Why doesn't anthurium grow? Reasons why anthurium does not bloom

Why doesn't anthurium bloom? What to do? - You can write a dissertation on this topic. But is it worth reading a whole volume when you can read our article? We assure you that we will tell you about all the reasons for the reluctance of the capricious comrade from the tropics to bloom.

Wrong ground

Anthurium is often stuffed into peat. They say it is light, the roots breathe in it, and it retains moisture for a long time. And this big mistake, which leads to a lack of flowering.

Solution. In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, it should be kept in a suitable soil mixture. Store-bought soil for orchids works well. But you can assemble a housing for anthurium yourself:

  • pieces of sphagnum
  • fatty garden humus
  • fine bark chips
  • medium size charcoal

All ingredients are taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. This mixture guarantees good health and brings the anthurium flowering closer.

By the way, this plant prefers the soil to be acidic. Therefore, bark is required in the soil, preferably from coniferous species trees. It cannot be replaced with sawdust. They quickly become compressed and the roots simply suffocate. Anthurium may die.


The reason for the lack of flowering of anthurium may be improper transplantation or its absence at all.

Solution. Try to plant the plant correctly initially, removing it from the shipping pot after purchase. Do not change the height of the growing point, otherwise you will simply destroy the flower. Do not replant frequently; do it only when you see that the roots are becoming crowded. At the same time, you cannot cut off the long roots; there will definitely not be flowering.

The pot should be low but wide. A small layer of drainage is placed at the bottom; we don’t need excess moisture.

There is an opinion among flower growers that when replanting it is necessary to thoroughly wash the anthurium roots. It won't do any harm, but it won't do much good either. How this procedure affects the formation of flower stalks is not known to science.

We water correctly

An inappropriate watering schedule greatly interferes with upcoming flowering. We can say that this is the most common mistake. Some comrades simply create a swamp in a pot. Well, the tropics and all that...

Use your head. Why then was such a soil needed if it would happily turn sour in an excess of liquid? Anthurium will definitely not bloom.

Solution. You cannot flood the flower. It is also not recommended to drink from above. It’s easier for orchid lovers, they know about immersion. For those who don't know, let's give you a hint:

  • Place a pot of anthurium in a large container.
  • Pour hot (+49-51°C) water to the middle height of the container.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Then add hot water almost to the sides of the pot for another 10 minutes.
  • Then remove the anthurium from the liquid and place it on a stand.

After excess water has drained, the pot can be placed in its usual place. By the way, anthurium is one of the few plants that can be carried around rooms without fear. He does not throw off buds and flowers.

On what schedule should I water the plant? And no one will tell you the exact time and period. You must determine all this yourself, based on your climate and time of year outside the window. Just stick a wooden stick into the pot to the bottom for 12-14 minutes. Then look at the moisture level in the soil.

By the way, you can’t overdry the earthen ball, even occasionally. This will negatively affect possible flowering.


Anthurium, like no other tropical plant, sensitive to air humidity. He cannot stand even the slightest decline. Even for one day. Otherwise, flowers will appear only after the cancer whistles on the mountain.

Solution. Did we warn you that this is a very capricious comrade? Get:

  • Anthurium needs to be sprayed 2 times a day. All year round.
  • Once every 3 days, it is recommended to wipe each leaf with a wet cloth or damp cloth.
  • Additional containers with water or trays with wet expanded clay and sphagnum are placed around.
  • During heating season Wet towels are placed on the radiators.
  • Turn on a humidifier nearby, if available.

As you can see, the tropical guest is not so simple. Without proper humidity it will not bloom. By the way, it would be better to spray not the anthurium itself, but around it. This will create the necessary atmosphere.

And one more thing. For spraying or watering, use only settled or melt water. After all, in natural natural conditions Chlorinated rain is unlikely to fall from the sky.

Lack of light

In order for an anthurium to bloom, it needs a sufficient amount of lighting. Take a closer look at your pet. The leaves are matte, pale, on long thin petioles; there is no flowering and is not expected. These are signs of lack of light.

Solution. Anthurium should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun illuminates it in sufficient quantities. But direct rays will certainly burn ugly things on the leaves. brown spots. Therefore, shading is simply necessary on southern and western windows.

As for the eastern and northern ones, the anthurium there will bloom only after additional lighting. By the way, for these purposes you will have to purchase a special phytolamp. Don't worry about extra spending. Additional light will ensure that many of your house flowers grow normally.

Just don’t place tall neighbors under the lamp together with the anthurium. He will perceive this as competition and refuse to bloom. It will begin to stretch out and turn into a vine. It is better to place potties with babies around. They benefit, anthurium benefits from peace.

Rest period

Many plants need rest in winter. Anthurium is no exception. He also needs 1.5-2 months of vacation. It is at this time that flower buds are laid. That's just the majority indoor plants for the rest period, place in a dark place. Our friend rests a little differently.

Solution. The holiday lasts approximately from the beginning of December to mid-January. During this period, only the temperature of the content is changed. It is reduced to +16-18°C. All other care conditions remain the same:

  • abundance of diffused light
  • regular submersion watering
  • high humidity

After the end of the rest, the air temperature is gradually raised to the usual +22-25°C. If everything is done correctly, then around the end of February you can see the buds gaining strength, and soon the flowering itself.

Lack of fertilizing

Sometimes anthurium does not bloom due to lack of nutrition. No doubt, you transplanted it into nutrient soil, but the supply of minerals there is not endless. But not everyone can change the land constantly. Yes and root system plants will not withstand such familiarity.

Solution. Use mineral fertilizers. Feeding with liquid green food is certainly good. But only for increasing lush green mass. And for long-lasting and high-quality flowering, microelements are needed. In particular, these are phosphorus and potassium. Without them, flowering will be scanty, or even not at all.

Before purchasing the treasured bag, be sure to read the information on the packaging. Pay attention to the composition and manufacturer's recommendations. There must certainly be a mark “for those in bloom.” And don't increase the dosage. Overfeeding threatens the death of the plant.

Advice. Today, the industry offers fertilizers in tablets or granules. This form is very convenient because you don’t have to think about where to get a pharmacy scale and how much fertilizer to pour at one time. It is enough to place one tablet in the pot and the nutrition will last for a long time. The plant will pick itself up required quantity microelements during the next watering.

  1. Do not plant anthurium immediately in a huge pot. There is no doubt that gorgeous foliage will grow freely in such a container. But flowering will not come very soon. The fact is that the buds are laid only after the root system has completely entwined the entire earthen lump provided.
  2. If you raised your pet from seeds, don't expect flowers in the first 2 years. The young anthurium will spend this time building up a reliable root system. So be patient.
  3. Be sure to cut off wilted flowers. Otherwise, the plant will spend most of its energy and nutrition on producing seeds. Sometimes after flowering, the anthurium becomes severely depleted by the ripening of the cobs. Therefore, do not regret, cut boldly.
  4. In nature, the plant is in a foggy haze for about 9 months a year, which gives 100% humidity environment. And there are certainly no drafts in lush tropical thickets. Therefore, try to protect your pet from ventilation and open windows. Otherwise, it will refuse to bloom ever again.
  5. Try not to plant anthurium in clay or ceramic pots. The fact is that this material takes a long time to heat up, so the root system of the plant can become overcooled. And in such conditions you will not see flowers.
  6. Periodically carefully inspect the anthurium for pests and diseases. You can create ideal conditions, but a weakened or sick plant will not bloom. Timely help often works wonders.

Why doesn't anthurium bloom? What to do? - You are no longer interested in this now. You probably learned from our article useful information and already realized their mistakes. Now it's a matter of small things. Rather, create ideal conditions for your pet, and soon you will be able to admire the beautiful glossy flowers on a gorgeous bush for a long time.

Video: caring for anthurium

Why does anthurium not bloom at home and how to correct the situation? Having purchased a plant or received it as a gift, a person expects that it will constantly delight him with its extraordinary flowering. For unknown reasons, the flower only throws out leaves and may not look sick at all. It is believed that it must release flower stalks 22-24 months after sowing. If this does not happen, then there must be objective reasons for the lack of budding.

Probable Causes

Anthurium is a tropical plant, so for successful growth and flowering in an apartment, it needs to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. In most cases, it does not bloom precisely because of non-compliance with the conditions of detention and violation of the rules of agricultural technology.

Such reasons may be:

Anthurium should not be replanted during flowering. This procedure is always stressful, and the flower will shed its peduncles.

How to achieve flowering

What to do in such a situation? First of all, you need to correct the mistakes made in the maintenance of anthurium. The following steps should be taken:

Additional stimulation

How to make anthurium bloom if everything necessary conditions complied with? The plant continues to be capricious and does not want to please with flowering. It can be stimulated and forced to release buds. For this early spring you need to do the following:

    water the substrate with water at a temperature of +45...+50°C (not higher);

    After 7-10 days, fill the pan with water at a temperature of no more than 60°C;

    after it has completely cooled, it should be poured out;

    repeat again in a week.

A necessary condition is the presence of a good layer of drainage, which will not allow warm steam to burn the delicate roots. This procedure will make the flower wake up faster and produce the desired buds.

Capricious and picky tropical flower requires strict adherence to conditions of care and maintenance. But the flowering of anthurium is so unusual and luxurious that it is worth all the effort.

Why doesn't anthurium bloom?

When it comes to such an issue as the lack of flowering in a plant living at home, the first reason that comes to mind is unfavorable conditions or erroneous care of the gardener. And anthurium in this case is no exception. Read more about why anthurium does not bloom at home and how to solve this problem.

Reasons why anthurium does not bloom at home

In most cases, anthurium does not enter the flowering phase precisely because of the lack of proper care or the creation of an environment in which the appearance of buds of this wonderful plant is simply impossible. The situation can be corrected only by bringing the conditions of the plant to the necessary ones. Factors that adversely affect delicate anthurium include the following:

The reason for poor health of anthurium is most often not proper care

  1. The temperature is too low at the time of flowering.
  2. Waterlogged soil.
  3. Insufficient quantity sunlight, or, conversely, its excess, which is akin to a sunburn.
  4. Insufficient moisture, which leads to drying out of the roots. As a result, the green part of the plant begins to wither, and the amount nutrients it contracts.
  5. The humidity in the room where the plant is located is too low.
  6. Low-nutrient environment in the soil.

Advice. In order for the anthurium to please you with its unusual flowering in a timely manner, you need to carefully select a suitable container for the plant. So, if its size is too large, the root system will need more time than usual to completely occupy the soil substrate. Until this happens, flowering will not begin.

By the way, if the plant has already entered the flowering phase, but some buds have begun to wither, it is advisable to get rid of them immediately, since they will not add beauty, and will take away nutrients from the plant, which will affect the growth rate of the remaining buds.

How to provoke flowering

So, we have found out the reasons why flowering may be absent. Now let's define possible ways solving the problem. Let's start with lighting. This factor is considered decisive during the flowering period of the plant. Since the formation of buds usually occurs in early spring, when daylight hours are still quite short, it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of sunlight. To do this, the pot is placed in the sunniest place in the house and, if necessary, additionally illuminated with a backlight lamp.

Anthurium bloom

Regarding the substrate: it should not be too dense, since in this case moisture and air will not be able to penetrate to the roots in sufficient quantities. Besides, soil mixture must be selected carefully. Since the plant comes from the tropics, the soil should be similar. To prepare a suitable substrate, take peat and humus in equal proportions (2 parts each), add 4 parts of orchid soil and 1 part perlite.

Regarding watering: it should be regular, since the plant is accustomed to frequent tropical rains in its homeland, but the substrate should not be soggy.

Advice. To avoid such a problem as excess moisture in the soil, it is enough to pay attention to its appearance. So, the “signal” to watering is dried top layer soil.

That's all you need to know in order for the anthurium growing at home to begin to bloom in all its splendor on time. Good luck!

Anthurium care: video

Anthurium's glossy leaves and flowers are so vibrant that they sometimes appear unreal, making anthurium a popular choice among beginners and hobbyists alike. experienced gardeners. This plant invariably attracts the eye and does not at all give the impression of a fragile creature, however, sometimes something goes wrong, and the growth of the flower male happiness stops. But you shouldn’t despair and give up at such moments.

What is the reason that anthurium stops growing, and how to fix it? This article will answer these and other questions!

Flower growth rate male happiness

How quickly male happiness grows directly depends on the specific type and age of the flower.. During the first 4 years of life, anthurium grows quite quickly; by 5 years the plant reaches an adult state and growth slows down.

During the spring-summer period healthy flower for which they were created comfortable conditions, gives 2-3 new leaves every month. During the cold season, growth almost stops, since this time is a period of rest for the plant.

Why do new leaves stop appearing at home?

There may be many reasons why anthurium is in no hurry to please its owner with new leaves and shoots. Most of them, as a rule, come down to improper care or environmental conditions that do not meet the needs of the flower. Here are some reasons why the male happiness flower does not grow well, and tips on what to do in this case:

  • Insufficient watering. If anthurium leaves dry out, turn pale and turn yellow, this may indicate insufficient moisture in the substrate and air. In this case, it is enough to normalize the regularity of watering (2-3 times a week in warm time year) and provide the necessary air humidity (at least 60%).

    Important! It is dangerous to overwater a damaged or weakened plant, as it cannot resist disease, and an over-moistened substrate leads to the formation of mold and mildew.

  • Excessive watering. Excessive amounts of moisture are even more dangerous than its lack; leaves and stems begin to become soft, wither and turn yellow. If reducing watering does not lead to an improvement in the condition of the plant, it means that the root system has suffered and the anthurium will have to be replanted.

    During the transplantation process, it is necessary to carefully examine the roots, remove damaged ones and treat them with a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate for disinfection. The soil and pot into which the transplant will be made must also be sterilized.

  • Wrong soil. The substrate in which anthuriums are sold in stores in most cases is completely unsuitable for their further growth; ordinary soil for indoor flowers This plant is also not suitable.

    Male happiness will grow well only in loose soil, well permeable to water and air, consisting of large particles and fibers. If after purchase the anthurium does not grow for a long time, you need to replant it using the correct soil composition.

  • Incorrect lighting. Pale and yellowed anthurium leaves may indicate a lack of lighting. This is a tropical plant and needs bright, indirect light for at least 10 hours. To achieve such intensity, it is best to keep the flower on an eastern or south-eastern windowsill, with additional artificial lighting if necessary.

    Constant exposure of the plant to direct sunlight can also harm it and cause leaf burns (appearance of pale brown spots, dry edges). IN summer time Anthurium must be slightly shaded.

  • Incorrectly selected pot. A container chosen for replanting that is too large will significantly slow down the growth of the anthurium, since first of all the plant will spend energy on developing the root system. Big pot can also lead to constant waterlogging of the substrate, which will also negatively affect the growth of anthurium.

    It is necessary to replant the flower into a container 2-3 cm larger than the volume of its root system; it is precisely these conditions that will contribute to the active growth of its above-ground part and rapid flowering.

  • Deepening the growth point. This mistake is often made by inexperienced gardeners when transplanting. Place the plant in new pot it is necessary so that all the roots are covered with soil, and the growing point must remain on the surface. If these conditions are not met, the plant may die. Only a re-transplant done according to all the rules will help.

  • Lack of fertilizers. One of possible reasons lack of growth in anthurium, if all other maintenance conditions are met, there may be a lack of nutrients. It can be corrected by applying fertilizing. In the spring-summer period, it is recommended to feed the plant every 2 weeks; at first, it is better to reduce the concentration of the fertilizer by at least 2 times.

    There is no need to apply fertilizer immediately after transplantation; the first fertilizing is best done no earlier than a month later, when the plant has completely taken root.

  • Drafts and low temperature . A comfortable temperature for anthurium is +20-24 degrees; if it drops to +18, and the plant is constantly in a draft or near a running air conditioner, this can lead to hypothermia and cause significant harm. Growth in such conditions is simply impossible. To solve the problem it is necessary to establish temperature regime and place the anthurium so that cold air does not fall on it.

    Attention! At temperatures below +15 degrees, the plant may suffer irreversible damage and die.

    The growth of anthurium largely depends on the creation of favorable conditions; if the light, temperature, humidity and soil composition are normal, the plant will greet you with new leaves every spring, and will most likely bloom by the beginning of summer. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the flower and solve emerging problems before they cause serious harm.

- a plant of amazing beauty, often popularly called “male happiness.” Scarlet, pink, purple or white flowers rise against a background of bright green heart-shaped leaves that grow up to 40 cm in length.

They look very original because they consist of a flower spadix and a bract. However, such a spectacular appearance is combined with capriciousness and demandingness. Often, despite seemingly careful and proper care, anthurium does not bloom at home. What is the reason? And what can be done?

Reasons for lack of flowering

Let's figure out why the anthurium does not bloom, but only produces leaves: most likely, the reason is improper care. Namely, failure to comply with one or more conditions for the appearance of buds.

Also, the absence of flowers can be caused by the presence, however, they also appear as a result of improper care. The main reasons for the lack of flowering in anthurium can be called:

Lighting errors

Incorrect temperature

Another mistake in caring for anthurium is to high temperature maintenance in winter: during the dormant period and during the formation of buds. And in general, “male happiness” always prefers warmth, but not heat. If the temperature in winter is above 20 degrees, you may not expect flowering.

From the end of autumn, anthurium begins a dormant period lasting 2-3 months. The optimal temperature during this period is 15-17 degrees. Such cool conditions will contribute to the appearance of flower shoots in the future.

Buds begin to form in mid-February. At this time, the temperature should be raised to 18-20 degrees. If it is more than 20 degrees in the apartment in winter, the anthurium will not bloom. In summer optimal temperature for him 20-25 degrees.

It is important to know that placing a flower pot in a draft also negatively affects the appearance of buds. Therefore, no to drafts, yes to flowers!

Incorrect watering

Anthurium may not bloom due to too much watering, when the soil in the pot is constantly in a waterlogged state. It will not be possible to wait for buds even if the earthen ball dries out from time to time due to insufficient or irregular watering.

It is correct to water after the top layer of soil has dried. He should be generous, but not frequent. Due to overwatering, the roots begin to rot, and the plant not only does not bloom, but may also die.

It should be soft, without calcium salts, at room temperature. You can use water that has been standing for at least 5 days or filtered. It is recommended to acidify the water for irrigation once every 1-2 weeks: 2-3 drops lemon juice for 1 liter of water.

Potty doesn't fit

Another reason for the lack of flowering in anthurium may be incorrectly selected. It is important to know that in its natural environment the plant is an epiphyte, and its root system is poorly developed. Therefore, it will be uncomfortable in large and bulky pots and, accordingly, it will not bloom.

On the other hand, the container in which the anthurium is located may become too small for it, and because of this, it may also not bloom. Roots that appear outward from the drainage holes can indicate the need for transplantation.. In this case, the plant must be replanted, choosing a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It should be wide and low.

Incorrect fertilization regime

Anthurium may not bloom if during the period of active growth - spring and summer - you do not feed it, do not follow the necessary fertilizing regime (carry out the procedure too often) or use inappropriate compounds.

In spring and summer, fertilizing should be done once a month. These should be acidic fertilizers that do not contain calcium.

Optimal use of liquid mineral fertilizers for flower plants.

You can increase the acidity of the soil and in this way promote flowering by placing a few pine needles or dry sphagnum moss on its surface.

Other reasons

Anthurium may not bloom if the air in the room where it is located is too dry.

Another reason for the lack of buds is an incorrectly selected substrate.. Anthurium will not bloom if it grows in a substrate for bromeliads, cacti, or a peat mixture.

He needs soil that is very permeable to air and has a slightly acidic reaction. An ideal substrate for orchids.

A large number of already faded buds that remain on the stem may also be the reason that the anthurium does not bloom. The buds subsequently produce seeds, and this process weakens the plant as a whole. Therefore, after wilting, the flower shoots are carefully cut off with a sharp knife or scissors.

Bloomed and stopped

The saddest situation is when the anthurium delighted with a riot of colors, and then suddenly stopped blooming. What is the reason?

This may be an increase in temperature or a decrease in ambient humidity. However, the most A common reason is improper watering.

It is important to remember: during flowering, watering should be done as usual.

Increasing watering means stopping flowering. The next moistening of the soil is necessary only after its top layer has dried. If the anthurium has stopped blooming precisely because of this, then adjusting the watering regime will save the situation. It will take a little time until the normal biorhythm returns to normal - and the anthurium will again produce many buds!

Stimulation of flowering

What to do if anthurium does not bloom:

Knowing the preferences of anthurium and putting in a little effort, you can achieve its lush and bright flowering. Luxurious pay for your work, isn't it?