one that has a notch in the middle.

Such facial features indicate difficulties in communication. A round line promises that a person will be highly intelligent, and a too prominent facial feature will help to understand the limitations of this personality.

It is very important not to do an analysis right away, but only to collect information and remember the features. Only after studying the entire face can a rough conclusion about the personality be made.

Characteristic nose

Each person's nose reflects his energy. Do not confuse the shape and size of the nose. Its size depends solely on heredity, but its shape can already influence its character.

The hump primarily indicates rigidity. It won't necessarily be evil person, but with fairly clear goals and principles.

A bulge in the same place speaks of softness and shyness; a similar nose is often observed in quiet and calm girls.

The sharp tip indicates willpower, and the rounded tip indicates frivolity. Often, snub-nosed people turn out to be surprisingly curious and enthusiastic people. An exceptionally vulnerable person may be someone whose nose bends towards their mouth.

Attentive eyes

Many people say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In fact, this part of the face is responsible for beauty. Of course, it is easy to communicate with the eyes.

For men, you should pay attention to the right eye, and for women, to the left. Indeed, eyes can be very different if you look closely.

Dark, mesmerizing eyes are usually found in very cunning people, no wonder it is so common in fiction. Those who are pure in soul and are distinguished by amazing kindness have transparent light eyes.

The shape of the eyes can be oval, in which case we can say about the person that he is balanced and calm. Deep-set eyes indicate slowness, but a good intellectual level.

If the shape of the eyes is located closer to the sides of the face, then the personality is most likely superficial.

Emotional mouth

The last obvious feature is the mouth. The characteristics of a person greatly depend on his line. Pedantry is reflected in the form of thin and pursed lips. Evil and evil people may have a similar form. envious people.

Many people subconsciously like small, but very plump lips most of all. This is kindness, even some naivety of a person. Upper lip kind person there will be more, otherwise the form may become a reflection of greed and selfishness.

The main thing to remember is that people with plump lips can be very vulnerable, but those with thin lips can offend another person and not even notice it.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to learn physiognomy. This kind of science has been studied for years. Pay close attention to the cheekbones, ears, and jawline.

Once you start looking at your friends and acquaintances, it immediately becomes clear that there are no clear-cut people. It takes a lot of practice and knowledge to isolate the main features and learn how to correctly create a characteristic.

This skill will be very useful for communicating with relatives and friends, as well as finding a soul mate who is worthy of love.

Character leaves marks on the face of every person. Physiognomy has been accumulating knowledge for centuries and has formed into a separate science. So even by your earlobe you can find out what your interlocutor is like.

First of all, attention should be paid to face shape. If it is oblong (the width of the forehead is equal to the width of the chin), then the person is well developed intellectually. As a rule, such people are sensitive, receptive, but at the same time balanced. It is not surprising that they are characterized by prudence.

Triangular face indicates cunning and quarrelsomeness. A high and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, and a small, pointed chin often speak of a person’s giftedness and talent. Unfortunately, such people are prone to betrayal.

Similar to triangular shape trapezoidal, but here they are characterized by a wide forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. These people are intelligent, sensitive, artistic. Women with this face shape are optimists. They live happily, creating pleasant atmosphere for others.

Square face usually belongs to a stern, courageous, often heartless person. Often such people are intractable, rude, and persistent. In communication, they are certainly straightforward and frank. The most striking traits are determination and an indefatigable thirst for success. As a rule, such people are good performers, although they themselves persistently strive for leadership.

Round face associated with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. They prefer comfort good company and do not strive for fame, although ambition is not alien to them. If a person with a round face has a high bridge of the nose, prominent cheekbones, and sparkling eyes, he is purposeful. Such people can become enviable leaders and commanders.

Now you can go to hell with your face. Proportional development eyebrows(shape, color, thickness) indicates a balance of emotions, intelligence and character, therefore wide and long ones are considered ideal. If thick eyebrows rise upward with their outer ends, this is a sign of generosity of soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success.

Drooping outer ends indicate shyness. If a man has smooth and long eyebrows that protrude against the background of pleasant skin, then he is known as an intellectual. Short but thick eyebrows indicate an explosive nature.

Stubbled eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, and uncompromisingness. Thick, heavy, connecting eyebrows signify an irresistible desire for dominance. High eyebrows indicate determination, while eyebrows sitting too low indicate the opposite. This knowledge can be applied more likely to men, because women often use tweezers and change the shape of their eyebrows.

Next we will talk about the eyes. When they are beautiful and attractive, it means that a person has health, will, intelligence, and temperament. Large eyes speak of the sensitivity of the soul, vulnerability, and sentimentality. Courage often goes hand in hand with this. Small eyes usually belong to gloomy, withdrawn, intractable people.

Planting eyes also allows us to draw some conclusions. Both eyes on the same horizontal line is a favorable sign. If they are sloping downward: for men - determination, and for women - indiscretion. If the upper eyelid is slightly drooping, this is a sign of maturity; a severely drooping upper eyelid in men indicates depletion of energy.

An excessively sagging lower eyelid indicates uncontrollability of desires and a riotous lifestyle. If the outer corners of the eye are buried in a network of diverging wrinkles, this is a sign of insight. Of course, the older a person is, the more reliable information is read from his eyes.

Nose, although a less characterizing feature, a lot can be said from it. A person with a rounded nose tip and shaped wings becomes a strong personality. A long nose is a sign of strong individuality, while a short nose speaks of openness of soul and optimism.

A high and level bridge of the nose, typical of healthy people, is considered ideal. A person with a nose tip that resembles a “dangling drop” is usually cheerful and optimistic. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is insightful, cunning and, often, vindictive. A full, large tip of the nose is a sign of cordiality and warmth. A raised nose with protruding nostrils denotes self-will, intemperance, and licentiousness. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity and shyness.

Mouth always attracts the attention of the interlocutor. If it's big, it's probably in front of you courageous man. The falling corners of the lips indicate a strong will. People with small mouths are often endowed with weak character, and the thin line of closed lips speaks of scrupulosity. A symmetrical, undistorted opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions.

If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth from the eyes, this is a sign of a difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of deceit. The upper lip sticks out over the lower lip - indecision, the lower lip sticks out - selfishness. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips speak of prosperity in youth and hardship in adulthood.

Don't forget about ears. A well-designed, harmonious and beautiful ear indicates health, while shapelessness and pallor indicate the opposite. Ears that are too big are a personality flaw; ears that are too small are a sign of trouble. An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance of personality. A long lobe conveys carelessness and carelessness.

As a rule, people with very large lobes are sages or philosophers. If the lobe moves forward slightly, then this is a sincere and kind person. If the inner rim of the ear is retracted - restraint, if it is protruded - vice versa.

In conclusion, I would like to note that physiognomy is based on percentages of probability. This means that there are no postulates in a person’s appearance and character. Remember that every person is unique, inimitable and unpredictable

Do you want to know what physiognomy is and how it can be useful in Everyday life? Then read this article. Applying practical advice, described below, you can lift the curtain on the secrets of the life of a person you don’t know. So, physiognomy - how to read a person’s face? Be patient and you will find out!

The modern rhythm of life is extremely high. Every day many events occur, flows of information in clumps of incredible sizes move in space. Recently, humanity has entered the era of communications, which will rule the roost for a long time - whoever owns the information owns the world.

Scientists have proven that modern man in one day he receives and processes more information than a nineteenth-century resident received in a whole year.

Every day each of us meets many new people. But when meeting a new person, it is sometimes difficult to connect. Moreover, it is quite difficult to determine how much you can trust a stranger and whether he is a reliable person. You can’t just ask him about it – he’s unlikely to give an answer. But there is a way out - physiognomy.

How did physiognomy appear?

This is a science that deals with determining a person’s character, his personal qualities and even the events that happened in his life. It will not be a day, a place and an incident in pictures and details. Physiognomy only allows us to understand the nature of the event.

Despite the fact that physiognomy is translated from Greek as “face” and “fortune telling,” it is fundamentally different from Tarot cards or a crystal ball - it is truly a science. It is built on observations, research and psychological tests.

When a person interacts with the world around him, his face and body react to it. Even in complete solitude, alone with itself, the body manifests its reaction outward.

For example, when a person is serious, his eyebrows are furrowed; when he is angry, his pupils narrow, and his nostrils, on the contrary, widen as his breathing quickens. To understand the essence, just look at the keyboard of an old laptop. What keys are worn out on it?

The ones that were clicked on most often. The same thing happens with the human face. When a person expresses emotions, facial muscles contract.

Each emotion has its own expression, its own personal “imprint”, by which one can determine what feelings and experiences a person is experiencing at the moment. For the same episode different people react differently.

Of course, there are also situations to which everyone has approximately the same reaction, so sometimes you can even recognize your style and standard of living by looking at your face.

Just like laptop buttons, human skin can be cushioned. In those places where bends most often occur, folds form. It is by facial wrinkles that you can learn a lot about who is standing in front of you.

The more often a person experiences a particular emotion, the more the skin in a certain place will be deformed, which will help to unravel the character, inclinations and even bad habits. The body leaves clues not only through wrinkles - this is just one of the forms of manifestation.

Facial features can tell a lot, the most “eloquent” of which are:

  • brows;
  • eyes;
  • chin.

How to read a person's face using physiognomy

Eyebrows are perhaps the most expressive part human face. They very clearly signal surprise, anger, anxiety and are often an indicator of the current mood.

Physiognomy from the eyebrows makes it possible to recognize some character traits. But it is important to remember that many girls, and sometimes not only, correct the shape of their eyebrows, which significantly distorts the result and reduces the level of their information content.

It's easy to assess ambition and potential by eyebrows creativity and the desire for fame.

A shy person can be identified by this description of their eyebrows:

  • sparse eyebrows;
  • light or pale hair;
  • thin eyebrow line.

In a noisy company, such a person prefers a supporting role. He is taciturn, rarely takes initiative, behaves peacefully and rarely shows aggression.

The following eyebrows indicate confidence and good self-control of their owner:

  • even, smooth eyebrows;
  • long;
  • having clear, pronounced outlines.

The eyebrows of a person prone to control, manipulation and a thirst for power are characterized by the following features:

  • thick unruly hair;
  • black color;
  • thick eyebrow line.

There are 7 types of eyebrows in total:

Location matters too. Low eyebrows indicate ambition and strength of character, while high eyebrows indicate indecisiveness. Long eyebrows are characteristic of those with a high level of intelligence.

According to research, it is the eyes that people instinctively look at first. The human gaze is so expressive that even without knowing physiognomy, you can quickly understand what mood a person is in.

Eye shapes and their influence on character:

  1. Large eyes characterize sincerity, sharp intelligence and openness. Expressive eyes are a sign of beauty and a high level of self-control;
  2. Protruding eyes indicate excitement, strong vital energy, willingness to take risks. Such people often strive for control and power and are capable of reckless actions;
  3. Small eyes symbolize traits such as decency, pedantry and strong moral principles. However, people with this eye shape are slightly unsure of themselves and are quite self-critical, which is why they are indecisive;
  4. Deep-set eyes characterize a person who is conservative and calm, but at the same time vulnerable. Such people have perseverance and concentration, prefer stability to risk and know how to handle money;
  5. Slanted eyes reveal a bold optimist, confidently walking along the path of life. Sometimes such people may commit thoughtless, rash acts, which often has a negative impact on their position;
  6. Drooping corners of the eyes indicate a caring person who knows how to empathize with others. This form indicates kindness and the inability to say “no” at the right moment. Others often rely on such people to solve their problems;
  7. A small iris is characteristic of impulsive and hot-tempered people. They do not like responsibility and try in every possible way to avoid it. At the same time, they can sometimes be generous and have extraordinary cunning.

The color of the iris can be very informative. Brown eyes indicate a strong character, while those with blue eyes are known for their kindness and openness. Green indicates high level intellectual development its owner. The whites of the eyes should be white. This indicates good health.


The nose is a kind of indicator of success. A person's nose can be used to determine his potential success in business and other areas related to finance.

Experts in the field of physiognomy note that the nose is most informative in the fifth decade of human life.

He will tell you about the level financial well-being and professional fulfillment.

The nose is formed only by the age of 20. Its beautiful shape does not mean that its owner is successful in all areas of life. It would seem that a nose that is not very attractive at first glance may turn out to be ideal in terms of the characteristics of a successful person.

The shape of the nose is of great importance:

  1. A straight nose predicts material goods and speaks of the decency of its owner;
  2. Thin is the classic standard of beauty, but its owners can be considered proud and even arrogant;
  3. An aquiline nose indicates great sexual energy and charisma. People with such noses have strong leadership qualities and are able to lead;
  4. Owners of short noses are great optimists, have a wide circle of friends and are very responsive. But you can’t call them careerists;
  5. A long nose signals well-developed rational thinking, conservatism and pedantry. Its owners can sometimes be arrogant, especially with strangers;
  6. A large nose is characteristic of a gentle and kind person who sincerely empathizes with the problems of other people and is ready to help them in every possible way. Such people have magnetic abilities to attract money.

It is worth paying attention to the nostrils:

A shiny nose, which is considered not very aesthetic, indicates great success in the financial sector. A little pink color also promises prosperity and wealth.

The earthy color signals possible availability diseases, and red capillaries on the wings of the nose indicate alcohol abuse.

The mouth is very important for determining the spiritual qualities of a person.

At the corners of the mouth, especially in mature age, you can understand under what mood a person’s life as a whole passes. Downward corners are characteristic of pessimists, and upward directed corners are characteristic of optimists. This is due to the fact that optimists smile much more often, which contributes to the formation of just such folds.


The human ear is very individual and is not distorted by makeup. Disadvantage: it is often hidden by hair. The shape of the ears contains clues about character traits:

A normal ear is colored white and pink. A scarlet colored auricle characterizes an aggressive person who cannot control his anger. But when evaluating this indicator It is worth considering the time of year and whether the person wears a hat.

The chin becomes an assistant to the physiognomist at the age of 30, since by this time it is formed:

One of the few cases where myths are true. A wide “strong-willed” chin really symbolizes a strong character and steely self-control, while a small “soft” chin speaks of a person who tends to give up what he started halfway through and easily gives in to panic.

Eyes are a source of strength

A look can literally transform a face. Very effective way influence on the interlocutor, especially in controversial situations, is a heavy, or as it is also called a “magnetic” look. Its existence is confirmed by the fact that sometimes people seem to physically feel when they are looked at.

The whole secret is to learn to look at one point with both eyes. For example, when talking to an interlocutor, you should try to look into only one eye.

To develop this skill, you can draw a black circle on paper and hang it on the wall at eye level, and then look at it for about 2 minutes, 3 times a day.

You can also practice in front of a mirror, which will allow you, to some extent, to be in your opponent’s place. This is an excellent technique that allows you to clearly control facial expressions and facial expressions.

And many more interesting information about physiognomy - in the next video.