Remedy for dandelions on the site. How to quickly and easily get rid of dandelions in your garden forever. Folk way to get rid of dandelions with boiling water

This article discusses chemical (dandelion herbicides) and mechanical methods fighting one of the most harmful weeds.

Many site participants are faced with the fact that by May their plot is completely overgrown with dandelions. Dandelion is a very insidious weed: just one flower is enough for it to gradually spread throughout the entire lawn. Its seeds scatter well over long distances and germinate on any uncovered piece of land, which is why there are so many of them. But it is difficult to remove these weeds. The reason for this is their roots: very powerful (they can reach thirty centimeters), but more fragile than those of other plants, so they are difficult to completely remove from the soil. What's left can easily grow into a new weed. But enough of the horror stories. If we want to successfully fight unwanted plants, we need to act!


One of the simplest ways to get rid of a dandelion is to dig it up. But this must be done before the weeds begin to bloom, and so that not a trace remains of the root. To do this, you need to water the place where the weed grows: it is much easier to extract the dandelion root from damp soil. The soil can also be loosened if the root does not give in.

Stores sell special tools designed for digging up dandelions and other weeds. They will help you fight this stubborn weed more successfully!

If the weeds have already spread throughout the entire area, this method of fighting dandelions will be too long and tedious. You can try cutting it once a week top part plants without touching the root. By repeating this procedure five times, you can kill the root in this way.

Dandelion is a weed that is difficult to remove from the site.

Dandelion herbicides

Sometimes all means are good for controlling weeds, especially when they interfere with the cultivation of crops and simply spoil appearance site - for participants the site is very important. Therefore, chemicals, or, more precisely, herbicides, can be used. This is a cruel thing because it kills all the plants. But there are also drugs with selective action. It is not necessary to use harsh herbicides for dandelions - you can use ordinary vinegar to remove them. Moreover, the higher the concentration acetic acid, the more effective the weed control will be.

By evaporation, you can increase the percentage of acidity in table vinegar.

Chemicals should be used in the fall: the fact is that it is at this time of year that the plant prepares for winter, and nutrients from the top part pass to the root. If you poison a plant, the herbicides will go straight to the root. For this reason, it is better not to mow the lawn and the dandelions on it a few days before the operation; it is better to do it after.

Another “drug” to combat dandelion: salt. If you sprinkle salt on a flower, after a while all that remains in that place is dark spot. But do not overdo it with salt: it can also affect beneficial plants. It needs to be applied pointwise.

It's better to prevent it in time

A good method of controlling dandelions on the lawn is to prevent their appearance. You need to properly care for your lawn. There should not be any bald spots on it: as we have already said, dandelion is a weed that grows quickly and easily in unprotected soil. Once a week it needs to be mowed (6-8 cm). You can do this in a variety of ways, or you can do it yourself. Weeds will not appear if there is enough moisture and nutrients in the soil.

A thick layer of turf also prevents dandelions from appearing on the site.

Aesthetics are important, but for a time you can sacrifice the neatness of your lawn in order to fight the weed with all your horticultural strength. Leave clipped grass and leaves on your lawn; they will form a great protective barrier. Using this natural mulch material will prevent weeds from germinating.

If no methods of struggle have helped, it is worth looking at the problem differently. After all, the second name of this plant is “dandelion officinalis”, and its beneficial properties discovered in ancient China. And in this sense, the dandelion certainly cannot be called a weed!

Perhaps every gardener dreams of getting rid of dandelions, at least temporarily. We bring to your attention 12 steps on how to get rid of dandelions on garden plot folk remedies, combining them with modern chemicals. We believe that sometimes a field of dandelions looks charming, but such beauty quickly becomes boring when weeds completely fill your area.

Dandelions can attack any garden area, no matter how carefully you maintain your lawn. Despite the invasive nature of these persistent flowers, there are several steps you can take to rid your lawn of them once and for all.

No matter which method you use, it is best if you decide to get rid of the dandelions before the yellow flower head matures into the white, plump dandelion harbinger. Once the plump white seeds begin to spread, you'll have more to worry about than just a few solitary weeds in your lawn.

How to get rid of dandelions

Owners country houses during the spring and summer monthsdream of beautiful thingslandscaped yard withlush, green and thick lawn. Unfortunately, there's always something that can ruin your aesthetic: weeds, or more accurately, dandelions.

While these pests are very popular with children, and they will happily blow off their cap of white parachutes and make a wish, for adults their constant presence causes nothing but irritation.

Below, learn how to rid your yard of dandelions once and for all to achieve the landscape you deserve this season.

Physical removal of dandelions with a lawnmower

1 . Mow the dandelions as they appear. As long as you cut yellow flowers Before they ripen into white seeds, you can stop the spread of weeds and get rid of dandelions in your lawn. Install the lower deck of the lawnmower so that it does not cut the grass below 5-6 centimeters.

It's easier to get rid of dandelions in your lawn when longer grass blocks the sunlight the dandelions need to grow. Please note that simply mowing down the top of the flower will not permanently kill the original plant.

Gardening tools will help you get rid of dandelions

2. Vyko drink dandelions with roots. Removing it by the roots will help you get rid of dandelions from your area forever. Will help remove it from the lawn special tool"dandelion removal" that you can purchase at garden and hardware stores to complete this task.

The tool looks like a fork, while other dandelion removal tools look like a hybrid between a screwdriver and a fishtail. In both cases, you simply dig around the base of the flower and use a lever to lift the flower and root out of the ground.

Darkness will help get rid of dandelions

3. Block the weeds from the sun. Dandelions need a lot of them sunlight for a full life. You can cover them with cardboard or black plastic bags to block sunlight, and within a few days the flowers should die. This is the easiest folk way to get rid of dandelions.

The composition of the soil helps get rid of dandelions

4. Improve soil composition. Add rich nutrients compost and mulch into the soil to improve its quality. Dandelions thrive on acidic soils and tend to become weak in rich soils. Getting rid of weak dandelions is much easier. It is enough to simply pull them up by the stem, and they will not be inclined to support themselves with the root system.

Get rid of dandelions with the help of pets

5. Raise an army of chickens or rabbits to fight the dandelion. Both creatures love the taste of dandelions and will nibble on these nasty weeds as soon as they emerge from the ground. Dandelions are also a healthy and nutritious food for animals.

Burner as a radical method to get rid of dandelions

6. Use a weed burner. Hand torches literally burn the weeds. A simple and effective way to get rid of dandelions. Follow the rules fire safety and keep children away from the fire.

Folk way to get rid of dandelions with boiling water

7. Pour boiling water over the dandelions. If you continually water each dandelion with boiling water several times a day, the plants should begin to wilt. Complete withering and oblivion occurs within three days.

Vinegar is an effective method to get rid of dandelions

8. Spray vinegar over dandelion. Plain white vinegar will help get rid of dandelions in your lawn. Concentrated vinegar fights weeds more effectively. You can evaporate regular vinegar and increase its concentration to create an even more powerful weed killer.

For convenience, place vinegar in a spray bottle and rinse the pesky weed from head to base. For even more effective results, remove the dandelion from its root system and spray vinegar into the hole to kill any remaining roots.

Corn gluten prevents dandelion growth

9. Spreading corn gluten on the lawn in front of the dandelions. Corn gluten (an organic herbicide) is a precursor to the herbicide, so it prevents the seedlings from ever taking root. Spread gluten on your lawn four to six weeks before weeds typically germinate.

Corn gluten is an effective weed control agent and is excellent for getting rid of dandelion. Since the effect only lasts five to six weeks, you should reapply the herbicide several times during the growing season.

Table salt can get rid of dandelions

10. Dandelion salt. A mound or 1 tablespoon (14.3 grams) of salt sprinkled at the base of the dandelion where it begins to sprout will effectively get rid of dandelions on your front lawn. Avoid getting salt on other plants. since it has long been known that salt kills all healthy greens.

Get rid of dandelions using hydrochloric acid

11. Use hydrochloric acid . Buy a weak solution of hydrochloric acid from a hardware store. (It's inexpensive, about 350 rubles for 5 liters - this will last you for ages).

Wear latex gloves. Use a regular kitchen syringe to apply hydrochloric acid to the dandelions. Avoid inhalation of vapors. Dandelions turn brown within minutes and remain dead forever.

Get rid of dandelions using chemicals

12. Try a chemical herbicide. There are many herbicides that can completely get rid of dandelions. A systemic weed killer should be applied directly to the weeds you want to get rid of.

Do not apply these products to your entire lawn. Herbicide products kill all vegetation, so apply the herbicide directly to the dandelion leaves. Once the greens die, the chemical will seep into the plant and kill the roots.

Now you have learned how to get rid of dandelions on your lawn forever and it will be easier to deal with the intrusive weed. All that remains is to organize and fully enjoy the warm days. We invite you to watch a video review of how best to organize the fight against dandelions on the lawn using a simple tool:

The yellow heads of dandelions bring immense joy in the spring, when their bright inflorescences merrily puff up over the green grass. After a boring and long winter, it's like the promise of a hot, sunny summer. But the joy quickly passes; it’s worth seeing this disgrace on your own well-groomed lawn. There's no time for sentimentality here. Fighting dandelions is a very exhausting task.

The weed is not destroyed for any special aesthetic reasons. It’s just that if you leave at least one plant alone, it will instantly multiply and crowd out other cultivated herbs. The unpretentiousness of dandelion is known. It doesn’t matter to him whether there is a drought or whether it rains non-stop - he will survive any bad weather. Its seeds are carried by the wind. Light silver parachutes move quite a distance; as soon as they fall on the ground, they are immediately ready to sprout.

The fight against dandelions on the lawn is complicated by the fact that the powerful root of the plant goes 25 centimeters deep into the soil. It is difficult to remove it completely, since it breaks easily, and any part of it, even a very small one, can give life to a new shoot. So you have to pull out the annoying weed all summer.

What methods has humanity come up with over all those, perhaps, centuries that an irreconcilable fight against dandelions has been waged? The simplest and most environmentally friendly method is to dig up yellow flowers by the roots, without waiting for them to bloom and send their seeds into free flight. However, the word “simple” is not entirely true here. This method requires significant physical costs.

First of all, to make your work a little easier, water the lawn first: it is easier to pull out weeds on the lawn from moist, pliable soil. Do not grab the leaves; you will not be able to immediately remove the plant; most likely, you will simply tear off the top. Dig up the soil in front of the root in several places. A shovel is not suitable for this. Use a knife or buy a special tool at the store. The latter is a screw consisting of blades, similar to a V. The tip of the device is immersed in the ground with a dandelion and a button is pressed. The tool carefully removes the plant along with the soil.

There are, of course, more radical methods. Chemical herbicides and insecticides are sold on every corner. Working with them is unsafe, so strictly follow the rules.

Are you afraid of the harm caused by chemicals? Try grandma's recipes. For example, dandelions can be controlled using table salt. Pour it into the center of the socket after a while it will seem to burn, leaving behind brown spot. It was not for nothing that in ancient times the Romans, in order to break the barbarians, sprinkled their fields with salt. No sowing - no harvest. Be careful not to get caught necessary plants. Vinegar has a similar effect.

The fight against dandelions includes not only measures to actively destroy them. Sometimes they give good results preventive measures. What's easier is not to remove the cut grass from the lawn. Mulch not only fertilizes the soil, but also prevents weeds from germinating. It is more difficult for the seeds to gain a foothold on the ground; the shoots of the plant do not have enough sunlight to actively grow. Periodically reseed the lawn, planting new grass in place of the bald spots.

But the main thing is the attitude towards the matter itself. If you learn to extract benefit from seemingly the most unpleasant activities, then the process will no longer cause dull irritation. Think about how many vitamins are contained in that weed you hate! Do not throw away the torn dandelions; it is better to add them to a salad or make jam or honey from the flowers.

Each gardener, growing different garden crops, faced such a problem as dandelions. Moreover, if you do not fight them, then every year their number becomes more and more. Even one flower will be enough to create a dandelion lawn. Weed seeds are quickly carried across the site by the wind for several kilometers, resulting in new plantings appearing.


If you look at the area strewn yellow flowers, then it hardly seems that these flowers cause any harm. But in fact, they are quite dangerous for many plants. If you do not get rid of unnecessary plantings on time, they will continue to grow, multiply, thereby taking away useful plants nutrients and nutritional moisture.

Dandelions are plants that have long-term vitality and rapid growth. If you do not pay due attention to weed removal, then wait good harvest not worth it.

In addition, an area abundantly sown with dandelions often becomes the reason for the development serious problems with health. This is due to the fact that this, at first glance, cute plant is allergenic and can lead to the development of such a serious disease as bronchial asthma. So you need to be careful with this plant. But how to remove reeds from a site, and what chemicals should be used first, is outlined in the article on


It is necessary to carry out preventive measures regularly, since dandelions spread quite quickly throughout the entire territory and then it will be much more difficult to fight them. Best method prevention is regular monitoring of the general condition of the site and proper care behind him.

Prevention does not require complex measures, since it is enough to follow the following simple rules:

  1. Do not remove the grass on the site, but simply trim it. This will become a real obstacle to the formation of new weeds.
  2. Make sure there are no empty areas on the lawn. This location may be ideal for dandelion germination. If you avoid empty areas, then in the fall they need to be sown with grass again.
  3. The height of the trimmed vegetation should be 7-8 cm. Due to this, the grass will become an excellent protection for the soil, and it will be difficult for dandelion seeds to take root, because there will not be enough sunlight.

It is also worth learning more about how to properly remove roots, and how to get rid of tree roots on the site.

The video shows how to get rid of dandelions on your property forever:

How to remove from the site

There are several options available to control these weeds: chemicals, various mechanical devices and folk remedies.


If the garden is massively damaged by dandelions, mechanical and folk remedies will not be able to cope with them. In this case, you cannot do without chemicals. For this, herbicides are used. Thanks to them, unwanted vegetation is removed quickly and efficiently. Of course, such a procedure cannot be called safe, but when there is no way out, then extreme measures have to be used.

To combat dandelions, selective drugs or agents are used general action. The second drugs are capable of destroying everything within the affected radius, but the selective ones act in a targeted manner.

So the general-action drug is used even before the rest of the crops in the garden have been planted or after the harvest. You need to act here with extreme caution so that the drugs do not come into contact with fruit trees and shrubs.

In the video - chemistry against dandelions:

Common drugs include the following:

Selective drugs include:

After using the drugs, a week must pass for the first results to be noticed. But in a month the problem will completely disappear. But how to remove horsetail from a site will help you understand this

Mechanical method

There are several proven tools available that successfully remove weeds. The choice of one device or another depends on the personal wishes of the summer resident.

You can fight dandelion using the following tools:

Traditional methods

To combat dandelions in the garden, the following folk methods are effective:

  1. Using boiling water. Watering hot water necessary several times a day. After some time, the plant will die.
  2. Gluten Corn Flour. It should be used even before the dandelions sprout. This product creates an obstacle to seed germination. Sprinkle cornmeal into your garden as soon as the first shoots appear. Such activities must be carried out several times during the growing season.
  3. Salt. You need to take 20 g of salt and sprinkle it on one plant. At the same time, make sure that the salt does not penetrate other crops, otherwise they will die.
  4. Hydrochloric acid. It can be purchased at any hardware store. Before carrying out the procedure, you must put rubber gloves on your hands. You can use a kitchen syringe to apply the acid. Acid vapors should not be inhaled. As soon as the weeds became brown, then they die forever.
  5. Blowtorch. And although this method may seem rather strange, it is still very effective. You just need to warm up each bush with this device. It is enough to spend just a few seconds on one bush. In this way you can get rid of it in the garden forever.
  6. Mulching. This method is distinguished by its safety and effectiveness. Grow garden crops on dark film. Since there will be no light, dandelions and other weeds will not be able to germinate. But how to remove sow thistle from the site using the above method will help you understand this

In the video - folk remedies for dandelions:

It is quite possible to fight dandelions on the site, although it is very painstaking work. No matter which of the proposed options you choose, you will not be able to get rid of weeds forever. Only by doing them regularly can you prevent mass destruction garden with dandelions.

Ways to control dandelions.

Dandelion is a very pretty plant with beautiful yellow flowers. This plant reproduces using seeds attached to parachutes. Despite small sizes, dandelion roots grow well, and the seeds also fly long distances.

This plant is very tenacious. Many gardeners mow down flowers and place them in a compost pile. If the flower stalks are not deeply buried, then even in this heap, seeds appear after a while. And as the fertilizer is distributed, these seeds are spread throughout the entire area.

Methods for controlling dandelions:

  • Weeding
  • Herbicides
  • Traditional methods

Herbicides can be considered the most effective, but most often they also affect cultivated plants. That is why processing is carried out in the fall after harvesting. At this time, you should not worry about the safety of the crops and the cleanliness of the leaves. Such drugs include Tornado, Roundal.

There are a lot non-standard ways weed control. Folk recipes have always been popular because of their low cost.

Traditional methods:

  • Salt. It is necessary to sprinkle around the weed with regular table salt. After this, watering is carried out. If the roots of the plant are close to the surface, the weed will soon die.
  • Vinegar. To carry out the treatment you will need a sprayer. You need to put a little vinegar in it and sprinkle the dandelions. The acid burns the above-ground part and reaches the roots. It is necessary that the vinegar does not get on vegetable crops.
  • Alcohol. This method is of course difficult for our gardeners to use, since alcohol is used for other purposes. It is necessary to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and water all the weeds precisely. The solution burns the roots and the plant dies.
  • Blowtorch. A strange method, but many gardeners claim that it works great. Each weed needs to be heated for a few seconds.
  • Feed corn. This is a waste product from grain production. It is necessary to sprinkle a little feed grain under each weed.
  • Mulching. This is one of the safest and effective ways. Vegetable crops are grown on dark film. Due to the lack of light, weeds and other crops do not grow.

There are several options for weed removal tools. Each summer resident will be able to choose the method that suits him.

Review of Dandelion Root Removal Tools:

  • Fork. This is a device with two teeth that penetrates deep into the ground. With its help you can quickly remove roots.
  • Mulcher. An interesting and unusual tool that will be needed not only for removing dandelions. It is a device with curved and curved teeth. Only 4 teeth.
  • Rake. Special rakes are used to remove weed roots that grow deep into the soil. This is not an ordinary rake in shape. It is necessary to immerse them deep into the ground and rotate them 180 degrees. Then remove the rake from the soil. Very effective tool who acts purposefully.

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Many summer residents believe that the most effective method The fight against dandelions is to dig them up. And this is true. You must try to ensure that not a single piece of root remains in the soil. Since this weed germinates well, a whole rosette will grow from a 1 cm root.

Ways to destroy dandelions on the lawn:

  • Boiling water. This method is very similar to burning out weeds with a lamp. In this case, it is necessary to water the weed with boiling water. This is a targeted method, you should try not to touch vegetable crops.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It can be purchased at a hardware store. Wear gloves and a respirator. Wear glasses to prevent acid from getting into your eyes. Using a syringe, apply a little product to the dandelion. In a few seconds it will darken and die.
  • Packages. Cover each weed with a dark bag. It is necessary to secure the bags to the soil. Due to lack of light, the plant will die.
  • Lawn mower. If dandelions grow on the lawn, mow it more often. Don't let dandelions ripen. It is necessary to cut the flowers before the seeds appear. Otherwise, they will spread throughout the entire area again.

Of course, using herbicides is quite dangerous. After all, they have a bad effect not only on weeds, but also on vegetable crops.

Review of dandelion control products:

  • Lintur. This is a new generation herbicide that fights exclusively against weeds. If it gets on the lawn there will be no bald spots. The product is practically harmless to the lawn. Processing required early spring when the dandelions have just sprouted. Or in the fall, after the entire harvest has been harvested.
  • Lontrel 300. Also an excellent product that is relatively safe in relation to vegetable crops. It is also worth treating with a vein or in the fall. The most interesting thing is that when it gets on leaves and flowers, the substance penetrates deep into the roots and destroys them.
  • Sniper. An excellent product that can be applied precisely. This is the main difficulty. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the soil with a solution of vodka in early spring, and after the emergence of dandelions, treat it with a herbicide.
  • Fundazol, Ferazim. These chemicals should be applied in the fall, after harvesting. The processing is not spot-on, but continuous. Next year in the spring, fertilize with compost and minerals. These chemicals kill moss, rot and weeds.

Despite their beautiful flowers and harmless appearance, dandelions are quite aggressive weeds that can cause significant damage to crops.

VIDEO: Removing dandelions