What helps against cockroaches in an apartment. How to get rid of cockroaches at home? Remedies for cockroaches - reviews. The most common ways to deal with unwanted visitors are the following methods:

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


How to get rid of cockroaches: control methods

Before you start fighting insects, buying poisonous agents and treating your apartment with them, you should delve into general rules control of cockroaches:

Extermination of insects using traditional methods

Before placing toxic agents, clean the house, take time special attention kitchen. Put all food in the refrigerator or package it so that cockroaches do not get to the food and water. We offer you several effective folk remedies that allow you to get rid of cockroaches with a high degree of probability.

Boric acid against cockroaches

This chemical, sold over the counter, is not harmful to people or pets. This drug has a long-term effect; in about a month, the cockroaches will disappear and will no longer reproduce or crawl around you.

Recipe for a mixture of boric acid, eggs and potatoes


  • Egg, potatoes - 1 piece each.
  • Boric acid – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Hard boil an egg and one potato.
  • After the cooked products have cooled, mash them and add boric acid to them.


  1. Roll the mixture into balls and place them in corners or areas where insects have been spotted.
  2. There is another way: spread the mixture near places where there is water. The cockroaches will be poisoned, but you will not be able to drink water - this achieves a double effect.

Recipe for a mixture of chicken yolk and boric acid

Another mixture is prepared and used in a similar way - from raw yolk and a teaspoon boric acid. It is convenient because you do not have to expose heat treatment ingredients.

Ammonia. Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia. To exterminate insects, it is necessary to treat the floor with ammonia, and constantly wash the floor for a while, adding a certain amount of odorous substance to a bucket of water. Cockroaches will definitely leave all rooms of your home. But if they return, it means that they are waiting out the “genocide” of your neighbors. In this case, you definitely need to fight cockroaches at the same time as your neighbors.

Beer. “Mustachioed guests” simply adore beer - it contains both water and nutrients. We recommend that you make a trap to better effect make several of these traps. Place the jar in places where you have seen a cluster of insects.

You will need:

  • 0.5 liter jar
  • Beer – 50 grams
  • Vaseline – 10 grams

Making a trap:

  1. Pour the beer into the can.
  2. Coat the edges of the jar generously with Vaseline.

Chemical means of controlling cockroaches

Manufacturers of cockroach control products produce the following types of products:

  • Aerosols. They are easy to use: drops of the toxic substance can easily get into even hard to reach places. To combat insects, use aerosols: “Combat”, “Raid”, “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”.
  • Gels. They are applied with a syringe to baseboards and surfaces in places where insects may be present. Dohlox, Clean House, and Raptor gels will help you get rid of cockroaches.
  • Houses. The inside of the trap house is covered with Velcro, and in the center there is bait. The traps are filled with a poisonous substance. After some cockroaches consume such bait, others die from being infected by individuals who have already tasted the poison. We recommend completely getting rid of insects using the Raptor, Combat Superbyte, and Clean House traps.
  • Crayons. These products contain a toxic substance. Use crayons to treat areas where insects accumulate on walls, floors and ceilings.

The Globol brand produces a wide range of insecticides in various forms. These tools are easy to use. If difficulties arise, the manufacturer’s website contains videos and photos that will clearly explain how to use the chemicals. All products are guaranteed to get rid of cockroaches and bacteria - for at least 30 days after applying the product, the insects will die.

In some cases, it is better to invite professionals - they will reliably rid your home of cockroaches and other insects. If an invasion of unexpected “guests” occurs not only among you, but also among your neighbors, be sure to invite a specialist. It will be much cheaper to kill cockroaches together; in addition, simultaneous struggle “on different fronts” is much more effective than the forced “migration” of insects.

As an alternative to the services of a paid specialist, we recommend that you contact your local sanitary and epidemiological station. Its employees are obliged to eliminate the danger of infecting people with infectious diseases - cockroaches are considered carriers of various infections.

Video master class will help you learn how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all

If you know how to remove “mustachioed guests” using other methods, leave your comments at the bottom of the page.

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Cockroaches are insects that have amazing vitality. In addition, they can adapt to any living conditions. To date, no such means has been invented that could be used to destroy this type of insect. However, centuries of experience have accumulated a lot of funds, how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever.

Where do cockroaches come from and how do they reproduce?

These uninvited guests cause terrible discomfort even by their mere appearance. However, the worst thing is that cockroaches can be carriers of terrible viral diseases and other diseases that threaten human life. If pests appear in the apartment, you should immediately expel them and prevent them from reproducing in the future.

The first step is to find out how these insects appeared in the house. If they moved from their neighbors, then it will not be possible to destroy them forever. In this case, the only way to get rid of cockroaches will become general actions with all the neighbors. Simultaneously in all apartments, and even better in all apartment building you need to start poisoning pests.

There are cases when cockroaches enter a home from the street, from new furniture or with things. Tenacious insects can arrive with a person from vacation or simply in a parcel. Then you need to poison all the rooms in the house, as well as the surrounding area.

Usually, red creatures live in human homes, catering establishments, and hospitals. Less commonly, black cockroaches and albinos can be found near humans. The unpleasant fact is that even one specimen that accidentally gets into the house can, after some time, multiply the population to an entire army of insects.

IN home conditions cockroaches reproduce quickly, especially if they exist for this purpose favorable conditions:

  • Open access to food sources.

A bucket of food waste, food crumbs on the table, stove and floor - everything attracts cockroaches. They begin their active life at night, so dirty dishes with leftover food will be very useful for them.

  • Availability of water.

Prussians cannot live for long without water. If there is no access to water, they will simply die or run away. Therefore, there should not be a single source of liquid in the house: a wet floor in the bathroom, dripping water from a tap, even a tray with water. Any access to water should be blocked so that pests have nowhere to drink.

  • Secluded places to live.

There are many such places in unkempt apartments. Cockroaches feel comfortable and protected in them. Therefore, it is necessary to seal all the cracks, cracks, and holes in the house. Insects can also settle under wallpaper, baseboards, and behind furniture. And on ventilation holes It is advisable to stick a mesh.


The appearance of even one cockroach in the house is a reason to start fighting them.

In the kitchen

As a result, in a short time you can see entire flocks racing around the apartment. It immediately becomes interesting, but how to get rid of it quickly from cockroaches? To completely eliminate Prussians in the kitchen, as well as for prevention purposes, it is necessary to follow some recommendations:

  • Carry out wet cleaning at least 2-3 times a week.
  • Always ensure that food crumbs and various edible pieces do not remain on the table or floor.
  • Uneaten food should be stored in well-sealed containers or plastic bags.
  • The trash can must have a lid.
  • It is important to keep cockroaches away from any sources of liquid. Sinks, water pipes, the windows in the kitchen must be dry. Therefore, everything should be thoroughly wiped, as well as damage to pipes and ventilation should be eliminated.

Such preventive measures They will not give uninvited guests the opportunity to breed in the house.

In the bathroom

The bathroom is great place for living black cockroaches. These large pests love to live near water pipes and heating pipes located in the bathroom. To prevent their reproduction, you should regularly follow some rules:

  • It is in this room that moisture most often accumulates. Therefore, you should regularly ventilate it and wipe all wet surfaces. After bathing or washing, you need to dry the bathroom especially carefully.
  • Sometimes disinfect the bathroom using special means. Hard-to-reach areas must be treated especially carefully.
  • If water drips from the tap, it needs to be fixed immediately. Even soaked soap can become a source where the Prussians will quench their thirst.

Watch the video! Kitchen tests reveal the perfect cockroach killer

Means for controlling cockroaches

Next it is said, how to effectively get rid from the hated pests that attack the house. Today there are a large number various means who are able to cope with this problem.


The most convenient to use are aerosols and sprays. They are convenient to spray even in places that are difficult to reach with your hands. Namely, it is in such places that cockroach families nest. It is better to carry out treatment before nightfall. Moreover, working with chemicals should be done using protective equipment:

  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • respirator.

After this procedure, all family members need to leave the apartment for a day. Upon return, all areas should be well ventilated. Today, the most common drugs for controlling cockroaches are:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raptor;
  • Mikrofos;
  • Raid.


Typically, powders are used to sprinkle baseboards along doors and windows. Also, poisonous powder is poured into those corners of the room where there may be nests of longhorned beetles. The most commonly used powders are:

  • Phenaxin;
  • Phenax Pyrethrum.

There are also poisons for cockroaches in the form of crayons, for example, Mashenka.


Basically, gels are used when there are a lot of cockroaches in the house. The fact is that gels contain the highest percentage of toxic substances compared to other insect control preparations. The product is dripped along baseboards, near cracks and problem areas where Prussians appear.

After eating poisonous bait, the cockroach dies. Then his relatives devour him and are also poisoned from the poison remaining in his body. The most effective gels are:

  • Absolute;
  • Regent;
  • Raptor;
  • Clean House.

Liquid concentrated solutions

It is easy to combat an infestation of cockroaches in your home using concentrated products that are diluted with water before use. In insect habitats, the solution is sprayed using a spray bottle or an ordinary broom. Best Selling liquid products against cockroaches:

  • Karbofos;
  • Forsyth.


There are special devices with ultrasonic and magnetic resonance effects, which have a negative effect on insects. Such installations are easy to operate and do not cause harm to humans.

Which method is more effective in fighting cockroaches is up to you to decide. These insects are able to adapt to a toxic substance in a short time. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service believes that when exterminating cockroaches, it is better to use several methods at once. So, you can combine the impact temperature regime and chemicals.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, people have used various methods to expel cockroaches from their homes. folk remedies. Poisonous baits were prepared at home independently.

Based on boric acid

This recipe is considered the most effective, and also inexpensive:

  • You need to buy one sachet of this substance (40g) at the pharmacy.
  • Pour it into a bowl.
  • Add one yolk and mix well.
  • Then small balls are formed from the mixture, which are laid out in all places where the Prussians can crawl.

The universal poisonous agent is active for 2 to 4 weeks, so new specimens that appear also die.

Borax based

Mix the following ingredients in a container:

  • sodium salt;
  • potato starch;
  • vanilla;
  • powdered sugar or sugar.

Then add enough water to form a paste.

Advice! Sometimes people mix borax with mashed potatoes and add an egg.

The formed balls are placed in problem areas.

Arsenic based

  • IN this substance add powdered sugar.
  • The resulting powder is placed near the cracks along the baseboards.
  • After 2-3 days, you need to thoroughly wash the floor.

Important! This recipe can only be used if there are no small children, cats or dogs in the house. If you eat the bait, you can get seriously poisoned.


Smell ammonia insects don't like it. When cleaning the apartment, you need to add it to the water you use to wash the floor. It is also good to wipe walls and furniture with this solution. Longhorned beetles will not live in a house with such an aroma.


Ready-made traps can be purchased at specialty store or do it yourself. This method is best used for the purpose of prevention:

You can easily make such a trap yourself:

  • To do this, you need a jar, at the bottom of which you put sweets or pour a little beer.
  • The edge of the jar is thoroughly greased with vegetable oil.
  • Cockroaches climb into the jar to feed, but cannot get back out.

You can also build another insect trap with your own hands:

  • Double-sided tape is applied to cardboard of any density.
  • Condensed milk or honey is dripped into the middle.
  • Heading towards the sweets, the barbels will simply stick to the sticky tape.


Cockroaches are cold-blooded, so they cannot survive at temperatures below -10 degrees. In addition, they are not able to reproduce even at + 6 °C. This method should be used in winter time years, preferably in severe frost. In this case, you need to open all the windows and leave the house for the residents for a couple of days.

Professional exterminators

If in multi-storey building Neighbors have cockroaches, then you need to call specialists for help. Otherwise, pest control can be fought endlessly.

Exterminators know how to rid your entire home of a cockroach infestation. They carry out processing in many apartments at once. In this case, special equipment is used and strong chemicals are used. Experts rid premises of cockroaches quickly and permanently.


Cockroaches in the house are dangerous neighbors for humans. They are carriers infectious diseases, which pose a threat not only to health, but also to life. Therefore, their presence in the home cannot be tolerated, and their destruction is taken with full responsibility. It is also important to follow all insect prevention rules.

Watch the video! How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment

Cockroaches are not just uninvited guests in the apartment, but also carriers various diseases. Therefore, no one rejoices at their appearance. But it’s not so easy to get them out of the apartment, because they perfectly adapt to any changes in living conditions and various chemicals. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to get rid of cockroaches.

Reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment

There are many reasons for the appearance of these insects. The most common reasons for this are:

  • crumbs scattered throughout the apartment, cereal scattered in drawers;
  • open garbage bags, especially if they are not removed daily;
  • puddles near the sink and in it;
  • neighbors have plenty of food and water, because insects can easily cross the ventilation ducts, so it’s not enough to just know how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, but you need to fight them together.

The fact that insects have appeared in the home is indicated by black dots on various surfaces, a characteristic smell, clutches of eggs (in this case, disinfestation will have to be performed 2 times) and a personal meeting (most often this happens at night when the lights suddenly turn on).

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Getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home forever

You can get rid of cockroaches once and for all using both home remedies and special chemicals. The only question is financial capabilities, as well as patience.

In addition, getting rid of cockroaches should be carried out immediately in all rooms, and better yet, in all apartments of the entrance. After all, these insects can easily move along ventilation ducts.

Therefore, before getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment, all cracks and cracks must be sealed.

Use of boric acid

To combat unwanted guests, you can use boric acid in powder and solution. But boric alcohol is ineffective in this case.

The acid acts as follows:

  • boric acid enters digestive tract insects and causes discomfort;
  • if you increase the concentration of acid, then, once it enters the digestive tract, it will corrode everything from the inside, and the insect will die.

The advantage of boric acid is that it is completely safe for people.

There are several ways to use this product to fight cockroaches:

  1. Sprinkle the powder in places where food and water accumulate and in all places where cockroaches may appear.
  2. Before getting rid of cockroaches forever, mix a solution of boric acid with flour, and then roll the resulting mixture into balls. They need to be placed around the perimeter in all rooms and in places where insects appear. Instead of flour, you can use boiled yolk chicken egg.
  3. Mix 50 g of boric acid powder and egg yolk. Make cakes from this mixture and leave them to dry for 1–2 hours. These are baits, they should also be placed in places where cockroaches may appear.
  4. Boil the potatoes in their skins and mash them. Mix with boiled chicken egg yolk and 1-2 tbsp. l. boric acid solution. Make cakes or balls from the pulp and place it around the perimeter of the room.

Boric acid can simply be diluted in water, and then place bowls of water near the sink or toilet (in places where they drink water).

Before you start fighting cockroaches, you need to completely exclude access to clean water, since it will allow them to cleanse the body of poison.

We act with cold

Despite the fact that cockroaches are able to survive high concentrations of radiation, they still do not like the cold.

These insects die at temperatures below zero degrees, which can be taken advantage of.

The speed depends directly on the temperature:

  • at temperatures from 0 to -2°C, cockroaches die within 40–45 minutes;
  • at -5°C - after 30 minutes;
  • temperature -10°C kills insects within 2 minutes.

Before you get rid of cockroaches at home, you need to cut off their access to water or food.

This method is only suitable for the cold season, because in summer it is impossible to provide such a temperature.

To get rid of cockroaches, you need to open all the doors and windows in the apartment, and it is better to leave it in this state for a day (or better yet, more than one). After ventilation, carry out a thorough cleaning.

DIY traps

It is better to combine methods of controlling cockroaches, so you can use bait and traps at the same time. You can make them yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Cut out pieces of cardboard of suitable size. Optimal size is the size 20*20 cm.
  2. Cover the inside of the trap with double-sided tape. Instead, you can use glue, which will take a long time to dry. Now put them into boxes.
  3. Before you get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen, you need to prepare bait. It may be a strong-smelling food. In this case, it is advisable to take viscous and wet ones.
  4. Place traps in areas where cockroaches migrate. The boxes need to be changed as they fill.

Instead of boxes, you can use jars, the inner walls of which can be smeared vegetable oil, and put bait on the bottom.

Purchased cockroach control products

To effectively combat ubiquitous insects, you can use purchased funds. The chemical industry produces them in an assortment. They can be in the form:

  • Gelya. For example, Raptor, Kapkan, Absolute or Global. It is based on the professional insecticide chlorpyrifos, which is capable of eliminating about 500 insects per day. The drug affects nervous system cockroaches

  • Aerosol. The most popular are Raid, Raptor, Tetrix, Clean House. Their main advantage is fast action. But when using these, it is recommended to leave the apartment for several hours, since the windows must be closed, and the fumes are dangerous for humans.

  • Powder. Dust is considered traditional. All other drugs are made on the basis of this product. But before you quickly get rid of your “neighbors,” it is recommended to think about other temporary housing, since you will have to leave the apartment for a while, otherwise the process may be delayed.

  • A pencil. For example, “Mashenka”. The product is effective, cheap, but requires a lot of effort.

Calling specialists

Despite the abundance of home remedies for insect control, the best and most effective way still involves calling specialists.

The advantages are that they will be used professional products, a complete refurbishment of the entire apartment was carried out at once. In addition, many such companies provide a guarantee for their services.

For example, there is an opinion that geranium helps get rid of cockroaches in the house. It is believed that insects cannot tolerate the smell of the plant. Lemon has similar properties.

They also willingly settle in private houses and apartments. Despite the small external differences, they equally annoy a person, . Step-by-step algorithm How to get rid of cockroaches at home consists of several stages: eliminating favorable conditions for pests, preparing the premises, using an insecticide or folk remedies.

The process of getting rid of cockroaches

Black and red cockroaches are thermophilic, practically omnivorous - they are ready to feed on any food waste, chew book bindings, and soap.


They can live without food for about 40 days, without water only 9, about a day. At temperatures below minus 5°C they begin to die.

Based on the physiological needs of insects, control methods are selected and a strategy for getting rid of them is built:

  1. Deprive cockroaches and water.
  2. Prepare the apartment for processing.
  3. Use insecticides or folk remedies.
  4. Repeated disinsection is carried out according to entomological indicators.

Creating unfavorable conditions

It is necessary to eliminate food supply and sources of moisture for cockroaches.

  1. The first step is a general cleaning of the kitchen and areas where food is stored. If possible, move the tables away, remove all food remnants: accidentally rolled candies, bagels, crumbs, flour, etc. Clean up the cabinets and other pieces of furniture, eliminating spilled cereals and sugar.
  2. During hostilities against cockroaches, move all confectionery products, sweets, and fruits from vases into sealed containers.
  3. Dispose of garbage in a timely manner; if the garbage disposal is located in the apartment, equip it with a lid.
  4. Any condensation on glass, pipes, or tiles can fill the moisture needs of pests, not to mention puddles in sinks. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe the plumbing fixtures dry every evening. If the dish dryer is equipped with a tray, make sure it is dry. If there are leaks in communications, fix them.


If you ignore these points, then the fight against cockroaches will be protracted, and even if you defeat the Prussians, it will be short-lived. Whenever possible, insects will appear in the apartment again and quickly restore the population.

Intrusion Prevention

The most common way cockroaches get into an apartment is. All wall cracks, baseboards, and ventilation should be sealed.


More rare are the options when Prussians are brought or brought in bags after being in a heavily contaminated room. If this winter period, you can protect your apartment from the intervention of traveling individuals if you take your bag out into the cold - onto the balcony.


How to apply insecticides yourself

You can quickly get rid of cockroaches only through chemicals, which are presented in the form:

  • concentrates;
  • aerosols;

Processing places

Before disinfestation, it is necessary to do wet cleaning, isolate pets and household members if concentrates or aerosols will be used. Read the instructions carefully. It is possible that you will need protective clothing, a respirator, rubberized gloves, and you will not be able to stay in the apartment for some time. The product is applied to:

  • near the trash can;
  • for gas stove, refrigerator;
  • areas near washbasins, sinks, showers;
  • on baseboards;
  • sewer and water pipes;
  • on the back surfaces of furniture.

If there are a lot of cockroaches, treatment is carried out in all adjacent rooms with the kitchen.

When choosing insecticides, you need to pay attention to the active ingredient. It is always indicated in the description of the product. If attempts to exterminate cockroaches have already been made, then you should purchase a drug based on another active component, since insects quickly develop resistance.

Insecticides can be used in combination. But manufacturers do not recommend combining an aerosol with a gel, since the aroma of the former will prevent cockroaches from finding the gel product. Gels combine well with traps, which are convenient to place in places where it is difficult to remove gel residues.

Effective usage patterns household products from cockroaches depending on the degree of infestation:

  • in case of small numbers - chalk or pencil, gel or only aerosol;
  • medium degree of infestation - traps, gel or concentrate;
  • severe degree of contamination of the apartment - concentrate, emulsion in the kitchen, gel can be used in adjacent rooms.

Pros and cons of self-bullying

The only downside that can be noted is the search, which is due to their rapid adaptation to chemicals.


The effectiveness of home pest control depends on the correct application, location of the insecticide, folk remedy, as well as on the quality of the preliminary preparatory procedures.

How to poison the Prussians

With a mild infection, the well-known one will help many. Active ingredients – zetacypermethrin, deltamethrin, price from 40 rubles. The perimeter of the room is outlined with a pencil, and at night the floor and areas near the plumbing are liberally “painted”. In the morning, dead individuals are swept out.

To remove cockroaches from an apartment, use. The principle of operation is the same as that of dusts. The poison penetrates the chitinous cover of the insect, destroys the nervous system, which inevitably leads to death. The disadvantage of the product is toxicity, the unpresentable appearance of the applied powder in the apartment, and difficulties in purchasing. Can only be purchased in online stores. Price about 100 rub. per package 15 g.


When there are a lot of cockroaches or you want to simplify the process, use more modern methods: gels and insecticidal traps. They are easy to use and give good result. And what is important is that you do not need to leave the apartment after the procedure and inhale toxic fumes. It is important to remove the gel and traps after killing insects.

The most effective remedies for cockroaches include the following:

  • Gel Excil (). The paste is applied pointwise, dropwise, or a substrate is used to make it easier to remove the gel in the future. The insects eat the bait, the poison penetrates their body, and after 15-24 hours the individual dies. During this time, the infected pest manages to bring poison into the lair and, according to the domino principle, the entire colony is destroyed. Gels are safe for apartment residents. Also effective.
  • They act on the principle of gels, active substance in which hydromethylnon appears. Efficiency lasts for 3 months. You can exterminate all cockroaches in 2 weeks. They promise the same result, Brownie Proshka.
  • good remedy, known since Soviet times. The composition has been modernized. They spray and leave the apartment for several hours. It is convenient to kill insects if their nests are discovered.
  • with chamomile aroma is used against all types of synanthropic insects. Spray the product and leave the room closed for several hours. As with sprays, additional treatment may be necessary to control all cockroaches.
  • . The anti-cockroach product comes in the form of granular baits in the form of lenses. The drug is absolutely safe for all household members.
  • strong remedy, but you can use it only if you have a respirator and a cotton-gauze bandage. Dilute according to the instructions with water and spray using a spray bottle.
  • – the best product for high-quality disinfestation at home. The structures are installed in the center of the room; after activation, insecticidal smoke begins to be released, penetrating into all hard-to-reach places.
  • The Quiet Evening smoke bomb, when ignited, produces toxic smoke that kills cockroaches. However, use in an apartment poses a risk of fire.

Main advantage folk recipes is their low cost, in some cases, effectiveness and safety for people and pets. However, you must immediately be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to fight cockroaches in an apartment; it is a labor-intensive process. Strongly smelling substances should be used with caution to avoid allergic reactions and headaches.

geranium Both a pot with a plant and fresh branches will do.
  • will help significantly reduce the number of cockroaches. As the filling progresses, old structures must be removed.
  • Freezing. Temperatures below minus 5°C are detrimental to cockroaches. In private homes in winter, you can turn off the heating and expose the Prussians to the cold. But if you take into account that insects hide in cracks, under baseboards, it should be at least -10°C. Freezing cockroaches is not used in apartments; there is a risk of damaging the system central heating, plumbing
  • To quickly cope with the invasion of cockroaches in the apartment, it is better to combine different ones. However, you should not use aromatic mixtures in combination with industrial gels. This will disorient the insects and they will not be able to find the bait.

    Preventive measures

    Timely removal of garbage, wiping surfaces dry, removing food debris from tables, troubleshooting water supply and sewerage problems, and eliminating wall cracks will help protect your apartment from pests. Crayons and gels are used as barrier protection.

    Anyone can get rid of cockroaches, you just need to make a little effort and visit the department household chemicals and do not create favorable conditions in your apartment for synanthropic pests.

    Most people shudder to imagine their neighborhood. This is especially unpleasant in an apartment where they crawl around kitchen table and things. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of cockroaches at home is so relevant. There are many chemicals that destroy these insects, but they do not provide a 100% guarantee. You can use proven folk remedies for cockroaches or invite specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Whatever method you choose, you need to do it as soon as you notice the presence of these insects. After all, they are very prolific, and over time it will become more and more difficult to cope with them.

    Why you need to get rid of cockroaches

    The presence of insects in an apartment is very unpleasant, because they crawl on things and can climb onto the table and into the bed. In addition, such a neighborhood can be very dangerous, since cockroaches are carriers of various diseases. Crawling along the toilet and trash can, they catch bacteria on their paws, then spreading them throughout the kitchen and bedroom. Most often they carry worm eggs, but can infect humans with E. coli, dysentery or typhoid. Many people experience an allergic reaction from the presence of cockroaches in their apartment. Some especially large individuals can greatly frighten the residents of the house and even bite. There have also been cases when insects got into a person’s nose or ear, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, every owner should know how to deal with cockroaches, because no one is immune from the appearance of insects.

    Types of cockroaches

    This is one of the most common and tenacious insects on the planet. There are many known species, but only two of them live in our apartments: red cockroaches, or Prussians, and black ones.

    What remedies are there for cockroaches?

    All methods of combating these annoying insects can be divided into several groups:

    Mechanical means: you can destroy them using a slipper, a cracker or a vacuum cleaner. But most often they use various traps. It could be cardboard boxes with sticky floors and walls, boxes with narrow labyrinths or homemade traps.

    Poisoned baits are tasty treats for insects that contain substances that are poisonous to them. The disadvantage of this remedy is that cockroaches quickly develop immunity to it, in addition, children or pets can eat the poison.

    Freezing using very low temperatures.

    You can repel insects. This has long been done using the smells of plants that insects cannot tolerate: elderberry, tansy or flowering rye. They will also go away if you add ammonia to the water for washing floors or wipe the places where they often appear with lemon juice. And in the store you can buy ultrasonic repellers.

    Chemical preparations created in recent decades are the most effective remedies for cockroaches.

    But no matter which method you use, the most important thing is to keep your home clean. It has long been known that cockroaches live in places where crumbs, food and garbage are often left behind. Therefore, even if you know how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, they may return. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules.

    An important stage in the fight against cockroaches

    If you follow these recommendations, you will create unbearable living conditions for cockroaches. Sometimes in such cases insects leave the room without any additional measures. But very often it is necessary to use more effective cockroach repellents. This especially applies to residents apartment buildings, where you will definitely find a dirty apartment, from where insects crawl across all floors. It would be good if you can agree with your neighbors to jointly treat the house with specialists from the SES. Otherwise, everyone will have to choose for themselves how to get rid of cockroaches at home.

    How to fight cockroaches with boric acid

    1. The easiest way is to sprinkle the powder in places where these insects frequent, especially on the approaches to water. But the problem is that cockroaches are very cunning and will quickly understand that it is dangerous there. Once they smell boric acid, they will not approach it.
    2. More effective way- prepare bait with boric acid that is attractive to cockroaches. Most often the powder is mixed with egg yolk. 2-3 bags and one yolk should be mixed well and formed into small balls the size of a pea. They need to be placed in places where cockroaches accumulate. These insects are very curious and will definitely come up to sniff an object that attracts them.
    3. You can mix boric acid powder with bread crumb or add it to any bait. The main thing is that the insect touches this substance.

    Destruction of cockroaches by freezing

    In many cases, it is not possible to use chemicals or place baits that could be eaten by pets or children. But it’s quite unpleasant when cockroaches appear in the house. How to get rid folk remedies from such neighbors, you can learn from old people who fought against this scourge when there were no strong poisons. One of the safest methods for all living creatures, except cockroaches, is freezing. It is especially easy to apply in country house or in new apartment, because in order for all the insects and their young to die, you need to keep the room at a temperature below 5 degrees for at least three hours. Cockroaches are very heat-loving insects, and such conditions kill them quite quickly. Frost is also destructive for their unhatched offspring. It is very convenient to use this method when you have caught all the adults using traps. This prevents young cockroaches from appearing after some time. The only condition applications this method is to protect radiators and heating systems from damage. To do this, you need to drain all the water from them.


    It is best to use them when you first notice that cockroaches have appeared in the house. Not many people know how to get rid of them using traps. After all, only recently have such devices made industrially appeared on sale. They are easy to use: you only need to periodically change the bait or empty the caught insects. Cockroaches are curious, they will definitely climb where it smells good. The most attractive baits for them are pieces of cookies, sugar or some sweets and bread dipped in sunflower oil. All traps can be divided into three groups:

    1. Various boxes with bait placed inside. To prevent insects from getting out, special glue is used to lubricate the traps from the inside. Some manufacturers make these boxes with narrow, winding passages, and cockroaches cannot find a way out. For the same purposes, you can make a trap yourself by simply greasing the edges of a deep bowl or jar with sunflower oil and placing bait on the bottom.
    2. The second type of traps are those that are powered from an outlet. They kill insects with electric shock.
    3. And the third type of trap does not catch, but poisons insects. They have poison inside them, which the cockroach carries on its legs to the colony. One insect can poison everyone in this way. Many who are looking best way How to get rid of cockroaches at home, choose such traps, because this way the poison will not harm pets and people.


    Now this is the most effective way to combat any insects. This is explained by the fact that chemicals are guaranteed to destroy cockroaches, and they penetrate inside the colony and poison all the individuals there. Modern insecticides are available in several forms:

    Using cockroach gel

    Among those who are looking for a way to get rid of cockroaches, they are becoming increasingly popular. The main advantages of using this product are its ease of application, high efficiency in killing insects and relative safety for people. All gels are available in tubes and syringes; most have a long spout, making it easier to access into crevices and under furniture. This is the remedy

    It is applied in small drops, and if there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, then you need to make paths from such drops along the baseboards, under the bathroom and in other places where these insects accumulate. You can also apply small drops in the corners of the inner surface bedside tables and cabinets. The gels do not contain fat or other substances that stain the surface, so after some time their remains can be easily removed with a regular rag.

    The principle of operation of this product lies in its composition. It contains a substance that is poisonous to cockroaches, which is odorless, and odorous baits that serve to attract insects. Most often it is the aroma of vanilla, honey, chocolate or anise. People don't notice it, but you still need to apply the gel in places out of the reach of children and pets. After eating the gel, and in some cases simply sniffing it, the cockroach returns to the nest, where it dies. His remains are eaten by his relatives and safely become infected. So in 3-4 weeks it is possible to completely free the apartment from these insects. The best manufacturers gels are from Global, Reid and Raptor. Most strong effect have “Sturm” and “Fas”, they are mainly used for professional processing industrial premises. And in an apartment, especially if children and pets live in it, it is best to use Domovoy gel. Russian production. It contains a large amount of bitterness and attractants. These substances do not repel insects, but because of this, the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat the gel, even if they stumble upon it.

    Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches forever?

    Despite the abundance of ways to kill cockroaches, there is no universal method. Even if you use the most effective remedy and they disappear, there is no guarantee that they will not appear again after a while. After all, the most prolific and hardy insects are domestic cockroaches. How to get rid of them forever,

    Many people would like to know. But experience shows that this is only possible in a private house if all conditions are met. In a city apartment, even if you use the most effective means, after a while they may crawl from your neighbors. And then the fight will have to start all over again. To be sure to get rid of these annoying neighbors, it is better to use several means at once. For example, spray with spray, draw lines along the baseboards with Mashenka chalk and lay out poisoned baits. In addition, you need to keep the house clean, seal all the cracks and cover the ventilation holes with fine mesh. Regularly wipe the floors with water with the addition of ammonia and place tansy or elderberry flowers in secluded places.