DIY burlap juicer. How to make an apple juicer from various materials with your own hands. The simplest design of a homemade crusher

The question of whether a juicer can be made with one’s own hands is primarily of interest to owners of country houses and personal plots, who annually harvest fruits and berries, which must be quickly processed and stored. Adding even more relevance to this issue is the fact that juices obtained independently are much tastier and healthier than those sold in stores.

Today, purchasing a juicer of any capacity does not present any particular problems, but such equipment is not cheap. That is why it is advisable to make a juice press with your own hands, especially since the design of such devices is not very complex.

How do juice extraction devices work?

Before wondering how to make a juicer with your own hands, you should understand the principle by which it works. To extract juice from fruits or berries, you need to apply pressure to them. In my own way design and the principle of operation of the juicer can be of the following types:

  • mechanical devices;
  • hydraulic;
  • electrohydraulic;
  • pneumatic.

The simplest in design are mechanical type juicers, which are most often made by home craftsmen with their own hands. The operating principle of such devices, which do not differ high performance, but quite suitable for household use, is based on the fact that the raw material is acted upon by a piston, the pressure on which is exerted using a screw mechanism. Fruits and berries are loaded into a perforated basket, through holes in the walls of which the finished juice flows into a storage tray.

The basket of screw presses can be made from sheet metal stainless steel or hardwood. Wooden baskets are drainage grates consisting of two halves connected to each other using metal hoops. Screw presses of the design described above can even be used for pressing apple juice. In this case, the raw materials are loaded into the basket of such a juicer in finely ground form.

How to make a juice press with your own hands

As mentioned above, the simplest in design and, accordingly, the easiest to manufacture are mechanical presses for squeezing juice. To make your own apples, on which you can process other fruit and berry raw materials, you will need the following consumables and tools:

  • stainless steel sheet;
  • channel or square metal pipe cross-section 40x40 and wall thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 16 mm;
  • a rod with a thread on its surface;
  • screw;
  • board 30 mm thick;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian and electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Before you start making a homemade apple juicer, it is advisable to find drawings or drawings of such a device on the Internet or draw them yourself. It would also be useful to watch a video on making a juicer, which shows this process in all its details.

Juicer press options

In the upper part of the resulting press frame, it is necessary to drill a hole into which a nut for the screw mechanism of the device is welded. Depending on whether you need a large or small juice press, select the dimensions of the perforated basket and frame, which performs the function load-bearing element the entire juicer.

As a piston through which the screw mechanism will exert pressure on the raw materials loaded into the basket, you can use wood board(a circle of the appropriate diameter is cut out of it).

Wooden piston Stainless steel piston PTFE piston

" Apples

Apple trees periodically provide amateur gardeners with such a large-scale harvest that there is nowhere to put the excess fruit. In addition to jam and compotes, there remains one more option for processing fruits - juice. But many people do not get involved with this type of workpiece due to the high labor intensity of the process. Conventional household juicers simply cannot cope with large volumes of raw materials, and buying professional device Not everyone is ready for the season. But there is an excellent option - quickly and efficiently squeezing juice from apples using a home-made press.

To make a standard press yourself, you do not need special skills or drawings. Anyone can measure, saw off a strip, hammer a nail or tighten a nut if desired. It is not necessary to own a welding machine; any design can be reproduced in wood using ordinary gardening tools .

To make a home press from tools, you will need a hacksaw for wood and metal (or a grinder), a welding machine, screwdrivers, pliers, and a hammer. As for materials, the following are mainly used:

  • metal channel;
  • wooden blocks, slats, boards;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts;
  • tank or barrel, steel sheet stainless steel;
  • bench screw and nut, valve, threaded rod or jack - depending on the chosen design;
  • durable fabric with good drainage properties for apple bags: calico, cotton, jute burlap, linen.

It is better to make wooden elements from oak, birch or beech, since materials from biologically active tree species (spruce, pine) can change the taste of the juice. Under no circumstances should drainage grates be made from chipboard: fine dust impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde glue will get into the product.

Types of designs: diagrams and drawings

The main thing in the press is a solid base and working mechanism.

Operating principle of the device:

  • layer by layer through drainage grates prepared raw materials for pressing are stacked(chopped apples) in fabric bags;
  • by means of a mechanism oppression falls from above and presses the juice.

A good press squeezes out 65-70% of the juice, leaving an almost dry pulp. It’s quite possible to make one with your own hands.

Homemade press designs differ in the operating principle of the main mechanism:

  1. Screw.
  2. Jack based: mechanical and hydraulic.
  3. Combined.

In the bulk of structures, the pressure is from above, but V combined version compression occurs in two directions: using a screw mechanism at the top and a hydraulic jack at the bottom.

The juice press consists of the following parts:

  • sustainable bed;
  • quadrangular or cylindrical frame, inside which bags of chopped apples are folded;
  • wooden gratings, with which the bags are transferred so that they do not spread;
  • piston-gne t, directly exerting pressure on the cake;
  • thrust bearing for a jack;
  • working mechanism: screw with handle, mechanical or hydraulic jack;
  • bowl-tray.

The main body can be:

  • single perforated: the juice will flow through the holes along the walls and through the bottom into the pan;
  • double: a solid casing with a slightly larger diameter is placed on a perforated metal cylinder;
  • in the form of a solid metal body with one drain hole below;
  • collected from wooden slats connected by hoops, − barrel. The walls serve as a drainage grid.

There may be no body at all- simply a pyramid of wooden lattice frames in a tray with a mouth at the bottom, under which a container for juice is placed.

This design easy and quick to install. For the bottom plate, you can take a piece of countertop, for example.

Worm gear or hydraulic jack: what to choose?

The screw (worm) mechanism in the press is implemented in the form of a large screw (threaded axis) with a nut or a mechanical jack. The latter option is much simpler - you can buy it at a spare parts store or take it out of the trunk of a car; you don’t need to look for, adjust, grind or weld anything.

Designs based on a hydraulic jack are much more productive(force from 1t) than mechanical ones, and require a minimum of human labor. Bottle hydraulic jacks make it possible to squeeze juice quickly and in large volumes. They fit comfortably into any design.

You can design a press with a removable mechanism, then you don’t have to buy a special jack, but you can use the one on duty in the trunk. After all, the apple harvest is not good every year.

Making a press yourself

The press needs a stable, strong support - a bed. The simplest thing is to assemble it from wooden blocks using screws. To make a metal frame you will need a welding machine and a channel.

The dimensions of the frame depend on the diameter of the working body or the parameters of the drainage grids. Therefore, if you are planning a hull structure, then you need to prepare the container in advance.

The simplest frame press with a worm mechanism

Welded stable structure. A hole is cut in the center of the upper channel for the screw nut (you can use an old bench or order it from a turner). The nut is welded into the frame.

Then Assembling a wooden drainage grate, which consists of two layers of slats packed perpendicular to each other. The thickness of the slats is not less than 20 mm. It is also necessary to install a stand made of bars. A clamp for the pressure part of the screw is attached to the top board - any suitable shape metal part(can be installed with epoxy glue).

The tray is made of stainless steel sheet, in the front part the spout-drain is arched. All that remains is to substitute a pan or other container. The result is abs.

The bed for a hydraulic press is assembled according to the same principle as for a screw press. The easiest way to use a body is to take a ready-made metal or wooden barrel. A hole is cut at the very bottom and equipped with a drain spout.

If wooden barrel not completely sealed - even good. The juice will drain in several directions at once, and in the end it will still end up in the pan. It is better to put a plastic casing on top of such a structure larger in diameter to avoid splashing.

You can make a wooden case yourself:

  1. Will need: several boards of equal size (can be parquet), two strips of stainless steel and self-tapping screws with an anti-corrosion coating.
  2. The boards are screwed on top and bottom with self-tapping screws to the stripes at a distance of approximately 10 mm.
  3. Strips with boards are bent in the form of a circle, the ends of the strips are bolted together.
  4. A plastic bowl of suitable diameter can be used as a tray. with a drain cut out at the bottom for juice.

Another important element- jack stop. Usually made of wood: you need to knock down the slats and cut out a circle from the resulting canvas slightly smaller than the diameter of the working body. You can use a grinder to cut out a support from a stainless steel sheet.

Drainage gaskets are made in the same way as in the description for screw press , but they are given a round shape.

The end result should be a design similar to the one in the photo.

Preparation of raw materials

The principle of squeezing apple juice simple - the finer the raw materials are chopped, the more product will be obtained at the exit. It is best to use a special chopper (crusher), since finely chopping several buckets of apples by hand is theoretically possible, but in fact difficult to implement. An electric meat grinder for large volumes is also not an option: it roars, howls, gets hot, and may eventually burn out. You can also make a suitable crusher yourself.

The simplest design of a homemade crusher

From moisture resistant plywood or sheet stainless steel, a deep hopper is mounted lightly on the cone. For stability, two bars are attached to it from below. IN bottom part a wooden roller (preferably made of beech) with self-tapping screws wound in a spiral is cut into the container. You can use a regular kitchen rolling pin as a drum.. The axis of rotation of the roller comes out, a drill is inserted into it and the process begins.

Some people simply crush apples in a bucket using a construction mixer.

The process of squeezing juice from apples at home

After the raw materials are prepared, they laid out in fabric bags or wrapped in pieces of fabric like an envelope. Next, the bundles are placed in a container, basket, or simply on the bottom of the structure in layers through drainage grates. Fits about 3-4 bags. The pressure is lowered from above, the juice flows into the pan. When the squeezing process is completed, the pulp is removed and the next batch is loaded.

The remaining cake after high-quality pressure is usually obtained dry and compressed into “tablets” (photo 16).

It is better to dispose of the pomace in compost heap. Worms reproduce very well on such material, creating valuable fertilizer for the garden.

The resulting juice can not only be drunk fresh, but also prepared for the winter:

  • pasteurized rolled juice;
  • apple wine several types;
  • apple cider.

Apples are a very valuable product for health.. It is extremely imprudent and wasteful to bury and give away surplus crops to neighboring pigs. By building a couple of simple devices, you can quickly and easily process all the fruits. And in winter it will be so nice to take healthy and tasty amber drinks out of the cellar or refrigerator!

After the summer struggle for the harvest, the autumn struggle with the harvest begins. A juice press is a device that can greatly simplify this task. It is used both in summer cottages and for industrial purposes. Has several configuration options. You can even create a simple device with your own hands. In different regions of Russia it is most often used when collecting apples, grapes, carrots, and other vegetables and fruits.

How does a juice press work?

The device has a mechanical control type. Consists of:

  1. Baskets for loading vegetables or fruits. Depending on the model, it can be made of metal or wood.
  2. Press. It descends into the basket and squeezes its contents.
  3. A filter through which the squeezed product passes, leaving behind pulp, seeds, etc. It can be made of burlap and wooden grates.
  4. The pan where it leaks finished product. Made from different materials, right down to the plastic.

If the juice press is operated manually, it requires a lot of effort to extract the juice. Especially when it comes to vegetables, herbaceous plants or hard fruits (). Therefore, it is better not to consider it as a gift for a woman. Only if you need a small volume for kitchen use.

How the device works:

  1. Before starting work, the products from which it is planned to make juice are cut into small pieces (or crushed).
  2. Place them in a basket, distributing them evenly over the entire plane (some devices use a special filter bag).
  3. Gradually a press is lowered onto the basket, compressing the contents.
  4. The drink is cleaned by passing through filters and ending up in the tray.

This principle is called the cold pressing method.

The press does not heat the products, thereby preserving all the beneficial substances that were provided by nature.

Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the advantages of this type of food processing:

  • all vitamins and minerals are preserved;
  • the minimum amount of waste is only 5%;
  • does not make noise when used;
  • simple design, easy to repair in case of breakdown;
  • long-term operation without wasting resources;
  • is inexpensive;
  • can be easily transported from place to place.


  • if the volume of products is large, then spinning will require a lot of effort and time;
  • have to study pre-treatment vegetables and fruits (for small models, in addition to cutting, you also need to peel the fruits and remove the seeds);
  • You can’t get a lot of juice from one serving of the product.

Before choosing, you need to decide on the criteria by which you need to evaluate the device.

Types of control of juice presses

Manual presses require direct human participation in the spinning process. Automatic devices take effect after pressing the button. The latter include hydraulic or pneumatic presses. Their purpose is to process a large volume of products; they are most often used on farms where food is collected. big harvest or in production workshops.

For ordinary summer cottage an automatic press for squeezing juice is not suitable, since there is no large volume and the cost of the device is above average (about 500,000 rubles).

Types of presses

They differ in the type of mechanism and the nuances of device assembly. Mechanically controlled presses have a small production volume, up to 30 liters per hour. The units are simple, you can make them yourself. Well suited for use at home and in the country. The main structural element is a steel frame. It holds the device in place during use.

Manual screw press

This device is the simplest and very convenient. A screw press for squeezing juice has a simple design: it is driven by a screw. Under its influence, the piston lowers. Such units are inexpensive. The only negative is that they sometimes require considerable physical strength.

Models calculated hand press about 2.5 liters of vegetables or fruits.

Juice jack press

It is easier to control than a screw. Fix the device on the floor and set it in motion using a jack. Physically, this is much simpler than tightening a screw. It can be used in the country, right on the street. A jacking press costs approximately 15,000 rubles and can produce up to 3 liters of juice per full load.

Pneumatic press

Works in automatic mode. It is set in motion by the action of compressed air, which is created by a compressor. It is advisable to use it on large farms, farms or on several plots. Capable of processing large quantities of vegetables and fruits. Its price is approximately 80-90000.

The pneumatic press produces up to 14 liters of finished juice in 1 cycle.


Looks like a metal basket with holes. Inside there is a rubber bag into which water is supplied under pressure. The bag fills and presses on the raw materials that are in the basket. The juice flows through the holes into the lower reservoir.

There are mechanical, automatic and electric models. The device is set in motion by fluid pressure on the piston. And it is created using controls.

There are two types of hydraulic juice presses:

Due to the complex design of the hydraulic press, its price is higher than average. In private households it is used less often than screw.

Belt press for juice extraction

Used in factory production. Fully automatic, performs all functions independently. The machine is powered by electricity and produces directly pressed juice.


Here the screw and jack are tried on together. Initially, the juice is produced using a screw mechanism. Afterwards, the remains are pressed down with a jack. Effective in garden areas small size, convenient and easy to use.

Differences by type of raw material

In most cases, juice presses are universal. You can squeeze any fruits and vegetables in them. Some models involve the creation of oil.

A special press is only suitable for a certain type of raw material. For example, it is used only for citrus fruits or berries. It is not recommended for use on hard products.

Before loading raw materials into a press of any type, it must be crushed. Otherwise, the device is in danger of breaking. A crusher is used for these purposes.

How to choose a juice press

For home, to small company, a press with a volume of 3-5 liters is enough. There are special small devices with which you can prepare 1-2 glasses of juice. For a summer residence, when you need to roll up several cans of juice, use a screw or hydraulic press volume 10-12 liters.

If you have a large garden, wine is produced, or a press is used for apples on a large farm, you need to take a volume of up to 30 liters. Automatic or semi-automatic control. Small industrial production will require the ability to squeeze up to 200 liters of juice per hour. A pneumatic juice press or an electric belt press is ideal here.

The harder the raw material, the more powerful the unit will be required. A screw press can be used to juice apples and grapes, but processing will take a long time. A hydraulic apparatus will produce more juice than a screw one.

To chop fruits and vegetables, special devices are used - choppers. Any press can process whole fruits and vegetables, but the quality will be much worse, so this is not recommended.

DIY juice press - video

If you don’t have an electric juicer, you can quickly and easily process a large apple harvest, for example, into juice using a press.

This problem also arises among winemakers, among whom there are no people willing to process the berries manually. It is quite possible to make a juice press yourself, eliminating additional expenses for purchasing equipment, which is quite expensive today. Operating principle of a juice press

Manual screw juicers can be made using different technologies; in this process, parts similar to old containers, tanks from washing machines, as well as pots and planks.

In some cases, structures are made using a jack.

Homemade juice press

Simple press for squeezing juice - do it yourself

There are various juice press designs. Basic homemade designs– these are screw or using a jack. A good option when using an air jack or a rubber bladder and a compressor. There are options for using a centrifuge, for example an old washing machine. Presses or juicers should not crush seeds and ridges located in the pulp. Depending on the expected volume of processing of raw materials into juice or wine, select the design of the juice extraction device you like. In any case, the cooking process is divided into two stages: 1. Preparation of pulp (grinding raw materials); 2. The actual extraction itself is the extraction of juice.

Screw designs juice press

Typically a press consists of a pressing mechanism, a basket, a base and a pressing board. The basket serves as a receiver for the pulp and is installed on the base of the press. There is also a tray for draining juice. The bottom and side walls of the basket are lined with a whole piece of burlap without gaps. The ends of the fabric should hang over the edges of the basket. Then the pulp is loaded into the basket and covered with the ends of the burlap. A wooden circle is placed on top, onto which the press head is lowered.

Screw press with metal basket. Device: 1. Screw; 2. Bed; 3. Gutter for juice flow; 4. Basket

Screw press with wood basket. Device: 1. Screw; 2. Bed; 3. Basket; 4. Juice drainage chute

Frame screw press. Device: 1. Packages with crushed raw materials; 2. Screw; 3. Bed; 4 Drainage grates; 5. Juice drainage chute

Design screw juice press is clear from the pictures. Here is an example of another homemade juice press. The press consists of two pipe stands with a diameter of 22 mm. A U-shaped profile bent from 3 mm steel is welded to the pipes on top. The height of the profile is chosen in such a way that a screw nut pressed into a steel sleeve can be freely placed inside. A clamp is welded to the bottom of each rack. Using these two clamps, the press is attached to the window sill. A head with a hole for the handle is welded to the screw on one side, and a stop is attached to the other, which compresses the raw material.

1 - clamp; 2 - stand pipe; 3 - crossbar; 4 - screw; 5 - emphasis; 6 - table; 7 - bushing with a pressed nut.

A leaky 3-4 liter bottle is suitable for collecting the squeezed juice. enamel pan(Fig. a). You need to drill a hole in the bottom and secure a fitting with a hose in it to collect the juice.
The basket (Fig. b) is made of stainless steel sheet 2 mm thick; bandage rings made of stainless wire with a diameter of 4 mm are welded to it on top and bottom. The rings allow the basket to fit “evenly” inside the pan. The walls of the pan are perforated with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm (in random order).

Gaskets (Fig. c), which separate portions of raw materials loaded into the basket, consist of two 2-mm stainless steel disks connected by spot welding. Holes are drilled into the disks using a drill with a diameter of 3 mm, and gaskets 4 mm thick are provided between the disks (the gaskets are also made of stainless steel). In general, all parts of the screw press are made of stainless steel; a tank from an old washing machine is quite suitable. To obtain good harvest-, as well as growing strawberries at home. The work of squeezing juice occurs as follows. The body of the press is secured with clamps on the windowsill in the kitchen (you can also install the press on the table). The screw with the stop is unscrewed until it stops. A basket is placed in the pan, and a gasket is placed on the bottom of the latter and a napkin made of durable fabric is placed on it. Next, crushed raw materials (apples, fruits, herbs, berries) in an amount of 0.5...1 kg are placed on a napkin. The napkin is folded into an envelope, the portion is covered with a drainage pad, on which another napkin is placed. There should be 3 such bags, and the top bag can rise 4...6 cm above the pan. Putting a gasket on the top bag, the pan is placed under the press screw. Yes, I completely forgot to mention the spacer (a circle of wood) that is placed under the basket (otherwise the pan may become unusable when the screw is tightened). When creating pressure, the screw must be turned slowly and smoothly, monitoring the release of juice. Having finished squeezing the juice, unscrew the screw upward, transfer the pan to the table, and remove the pulp from the napkins. Depending on the type and quality of the raw material, in one cycle, using a homemade screw press for squeezing juice, it is possible to squeeze out 1.2...1.8 liters of juice, and in 1 hour - up to 12...15 liters.

Today we will talk about how to make your own press for squeezing juice from fruits, berries and vegetables or homemade juicer with your own hands. We will also consider technologies and drawings homemade presses and juicers with with clear illustrations

There are various designs presses for squeezing juice. The main homemade structures are screw or using a jack. A good option when using an air jack or a rubber bladder and a compressor. There are options for using a centrifuge, for example an old washing machine. Presses or juicers should not crush seeds and ridges located in the pulp.

Depending on the expected volume of processing of raw materials into juice or wine, select the design of the juice extraction device you like. In any case, the cooking process is divided into two stages: 1. Preparation of pulp (grinding raw materials); 2. The actual extraction itself is the extraction of juice.

Screw Juice Press Designs

Typically a press consists of a pressing mechanism, a basket, a base and a pressing board. The basket serves as a receiver for the pulp and is installed on the base of the press. There is also a tray for draining juice. The bottom and side walls of the basket are lined with a whole piece of burlap without gaps. The ends of the fabric should hang over the edges of the basket. Then the pulp is loaded into the basket and covered with the ends of the burlap. A wooden circle is placed on top, onto which the press head is lowered.

Here is an example of another homemade juice press. The press consists of two pipe stands with a diameter of 22 mm. A U-shaped profile bent from 3 mm steel is welded to the pipes on top. The height of the profile is chosen in such a way that a screw nut pressed into a steel sleeve can be freely placed inside. A clamp is welded to the bottom of each rack. Using these two clamps, the press is attached to the window sill. A head with a hole for the handle is welded to the screw on one side, and a stop is attached to the other, which compresses the raw material.

A leaky 3-4 liter enamel pan is suitable for collecting the squeezed juice (Fig. a). You need to drill a hole in the bottom and secure a fitting with a hose in it to collect the juice.
The basket is made of stainless steel sheet 2 mm thick; bandage rings made of stainless wire with a diameter of 4 mm are welded to it on top and bottom. The rings allow the basket to fit “evenly” inside the pan. The walls of the pan are perforated with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm (in random order).

The spacers that separate portions of raw materials loaded into the basket consist of two 2-mm stainless steel disks connected by spot welding. Holes are drilled into the disks using a drill with a diameter of 3 mm, and gaskets 4 mm thick are provided between the disks (the gaskets are also made of stainless steel). In general, all parts of the screw press are made of stainless steel; a tank from an old washing machine is quite suitable.

The work of squeezing juice occurs as follows. The body of the press is secured with clamps on the windowsill in the kitchen (you can also install the press on the table). The screw with the stop is unscrewed until it stops. A basket is placed in the pan, and a gasket is placed on the bottom of the latter and a napkin made of durable fabric is placed on it. Next, crushed raw materials (apples, fruits, herbs, berries) in an amount of 0.5...1 kg are placed on a napkin.

The napkin is folded into an envelope, the portion is covered with a drainage pad, on which another napkin is placed. There should be 3 such bags, and the top bag can rise 4...6 cm above the pan. Putting a gasket on the top bag, the pan is placed under the press screw. Yes, I completely forgot to mention the spacer (a circle of wood) that is placed under the basket (otherwise the pan may become unusable when the screw is tightened).

When creating pressure, the screw must be turned slowly and smoothly, monitoring the release of juice. Having finished squeezing the juice, unscrew the screw upward, transfer the pan to the table, and remove the pulp from the napkins. Depending on the type and quality of the raw material, in one cycle, using a homemade screw press for squeezing juice, it is possible to squeeze out 1.2...1.8 liters of juice, and in 1 hour - up to 12...15 liters.

Wedge press for squeezing fruit juice

It is necessary to arrange a wooden trestle on four legs B 1 m high. At the top these legs are connected by a thick (9-10 cm) board A, the width of which is 30 cm and the length is about 1 m. In the board we make a longitudinal slot D 10-12 cm wide and long 40 cm. Into this slot we insert two boards B (thickness 9-10 cm), hewn at the top and bottom. At the bottom, we tie both boards with an iron bracket or, even simpler, with a thick rope.

In order for the boards to hold and not fall into the slot, we pass iron pins or wooden bushings in their upper part. Then we make several wedges of different thicknesses from hard wood - and the press is ready. It works like this: spreading the boards B apart, inserting a bag of strong canvas filled with pulp between them. Then, driving wedges into the slot, we squeeze the boards. This way we compress the pulp tightly. The juice flows down into a placed tub or pot.

Making a simple juicer using the lever principle

We take two birch boards, the length of the main board is 1 m, width - 300 mm, thickness - 100 mm. The second board, which serves as a lever, is 1.5 m long, 170 mm wide and 20 mm thick. In the main board we make grooves for juice drainage (Fig. a) 10-15 mm deep and 300 mm long. We strengthen this board obliquely either on separate racks or on a special table. We attach a second lever board to it using a hinge and a spacer board. We got a lever press. We put 4-5 apples or some other fruits in the opening, press the lever, and the juice flows down the grooves into the placed container.

Nowadays, self-taught craftsmen are increasingly asking the question: “How to make a grape press with your own hands?” Grow grapes on your own garden plot simply put, the berry is unpretentious in care and grows quickly. Having built a press for it, it would be possible to store juice for the winter or cook your own homemade wine.

A press with a twenty-liter basket is quite suitable for squeezing juice from overripe grapes for wine.

Option one.

What does the press consist of?

We will make a screw-type press and it will consist of:

Screw. It's good if he is rectangular shape, powerful and have a thread.

Basket. By the way, it can be made from parquet boards. Which then needs to be tightened with stainless steel hoops.

And if suddenly your local market suddenly doesn’t have a strip of stainless metal of the thickness you need, in this case, grab some corners on the way home. After all, they can also be used to fasten parquet boards together.

The design of our press will be, so to speak, self-sufficient. That is, the finished press will be without stands, on legs. A nut will be attached to the top, and the screw rod will be screwed into it. There will be a basket in the frame itself; wort with pulp or grapes will be loaded into it

Let's make a basket.

We buy a couple of dozen parquet boards: length – 320 cm, width – 50 cm and 1.5 cm thick. We buy a metal strip, 1 mm thick. Many people purchase stainless steel metal corners. In this case, you will need a couple of them, two meters each.
We remove the grooves from the boards using a cutter. Well, this operation can even be called useless if you have dishwasher. Since in this case, with the help of its brush, everything is washed perfectly. But if there is no machine, so that the grooves do not become dirty, it is better to cut them off.
Now you will need stainless steel screws. We attach them to the corners, the gap is no more than 12 mm. Then, using a grinder, we cut a corner between the boards. We bend the edges. We make holes in them for the bolts.

An insert will be needed; its diameter corresponds to the diameter of the basket. The piston is placed on the grape pulp.

The height of the basket is 32 cm. The diameter inside is 29 cm. The estimated volume is 21 liters exactly.

So, let's continue the topic of how to make a grape press.

Now you need to buy:

Corners 25 mm;

Drills, diameter 6.2 mm;

Several M6 bolts;

Nuts to bolts.

Assembling the frame of the press.

Please note that it is necessary (!!!) to place boards under the screw, on top of the circle.

The screw can be ordered from a turner, or you can build it yourself if you have the appropriate skills.

Screw parameters: diameter – 30 mm, pitch – 3 mm, nut, disk with holes for fastening, welded.

More details:

A small piece of plywood as a stand for the press;

Plastic bowl. We make a hole in it, put a tube in the hole.

Of course, you can do everything using welding machine, but if there is none, and if there is no experience working with this device, then the question immediately arises of how to make a grape press without welding. This is where the idea came to mind, to make a press with bolts.

You can safely cook parts using inventory, right in your apartment on the balcony.

Design flaw.

Option two.

Step one.

In order to squeeze juice from grapes right at home, to make jelly, juice, wine and other things, you will need a press. We will now tell you how to make a grape press.

You need a roller crusher. You can also make it yourself, for example, from a loading ladle. The berries will be poured into this crusher. It's better to build it from wooden frame. To the frame we add a pair of rollers, also made of wood, and a handle for rotation. We secure all elements with bearings.

Step two.

We prepare all the details. We make a frame from bars: length - 70 cm, cross-section - 4 by 10 cm. Width of the frame - look at the length of the rollers, since the width completely depends on how long your rollers will be. The optimal size is 20 cm. When constructing the structure, make sure that the distance between the blocks is the same.

Step three.

For the press, the rolls must be made corrugated, 3 cm deep. The corrugation can be made screw, in this case, we direct the shift to the side by a couple of cm. Next, we attach the rolls to the frame with bearings. They will spin on different axes and at different speeds.

Step four.

If the diameter of the wool is the same, it is necessary to make the rollers have different diameters. What does this give? The speed of movement in a circle will be different. For such a press you need a wooden ladle into which the grapes will be loaded. Choose a pyramid shape.

Step five.

We place the bucket on the frame slats. Our slats should be transverse. The distance between the bucket and the roller is minimal, preferably no more than a centimeter. Ready. It's time to secure the crank for rotation. With its help, the grinding of raw materials and pressure of juice will be carried out.

Step six.

At the bottom of the structure we place a vessel to collect the juice.

We load the berries into a ladle, from there they fall onto the windrows. We rotate the handle, the berries are crushed and crushed until you get a puree.

Step seven.

We remove the berries from the bunch. Rinse thoroughly under running water. And only then load it into the press. And when the juice is ready, rinse the press with water and dry it with a soft towel or napkin. If you don't take care of it properly, the wood will simply begin to rot.