How to dissolve super glue on various surfaces? How to remove instant glue from various surfaces How to dissolve glue at home


Glue is a means of adhesiveness various materials, it is used both in everyday life and in production, and for many other purposes. In some situations, glue ends up in unwanted places, leaving dried clumps and difficult-to-remove stains. If such a situation occurs, use traditional, proven methods to dissolve the glue in order to further remove the stain.

What should I use to clean the glue?

The variety of methods designed to remove glue stains is surprising. Let's consider which are the most effective means recommended to achieve the task?


Water is a popular solvent. The main advantage is versatility.

The use of water is justified only if the adhesive is made to water based. The effectiveness of the method is due to the following fact: adhesives are often water-based. However, a favorable outcome of the procedure is only possible if the glue has not had time to dry completely. Only then is it possible to remove the glue in the shortest possible time.

Wipe up excess glue with a rag, blotting the treated area with plain water. Repeat these steps until the glue disappears completely. The method will not work if the glue has dried completely.


Alcohol is a classic solvent that allows you to remove various adhesive compounds by eliminating the original properties characteristic of the adhesive components.

It is recommended to use alcohol according to the following scheme: apply alcohol to the dried glue. In a few minutes you will notice favorable changes. The main task is to soften the adhesive, after which it can be removed using any available means.


Soak a cotton pad or rag in a small amount of the liquid intended for coating. Apply the soaked cotton wool to the glue and wait a few minutes. The glue will dissolve over time. Subsequently, use a stiff sponge to scrub off the softened glue. Repeat steps until complete removal glue.

Acetone removes the bonding elements created between the glue and the object. The product guarantees maximum benefit when removing many types of glue. Please note: synthetic materials are vulnerable to acetone, so it is advisable to check the effect of the product on the item and then carry out the procedure.


The adhesive, which is resistant to water, alcohol and acetone, can be removed using vegetable or baby oil. Lubricate the adhesive base natural oil, then carefully rub it into the object. It will take time to achieve the result, as chemical processes must begin.

The effect is due to the following fact: many adhesives are created using oil based. After the main stage of the procedure, it is recommended to remove any remaining glue with soapy water.


This product also contains ordinary water, which makes it possible to remove glue from the object. The effect depends on how correctly the proportions of applying vinegar are observed. The product must dissolve the glue, so there should be enough of it. Optimal time waiting - 20 minutes.


Prepare soda paste. The mass should be thick, so it is advisable to mix a tablespoon baking soda and a regular spoon of water. Apply a neat layer of soda paste onto the glue. Now we have to wait, because required processes will not start happening right away. Clean off the glue. Use warm water. Soda paste is not dangerous, which is why it is used in various situations.


Rub a minimal amount of this product onto the adhesive layer. Add Vaseline based on your needs. Watch the process carefully to see if Vaseline is required or not. To return the area to its original condition, wipe the contaminated area. warm water, wash with soap.


It is recommended to heat the glue with a hairdryer. The heat will soften the created layer. Then, using a suitable scouring pad, peel the glue away from the item. The best option becomes metal scraper allowing you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.


It is recommended to put the item that has glue on it in the freezer. The cold will take effect, after which the adhesive substance can be removed. Wait a couple of hours, wanting to achieve a decent effect. If you can't put the item in the refrigerator, use an ice pack. The glue will become brittle due to the influence of cold, as a result of which it can be easily scraped off. If you want to achieve decent results, use a special scraper that allows you to successfully remove the layer of glue.


Use gasoline, which will successfully remove glue from the surface. If desired, use a paint thinner that has a similar effect. Soak a cotton pad in the product of your choice, and then press it onto adhesive based. Wash the item with soapy water to remove any residue.


This product allows you to wash your hands of dried glue residues. When planning construction or repair activities, understanding the inevitability of contact with glue, use anti-glue that has won high level popularity. The product is sold in construction stores, so there will be no difficulties with the purchase. Anti-glue will remove glue quickly and painlessly, and it can even be used on your hands. Apply the selected product to the sponge, and then thoroughly wipe the contaminated surface. Subsequently, the stains will be successfully dissolved. Residues can be removed from the fabric and natural wood without negative consequences.

By studying modern offers, you will be able to do right choice regarding the means. A small amount will be needed to remove the adhesive. The effect will be achieved in a few minutes. The procedure requires no effort, which guarantees optimal results. Repeat the procedure if desired, as this will increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

An additional option is a special preparation designed to remove hardened glue. Modern manufacturers note the effectiveness of using the product.

Prudent people take into account the types of glue that are used to treat the surface. Based on this information, the chances of choosing the right cleanser increase.


The glue can be removed easily, and warm water and soap will be effective. If desired, use vodka and vinegar. Remove glue from glass or plastic first mechanically, and then with soapy water. When using acetone, make sure there are no risks when using the material.

Stationery glue

This type of glue is created on silicate components. Remove glue using cold water with soap and soda.

Wood glue

It is recommended to soak things in cold water, waiting four to five hours. Then wash the clothes in hot water. If there are old glue stains, soak the items and monitor the process of removing the glue. Clean things with a knife or coin or sponge. Old stains are difficult to remove, but it is possible.

Super glue

Super glue is difficult to remove, regardless of the type of surface.

Fresh stains are removed using acetone and special solvents, controlling the process to avoid unfavorable results.

Glue Moment

There will most likely be consequences. On modern market present special means, reducing risks, for example, the same Antikley.

By selecting suitable way, you will be able to remove almost any type of glue from any surface.

January 25, 2014, 11:01

Often when performing repair work or repair various malfunctions use super glue. If you get distracted, your hands or clothes are already dirty. It is especially unpleasant when surfaces are glued together that did not need it at all. How can this be prevented and how to get rid of traces of glue on different surfaces?

Features of the composition

When did humanity start using glue? According to archaeologists, it was already used about 9.5 thousand years BC. Glue was brewed from natural materials. IN modern world artificial additives began to be used to create it. Since 1901, chemist Leo Baekeland worked on the creation of an adhesive substance, and already in 1909 it went on sale.

Silicate glue began to be produced in early 1940. This office glue is used very often. 100 million of its packages are produced annually, and their shape is constantly changing. For liquid substances, bottles with caps are used. Packaging in small pencil-type forms has become very convenient: it does not dry out, is convenient to use, and has high adhesive characteristics.

Today it’s worth talking in more detail about what instant glue is. The name "super glue" implies that it can do many things. A small compact tube can be found in any home; you can use it to make minor repairs, for example, gluing a part in a children's toy, gluing a cup, or repairing shoes.

The adhesive contains up to 99% cyanoacrylates; stabilizers and plasticizers, activators and retarders are also added. Manufacturers use different combinations in their composition.

Where did the name come from and who invented the super product for gluing different surfaces? The substance was first developed by Harry Coover. The first composition turned out to be too sticky and was rejected. Already in 1951, American scientists found that using cyanoaclylate it is possible to glue any surface very firmly. In 1958, the super-substance went on sale. Super Glue immediately gained great popularity and created a sensation.

This glue can withstand a load of 150 kg/sq.m. cm, more advanced means - 250 kg/sq. see. Super glue can withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees, more modified models - up to 125 degrees. It sets very quickly: from a few seconds to a minute. But for final setting you should wait up to 24 hours.

In the Soviet Union it was called "Tsiakrin", but it was almost impossible to find it in stores. Currently, the situation has changed: adhesive compositions are present on the shelves in large quantities. They produce super glue under such names as “Second”, “Monolith”, “Elephant”, “Super-Moment”, “Strength” and so on.

More recently, ultraviolet glue has gone on sale. With its help you can fix any breakdown in just 5 seconds. It is produced under the Lazer Bond brand. Apply liquid plastic onto any surface, and the gluing area is treated with an ultraviolet ray.

What to dissolve with?

Sometimes situations arise when super glue leaks out and stains the surface. What to do in this situation? Knowing how to dissolve it, you can quickly remove dirt without sending things to the dry cleaner.

Dissolve super glue with nail polish remover. Soak a cotton swab in the solution, apply it to the contaminated area and wait until the adhesive is completely dissolved.

You can use white spirit or gasoline. If you have Dimexide in your first aid kit, then it can also be used to remove glue from the surface. When working with this product, you should wear gloves to avoid skin irritation.

If it gets on clothing, it can be easily removed with " Super Moment Anti-glue" or a solvent containing nitromethane.

If the stains on the fabric are already old, you can try to dissolve them at home using vinegar. For 1 glass of water take 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar and rinse the area with glue.

Acetone is also used to remove glue stains., but here the composition of the material should be taken into account: discolored spots may appear in places where acetone was applied. This solvent can remove glue from any surface; it is also suitable for liquid nails. If the liquid nails have already set, top part cut with a knife, the remains are removed with acetone.

How to wash?

From the skin

When working with super glue, it often gets on the skin of your hands. If the adhesive gets on your skin, you can’t just get rid of it; you can’t remove it with soapy water. There are three ways to remove the super-substance from the skin of your hands.

For this, as a rule, they use:

  • acetone: rub the contaminated area well, and then wash your hands with soap;
  • pumice stone: steam your hands and then gently rub the area with pumice stone;
  • table salt: wet your hands and pour a large spoonful of salt into your palms, rubbing it until the dirt comes off.

These methods can seriously damage the skin of your hands; after manipulation, you need to apply lotion or hand cream to your skin.

From metal

It is very difficult to remove the super-substance from metal. You can try to scrub the metal surface using acetone or another solvent containing volatile substances, but they do not have time to adhere to the material.

To completely get rid of dirt, apply solvent or acetone to a cotton pad or thick cotton cloth, apply it to the stained area, and stick tape on top. As a result, an airtight environment is created, the adhesive inside will heat up and its remains can be easily removed after removing the tape.

From linoleum

Super glue often ends up on linoleum. To remove it, you should resort to chemical solvents. To clean the surface, choose “Super Moment Anti-Glue”, “Anti-Glue” or “Contact”. When they are applied to a surface, the glue begins to dissolve and turn into a rubber-like substance that is easily removed.

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to run to the store, gasoline is used to remove glue from linoleum. If the stain is already old, you need to wait a few minutes until the glue begins to dissolve. Residues are removed with dry wipes. Sometimes it cannot be removed the first time, then the procedure should be repeated.

When working with gasoline, you should follow safety precautions, as the substance is flammable. There should be no children in the room while working. After working with gasoline, the surface is washed with water.

When buying linoleum, you should read the instructions and find out what products are suitable for its surface. If there is a small piece of linoleum, you can do a test test on it: spread it with glue and then try to remove it by different means. To clean linoleum, you can use gasoline or ammonia. Do not use acetone for cleaning: it can damage the surface.

From plastic

Very often the question arises of how to remove traces of glue from plastic surfaces. When working with this product, you should be very careful and try to immediately remove drops of glue from the plastic with a regular cloth. After removing the stain, wash the surface with dishwashing detergent.

Plastic does not tolerate temperature changes well, and can also be damaged when using certain chemical solvents, so do not use acetone or gasoline for plastic surfaces.

If the glue on the plastic surface has already dried, you can try to cut it off very carefully.

Also for removal adhesive composition from plastic, you can use Dimethyl sulfoxide. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

From glass

As with any other surface, it is always easier to remove fresh dirt from glass: just wipe it with a cloth.

For glue that has dried on the base, use:

  • cleaner: it is applied to the glass, after a few minutes it is removed with a knife;
  • white spirit: it is applied with a damp disc to the glass, after 15 minutes the softened glue is removed with a stationery knife;
  • vegetable oil: apply it for 1 hour, then remove it with a plastic spatula or spatula;
  • liquid soap, dish soap: add a little composition to the water, apply a soap solution to the glass and wash it off with a dish brush.

You can also remove glue from glass using ammonia and dish detergent: take them in equal proportions and apply the mixture to the stain for 1 hour. After this, the contamination is removed and the glass is wiped with a solution of ammonia in the ratio: 1 tbsp. l alcohol per 0.5 l. water.

Superglue is an indispensable assistant in every home. This substance is also called instant glue, because it sets in a minute and quickly glues almost any material together. Often, when working with it, sticky nasty stains remain on the fabric or even areas on the skin stick together.

Knowing how to dissolve super glue, you can try to remove dirt at home. The glue is most afraid of water, acetone, vinegar and soda. But when using these substances, precautions must be taken.

If glue gets on the fabric, you should try to remove the stains with paint remover or refined gasoline. This method should not be used on colored or delicate fabrics, as chemicals may damage such items.

To remove the glue, you need to moisten a cotton swab in one of the indicated products and wipe the contaminated area. If the stains are old, the clothes should first be soaked in warm water. Once the glue has softened, you can carefully scrape off the particles with a knife.

To remove long-standing glue stains, you need to use a superglue remover or try removing the stain with vinegar. To do this, mix one glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar and rinse the contaminated area. Acetone is sometimes used, but this can lead to discoloration of the fabric, so it is worth experimenting first on a separate piece of material and observing the reaction.

If the substance comes into contact with the body

Precautions must be taken. If glue accidentally gets into your eye, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, you should try to wash off the foreign substance with boiled, warm water. This can be done using a pipette. Then drip an anti-inflammatory agent into the eye and apply a bandage. You should show the doctor the package of glue so that he becomes familiar with its composition. This will make it easier to determine the order of necessary actions to provide assistance.

If the glue has not hardened, then you need to treat your hands with nail polish remover or a solution of a mixture of water, vinegar and soap. If the superglue has already been absorbed and dried, you should hold your hands in a glass of vodka for about 20–25 minutes, and then treat them with a scrub.

There is another way: you need to take a coarse-grained cosmetic file and carefully cut off the dried particles.

Glue on plastic

The product is often used to connect various plastic parts, careless application can lead to an unattractive appearance of the model. If the drops have not yet hardened, you need to walk over them with a damp sponge, and then treat the contaminated area with a degreaser.

If the stain has already dried, then you need to moisten a cotton pad in acetone and wipe the surface. In extreme cases, you may need dimethyl sulfoxide or dimexide, which are very concentrated substances, but have a cleaning effect without harming the plastic.

If the glass is dirty

It is much more difficult to remove a dried stain, so you need to quickly begin removing it. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of ammonia and the same amount of dishwashing detergent will help remove stains from glass. It is necessary to treat the stain with the solution, after an hour, scrape off the softened particles with a knife. Next, you should dilute one tablespoon of alcohol in 0.5 liters of water and thoroughly wipe the cleaned area. Useful for cleaning glass useful tips specialists:

  1. A universal glass cleaner will help remove adhesive stains. The product is designed specifically to solve this problem. The solution should be applied to the surface, left for a few minutes and scraped off with a knife. The glass cleaner will soften the adhesive, and the knife will remove the remaining particles.
  2. You can use white spirit. Using a cotton pad, apply the liquid to the dirty glass and wait 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure. Remove softened stains using a stationery knife.
  3. If there are no specialized products in the house, ordinary vegetable oil will come to the rescue. It must be applied to the area and rubbed, left for an hour, then using a plastic spatula or spatula, the softened glue mass must be scraped off.
  4. You can use liquid soap to remove glue from glass. You need to dilute liquid soap in a small amount of water and moisten the stain. Processed soap solution Rub the surface with a brush. The procedure is repeated until the glass is completely clean.

Cleaning tiles, wood and metal

For s wooden materials You can use acetone, but this is true for unvarnished surfaces. To use acetone, you need to apply the product to the surface to be cleaned, wait 5-10 minutes and wipe with a damp cloth. This method is also suitable when drops of glue need to be removed from metal.

To clean the hole in the lock from glue, you can use one of the solvents: alcohol, gasoline, turpentine, ammonia or white spirit. Use a hairdryer to heat the adhesive stains. Treat the contaminated area with an extractant. Within 5–10 minutes, the solvent will soften the adhesive clumps, which can be easily removed with wet wipes.

Glue traces with wooden surface can be quickly removed with damp wipes, but only if the glue has not had time to dry. Old dirt can be cleaned mechanically: the frozen film should be carefully pryed with a sharp object and removed from the surface. You can remove glue from a wooden surface using a hair dryer: you can soften the remaining glue with a hot stream of air, then wipe the area with a damp cloth, and then with a dry cloth to get rid of moisture.

Superglue is very useful thing as in everyday life, and during repairs. But it is quite difficult to remove the glue without damaging the material, so when gluing parts you must act extremely carefully and carefully.

An indispensable assistant that helps out in many situations, firmly gluing almost any materials, superglue often causes unexpected difficulties. If it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it causes health problems, and if it remains on clothing or objects, the item becomes unusable.

To remove “Super glue” and “Moment” glue, special cleaners with various compositions. Available home remedies are also suitable and are also quite effective. It is only important to consider what surfaces they can be used for.

What to do if glue gets on the skin or mucous membranes

If glue gets on the skin of your hands, then before it hardens, you can clean it off with nail polish remover or a mixture of vinegar, soap, and water.

When the glue has already dried, the following methods are used:

  • soften the glue with acetone and then wash your hands with soap;
  • steam your hands, and then carefully, gently rub the contaminated areas with a pumice stone (or a nail file);
  • pour salt into wet hands and rub it until the glue begins to come off.

After such procedures, which have an aggressive effect on the skin, it is definitely recommended to use hand cream.

Important! If glue gets into the eye, it must be immediately rinsed with warm boiled water using a pipette or other method. After this, drop an anti-inflammatory agent into the eye and be sure to contact a medical facility.

How to remove glue from clothes

In some cases, it helps if you use solvent or purified gasoline. But if the fabric is colored or delicate, then such products will damage it.

Then the following methods are used:

  • Try to wash a fresh stain with vinegar (dilute 1 tablespoon with a glass of water);
  • to remove dried stains, soak the item in warm water, and when the glue softens, remove it mechanically (knife, brush);
  • another, original way- put a thing in freezer, and after a while, when the frozen glue begins to crumble and crumble, clean it with a brush.

How to clean glue from different surfaces

For each type of surface, you can only use suitable means so as not to spoil the item and deal with contamination most effectively.


This material does not tolerate exposure to solvents, temperature changes, and is susceptible to mechanical damage. Therefore, you cannot use acetone, gasoline, heat with a hairdryer, or try to scrape off the stain.

The following tools are suitable:

  • nail polish remover that does not contain acetone;
  • pharmaceutical dimethyl sulfoxide - use carefully, because it also has quite a strong effect;
  • alcohol does not remove such stains, but it can be used to soften dried glue without damaging the plastic surface, making it easier to remove later;
  • most safe way(suitable only for surfaces that do not absorb oil) - try to soften the glue vegetable oil or Vaseline (you will have to wait a long time), and then carefully remove the film;
  • try to cut it carefully with a sharp blade.

Advice! Most easy way Remove glue from plastic when the stain is still fresh. In this case, it will be enough to wipe it well with a cloth and then rinse with soapy water.


Regular glass can be easily cleaned using:

  • acetone, white spirit and other solvents;
  • regular windshield wiper;
  • The softened glue can be easily scraped off with a blade or a stationery knife.

Plexiglas cannot be cleaned with abrasives or scraped with a blade, because it can be easily scratched. Acetone is also not suitable. In this case, use:

  • alcohol;
  • refined gasoline;
  • vinegar, etc.


Acetone is suitable for this surface, but only if it is not painted or varnished. The product should be applied to the stain, and after a few minutes wiped with a damp cloth.


Caustic substances will damage the painted surface, so the same products are used here as for plastic, plexiglass, and linoleum. Heating with a hairdryer to soften, which is often used for other materials, will not work because it high temperature varnish coating becomes cloudy, cracks, bubbles.


This surface can be easily cleaned with acetone or solvent, but due to the fact that they quickly evaporate from it, the glue does not have time to soften. Therefore, they do this: a swab dipped in a solvent is applied to the stain, then covered with film or glued with tape. After some time, remove the softened glue with a rag and detergents. To liquefy glue that has dried on the metal, you can use a hot hair dryer.


Fresh glue can be easily washed off with a damp cloth and dishwashing detergent. Hardened stains are cleaned with special construction compounds, gels. Home remedies that work well include vinegar or citric acid.

Special means

The industry produces special products that differ in their composition and are suitable for certain types of surfaces. IN specialized stores The following chemical superglue solvents are sold:

  • "Super Moment Anticley";
  • "Contact";
  • "Anticle" and others.

Security measures

When working with superglue, you must take the following precautions:

  • since this substance is toxic, the room should be well ventilated;
  • to prevent the glue from getting on the skin, you should not point the tube at yourself, and work with gloves;
  • It is not advisable to roll up or bend a half-used tube, because it may crack in these places and the leaking glue will leave stains.

To safely use this very useful tool in everyday life, you need to act carefully and carefully - then you will not have to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

If you have small children, then sooner or later, but definitely, “strange” events occur in the house with regular intervals. Different things can end up in the most unexpected places. For example, superglue can get on the metal surface of an iron or refrigerator. Fortunately, most of these problems can be fixed. Using the information below, you will be able to remove super glue from metal surface in a few steps.

To clean metal from superglue you will need:

  • Acetone;
  • Nail polish remover (acetone based);
  • A piece of cloth or cotton pad;
  • Razor blade;
  • Technical alcohol (denatured alcohol);
  • Lighter fluid;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning super glue from metal

  1. Dampen a clean cloth or cotton pad with pure acetone. If you don't have pure acetone, use nail polish remover. Hold the dampened cloth over the dried superglue until the glue dissolves, then wipe the area.
  2. You may have to scrape the super glue off the hard surface. However, this must be done carefully so as not to scratch the metal. Try softening the glue with a cleaning solution first and then using a razor blade to scrape it off.
  3. If you don't have acetone or nail polish remover, use denatured alcohol or lighter fluid. Hold the alcohol-soaked cloth over the dried superglue until the glue dissolves, then wipe the area.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide can also effectively remove superglue. Hold a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide over the dried superglue until the glue dissolves, then wipe the area.
  • Always test the cleaning solution on a small, hidden area of ​​the metal surface to see how the metal reacts to the solvent.
  • Stainless steel is easily scratched even with weak mechanical stress. Do not use a rough cloth or any other abrasive substance on the stainless steel surface, otherwise scratches are guaranteed.