Yellow calla in a pot. Possible problems and difficulties. Selection of planting material

Calla is elegant indoor flower. His appearance is quite interesting. There are different shade variations. This plant is quite popular among domestic flower growers. But culture has certain requirements for living conditions. What is calla lily: cultivation and care, the most common problems - the article will tell you about all this.

It is a calla or zantedeschia, a low plant with heart-shaped leaves. Their color is green, their width is 10 centimeters, and their length varies from 6 to 12 centimeters. Peduncles grow on the stem, smoothly turning at the top into a funnel-shaped flower, consisting of one petal. There is a cob in the middle.

South Africa is recognized as its homeland. In our country, this flower has recently begun to be cultivated. Wild species are often found in marshy areas of Russia. Most often, white calla lilies are grown at home, but there are also colored varieties. For example, pink, purple. The burgundy varieties are also very interesting. Red and yellow callas look noble. There are even black specimens. And this is not the whole palette.

Features of caring for different types of callas

Popularly, calla lilies are often called aronica and calla lily. In nature, there are about 8 species of Zantedeschia. All of them, depending on the type of root zone, are combined into two groups: rhizomatous and tuberous. Tuberous varieties are characterized by different colors. But rhizomatous calla is usually white. It does not have bulbs or tubers in the root zone. This must be taken into account when growing. After all, care will be somewhat different.

For normal flowering of both groups, they need a period of rest, which lasts from 2 to 6 months. White aronics stop growing during the dormant period. But as for the colored specimens, they completely stop growing and shed their leaves. They are stored in the form of a dormant tuber. White varieties prefer moderate temperatures, high humidity and abundant watering. But club representatives will suffer from waterlogging. If overwatered, they rot and die.

The following types of Zantedeschia are used in home breeding:

There are many varieties of Zantedeschia. But among domestic flower growers the following are especially popular:

How to grow callas?

Tuberous zantedeschia is characterized by unpretentiousness. If the tubers are replanted annually in new soil, the crop will not require special attention. It is advisable to plant in big pot. Because such a flower loves space. If the flowerpot is less than 20 centimeters in diameter, you should not expect flowering. Caring for tuberous calla lilies at home involves performing a number of activities. But first, let's look at the landing features.

Planting calla lilies at home

When growing calla lilies: planting and care at home play an important role. In principle, the planting technology is not much different from other tuberous plants. In order for the culture to delight with bright flowering, it is necessary to purchase good material.

The following characteristics speak about its quality:

  • Smooth, large, juicy tubers.
  • The material is packaged in a container filled with sawdust.
  • Each tuber has a bud.
  • The surface of the tuber is uniformly colored and free from defects and damage.

It is better to buy planting material from reliable suppliers. It is advisable that the crop be grown locally climatic conditions. This way there will be no problems with adaptation. For planting, it is better to choose a larger pot. Indoor calla lilies feel good in a flowerpot with a diameter of at least 40 centimeters and a height of 50 centimeters.

If provided good food, optimal temperature and sufficient lighting, the flower will grow quickly.

Before planting, the tubers are soaked in a manganese solution. This helps reduce the chance of rotting. After this procedure, all defects usually become visible. Dry rot and growths are cleaned off with a knife and disinfected with brilliant green. Small tubers are immersed to a depth of up to 6 centimeters, and large ones – up to 12 centimeters. After planting, the container is covered with polyethylene film to create a greenhouse effect.

After landing, you need to decide on a location. Zantedeschia loves bright sunlight. Therefore, it is usually placed on south windows. The optimal daylight hours are 12 hours. If the daylight hours are short, without additional source light is indispensable. The plant is shade-tolerant. Therefore, in principle, it tolerates shading quite well. However, then flowering stops.

Rules for caring for plants

It is important to organize proper care of the crop. Then the flowering will be long. The slightest mistakes immediately affect the condition of the plant.

Caring for colored calla lilies consists of the following:

When growing callas at home in winter, you need to provide them with proper care. To ensure that the plant receives additional sunlight during the cold season, the pot is placed on a southern windowsill. The growing season of tuberous species lasts from March to October.
Then the foliage begins to die and turn yellow. If the variety grows in open ground, for the winter they dig it up, remove all the leaves and wilted inflorescences.

The tubers are washed, dried and stored in paper bags in a dark and cool place where the temperature does not exceed +7 degrees. A pantry will do. But if there is no such facility, it is allowed to store calla lilies at home in a refrigerator drawer. At the same time, it is recommended to check the condition of the tubers weekly. If they wrinkle and dry out, the temperature is too high, and if they rot, the humidity level is too high.

In the first half of March, rested tubers are taken out and planted in a pot with fertile soil. Provide intensive watering. After a while, the Zantedeschia flower will again appear on the window.

Common cultural diseases and measures to combat them

If you provide appropriate care, diseases and pests will not be harmful to the plant.

Otherwise, there is a risk of gray rot. It appears as a dirty gray coating. In this case, it is necessary to treat the bush with a special substance - a fungicide. For example, the drugs Vitaros, Fundazol and Rovral have shown good effectiveness.

Powdery mildew can be suspected by its appearance on leaf blades white plaque. Then they are treated with a manganese solution and colloidal sulfur. A soap and soda solution also helps. From ready funds you should give preference to Topaz, Skor and Vectra.

Anthracnose is also common. It is caused by a fungal infection. It appears as follows. First, brown round spots form on the plant. Then they enlarge and acquire a reddish tone.

If calla lilies are infected with root rot, this becomes immediately visible on the leaves and flowers. They wither and dry up. Bacterial rot is characterized by darkening of the leaf plate and inflorescences. And over time, without treatment, it leads to decay of the culture.

Zantedeschia is a very elegant flower. The culture is easy to care for. The main thing is that all planting rules are followed and optimal conditions are created. Achieve abundant flowering even a novice gardener can do it. Callas are grown in open ground and at home in pots. Many useful information in the article: .

Calla - a flower belonging to the Aeroidaceae family, its homeland is considered South America. By its nature, the flower is considered unpretentious to the place of growth. In addition, many people think that calla lilies are one of the most exquisite and very beautiful flowers. The calla flower grows well at home; as for nature, both wild nature and river banks and even marshy areas are suitable.

Today, more than 100 varieties of calla flower are known, all of them differ in the shape and shade of the bud. Florists divide calla lilies into wetland callas and terrestrial callas. Wetland callas - grow in wildlife and are more common, color of buds white. Ground callas - in everyday life are rare, and the lily is a type of white calla lily.

Since the calla flower symbolizes love, florists add them to wedding bouquets.

Calla flower description

The calla flower has a thick root system that is located on the surface of the soil. The leaf blade of calla lilies is oval-heart-shaped, single in arrangement. The leaf blade is thick and shiny, its length is from 6-14 cm, and its width is from 5-12 cm. The leaf is pointed at the top and resembles an arrowhead. The color of the leaves is rich green. In some species, white inclusions are found on the leaf plate. On a thick vertical stem there are tall ears, which are formed due to small unisexual flowers. The flowers themselves are surrounded by a veil - this is a funnel-shaped bract, in nature with inside has a white color. A outer side the bedspreads are light green in color.

Under natural conditions, calla lilies begin to bloom at the end of May and last until mid-August. The fruits of calla lilies are bright red berries that form a cylindrical cob. Their ripening period is 30 days after the end of the flowering period.

Calla flower care

An integral part for the growth of calla lilies at home is regular watering and fertilizers, it is recommended to apply once a month. It is best if you plant the flower in a small pot or container.

Temperature conditions for calla lilies

To grow calla lilies at home, you must adhere to optimal temperature 22-23°C. Make sure that the room temperature does not fall below 18°C, since calla lilies are heat-loving plants and do not tolerate cold well.

Humidity for calla lilies

High humidity for calla lilies is optimal. When planting a flower in a pot, it is better to use a pot with a tray. It will be possible to add additional water, which will evaporate over time and thereby saturate the air with moisture.

Please note that the calla flower light-loving plant and feels the lack of light in winter time(recommended in spring time gradually accustom the flower as daylight increases). Does not tolerate drafts.

Watering and spraying calla lilies

Callas are moisture-loving plants; they need to be watered regularly and often. Do not allow the soil to dry out, otherwise this will contribute to the manifestation of diseases and death of the plant.

During the growing season, the plant must maintain moisture at the same level. Only when ripe we reduce the amount of watering (we water when top layer dry).

Calla lily leaves should be wiped regularly with a damp cloth.

Calla lily pruning

Methods for propagating calla flowers

To propagate calla lilies, three methods are used:

  1. The first method is propagation by tubers. It involves separating small nodules from the mother root. Planting material can be purchased at a flower shop. The daughter nodule is 0.5-1.5 cm in size. For planting, it is recommended to grow it, that is, planting material must be planted in nutrient soil to a depth of 4 cm. Optimal time The year for planting tubers is April. The temperature in the room should be 20-22°C.
  2. The second method is propagation by shoots. At the core this method involves separating shoots from the main plant and rooting them in nutritious soil. In the future it will be necessary to transplant them into nice pot with drainage.
  3. The third method is propagation by seeds. The downside is that these seeds have very low germination rate. Before planting, it is necessary to soak the calla seeds for 6 hours in a solution that stimulates their growth. You need to remove them from the solution and place them on a damp cloth, leave them for two weeks in a warm place. Observe that shoots will appear on the seeds during this time. In this form they can be planted in a pot.

Calla lily transplant

As soon as the plant gets stronger, it is advisable to perform the first transplant. It is necessary to prepare a tall pot with drainage in advance (put sand on the bottom), and pour soil on top. Then make a hole in the soil and plant the sprout in it. Before transplanting, treat the root system of the sprout with drugs (biostimulants). During this procedure, be extremely careful not to damage anything. young plant.

At first, water the transplanted young plant with distilled water (in small quantities). For quick adaptation, you can add peat-humic fertilizer during the watering process.

If you bought a calla plant in a store, then when you bring it into the house, it is recommended to replant it in a spacious pot. Optimal conditions This is slightly acidic soil for growth. Composition: a little sand, peat and deciduous soil. In autumn, in November, it is recommended to replant adult plants.

Feeding calla lilies

On year-round flowering feeding influences. It is recommended to fertilize from January to March, applying fertilizer once a week. Thus, for full flowering, the plant will be saturated required quantity micro- and macroelements.

Calla lily fertilizer

Fertilizers for calla lilies are solutions that stimulate flowering and growth (these include potassium nitrate superphosphate). In specialized flower shops you can find special feeding packages containing microelements and nutrients. It is also recommended to feed calla lilies with organic fertilizers once a year.

This is an ornamental deciduous and beautifully flowering plant of the aroid family. Initially growing wild, it moved into gardens and then into the homes of flower growers. High adaptive properties make it possible to grow calla lilies on personal plot, and in the home.

The basis for the well-being of calla lilies is the root tuber and rhizome, the underground parts. It is from them that the vegetative green part of the plant and flower stalks grow. With favorable development of greenery in the ground, growth occurs and new generative shoots are formed. A plant with a pronounced cyclical growth pattern - a period of rest after flowering is necessary. The timing of flowering indoors can be adjusted.

Planting calla lilies

When purchasing a flowering or ready-to-bloom plant, carefully transfer it to another pot (optional) or to open ground. At the same time, they try to preserve as large a lump of earth as possible and not injure the roots.

Landing method

The most important thing in the planting process is not to deepen the underground part. This also applies to transshipment of a newly acquired plant, and planting part of a rhizome or tuber in open ground or in a pot.

Boarding time

If there is vegetative mass (green above-ground part), the plant is planted immediately after purchase, regardless of the time of year.

When planting tubers and rhizomes, they are guided by the desired flowering time.


The soil chosen is nutritious and moisture-absorbing, but not prone to compaction. The soil reaction, slightly acidic or acidic, is ensured by a sufficient amount of peat in the mixture; nutritional value is provided by rotted compost, as well as pre-filling with minerals. phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In nature, calla lilies grow especially well in peat bogs, and not in moss, so when adding sphagnum for looseness and moisture retention, use a minimum amount of it, and it is better to replace it with vermiculite.

Important: When preparing the mixture yourself, make sure that worms and other soil inhabitants do not get into the pot. Loosening the soil with worms is useful only in open ground. In conditions of limited space, this can cause damage to the roots and depletion of the plant. Very helpful garden soil disinfect by heating in the oven or microwave.

For cultivation at home, species and varieties of root-tuberous, rather than rhizomatous calla lilies are preferentially selected, because they require less feeding area and have a more compact bush.

Place and light

The lighting must be good. Midday shading is required only in summer.


Callas do not tolerate excessively dry air around them. If the correct watering regime is observed, spraying is not required, because... This creates a favorable microclimate.


In summer the air temperature is moderate, 18 – 24 degrees. In winter, a decrease to 10 - 14 degrees is necessary. When forced, first 16 - 18, then increases to average summer, and when the flowers open, it decreases again.


Callas are moisture-loving plants. Overdrying the soil is unacceptable; this provokes the death of the above-ground part of the plant, deformation of the peduncle, and lack of flowering. The soil must be constantly moist, so at home, provide sufficient watering during the active growing season. During the dormant period, while maintaining the underground part and part of the greenery, watering is reduced. The dug up planting material is not moistened before planting in the soil.

Top dressing

Callas are planted in rich soil and a large container, which provide nutrition to the plant during the first year. In the absence of a transfer to next year feeding begins. Organic fertilizers alternate with mineral ones during the active period of plant life.

Important: with the predominance of nitrogen fertilizers, the green part grows, and few flower stalks appear. With an excess of nitrogen, necrosis forms at the edges of the leaves, which significantly reduces the decorative value of calla lilies. A minimum of nitrogen fertilizers should be applied, and only rotted manure and compost should be used in the soil.

In a potted culture, the plant needs to be replanted often, preferably annually, due to the growth of the root tuber and depletion of the soil.

Transplant methods

At the end of the dormant period, the root tubers are inspected, dried and rotten parts are removed, and the sections are treated with charcoal. Planting material is placed in fresh soil, providing a feeding area for one bush of at least 30x30cmx30cm. Planted shallowly to avoid rotting of the underground part.


Vegetative propagation is also combined with transplantation - dividing the tuber and rhizome.

Reproduction methods

  • The seed method is used by experimentation enthusiasts and breeders. Seeds are purchased in the store or grown on a peduncle. To determine germination, they are soaked for several hours. The floating seeds are removed, the rest are germinated in very moist soil under a film and in the light. After germination, the weakest ones are gradually discarded. After a month they are planted separately in nutrient soil. Before the formation of a tuber or a sufficiently developed rhizome, the pot should be small, transplants should be frequent, and there should be no dormant period. Blooms after 3 years, with sufficient root development. Seedlings do not always bloom according to the parent plant. These plants are commercially called calla mix.
  • Roots are divided during annual replanting or when planting for forcing. Grown-up children and shoots with buds are removed from the underground part. The connector sites are processed, and the divisions are planted in individual containers. Grow as adult plants.


Flowering time

In open ground, the plant blooms in late spring or early summer. At home, flowering can be achieved at any time of the year. It is important to take into account that approximately 14 - 16 days after planting the root part, the above-ground part appears, it develops for about a month, then a peduncle appears, reaching the opening period in 2 - 4 weeks.

Flowering duration and flower shape

On one peduncle there are from 1 to 3 flowers that live up to 1.5 months. Decorative effect of an inconspicuous small-flowered inflorescence in the shape of a spadix yellow gives a chic cover, perianth. Its color can be different, it depends on the variety, often with a satin tint.

After flowering

When flowering ends, the flower stalks are cut off, preventing the formation of seeds. The plant grows for another month as usual, increasing its green mass. Then watering is reduced and the temperature is lowered. At this time, the calla leaves wilt.

Important: You should absolutely not cut off the leaves - they should die off naturally, directing the supply of accumulated substances to the underground part of the plant.

Types and varieties

The most common classification is by type of underground part. There are 2 of them: root tuber and rhizome.

  1. Rhizomatous callas in culture are represented by one species - Ethiopian calla. This is a large plant with a high, up to one and a half meters, peduncle and a white inflorescence cover 12 - 15 cm in diameter. Grown in greenhouses for cutting. The only one convenient for home grown low-growing variety- Pearls. Varieties with green perianth have been bred (Nikolai, SchoeneZweibruckerin, Green Goddess)
  2. Root-tuberous plants are sometimes called bulbous plants. But the tuber has no scales; it resembles a potato rather than an onion. Two species of tuberous callas have been cultivated: Calla Rehmann and Calla Eliot.

K. Remanna reaches 70 cm in height, a blanket with a diameter of about 10 cm in lilac-pink tones. Varieties:

  • Chameleon (peach bedspread with golden tints),
  • Evening (the bedspread is dark purple, almost black, pearlescent),
  • Indian Summer (blanket bright burgundy)

C. Eliot slightly lower, usually 40 - 50 cm, the diameter of the bedspread is about 8 cm. Feature - often the outer and inner layer of the bedspread different colors, there is mottling on the leaves. Varieties:

  • Yellow Corner – perianth bright yellow, leaves with yellow specks;
  • Vermeer – the outer layer of the bract is white, the inner layer is violet-lilac, the edge is wavy, the specks of leaves are white;
  • Black-Eyed Beauty – a bract of a yellow-cream color, lemon in places, creates a dark funnel from which the spadix grows.

Diseases and pests

Most dangerous disease, leading to the death of the entire plant - root rot. To prevent the appearance of tubers and rhizomes, they are planted shallowly, top part The soils are constantly loosened carefully.

With a lack of watering appears spider mite. Regular and abundant watering will allow you to avoid it.

When air stagnates and the green part is excessively moistened, it may occur. powdery mildew. If there is a threat, spray with vitriol and cut off the affected leaves.

Calla lilies – perennials, well renewed during the growth process. In a potted culture, with timely planting, it grows for many years.

Is calla lily poisonous?

All parts of the plant, especially root system, poisonous. Care should be taken to keep children and animals away from contact with the plant.

Why doesn't calla lilies bloom?

There are several reasons:

  • the division planted in the pot has not yet reached flowering size.
  • calla is in a dormant period.
  • the plant received an excessive dose of nitrogen fertilizers.
  • the root tubers have not divided for a long time, the vegetative mass has grown, thickened, and the plant does not have enough nutritional area.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry?

Most likely, the calla has entered a period of rest and its above-ground part is dying off. Otherwise, this is a sign of improper care - lack of timely soil moisture or an indicator of root rotting from planting too deeply.

Why do calla lilies “cry”?

This is a normal phenomenon - this is how callas react to increased air humidity and approaching rain. It’s not for nothing that calla lilies are called a barometer plant.

How does the plant overwinter?

At the owner's discretion. When forcing flowering - in a warm room with lighting and watering. During the dormant period - in a cool place with or without rare watering.

This interesting plant can decorate any interior. We wish you success in growing beautiful calla lilies!

Appearance spider mites, living on the underside of leaves, is favored by dry air and high temperatures. They are indicated by yellowish specks protruding on the leaf blades, and later by extensive dried and discolored areas. Control measures - treatment with Akarin, Molniya, Vertimek, Fitoverm, etc.

Calla lilies are also a traditional greenhouse crop. which makes it possible to cut inflorescences in winter.

The advantage of calla lilies is the plasticity of this plant. Depending on the characteristics of the calla lilies, the time of their planting and the dormant period, flowering can be obtained in different months.

Caring for potted calla lilies throughout the year

Natural places for wild calla lilies to grow are floodplains in regions with a warm and mild climate. In our latitudes, calla lilies bloom in the garden in July-August.

Calla - culture " short day" During the formation of a peduncle in calla lilies, it requires long-term lighting (at least 12 hours). And then the calla is provided with a shorter daylight hours (at least 8 hours, but no more than 10 hours).

To successfully cultivate this exotic plant flower growers need to remember that callas must have a pronounced dormant period.

In our Russian conditions, the dormant period for plants is winter.

At this time, I water and feed potted callas not as much or as often as in other seasons. I do this so that the leaves of the plant remain green and juicy without experiencing a lack of water.

In the remaining months of the year, calla lilies in a pot require a balanced combination of organic and mineral fertilizers.


It is recommended to replant the feces every spring at the end of the dormant period. Choose a pot for calla lilies that is wide but not too deep, placing expanded clay or other stones at the bottom as drainage. The layer thickness must be at least 5 centimeters.

After transplantation, the temperature of the plant is gradually increased, and after a couple of weeks active watering and fertilization of the soil begin. If you carefully pinch out the young shoots of the plant and replace the top layer of soil, it can live for more than two years without replanting.


In the wild, kala grows in swampy areas, which is why it requires regular and abundant watering. If you want to grow kala in natural conditions, it is better to place it next to a pond or other constant source water and moisture.

During the flowering period, water the feces every day, and during the plant's rest period it is enough to do this only once every 10 days. It is recommended to water callas only warm water and carefully along the edge of the pot.

Calla loves humid air(70-80%), so spray the plant generously about twice a day, thoroughly wipe the leaves and keep the pot in a tray with wet drainage - expanded clay or moss.

Colored callas need less moisture; they just need to gently wipe the green mass, excluding spraying, since water can flow to the roots, easily causing them to rot.


Calla is a plant that constantly needs active sunlight, but it is also necessary to protect the plant from direct sunlight. In the absence of light for a long time, the feces may refuse to bloom, giving growth only to the stems of the plant. White callas need bright lighting even during the dormant period; colored callas with a lack of light can lose color and fade.


They don’t like white and colored callas high temperatures. They provoke the development of pests on the green surface of the plant. During the ripening period, it is better to place the flower in a room with a slight difference in daytime temperatures in the range from 18 to 22 °C. After flowering, it is better to place the plant in a cool room (10-13°C) and give it a rest for 1.5 - 2 months to restore the green mass.


Cala propagates by separating newly emerged bulbs from an already mature plant. The bulb must be planted in well-drained, loose soil, deepened into a small hole (the depth should be at least 10 centimeters). If you plan to plant several bulbs at once, it is recommended to do this at a distance of 12 centimeters from each other to give the calla room for growth and development. The plant must be watered abundantly and placed in a warm but not hot room, excluding direct hit sun rays on it.

Calla is magnificent,

Calla photo

Calla - home care

Callas can be called one of the most beautiful and sophisticated indoor plants. There are callas different sizes and shades, which is why they are very often used to create exquisite wedding bouquets. An unusual plant was brought to Europe from South Africa.

How to care for callas

Callas do not require careful care and constant attention. However, the plant will bloom profusely only if you create it comfortable conditions for growth and development. Remember to water your callas regularly and use flowering plant fertilizer if necessary. Do not expect that a plant native to South Africa will tolerate drought well. If the roots are constantly lacking moisture, this will affect appearance call. And it will take a lot of time to restore the health of the flower. Callas grow best in places with high humidity. 24/7 access to moisture not only helps healthy growth flowers, but also their reproduction. When growing such a plant at home, you should place it in the kitchen, where all year round increased humidity is observed.

Because of overwatering Major diseases of calla lilies occur, such as anthracnose, sulfur rot or root rot. Elimination of diseases is possible only as a result of antibacterial treatment and normalization of calla lilies conditions (temperature, humidity, lighting, etc.).

Useful substances for callas

Please note that growing callas outdoors is much easier than in an apartment. The fact is that on the site the plant can receive nutrients from the soil at any time. As for growing a flower in a pot, fertilizers will definitely be needed. However, you should not overdo it with feeding - nutrients in excessive quantities can act as poison. Therefore, it is initially worth determining whether it is worth using fertilizers at the moment, and only after that start preparing a solution for irrigation. If you want to do without chemicals, you need to regularly change the soil in the pot, but you should do this no more than once a year.

Unfortunately, changing the soil every year is rarely enough to ensure abundant flowering of callas. The constant release of flower stalks can be ensured by timely feeding of the plant.

If the calla lily currently looks good (there are several flowers, and the leaves are evenly green along the entire length), then it does not need fertilizer. Excess bait will immediately affect the appearance of the flower - the leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry out at the edges. It is worth noting that the amount of fertilizer required by callas is inversely proportional to the amount of sunlight the flower receives. That is, if calla lilies are constantly exposed to direct sunlight, it may grow normally without various plant chemicals.

How to grow calla lilies?

The easiest way to grow calla lilies is through a bulb. Buy bulbs different types Calla lilies can be found at any flower shop.

Before planting the bulb, you should inspect it for damage or fungus. If any deficiencies are found, you should definitely disinfect the calla lilies, for example, with a solution of potassium permanganate. Once the bulb develops into a full-fledged flower, it will immediately begin to produce new bulbs. Their number will be limited only by the amount of free space in the pot.

Before planting the bulb, it is necessary to drain the soil to prevent the possibility of stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots. Calla lilies need to be grown in a warm room, not exposed to frost. Otherwise, the plant may die.

Another way to grow calla lilies is through seeds. Gardeners claim that plants grown from seeds are much more beautiful than flowers formed from a bulb. However, this method of propagation is used much less frequently because it requires much more time. Initially, the seeds need to be germinated by wrapping them in a damp cloth. After a few days, sprouts should appear from the seeds, then you need to plant them in pots. And only after the young plants have grown stronger can each of them be planted in a separate pot.

Callas are the best flowers to decorate your home

Many housewives choose calla lilies for decoration. own home due to the abundant flowering of the plant. At proper care and timely feeding, a small calla bush can have about 14 peduncles. Each of them will delight others with their beauty for a month and a half. Timely feeding Calla lilies will ensure year-round flowering.

It is better to keep callas in a place protected from drafts. The period of most abundant watering is spring-summer. In September, it is worth reducing the amount of moisture consumed by the plant, and from spring, gradually accustom the plant to sunlight and bait.