Essays on the topic my city. Children's stories "The city where I live" Video

Even the streets have their own memory. They reliably store the footsteps of people who have long since died down, conversations that led nowhere, and dreams that did not come true. The streets remember the fun, the rays of the most unforgettable sultry summer in life, hopes and successes. An essay on the topic “My City” is mandatory in the school curriculum. And every time teachers have to read the same thing. Maybe we should offer something new at least once?

What are they writing about?

Essays on the topic “My City” mainly describe local attractions, famous personalities and add a little history. The most creative essays are obtained when reviews of foreign tourists or the uniqueness of the location are added to all this settlement. Without a doubt, each of these details is important for writing an essay on the topic “My City”.

However, you don’t need to limit yourself to only them. You can add a few suggestions about the weather, which makes the city look better. Also a good solution would be to add emotions, be it nostalgia or the joy of living here.

How to write interestingly?

To make an essay on the topic “My City” interesting, you need to write about what is interesting to the author himself. For example, if a student likes that in his city there is a street with old houses, let him write about it, clarifying why he likes such a place, what feelings it evokes. If you like the fact that many people live here, let the story be about it. And even if the author only likes the presence of an old library, let the text talk about it.

An essay on the topic “My city” is not only a list of attractions and a retelling historical facts. But also revealing the uniqueness and originality of the locality.

Favorite city

The locality that a student can write about does not have to be his hometown. It could also be a place he's only been to once. An essay on the topic “My favorite city” may have the following content.

“One day I came to the city of N. Although I was there for only a few days, I will always remember it. There was none of the ugly bustle to which residents of large cities have long been accustomed. There were no hours-long traffic jams or large crowds of people at bus stops. It seemed that everything was frozen in anticipation of something beautiful. People walked leisurely through the streets, smiled cheerfully and were in no hurry. Laughter could be heard from the small and cozy coffee shops; the smell of fresh baked goods and aromatic coffee with milk was in the air. Everyone here was enjoying life and being polite.

The narrow streets are surrounded by flower beds bright colors, in the city park there was beautiful lake, and the alleys simply shone with cleanliness. On central square The ancient theater building stood majestically, street musicians played, and tourists took pictures at the monument to the great commander. N struck me with his measured flow of life. And if we talk about our favorite city, it will undoubtedly be N.”

Little homeland

But most often, students describe the place where they were born and live. An essay on the topic “My hometown” will have a completely different content.

“I love my hometown. Even if nothing changes here and nothing interesting happens, this is the place where I live. Every day here is similar to the previous one. The same bends of the streets, the same cars and the same candles of high-rise buildings. In the center are the main government agencies, opposite which there is a monument famous writer. The city park no longer has any attractions, but people still come there to sit on the old benches and admire nature. On one of the central streets there are many shops and beauty salons; on the outskirts there is a sugar factory.

This is an ordinary provincial town. The same as thousands of others. But only here can I feel at home, comfortable and good, because this is my hometown. Here I know every street, turn and intersection. This is a place that holds memories of my childhood. And although this city is a little boring, for me it is the best.”


Using exactly the same schemes, you can write a mini-essay on the topic “My City”. School work- these are not only tasks in language or literature, but also great opportunity give free rein to your imagination. The main thing is to remember that in the story you must indicate the name of the city and make brief description, and the rest is at the discretion of the author. You can, as in the examples, be guided by emotions or simply highlight key characteristic of the settlement as a whole.

It is customary to start this kind of work with the name of the city, but there will be nothing wrong if it is mentioned at the end. You can write where and what attraction is located, but if you simply list them, the essay will not lose its meaning.

Any creative task should begin with sketching. For example, you can write in advance what is interesting in the city, and next to it make a list of things that the author himself likes. This will help structure the information, and then you will get a good essay. There is no need to chase standards. Just as the streets keep the secrets of their inhabitants, so the inhabitants of the city must write something special about them.

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Today we will learn how tell about your city on English . This topic may not seem very important, but it is not. In any language, you must, first of all, be able to introduce yourself to others, create a mini-story about your occupation, home and location. The latter is often associated with the city where the speaker has the pleasure of living.

What do you need to know to talk about the city in English?







fire station

fire department

pet shop

pet store






butcher shop











shoe shop

shoe store



clothes shop

clothing store

hardware store

computer store










petrol station

gas station



car park





grocery store





police station

police station






An example of how to talk about a city in English

Let's look at a small example of how you can tell about the city in English.


I live in Moscow and it is an exciting city. This place is full of energy and quite motivating for achieving any goals. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living here. Let's start with the positive points. There are a lot of sights and you may admire them every weekend. The city impresses by its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are a lot of shop centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms, etc. In other words, you have all you might need for a quality life here. However, such life is not cheap. As any other mega polis, Moscow offers a variety of opportunities for development but you need to be active to get at least one of them.

Traffic jams at rush hour is a big problem. Very often people spend more than 1-2 hours to get to work and back home. This also affects the environment. But what to do? We need to choose between a calm place with ideal nature and a busy fast-developing city. I seem to choose the second one and have never regretted.


I live in Moscow and it is an impressive city. This place is filled with energy and it motivates you to achieve any goals. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to living here. Let's start with the positives. There are many attractions and you can admire them every weekend. The city impresses with its architecture, parks and entertainment. There's a lot here shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms and so on. In other words, you have everything you need to live a quality life here. However, such a life is not cheap. Like many other megacities, Moscow offers a variety of development opportunities, but you need to be active to get at least one of them. Back

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    1 option

    I love my city. I was born here, my mother and grandfather are from here. My relatives and beloved friends live here.

    My city is especially beautiful in the spring. The delicate green leaves and soft young grass on the lawns make it young, cheerful and somehow shiny. The sun floods the clean, wide streets, is reflected in multi-colored shop windows, and sparkles in the windows of slender high-rise buildings. The city is blossoming. Sounds like spring minibus taxis and on buses the names of microdistricts: Tsvetochny, Goluboy, Shirokiy... Bright colorful signs of shops, boutiques, salons do not let passers-by get bored. The city is being built. Every day you can see something new. Houses and churches are being built, architectural monuments are being restored. The city changes every year. Today it no longer resembles my city at all. early childhood- he grows up with me, but still remains as dear and close as a friend whom you have known for many, many years. My city loves me.

    Option 2

    The city in which I live has a very long, rich and heroic history. This is a city of ships and anchors, a city of salty wind and spacious embankments.

    I live in a city glorified in many wonderful songs, sung in the books of such famous writers as Alexander Green, Konstantin Paustovsky. My favorite writer Vladislav Krapivin also wrote a lot about him. Often, walking along familiar streets, I imagine myself as the hero of another Krapivinsk book. After all, I am the same tanned boy with scratched knees and sun-bleached hair, like many of the tomboys who have left the pages of Krapivin’s works.

    My city is very beautiful. He has his own character. At first glance, he seems serious and unapproachable, like an honored warrior in a ceremonial uniform, whose chest is hung with ringing orders and medals. But in fact, like all real soldiers, my city is cheerful and very kind, because good and sympathetic people live in it. Very, very many good people!

    You probably guessed where I live? My city bears the glorious name of Sevastopol. And I love him very much.

    Option 3

    The city where I live cannot be found on geographical map. It stands on the shore of a quiet blue lake. How many inhabitants does it have? More in the evening than in the morning, more in summer than in winter. The main street is lined with tall palm trees on both sides. When townspeople walk along it, palm leaves rustle, bringing coolness. If you raise your head, you can see in the distance snowy mountains, shrouded in a gray haze. Even on the hottest summer day, the sun does not burn - it gently warms. Cars are prohibited in the center, and therefore the air here is very fresh. The most wonderful thing about my city is the buildings. Residential buildings can be distinguished by their bright roofs: they are green, blue, red, yellow. There is a crystal clear fountain in front of the city hall. The snow-white city theater stands at the beginning of the alley. This is where townspeople make appointments, and all tourist routes start from here. The most popular is around our famous lake. Guests from distant countries are surprised that even on the cloudiest day the rocky bottom is visible through the greenish water. Some tourists prefer a trip to the mountains.

    It’s not for nothing that our city is called a “pearl”. If a city can be kind, then our Zurbagan is precisely a kind city: both old-timers and foreigners feel at home in it. We, Zurbagans, know how to have fun, but work also progresses in our in capable hands. Many city dwellers may say: “We are happy because we live in the most beautiful city on Earth.”

    This is the kind of city my fantasy created. Wonderful, isn't it?..

    In the morning I open heavy door front door and go out into the street. I hear the noise of the highway, the bells of trams, and I see hurrying passers-by. The gloomy sky hung low over the city. It's about to rain. I walk around the endless row of overflowing trash cans, cross the street and go to school. This city was probably also imagined by someone?

    Do you like the city where you live? I like!

    I live in the best city in the world. Because he is beautiful, he is dear. This is where I was born and raised. My friends and parents are here. It was in this city that I took my first steps, said my first words, saw myself for the first time. loved one on earth: mother. Every street, every house is familiar to me here. My city has the most beautiful sunsets; they are either bright scarlet, soft pink, or variegated orange. The most charming blooms. The most blue sky, which is covered with soft snow-white clouds, similar to cotton candy. The greenest grass where my friends and I ran barefoot as children. The most bright sun, which woke me up in the mornings all my life with its warm, gentle rays. If here it's raining, then this is not just water from the sky, this is the kind of weather that makes you think about the meaning of life, rain, knocking on the windowsills cozy houses and apartments, plays a melody that touches the soul. In my city in the morning everyone is rushing about their business, with a smile on their face, everyone is happy about the new day and, in anticipation of good luck, they walk and smile at passers-by.

    There are so many memories associated with my city. It was here that I heard the school bell for the first time; it was in this city that I learned about the world. If I go somewhere, then I really miss home, school, local streets, parks, which were a lot of fun to walk in.

    I don’t know how you can not love the city with which your entire past is connected.

    Many people complain that they live in a dirty city, where there is nowhere to walk, where there are many dangerous places, they talk about it with indignation. But they don’t think about who is to blame for this. People spoil themselves environment with your ignorance, your laziness.

    They don't want to fix anything, organize voluntary groups that will help keep the city clean. People simply complain about the city's shortcomings, but don't want to change anything. You just have to think about who is to blame for everything. And start correcting your mistakes before it’s too late. And only then will the city begin to flourish and delight all its residents with its appearance and good ecology.

    It doesn’t matter whether your city is big or small, the only thing that matters is what kind of people live in it. And what desire they have to improve their place of residence. And if you try, then any city can be turned into the most charming, cleanest, most cheerful city in the world. It is only important to understand this and set such a goal.

    No matter what they say about my city, for me it is always the best in the world. And I am doing and will do everything possible to make him better and better. But, I think that you just need to take care of what you have. And love your city not for its size and population, but for the fact that it is your native land. For those pleasant, positive, unforgettable moments that you experienced in this city. Because your family is here. Because you were born here and spent best years your life - childhood!

    Ulyana Semenishcheva

    We are in kindergarten We publish the magazine "Pochitayka" quarterly. In it we publish various children's stories, run a section “children speak”, all kinds of games, quizzes, etc.

    Our city of Kogalym turned 30 years old, we decided to devote one of the issues to this topic.

    Found a lot interesting information, and of course we asked our kids what they think about the city in which they live.

    Our city is called Kogalym, it’s very nice. When it gets warm, I like to ride a bike around the central square of our city. There is a real big steam locomotive and a very beautiful fountain. I like to admire them.

    Also, there is a church in our city. I love going there, it’s beautiful and interesting. Near the church there is a monument with many books. Our city is very beautiful, and I really like it!

    Timofey Ryabinin, 6 years old.

    I live in the city of Kogalym. Kogalym is a small, calm city. My favorite place There is a museum in the city. There are entertaining games, I love the game where you have to catch frogs, and there is a 5D cinema. My grandparents live here in Kogalym. I love going to visit them. I love walking around the city in the evening when it is dark and there are a lot of lights. There is a park in our city military equipment, we often go there for a walk and take pictures. In the summer I like to ride my bike along Rowan Boulevard, it’s very beautiful there. I like my city, it is beautiful, cheerful, loved!

    Irina Vorobyova, 5 years old.

    The city where I live is called Kogalym. Our city is the kindest, goodness has always bloomed in it. There are many in our city interesting places. For my sister’s birthday, we went to Metro, where I liked jumping on the trampolines. We have a museum in Kogalym, there are many different interesting things there. I really like going to the Yantar cinema, they show cartoons there. In the summer we have an amusement park in our city, and it’s a lot of fun. I also like to go to the military equipment park, there are tanks and cars there. In the summer we go to the beach, where we can make sand castles. I love going with my dad to his place fire department, there are red and white cars.

    Our city is the most beautiful, it has many interesting and beautiful places. I love Kogalym very much! Lev Semenishchev, 6 years old


    Kogalym is my favorite city,

    You are standing in a harsh land.

    Dear childhood city,

    We are all proud of you!

    You are beautiful, young

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my city!

    How could you not wish

    Get rich and flourish!

    We will become adults

    We will glorify you too!

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