Show all companies that kill cockroaches. Professional cockroach repellents – how exterminators poison insects. Aerosols and sprays

The destruction of cockroaches is one of the main activities of our service; we know almost everything about them, which is why sanitary treatments are always successful. The company's specialists use the latest generation drugs, as well as the most modern equipment. At the same time, complete preventive disinfection of the home is carried out, making it possible not to worry about spread pathogens.

Everything about exterminating cockroaches

How many cockroaches can there be in an apartment at the same time? It is impossible to count these “runners”. They reproduce at an incredible rate, so it’s not worth wasting time on using folk remedies. It is also better not to try to kill cockroaches in an apartment the “old grandfather’s way” using kerosene or karbofos; such actions can only aggravate the situation. And it is not known who will get poisoned faster in this case, you or the cockroaches. In addition to baiting, it is necessary to disinfect the premises from cockroaches, which is also impossible to do on your own.

Proper extermination of cockroaches and bedbugs

There is no point in fighting cockroaches on your own. Those repellents that are sold in stores are not able to completely get rid of “ uninvited guests” owners of the apartment. These chemicals are weak, outdated, disappear immediately, it is impossible to treat the entire home with them, but at the same time they are extremely toxic and harmful to the health of its inhabitants. Moreover, having experienced the effects of these “miracle insecticides,” cockroaches forever acquire resistance to them, passing it on to subsequent generations.

For this reason, when deciding what and how to poison cockroaches in an apartment, low price should not be in the foreground. In any case, the cost of self-destruction and treatment of spoiled health will far exceed the cost of inviting SES professionals.

Cockroach extermination service

It is advisable to call a cockroach extermination service as soon as possible. If treated in a timely manner, they can be dealt with in just one go. In case of great neglect or unsanitary condition of the apartment, repeated intervention may sometimes be required. However, thanks to the skill of the craftsmen and the high efficiency of the drugs used, the need to disinfest the premises from cockroaches a second time is minimized. But all the same, you should not bring your home to a critical state, if only for the reason that these “dwellers of garbage dumps” negatively affect the health of the residents. Therefore, it is better to call a specialist as quickly as possible.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow has been carried out by our company for a long time and successfully. Every year we receive a huge number of requests for help. Our company has large number regular customers who recommend us to their friends and acquaintances.

Services for apartments

Most often, residents of city apartments need help in the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches. These insects willingly choose apartment building, since all the conditions for their full existence have been created here: a constant temperature is maintained, there is water and food.

Our private sanitary and epidemiological station will carry out the safe extermination of cockroaches in the apartment so effectively that you can move on with your life without fear of contracting dangerous infections. Cockroaches are a symbol of dirt, untidiness and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, their presence in a person’s home is not at all harmless. It is necessary to kill cockroaches in an apartment correctly, as these insects are carriers of hepatitis, salmonellosis, dermatitis, tuberculosis, tularemia, dysentery, gastroenteritis, etc.

For the cottage and home

We persecute them not only in Moscow, but also in the region. On summer cottage or in country cottage no less, and perhaps even more, assistance from specialists in this field is required. And it is much more difficult to disinfect these buildings than standard apartments. Therefore, when at least one insect comes into view, you need to call our managers without delay. We also have the necessary staff of craftsmen throughout the Moscow region, and because of this, the remoteness of your settlement doesn't matter to us. Not all Moscow cockroach extermination companies are ready to travel to distant villages. Some charge a very significant surcharge for this.

The advantages of our company lie precisely in the fact that we are always ready to help our clients anywhere in the Moscow region. When it comes to exterminating cockroaches, price is of considerable importance, so it is better to choose a service that is most willing to meet customers halfway, i.e., without additional payment for travel.

For Legal Entities

Our organization also destroys cockroaches in enterprises and institutions. We are exterminating them:

  • in food production;
  • in restaurants;
  • in canteens;
  • in a cafe;
  • in hospitals;
  • in hotels;
  • in kindergartens;
  • in offices;
  • in boarding schools, etc.

Residents of the capital and Moscow region, owners of food and household enterprises, employees of children's and medical institutions. Our company finds time for each customer. Masters have long practiced strictly individual approach to each individual case and know how to rid an object of any complexity and purpose from cockroaches.

We act in strict accordance with all requirements for the destruction of cockroaches by the state Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

The products are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions, poisoning or complications even in people with pulmonary or skin pathologies. This is explained by the fact that we constantly monitor market innovations in insect control and immediately use all the most successful chemicals in our practice.

All activities are carried out quickly, efficiently and safely. They are carried out absolutely confidentially. Neither neighbors, nor competitors, nor visitors to restaurants or shops will know about the ongoing pest control for cockroaches unless you tell them about it yourself.

Professional treatment of premises from cockroaches

Our disinfection station uses a whole arsenal of means and methods to poison cockroaches. All of them are distinguished by advanced technologies in the field of science and technology and are used by sanitary services in Europe and America.

Therefore, when it comes to treating cockroaches in an apartment, the price naturally consists of the cost of drugs, methods, size of the room, number of rooms, complexity of the situation, installation of barrier protection, etc.

Effective treatment for cockroaches: control methods

For professional extermination of cockroaches, our company uses specialized equipment: hot and cold fog generators.

In order for disinfestation against cockroaches to be as successful as possible, the master identifies the ways in which these pests entered the facility, finds places where they accumulate, detects laid eggs, checks remote corners in which they can hide, etc.

Extermination of cockroaches: the advantages of our service

The masters never let their clients down. They will arrive on the day of the call, at any time convenient for the customer, conclude a service agreement, and talk about measures to prevent the reappearance of insects in the apartment. They will carry out a complete disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches only with certified preparations.

We promise our clients:

  • reliable quality;
  • experience of specialists;
  • ability to cope with any difficult situation;
  • application of modern technologies;
  • low prices;
  • long-term contracts with corporate clients;
  • long warranty period;
  • speed of treatment of apartments from cockroaches in Moscow;
  • if necessary, carrying out deratization, etc.;

Killing cockroaches: what drugs and methods are used

When it is necessary to poison cockroaches in Moscow, which have a strong immunity to ultrasound and any household chemicals purchased on the market or in an online store, there are special means used only by professional SES services. These are “Xulat S-25”, “Cucaracha”, “Microcin+”, “Sinuzan”, “Sichlor”, “Taran”, “Force Site”, “Effective Ultra”, “Tsifoks”, etc. They are so effective same for bedbugs, fleas, ants, etc. But all of them will be beneficial only if they are mixed correctly in a certain proportion. So that the effect does not occur when lemon gets into milk. It is also necessary to combine instant and prolonged action insecticides.

What needs to be done before treating an apartment for cockroaches

To successfully disinfect cockroaches you need in a special way prepare. Necessary:

  • carry out wet cleaning of baseboards;
  • vacuum the floor;
  • sweep out compacted dust that has accumulated behind the refrigerator and cabinets;
  • clean common areas with disinfectant solutions;
  • eliminate faults in pipes and sewers, install mosquito nets for ventilation;
  • turn off the electricity (if necessary);
  • If possible, move furniture away from the walls;
  • hermetically seal food and personal hygiene items in bags;
  • Cover the indoor aquarium with film and turn off the oxygen supply.

How to disinfest cockroaches

The procedure lasts approximately thirty minutes to an hour (depending on the area and complexity). Then all windows, doors, vents are tightly closed and such an exposure is kept in this form for at least one and a half hours. After this, you need to ventilate for 20 minutes to an hour. That's it, you can use it.

Our cockroach extermination service organizes everything quickly and easily for residents, so that the treatment takes place quickly and unnoticed. In this regard, it is advisable to order a specialist call as soon as possible.

What to do after baiting cockroaches

After the cockroach treatment is completed, you should not immediately wet clean the baseboards and walls. The drugs should remain in place for at least three days, and even better for 1-2 weeks. After this period, the above surfaces can be washed. Before this, it is better to simply sweep the apartment or walk through it with a vacuum cleaner to collect dead insects and wipe tables and countertops.

What are the guarantees for the destruction of cockroaches?

We are always ready to treat an apartment against cockroaches in Moscow with a guarantee for a very long period.

Our organization carries out high-quality rehabilitation and is so confident in its abilities that it is able to guarantee that they will not return to the apartment. We promise this with full responsibility, since disinfestation against cockroaches is carried out at the highest level highly qualified personnel. The employees have extensive experience and excellent professional training. A written commitment that if the unexpected happens and cockroaches appear before the date specified in the contract, then a repeat (free) visit of our disinfector will not take long.

Prices for exterminating cockroaches in Moscow: cost of treatment

All services are provided at comfortable prices. The price also includes a written quality guarantee. Specialists will cause a minimum of disturbance to the apartment owners with a maximum positive result.

We look at things realistically and are firmly confident in our abilities; we promise our clients the complete destruction of cockroaches in the apartment with a guaranteed result.

Only after it has become known where the cockroaches came from can you decide how to get rid of this scourge at home alone or with family members.

Effective chemicals for cockroaches

IN modern world there are a huge number of different chemicals, which have proven themselves to be effective in the war against insects. When choosing a chemical, you need to pay attention not only to cost, effectiveness and speed of action, but also to safety not only for people, but also for pets, and in some cases, for plants.


This is the most common option for insect control, especially with a large infestation. This method has a lot of undeniable advantages, including speed of action. Almost all modern aerosols are sold in ready-to-use form, but there are also those that require prior dissolution in water.

Modern, more expensive preparations do not have an unpleasant and pungent odor, like, for example, Dichlorvos, or even vice versa, they have a pleasant odor. When treating a room with such means, it is best to remove animals and children from the room, ideally for a day, and then carry out wet cleaning.

To get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, they most often use: “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”, Combat, “Regent” or Get. On average, the price for one aerosol varies within 200 rubles.


These products are often used in residential areas where people live permanently. Gels can be easily applied/removed from almost any surface without leaving any traces behind. Due to their relative safety, they can be used in apartments where animals and small children live.

To prevent them from accidentally getting into food, a special component is added to their composition, which, when it hits the taste buds, begins to become very bitter, so animals and children are unlikely to confuse the gel with something tasty.

A similar product must be applied to all places where insects appear. This is done in small portions (drops) with a step distance of 10-15 centimeters.

As the main negative point It can be noted that it is impossible to process the entire room. The product is not effective against cockroaches that hide in hard-to-reach places or against egg laying. Among other things, the effect of use occurs only 7-10 days after use.

To get rid of cockroaches once and for all, you need to use the gel in combination with other products. Among the most popular drugs are: “Clean House”, Global, “Dohloks” and “Raptor”. On average, their price is about 150 rubles.


The most safe method getting rid of insects (and not just cockroaches) is a trap. The main advantage of this control option is that traps can be used in residential areas where there are animals and children. Among other things, one cannot fail to mention the large assortment of traps to choose from. Their prices vary depending on their quality and effectiveness.

Traps will be most effective only if cockroaches choose your place of residence as a transshipment base, and not to move to it for permanent residence. Traps are placed next to all possible cracks, ventilation shafts, water pipes. Among the most popular are “Combat”, “Dohloks” and “Raptor”, and the average price fluctuates around 180 rubles.


Crayons are an effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, which is known for a long time as a universal insect repellent. The main advantage is ease of application, low cost and efficiency.

Crayons are not without their drawbacks, among which is the impossibility of completely processing the entire room. The treatment must be repeated systematically, but, among other things, white chalk streaks on the floor, walls or furniture spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room. The most popular are Tornado and the famous “Mashenka”. The cost of such funds often does not exceed 20-50 rubles.


Just like crayons, powders have long been known as an accessible and inexpensive means of cleaning a room. Due to their harmlessness, they are almost completely safe for children and animals, which is why they can be used in residential areas.

It is necessary to understand that this is far from the most effective option fight against cockroaches. The powder needs to be systematically updated, plus everything else, it is unlikely to show its effectiveness in the event of a large concentration of insects in the house.

The most commonly used are “Super Fas”, “Clean House”, “Tornado” and “Phenaxik”, the cost of which varies within 100 rubles.

Ultrasonic repellers

To find out how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever, you must definitely consider a modern ultrasonic version of the repeller. The main advantage is that it is absolutely harmless to people, but it can negatively affect pets. It is also worth noting that such means are intended only to scare away, but not to destroy cockroaches. Plus, it’s impossible to say with complete confidence that the repeller is quite effective.

The price of such a means of combating is much higher than the cost of many other options and is around 900 rubles.

Calling a sanitary service specialist

A specialist who deals with such things at a professional level knows exactly how to poison cockroaches in an apartment. This method is often resorted to if none of the above options bring results. desired result. It is rightfully considered the most effective method, especially if the number of cockroaches is growing every day, and it is not possible to cope with it.

The cost of disinsection of a premises may vary not only based on the area of ​​the premises, but also on the city of residence. For example, in Moscow the cost of calling a specialist will traditionally be higher than in other cities, where the price is at the level of 3,000 rubles.

Traditional methods

In war, all means are good, so when thinking about how to effectively get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, you should not neglect traditional methods. Some of these methods are no less effective than other modern ones. chemicals, however, they often have a longer impact period.

Freezing the premises

This option will only be relevant for winter period and in those rooms where you can turn off all heating and any heating devices. To get rid of insects in this way, you need not only to open all the windows in the apartment, but also to place on the balcony all items of clothing and things where pests were noticed.

Attention! This method will only be effective if the temperature drops to at least -10 degrees Celsius. The room must be ventilated for at least half an hour.

Low temperatures can destroy not only adult cockroaches, but also their larvae. It is necessary to understand that the presence of at least some warm or heated place in the room reduces the effectiveness of the method. A warm corner will definitely become a gathering point for insects, which will flock there and soon appear again.

The most the best option is a cold fog, which is most effective due to the presence strong insecticide and can penetrate into any hard to reach places.

Thermal treatment of the room

Before you get rid of cockroaches in the house using cold, you need to know that hot air treatment is an equally effective method. Effectiveness can only be achieved if the room temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius. If it's on the street hot weather, and the thermometer shows a temperature above 40, then you can take the clothes and things on which cockroaches were noticed outside.

The best way to deal with this is hot fog, which is created using a special non-toxic product that is sprayed throughout the room using a steam generator. In terms of its effectiveness, it is not inferior to the cold version, since it is capable of heating up to 70 degrees Celsius and can also fill any hard-to-reach places.

The only downside is the need to leave the room for 10 hours as soon as the fog settles. In this case, it is necessary to keep the room completely closed for 2 hours.

Many people try to create hot mist using a steamer. This is not entirely correct. If there are a lot of cockroaches, then using a household steamer will give practically no results. Only if you find a small nest, you can effectively deal with it using hot steam from a steamer.

Homemade traps

If desired, you can always use homemade traps, which show their high degree of effectiveness, not inferior to those sold in the store. To do this, take a small container, for example glass jar, and honey or beer is poured there. Next you need to take vegetable oil or Vaseline and thoroughly lubricate the neck so that insects cannot get out of it.

The bait may be different. Such traps must be placed in places where cockroaches are most concentrated at night. Ordinary tape has also worked well, which must be cut into small strips and left in the insect routes with the sticky side up.

To increase the effectiveness of this method, you can drip honey or sugar syrup. If you don’t have tape on hand, you can cut strips of paper and apply a thick layer of long-drying glue to them.

Repelling cockroaches with floral scents of geranium and chamomile

It is important to know how you can get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using the pungent odors that some types of plants emit. To get rid of pests, you need to buy several geranium flowers and place them in the kitchen.

In addition to geranium, the chamomile plant is no less effective. If you take dry plants, then you can use them as a powder, which must be placed in the favorite places of cockroaches.

Use of kerosene

The use of kerosene to get rid of uninvited guests is an equally well-known and effective method. To combat it, it is necessary to treat corners, baseboards and places where insects accumulate. One procedure will not have an effect, so it will be necessary to repeat it over several days.
It is very important to work only with gloves, and when applying the product there should be no open sources of fire nearby. Otherwise, a fire will occur, and contact of kerosene with the skin may worsen its condition.

Using Vinegar

How to get rid of cockroaches if there is no kerosene? Replace it with vinegar. This is an equally effective product that needs to be used to treat all baseboards, corners, ventilation grilles and all places where pests accumulate.

Essential oils, which can be used undiluted, have a negative effect on cockroaches. You can pour a few drops on favorite cockroach spots or add them during wet cleaning.

Instead of oils you can take ammonia, which is also able to repel insects. As a primary method, it is not able to cope with cockroaches, but it can be used as an additional method.

Pyrethrum powder

Pyrethrum powder, which should be distributed in the bathroom and toilet, in the kitchen near the trash can and in other hot spots, has also shown relative effectiveness. It is also best used in conjunction with other control methods.

Herbs that repel cockroaches

Various herbs are actively used to control pests, regardless of whether they are in dried or live form. Among the most effective repellent herbs are bay leaf, flowers of wormwood, chamomile and wild rosemary.

Flowers can not only be placed on window sills throughout the rooms, but also placed around the room in corners and places where insects gather.
Now everyone knows how to get rid of cockroaches folk remedies, and you can try all the above methods of struggle personally. Folk remedies will be most effective if used in combination or in conjunction with other types of struggle.

Recipes for cockroaches made from boric acid

Many people know how to exterminate cockroaches in an apartment on their own, and use boric acid for this, and if this method does not help get rid of them forever, then the cockroaches will definitely disappear from the room for a long time. The main advantage is the fact that this method will not harm not only humans, but also pets.

You can prepare effective means of combating the use of boric acid yourself without any problems. It is best to take the product in powder form so that you can spread it into the corners, and also dissolve it in water and treat all surfaces. There are a large number different recipes, among which several of the most effective can be noted:

  • One chicken egg(yolk) must be mixed with boric acid powder. For these purposes you can take raw egg, but it is much more convenient to remove the yolk from a boiled egg. You can add a few extra drops of scented oil and roll into small balls that need to be placed in the most sensitive places, including the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. Particular attention should be paid to the trash can. Such balls should be replaced with new ones every 7-21 days.
  • You can also mix boiled potatoes and eggs with acid. This is necessary in order to eliminate the smell of boron and attract cockroaches. From the resulting mixture, according to the principle of the previous recipe, you need to roll balls and also place them around the room.
  • The next recipe involves the use of raw yolk and sugar. Everything must be thoroughly mixed together with the acid and a small amount of flour and water added. The resulting mixture is also formed into special balls or cakes, which need to be spread around the room.
  • The main ingredients are vanilla, acid, starch, powdered sugar and a little water to make the resulting mass thicker. This mixture will attract insects, but after such a meal they will die very soon.
  • You can also use the yolk (raw or boiled), mix with kefir, add 4 packets of powder and add boiled potatoes.

Before killing cockroaches with a slipper, you can use more effective methods boron based. In fact, any recipe will be effective. It must be remembered that recipes based on it will only be effective if the cockroaches do not have access to any other food indoors.

Despite the fact that this product does not harm the human body, it is necessary to prepare recipes based on it only with gloves and a mask so that the substance does not have access to the skin.

Attention! It is important to ensure that children do not come into contact with the poison and under no circumstances eat it.

Preventing the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment

In order not to look for methods on how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, it is enough to follow a few simple rules that will help prevent pests:

  • at least once every 2-3 days, a thorough wet cleaning throughout the apartment should be carried out;
  • if there are cracks or cracks in the room, you must try to seal them as quickly as possible so that the Prussians do not have a chance to get into the apartment;
  • eating should take place exclusively in a strictly designated place - in the dining room or kitchen, and food should not be spread throughout the room;
  • you need to stretch a special mesh onto the ventilation grille, the same must be done with the windows, using mosquito net for them;
  • In no case should you leave the trash can full at night, but some people, due to some superstitions, try not to take out the trash after sunset, then you need to tightly cover the trash can with a lid and always use garbage bags;
  • it is very important to prevent even minimal leaks in order to prevent cockroaches from feeding on water;
  • After using the kitchen, tools and work surfaces in it, it is necessary to wipe them;
  • it is very important to remove all outdoor plants that may be adjacent to the house, allowing insects to get inside the apartment;
    Do not leave dishes unwashed in the sink overnight;
  • It is very important to seal pet food tightly.

Before poisoning cockroaches in an apartment yourself, it is very important to have the necessary theoretical knowledge about this and take into account the floor of the apartment, because, for example, on the first floor the appearance of cockroaches is common, even in those apartments where wet cleaning is regularly carried out using special means. That is why it is very important to pay as much attention as possible to such an apartment.

In this case, it is best to place special flowers and herbs that repel insects on the windowsill and grow them under the windows. Among them:

  • tansy;
  • mint;
  • anise;
  • cedar;
  • eucalyptus;
  • honeysuckle;
  • tea tree;
  • elder.

These pungent odors will force uninvited guests not to approach the premises, because it is easier to prevent the problem than to poison cockroaches in the apartment after they appear. Essential oils mints will effectively cope with this, among other things, they will add freshness to the apartment and can be used in cooking.

Getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment is a difficult but necessary process that everyone who has these nasty insects in their apartment will have to face, which, among other things, can spread various diseases. You can deal with them on your own, but if none of the methods worked, then you need to seek help from professionals who can help solve this problem.

Many people have encountered such a problem as cockroaches. The appearance of unexpected guests brings a lot of inconvenience to the owners of residential premises. Cockroaches are primarily a sign of unsanitary conditions. But it’s not just inconvenience that such a neighborhood brings.

The main danger for people is that these insects, moving through sewers, garbage disposals, and attics, collect many different bacteria and microorganisms on their bodies. Fungal spores, worm eggs and bacteria settle on their abdomens and paws. Having penetrated into the living space, all this “charm” is transferred to open products, tables and countertops in the kitchen, in open bread bins and all easily accessible places.

Worm eggs and bacteria found on food products pose a threat to the human body. Having become infected in this way, the patient may not even know where it came from.

Fighting methods

In the modern world, there are many ways to combat these dangerous carriers of infections. But first, let's look at what cockroaches are most afraid of.

Having appeared on Earth before dinosaurs and have not disappeared to this day, these insects still have vulnerabilities. Here are three conditions under which they die:

  1. The room temperature is below - 5 °C
  2. Lack of access to water
  3. Inability to get food

Let's consider all three options, following which you can get rid of insects.

Cockroaches (Prussians) are cold-blooded insects and the cold has a detrimental effect on them. At a room temperature of + 5 °C they become numb, at - 5 °C cockroaches die in half an hour, and at - 7 °C they live for less than a minute and die. But also high temperatures are destructive for them.

Considering that cockroaches need food and water, you can create difficulties in getting them, namely:

  1. Thoroughly wipe all surfaces on which moisture may have entered or remained.
  2. Avoid leaking taps and remove condensation from pipes and windows.
  3. To water flowers, choose the morning hours, then the water can be completely absorbed.
  4. The garbage should be taken out every evening, the bucket should be thoroughly washed and dried.
  5. Do not leave dirty dishes with food residues after eating, clean the kitchen and eating areas well, without leaving crumbs on the floor and countertops.

Baits for cockroaches

How can you kill cockroaches using special means? Let's divide them into categories:

  1. Lures and traps
  2. Sprays
  3. Liquid concentrates (gels)
  4. Insecticides

Baits are one of the simple and easily accessible ways to combat insects. Most often, baits are prepared at home using boric acid and food additives. Its smell attracts cockroaches, and after tasting the treat, the Prussians soon die. The main condition when using baits is the complete absence of access to water; below is a list of recipes for such baits.

  1. The easiest way is to buy boric acid powder at the pharmacy and kill the insects in places where they accumulate.
  2. Boil one potato, mash it, add a raw egg and boric acid in equal parts. Mix everything well, make small balls from the resulting mass and leave them to dry. Place the dried balls in all places accessible to cockroaches.
  3. We make a mixture from 2 boiled yolks, 40 mg of boric acid and a teaspoon of sunflower oil. Mix everything thoroughly, roll into balls with a diameter of 3 cm. They need to be laid out on the floor and places where insects accumulate.

Cockroach traps

You can kill cockroaches using traps. Along with baits, they are used for both complex and one-time extermination of insects. They are convenient to place on horizontal and vertical surfaces using special Velcro. Inside the trap is equipped with poison, which is subsequently spread by cockroaches and infects others. As a result, insects die en masse.

House traps made of cardboard with a sticky surface inside are also used to exterminate insects. All of them have several entrance holes, which facilitates massive penetration inside where the bait is located. Having stuck, insects are doomed to death. Such devices are absolutely harmless to people and animals.

You can also kill cockroaches using ultrasonic traps or repellers. It consists of a device that emits waves of a given frequency and has an indicator light indicating the operation of the device. Such traps are installed in a room with an area of ​​up to 80 m². Cockroaches do not begin to leave the premises immediately, but after a few days. Don’t be alarmed by the massive appearance of insects - this is the first sign that the repeller has worked and the insects will soon leave the house.

But do not rush to turn off the device after the insects disappear. It is recommended to leave it on for a few more days to prevent the appearance of new cockroaches. It is also noteworthy that ultrasonic waves affect not only Prussians, but also mosquitoes, midges, and mice. Such a device can serve for a long time, is not harmful to the health of people and pets, is attractive and easy to use, is silent and odorless, and there is no need for cleaning after use.

Cockroach sprays

In addition to traps and baits, you can kill cockroaches using various sprays. There are several recommendations for its use. Here is one of them, based on experience.

Cockroaches mostly leave their secluded places in the evening and at night, so it is advised to place a tasty bait such as cheese, sausage or fish in an easily accessible place in the evening and turn off the lights. All that remains is to wait for the Prussians to appear and quickly turn on the light, keeping a can of spray ready. Now quickly spray as many insects as possible.

When using sprays, be sure to use all safety precautions.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to smoke or consume food, water or other drinks while working with the spray.
  2. If the substance gets on the mucous membrane and eyes, rinse immediately with running water.
  3. If skin irritation or signs of allergies appear, consult a doctor.
  4. Do not burn or disassemble cylinders under any circumstances, as their contents are under pressure.
  5. Follow hygiene rules after cleaning the apartment by washing your hands and face with soap

But there are also disadvantages. One of these is preliminary preparation premises. Also, aerosols do not kill insect eggs; you need to kill the insects again after a while.

The advantages of using sprays include the quick destruction of Prussians, low price, and there is no need to do wet cleaning after using it.

Gels and liquid concentrates are good in the fight against cockroaches, the effect of their use is very good. "Fumitox" is an insecticidal gel that violates nervous system insects It is easy to use in everyday life, simply applying it to the surface. The gel is washed off with water and does not harm humans. When working with it, the same precautions are applied as when working with sprays. Such common drugs as “Dohlox” and “Deadly Force” also received positive reviews.

In conclusion, it must be said that the most important rule in the fight against insects is cleanliness. By following all the requirements and advice given in this article, you will get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood once and for all!

In general, we have them. After a long break. At first we couldn’t believe our eyes and decided to pretend that it was an accident. An accident very, very quickly turned into an invasion. Their races on spoons and forks were especially outrageous. I had to wash each spoon twice - before eating and after. Reading the Internet did not help, from there I only learned that cockroaches do not like any strong odors. Therefore, from the box with spoons, I still expelled them with a good handful, about 10-15 pieces, of Indian incense sticks. One or two sticks had no effect, but such a handful, placed in a box with spoons, immediately made the box sterile clean. But I opened and closed it very quickly, because the smell in the box was so... let's say, strong. Such a small Pipetishcha was knocked off her feet, not like cockroaches.
Piles of trap pills didn't help. Then the master said that bait traps very quickly begin to work not as traps, but as baits that attract more and more cockroaches to our apartment from our neighbors.
Finally, we decided to call pest control. In the first one we were offered (for a very reasonable fee, we note) cold and hot fog. Something about the fog bothered me, especially when the operator called it gas. Somehow I remembered Auschwitz.
I started reading about gas fog and this is what I read: “The “cold fog” generator is used to treat cowsheds, chicken coops, workshops, open spaces, vehicles, where people do not directly live. The “hot” fog generator is used to treat industrial structures , poultry farms, storage facilities, transport, large open areas."
In general, they called for good old-fashioned spraying.
At home I pulled everything out from everywhere, which, given my penchant for hamsterism and thriftiness, was quite a labor-intensive task. I put all the buckwheat-rice-flour-coffee in bags in plastic bags, tied them and stuffed them into travel bags. We still wash everything else and put it in washed shelves and cabinets.
The master put on a respirator, and I put on a damp (he said wet) bandage. He watered our apartment in 15 minutes, especially since everything was open, and said: do not ventilate for three hours. And for prevention, buy Global gel, which we no longer sell, or Clean House from Cockroaches. And water them the most dangerous places once every few months. During this time I managed to get dressed on the stairs.
The family was at work, and I went on business. She returned three hours later and opened all the windows (not even the vents), so that by the time the household arrived there was no longer a smell, but at first there was some. But not strong. So everything was almost without casualties, but at night before going to bed I decided to take a shower. I began to wash the bathtub with a hot stream of water, steam began to rise, and I was attacked by such a cough that my husband broke into the bathroom and began to save me. And he saved me! I went to bed unwashed, but alive.
The main thing is to see if the drug will work. I really hope so!!!