What kind of plant is yucca? Growing garden yucca: propagation, planting and replanting - review! Leaf care, dust removal

Yucca flowers- flowers of an evergreen shrub, a representative of the Asparagus family. The shrub is a branched tree-like stem with sharp green leaves (see photo). The Indians called yucca the “tree of life.” plant blooms beautiful flowers white or cream-colored, which resemble bells. Yucca flowers are very fragrant, their aroma resembles a fragrance expensive soap. Yucca blooms only at night, and bears fruit only in the wild. The fact is that this plant pollinates special kind butterflies, which is not found in temperate climates. The fruit of the tree is a fleshy berry. Most species of yucca are native to the United States and Mexico. Yucca has the reputation of being the most beautiful desert plant.

Yucca is also known as the "tree of happiness." It is commonly believed that the plant brings prosperity and good luck to the home. Decorative appearance(yucca is very similar to a palm tree) and the benefits of the plant allow it to be grown for different purposes. Some astrologers, on the contrary, do not recommend keeping yucca in the house, since its energy can cause conflicts among household members; they position yucca exclusively as a tub plant for the office. A tub of yucca at the entrance will protect the office space from evil forces.

Growing and care

Yucca is grown as a garden and indoor plant. Yucca is a heat-loving plant native to the tropics. A tree cannot grow without sufficient solar lighting and regular watering. When watering, it is important to pay attention to the leaves of the plant: if they curl, this means that the tree urgently needs watering, and if the leaves are straightened, it does not need to be watered. You should not overwater the flower, as this can cause the rhizome to rot. When there is insufficient light, the yucca sheds its leaves, optimal place A well-lit room is considered suitable for a plant.

Yucca can be grown from seeds if you are patient. It is better to sow seeds at the end of winter; seedlings can be grown in an average of 2 (!) years. Most often they buy an already grown plant. Yucca can be grown in an apartment and then transferred to the garden for the summer. The plant takes root well in well-drained soil. Yucca can also be planted in open ground for year-round cultivation. For the winter, the plant should be tied into a bundle and wrapped, in this form the yucca will safely overwinter in the garden.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of yucca flowers are used to prevent many diseases. Scientists have discovered enzymes, chlorophyll, and other biologically active substances in the plant. Thanks to its rich composition, yucca cleanses the body and increases blood pressure, which is important for hypotension. The plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and eliminates polyps in the intestines. Yucca is known as a plant that is good for joints: it relieves pain from arthritis and gout.

The highest concentration of nutrients is observed in the roots and leaves of the plant. Americans for a long time Yucca was used to make shampoos and aromatic soaps; paper and strong ropes were made from the leaves. Yucca is rich in steroidal saponins, which are necessary for the production of hormonal drugs, one of which is cortisone. The shrub's antifungal properties are also known. Chlorophyll, which the leaves contain, fights toxins and protects the body. Chlorophyll is necessary for hematopoiesis, since its molecule is similar to the molecule of human hemoglobin (this substance was even at one time called “green blood of plants”). Chlorophyll has antitumor activity, delays the growth of malignant tumors. Scientists who have studied chlorophyll have concluded that hemoglobin, which is the main respiratory pigment in the blood, is molecularly similar to chlorophyll. The only difference is that magnesium is at the center of these processes in plants, and iron in humans. Scientists have concluded that chlorophyll affects the blood in the same way as hemoglobin.

Green yucca leaves are rich in mucus, which coats the stomach and has a mild laxative effect. The presence of mucus makes yucca irreplaceable for peptic ulcers, gastritis, gastrointestinal diseases. Anthraquinones also have a laxative effect; in addition, they are known for their astringent properties and relieve inflammation.

The enzymes that yucca contains are similar to enzymes that are secreted in the human body. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and participate in metabolism.

Antioxidants occupy an important place among beneficial substances; they prevent premature aging processes and protect cells from oxidative processes. Antioxidants have anti-cancer activity; they neutralize free radicals. Modern man is in a state of chronic stress, if we add to this a factor such as smoking, it becomes clear that the need for antioxidants increases. In order to stay healthy, a person must consume foods that contain antioxidants.

Yucca flowers are rich minerals, such as zinc, selenium. Zinc activates immune reactions and normalizes blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetes. This mineral helps in the absorption of vitamin E. Zinc is one of the most important microelements, necessary for bone tissue, the satisfactory condition of the skin and teeth. Selenium protects nucleic acids that are essential for the circulatory system. Nucleic acids are the basis of all living organisms, as they participate in the transfer of genetic information.

Yucca root contains vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is also called the “beauty vitamin”; it is involved in the production of sex hormones and the synthesis of the main visual pigment in the retina. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin C is important for maintaining the immune system. The root of this plant has long been used to relieve inflammatory processes. It is rich in potassium, vitamin K, calcium, copper, magnesium and zinc. Extracts from yucca root help absorb nutrients and normalize metabolic processes. Saponins are very important in diseases such as arthrosis and gout; their action is similar to that of steroids, but saponins have no side effects.

Use in cooking

The Indians also used yucca flowers in cooking; they added the petals to soups and vegetable dishes. At home, the plant is grown as an industrial crop. Sugar is obtained from yucca juice. The flowers have a pleasant taste, they are dense and crunchy. If we compare yucca with known food products, its taste is closest to green beans and artichoke leaves. The flowers of the plant go well with eggs; they are often placed in omelettes. Crushed flowers can be added to tomato soups.

Benefits of yucca flowers and treatment

The benefits of yucca are associated with the presence in its flowers of many substances necessary for the body. At skin diseases prepare a decoction for lotions according to the following recipe. About 50 grams of leaves are brought to a boil in 3 liters of water, the resulting decoction is used for lotions. This remedy is effective for psoriasis and eczema. An ointment based on yucca is also prepared for psoriasis and eczema: 100 grams of unsalted lard and 10 grams of leaves are mixed in a water bath and filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting ointment is applied to areas where there are problems.

At stomach diseases, in the presence of inflammatory processes, prepare a decoction of 10 grams of yucca leaves per 500 ml of water. A third of the decoction is taken 3 times a day.

Patients with diabetes can purchase medicines based on yucca or prepare decoctions from the flowers and leaves of the plant.

Harm of yucca flowers and contraindications

Yucca can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance.

Introducing best tips on planting and caring for garden yucca in open ground. We tell you the features of growing outdoors: choosing a location, fertilizing, replanting, propagation, pruning and flowering. And also how to care for a flower in the fall and how to prepare it for winter.

Planting garden yucca

The following types of yucca are most often grown in open ground: filamentous (filamentosa), glaucous and glorious. The first species successfully winters in the conditions of the Moscow region and central Russia, while the other two are grown mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Due to their exotic appearance, plants look festive in any place in the garden or group of plants.

The flower can also be grown as a potted plant in room conditions(ivory and aloe leaf). They can often be seen in shopping centers and offices.


The plant is easy to care for, the most important thing is to plant it correctly and it will require a minimum of attention throughout the summer. The flower grows well and feels comfortable in an open sunny place, but in some cases it tolerates partial shade well.

  • It is better to choose a place for planting garden yucca on a small slope that is sunny, but with partial shade in the midday heat, and well ventilated, but without drafts.

You should not plant in lowlands or places with dense shade, as such conditions will negatively affect the appearance of the plant. With a lack of light, its leaves turn yellow and fall off.


Yucca is planted in the spring, before active growth begins and when night temperatures are consistently above +10 degrees or from mid-August to early September. The soil should contain sand, leaf and turf soil, as well as humus (to add nutrients).

The flower can grow in almost any soil, the main thing is that the root system has access to air. If you want to plant a plant where there is dense black soil or clay, then add sand to the soil mixture, and arrange gravel drainage at the bottom of the hole.

The flower grows well and often stays in one place for 15-20 years.

How to plant garden yucca correctly?

The size of the dug hole should be approximately twice the diameter of the root system; the bush is planted exactly in the center. After filling the roots with soil, carefully compact it so that there are no air cushions, and water with a small amount of settled water.

Planting yucca in open ground after purchase

Experts advise not to plant it immediately, but to harden it first. Take the plant outside and increase the duration of stay: the first 3-4 days for 1-2 hours during the day, the next 4-5 days for 3-4 hours, and then 4-5 days for 5-6 hours. Then the bush can be planted in the country.

Yucca: cultivation and care in open ground - watering and fertilizing

With fertilizing and watering, the main thing is to avoid excess. With excessive watering, the roots begin to rot, and with insufficient watering, the leaves curl, and the threads droop and hang (in yucca filamentosa). At proper watering The flower has straightened leaves with twisted threads.

The first two years of its life are fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer for succulents in May (before the start of active growing season) and after flowering. In the 3rd year, when the root system is well developed, it will be possible to feed with organic fertilizers.

It is better to feed adult flowers in mid-spring (April) - with liquid organic fertilizer. In early June, a handful of superphosphate is poured around the trunk; after watering or rain, fertilizers reach the roots and stimulate the formation of flower shoots and buds.

How to properly replant garden yucca?

Transplantation is done mainly to divide and replant an overgrown bush (also see propagation by dividing a bush). Since the plant can grow well for 15-20 years with good care without changing location. Up to 3 years of age, it can be transplanted to a more favorable location with minimal risk.

Subtleties of transplantation

  • The roots can grow up to 60-70 cm in length. Therefore, they dig deep and carefully around the bush so as not to harm them.
  • Choose a landing site according to our recommendations.
  • After transplanting, it is better to feed street yucca after 14-16 days with complex fertilizer.
  • It usually blooms within a year.

When is the best time to replant yucca?

The flower should be transplanted in spring or late summer (from August to early September).

Reproduction of garden yucca

The plant is propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Under natural conditions, pollination of flowers occurs with the help of butterflies from the Pronuba family, but in our climatic conditions they don't live.

By the way, the process of growing yucca from seeds is very labor-intensive and long: they are collected in August, sown in February, and only two years later in April-May it will be possible to plant seedlings in open ground.


Simple and effective way, which are convenient to reproduce street yucca during transplantation.

  1. An overgrown flower must be dug up from mid-April to early May or from mid-August to early September, and the shoots with roots and shoots must be separated.
  2. Young plants are planted on permanent place and water it. They need more careful care: protect from the bright rays of the sun, carefully water and feed after rooting.

As a rule, offspring are planted every 3-4 years.


The best time for reproduction is spring. Strong but small apical shoots (top of the stem) are used as cuttings. The larger the cutting, the worse it takes root.

  1. A healthy shoot (small crown of the stem) is cut at an acute angle, and the cut area is sprinkled with crushed charcoal or activated charcoal. Remove excess leaves (leave 4-5 on a large sample) and dry for 15-20 minutes in the shade.
  2. Then the cuttings are planted in a moist soil substrate at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and to a depth of 5-7 cm, and covered with glass/film on top.
  3. Rooting occurs best in light, nutritious, sandy soil at room temperature. Keep the soil mixture moist. After rooting the cuttings, plant them in the ground.
  4. Young flowers are left to overwinter in a greenhouse, but are additionally insulated with leaves on top.


In order to propagate street yucca from the trunk, there must be dormant buds on it.

  1. Prepare the soil mixture. Cut off part of the flower trunk with dormant buds (at least 10 cm in length), place it horizontally on moist soil and lightly press it into it.
  2. Spray part of the trunk a little every day.
  3. After about 10-20 days, the dormant buds will wake up, and young shoots will grow in their place.
  4. Then the palm trunk is removed and cut into separate parts with shoots. The cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried in the shade for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Each part with a shoot is planted in the ground.

How to prune yucca correctly?

Pruning is an excellent means of rejuvenating an old plant and providing strong seedlings for the garden or home. It is also used to save frostbitten or rotten flowers.

A favorable time for pruning is spring, when the winter shelter has already been freed. Since there is only one growth point, when the stem is trimmed, its further growth stops. After this, dormant buds will awaken on the stem and after some time new rosettes with leaves will appear.

  1. Two days before pruning, water the yucca. Cut the trunk with a clean knife with a sharp blade so that the bark does not peel off at the cut site, 7-9 cm lower than the level of leaf growth.
  2. After drying (10-15 minutes), the cut areas are sprinkled with fungicide and finely ground charcoal. The top of the mother plant remaining in the soil is covered with garden varnish to provide good protection from disease and rot. The flower must be moved to a less lit place or shaded.
  3. After a couple of weeks, young shoots will begin to appear on it. The strong and healthy flower leave 3-5 shoots. Garden yuccas small size will be able to withstand the growth of a maximum of two tops.

The cut top can be rooted in the same way as cuttings in a greenhouse or greenhouse with a sandy substrate. After rooting, it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Yucca filamentosa “Bright edge”

Flowering and why doesn't yucca bloom?

An adult yucca blooms with beautiful flowers white with a creamy yellow or golden hue, they are shaped like bells. Quite a large number of them are located on one leg, due to which the plant has excellent decorative properties.

A multi-flowered panicle, 0.5 m to 2.5 m long, emerges from the center of a leaf rosette. It usually stands upright, but can sag under the weight of the flowers. A plant grown in a garden with sufficient warmth and sunlight, will delight you with its abundant flowering.

What year does yucca bloom?

The plant usually blooms in the 2-3rd year (sometimes in the 1st). The flowering period lasts a very long time - up to three weeks and occurs in June-July.

Why doesn't it bloom?

  • Yucca most often cannot bloom for a reason: cold winter, if its above-ground part was damaged by frost.
  • It is not uncommon for it to bloom 4-5 years after planting.
  • Often the bush does not bloom due to lack of light when planted in partial shade.

Yucca filamentosa (filamentosa)

Care in autumn and winter

Garden yucca is considered quite frost-resistant; it actually tolerates snow falling in autumn or spring without visible losses, but only if it melts in 2-3 days. In general, it is able to withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees.

And constant cold and winter without snow are deadly for the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate it before the onset of winter frosts, especially specimens under 2-3 years old. Frosts are more dangerous for the growing point (the core of the rosette) since the roots are more resistant and better protected.

How to cover garden yucca for the winter?

  1. In late October - early November, in dry weather, press the leaves to the crown around the trunk ("bun/tail") and carefully tie with twine/ribbon along the entire length. You will get a kind of column. This way we will protect the top of the plant from freezing and the leaves from mechanical damage.
  2. Next, wrap the flower with thick fabric, burlap or agrofibre and put it on top wooden box without bottom.
  3. Pour dry leaves, spruce branches or sawdust on top and on all sides of the box. If there is no box, then put branches or boards that will press the leaves to the ground and prevent the wind from blowing them away.
  4. Next, cover the structure with the plant with film and secure it securely. This shelter will allow you to preserve the yucca in winter as it will not let moisture in from the outside and has an air cushion inside.
  5. Young specimens are more sensitive to excess moisture in winter period. That's why, early spring It is better to remove excess snow. In the spring, when stable heat sets in, the structure is dismantled. As young leaves begin to grow, last year's old yellowed ones are cut off with pruning shears.
  • By the way, even in the conditions of the Moscow region and central Russia, street yucca successfully winters in such a shelter. In the south of Russia you can do without serious shelter; it is enough to complete the first three points.

When to open yucca after winter?

In spring (mid-late March) remove winter shelter from the yucca and rake up the dry leaves. Then cover with burlap and remove it after the onset of stable warmth (early April).

Approximate dates for the Moscow region are indicated.

Possible problems during cultivation

High air humidity and damp soil contribute to the development of diseases. Look - Of these, the palm tree is most often affected by stem rotting due to overwatering and improperly prepared soil.

  1. Brown leaf tips are caused by cold drafts or dry air.
  2. Stains brown may be caused by a fungal disease due to high humidity soil. The reason lies in excessive watering, incorrect composition of the soil mixture (insufficient drainage, low air permeability) or inappropriate acidity of the substrate.
  3. Light, dry spots occur when there is too much bright sun.
  • Read more in a separate article. And for photos of all types (nice, gray, filamentous and others), see the material about varieties.


We wish that beautiful and healthy yucca grows and blooms in your garden!

May 14 2018

Yucca - home care

A houseplant called Yucca is very popular among gardeners. This one is evergreen beautiful flower It looks noble both in a city apartment and in a reputable office; there is no shame in giving it as a gift. An adult plant evokes admiring glances and a desire to have such a flower at home. If you have this exotic, or are thinking about purchasing it, our article will help you with advice on how best to care for this southern belle. Let us immediately make a reservation that special knowledge and special requirements You don’t need to comfortably maintain and care for Yucca at home.

Yucca is indigenous to Central America and its arid regions. Visually, it is similar to a Palm tree, especially in its natural habitat, when the leaves from the lower tiers dry out and fall off, the trunk becomes lignified and only a bunch of hard leaves remains at the top. But this is not Palma.

There is some confusion regarding the classification of Yucca. At first, Yucca was classified as a member of the Liliaceae family, then to the Agave family, and now to the Asparagus family. Moreover, Yucca is now simultaneously on the list of representatives of both. In general, there is complete confusion. In addition to Palma, it is also often confused with other indoor flowers similar to Palma - Dracaena and Cordyline. Experienced florist he won't make a mistake, he will immediately see the difference. But for beginners, this similarity is a little confusing.

Large specimen of Yucca

In nature, Yucca grows as a fully or partially leafy large shrub from two to eight meters in height. Indoor views grow up to a meter or two. Its tree-like stem is topped with green or bluish dense leaves, sticking out in different directions or slightly drooping, pointed lanceolate or xiphoid in shape. The length of such a leaf can reach up to a meter, although indoor specimens have leaves no more than 50 cm in length. There are stemless species of Yucca, the crown of which consists of one or several rosettes.

Yucca blooms amazingly beautifully, throwing out powerful vertical peduncles, abundantly strewn with buds. Large flowers, up to 8 cm long, resemble cup-shaped bells. The flowers are most often white, but creamy-greenish, yellowish or pinkish tones are found in nature. The fruits are of no interest; they look like dry boxes. True, some species have juicy edible fruits. But unfortunately, not every gardener gets to see Yucca blooming at home. It grows quite quickly. From a small plant it can turn into a large bush or tree in a few years. What should be done to make the plant feel “at home” and at the same time maintain its compact decorative form and acceptable dimensions for your room? Let's try to figure this out.

Types and varieties

There are over thirty different species of Yucca. They differ mainly in leaves and sizes. Some species have lanceolate leaves, while others have sword-shaped leaves. In addition, the edges of the leaf blades in some species are covered with long, stiff hairs, in others - with spines, and in others they are smooth. U indoor varieties Yucca leaves, in addition to the usual green leaves, have variegated leaves with bright white or yellow stripes. The most popular types: filamentous, ivory, gray, glorious and aloel.

At home, mainly two types are grown - ivory and aloe vera. Less often - filamentous and blue. We are sure that all types of this plant will decorate your home. Let's get to know them better.

Yucca elephantipes

It is named so because of the wide, massive base of the stem, which appears in Yucca in old age, which resembles the foot of an African elephant. This species of Yucca is very unpretentious to living conditions. It grows slowly. It is accustomed to the arid climate of a city apartment, is undemanding to the soil composition and does not take up much space in the room. In addition, you can plant other Yucca plants in a wide pot. indoor flowers, resistant to dry soil, for example, or. Against the background of Yucca, pots with, Spathiphyllum, and Benjamin ficus look great. or also decorate this floral arrangement.

In the south of Russia, in Crimea and the Caucasus, it grows in open ground and does not require shelter for the winter. IN middle lane In Russia it is grown under cover. Sometimes grown at home. This almost stemless plant grows as a shrub with beautiful bluish-green leaves, which have characteristic white or yellow stripes. The length of the leaves reaches 70 cm, width – up to 4 cm. The apex is pointed. The edges of the leaves are slightly drooping and contain numerous twisted white threads. Root system well developed. The peduncle is very large, rising above the rosette to a height of up to one meter. Yucca blooms with drooping yellowish-white flowers up to 8 cm in length.

This species is less common in indoor floriculture. It is more demanding in terms of content, it takes more space. It grows slowly, but over time, expanding, mature plant takes the shape of a ball with wide leathery leaves. IN summer time Yucca marginata is blooming. On an inflorescence up to 45 cm long, many bell-shaped flowers of a creamy white color with a light purple tint are formed.

Yucca glauca

This type of Yucca has a greatly shortened stem. It does not grow higher than two meters in height. The bluish-green leaves are collected in dense rosettes about 90 cm wide. They are leathery, fibrous, up to 60 cm in length. At the edges they are white or gray with flaking fibers. In summer it forms paniculate inflorescence up to one meter in height, on which many small creamy-white flowers with a greenish or brown tint appear.

Caring for Yucca at home

The presented types of Yucca will fit perfectly into the interior of your apartment, will green it, and will not require you to big casualties and time. Just follow the basic rules for growing it, which we will now introduce you to.

Lighting and location of the pot

Light-loving Yuccas are best placed on flower stands near eastern or western window sills in an apartment. The place should be sunny, well lit throughout the day - the growth, development and appearance of your flower will depend on this. For this reason, you should not place the pot on the floor - there will not be enough light. It is necessary that the stand for it be flush with the window sill.

If you place a pot with a flower near the southern windows, then at midday you will have to cover the Yucca from direct rays of the sun with light curtains or blinds so that its leaves do not get sunburned.

If the window sills in your apartment are wide and the Yucca bushes are still young, then you can easily keep them on the windowsill. Just make sure that in the summer the sun does not burn them, and in the winter the leaves do not touch the cold glass.

IN winter time the plant will miss natural light at any window. You will have to take care of this in advance and purchase a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp to turn it on if necessary at a distance of 50–60 cm from the flower in order to artificially extend the daylight hours for Yucca to 12 hours a day.

Ventilation of the room in autumn-winter is also necessary for the flower, but do not forget that drafts are contraindicated for it.


The temperature of the flower should be kept around 22–26 degrees. The usual temperature of city apartments is quite suitable for it, in which the flower develops well and looks healthy. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 16–20 degrees. During heating season Yucca begins to suffer from hot air. Its leaves begin to stretch out, thin out, and turgor weakens. Try to reduce the temperature in the room by ventilation or using split systems. Cover batteries using improvised means. Avoid sudden temperature changes.

Sometimes the owner opens the windows for ventilation in winter and forgets to take Yucca out next room. A short time is enough to ruin a plant and then regret it for a long time. Lower temperature limit in winter for indoor Yucca is 8 g. heat.


Yucca does not require high ambient humidity. The humidity of our city apartments suits it - 40–50%. If the humidity is even lower and the temperature is high, for example, during the heating season, we recommend spraying the surrounding air and the leaves of the flower with boiled or well-settled water at room temperature. Just make sure that the wet leaves of the flower are not exposed to sunlight through the window glass - the plant can get burned and lose its decorative appearance.

To keep the leaves clean and improve their respiration during the hot season, the crown should be wiped with a damp cloth. Flower with wet leaves You can’t put it in the sun - it will get burned. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evening so that the crown dries out overnight.


There is no single rule for watering Yucca. The amount and frequency of watering depend on the time of year, humidity indoors or outdoors (depending on where the flower is located), the size of the flower and its pot. For example, a young plant, just bought in a store and transplanted into new pot, should be moistened a little almost every day, and an adult flower growing in a huge pot can be watered once every two to three weeks. We will give general recommendations on this matter.

In summer, watering should be plentiful, but not frequent. Wait for it to dry top layer soil 4–7 cm deep, only then water again. Use only settled or boiled water at room temperature. If the air temperature is about 20–22 degrees, water no more than once a week. In autumn-winter, watering is reduced. One watering every 10–14 days may be sufficient. The cooler the air in the room becomes, the less often you should water the flower. If the temperature remains at 18 degrees for a long time, one watering every 3 weeks is sufficient.

It has been noticed that it is enough to pour 1 liter of water into a 5 liter pot. Yucca tolerates dry soil more easily than overwatering. At any time of the year, do not allow excess water to stagnate in the pan, so as not to provoke rotting of the Yucca root system. If the leaves appear brown spots, and they began to curl up - which means the roots began to rot due to waterlogging of the substrate. In addition, waterlogged soil often causes the plant to be attacked by all sorts of pests.

If the top layer of the substrate remains wet for several days after watering, the substrate may have become very hardened and does not allow water to pass to the roots inside the pot. In this case, you urgently need to loosen the soil with some available tool, or at least a fork.

Or perhaps the humidity level in your apartment has increased significantly. The soil began to dry more slowly. By maintaining the usual watering regime, you risk ruining the root system of the plant.

In hot weather, it is advisable to arrange a shower for Yucca. Wash its leaves well to remove dust, but make sure that water does not get on the substrate (cover the soil with polyethylene while bathing). After your shower, place the pot in a place where there are no drafts or direct sunlight. When the leaves are dry, you can take the flower to its place.


Feeding Yucca is a necessary condition her successful cultivation from April to August. Foliar fertilizing with minerals has an advantage liquid formulations. Just dilute them with twice as much water as indicated in the instructions for the drug. Spray the undersides of the leaves with the preparation - Yucca reacts well to this. Foliar feeding combined with regular watering of the flower. Buy liquid mineral fertilizers for blooming indoor flowers in special stores. During the period of active growth, feed Yucca once every 2 weeks. During illness, after transplantation and in autumn-winter, the flower is not fed.

If, when replanting the plant, you used special balanced soil for Palms or Dracaenas, then Yucca will have enough nutrition for a long time, and you will not have to feed it until the next season.


Yucca prefers light, loose, but quite nutritious substrates, in which leaf, turf land, peat, humus and coarse sand are in equal proportions. You can use ready-made soil mixtures. The composition is suitable for soil for Palms or Dracaenas with a neutral or slightly acidic environment. Or you can prepare the soil yourself. In any case, we recommend disinfecting the substrate before use in any way - calcining or freezing it to prevent the presence of infection and insects.


After purchasing Yucca, do not immediately place it in the prepared place - give it a little time to acclimatize to new living conditions away from other flowers. Transplant the flower into a new pot larger than the transport container. Prepare a new substrate as well. Be sure to place a good layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot - expanded clay or crushed stone, at least 5 cm. Replant the flower using the transshipment method. Do not deepen the stem too much. Immersion to a depth greater than 3 cm is fraught with rotting of the trunk and death of the Yucca. After transplanting, water the plant and place it separately from the others for a couple of weeks to monitor it. Do not place the pot in the sun, in a draft, or in a room that is too hot. After the expiration of the term, a healthy-looking Yucca can be moved to its planned location.

A planned transplant of Yucca into another, larger pot is carried out for young specimens once a year, for more mature ones - once every two to four years, with partial replacement of the old soil with new one. There are no special restrictions on the time of transplantation, but it is still better to replant it in the spring. The reason for the transplant may be the Yucca's root system that has grown throughout the pot. When removing a flower from an old one and placing it in a new pot, try not to damage the root system. Otherwise, the flower may get sick, and the adaptation process will take a long time, if not worse.

Try to ensure that the new substrate with which you fill the voids in the pot is of the same composition as the previous one, then the adaptation time will pass faster. One more condition: the transplanted flower cannot be fed, pruned or cuttings for a month! Let him adapt to the new living conditions in peace.

Large flowers are not very stable. Therefore he is put in big pot. To prevent acidification of the soil, rippers are added to it - vermiculite, perlite or expanded clay chips in a ratio of 5 to 1.

If the plant is too large and you do not want it to grow further, use an old pot when replanting and cut the root system of the flower by a quarter with a clean tool. Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal, possibly charcoal, or activated charcoal. In an old, but cleaned and disinfected pot, pour 5 cm of new drainage and part of the new soil. The flower is installed and its roots are covered with substrate. There should be fresh soil on both the top and sides of the pot. After transplanting, do not water the Yucca for a couple of days, and then begin to carefully moisten the substrate in portions, waiting for its surface to dry.

It is problematic to replant an adult plant that has reached monumental size. Usually they are content with annually replacing the old soil from the top of the pot with new soil.

How to prune Yucca

Rest period

Yucca does not have a pronounced period of rest. She all year round needs good lighting, moderate temperature environment, in moderate watering. If you take it out into an unheated room for the winter, keep in mind that the temperature is below 8 degrees. heat is critical for her.


We introduced you to different types the evergreen beauty Yucca, as well as the rules for caring for her at home. According to Feng Shui, Yucca is a symbol of fresh air, purity and perfection. She does not tolerate clutter either in the house, or in the office, or in her head. It is placed near the workplace of a person who often leads business negotiations and signs important papers. We are sure that you will like this flower.

This message has no labels

Yucca resembles a palm tree in appearance, although from a botanical point of view this is not so. This one is hardy and big flower very popular and can be found in the homes of lovers indoor plants possible quite often. It is inexpensive, easy to care for and easy to propagate.

The homeland of this plant is Central America and India, where it reaches a height of several meters. In our homes, a slow-growing species is common, which has a strong structure, extraordinary beauty, low requirements for care and conditions. At home it reaches a height of 1.80 meters.

How to care for a yucca flower at home

What you need for care:

  • settled water;
  • fertilizers;
  • clay pot;
  • compost;
  • a little peat and coarse sand;
  • soft fabric.

Where to put the pot

This flower prefers sunny places and grows best on a sunny windowsill. However, it needs frequent ventilation. During the summer months, you can keep it outside or on the balcony to provide the plant with fresh air.

Yucca is a light-loving plant and achieves its full beauty if the leaves receive direct sunlight for at least three hours a day. Temperatures favorable for growth and development range from 10 to 24 degrees Celsius or even more, provided fresh air is provided. The flower can remain at room temperature throughout the year.

Irrigation system

Yucca is watered as needed, using simple tap water for this purpose, which has stood in a jar for at least 12 hours. It does not require a large amount of water; it should be watered sparingly. Watering too generously can cause root rot and leaf wilting.

Depending on the symptoms, you need to reduce the amount of watering or even use an antifungal product for houseplants, which can be purchased at the store. In winter, it is better to reduce the frequency of watering to a minimum.

Leaf care, dust removal

Dust from the leaves should be removed from time to time. Simply wipe them with a soft, dry cloth. Thanks to this operation, proper breathing of the leaves will become easier and tiny pores will open in them.

The lower leaves gradually begin to dry out; they should be cut off directly near the trunk. Transplantation is carried out every 2-3 years.

If lower leaves They begin to turn yellow, which means that they do not have enough light. You need to remove them and put the pot in a bright place.

By the way, what should you pay attention to when buying? First of all, when purchasing, carefully examine the trunk; it should be hard and undamaged along its entire length, and the leaves should be healthy and green.

Fertilizers, substrate and pot for planting

Fertilizing the soil at home is carried out from April to August, once every 2-3 weeks. You can use feeding preparations in moderate quantities, which are convenient to add to the water when watering.

A clay pot is perfect for planting; it is not recommended to use plastic options. The best substrate for yucca it is a mixture of compost, peat and coarse sand.

Home care: propagation and transplantation of yucca flowers

Propagation by seeds. In February or March, the seeds can be sown in a mixture of soil and sand, and then covered with a layer of soil several centimeters thick. Conditions with high humidity and a temperature of about 21 degrees are favorable for seed germination.

When the first shoots appear, you need to move the container with the seedlings to a bright place, if it was previously in the shade. After about three months, when the plants reach a height of several centimeters or more, they are transplanted into pots.

Propagation by cuttings of yucca flower. When the flower reaches mature age, we can use it to take cuttings and propagate. Cuttings are carried out in the spring when high temperatures environment and high air humidity. Take for cuttings side shoots, with preference given to older ones.

The shoot must be placed on a hard surface and cut with a saw into pieces of at least 10 cm, each cutting must have at least one eye. The cuttings must be sprinkled with a rooting preparation, after which the cuttings must be planted in the substrate, taking care that they do not touch the bottom edge of the pot, otherwise the roots will not develop.

The procedure is best performed in a humid, shady and warm place with a temperature of about 24-27 degrees. When the seedlings take root and new shoots appear on them, you can transplant them into separate pots.

Yucca garden - care and cultivation

Yucca garden is very interesting and beautiful plant. Among the rather hard leaves, collected in a rosette, grows a long thick stem, on which rather large white flowers periodically appear. Garden yucca has a lot of flowers. The root system is large, the roots are long and deep.

It is better to plant the plant in the form of small seedlings in a sunny and well-ventilated place, then it will bloom well. The place should also be protected from strong winds, the soil should not be waterlogged or highly alkaline.

Yucca plant care, watering and fertilizing

Water the flower regularly throughout the summer, but the soil must be well permeable so that the water does not stagnate, otherwise the roots may rot. In the spring, when there is water in the soil, you need to add a little liquid fertilizer. This will strengthen the flower after winter and prepare it for the flowering period.

Fertilizer should be added regularly in summer as growth may be impaired due to the large number of flowers. If you want to speed up growth, in the first years you can break off the flowers so that the plant does not waste energy on them. After flowering, all wilted parts must be removed.

Yucca wintering

The yucca flower is frost-resistant, its leaves are evergreen, however, the roots must be protected from freezing. We can do this by covering it with fir branches. Yucca leaves retain their green color even when it snows, being the pride of their owner.


Young plants are obtained most easily by separating large ones. This should be done in the spring. It is necessary to dig up the whole plant to separate the young seedlings.

During the period of my work as a landscape designer, I gained enough experience to competently advise this or that plant.

There are specific plants that are rarely used for landscaping gardens, but there are universal ones that fit well into any landscape. Exactly like this universal plant I consider garden yucca - I’ll tell you about planting and caring for it in the article.

Yucca is a tree-like shrub that belongs to the Agave family. Plant leaves characteristic structure: they are very coarse, elongated, sword-shaped. The leaves are arranged in a circle, in the middle of which a flower rosette is formed. Photo of the plant on the website.

The color of the foliage has a bluish or calm green tint. In the center there is a peduncle: quite large, with pinkish or white flowers.

Yucca flowers are very beautiful - they look like large bells and are located multiple times on the plant. After the flowers fly around, a fruit-achene is formed in their place. During the season, from 80 to 170 flowers bloom on one plant.


Modern science has discovered about 30 species of yucca. Among them there are real giants, growing more than 10 meters in height, and there are also compact herbaceous shrubs. Most species can only grow in southern or tropical climates, so in Russia yucca is represented by only two varieties:

  • gray;
  • filamentous.

Let's talk more about these types.


Of the two varieties presented, this one is more popular. In addition, many interesting and very decorative plant varieties have been bred based on filamentous yucca.

This plant has practically no stem. The rosette is located almost flush with the soil, surrounded by large, hard leaves sticking out in different directions. Very similar to a palm fan, only without a trunk.

Yucca filamentous blooms: the flowers are lush, white-cream in color, multiple. The shape of a yucca flower resembles a bell.


Outwardly it resembles the previous variety. However, its leaves are narrower and longer, shaped like needles. The foliage is faded, as if faded, a little bluish.

The peduncles are tall, strewn with yellowish delicate bells. Externally flowering plant resembles a candle - very beautiful, decorative. Flowering can be observed in the second part of the summer season.


Let's consider the main features of rooting.


It is not advisable to plant the plant immediately in the garden. First, it is recommended to harden off the yucca to allow the plant to adapt.

To do this, the yucca is taken outside for a while, making the procedure longer every day.

Selecting a location

We recommend choosing a bright area in the garden, on a hill, for the yucca. It is undesirable to plant the plant in the shade and in lowlands, since in such conditions the decorative properties of yucca are greatly affected. With a lack of light, yucca foliage becomes very elongated, and in variegated varieties it turns pale.

Yucca can grow without any problems in the very sunshine - where more delicate plants cannot be found. garden plants. Therefore, if you have such an unused area in your garden, feel free to plant a yucca there - and the landscape will be transformed.

The area should be protected from drafts - cool breezes southern plant doesn't like it. In addition, strong gusts break the fragile flower stalks of the yucca.


The soil on the site should be loose and not too clayey. Calcareous, chernozem, sandy and rocky soils are best suited for this plant.

Dense, clay soil in this case will not work. But if the soil on your site is clayey, you can make it looser by adding sand and peat.

Garden yucca does not like excessive waterlogging. Therefore, plant it in places with close occurrence groundwater undesirable. In a low-lying area, it is recommended to raise the yucca flower bed.


The plant will feel good without sudden temperature changes, in stable conditions. Optimal temperature for growing garden yucca, the range is considered to be from +15 to +22 degrees. However, yucca can withstand temperatures up to +35 degrees and very dry air.

Site and pit preparation, planting

If the plant is young, the hole is dug small, but with a reserve. If the plant is three years old, the dimensions of the recess should be from 70 to 100 cm on one side. A hole is dug 40-50 cm deep.

Plot for spring planting you need to start preparing in the fall. A drainage layer of coarse gravel and two handfuls of wood ash are poured into the bottom of the dug hole.

It is better to plant in May, since by this time the average daily temperature reaches +10 degrees in most regions. The plant is placed in a hole, its roots must be straightened and carefully sprinkled with soil.

Important: the root collar of the plant should be flush with the edge of the recess.

Water the plant and mulch the root circle with dry soil. The measure will help keep the soil moist for a longer period, and will also rid the yucca of weeds.


Let's learn how to care for yucca in the garden.


Moistening the soil is necessary regularly, but not too often. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to water only when the top soil layer has thoroughly dried.

You can also spray the leaves if the weather is too dry. Perform this procedure in the evening or in the morning so that the leaves are not damaged.

Loosening, mulching

After watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the garden bed to make the soil more permeable. At the same time, remove any weeds that appear. Keep in mind that yucca will grow much worse in dense soil overgrown with weeds. Mulch to reduce moisture evaporation. Sawdust and leaves are used as mulch.

Top dressing

Additional nutrition is added twice during the growing season. Mineral complexes for succulents should be used.

The first time fertilizing is applied at the beginning of the growing season in May, the second time - after the yucca has bloomed.


If yucca has been growing in one bed for a long time, it needs to be replanted. Changing the place of residence has a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of the plant.

Usually transplanted after 3-4 years of growth in one place. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure more often. You can understand that the time has come by the appearance of the plant: the leaves turn pale, the rosette becomes wrinkled.

Plant the plant in a place that has similar conditions to the old one. It is recommended to perform the procedure either in spring or late summer. It is necessary to dig very carefully so that the roots are not damaged.

Why doesn't it bloom after transplanting? Because the flowering of the plant after this procedure occurs only in the next growing season.


The plant is quite frost-resistant, despite its southern origin. Without shelter, yucca can withstand short-term frosts down to -25 degrees. But if in your region frosts drop lower in winter, for example in the Moscow region, you should prepare the plant for wintering more carefully.

Interestingly, even if the yucca freezes, it still survives. The plant may not bloom this year due to freezing of flower buds, but in next year will be fully restored.

They prepare for wintering around the end of October. The leaves are tied together with twine, thus covering the flower rosette from freezing and snow.

Then mulch the root zone organic materials: peat, leaves, humus. For the south, this is enough, but in colder regions, covering the yucca for the winter should also include burlap and agrofibre thrown over top.


At home garden yucca usually propagated vegetatively. You can also use seeds, however, this method is much more troublesome and time-consuming.

Vegetative propagation involves the following options:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings

Dividing the bush

This is a simple method that is usually used during the next transplant. Only adult yucca can be divided. Optimal time For the procedure, spring is considered: end of April-May.

The procedure involves cutting the plant into several parts and then planting each part in a new separate place.


The method is also quite simple and can be used at any time. For cuttings, only healthy, strong shoots are used, preferably apical ones. We recommend carrying out the procedure in the spring.

It is necessary to cut the shoot at an acute angle and treat the cut area with a fungicide solution. Then dry the cuttings a little and plant them in the ground, insulating them with polyethylene on top. The cutting takes root in about 20 days.

So, we learned what garden yucca is, as well as how to care for it. This wonderful shrub can add an exotic touch to any garden landscape. Growing yucca is not difficult - even a beginner can handle it. And the unique appearance of the plant and its unpretentiousness will appeal to absolutely everyone.