How to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles. DIY greenhouse made from plastic bottles. Greenhouse made from plastic bottles: master class. Detailed instructions for building a greenhouse from bottles

While Greenpeace advocates for the alarming increase in waste across the planet, this rugged polymer material can be used very successfully in dacha farming. For example, build a nice structure out of it. And absolutely free! All you need is an awl, slats and a pile of used bottles. And if you also choose multi-colored ones, you can create one of the walls in the form of an interesting stained glass window, finally bringing the usually dull summer cottage plot original bright accent. But growing tomatoes and cucumbers is a real pleasure! Unlike plastic film, such a creative shelter is not afraid of winds, does not wear out in one season and does not tear from a careless touch. But its thermal insulation is excellent - after all, inside the plates there is that very void that does not allow heat to be transferred outside the structure. And even more - a greenhouse made of plastic bottles will be extremely warm, because thanks to its hollow design it slowly loses the heat accumulated inside, and early spring You don't even need additional heating.

The main advantage of this material is that it requires much lighter frames than glass, while at the same time it cannot be broken.

  1. The bottoms of the assembled bottles are cut off so that the cut falls on the curve, i.e. The hole diameter turned out to be slightly smaller than the maximum diameter of the material.
  2. The assembled parts are strung on top of each other by pressing - this is the only way the whole structure will be truly strong.
  3. On the finished frame you need to stretch two rows of threads.
  4. Pipes made from stringed plastic bottles are inserted between the threads, as tightly as possible to each other - so that the top and bottom of the pipe are attached to the horizontal parts of the greenhouse frame.
  5. To prevent the walls from accidentally falling apart, it is advisable to secure the material with tape.

This design is so durable that even in winter it does not need to be disassembled - it can easily withstand more than one ton of snow, and will last for at least 10 years. And for a small greenhouse you will need only 400 of these pieces. All containers must be of the same size. The most convenient to use are the soft 1.5-liter ones.

Here's what you shouldn't fasten building material, so this:

  • With a stapler, because the wind will cause the plates to tear.
  • Fishing line, because After 5 years it will fall apart due to the sun's rays.
  • A thread that is susceptible to rotting.

All these methods will not provide adequate strength.

Method No. 2. Greenhouse made of bottle plates

Work order:

  1. You need to cut off the top and bottom parts of the bottle, and cut the rest in half.
  2. In order for the plastic to straighten out, it is advisable to iron each such workpiece with a hot iron through a thick sheet of paper.
  3. The resulting sheets with dimensions of 17x32 cm are sewn together with an ordinary awl - so that each sheet is overlapped. It is best to sew with either cord thread or soft metal wire.
  4. The resulting canvas must be attached with slats directly to the frame of the greenhouse using nails and screws.

This free cover will last much longer than regular film.

Method number 3. Design for tomatoes and cucumbers

To make this type of greenhouse you already need two colors - transparent from under the usual mineral water, and dark from beer. The whole idea is that by alternating clear bottles with dark ones, a balanced amount of sunlight will be provided to the plants.

In total, about 2,000 bottles will be needed to make a greenhouse measuring 18 sq.m. The whole process is quite labor-intensive, but the result will exceed all expectations.

The basis of such a structure will be shields. In order to make them, you will need a rail - the same length as the height of the structure itself. Using a furniture gun, you need to shoot blanks of equal length to it. It is good to grow tomatoes in such a greenhouse.

But if you just need cucumbers, the manufacturing process will be slightly different: you first need to nail a baguette onto the same rail, and then a film onto it. Such a greenhouse made from bottles will be especially durable and warm. Even in the spring, it will not need any covering material, and seedlings can be grown surprisingly early.

Method No. 4. Greenhouse with slats for plates

Work order:

  1. The collected materials are prepared for the manufacture of shields: in their head part, at the base and along the bottle itself, it is necessary to cut “seams” - special places for gluing. It looks like a plate rectangular shape, and a sufficient number of such plates must be prepared.
  2. Now slats are made - longitudinal and transverse. To fasten the transverse one, you will need slats, the length of which is ideally equal to the length of the workpiece.
  3. A frame is made - a rail with a cross section of 3x3 cm and a height the same as the greenhouse itself will be taken (1.5 m, for example). This rail needs to be stitched transversely, which is equal to the dimensions of the shield.
  4. Now the blanks need to be shot at the frame with a furniture gun, and the joints must be covered with strips from the same bottles.

All maintenance of such a wonderful structure means removing the top part for the winter so that it is not damaged by tons of snow.

Method No. 5. Greenhouse-pyramid made of plastic bottles

The pyramid just turns out great. Its properties have long been known: plants grow faster and vertical space is used much more thoughtfully. But if you also use plastic as a covering, you get a very warm and comfortable design. Those summer residents who have already tried this option immediately build a second and third greenhouse structure using the same principle.

Step 1. Stitching the material

All seams for a pyramid greenhouse must be perfectly even. Therefore, for simplicity, quality and time saving, it is best to immediately put the whole process on stream: to adapt boards with special drilled holes at the same distance.

It is especially convenient to sew material on such boards. This is best done with the help of three awls at once: with two to cut, and with the third to pierce.

Step 2. Making canvases

Now the bottles sewn into strips need to be assembled into sheets along the length of the prepared frames. All seams will definitely be smooth and will look good. In total, about 40 pieces will be needed for one frame measuring 75 x 150 cm. And the frames themselves will be very light, but durable. For the entire greenhouse, if it is large enough, it will take up to 900 pieces.

Step 3. Construction of the frame

The finished fabrics produce warm and robust design with dimensions of 2.9x2.9 m. The finished panels need to be fastened to the frames with shingles, and the glazing bead nails should be taken a little longer than for the film. By the way, shingles will press the material much better than a stapler or gun. It is only important to leave one or two side frames opening for ventilation.

The northern side can be assembled from green, dark and partially light products, but the southern side can only be assembled from transparent ones, especially in those regions where the sun is in short supply.

You can also make a roof out of bottles - unless the winters are too snowy, otherwise, due to the load, the material in the seam areas may cut through. In this case, it can be replaced with reinforced film or polycarbonate layer.

Bell and bitter peppers grow well in such a plastic pyramid - the harvest is no worse than in a glass or film greenhouse. But you can also plant tomatoes - when planting 29 roots, you can harvest up to twenty twelve-liter buckets of the crop.

How to get a perfectly smooth canvas?

So, all materials collected for construction should be washed thoroughly, completely removing the stickers using a kitchen brush. After the containers have dried, it is advisable to make precise marks on them - where and how they will be cut. Why in advance? Because this is the only way to make identical parts, and not have to worry about cutting and adjusting later. Or cheat: you will notice that most bottles with 1.5 and 2 liters of volume have two clear transverse lines - a belt and a longitudinal one. This is exactly how you can cut along them, with sharp scissors: starting along the upper transverse strip, then from it along the longitudinal one - to the lower transverse one. These ready-made rectangles are most conveniently rolled into rolls of 30 pieces, and you won’t even need to straighten them during construction - they will straighten themselves.

What is the most reliable way to fasten the plates?

Once the parts are ready, you can begin making the greenhouse. The most reliable way to fasten such rectangles is to first glue them together and then sew them together using 3 cm wide strips cut from the same plastic. How to make them? It’s very simple: you need to place the scissors on the edge and rotate the bottle towards you clockwise. So it turns out long thin stripes any length.

It is best to start gluing from the shortest sides of the rectangles, vertically. To do this, you need to overlap the plates exactly 1.5 cm, heat the tips of the tweezers on gas and make 3 holes along the entire length. In these places, the polyethylene will bake and thus glue the plates together.

After which a knot is made (for greater reliability), a strip is inserted one by one into all the holes and a knot is tied at the second end. This is the connection that lasts the longest. It is most convenient to stitch in this way on a grid, placing a box under it - and then all the plates until you get strips of the required length. And the strips themselves, using the same technology, are connected horizontally into durable webs.

That's all - a little hard work and enthusiasm, and a warm beautiful design ready to use at no cost!

Food-grade plastic, used to make bottles in which we buy water and other drinks, will be an excellent material for covering a greenhouse. It is especially pleasant that such a design will require virtually no financial costs.

We will provide you interesting information on the topic of a greenhouse made of plastic bottles: how to make it, where to place it, how to cover the roof, what advantages does the design have, how long will it last.

Advantages of plastic bottles as a building material

Greenpeace is sounding the alarm, housing and communal services do not know how to recycle plastic containers - and all this while bottle plastic is an excellent material for your own property.

Among the advantages of using it as a covering for a greenhouse of any size are the following:

  • saving– to build a greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands, you just need to assemble the container itself, as well as prepare a frame, for example, from wooden beams;
  • high heat retention rates- at correct device the structure does not require heating even in early spring for growing seedlings (of course, depending on the region);
  • strength– plastic, unlike glass or film, is almost impossible to tear, pierce or break;
  • resistance to any weather conditions– the material is not afraid of wind, sun, rain, hail, or snowfall;
  • durability– a greenhouse made of plastic bottles, if constructed correctly, can last up to 10 years;
  • light weight– the construction of the structure does not require the construction of a foundation, and the strength of the frame does not matter, as, for example, in the case of using glass;
  • good throughput , which does not decrease under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Construction methods

A do-it-yourself greenhouse from plastic bottles can be built in different ways. The amount of containers for each individual case is individual and determined empirically. Typically for construction small greenhouse it takes 400-600 bottles.

Useful advice!
Choose containers of the same capacity and shape - transparent bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters are best suited for this.

Construction from whole plastic bottles

This construction method is most common among gardeners and gardeners.

Instructions on how to build a greenhouse from plastic bottles, in this case, include several steps:

  • collect the container, wash it, remove paper stickers with a soap solution;
  • cut the bottom so that the cut falls at the beginning of the rounding, that is, its diameter is slightly smaller than the widest point of the bottle;
  • put the bottles on top of each other, applying maximum pressure for structural strength - in this case you should get some kind of pipes along the height of the greenhouse;
  • install - you can use wooden blocks, metal slats or plastic;

  • on a frame with internal and outside stretch galvanized wire with an approximate “step” of 15-20 cm (you can also use nylon thread or fishing line, but the service life of these materials is much shorter - up to 5 years);
  • install homemade pipes as tightly as possible to each other - you can use tape for fixation.

Useful advice!
If you are making a greenhouse specifically for growing tomatoes, you can use transparent and dark containers.
This solution will provide the most balanced lighting for seedlings.

There are several ways to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles, but this design is considered the warmest, which is explained by the presence of air space in the container. Many gardeners use greenhouses even in early spring, without using any additional heating. In winter, the greenhouse does not need to be disassembled - the durable structure will withstand strong winds and snowfalls.

The structure will be stronger if the made pipes are strung on wooden beams. The only drawback of this solution is the reduction in throughput.

If you place pipes in frames, you get an excellent portable greenhouse from a plastic bottle. This design will be practically indispensable in your household during severe frosts.

Greenhouse made of plates

Given the method will work those for whom the price modern polycarbonate is high, and you don’t want to waste money on a film that will last a maximum of 1-2 years.

So, to create a durable coating from food grade plastic you will need to do the following:

  • cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle, and cut the rest in half;
  • in order for both blanks to straighten, iron them through a thick sheet of paper or hold them under pressure for several days;
  • Sew the resulting parts with an overlapping awl;
  • canvas from plastic blanks Attach directly to the slatted greenhouse frame using screws or nails.

Making a roof

Often gardeners and gardeners have a question than the methods described above. The fact is that the container, despite its good thermal insulation qualities, will not be able to protect plants from precipitation.

There are several options for resolving this issue. You can use polycarbonate sheet, film or glass. Also, as an alternative, it is possible to cover the structure of bottles with polyethylene.

In turn, we suggest you make “tiles” from food-grade plastic:

  • transparent 2-liter bottles must be thoroughly washed and the label removed;
  • then cut off the bottom and neck of the container, and cut the remaining part along the fold lines into four parts;
  • use a furniture gun to fasten the pieces together with an overlap - the result should be a wave-shaped element;
  • Having calculated the roof covering area, make a canvas from similar blanks.


Greenhouse made from plastic bottles – great solution for the amateur gardener. It is worth noting that it is better to assemble containers in advance, since up to 2000 units may be required to erect a standard medium-sized structure. The process of constructing a greenhouse is quite labor-intensive, but if you show diligence and diligence, you yourself will be surprised at the result. We wish you success and provide interesting information on this topic, which is contained in the video in this article.

Every gardener knows about the benefits of a greenhouse: in cold weather, it allows you to supply the whole family with fresh herbs and vegetables. And in hard climatic conditions You simply can’t do without a greenhouse. In some regions of Russia, it may be impossible to grow crops without it.

A greenhouse is a structure with transparent walls and roof. Glass, polyethylene or PVC can be used to cover the greenhouse. Many summer residents build this structure mainly with their own hands. This allows you to significantly reduce construction costs, as well as be confident in the strength and durability of the structure.

In recent years, structures made from plastic bottles have become increasingly common in suburban areas. This option requires a minimum of financial costs and is excellent because it helps improve environment.

Advantages of a greenhouse made from plastic bottles

Previously, empty plastic containers were considered garbage and were simply thrown away, filling up landfills.

Over time, people began to find use for it, making decorative elements for the garden and growing seedlings in them. And soon there were attempts to build heifers from plastic bottles, which were crowned with success.

  • Greenhouses, the covering of which is made of plastic bottles, are practically not inferior in their characteristics to greenhouses made of other materials. They are just as durable and reliable, and can be used starting in early spring.
  • The main advantage of such a structure is its efficiency. You just need to find or collect required quantity plastic two-liter bottles (from 1500 to 4000, depending on the dimensions of the planned building). In a house of so many plastic containers often it may not be, but if you involve neighbors, friends and retail outlets cities, including cafes and restaurants, it is quite possible to collect the required amount.
  • Depending on the method of making the covering (we will discuss this later), a structure made of plastic bottles can retain heat very well. If whole bottles are used in construction, they form additional air gap, which helps retain heat.
  • Thanks to the coating made of plastic bottles, the crops growing inside the greenhouse are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Recycling of plastic bottles in household contributes to improving the environmental situation on the planet. Not all regions have the opportunity to recycle this material and the bottles are thrown into ordinary trash cans, are taken to a landfill and blown away by the wind, but polymers can retain their structure for centuries.
  • Using plastic bottles to cover the greenhouse makes it possible to organize self-watering. If you leave small gaps between the bottles when installing the roof, rain will be able to penetrate inside the greenhouse and water the plants. Rainwater much healthier for plants than tap water or spring water.
  • The heavy-duty polymer material from which the bottles are made, used as a greenhouse cover, helps to increase the air temperature in this room by about 10 o C, compared to the ambient temperature. Thanks to this temperature difference, the summer season for plants.
  • If the coating is damaged, it can be easily restored without financial costs by replacing the failed element.
  • The very durable polymer material from which the container is made is capable of withstanding high wind loads.
  • Remember that the strength of the building will depend on how well the construction work is performed.

Types of greenhouses made from plastic bottles

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles can be made in several ways:

  • from bottle logs,
  • made of plastic sheet,
  • made of plastic slate.

Depending on the chosen method of making the greenhouse cover, bottles can be attached to the frame in different ways:

  • horizontal masonry
  • vertical masonry
  • "pyramid" masonry.

If the covering is made of plastic sheeting, it can also be attached in different ways. Most reliable way- sewing bottle plates together into a single piece.

Stages of making a greenhouse from plastic bottles

Regardless of the chosen manufacturing method, the installation steps will have only some differences.

The process of constructing a greenhouse is identical up to a certain point:

  • Choosing a location. The greenhouse should be located in such a place that it receives the sun throughout the day and there are no residential buildings nearby.
  • Soil selection. The soil in the greenhouse should not have a clay layer. If there is no plantation on the site that meets this requirement, it should be prepared independently on the selected site. To do this, a shallow pit is dug across the entire area of ​​the future greenhouse, and the bottom is covered with gravel. Sand is poured on top and weed-free soil is laid on top of the resulting drainage.
  • Drawing up a design drawing. The greenhouse project is drawn up in great detail, observing all dimensions so that the required amount of building materials can be calculated.
  • Foundation construction. A greenhouse made from plastic bottles cannot be used year-round, but only seasonally. Such structures are often used to obtain an early harvest of radishes, grow greens, and also to extend the fruiting period of various berry crops. For seasonal greenhouses, as a rule, a particularly strong foundation is not built. For plastic bottles, a wooden beam is sufficient.
  • Installation of the frame and covering of the greenhouse. Wood is predominantly used for the frame of a greenhouse made from plastic bottles. It is easy to work with, and the greenhouse with wooden frame at proper care will serve for a long time. The installation of the frame and the covering of the greenhouse depends on the chosen method of its manufacture.

Greenhouse made from plastic bottles (video)

Greenhouse made from bottle logs

A greenhouse from whole bottles is made in the following way:

  • First of all, the design drawing is measured in width and height and calculated required quantity bottles wide.
  • Next, the bottles are screwed with self-tapping screws to the base of the greenhouse (bottom beam) as tightly as possible in order to minimize the entry of cold air into the greenhouse during its operation.
  • A pre-prepared “log” is inserted into the screwed bottles, which is made in this way: on the bottom a whole bottle put on a bottle with the neck cut off. When stringing, you should press the bottle all the way to make the “log” more durable. All subsequent bottles with cut necks are placed on the resulting base in the same way until the “log” reaches the required length.

Advice! Don’t rush to throw away cut bottle necks: you can use them to make an unusual lamp that can perfectly complement the interior of your dacha.

  • Along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, “logs” are installed in “grooves” prepared for them. The upper bottoms of the “logs” are smeared with glue and secured with an upper beam (mauerlat).
  • To prevent parts of the greenhouse from falling out under strong winds, it is better to secure the “logs” made from plastic bottles by tightly pulling strong wire on both sides of the wall or installing vertical racks from timber every 0.5 m.

Making a greenhouse from plastic sheet

Greenhouse made of plastic slate

Plastic slate is made in a way similar to the production of canvas. The only difference is that the rectangular blanks are made half the size and are not leveled. Plastic rectangular blanks curved in a semicircle will form a wave when joined. Slate sheets can be formed using a furniture stapler or by sewing the blanks together. Plastic slate is attached to the frame with a stapler or nailed. For those who want to organize a greenhouse in an apartment, it will be interesting .

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles using any of the above methods will be very practical and durable. Its construction will be very cheap, and its service life will be long.

Do-it-yourself greenhouses made from plastic bottles are a real opportunity to get triple benefits. Firstly, you will find a use for waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the recycling of which is now pressing problem on a global scale. Secondly, get a universal greenhouse or greenhouse for any plants. And thirdly, spend as little as possible. cash, because for construction you will only need available materials. In addition, such a building looks decorative and colorful on the site, especially if you take bottles different colors.

Advantages of a greenhouse made from plastic bottles

A greenhouse made of plastic bottles may at first seem unreliable and not very useful construction, but practice shows the fallacy of this opinion:

  • Plastic, as both a lightweight and durable material, serves for several seasons without fear of winds and precipitation.
  • The thermal insulation qualities of the bottles are quite high due to the internal voids. The properties of this design are similar to cellular polycarbonate.
  • PET containers transmit light perfectly. The amount of incoming light can be easily adjusted by combining clear and darkened containers.
  • Assembling a greenhouse or hotbed from plastic bottles with your own hands - exciting activity, which does not require special skills and requires only ordinary tools.

In addition, recycling plastic is a task for the future, allowing us to maintain a stable environmental situation on our planet and finally clear all streets, parks and reservoirs of ubiquitous garbage.

For novice builders there are a couple of simple, but effective advice how to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands as quickly and successfully as possible:

  • Start collecting bottles early, taking into account that the average family uses about 30 bottles per month.
  • Before construction, the bottles must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • Can be used for cutting plastic different instruments– scissors, wood cutter or suitable knife.
  • You cannot fasten plastic with a stapler, fishing line or regular thread. Such seams will quickly fall apart under the influence of weather conditions.
  • Bottles of the same size and shape are used as the starting material; a 1.5-liter container is most convenient.
  • To strengthen plastic walls stretch the threads, use a thin metal mesh or secure them with flat slats.
  • You can combine PET bottles with other materials. For example, for small greenhouses it is more convenient to build a film roof.
  • You can make strips (about 3 cm wide) from bottles, which are used to glue seams.

PET bottle is a multifunctional building material, especially for gardeners. For the construction of greenhouses, it can be used in its entirety, cut, and given the desired shape. It all depends on its purpose and the builder’s flight of fancy. The most common types of structures are:

  • A greenhouse made of bottle poles, which are strung on a frame with vertical poles. Often rods (sticks) are placed inside the pillar, which further strengthen the structure.
  • A greenhouse made of bottle plates, which are sewn together with nylon threads, heated plastic strips or any other reliable method.
  • Construction rack type, which involves attaching a plastic sheet to a frame of longitudinal-transverse slats.
  • The simplest mini-greenhouses for seedlings.

The shape of such structures can be arched, classic rectangular, with pitched and gable roofs.

Video about greenhouses made from plastic bottles of various designs

Several options for DIY plastic bottle greenhouses

The simplest greenhouse made from plastic bottles can last about 10 years without failure. It is not afraid of snow or severe cold and allows you to start growing seedlings in early spring without additional heating. The shape of the structure can be in the form of a house, arched, with one or gable roof. It all depends on your desire and the talent of the builder.

The materials and tools used in the construction process are as follows:

  • bottles - in quantities of 400 pieces for a small building;
  • wooden slats or PVC pipes for the frame;
  • cutting tool (scissors or knife);
  • strong threads;
  • scotch.

Greenhouses made from solid plastic bottles:

  1. PET bottles are prepared by cutting off the bottoms at the rounding point, where the diameter does not reach its maximum value.
  2. String the prepared pieces on top of each other using pressure. The harder you press, the stronger the structure will be. The height of such bottle columns should be equal to the height of the building.
  3. A frame is erected from the selected material and threads are stretched between the vertical frames at a short distance from one another.
  4. Bottle poles are tightly inserted into the spaces between the threads and secured to the frame.
  5. To increase reliability, the entire structure is additionally secured using tape.

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles is built according to the same principle, but fewer bottles are needed, and the frame is made even simpler.

Greenhouses covered with “bottle” fabric

PET containers can be easily cut plastic plates, having sewn them together, they obtain a durable, even and perfectly bendable coating. It can be used to cover greenhouses of any type, and in terms of reliability it is in many ways superior to film.

To create such a coating:

  • Cut off the top of the bottle and bottom part in places where the bend ends.
  • The workpieces are divided into 2 parts and, for leveling, ironed through thick fabric or, after soaking in hot water, put under a press for several days.
  • The resulting plates are sewn together using an awl, as well as cord thread or soft wire. The plates should overlap each other by 2-5 cm so that the canvas is solid and even.
  • The finished sheets are attached to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws.

Using this coating, you can build a very durable greenhouse on slats. To do this:

  • The required number of plastic sheets, as well as longitudinal and cross slats with a cross section of 3x3 cm, equal to the length and width of the sheets, respectively.
  • First, longitudinal slats are installed, which are then stitched with transverse ones.
  • Plastic sheets are shot onto the slats with a furniture gun, and the joints are glued with plastic strips.

Video about a greenhouse covered with plates made of plastic bottles

Ideas for creating mini-greenhouses from bottles with your own hands

If you just need to grow some seedlings, you won't need a large greenhouse. A small greenhouse will cope with this task perfectly, and very few bottles will be needed.

Most interesting options greenhouses:

  • A greenhouse whose walls are made of 1.5-liter bottles and the roof is covered polyethylene film.
  • A simple greenhouse made from a 5-liter container, the bottom of which is cut off and placed over the seedlings like a cap.
  • A portable greenhouse made from a bottle, right in which you can grow low seedlings. The container is laid on its side, a rectangular hole-door is cut out on top, and gravel and substrate are placed on the bottom. The door can be closed and opened using tape.

Video about a mini greenhouse made from PET bottles

In conclusion

The construction of greenhouses from plastic bottles is not only economically profitable, but also beneficial for preserving the environment. Such a building will become a reliable assistant to the vegetable grower, and if necessary, it can be easily modified, disassembled or moved.

There are not always enough funds to create a greenhouse. At the same time, I want a full-fledged, durable and strong greenhouse. This is why many people decide to create an original greenhouse from PET containers.

Plastic bottles do not stay in homes and go straight to landfill. But to the owners summer cottages It’s worth thinking about how useful it is to use recyclable materials. You can build an unusual greenhouse.

Advantages of the original structure:

  1. It is resistant to adverse weather conditions (wind, snow, rain, hail);
  2. Plastic is a durable material, which means that such a greenhouse will last a long time;
  3. You can easily carry out repairs by replacing individual parts of the greenhouse;
  4. It has excellent heat retention properties, as air circulates inside each bottle;
  5. Such a construction would be cheap;
  6. Assembly of the greenhouse is simple; you can complete all the steps yourself;
  7. To build such a greenhouse you do not need a solid foundation.

You can build a greenhouse from glass bottles. In this case, the roof will be constructed from polycarbonate sheets. Such a building will still cost more than a frame polycarbonate greenhouse. But you will have to pour a solid foundation.

Bottles have the ability to hold warm air. This is what makes them wonderful greenhouses.

The greenhouse will be quite heavy and massive, but at the same time beautiful and unusual. With the help plastic bottles It will be possible to create original ornaments in different colors. Also, such a building retains heat well. Even in winter time no need to use additional heating systems.

DIY greenhouse construction from solid plastic bottles

Anyone can build a greenhouse structure from plastic bottles. But it is important not only to understand the principle of connecting PET containers, but also to take into account all the nuances of such an assembly. To do this, it’s worth watching an online master class from experienced people.

First you need to make a drawing and prepare the work site. It is best to give preference to a well-lit area. It is also advised not to install the greenhouse in open areas where there are strong and gusty winds.

After this, you need to prepare all the materials and tools. For the frame you will need wooden beam and mounting rail. You also need to stock up on an awl, a hacksaw, nails, a level, a tape measure and nylon thread. All bottles will need to be washed and the stickers removed from them. Then you can begin installing the frame.

Frame installation:

  1. You don't have to fill it concrete foundation. Enough to do wooden base from bars that are dug in around the perimeter of the building. Wood should be treated with antiseptics. For greater strength, you need to fill it with cement.
  2. Load-bearing wooden blocks should be attached to the foundation. In this case, an interval of 1 m must be observed.
  3. Next, you should stretch the nylon thread between the beams. You need to make a distance into which a plastic bottle will fit.
  4. The next stage is the installation of beams for the roof base.

After erecting the frame, you can begin installing the walls. The bottom of all bottles must be cut off so that the container can be hermetically connected to another bottle. The plugs will also need to be removed. Then you can string the bottles on top of each other to create a monolithic pipe.

Light containers should be used for walls, as they transmit light better, while dark ones are suitable for corners and patterns.

Corner bottles must be attached to the frame using screws or nails. It is recommended to reinforce the wall with slats. The bottles are strung on a metal or wood strip and mounted vertically on the greenhouse with ribbons.

Roof installation diagram:

  1. Making rows of 40 cm from bottles;
  2. The sheathing is made from metal mesh(it is recommended to do it more often);
  3. Attaching rows to wooden parts of the roof using screws or nails;
  4. Wrapping the attached container with tape;
  5. Installation of the element on the greenhouse.

Here it is beneficial use plastic bottles. All the work is simple, but it is important to do it correctly. Otherwise, the greenhouse will not retain heat, and all the work will go down the drain.

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands from plastic bottles by stitching

There is another way to build a greenhouse from recycled materials. This method more labor intensive. But in such a greenhouse, crops are created ideal conditions microclimate.

You can take 1.5 and 2 liter containers from Hershey, cola or any other drink.

For alternative way You will need plates made from plastic bottles. Preparing the material will take a lot of time and effort. Even for a small greenhouse you need to cut out more than 5,000 bottles. But at the same time, more heat is retained in the greenhouse, it is more durable and lighter.

The sequence of building a greenhouse from bottles using the stitching method:

  1. First you need to prepare the material. You need to cut off the top and bottom of a plastic bottle. The resulting cylinder needs to be cut. The resulting workpiece must be leveled using an iron or press.
  2. Each workpiece must be perforated with an awl along the entire perimeter. Using nylon thread or fishing line, you should connect the elements together. It is important to overlap the material to prevent holes from forming.
  3. The sewn fabric must be secured to the frame with a slatted frame. This creates a solid greenhouse wall.
  4. Several slats can be selectively mounted on the wall. This is done to strengthen the structure.
  5. In the same way, you need to create and secure the canvas to the roof.

It will take more time to create blanks. You need to work with plastic carefully and carefully. It is important not to spoil the material at the leveling stage with an iron or press.

Mini-greenhouse design made from plastic bottles

The easiest way to use plastic containers is to create mini-greenhouses. They can be placed both outdoors and indoors. They will look great on the balcony or on the windowsill of the apartment. Such greenhouses are suitable for orchids, geraniums, herbs or radishes. Most often, summer residents raise seedlings in miniature versions.

Stages of creating a mini-greenhouse from a plastic bottle:

This completes the arrangement of the mini-greenhouse. For control temperature regime You can install a thermometer inside the greenhouse. This option is great for growing flowers.

For mini-greenhouses you need to take a 5 liter bottle.

The design of a greenhouse for seedlings is slightly different. To create it you will need to cut the container in half. To supply the mini-greenhouse with water, several holes are made in the bottom. Next you should fill the soil and sow the seeds. Upper part becomes a roof for a greenhouse. To ventilate, you just need to twist the lid.

DIY greenhouse made from plastic bottles (video)

The process of creating a greenhouse from bottles can be quite labor-intensive. You will need to properly prepare the material and fasten it. But in the end you will get an ideal greenhouse with good thermal insulation qualities.