Aztecs are American Indians. Ancient civilizations of Latin America

A people who inhabited Central and South America shortly before the Spanish conquest of Mexican lands in 1521. The history of the Aztecs is the history of multiple associations of tribal groups that had their own city-states and royal dynasties. “Aztec” also refers to the powerful alliance of the majestic city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan, cities that established their dominance in what is now Mexico between 1400 and 1521.

Aztec civilization, Indian cities and their life.

City-states and settlements Aztec civilization were built on the vast mountain plateaus of the Mexican valley, on which the capital of Mexico is located today. These are fertile lands with a total area of ​​6.5 thousand square meters. km, - lands extending approximately 50 km in length and width. “Valley of Mexico” lies at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level and is surrounded on all sides by volcanic mountains 5 thousand meters high.

The Aztec civilization came to these lands because of Lake Texcoco, which could supply thousands of people fresh water and food. The lake was fed by streams and mountain runoff, periodically overflowing its edges and overflowing hundreds of meters. However, the lake supplied local residents drinking water, created a habitat for fish, mammals and birds. The Triple Alliance of city-states controlled vast territories from the borders of Guatemala to what is now northern Mexico. Coastal Plains Gulf of Mexico, mountain gorges of Oaxaca and Guerrero, tropical forests Yucatan - all this belonged to the Aztec civilization. Thus, the Indians had at their disposal all kinds of natural resources, which were not observed in their original locations.

The languages ​​of the Nahuatl group were dominant in the Aztec civilization. Nahuatl dialects were adopted as a second language and played the role of intermediary language in almost all territories of South America during the period of Spanish colonization. The linguistic heritage of the Aztecs is found in multiple toponyms - Acapulco, Oaxaca. Historians estimate that about 1.5 million people still use the Nahuatl language or its variants in daily communication. The Aztec civilization spoke exclusively Nahuatl languages. The languages ​​of this group have spread from Central America to Canada and include about 30 related dialects. The Aztec civilization, the Indians of this empire, were great experts and lovers of literature. They collected entire libraries of pictographic books with various descriptions religious rites and ceremonies, historical events, tribute collections, and simple registers. The Aztecs used bark as paper. Unfortunately, most of the books belonging to the ancient Aztecs were destroyed by the Spanish during the conquest. Nowadays, scientists studying the ancient Aztec people have to work with grains of surviving written information. The first information about the Aztec Indians was received, not surprisingly, during the conquest.

Five letters, reports, to the king from Cortez contained primary information about the Indians of America. 40 years later, a soldier, a participant in one of the Spaniards’ expeditions, Bernal Diaz Castillo, compiled true story the Spanish conquest, where the Tenochki and their brotherly peoples were described in detail. The first information sheets about aspects of Aztec lifeand cultures were compiled in the late 16th and early 17th centuries - all kinds of ethnographic descriptions created by the Aztecnobles and Spanish monks. The most valuable example of such writing that has survived to this day is the multi-volume manuscript “General History of New Spain.”

Aztec culture by means of language was connected with the cultural complex of the Nahua peoples. According to myths and Indian legends, the tribes that later formed the once majestic and powerful Aztec empire came to the Anahuac Valley from the northern lands. The location of the Anahuac Valley is known for sure - this is the territory of the modern capital of Mexico, but it is not known for certain where the Aztecs came to these lands from. Researchers constantly put forward their theories about the historical homeland of the Indians, however, they all turn out to be false. According to legends, the ancestors of the Aztecs came from the north, from a place called Aztlan. According to legend, the Indians were led to new lands by the god Huitzilopochtli - “god of the hummingbird”, “left-handed hummingbird”.

American Indians settled in the place indicated to them by the gods themselves - the well-known legend about the eagle sitting on a cactus, about the eagle from the prophecy about the new land of the Aztecs. Today, this legend - an eagle eating a snake - is depicted in the design of the Mexican flag. Thus, according to legend, the Aztecs, back in 1256, found themselves in the lands of the Valley of Mexico, surrounded by cliffs and washed by the waters of Lake Texcoco. Before the arrival of the Aztec tribe, the lands of Lake Texcoco were divided between the dominant city-states. The Aztecs, recognizing the power of the ruler of one of the cities, settled on his lands and built their city, their great capital - Tenochtitlan. According to historical data, the city was built in 1325 AD. Today, the former capital of the Aztecs is the historical center of Mexico City. According to beliefs, local population The Aztecs received hostility; they were considered uncivilized and uneducated, and most importantly, unimaginably cruel. However, the Indian tribes that came did not respond to aggression with aggression - they decided to learn; and they took all the knowledge they could from their neighbors.

The Aztecs absorbed the Vedas of the surrounding tribes and peoples close to them. The main source of development of the tribes was the knowledge and experience of the ancient Toltecs, and the Toltec tribes themselves as teachers. For the entire Aztec people, the Toltecs were the creators of culture. In the language of this people, the word “Toltecayotl” was synonymous with the word “culture”. Aztec mythology identifies the Toltecs and the cult of Quetzalcoatl with the city of Tollan ( modern city Tula in Mexico). Along with their knowledge, the Aztecs also absorbed the traditions of the Toltecs and peoples close to them. Among the traditions were the foundations of religion. Such borrowings primarily include the myth of the creation of the world, which describes four suns, four eras, each of which ended with the death of life and a universal catastrophe. In Aztec culture, the current fourth era, the fourth sun, escaped destruction thanks to the self-sacrifice of the supreme god - the god Nanahuatl, which means “all wounded.”

It is known that the Aztec capital was divided into 4 districts called meycaotl, each of which was headed by an elder. Each district - meykaotl, in turn, was divided into 5 smaller quarters - calpulli. The Calpulli of the Aztecs were originally patriarchal families, clans, and the areas uniting them - meykaotl - phratries. Before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors to the lands of the Aztecs, one community lived in one dwelling, house - a large patriarchal family of several generations - sencalli. Land plots, belonging to the tribe, were divided into sectors, which were looked after by separate Aztec household communities - sencalli. In addition, at each more or less large village there were lands allocated for the needs of priests, rulers and military leaders, the harvest from which went to support the corresponding castes of society.

Aztec tribes and features of the development of the empire.

The lands of the American Indians were always cultivated jointly - a man and a woman. However, upon marriage, a man received rights to personal use of land. Land plots, like the community's land itself, were inalienable. The life of the Aztecs was built according to certain social canons, violations of which were strictly punished. At the head of each Aztec quarter, the calpulli, stood its own public council, which included only elected elders of the Aztec tribe. The leaders of the phratries and the elders involved in the public council were also part of the tribal council - the council of the Aztec leader, which included the main leader of the tribe. A similar social structure was observed in all tribes without exception.

Aztec tribe, The social system of the Indians was divided into castes of free people and slaves. Slaves could be not only prisoners of war, but also debtors who fell into slavery, as well as poor people who sold themselves and their families. Aztec slaves always wore collars. It is not known for certain in which sectors of agriculture and other Aztec households slave labor was involved; most likely, they were used in the construction of large-scale structures - palaces and temples of the Aztecs, as well as as servants, porters and artisans of low professions.

On the lands conquered by the ancient Indians, military leaders were given tributaries as trophies for their service, whose status was comparable to that of serfs. But not only slaves were artisans; large communities always had their own artisans from free people. Thus, in the Aztec empire, in addition to residual communal relations, there was a complete absence of rights to land, coupled with private property, i.e. rights to slaves, agricultural products and crafts. It is obvious that, along with private property and dominant relations - master and subordinate, in the Aztec tribes there were also remnants of the primitive communal system characteristic of Europe BC. Slaves, or “tlacotin” among the American Indians, constituted an important social caste, different from prisoners of war.

City of Tenochtitlan was a slave capital. The rules of behavior for slaves, and slave life itself, were very different from what could be observed in Europe of that era. Slavery among the Aztecs was more like slavery during classical antiquity. First of all, slavery was personal, not inherited; the children of a slave were free from birth. A slave in the Aztec tribe could own personal property and even personal slaves. Slaves had the right to redeem themselves, or to win their freedom through labor and service. Also, in cases where slaves were treated cruelly or slaves had children with their owners, they could protest their slavery and become free people.

The American Indians respected traditions. Thus, in most cases, upon the death of the owner, slaves were inherited as private property. However, slaves who particularly distinguished themselves by their service and labor to the previous owner were freed. Another feature and property of slavery among the Aztecs: if in the market a slave could, due to the carelessness of his owner, run out of the market wall and step on excrement, then he was given the right to appeal his slavery. In case of victory, the slave was washed, given clean clothes and released. Cases of such emancipation of slaves occurred quite regularly among the American Indians, since a person who prevented a slave from escaping while helping the owner was declared a slave instead of a fugitive.

In addition, a slave could not be given away or sold without his consent, unless the authorities declared the slave disobedient. In general, increased controls were applied to unruly slaves, the wild Indians; they were forced to wear wooden shackles around their necks and hoops on their hands everywhere. Shackles served not only as a distinctive feature exposing the slave’s guilt, but also as a device that complicated the process of escape. Before such slaves were resold, the new owner was informed how many times he had tried to escape and how many times he had been resold before.

A slave who made 4 unsuccessful attempts to escape was, in most cases, given up for sacrificial rites. In some cases, free Aztecs could become slaves as punishment. A murderer sentenced to death could be given into slavery twice as much or to the widower of the murdered man. Slavery also punished unpaid debts, debts of sons, fathers and mothers. Parents had the right to sell their child into slavery only in cases where the authorities declared their offspring to be a disobedient, wild Indian. A similar fate awaited the disobedient students. And the last important one distinguishing feature- The Aztecs had the right to sell themselves into slavery.

In a number of cases, voluntary slaves who were captured Aztec civilization, were awarded a vacation in order to enjoy the price of their freedom, after which they were transferred to the possession of the owner. A similar fate awaited unsuccessful gamblers, old courtesans and prostitutes. It is also known that some captive slaves were treated as debtors and offenders, according to all the rules of slave ownership. IN South America During the dawn of the Aztec Empire, sacrifices were widespread and ubiquitous.

However, the Aztecs practiced them on a grand scale, sacrificing both slaves and freemen on each of their many calendar holidays. There are known cases described in Aztec chronicles when hundreds and thousands of people were sacrificed every day. So, during the construction of the main temple - the great pyramid of the Aztecs in 1487, about 80 thousand prisoners of war and slaves were sacrificed in four days. It is not entirely clear how a city with a population of 120 thousand inhabitants and several tribes of Indians accommodated such a number of prisoners and slaves, how they were able to catch them, much less execute them, taking into account the fact that Atzizotl personally sacrificed to the gods. However, the fact remains. It is also worth noting that the Aztec tribe did not always sacrifice people; Animals often played the role of alms to the gods. As is known, the Aztecs specially bred animals for such purposes, for example, llamas.

There were also sacrifices of things: communities broke their most valuable property for the glory of the gods. In addition, individual gods and their cults required special alms: The Cult of Quetzalcoatl, along with human sacrifices, demanded the sacrifice of hummingbirds and butterflies. Self-sacrifice was also practiced in the Aztec tribes. During special rituals, people deliberately wounded themselves, performed ceremonial bloodletting, dressed in shackles and clothes with spikes on them. back side. Blood occupied a dominant position in Aztec religion and ceremonies. Indeed, in local mythology, the gods shed their blood more than once to help humanity. So in the myth of the rebirth of the world - the myth of the fifth sun, the gods sacrificed themselves so that people could live.

Rituals, traditions and the religion itself of the ancient Aztecs prepared people for the highest sacrifice, for sacrifice human life. The ritual of sacrifice took place according to the canons: the victim’s skin was painted blue using chalk; the sacrifice was carried out on the supreme square of the temple or pyramid; the victim was laid down, and the process of sacrifice began. The heart, the first to be separated from the body, was always stored by the Aztecs in a special stone vessel. The victim's belly was ripped open with a stone knife - obsidian was not capable of opening the flesh, and the Indians did not discover iron for themselves.

At the end of the ritual, the victim was thrown down the stairs of the temple, where the priests picked her up and later burned her. The sacrifices of the ancient Indians were in most cases voluntary, with the exception of the sacrifices of prisoners of war. Before the ritual of sacrifice, captured soldiers were treated like slaves, however, without the possibility of pardon and release. The ancient Aztecs also had other types of sacrifice, for example, torture. The victims were burned, shot with arrows, drowned, and parts of their bodies were fed to sacred animals. The Aztec tribe was famous for its cruelty. The line between sacrificial torture and torture of captured soldiers and nobles is difficult to keep track of.

Countries and peoples. Questions and answers Kukanova Yu. V.

Where did the ancient Aztecs live?

Where did the ancient Aztecs live?

The State of Mexico has a very ancient history, because this is where it once flourished great empire Aztecs.

Mexico is a mountainous country where only 13% of the territory is suitable for agriculture. The soils formed on the lava, however, are very fertile. Where there is enough rain, there are tobacco plantations, sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, cotton and rubber.

Mexico's natural environment includes both arid deserts and tropical coastlines with world-famous ocean resorts such as Acapulco.

According to legend, the Aztecs were shown a place to settle by an eagle with a snake in its claws sitting on a cactus. Now the capital of Mexico, Mexico City, is located in this area.

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary(A) author Brockhaus F.A.

Aztecs The Aztecs (Aztecs) were the inhabitants of Mexico during the era of the arrival of Europeans in America. When around the middle of the 11th century. According to R.H., the Toltecs left the scene, numerous hordes of Chichimecs rushed to Anahuac, followed soon, around 1200, by the more civilized Acolhuas.

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Who are the Aztecs? The Aztecs were one of the most highly developed peoples who inhabited America in ancient times. They lived in the valley where Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is now located. By the time European travelers and colonialists appeared, the history of this Indian

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The term “Aztecs” comes from the name of their legendary ancestral home - the country of Aztlan, where they lived until 1068. For unknown reasons, they were forced to leave their homeland and after long wanderings, the Aztecs approached the shores of Lake Texoco, decided to settle here and founded the city of Tenochtitlan. They called themselves “Meshika” in memory of their legendary leader Meshitli.

Neighboring tribes were hostile to the Aztecs because they stole their men for human sacrifices and their women for themselves.

The Aztec state constantly grew due to the conquered tribes, who were subject to tribute and erected temples to the Aztec gods. At the same time, the Aztecs deliberately regulated the number of conquered peoples, leaving potential opponents for battles and receiving prisoners, who were sacrificed. Usually the ritual of sacrifice consisted of tearing out the heart of one victim or several. Sacrifices were necessary to give the Sun God a life-giving drink - human blood, since, according to the Aztecs, the movement of the Sun in the sky, and therefore the existence of the world, depended on this.

For the sacrifices, a physically perfect, tall, slender man, with a clean body and fast movements, was chosen from among the prisoners of war. For a year, dressed, singing and dancing, he walked freely around the capital, accompanied by his retinue, so that everyone could see the living embodiment of God. This “chosen one” was given four wives - goddesses of fertility. Together with them, of his own free will, he climbed to the top of the temple and surrendered into the hands of the priests. The prisoners destined for sacrifice did not resist their fate, were not afraid to die and did not run away, since they saw their duty in sacrificial death, showed submission to the gods and gave them their life energy with dignity.

Capital of the Aztec state Tenochtitlan was founded between 1325 and 1345. At that time, the city was a cluster of huts huddled on an island surrounded on all sides by swamps and reed thickets. Over the next two centuries, Tenochtitlan became the main cultural center of the Aztecs. The city, located on two islands lying in the middle of the salt lake Texcoco, had a strict layout, an extensive network of canals and bridges, and two main roads. At their intersection there was a fenced “sacred quarter”. The roads divided the city into four districts, each with its own ritual center and market. The districts were divided into 20 small blocks or more. The city's large market was located on the neighboring island of Tlatelolco. The islands were connected to the mainland by three stone dams, each of which had three or four passages with a wooden bridge to drain water from one part of the lake to another. The lake provided the city with natural protection.

In the center of the city, behind a huge wall decorated with the heads of hundreds of feathered serpents, there were 18 large buildings and many smaller ones. Together they made up the “sacred quarter”. Its most significant structure was the Great Temple of Teocalli, a pyramid on top of which were two twin temples, one dedicated to the war god Huitzilopochtli and the other to the rain god Tlaloc. Among the other buildings of the “sacred quarter,” the round temple of the main god of the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl, stood out. There was also a ball court. Since the time of the Olmecs, this game had important religious significance among the Aztecs.

Aztec religion

Religious views Aztecs were based on identification celestial bodies with supernatural beings who were responsible for both the good and the evil of human actions. The Aztec pantheon of gods included 63 deities. Among them were three great gods, four creators, 15 gods of fertility, six gods of rain, three gods of fire, four gods of pulque, 12 gods of planets and stars, six gods of death and earth, and four multifunctional deities. The Aztecs worshiped their gods every day in cult centers, next to which schools of priests operated. The tasks of the priests were to manage the spiritual life of society and strengthen the religious basis of power.

The temples were works of original architectural art. They were built in the form of pyramids, with steps leading to the open upper platforms. Such step pyramids were called teocalli.

Residential buildings ordinary people were built on a platform and had gable roof. The house was usually two-room, windowless, with a dirt floor, woven reeds and plastered walls (adobe architecture), built on a stone foundation. The houses of aristocrats differed in size, number and decoration of rooms, and the purpose of the interior.

Aztec art

Aztec art it was utilitarian and realistic in form, imbued with religious symbolism. In the Aztec world, there was a special group of people - “experts of things”, which included painters, sculptors, philosophers, musicians, astrologers, etc. Their purpose was to lead a righteous lifestyle, pray, make sacrifices, and temper spirit and body. Most of all, this applied to word artists - writers who occupied a special position among other “experts of things.”

Historical prose was the most widespread genre of Aztec literature. It included records of the wanderings of mythical ancestors, epic works, for example, the epic about the origin of the Indians, floods, and the divine Quetzalcoatl. Didactic treatises were considered a type of prose - collections of short speeches or sayings of moralistic content, summarizing the experience of the Aztecs in various areas of life. Aztec literature, like throughout the ancient world, had ritual origins, sacred meaning and was associated with the cults of various deities.

Poetry played main role in literature. According to the Aztecs, its main purpose was to develop the human soul and prepare it for a meeting with God. Therefore, Aztec poetry was deeply religious, the individual psychology of the author was poorly expressed in it and there was practically no love theme. Aztec poetry is represented by “songs of god” - spells that call on the deity to appear here and now and can force him to perform the necessary actions; songs of “eagles and jaguars” praising military exploits; “songs of sadness and compassion”, as well as songs for women and children.

The center of the Aztec civilization was a rich and fertile area in which the Aztecs successfully developed agriculture, growing tomatoes, beans, corn, chili peppers, pumpkins and other vegetables. In tropical zones, hardworking people collected fruits and also raised livestock, since the Aztecs often consumed meat and turkeys. In addition, hunting and fishing, weaving, weapons, pottery and jewelry, as well as merchant trade outside the empire, played an important role in the life of the Aztecs.

The Aztecs were famous for their unique floating gardens, which were created manually by Aztec craftsmen.

Since the Aztecs did not have wheels or pack animals at their disposal, they transported land cargo using stretchers, and for water travel they used canoes that could accommodate up to twenty people. Tenochitlan, the capital of the Aztecs, was a unique achievement of the then architecture, consisting of huge pyramidal temples, luxurious palaces, straight wide streets, stone sculptures and a network. Clean drinking water came into the city from aqueducts, and food was bought at a giant market right in the center of the capital.

Achievements in art and science

The Aztecs created a huge layer of pictographic literature, which included various poetry, religious chants, dramatic works, legends, tales and philosophical treatises. The Aztecs often held workshops on debates and poetic exercises, and the common people were fond of stone carving and making sculptures. In addition, the Aztecs achieved great success in mathematics, medicine, and law.

The Aztecs held items made from bright bird feathers in high esteem, with which craftsmen decorated military shields, clothing, headdresses and standards.

The authorship of the Aztecs belongs to the solar 365-day calendar, which divided the year into 18 months, each of which had 20 days. At the end of the year, the Aztecs added five days to these months, calculating the agricultural cycle of religious rites using the sun. The Aztecs also invented a 260-day ritual calendar, which contained 13 months, each of which also had 20 days. It was used for predictions and prophecies. Both calendars were united by a common 52-year cycle, which each time symbolized the death of the old world.

Civilization arose in the 20th century. back.

Civilization stopped in the 12th century. back.

Researchers attribute the Aztec civilization to the ancient civilizations of Middle America. Here researchers also include the Olmec Civilization, the Mayan Civilization of the classical period (I-IX centuries AD), and the Teotihuacan civilization.


The most productive civilizational territory of the American continent, the Zone of High Civilizations, is considered to be Middle America. It is divided into three regions: Mesoamerica; Andean region (Bolivia - Peru); intermediate region between them (southern Central America, Colombia, Ecuador).


Researchers attribute the Aztec civilization to the ancient civilizations of Middle America. Researchers also includeOlmec civilization, Mayan civilization of the classical period (I-IX centuries AD), Teotihuacan civilization.

After the death of Teotihuacan, Central Mexico became the scene of dramatic and turbulent events for many decades: more and more new waves of warlike barbarian tribes of the “Chichimecas” invaded here from the north and northwest, sweeping away the remaining islands of the Teotihuacan civilization in Azcapotzalco, Portezuelo, Cholula, etc. d. Finally, at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century. as a result of the merger of these two streams - the alien (“Chichimec”) and the local (Teotihuacan) - a powerful Toltec state emerged in the northeast of the region, centered in the city of Tule Tollan (Hidalgo, Mexico).

But this state formation also turned out to be short-lived. In 1160, the invasion of new groups of barbarians from the north crushed the Tollans and ushered in another period of instability in the political history of Mesoamerica. Among the warlike newcomers were the Aztecs, a semi-barbarian tribe guided to seek a better life by the instructions of their tribal god Huitzilopochtli. According to legend, it was divine providence that predetermined the choice of location for the construction of the future Aztec capital - Tenochtitlan in 1325: on the desert islands in the western part of the vast Lake Texcoco.

At this time, several city-states were fighting for leadership in the Valley of Mexico, among which the more powerful Azcapotzalco and Culhuacan stood out. The Aztecs intervened in these intricacies of local politics, acting as mercenaries for the most powerful and successful masters.

In 1427, the Aztecs organized the “triple league” - an alliance of the city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan (Takuba) - and began the consistent conquest of adjacent areas. By the time the Spaniards arrived at the beginning of the 16th century. the so-called Aztec Empire covered a huge territory - about 200 thousand square meters. km - with a population of 5-6 million people. Its borders extended from Northern Mexico to Guatemala and from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico.

The capital of the “empire” - Tenochtitlan - eventually turned into a huge city, the area of ​​which was about 1200 hectares, and the number of inhabitants, according to various estimates, reached 120-300 thousand people. This island city was connected to the mainland by three large stone dam roads, and there was a whole flotilla of canoes. Like Venice, Tenochtitlan was cut through by a regular network of canals and streets. The core of the city was formed by its ritual and administrative center: the “sacred area” - a walled square 400 m long, inside which were the main city temples (Temple Mayor - a temple with sanctuaries of the gods Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc, the temple of Quetzalcoatl, etc.), the dwellings of the priests , schools, grounds for ritual ball games. Nearby were ensembles of magnificent palaces of Aztec rulers - “tlatoani”.

According to eyewitnesses, the palace of Montezuma II (more precisely, Moctezuma) consisted of up to 300 rooms, had a large garden, a zoo, and baths.

Residential areas inhabited by merchants, artisans, farmers, officials, and warriors were crowded around the center. Trade in local and imported products and products was carried out in the huge Main Market and smaller quarterly bazaars. General impression the magnificent Aztec capital is well conveyed by the words of an eyewitness and participant in the dramatic events of the conquest - soldier Bernal Diaz del Castillo from Cortez’s detachment.

Standing at the top of a high step pyramid, the conquistador looked in amazement at the strange and dynamic picture of life in the huge pagan city: “And we saw a huge number of boats, some came with various cargoes, others with a variety of goods. All the houses of this great city were in the water, and from house to house it was possible to get only by hanging bridges or by boats. And we saw pagan temples and chapels that resembled towers and fortresses, and they all sparkled with whiteness and aroused admiration.”


AThe Aztecs were a very warlike people who in the 13th century lived in the Anahuac Valley, where the city of Mexico is now located, the territory of which was subsequently expanded as a result of long wars of conquest and turned into the main political zone of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec state, whose population was 60,000 people before the conquest began.

BMost of the Aztecs were agricultural and industrial workers, only a small part of them retained the old economic way of life. The Aztecs were originally a wandering hunting tribe. Its history begins with the departure in the second half of the 12th century from the mythical ancestral home - the island of Aztlan ("place of herons" - hence the name of the tribe; the second name of the Aztecs is tenochki).

PAfter long wanderings, the Aztecs settled on Lake Texcoco, switched to agriculture and founded the city of Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City) around 1325, which became the center of the state. The name Aztec began to be applied to all carriers of Aztec culture. As a result of numerous conquests of the rulers of Tenochtitlan, Aztec culture spread far beyond the Valley of Mexico.

UAztecs of Tenochtitlan, until the Spanish conquest, old tribal traditions were preserved, including division into 4 phratries and 20 clans with elected officials. Members of the same family were elected to the highest positions, slavery existed, and tribute was collected from subject cities. On the lakes, the Aztecs developed original farming techniques - the construction of artificial islands ("floating gardens" - chinampa). The swamps were drained using a network of canals. The Aztecs grew several varieties of corn and beans, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, green and red peppers, oilseeds, and cotton. The intoxicating drink pulque was made from agave juice. Crafts (stone and wood processing, pottery, weaving) separated from agriculture and reached a high level of development.

GThe clans had a regular layout, partly due to the division of the land between the clans into rectangular plots. Central Square served as a place of public meetings. In Tenochtitlan, instead of streets there were canals with pedestrian paths on the sides - the city was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco and connected to the shore by numerous dams and bridges. Drinking water was supplied via aqueducts. The deities of wind, rain and crops associated with agriculture, as well as the god of war, were most revered. The ritual of human sacrifices to the god Huitzilopochtli was widespread among the Aztecs.

TOThe Aztec culture absorbed the rich traditions of the peoples who lived in Central Mexico, mainly the Toltecs, Mixtecs and others. The Aztecs had developed medicine and astronomy, and had the rudiments of writing. Their art flourished in the 14th - early 16th centuries. The main monumental structures were tetrahedral stone pyramids with a temple or palace on the truncated top (the pyramid at Tenayuca north of Mexico City). The houses of the nobility were built of adobe and faced with stone or plastered; the premises were located around a courtyard. The walls of religious buildings were decorated with reliefs, paintings, and patterned masonry.

Mmonumental cult sculpture - statues of deities, ornamented altars - amazes with its grandeur and heaviness (the statue of the goddess Coatlicue is 2.5 m high). The so-called “Sun Stone” is famous. Realistic stone sculptures of heads are world famous: “Eagle Warrior”, “Dead Man’s Head”, “Sad Indian”. Particularly expressive are small stone or ceramic figurines of slaves, children, animals or insects. A number of architectural monuments contain remains of wall paintings with images of deities or marching warriors. The Aztecs skillfully made feather jewelry, polychrome ceramics, stone and shell mosaics, obsidian vases, and the finest jewelry.

PIctographic writing with elements of hieroglyphics, used by the Aztecs, has been known since the 14th century. The material for writing was leather or paper strips folded into a screen. There was no specific system for the arrangement of pictograms: they could follow both horizontally and vertically, and using the boustrophedon method (the opposite direction of adjacent “lines,” i.e., series of pictograms). The main systems of Aztec writing: signs to convey the phonetic appearance of a word, for which the so-called rebus method was used (for example, to write the name Itzcoatl, an itztli arrow was depicted above a coatl snake); hieroglyphic signs conveying certain concepts; actual phonetic signs, especially for conveying the sound of affixes. By the time of the Spanish conquest, which interrupted the development of Aztec writing, all these systems existed in parallel, their use was not regulated.

GThe state formation of the Aztecs in Mexico in the 14th - early 16th centuries with its center in the city of Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City) until 1348 was dependent on the rulers of the city of Culhuacan in 1348-1427. - from the “tyrants” of Azcapotzalco. In the late 20s of the 15th century, the Aztec ruler Itzcoatl led the “union of three cities” - Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, Tlacopan (Takuba) and defeated the rulers of Azcopotzalco. As a result of the wars of conquest waged by Itzcoatl and his successors (Moctesuma I the Wrathful, ruled in Ahuitzotl 1440-1469; Axayacatl 1469-1486; Ahuitzotl 1486-1503), the Aztec kingdom included not only the Mexico River Valley, but also the whole of Central Mexico. The Aztec kingdom reached its greatest prosperity under Moctezuma II (1503-1519). In the 15th - early 16th centuries. slavery was greatly developed. The main ruler of the Aztec kingdom (tlacatecutli) was formally an elected leader, but in fact his power was hereditary. The formation of the main classes of society was not completed (the position of a member of society was determined by his belonging not only to a class, but also to a caste, of which there were over 10 in the Aztec kingdom). By 1521

AZtec calendar (calendario azteca) - the chronology system of the Aztecs, had features similar to the Mayan calendar. The basis of the Aztec calendar was the 52-year cycle - a combination of a 260-day ritual sequence (the so-called sacred period or tonalpohualli), consisting of a combination of the weekly (13 days) and monthly (20 days, indicated by hieroglyphs and numbers) cycles, with the solar or 365- day year (18-20 day months and 5 so-called unlucky days). The Aztec calendar was closely associated with religious cult. Each week, days of the month, hours of the day and night were dedicated to different deities. The Aztec calendar, a monument of Aztec sculpture from the 15th century, is a basalt disk (diameter 3.66 m, weight 24 tons) with carvings indicating years and days. The central part of the disk depicts the face of God. In the Stone of the Sun they found a symbolic sculptural embodiment of the Aztec idea of ​​time. The Sun Stone was found in 1790 in Mexico City, and is now kept in the Museum of Anthropology.

BThe ritual of the “new fire”, performed after 52-year cycles, had great ritual significance.

IThe Nahuatl language is part of the Macronaua family of the Uto-Aztecan branch of the Tanyo-Aztecan phylum. There are other classifications (for example, the American scientist N. McCuown includes the Aztec language in the Koranic subgroup of the Uto-Aztecan branch). Common in Mexico (presumably since the 6th century), the number of speakers is about 1.3 million as of 1977. Writing has been known since the 14th century, and based on the Latin script since the 16th century.

INan era when Europe only dreamed of many discoveries in the field of various sciences, there, on the American continent, there already existed such civilizations that had long since stepped over the barrier of many scientific achievements and developed at a much faster pace than Europe did. It is also noteworthy that in the world of ancient civilizations of America, the primitiveness of morals bordered on extraordinary awareness in a variety of sciences, the appearance of many of which in a society of this type did not fit into the consciousness of the minds of the Europeans of that time.

The Aztecs consider their ancestors to be people from the country of Aztlan (hence, in fact, the name “Aztecs”). The name of the great Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, also reminds us of the Atlanteans. The Quiché tribe also has a legend about a disappeared ancestral country, whose name is Tullan-Zuiva. Ancient capital of the Indians of Guatemala was called Utatlan, next to it there is a lake still called Atitlan. The Toltecs, who conquered a significant part of Mexico in the 9th-10th centuries AD. e., the capital was Tula, or Tollan. It was named after another Tollan - the homeland of the god-man Quetzalcoatl, who supposedly once arrived from the ocean and taught the Indians to sow corn, build, and observe the movement of the planets.

Teotihuacan translated into Russian means: “the place where the gods touched the earth.” It seems that the explanation for this name is simple: the Indians (pagans) once came to this many years after the Flood, and saw grandiose miracle structures, made a “logical” (from the point of view of a primitive pagan) conclusion that they had built everything these communities and the “gods” lived here, and began to use these buildings for religious purposes, for which they made superstructures (temples, altars, etc.) and erected idols - to venerate the “deities”, i.e. demons.

According to Indian legends, the pyramids were built by people who had magical powers, i.e. magical abilities - these people (whom some researchers consider Atlanteans), as well as the fallen angels who led the “Atlanteans,” the Indians began to reverence as gods.

The golden age of the Aztec civilization is considered to be the period between 1428 and 1521 - at this time the empire covered vast territories where, according to some estimates, about 5 million people lived, with the population of its capital, Tenochtitlan, located on the site of modern Mexico City , was approximately 200 thousand.

The Aztecs borrowed a lot from the Olmec civilization, including religious beliefs, ritual games, traditions of human sacrifice, language, calendar and some achievements of science and culture. The Aztec Empire was one of the richest and most highly developed states of pre-Columbian America - it is enough to mention at least the complex aqueducts they built, designed to irrigate the famous floating gardens.

The Aztecs achieved a leadership position through their feared warlike spirit, but mainly through the iron discipline of their social organization, reminiscent of that of the Crusaders. Men, with the exception of priests, lived in groups, which were divided into several levels and differed from each other in special signs, as well as clothing and weapons. The highest level group included warriors of aristocratic origin, but even within their ranks there were different ranks. The Aztec military code was extremely harsh: the most minor offense was punishable by death.

The Aztecs increased their political and economic oppression day by day. Enslaved tribes, such as the Tonacs, saw Cortez as an ally and liberator, while others initially showed strong resistance, as was the case with the Tlaxcalans, but eventually became his ardent supporters and represented huge armies to fight against the common enemy. Over time, the Aztecs became so isolated that they found themselves in the minority. Cortez did what the conquered Indians themselves could never have done: he united them. Cortez's victory was essentially a victory of the Indians over the Indians.

Another important, and perhaps main factor the death of the Aztec empire - “devourers of human hearts” - their monstrous bloodthirsty religion, the ritual of which consumed countless human victims, thereby destroying the state from within.

The Aztecs had so many gods that just listing them would take an entire chapter.

Among the enormous number of deities, we already know Quetzalcoatl, to whom, despite his kindness, human sacrifices were also made. The Aztecs greatly revered the sun god and his wife, the moon goddess. The priests greeted the sunrise with psalms and bloody sacrifices. An eclipse of the sun was perceived as the greatest misfortune: in the temples they sounded the alarm and beat the drums, and people choked in sobs and scratched their lips.

The sun god, the source of all life, was considered the supreme deity, but the Aztecs worshiped primarily the formidable war god Huitzilopochtl. The bloodthirsty instincts of the Aztecs were reflected in his face and in the sacrifices made to him. This disgusting god, as soon as he was born, stained himself with the blood of his own family: he cut off the heads of his brothers and only sister. His mother, a hideous creature with a dead man's skull for a head and hawk claws for fingers, was a terror to everyone.

The Aztecs made human sacrifices in the following way. Four priests, painted black and wearing black robes, grabbed the young man by the arms and legs and threw him onto the sacrificial stone. The fifth priest, dressed in purple robes, ripped open his chest with a sharp obsidian dagger and with his hand tore out his heart, which he then threw at the foot of the statue of the god. The Aztecs had ritual cannibalism: the priests ate the heart, and the body, thrown from the steps of the pyramid, was taken home by members of the aristocratic families and eaten during ceremonial feasts.

In addition to the 18 main festivals a year, which often lasted for several days, almost every day a holiday of one of the gods was celebrated, so human blood flowed continuously.

The most interesting was the festival in honor of the god Tezcatlipoca. Already a year before the celebration, a victim was chosen - a handsome young man without physical disabilities. The chosen one received clothes, a name and all the attributes of God. People worshiped him as Tezcatlipoca on earth. Throughout the entire preparatory period, the chosen one lived in luxury, constantly had fun; he was constantly invited to feasts in aristocratic houses. In the last month he was given four girls as wives.

On the day of the holiday, he was carried in a palanquin to the temple, where the priests killed him in the already known way.

A young girl was sacrificed to the goddess of fertility. Painted red and yellow to symbolize corn, she was required to perform graceful ritual dances before dying on the sacrificial altar.

In the Aztec religion there was even a special patron of human sacrifices - the god Hipe. In his honor, the priests tore the skin off living young men, which they pulled over themselves and wore for 20 days. Even the king himself wore skin taken from his feet and palms.

The ritual associated with the cult of the god of fire seems to be the height of savagery. The priests lit a huge fire in the temple of this god, then stripped the military prisoners naked and, tying them up, threw them into the fire. Without waiting for them to die, they pulled them out of the flames with hooks, placed them on their backs and performed a ritual dance around the fire. Only after this did the priests slaughter them on a sacrificial stone.

The Aztec religion did not spare even children. During drought, the priests killed boys and girls so that the rain god would have mercy. Babies bought from poor parents were dressed in festive clothes, decorated with flowers and carried into the temple in cradles. Having finished ritual ceremonies, they were killed with knives.

As soon as the first shoots of corn appeared, the children were killed in a different way: their heads were cut off, and the bodies were kept in mountain caves as relics. During the ripening period of corn, the priests bought four children aged five or six years and locked them in basements, dooming them to starvation.

A peculiar tradition was the bloodless battle that the Aztecs and Tlaxcalans staged annually in a designated place. The warriors did not use weapons then and fought each other like athletes, with their bare hands; everyone tried to take the enemy prisoner. Having put the captives in cages, the Aztecs and Tlaxcalans took them to their temples and sacrificed them there.

Another ritual was vividly reminiscent of Roman gladiator fights. The prisoner was tied to a heavy stone with a long rope and given into his hands a shield and a club of such miniature sizes that it was difficult to do anything with them. A normally armed Aztec went out to fight him. A tied and almost unarmed prisoner had no chance of emerging victorious from the battle, but if he still managed to defeat six opponents one after another, and he himself did not receive a single scratch, then he was given freedom.

It is not known exactly how many human sacrifices were made annually in the Aztec state. Scientists believe that 20 - 30 thousand. These figures may be exaggerated, but there is no doubt that they were still impressive. Proof is the real warehouses with tens of thousands of skulls found by the conquistadors in all Aztec cities, and especially the already mentioned structure in Tenochtitlan, where Bernal Diaz counted 136 thousand skulls.

The Aztec state constantly had to worry about providing victims to the insatiable gods. A special group of warriors did nothing but capture prisoners and take them to the temples. The Aztecs started more than one war just to get prisoners.

The religious celebrations in Cholula and Tenochtitlan were attended mainly by members of aristocratic families, and also because the population, as a rule, was indifferent to the facts of the profanation of their gods and temples. Therefore, we can safely say that the Aztec religion was exclusively the religion of the Aztec aristocracy.

The character of the people was the complete opposite of the cruelty of the gloomy priests. An ordinary Indian, no matter what tribe he came from, was distinguished by the hospitality, good nature and hard work of an ant. He enthusiastically and then with some carelessness surrendered to all the joys of life, willingly took part in games, folk festivals and mass dances, preferred calm, picturesque and crowded religious ceremonies, during which he sang and made sacrifices to the deities in the form of flowers and fruits.

Despite their carefree nature, the Indians showed exceptional muleism when necessary. They bravely fought with terrible and incomprehensible foreigners, killing their horses with clubs and going under the fire of the cannons of the conquistadors.

The Indian people did not tarnish their honor in this tragic struggle. He was dragged into the abyss of destruction by a small elite of savage, dark and slow-witted dignitaries and priests, whose behavior in the face of danger was essentially treason.

Developing on a continent cut off from the rest of the world, the Aztec culture could not use the experience of other peoples. This results in a strange disproportion in its development, which is difficult even to explain.

The Aztecs were remarkable builders, achieved high skill in sculpture, applied art, weaving, and the manufacture of gold jewelry (although they partially borrowed this skill from their predecessors - the Mayans and Toltecs), developed their own writing and a calendar based on accurate astronomical observations, in a word, they created a rich, completely distinctive culture that testifies to their creativity and high mental development.

The Aztecs did not domesticate a single beast of burden, but most importantly, they did not invent the wheel and potter's wheel. Until recently, their metallurgy was in its infancy: the Aztecs did not discover an alloy of bronze, and they forged copper without heating it. They also did not know iron, their tools and weapons were very primitive* the Aztecs made daggers from obsidian, needles from agave thorns, and tips for arrows and spears from bone or flint.

The Aztecs valued jasper most highly, followed by copper, then silver and, finally, gold. The Aztecs forged small bells from copper, which they used as money. Silver was much less common in Mexico than gold, so only decorative and jewelry items were made from it.

In the art of mosaics, no one in the world could surpass the Aztecs. Museums in Mexico and the United States of America contain many exhibits demonstrating the refined artistic taste and incomparable skill of Aztec artisans. Among the countless objects decorated with mosaics of turquoise, metals, mother-of-pearl, precious and semi-precious stones, special attention attracted by the remarkable shield, which is kept in the Museum of Indian Culture in New York. This shield is covered with a complex pattern made of 15 thousand pieces of turquoise.

Sculptures made of turtle, wood, bone and stone indicate that skillful Aztec sculptors were capable of using any material. In museums there are rock crystal figurines depicting people, animals and gods. All of them are beautifully polished, despite their miniature size. In addition to rock crystal, Aztec sculptors processed jasper, agate, topaz, sapphire, amethyst and all other precious stones that are found in Mexico. Some sculptural works are so small that it remains unclear how they could have been made without a magnifying glass.

But the most famous were the Aztec jewelers. They forged, without heating the metal, thousands of artistic objects of extremely complex and elegant shape, and also decorated stone statues of gods with gold and silver: in a word, they created masterpieces of jewelry art. Most of these items, unfortunately, were lost during the Az-Tec uprising or ended up on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico along with sunken ships or were melted down into gold and silver ingots.

In science, the Aztecs could not boast of any special achievements. Their mathematics did not go beyond elementary arithmetic operations, and their calculation was based on the twenty-digit system. The Aztec year consisted of 18 months, each with 20 days, resulting in only 360 days. To link the calendar with the solar year, they annually added five days on which they did not work, and every four years they added another one - a leap day - and this completely aligned the calendar with the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun. Medicine was practiced exclusively by priests. It was mainly based on magic, but some diseases were treated with herbs, compresses and steam baths. Surgical operations were also performed - the priests treated fractures, performed caesarean sections and craniotomies.

The Aztec legislation seems extremely interesting. For example, drunkenness was considered a grave crime and was punishable by death. If the head of the family got drunk, then the family had the right to kill him with a club in the place where the drunkard was found in an unconscious state. Only men who were over 70 years old could get drunk, as well as all other men during some religious holidays.

Theft, and especially the theft of corn from the field, was also punishable by death (the thief was killed with stones) or, in some cases, lifelong captivity. However, the travelers were allowed to take as much corn from the field as they needed to satisfy their hunger. Warlocks and adulterers were also punished with death, and slanderers had their lips and ears cut off.

Along with these barbarously harsh legal norms, there were humane laws. So, for example, a child born from a relationship between a free citizen and a slave was free and had to be raised by his father. A runaway slave who managed to hide in the royal palace immediately gained freedom.

The most valuable gift that the world received, if not from the Aztecs themselves, then at least through their mediation from the Indian peoples of Central America, is a wide variety of plants, the fruits of which we often eat, not knowing where they come from. First of all, we should mention corn, vanilla, cocoa, melon, pineapple, green and red peppers, various types beans, as well as tobacco. Their agricultural achievements alone have earned the Aztecs and other Indian peoples our gratitude forever.
