What does it mean to see daisies in a dream: interpretations of different dream books. Interpretation of the dream chamomile in dream books

Dreams about daisies are usually bright and colorful. Based on this, it is not difficult to guess why you dream about these yellow-white flowers - to joy and fun. But sometimes, daisies seen in a dream symbolize illness and quarrels. Do you want to know what dreams warn about this? Look into the dream book and get answers to all your questions!

Chamomile field

Seeing a whole field of daisies in a dream means family well-being and mutual understanding, Miller’s dream book predicts.

Collecting a bouquet of chamomile in a dream means that in reality you will have to solve family problems and personal issues.

Picking one flower at a time in a dream and giving it to others means that in the near future you will have to receive unexpected but welcome guests in your home, Vanga’s dream book prophesies. If you dream that you were given daisies, you will be invited to visit, and perhaps it will be a trip to another city.

I dreamed of withered flowers - to family quarrel because of a trivial and worthless matter. Learn to give in to each other.

Let's tell fortunes with a daisy

You dream that you are telling fortunes using a white daisy - in real life you are tormented by doubts about some issue that you have already for a long time can't find the answer.

Seeing others guessing means that the person you like will become interested in you soon. Be prepared for this, warns Tsvetkov’s dream book.

I dreamed of many torn white petals - difficulties may arise on the path to fulfillment of desires.

“I’ll weave a blade of grass into a braid...”

Weaving a wreath of daisies is a sign that a joyful love period awaits you. The Spring Dream Book pleases you in everything that concerns relationships with the opposite sex.

Picking flowers and weaving them into your hair means that in real life you are not satisfied with your appearance, and you are thinking about changing your image. Now the most best period to experiment with your own appearance.

Sell ​​or buy

Collecting bouquets of daisies for sale in a dream means unexpected financial success. You will be very lucky in the game or you will receive a decent bonus.

Seeing someone selling flowers is a sign of spending, and not entirely necessary. Lunar dream book recommends that you think through your purchases, otherwise you will spend a lot of money on nonsense.

Buying a bouquet of daisies means gifts and unexpected surprises, according to the Women's Dream Book.

If you dreamed that you were creating a wedding ikebana that your clients ordered for you, you will be invited to some kind of magnificent celebration soon.

Chamomile multicolor

I dreamed of white daisies - to tenderness and care on the part of the other half.

Blue or light blue flowers are a sign of good luck in business. Transactions and agreements concluded during this period will be profitable and successful for both you and your business partners.

Have you seen daisies in a dream, and now you think why such a dream? A dream book will help you find the answer to this question.

You dreamed of daisies

The dream in which you saw daisies is not a very good symbol that does not carry goodness. Most often, such a dream foreshadows an imminent illness. In order for this sign to become beneficial to you, after what you saw in a dream, you should work closely on strengthening your immunity, using vitamins for this, and try to avoid large crowds of people in the near future. Try to dress according to the weather so that your body is always comfortable. But in order to accurately decipher your dream, you must remember it in more detail, namely how you saw the daisies, what you did with them, etc. Even the smallest and not particularly significant details will help you find out what awaits you.

Why do you dream about daisies?

For men, seeing daisies in a dream means that some kind of obstacle will face him in the near future. Such a dream may speak of your feelings, a feeling of dissatisfaction from what you missed good point, or misused the opportunity you have that would lead you to success and increased self-esteem.

However, we must always remember that when overcoming various kinds of obstacles, we only become even stronger, and our life path richer and more interesting. Therefore, you should not be discouraged and give up, just move forward.

For a girl to see daisies in a dream is not at all difficult to decipher. After all, one can only recall folk items that say that with the help of chamomile you can find out about the feelings of your partner, who is not at all indifferent to her. If you had a dream in which you saw a whole field of small daisies, it means that in the near future you will experience a huge storm of romantic feelings. And they will be mutual.

A dream where you pick a daisy speaks of your inherent sense of charm and power to persuade. These qualities will help you attract someone you care about.

If you read fortunes about flowers in a dream, then this indicates your doubts about some matters. Seeing large daisies promises good news and events soon. Giving a chamomile flower in a dream means that in real life you are trying to avoid difficult situations? Which leads to even bigger problems.

A dream in which you weaved a wreath of chamomile flowers speaks of this. that you will have a pleasant time and a loving relationship. Such a dream can also be deciphered by the fact that some business you found began to bring you real pleasure.

But why might you have a dream in which the daisies were already withered? This is a sign that all your hopes in real life will not come true. If in your dream you saw daisy flowers withering right before your eyes, it means that all your affairs will suffer a great decline.

But a bouquet of field daisies that you dreamed about suggests that you will have quarrels with your family.

What does such a dream portend?

A dream in which you are standing and cannot get enough of beautiful daisies foreshadows small but incredibly pleasant events in your life, and they will only give you a feeling of joy and delight, and most importantly, significance. This, for example, can be very nice gifts, dear to your heart, or actions of the other half that will bring you joy.

Also, daisies seen in a dream foretell that you will soon meet your true love, which will be mutual, strong and will lead to marriage.

Dreams are a special reality, where you can live your life again, discover unlimited possibilities, and get answers to the questions you need.

But why do you dream about chamomile?

It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about chamomile - basic interpretation

It’s so nice to receive flowers from your loved ones, it immediately lifts your spirits and makes you smile. It is also nice to receive flowers in a dream. Psychologists say that if a girl dreams of being presented with flowers in a dream, in reality she lacks attention from the opposite sex. She really wants flowers. What to do in this case? Give yourself a holiday, arrange it yourself to enjoy life, or subtly hint to your soulmate that you need his love.

But why do you dream about chamomile? These lovely, delicate spring flowers are dreamed of as a symbol of truce, balance of emotions, and a quick resolution of problematic situations. But, of course, it is necessary to interpret the dream as a whole, taking into account all its nuances.

A beautiful, fresh chamomile is a symbol of imminent changes in life;

Bouquet of daisies - dreams of happy events;

Field of daisies - your life will be happy for a long time;

A broken flower means trouble, but it won’t last long;

Dried chamomile - you need to look for a way out of the situation;

Seeing daisies in someone else’s house is a sign of a new pleasant acquaintance;

A field of daisies that have been mowed down - quarrels with a loved one;

Large bouquet in a vase - it’s worth waiting for guests;

If the flowers do not have petals, this means temporary losses;

Seeing flowers on your neighbors’ windowsill means moving soon, it will be easy and pleasant;

Scattered flowers - household chores await you;

If chamomile grows in a pot, your strength will be restored, new prospects will open up before you;

Seeing only one chamomile flower in a flowerbed means an uncontrollable desire to be alone.

If you dreamed of being presented with a bouquet of daisies, you will soon be pleasantly surprised, but if you give flowers to someone, you should expect guests in the house, the meeting will take place very soon. It is worth taking a closer look at who you give flowers to and from whom you receive them. These people will play a huge role in your life. If you tear petals from a daisy in a dream, you doubt what you are doing, the decisions you make. If you dreamed of yourself picking flowers, you doubt your actions too much, you should be more confident in yourself.

If in a dream you decide to weave a wreath of flowers, take a close look at what other flowers you use. If the wreath is made exclusively of daisies, success awaits you in love. If you admire daisies in a dream, you will also admire yourself in reality. If you walk through a field of daisies, you will overcome all obstacles. If you buy a bouquet in a dream, you will soon go on a visit. If you rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction, your ailments will soon recede.

The good news is that you have a dream in which you are tightly squeezing daisies, but if, despite this, they fall out of your hands, you will miss the opportunity to earn a decent amount of money. If you smell flowers, you will monitor the lives of loved ones in every possible way and will take an active part in solving their problems. If in a dream you decided to sweep the floor with a bouquet of daisies, you should start appreciating what fate has sent you, otherwise you will lose it.

Why do you dream about chamomile according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book says that one dreams of daisies as harbingers of small joys and pleasant troubles. Chamomile also means complete family life filled with emotions and positivity. If in a dream you collect plants and then dry the flowers, in reality you will spend a lot of time helping your loved one. An additional interpretation of the dream will tell you what exactly the help will be.

If in a dream you collected a lot of daisies and lost some of the flowers along the way, the opportunities you were counting on will not justify themselves, you will lose the necessary connections, and there will be no option to restore them. Seeing a child running across a field and trampling chamomile flowers means hopes for a quick marriage and childbearing will not come true. You should be more attentive to the clues of life, you should take advantage of even the most insignificant opportunities to improve it.

If a couple is in a quarrel and one of the partners dreams of the other going to meet him with a bouquet of daisies, they have the opportunity to restore the relationship, this opportunity will be fully used by the partners.

Why do you dream about chamomile according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that a chamomile in a dream symbolizes the realization of all a person’s secret desires. He will receive every opportunity to actively develop in love. If a young girl dreams of being showered with daisies, in reality she will have many fans.

Walking through a chamomile field with your partner means having a long and happy relationship. If you dream that the wind suddenly rises and uproots flowers, your hopes will be destroyed in the bud, your hopes for marriage and family.

If a man dreams of someone giving his beloved a bouquet of daisies, he is too suspicious and may be tormenting his other half with unreasonable jealousy. It's time to stop doing this, otherwise the relationship itself will end and become obsolete. They should be bright and delicate like a flower and bring joy, and not cause fear and hostility.

Why do you dream about chamomile according to other dream books?

In the summer dream book It is said that chamomile dreams of a cold and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Thus, the body tells a person that it is time to take care of his health. If you dry a flower in a dream, you need to stock up on medicine; your health will fail you.

IN children's dream book It is said that chamomile dreams of resolving all controversial situations. Soon you will be able to get answers to all the questions that have been bothering you for a long time. The Veles dream book says that men dream of chamomile as a sign that they will remember their past with annoyance and regret missed opportunities. For women, such a dream promises loss, illness, loss.

In Aesop's dream book It is said that one dreams of chamomile for love, since in the old days it was customary to tell fortunes about love using chamomile. What the flower says about your chosen one will happen in reality. A whole field of daisies speaks of abundance in love; your life will be filled with intimate sensations and experiences. You should be prepared for changes and pleasant intimate situations. A secret romance is possible.

If in a dream you pick a daisy, in reality you will be loved by the one whose love you have long sought. You should joyfully accept this news, joyfully accept all changes in love. The Ukrainian dream book says that chamomile dreams of deep passion; if you smell a flower in a dream, full-fledged intimate relationships.

In the wanderer's dream book it is said that if you dreamed of a field of daisies, you will have a long time to choose from decent options and in the end you will choose exactly the person who will remain in your life for a long time.

In the esoteric dream book It is said that chamomile dreams of infatuation. If you tell fortunes with a daisy in a dream, your hobby is fleeting and will not lead to strong feelings. If you give daisies, your hobby will bring you joy. The spring dream book says that daisies dream of innocence. If you see several daisies on your way, empty obstacles await you.

IN noble dream book Grishina It is said that daisies are small joys, but which will greatly change your life. You should pay attention to your health. Chamomile also speaks of the unknown in love affairs. If you are telling fortunes with a chamomile in a dream, it is worth remembering exactly what answer the flower gave.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that a chamomile field in a dream indicates that the events of your life will develop actively and rapidly. If you pick a flower in a dream, it means you will get everything you ever dreamed of. Weaving chamomile into a wreath means having the support of friends.

Whatever appears to you in a dream, you should place full responsibility for your life on yourself. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunities that life gives and the clues that dreams present. The situation can change at any moment. The main thing is to believe in a positive outcome of the situation. That sooner or later the sun will shine on your street, especially since a dream in which a chamomile appears already speaks of positive changes.

To find out what daisies mean in dreams, you need to small details remember your dream and turn to the dream book for its interpretation.

The general meaning of such a dream is reconciliation with loved ones, smoothing out all disagreements. But you can get the most accurate explanation only when you take into account all the details of what you saw in your dreams.

See flowers

A beautiful, large daisy dreams of pleasant changes in fate. A bouquet of chamomile foreshadows a happy, cloudless life.

A chamomile field indicates that you are - happy man, and the feeling of absolute happiness will haunt you almost all your life. But a broken flower is a sign that minor troubles await you.

  • Dry chamomile - finding a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Seeing a flower in someone else's yard means meeting a pleasant person.
  • A mown chamomile field means a misunderstanding in a relationship with a loved one.
  • A bouquet in a vase - for the arrival of dear guests.
  • Dreaming of a flower without petals means betrayal.

If in a dream you saw daisies standing on your neighbors’ windows, it means that you will soon move to a new, more comfortable place of residence. And flowers scattered on the ground foreshadow a lot of troubles in the household.

Chamomile growing in flower pot, dreams of restoring lost strength and vital energy. And if she stands alone in the flowerbed, then soon you will want to be alone.

Actions with a flower

When you dream that you were given daisies, it means that a pleasant surprise awaits you. And giving these flowers to someone means planning a special meeting in your home.

To guess while tearing off the petals is to doubt the correctness of your actions. And picking flowers means reaping the fruits of your efforts.

  • If you dream that you are weaving a wreath, it means a favorable period in love.
  • Admiring daisies means being pleased with yourself.
  • Walking through a chamomile field means overcoming all obstacles with ease.
  • Buying a bouquet means getting ready to visit.
  • Rinse your mouth with a decoction - to recovery.

According to the dream book, white daisies that you hold in your hands portend good news. And dropping them on the floor means missing out on the opportunity to get rich.

Smelling flowers means being interested in the problems of loved ones, trying to help them. And sweeping the floor with a bouquet means not appreciating what fate gives you.

By correctly interpreting the dream about daisies, you will be able to predict upcoming events in your life.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

To find out what daisies mean in dreams, you need to remember your dream in small details and turn to the dream book for its interpretation.

The general meaning of such a dream is reconciliation with loved ones, smoothing out all disagreements. But you can get the most accurate explanation only when you take into account all the details of what you saw in your dreams.

See flowers

A beautiful, large daisy dreams of pleasant changes in fate. A bouquet of chamomile foreshadows a happy, cloudless life.

A chamomile field indicates that you are a happy person, and a feeling of absolute happiness will haunt you almost all your life. But a broken flower is a sign that minor troubles await you.

  • Dry chamomile - finding a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Seeing a flower in someone else's yard means meeting a pleasant person.
  • A mown chamomile field means a misunderstanding in a relationship with a loved one.
  • A bouquet in a vase - for the arrival of dear guests.
  • Dreaming of a flower without petals means betrayal.

If in a dream you saw daisies standing on your neighbors’ windows, it means that you will soon move to a new, more comfortable place of residence. And flowers scattered on the ground foreshadow a lot of troubles in the household.

A chamomile growing in a flower pot dreams of restoring lost strength and vitality. And if she stands alone in the flowerbed, then soon you will want to be alone.

Actions with a flower

When you dream that you were given daisies, it means that a pleasant surprise awaits you. And giving these flowers to someone means planning a special meeting in your home.

To guess while tearing off the petals is to doubt the correctness of your actions. And picking flowers means reaping the fruits of your efforts.

  • If you dream that you are weaving a wreath, it means a favorable period in love.
  • Admiring daisies means being pleased with yourself.
  • Walking through a chamomile field means overcoming all obstacles with ease.
  • Buying a bouquet means getting ready to visit.
  • Rinse your mouth with a decoction - to recovery.

According to the dream book, white daisies that you hold in your hands portend good news. And dropping them on the floor means missing out on the opportunity to get rich.

Smelling flowers means being interested in the problems of loved ones, trying to help them. And sweeping the floor with a bouquet means not appreciating what fate gives you.

By correctly interpreting the dream about daisies, you will be able to predict upcoming events in your life.

Daisies in a dream: what do they portend? What to expect if you dreamed of a bouquet of daisies?

Most dream books claim that daisies in a dream are a positive sign for love relationship, however, if we are talking about the dreamer’s health, then not everything is so good here, since these flowers promise the occurrence of cold symptoms, and in the very near future.

The authors of Aesop’s dream book agree that daisies in a dream are a symbol of love, because it’s not for nothing that in real life they are used for fortune-telling “loves or dislikes.” However, for the interpretation of this dream, as for any other, details are important, for example, if you dreamed of daisies that the sleeper picked with his own hands from the garden bed, then in real life he will be able to win the favor of the person he loves, who previously did not pay any attention to him. A whole field of these beautiful flowers, seen in a dream, foreshadows the dreamer a whirlwind romance that will last quite a long time, but this relationship will have to be kept secret from everyone, which, however, will only add zest to it.

Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets this dream in his own way; in his opinion, the dreamed daisies symbolize an obstacle that will soon appear on the dreamer’s path. It is possible that quite recently the sleeper started a new business that was of great interest to him. envious people and they will do their best to prevent it from developing.

The Ukrainian dream book also has its own opinion regarding the interpretation of this dream, for example, a field of daisies, according to the authors, indicates a long life for the dreamer, and the feeling of the aroma of these flowers foreshadows new intimate relationships.

Authors dream book XXI centuries, we are sure that daisies seen in a dream indicate a prosperous life for the sleeping person; in the future, only happiness, love and mutual understanding in the family await him. However, if a man dreams of a chamomile field, it means an annoying misunderstanding awaits him; picking flowers - to disappointment in a loved one or a sudden obstacle to happy life. A dream in which the dreamer dries chamomile flowers to prepare a healing potion means that his loved ones will soon need a large amount of money and all hope will be only in the dreamer. If the sleeper in his dream gargles with chamomile decoction, then this is not very good sign, indicating that his loved ones will suddenly become seriously ill.

The Wanderer's Dream Book assures that a dream should be interpreted taking into account the gender and age of the sleeper, for example, a man dreams of daisies as a sign of trouble, a middle-aged woman as an interesting proposal, and a young girl as a protracted girlhood.

According to Esoteric dream book a chamomile symbolizes infatuation with someone; if in a dream the sleeper reads fortunes on the petals of this flower, it means that seemingly serious feelings are a slight flirtation that will never develop into something more. A dream in which the dreamer gives daisies to a representative of the opposite sex has a completely opposite meaning, since this vision indicates true love which will develop into a strong family union.

If an unmarried lady dreams of a chamomile, it means she will be able to evoke reciprocal feelings at the object of his adoration, despite the fact that until quite recently he had completely ignored her. A field of blooming daisies promises the dreamer a whirlwind romance that will end unexpectedly and, unfortunately, not very well; perhaps this will be accompanied by a scandal.

The old Russian dream book has its own opinion regarding dreaming of daisies; its authors are sure that such a dream portends illness for women, and annoyance and misunderstanding for men.

In conclusion, it should be said that in some cases, these delicate, lovely flowers, seen in a night vision, can indicate the dreamer’s readiness for a new relationship; as a rule, such dreams occur after an unsuccessful relationship or the death of a loved one.

Why do you dream about Chamomiles? What does it mean to see Chamomiles in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Daisies in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Daisies are flowers for fortune-telling for the betrothed. Tearing off petal after petal, the girls say: “He loves, he loves not...” It is this meaning that the chamomile conveys as a dream symbol. If you see a bouquet of daisies, then you may have doubts about the feelings of a person. And a chamomile field promises great disappointments in life.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Daisies in your dreams?

Seeing Daisies in a dream means - Chamomile is an obstacle.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of Daisies:

Chamomile - For colds.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book of Chamomile:

Chamomile (daisies, flowers). - to simplicity.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of Daisies according to the dream book:

Daisies - Seeing daisies in a dream - auspicious symbol, which says that a cloudless period is coming in your life, which will not be overshadowed by any difficulties.

If you dreamed of daisies in a clearing, then in reality you will have good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. If in a dream you scattered a bouquet of daisies, then in reality you should be as careful as possible and monitor your own behavior - any careless word or deed can lead to you destroying everything that you have built for so long on the way to your goal.

If you had a dream in which you are telling fortunes using a chamomile, then in real life you are very unsure of your partner - you should learn to trust him, otherwise separation is inevitable. Moreover, the reason for this separation will be precisely your insecurity, your uncontrollable jealousy.

If you dreamed of a bouquet of daisies standing in a vase on the table, then in reality you will be able to create an atmosphere of calm, confidence and happiness in your family - your loved ones will be grateful to you for your efforts.

If you dreamed that you were smelling daisies in a dream, then in reality you are prone to sexual experiments - be a little more careful - you should not lose your head, because otherwise your experiments could end in failure.

Collect daisies

Dream Interpretation Collecting daisies dreamed of why you dream about picking daisies in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Collecting daisies in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Little joys that brighten up your everyday life are a harbinger of love, family happiness and mutual understanding in the family, pay attention to your health. For men, a dream with chamomile portends annoyance and displeasure. Picking daisies means an unexpected obstacle, disappointment. Drying chamomile for medicine in a dream means rushing around in search of money for loved ones. Rinse your mouth with chamomile - to sudden malaise loved one, child.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Chamomiles in a dream foretell obstacles in business or indisposition. Fortune telling on a daisy in a dream means that you will be concerned about your future. Torn petals on a chamomile are an indication of the futility of your efforts to improve your situation. For lovers, such a dream predicts that their hopes for marriage will not come true. See interpretation: flowers, plants, medicine. Drinking chamomile tea in a dream is a sign of relief or recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Daisies

Chamomile flowers in a dream: a sign of ingenuous, sincere feelings and spiritual openness. Seeing a field dotted with blooming daisies portends you simple human happiness. Withered or broken daisies: a harbinger of temporary grief that will soon pass.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Chamomiles seen in a dream are a favorable sign. A dream in which your bouquet of daisies scattered means that in real life you risk destroying what you have been striving for for so long with one careless act or even a word. If in a dream you collect daisies in a huge blooming meadow, then in the near future nothing will be able to overshadow your happiness. If you dreamed that you were telling fortunes using a chamomile, then in reality your lack of self-confidence may cause you to break up with your lover.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Chamomile - Passion. To collect is to become carried away by someone deliberately chosen. Fortune telling with a daisy means you have a slight hobby, it will not develop into love. Giving - a hobby will bring joy.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

People use the chamomile to guess whether he loves or doesn’t love, which is why it is considered a symbol of love. If you dreamed of a chamomile field, then this dream foretells you a whirlwind romance that will last for quite a long time and will be pleasant precisely because of its secrecy. In a dream, picking a daisy means in reality achieving the favor of the person you are interested in, the very thought of whom takes your breath away.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Chamomile - deep old age. Sniffing means intimate relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Chamomile – little joys that brighten up your everyday life / pay attention to your health.

Dream Interpretation - Chamomile

Chamomile - you are tormented by questions, the answers to which you will soon receive.

Bouquet of daisies

Dream Interpretation Bouquet of daisies dreamed of why you dream about a Bouquet of daisies? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bouquet of daisies in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet means love. If you were given a bouquet of flowers, they will make you some kind of proposal. If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to someone, you have an important meeting ahead of you. If you are carrying a bouquet - for an imminent wedding. If you dreamed of a wedding and caught a bouquet, you will meet true love. If the bouquet has wilted, take a closer look at your condition. A bouquet given to you means they will propose to you. If you give a bouquet, you will meet someone who will captivate you greatly. Carrying a bouquet means an imminent wedding. Catching a bouquet thrown at you means meeting true love. Throwing a bouquet - to displeasure, annoyance. Withered flowers in a bouquet mean illness.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and gratitude. Receiving a bouquet of flowers from someone predicts constancy in love. Seeing a bouquet in a dream is a sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you any good; if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember what flowers it was made from. See interpretation: flowers. A dream in which you throw a bouquet at the wall with all your might means that you are in for a waste of time and money. Such a dream also foretells you that your desire will not come true due to your fault. If you are presented with a bouquet in a dream, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings or specifically at the person who presented you with flowers, because he or they are hiding their true intentions and trying to flatter you. Although sometimes such a dream predicts that you will spend many pleasant minutes in the company of a person dear to your heart and will get great pleasure from it. If young man If he dreams that at a wedding he presents a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride, then soon he will receive sad news about the death of a close relative or another bereavement. A withered or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love. A bouquet of glass flowers warns you that your happiness is under threat and you need to take some action. important steps, if you don't want to lose your loved one. If in a dream you dream of many colorful bouquets, then pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means quarrels with your beloved woman. Tearing or destroying a bouquet of flowers means a desire to break off a relationship with a woman. Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them is a sign of a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you. yellow flowers in a bouquet - to a break in relations. White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles. They give you a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a friend that will bring you profit. If the flowers in the bouquet are red, then it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will bring nothing but troubles and losses.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bouquet in your hands or seeing it from someone means experiencing short-term joy. If you drop a lush, beautiful bouquet from your hands, you will be given an undeserved insult. Receiving a bouquet as a gift, but not accepting it, means you will face losses as a result of theft. An armful of roses in an elegant wrapper - you will be happy. A bouquet of daisies means disappointment, a bouquet of poppies means a precarious situation. White bouquet- to sadness, faded - to troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Holding a bright bouquet of flowers in your hands means joy, happiness in love. A wilted bouquet is a disappointment. Receiving a bouquet of flowers is flattery. Well, let it be flattery to receive a bouquet! Still nice.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

If you dream that someone is handing you a bouquet, the dream foretells a strong friendship. If a young man presents you with a bouquet, this means that you will have a very handsome lover. And if a young man dreams that he is giving a bouquet to a girl, the dream predicts that his courtship will be received favorably.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Bouquet - seeing a bouquet - a pleasant acquaintance, happiness in love; cook, compose - pleasant news; to receive is sycophancy. Fresh bouquet - joy, success; pale, withered - betrayal in love; to laziness.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream is a sign that you are full of bold hopes and have many plans for the future. Most often, such dreams are associated with feelings of love, but they can also symbolize your other life aspirations. Beautiful bouquet: portends success in many endeavors. Withered flowers in a bouquet: they suggest that your plans are most likely not destined to come true. It is possible that the reason for your possible failure will be your own slowness.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Making a bouquet means collecting good news. Seeing is joy, pleasure, pleasant acquaintance. Receiving is constancy in love, sometimes flattery. Withered, faded bouquet - troubles, cooling of feelings between spouses, betrayal. Throwing a bouquet is a loss of money. Dropping it from your hands is an insult.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

A bouquet in a dream foreshadows false news. If you hold a bouquet in your hands or place it next to you, the dream promises you joy, the fulfillment of your cherished desire.