How a Christmas tree attracts love and money. You should be careful with flowers. Where to put a Christmas tree to attract money

Those who love Eastern philosophy and trust it become especially suspicious on the eve of the New Year. So, for example, they claim that if you put it correctly christmas tree, then it will not only bring joy and a festive mood, but will also bring good luck into life. Whether you believe the Eastern sages or not, a little luck never hurt anyone.

The green and fluffy Christmas tree has long been one of the important symbols New Year's holidays. It doesn’t matter whether you have an artificial or living beauty in your home; according to Eastern philosophy, something completely different is important. According to Feng Shui 2018, the Christmas tree can attract good luck and love, money, career growth. But, for this you need to install it correctly.

This is important! The right choice The places where the Christmas tree should stand according to Feng Shui in 2018 begins with the entrance to the room. It is the entrance that will be the starting point in all calculations; from it it will be necessary to look at space.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract love

If in the new year 2018 you strive to meet your love or simply want to make your intimate life bright and stormy, then the Christmas tree should be placed in the far right corner.

As for how to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui to attract love, then you need to choose shiny toys, silk ribbons, heart-shaped toys, as well as all kinds of paired symbols will be relevant. Try to hang identical toys next to each other. It is best to tie paired toys with ribbons or ropes to maximize the bond. Give preference to red and its shades.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract money

If you have a goal financial well-being, then it is necessary to place the New Year's beauty in the opposite corner from love. That is, for wealth, place the tree in the far left corner.

Color New Year's decorations must be gold or silver. Of course, you don’t need to hang it on the Christmas tree jewelry, but look for interesting bright details. For example, you can hang chocolate coins, which are sold in shiny packaging, on your Christmas tree. Moreover, the more such coins there are on the tree, the better for your future well-being. You can also wrap one branch of the Christmas tree with banknotes, making an element money tree.

This is important! According to Eastern philosophy, career and financial well-being are two different things. When attracting financial well-being into your life, we are not always talking about success at work. You may receive an inheritance. If you are interested specifically in moving up the career ladder, then the New Year’s beauty should be placed directly opposite front door at the opposite wall.

Where to put the Christmas tree so that everything is fine for the children (to get pregnant)

For such purposes, Feng Shui philosophy suggests placing the New Year's tree in the near right corner. If you want to become a mother in the new year, then the place of your Christmas tree is also in the near right corner.

Be sure to use sweets and soft toys as decorations. If there are already children in the house, then let them take care of decorating the New Year's beauty; you can only control the process from afar. The only thing you need to take care of is hanging the garland yourself for safety reasons.

If you don't find soft ones on sale Christmas decorations, then you can do it.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract friends

For these purposes, according to Feng Shui 2018, the Christmas tree should be in the near left corner. This way you can attract good friends and influential patrons into your life, and become famous in society. It will have a very good effect if you ask your friends to give you some kind of toy to decorate the Christmas tree. If you are eager to meet new people in 2018, then be sure to hang items on your Christmas tree that can be associated with a person. A tie, an expensive pen. In general, decorate the Christmas tree with something that you think the person you want to meet and be friends with must have.

Where to put the Christmas tree for optimal harmony

If you want a little bit of everything in the new year 2018, then you need to place the New Year's tree exactly in the center of the room. This way you will be able to strengthen every area of ​​your life. You need to hang the corresponding symbols of each sphere of life described above on those branches that look at the corresponding angles. You already know from this article how to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui to enhance a particular area.

This is important! According to Feng Shui 2018, the Christmas tree should be firmly and evenly installed. Under no circumstances should she fall over on her side, because her dreams will be weak. If the tree is alive, do not forget to add water to it so that it can stand longer.

If the size of your apartment does not allow you to put up a Christmas tree in accordance with the rules, then do not despair. You can simply take fresh fluffy branches of the Christmas tree and create a New Year's bouquet with them. Place the bouquet in a vase, and the vase in the place you need. The effect, according to connoisseurs of Eastern philosophy, will be the same.

Under the New Year's tree, you can put a large beautiful box in which you can put written wishes for all family members. Write to each other kind words and put it in a box that should be stored for a whole year. On next New Year's Eve, open the box to see how many wishes and dreams have come true.

In the article I already described simple ways making New Year's wishes. Today I want to tell you another method, which is also distinguished by its simplicity and effectiveness.

Many of us have probably made a wish map or want to make one. After all, it brings us closer to what we dream about, since we, often fixing our attention on it, send energy to make our dreams come true. And the very process of drawing up a wish map already gives a powerful impetus.

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve

The method I want to talk about is not as labor-intensive and time-consuming as drawing up a wish map. You will need any symbols of your desire (or desires, if you have several of them). And all you need is New Year's Eve make a wish and hang these symbols on the Christmas tree. What kind of symbols these will be, decide for yourself, using your imagination.

For example, if you want to have a child, you can hang a figurine of a stork with a child, or you can just hang some little toddler. If you just dream of big money, then hang up banknotes (you can use real ones) or pictures with wads of money. Although, as far as I know, simply dreaming about money is not very correct, because the Universe fulfills specific desires more quickly and joyfully. Often people dream about money in the abstract, without really imagining what they will do with it when they receive it. It is better to dream about what you will buy with this money and hang symbols of these purchases on the Christmas tree.

If you want new car or a house, you can cut them out of magazines, make appliqués or glue them from colored paper, or you can simply buy toy symbols. If you want to travel, hang a toy airplane on your Christmas tree with the names of the countries you would like to visit. If you want love, then you can hang two hearts, and if you dream of a wedding, then toy bride and groom.

It is advisable to hang artifacts of your desires directly on New Year's Eve. Although last year I really wanted to hang my symbols while decorating the Christmas tree. One wish has come true, and the second is still in the process of fulfillment. This year I will also hang symbols when I decorate the Christmas tree. And on New Year’s Eve I’ll just say my wishes again and stroke my artifacts with my hand, charging them with energy, so to speak.

Christmas tree of wishes

Listen to your intuition, it will tell you exactly when to hang your symbols on the tree. My friend hung a ring on her tree that year with the intention of getting married. It was just ordinary gold ring with a pebble, she declared it engagement and hung it on the tree. She hasn’t gotten married yet, but she has received a proposal; they plan to get married in the summer on the day of family, love and fidelity. This is progress, since last year she didn’t even have a man, what kind of proposal are we talking about? This spring she met him and now they have a fairly serious relationship.

The result will be your personal New Year tree of wishes. In general, whatever you hang on the tree, it will all come true. I think this method of making New Year's wishes is quite simple and interesting. I’ve been using it myself for quite some time, five years to be exact. Of course, I make real wishes, and not a personal yacht, a plane and a suitcase with a million dollars. Desires must be truly yours and come from the heart. Although, it might be worth trying to make a wish. What if it comes true?

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IN different situations people sometimes unconsciously strive tune in to the frequency of the wave of luck and attract desired events into your life. For example, at the beginning of the day, merchants are willing to give the first buyer a significant discount. They intuitively feel that the first buyer is very important - it is necessary to make an initiative, to start a trade. This means tuning into the frequency of the successful trading line. Tuning occurs on a subconscious level. With his mind, a person only realizes outside:the ritual somehow inexplicably works. And it really works, but not on its own, but as a theatrical prop. The main role is played by the mental energy of the actor. For different professions V different situations There are many such “magical” ritualists. People believe in them and successfully use them in order to tune in to the frequency of a successful life line and ride the wave of good luck. In principle, it does not matter what people believe in - in the magical properties of the ritual, or in tuning to the frequency of the lines. As you yourself understand, only the practical result is important.

Video lessons on mathematics.

New Year's ritual to fulfill wishes.

This ritual is very simple and effective. In addition, with the help of it you will not only bring the fulfillment of your desires closer - you will also make the celebration of New Year's Eve more interesting.

So, all you need is any symbols of your desires. If you want a house, a car, buy a toy house, a car, you can cut out these symbols from magazines. If you need money, you can use real money - and the larger the bills, the better.

For example, last year I hung a toy airplane on the Christmas tree with the name of the country where I wanted to fly on vacation, and in May 2011 I successfully vacationed there. All in all, show your imagination and find the most suitable symbols of your desires.

To attract love, you can hang hearts, for marriage - a toy bride and groom, if you dream of a child, you can hang a baby doll on the Christmas tree. It is best to carry out this ritual directly on New Year's Eve, but if you want to do it earlier, you can hang all the symbols when you decorate the Christmas tree.

But the Feng Shui symbols for promoting health: For the Chinese, the crane is a mystical bird endowed with many magical properties, one of which is longevity. An image of a crane or its figurine will bring good luck and health to your home. Deer and hare. Their images or figures also serve to promote health.

Peaches (there should be 5-9 of them) are a traditional symbol of health and longevity in China. It is not for nothing that the rosy cheeks of a healthy person are compared to a peach. Bamboo is a symbol of long life. It is beautiful, slender, flexible and unpretentious plant, symbolizing good health. You can lay or hang a mat from it. Pine, like bamboo, is the strongest amulet for health. To depict a pine tree means to wish a person health. And since ancient times: of course, the apple was considered a symbol of health.

Reviews about this ritual from the Internet:

One friend hung up a model of a jeep, a house, a baby doll, money... In April, a jeep turned up by chance - it was incredibly cheap! I bought a plot of land with a house, it is now under construction... My wife is expecting a child...

My friends and I discussed this and decided to hang: money, a car, a house, wedding ring, prince, veil... well, according to needs. When I asked where to get an engagement ring, my friend, without hesitation, answered: “Hang up any one and say: I call you an engagement ring!

The idea with the Christmas tree works, I just now compared it and understood it. For 2009, I decided to make the Christmas tree decorations myself. I made a burgundy flower, made a baby doll in the shape of my husband, a photo of our wedding in a tiny frame, and my husband glued together a house, I don’t remember exactly all the toys, some were quite abstract, like some hearts, butterflies... But the facts are as follows: for 2009 a year we got an apartment, a child, a laptop, on the screen of which our wedding photo stood for a long time (until it was replaced by a photo of the child), and for the birth of the child, my husband gave me an orchid in a pot of the same color as the one I made for the Christmas tree.

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Once, for fun, I bought my husband a model of a car that had to be assembled out of paper. We collected it, and then it was New Year’s, so we put it under the Christmas tree, and that year we got a car. The husband has a father with whom they have not communicated for a long time, because he left his mother for another woman. In general, he gave us his car, and the color was the same as the one that my husband assembled. And somehow, yes, everything comes true: whatever you hang on the tree, that’s what will happen. And how many balls there are on the Christmas tree - so many large purchases in NG, the size of the purchase depends on the size of the ball! .

I know what works for the birth of a baby (tested) is a baby stroller, such toys are now sold for the Christmas tree. Just be sure to put a baby doll, a little angel, a small nesting doll, etc. in it so that it’s not empty. You can buy real baby booties, if you want a boy - blue, a girl - pink...

I remembered how after the divorce, some time later, I wrote on New Year’s Eve what kind of man I wanted to meet and I met it! Only the description of appearance coincided exactly the opposite! And for the New Year, she hung up a new baby figurine and became pregnant with her second child! They thought it was a girl, but on New Year’s Eve a friend gave her a figurine of a baby boy with the words: I’m sorry, there’s a boy left and the ultrasound showed a boy.

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I would like to add one more thing to this topic. You can also give people what you want to receive on New Year's Eve! In 2009, as soon as the New Year arrived, my friend and I went out into the street and gave gifts to people we met: I gave 9 sweets (2009) in the shape of a heart, and she gave away 9 hryvnia. So, in the summer I met a guy, and in the fall I married him. and my friend found a very good job and in general money began to appear almost out of nowhere. So this year I will also give out gifts.

Girls, last December I read a similar ritual and this is what coincided: 1. I put a magnet from Turkey, brought to me as a gift, on a branch, and I really was in 3 countries (not Turkey), although there were no prerequisites for this (urgent I made a passport and went!) 2. A figurine of the wedding couple and a ring - and my friend unexpectedly agreed to get married and I was invited! 3. I laid out five thousand dollar bills on branches and received 30,000 rubles as a gift! 4. Blue pacifier – a nephew was born (although all ultrasounds showed a girl)

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31 December, hours at 11 evening on the Christmas tree you need to choose a toy, open it (there is such a piece of iron-clip that connects the toy with a string) and read into the hole ONE deepest desire.

Then close the toy and hang it at the bottom of the tree (remember yours!!!)

Gradually, over New Year's Eve, slowly hang the toy higher and higher, saying the following words:

"Fly, my dream is higher, closer to the Universe, ascend to the stars, get ready for good . "

And here is the most crucial moment: just before going to bed, remove the toy from the Christmas tree, open it and “pour” it into any drink.

The drink can be anything. Drink it and say:

" The request has arrived, so be it! Performance guaranteed ".

Go to bed. Remember the dream you have.

May your wishes come true as soon as possible!

What's hanging on the tree? Ritual on New Year to fulfill wishes
Dreams come true!

This ritual is very simple and effective. In addition to the fact that with its help you will bring the fulfillment of your desires closer, you will also make the celebration of New Year's Eve more interesting. So, all you need are any symbols of your desires. If you want a house, a car, buy a toy house, a car, you can cut out these symbols from magazines. If you need money, you can use real money - and the larger the bills, the better.

For example, last year I hung a toy airplane on the Christmas tree with the name of the country where I wanted to fly on vacation, and in May 2011 I successfully vacationed there.

In general, show your imagination and find the most suitable symbols of your desires. To attract love, you can hang hearts, for marriage - a toy bride and groom, if you dream of a child, you can hang a baby doll on the Christmas tree.

It is best to carry out this ritual directly on New Year's Eve, but if you want to do it earlier, you can hang all the symbols when you decorate the Christmas tree.
And here are the reviews about this ritual that I found on the Internet:

One acquaintance hung up a model of a jeep, a house, a baby doll, money... In April, he ACCIDENTALLY got a fabulously cheap jeep! I bought a plot of land with a house, it is now under construction... My wife is expecting a child...
- My friends and I discussed this and decided to hang: money, a car, a house, a wedding ring, a prince, a veil... well, according to needs. When I asked where to get an engagement ring, my friend, without hesitation, answered: “Hang up any one and say: I call you an engagement ring!

The idea with the Christmas tree works, I just now compared it and understood it. For 2009, I decided to make the Christmas tree decorations myself. I made a burgundy flower, made a baby doll in the shape of my husband, a photo of our wedding in a tiny frame, and my husband glued together a house, I don’t remember exactly all the toys, some were quite abstract, like some hearts, butterflies... But the facts are as follows: for 2009 a year we got an apartment, a child, a laptop, on the screen of which our wedding photo stood for a long time (until it was replaced by a photo of the child), and for the birth of the child, my husband gave me an orchid in a pot of the same color as the one I made for the Christmas tree.

Once, for fun, I bought my husband a model of a car that had to be assembled out of paper. We collected it, and then it was New Year’s, so we put it under the Christmas tree, and that year we got a car. The father, with whom they had not communicated for a long time, died, because he left his mother for another woman. In general, he gave us his car, and the color was the same as the one that my husband assembled. And somehow, yes, everything comes true: whatever you hang on the tree, that’s what will happen. And how many balls there are on the Christmas tree - so many large purchases in NG, the size of the purchase depends on the size of the ball!

To everyone who is single and has not yet met their soulmate Yellow Dog prepares amazing surprises, astrologers assure. If you want to bring the exciting moment closer, then move on to decisive action, and you need to start from the first day, or rather night, of the new 2018.

Love predictions for 2018

Year of the Yellow Dog – great time to strengthen family relations and visits to the registry office. Astrologers assure that even the most avid bachelors themselves will initiate the legalization of their relationship and will happily present their passports for the coveted stamp. But for those who are still looking for their lover, it would be a good idea to learn how to get rid of loneliness and attract love.

Attracting love: rituals

There are several rituals that have been proven over the years to attract love, which are usually performed on New Year’s Eve.

Ritual with a heart

For love to always accompany you, you need to sew a red heart out of fabric, attach a loop to it, and hang it on the New Year tree every year. After Christmas Eve, remove the heart and hide it in a secluded place until the next winter holiday.

Ritual with the doll “Loneliness”

When you can no longer endure loneliness, New Year's Eve is the time to say goodbye to it. It is necessary to sew a rag doll in advance, and to make it you need to use old torn pieces of fabric in dark colors. The fetish should be ugly and frightening, and when you see it you should have a feeling of rejection. On a small piece of paper you need to write “Loneliness” and pin it to the doll’s chest. Spend the evening with this doll, telling her your sorrows and disasters in love relationships, then with the first chimes throw it out the window, at the same time you can cement the untimely separation with your tear.

Feng Shui ritual

To meet your love, you can attract her using Feng Shui. To do this, you need to make a special zone in the southwestern part of your home to attract love. From candles bright color lay out your heart and celebrate the New Year inside it. Please note that all things and furniture in this part of the apartment must be paired.

Signs for attracting love

If the current state of affairs in love affairs does not suit you, it’s time to open the doors to something new and as yet unknown.

  1. A good suggestion is to do a general cleaning of your home on New Year's Eve, but no later than December 30th. By throwing away old things, you thereby cleanse the energy of yourself and your home.
  2. Another sign concerns your dress. If you break it up on New Year's Eve, then get ready for a stormy, but, unfortunately, fleeting romance.
  3. When a stray dog ​​follows you on the street, do not rush to drive it away. Fate itself gives you a sign that on your way you will meet a person who needs your warmth and affection. In the meantime, feed the dog and keep him warm.
  4. Appease the patron of the year with your outfit, it should be elaborate and rich, yellow or blue shades, but always with expensive jewelry.

It is important with what mood you will celebrate the New Year. Let your thoughts and heart be pure, then love will definitely come.