What type of transport is the safest? What is the safest mode of transport

Any movement by transport is more or less risky, but there are nuances. We often use cars, subways and other types of urban transport, we fly less often by plane and travel on trains, and we don’t get on ships every year. How to determine the degree of security?

“The greatest danger in life is taking too many precautions” - Alfred Adler.

Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about a 100% safe form of transport. There is none, period. But there are more and less dangerous ones. So which means of transportation - flying, land or water - is best to trust with your safety and security? Statisticians have calculated how many deaths occur for every 160 million km or 150 billion km of travel done in different types transport, and compiled the following safety rating.

1. Airplane

So, according to experts, the safest mode of transport is an airplane. Amazing, isn't it? Many people experience paralyzing fear at the mere thought of possible flight. How can you be sure that this bird-like colossus will not crash onto the ground from above at some point, getting caught in a flock of birds or getting caught in a thunderstorm...

But nevertheless, it is in flight that we are least at risk of becoming a victim of a disaster. The numbers show this: 0.6-0.7 deaths per 160 million km of travel – the smallest figure among all modes of transport.

According to the statistics of plane crashes, they happen due to a combination of rare circumstances, the likelihood of which is minimal. One plane crash equals a million flights - these are the data International organization civil aviation. And according to statistical calculations of the International Air Transport Association, in 2012, out of 29,600,000 flights of airliners of Western manufacturers, there were 6 crashes, and not a single one in Europe. The risk of crashing with a plane is approximately 1 in 8,000,000, and the risk of death is 1 in 45 million flights. Moreover, a person can spend 123 thousand years in the cabin of an airplane and never come close to death.

This reliability of air transport is associated with several factors. Firstly, before taking to the skies, each aircraft undergoes a thorough check, and absolutely everything is analyzed: from the operation of instruments and systems to the slightest defects in the coating. Moreover, the airship is inspected not only by technicians, but also by the captain himself, because he is obliged to accept it in excellent condition.

Secondly, security systems are constantly being improved. Each aircraft has several overlapping systems installed. As a result, even if one of them fails, its functions will be immediately performed by the other. So if, for example, one of the engines fails, the plane will still be able to take off or land safely.

Thirdly, landing tactics are changing. If previously it was customary to land the plane softly, now it is recommended to do it roughly, for better adhesion of the landing gear to the runway. However, even if the worst happens, the victims have a much greater chance of survival compared to other modes of transport. Thus, from 1983 to 2000, 568 air accidents were recorded in the United States, but only 5% of the passengers on board died in them: out of 53,487 people, 51,207 survived!

Having analyzed 26 major accidents, in which the liners hit the ground hard, broke into pieces and caught fire, experts found that approximately 50% of the participants in the disaster were saved. And here I would like to ask a question: if everything on an airplane is so reliable and safe, why are millions of people afraid to fly and why does it have such a bad reputation? It turns out that the whole point is that news of any plane crash is immediately picked up by many media mass media and is shared around the world with hundreds of photographs and videos detailing the crash. As a result, viewers and readers get the impression that flying is unusually dangerous.

2. Train

70% of Russians, according to a survey conducted from 2011 to 2013, feel most secure in a train carriage. Although, according to statistics, according to this criterion, this type of transport is inferior to an airplane. On railway There are many more collisions and crashes than in the sky, but they are not as widespread and do not receive such public attention as similar accidents in aviation. And the mortality rate here is higher: 0.9 per 1.6 million km of travel.

But we ignore the numbers and continue to treat trains with special confidence. However, there are undeniable reasons for this. Firstly, a train is a ground mode of transport that moves along its own special path. Secondly, its movement is controlled and directed by the dispatch service. Thirdly, it is customary to strictly observe safety rules on the railway. Therefore, major accidents with numerous casualties are rare here.

However, strict adherence to safety rules is typical for railway employees, but not for the majority of passengers. According to statistics, main reason accidents on the railway - lack of discipline. Thus, 65-75% of victims were injured when they tried to cross or run over railway tracks in unspecified places, 25-35% - by violating safety rules at stations and platforms, and 9% - due to carelessness when boarding and disembarking from carriage.

3. Bus

This is one of the safest types of land transport: there are 0.5 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. According to a VTsIOM survey, the majority of Russians feel most comfortable on a bus, while the subway and planes, in their opinion, are the most dangerous.

Then why is the number of bus-related accidents growing every year, especially in international transport and especially in summer period? Almost every week we hear reports about another crashed bus with tourists - falling into a river, falling off a cliff... The cause of numerous disasters is not bad roads, but the so-called human factor: fatigue of drivers who have been driving continuously for several days.

4. Car

Traveling by car is twenty times more dangerous than traveling by train. For every 1.6 million km of travel there are 1.5 deaths, or for every 1.5 billion - 1.6. Most the right way prevent an accident - follow the rules traffic and monitor the technical condition of the vehicle. It's simple: fasten your seat belt, don't speed, and don't overtake. If you have the financial opportunity, choose an SUV - it is more reliable than other types of cars.

5. Spaceship

7 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. This type of transport could be considered the safest if flight kilometers are taken as the main criterion. Thus, since the conquest of space, 530 people have overcome the gravity of the Earth, and only 18 of them have not returned back. Of all those launched spaceships 2 American and one of ours did not reach the ground. However, all fatal accidents did not occur in Space, but during takeoff or landing.

Maybe it's with high level The rapid development of space tourism is associated with safety, and not just with curiosity. Flights are incredibly expensive, but the number of applicants does not decrease.

6. Ferry

20 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. Many people still remember the tragedy that happened in 1994. On the night of September 27-28, an Estonian ferry built in Germany in 1979 crashed. Of the 989 people on board, 95 were killed and 757 were missing. It is Europe's worst maritime disaster in peacetime.

7. Bicycle

35 deaths per 1.5 billion km of travel. According to sociologists, a trip to the store by bicycle is 4.25 times more dangerous than a trip there by car. Most often, teenagers become victims of road accidents when they collide with a car. However, recently, despite such depressing statistics, the popularity of the bicycle has been growing. It is cheap, does not require fuel, eco-friendly look transport, which also helps us fight the consequences of physical inactivity. The main thing is to be careful and use bike paths whenever possible.

8. On foot

41 deaths per 1.5 billion km. These numbers were a revelation to many. What happens: moving around the city on your own feet becomes dangerous? According to some reports, going to the store on foot is no less dangerous than going there by car. Of course, collisions with pedestrians on the sidewalk are not uncommon. But still, most often they die while crossing streets in places not designated for this or ignoring traffic lights.

9. Motorcycle and moped

An extremely dangerous form of transport! 42 deaths per 160 million km, or 125 deaths per 1.5 billion km. These are the real killers, and their drivers are suicide bombers: 20% of road deaths are caused by motorcyclists, although motorcycles make up only 1% of traffic. A motorcyclist has a much greater chance of losing his life than a motorist, because a motorcycle flying at a speed of 70 km/h is the most unstable and dangerous drug movement in the world.

10. Broom and mortar

This traditionally “female” type of transport can perhaps be called the most dangerous. Imagine what could happen if pedestrians and drivers notice a lady flying above them on a broom. Someone will lose consciousness, and someone will try to throw a stone at the floating figure. Therefore, in order not to expose yourself to mortal danger, it is better to fly out for a walk or on business at night.

To feel more confident in the sky, experts advise choosing not small aircraft, but commercial airliners and those models whose reputation is impeccable: Boeing-777 (not a single passenger has died in 17 years), Airbus A340 and Airbus A330 (not a single passenger has died in 19 years). one fatality), as well as the Airbus A319 (in 11 years, not a single accident - only one breakdown).

To ensure that the journey in the carriage is not overshadowed by anything, you just need to consistently follow the basic principles of safety: do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors only after the train has stopped; when purchasing tickets, choose middle carriages, since in extreme situations they are more stable than the head and tail ones, and also give preference to seats facing the movement of the train. And, of course, don’t try to fly over a railroad crossing under the nose of an approaching train.

  • Do not use tourist buses in Egypt and similar countries.
  • Always wear a seat belt in a car and do not get into a car with an unfamiliar driver.
  • When riding a bicycle, be sure to wear a helmet and not ride at maximum speed.
  • Never ride a motorcycle or moped.

An upcoming trip to another city or a trip to the sea makes people think about what type of transport to prefer. And here some will choose the train, believing that it is safer, while others will fly by plane, spending less time traveling. What type of transport is actually considered the safest?

Public opinion

Opinion polls conducted over the past few years tend to show the same results. Of all modes of transport, passengers consider the train to be the safest.

Airplanes are among the most dangerous. Opinions regarding car travel are divided approximately equally. Regarding maritime transport the public is inclined to classify him rather as in a safe way movement. But this is only the opinion of passengers who are unlikely to study statistical data on accidents, disasters and deaths associated with them.

What do the statistics say?

If people put airplanes first as the most dangerous way to travel, then statistics say quite the opposite. Statistical data is compiled in such a way that mortality (number of dead people) for 160,000,000 km of distance traveled. So during flights this parameter is only 0.6-0.7 people. Railway transport is given second place in terms of safety - the mortality rate per 160,000,000 km of track is 0.9 people. The number of deaths in road accidents is 1.6 people. Therefore, we can conclude that the airplane is the safest mode of transport, and road transport is recognized as the most dangerous.

If you still doubt that flying is less dangerous than driving a car, then here are some more facts. In 2014, there were several plane crashes in the world that claimed 884 human lives. And in our country alone, in the first six months of 2014, more than 10,000 people died in car accidents. So which transport will be safer? The answer is still obvious. Therefore, before a trip, you should weigh the pros and cons, giving preference to one or another type of transport. And to get rid of the fear of flying (if anyone has any), here are some aviation facts.

1) An aircraft lands every three seconds around the world.

2) Killed by donkeys more people than in plane crashes.

3) If the chance of a daily disaster is at least 0.01 percent, then at least 13 planes should crash per day.

4) A plane crash cannot be an accident - it is always a combination of certain factors.

5) Before each flight, the aircraft undergoes a strict inspection and complex technical condition check.

6) Over 80 percent of people on our planet are afraid to fly on airplanes, and 5 percent categorically refuse to do so, preferring trains or ships.

7) A plane cannot fall from a height of 10,000 km, as many fear. There is a lot of pressure under the wings of an airplane, so it floats in the air in the same way as a car on asphalt.

8) Russian pilots do not drink at the controls - this is an invention of those people who are very afraid of flying.

Reading these facts may help reduce aerophobia. However, they are unlikely to be able to help those five percent of people who do not want to board the plane at all under any pretext.

Flying on airplanes is dangerous, we think. Statistics show that trains are even more dangerous. To what extent do our ideas about safety correspond to disaster statistics?

The period of vacations and holidays confronts us with the inevitable choice of the type of transport on which we will go towards the alluring warmth of Goa, the snow-covered landscapes of the Austrian Alps, or on a labor landing to visit our mother in Tver.

The choice is not an easy matter, and even more so when it comes to transport, because many interests collide, including price, speed, convenience and safety.

And among them, safety, as the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research found out, is the most important criterion. To what extent do our ideas about safety correspond to disaster statistics?

Russians believe in the safety of trains

Most without dangerous looking transport according to VTsIOM in 2013, Russians traditionally recognized the train. Despite the fact that trust in him has fallen by more than 10% over the past three years and currently stands at 46%. coupled with the electric train, which another 41% of respondents voted for, Russian Railways clearly enjoys trust.

Airplanes also traditionally do not inspire confidence among our population. Only 16% of Russians believe in the safety of air travel, which is almost half as much as last year. You don’t have to take the car into account at all; it is not even included in the rating of safe modes of transport, since it is considered inherently dangerous.

However, in the confrontation between modes of transport, not everything is so simple. For many years, statistics have been telling us that we are afraid to fly in vain, since an airplane is the safest form of transport. So why don't we trust the smart science of statistics. It turns out there is a reason for this.

NOT a safe plane

In fact, statistics largely depend on the calculation method. An airplane is indeed the safest form of transport, but only in terms of tragedies per kilometers traveled. It is the data of this method that is published on almost all transport and airline websites.

The trick is that, according to the same statistics, most plane crashes occur at the time of takeoff and landing; planes die during the journey extremely rarely. That is why this method is so loved by air carriers.

By the way, when calculating tragedies per kilometers of travel, the most dangerous way of transportation is a motorcycle and attention! walking. Pedestrians die not much less than motorcyclists.

But there are other calculation methods, and here the plane doesn’t look nearly as nice. The UK's Department for Transport for Local and Regions (DTLR) has published data obtained by calculating passenger fatalities by the number of journeys and travel speeds.

And it turned out that the train is still safer than the plane and takes an honorable first place in the ranking least amount dead passengers. It is interesting that in both cases the most dangerous type of transport remains a motorcycle.

Far from it best performance at the plane and by the total number of deaths. In a study by the project center, an aviation manager (PhD Plotnikov I.I. “Method for assessing the danger of modes of transport”) over 10 years, the number of victims of air crashes is second only to car accidents, taking an honorable 2nd place. And in terms of the number of deaths per 1 million passengers transported, it is completely in the lead.

Thus, out of the five research methods, the train is still the safer mode of transport in four. So the intuitive assumptions of our compatriots in fact do not contradict the statistics at all, no matter what the airlines claim.

The safest planes

But we still have to fly, since there are places where trains do not go, and the speed of movement still plays an important role.

Contrary to the pessimistic expectations of Russians and gloomy Internet posts, our country is not a leader in the number of plane crashes either this year or in previous years.

According to the portal statista.com, the United States has been leading the tragic list for many years, and I must say by a wide margin. Between 1945 and October 2013, there were 763 air tragedies in the United States. In Russia there are only 304.

According to the Aircraft Accident Data Analysis Center (JACDEC), the safest airline in the world in 2013 was the Finnish FINNAIR. In general, the list of the best looks like this:

1.Finnair (Finland)
2. Air New Zealand (New Zealand)
3. Cathay Pacific Airways (Hong Kong)
4. Emirates (UAE)
5. Etihad Airways (UAE)

6. Eva Air (Taiwan)
7. TAP (Portugal)
8. Hainan Airlines (China)
9. Virgin Australia (Australia)

10. British Airways UK
11. Lufthansa (Germany)
12. All Nippon Airways (Japan)

The list also includes two Russian airlines: Transaero in 16th place and Aeroflot in 39th place. We still have something to strive for.

Why do planes crash?

In order to somehow reassure themselves before an air trip, many are interested in the deterioration of a particular carrier’s fleet. A ride on a young plane is somehow calming in itself. However, this is absolutely not supported by statistics.

According to the “Let's Fly Together” blog, the picture of the deterioration of the Russian aircraft fleet for the period of October 2013 looks like this:

1. Aeroflot - 5.2 years
2. Taimyr (NordStar) - 9.2 years
3. Siberia - S7 (including Globus) - 9.7 years
4. Russia - 10.3 years
5. Red Wings - 10.7 years

6. Muscovy - 11.1 years
7. Yakutia - 11.3 years
8. Ak Bars Aero - 11.3 years
9. Vladivostok Air - 11.9 years
10. Ural Airlines - 12.1 years

11. Donavia - 12.5 years
12. Tatarstan - 12.7 years (data taking into account the plane crash in Kazan)
13. Severstal - 13.4 years
14. Orenburg Airlines - 13.8 years
15. Yamal - 13.8 years

16. North wind (Nord Wind) - 14.1 years
17. Kolavia (TUI) - 14.2 years
18. RusLine - 14.3 years
19. I Fly - 14.9 years
20. Transaero - 15.9 years

21. Flight - 16.6 years
22. Icarus - 17.1 years
23. Aurora - 17.7 years
24. UTair (including UTair-Express) - 19.7 years
25. Gazpromavia - 20.8 years

26. VIM-avia - 21.4 years
27. Nordavia - 21.9 years
28. Tulpar - 24.9 years
29. Grozny Avia - 25.9 years
30. Saratov Airlines - 26.3 years

31. Alrosa - 28.3 years
32. Izhavia - 29.4 years
33. Angara - 29.4 years
34. Iraero - 31.3 years
35. Tomskavia - 37.8 years
36. Polar Airlines - 39.2 years

These data are confirmed by Forbes, noting Aeroflot as the company with the youngest aircraft fleet in Russia - less than 5 years old. It must be said that the leader in safe air transportation Finnair middle age aircraft are about 9 years old.

The aircraft are the same age Russian company Siberia (S7), but this company is known for its sad list of plane crashes.

This alone suggests that planes rarely crash due to old age. Statistics have no doubt about this. You can, of course, calm yourself down and board a “younger” plane, but the chance that it will not crash is no greater than that of an “older” plane.

And all because planes crash most often due to pilot errors, that is, all because of the notorious human factor (there’s no getting away from it).

According to the agency AVIASAFETY.ru

— 68% of plane crashes are caused by human factors, of which 47% are pilot errors, 13% are negligence of ground services and 8% are terrorist attacks.

— 18% — equipment failure. Moreover, both old and new equipment can fail.

— 14% — the reasons have not been established.


What to do when you still need to fly, but it’s very scary? Psychologists give a lot of advice on this issue. Let's look at the most reasonable of them:

— If behind the fear of flying there is a fear of heights, a fear of enclosed spaces, a tendency to panic attacks, the issue must be resolved not with airplanes, but with these disorders.

“But most often, aerophobia hides a person’s desire for complete control over the situation and a craving for a feeling of absolute security. Needless to say, both are unattainable. Therefore, we must take it for granted that not everything in life depends on us, including the question of life and death.

“We must also accept as a given that no matter how much we want, we will not be able to influence whether the plane will fall or not.” Therefore, there is no need to study aerobatics instructions or scrupulously study the details of all plane crashes. This will not relieve nervousness, but, on the contrary, will aggravate it.

- The cure for fear in the form of alcohol is also not best option. It will not solve the problem, but will easily create new ones.

The main thing is to understand that you need to deal with yourself, and not with the plane. Whether you tremble with fear or not will not change the possibility of a plane crash, but you will definitely ruin your nerves.

— The world's worst plane crash occurred in 1977. Two Boeing 747 aircraft collided at Los Rodeos airport (Tenerife). 574 people died. Due to errors by ground services and poor visibility, the two planes ended up on the same runway and moved towards each other until a tragic collision occurred.

— Another large-scale disaster also belongs to the Boeing 747. In August 1985, the airliner lost control and crashed into a mountain near Tokyo. 520 people died. The cause of the plane's death was the destruction of the tail unit.

— In Russia, An-2 planes crash most often. But this is not due to the fact that the plane is bad, but to the fact that it is the most common in Russia.

— 2009 became the safest year for Russian airlines. Not a single person died on scheduled planes.

— 2012 was the safest year for aviation in the world. In Russia, this year was unfortunately marred by 4 plane crashes.

— After the collapse of the USSR, Aeroflot suffered two plane crashes. In 1994, an Airbus A310 crashed.

The pilot put his 15-year-old son at the controls. The teenager managed to disable the autopilot, the plane went into a tailspin and crashed. 75 people died.

In 2008, due to mistakes by pilots who had alcohol in their blood, a Boeing 737 crashed near Perm. 87 people died.

— The most mysterious plane crash is considered to be the death of the Pan Am airliner with the poetic name “High-Speed ​​Romance of the Sky” in November 1957.

Just starting trip around the world, the plane crashed in Pacific Ocean. 44 people died. The reasons are still unknown. The plane did not send distress signals, and a toxicological examination of the bodies showed high content carbon monoxide.

— The first person to survive the plane crash was American Foy Kenneth Roberts. The plane carrying American soldiers crashed on June 14, 1943 in Australia. Roberts survived, but forever forgot everything about the accident itself and lost the ability to speak.

Photo: depositphotos.com

Vehicles allow us to move around the world quickly and comfortably, but at what cost? Millions of people die in transport every year.

10. Moped and motorcycle

Mopeds and motorcycles rightfully occupy the tenth position in our ranking of the safest modes of transport. For many years in a row, such transport has been considered the most dangerous. Of the total traffic, motorcycles make up only 1%, while 20% of deaths on the roads occur precisely this type transport.

In order to survive, you should remember that you cannot reach a reckless speed of more than 70 km/h. Desperate bravado is not only inappropriate, it can also cost the driver his life. And, if he took a passenger with him... According to statistics, 125 deaths occur for every 1.5 billion km. The mortality rate of drivers of ordinary cars is 28 times less than the mortality rate of motorcycle drivers. These are the modern facts.

From year to year, a bicycle is considered one of the most dangerous types of transport, according to official statistics. This year was no exception, unfortunately. Most often, accidents involving bicycles occur when they collide with cars.

The number of such accidents on the roads is constantly growing. Therefore, cyclists should be as careful as possible. Since teenagers most often die in such accidents, all parents should take this point into account. At 1.5 billion km. According to statistics, there are 35 deaths.

8. Subway

In case of accidents, this type of transport destroys the lives of many people at once. And emergencies in the metro are especially dangerous for citizens. If we talk about Russia, most often the victims are passengers of the Moscow metro.

7. Sea transport

Ferries are not as safe as water transport enthusiasts would like. According to current year statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 20 deaths. In particular, it should be noted that not every death occurs as a result of a crash.

There have been cases of passengers falling overboard. Water transport is also unsafe!

6. Spaceship

Only 18 of the spacecraft that have been sent into limitless space since the very first flight in 1961 have failed to return. And this is despite an impressive number of vehicles of this type sent into space.

There were 530 ships in total. It is worth considering that people did not die in space itself. Tragedies happened during takeoff or during landing. According to statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 7 human deaths.

5. Minibus

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to die when traveling on this type of transport, often due to the low qualifications of the drivers.

4. Car

Cars used to be considered an incredibly dangerous type of transport. So, how did a car turn out to be one of the safest types of transport in statistics? It's very simple.

Cars were significantly modified in recent years. Thus, the number of accidents has decreased significantly. New statistics show that 1.5 billion km. There are four deaths per car. However, this does not mean that you can safely forget about safety measures or become fans of crazy driving.

3. Bus

For 1 billion km. accounts for 0.5 deaths per official statistics. This applies to ordinary buses. Therefore, in the ranking of the safest modes of transport, buses took an honorable 3rd place.

In European spaces this type public transport is among the safest. Things are worse in Egypt, as in Russian Federation. But still, buses are deservedly in third position in the ranking.

However, do not forget about terrible incidents associated with this type of transport. It’s worth at least remembering how a bus in the capital was rammed by a truck. And this is not an isolated case!

2. Airplane

But, according to statistics, an airplane cannot be considered one of the safest modes of transport. However, 0.5 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km, if we also take into account small aircraft with helicopters. Commercial ships will always be more dangerous than conventional light aircraft.

However, we should not forget that the worst thing in the case of plane crashes is the fact that almost none of the huge number of passengers manages to escape. And even the crew of an aircraft in plane crashes is often no luckier. It is known that such incidents can never be an accident.

When a plane crash occurs, a combination of certain factors are to blame. However, airplanes are always considered one of the safest types of transport. And statistics confirm this every year. But the most surprising thing is that people are often much more afraid of flying on airplanes than riding motorcycles.

Trains, according to statistics, are considered the safest transport in the world and are in first place on our list. This is especially true for American and European trains; only 0.2 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km. to the share of trains.

If we take only the Russian Federation, the mortality rate in railway transport is 0.7 per 1.5 billion km, which is also not very much.

Every person regularly makes business trips or leisure trips. But when choosing a method of transportation, few people focus specifically on protecting their own lives during the trip. Most focus on speed, comfort and prestige. And in vain, because human life and health should come first. Therefore, we will consider all the possibilities of movement and determine the safest mode of transport.

What type of transport is the safest in the world?

The safest mode of transport in the world can be determined according to several criteria:

  1. by the number of accidents among total number flights;
  2. by the number of victims from the number of passengers or those who were in the accident zone and became victims;
  3. by the number of deaths due to an accident or accident per 160 million kilometers.

The opinion of world statisticians agrees that it is safest to travel by plane. They drew this conclusion from the negligible proportion of accidents in the sky relative to the total number of flights made. There are only 0.6 fatalities per 100 million miles. At the same time, about 30 million flights are sent annually, of which about 20 end in disaster. We should not forget that half of these aircraft are cargo, and only 10 are passenger.

It's hard to disagree with the exact mathematics, but the chances of surviving an airliner crash are practically zero. Thus, we can conclude that the probability of getting into a plane crash is not high, but if such a fate occurs, death cannot be avoided. Although there are also exceptions to this rule. Modern advanced technology is designed to cope with an emergency landing on water.

Safety statistics of modes of transport in Russia

As practice shows, domestic studies of a particular country can produce data that differ from international ones. Thus, the safest form of transport in Russia is the train. According to official statistics from the State Statistics Committee for 2017, there were 0 deaths among those traveling on the train, although 1,626 pedestrians were killed by trains. It turns out that movement by rail inside the train does not pose any threat. The same cannot be said about those who enjoy walking along the paths. Such places are most attractive for teenagers.

In addition to deaths due to one’s own negligence, there were also those that followed accidents.

The most common causes of railway accidents:

  • derailment of the train;
  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • train collision;
  • collision of moving cars with lost locomotive spare parts.

Unfortunately, not all trains are in good condition. technical condition. Even the painstaking work of engineers cannot compensate for the wear and tear of parts. At the moment, a project has been launched in the Russian Federation aimed at improving the safety of such an industry as railway transport.


Unfortunately, the mortality statistics for airplane passengers are not as encouraging as those on the railway. Russia is one of the three so-called leaders in the number of deaths due to aircraft crashes. In addition, this number also includes the USA and Canada. Over a period of 30 years, 307 domestic airliners crashed, killing 7,061 victims on board.

Accidents in the sky never happen due to just one specific reason.

In order to completely lose control of an airplane, a number of circumstances must occur:

  • human error;
  • external weather conditions;
  • equipment failure.

A miscalculation by the dispatcher can cause quite unpredictable consequences, because in the airspace, as on the roads, there are clear routes. Precipitation, fog, and wind are also considered unfavorable for flights. But the most dangerous thing is the malfunction of the airliner. Although engineers anticipate emergency situations and develop backup control systems in this case, the confluence of all three factors is extremely risky.


Traveling by bus means that a person completely trusts his own life to the driver. If we talk about general accident statistics on roads, which includes all types of ground transport, then it speaks of 194 thousand injured and 17.2 thousand fatalities in 2017. This high number is due to human error and vehicle failure.

Recently, the number of accidents involving passenger buses has increased. Serious incidents occur several times a month, sometimes resulting in death. According to statistics, it is in summer time Such cases become more frequent and decrease closer to winter. About 5 thousand accidents involved buses, killing 290 people and injuring 7,700. In 2016, this figure was slightly lower and totaled 214 deaths. Due to the growing trend of the negative coefficient, the head of the traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, commented on the situation and promised to take the situation under his own control.

The most common causes of road accidents are:

  • drunk driving;
  • malfunction vehicle;
  • ignorance or failure to comply with traffic rules;
  • speeding;
  • failure to maintain distance;
  • inattentive driving;
  • failure to comply with overtaking regulations.

To reduce the number of accidents, every driver must drive responsibly, since not only his own life, but also that of other people depends on it.


It would seem that nothing could be safer than spaceships. They are constructed from ultra-dense materials and undergo rigorous engineering inspection, but, alas, shuttles cannot provide 100% reliability. Accidents on satellites occur periodically and most often they can no longer be repaired. As for the spacecraft themselves, 16 people died throughout the world during the flights, 4 of them Soviet.

The most common causes of disasters were:

  • unsuccessful launch or landing;
  • destruction of the shuttle in the air upon entry into the dense layers of the atmosphere;
  • incorrect calculations;
  • technical malfunction.

At the stage of space tourism, it is important to take into account all aspects and dangers of such travel, but high cost flying is not affordable for most of the population.

Water passenger transport

According to surveys by social organizations, half of people consider water transport dangerous for movement. This opinion is not justified by statistics. Sea and river vessels rank second in terms of safety in Russia. The peculiarity of this type of travel is that the lion's share of passengers die precisely because of the human factor.

This situation is due to minimal protection of passengers from impacts and damage. At best, the racer will be dressed in a special suit and helmet, but they don’t always save the day. Drivers of this particular vehicle are 29 times more likely to get into accidents than, for example, a motorist.

For some, this type of movement is also fun, similar to Russian roulette. But common sense speaks of a fairly high probability of dying while driving a bike: for those who travel 24 kilometers daily, this is 1/860. If we consider accidents in one area, then about 6-7 thousand car accidents occur per year, 250-350 people die and 7-9 thousand are seriously injured.

Of course, the rhythm of modern life is impossible without long-distance travel, and there is no way to completely protect yourself from it. But compliance is possible elementary rules self-preservation, which greatly increases the chances of salvation and preservation of health in an extreme situation. And for complete peace of mind, you can choose the safest form of transport according to statistics - the train.