What insects have a pupa. Insect pupa. Types of insect larvae: worm-like and caterpillar-like

There are the following three main types of cuckoos:

Open, or free, pupae - have free imaginal appendages (,), only pressed to the body. Among pupae of this type, two groups are distinguished - with mobile ones and with fixed or reduced ones. The first ones are the most primitive, they use movable ones to exit the cocoon and can make movements themselves; they are characteristic of lacewing flies, scorpion flies, caddis flies and toothed moths ( Micropterygidae). Pupae with fixed or reduced ones do not have the opportunity to use the latter when emerging from the cocoon; this includes the pupae of most beetles and hymenoptera, fleas, fanwings and many dipterans.

Covered pupae- have imaginal appendages closely pressed and welded to the body due to the fact that during the latter they secrete a secretion, which, when hardened, covers the pupa with a hard shell. Characteristic of most butterflies, and some dipterans, some beetles (for example, ladybugs) and chalcides.

Hidden pupae- covered with hardened, unshed larval skin, which, therefore, plays the role of a shell, or false cocoon. This false cocoon is often called puparia. Inside this puparia there is a typical open pupa; in this regard, some authors consider this type to be just a modification of open pupae. Characteristic only of higher dipterans (round sutures).

The process of pupation of caterpillars, especially diurnal species of butterflies, amazes the observer with its simplicity and complexity at the same time. It would seem that a few seconds ago it was a caterpillar - and now the skin on you has burst and there is already a pupa in front of you (Fig. 19). Before pupation, many species of caterpillars change behavior - they become restless, stop feeding, and look for a suitable place for themselves. U different types such places may be different. Some caterpillars pupate immediately on a food plant, usually on back side leaves. Others are in fallen leaves or curled leaves left on trees. These leaves do not fall off in the winter because the caterpillars specially secure them. The larvae of a number of species make a whole journey in search of suitable place and do not even pupate if they are deprived of this run. There are caterpillars that burrow into the ground before pupation, and there are caterpillars that have chosen the walls of houses, fences, and telegraph poles for this purpose. There is a known case when, at a field airfield, a mass of pupae of one of the types of moths clogged the device for regulating air pressure in the cabin of a Yak-40 aircraft. To eliminate such incidents, aircraft designers modified the device itself.

Before pupation, many caterpillars decrease in size - they become shorter, some change color. Many species weave a cocoon, for the construction of which they use not only silk thread, but also auxiliary materials - lumps of earth, pieces of leaves, grass stems. A case was recorded when a corydalis butterfly caterpillar used pieces of lead for a cocoon, which it scraped from the lead sheath of an abandoned piece of high-voltage cable.

Rice. 19. Pupae of moths: a - butterflies from the hawk moth family (Sphingidae), b - butterflies from the moth family (Noctuidae)

After pupation, a very important stage of butterfly development begins. Based on its external manifestations, it can be called calm. But in fact, what happens inside the pupa is critical processes restructuring of the body, new organs are formed.

In most species, the legs, wings, antennae and proboscis of the future butterfly are only drawn in the outline of the pupa under a single dense shell. But in the pupae of some more primitive species of butterflies, the limbs are freely separated from the body, as happens in the pupae of beetles. The rings of the posterior part of the body of butterfly pupae are mostly movable.

The pupae of different butterflies vary greatly in shape and color. They are usually plain and smooth. But there are also pupae with spiny or knotty protrusions (Fig. 20). Some pupae are brown or green; others are superbly painted, sometimes with gold or silver pattern. The differences are so significant and so characteristic of each species that the type of butterfly can be determined by the pupa. Many pupae have a process at the end of the rear part of the body, often equipped with spines. It is called a crematerum and serves to secure the pupa after the caterpillar skin falls off. Some pupae are secured with a belt of silk threads.

Rice. 20. Pupae of daytime butterflies: a - butterflies of the daytime peacock eye (Inachis io); b - urticaria butterflies (Aglais urticae)

Most pupae are “silent creatures,” but there are also some that make sounds. The pupae of the death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos) and the pupae of the Saturnia butterfly Rodinia phugax can squeak.

The pupa's means of protecting itself from predators is camouflage. In some species of butterflies, the color of the pupae depends on the substrate on which the caterpillar pupated. But the pupa of the poplar ribbon butterfly (Limenitis populi) resorts to deceiving insectivorous birds. In its sculptural structure there is a detail that looks like a protruding droplet of hemolymph - the blood of insects. A bird, seeing a pecked pupa, will mistake it for an inedible one, thrown away by another bird. The pupa of the butterfly Stilpnotia salicis is covered with tufts of hard yellow hairs that serve to protect it from insectivorous birds and predatory insects.

Pupa stage various types The life cycle of butterflies lasts from one to two days to several years, if the pupa enters the so-called dnapause. The impetus for such a slowdown in development can be the length of daylight hours, ambient temperature, humidity and other factors.

It is interesting to note that the color of the wings of the future butterfly depends on the temperature conditions in which the pupa was located. Experiments have shown that from the pupae that developed during low temperatures, butterflies came out, the colors of which were dominated by dark colors. From pupae kept for more than high temperature, butterflies with lighter colors appeared.

Many species whose pupae develop in cocoons have special devices for butterflies to come out. In butterflies Hoplitis milauseri and representatives of the genus Limacodes, pupae are cut out in a cocoon round hole using a special spike located on the shoulder. In other species, the hatched butterfly secretes a liquid that corrodes the cocoon. Often, especially in species that develop inside trees and grass stems, at the ends of the abdomen of the pupa there are teeth directed backwards, giving it the opportunity, shortly before the butterfly hatches, to move along the path made by the caterpillar until it exits.

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The phase of insect development with complete transformation, during which the metamorphosis of the larval organization into the adult organization takes place. In accordance with the depth of the processes of histolysis and histogenesis, the pupa loses the ability to move and only in some neuropteroids and caddisflies, characterized by shallow metamorphosis, does it retain some mobility and the ability to move.

There are pupae: free(open), the appendages of which are not fused to the body; covered, covered with a cuticular sheath with a relief of appendages not separated from the body; hidden(or punaria), which under the unshed and barrel-shaped cuticle of the last instar larva hide a typical free pupa. In some insects with incomplete metamorphosis (male scale insects, whiteflies, thrips), the need for radical transformations of the nymphal organization into the adult organization leads to the development of resting phases comparable to the pupa.

a - free (caddisfly), b - covered (butterflies), c and d - puparia and the free pupa of higher dipterans enclosed in it, respectively

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Insects are amazing creatures. Some of them amaze with their beauty, others are frightening just by their appearance, others can be useful to a person, and others pose a danger to him. Doesn't matter if it hurts little creature, or quietly crawls on the ground, without affecting people’s life in any way: some types of “bugs” reproduce in a special way. What insects have a pupa?

What is a pupa?

A pupa is nothing more than a stage of development of a certain individual, characteristic of insects predisposed to. While in this state, the insect undergoes a complete change in the organs and tissues belonging to the larva into the structures of an adult. As a rule, pupae are motionless, they do not change in size and do not eat food.

Having completed the growth process, the larva stops feeding and switches to a sedentary lifestyle, last time sheds her skin and only then turns into a pupa. Appearance The appearance of the pupa does not allow us to call it an adult, but it already acquires a list of characteristics that allow us to compare it with a transformed insect. For most, before it turns into a pupa, it is wrapped in a cocoon. The material for its creation is usually silk. The cocoons of some butterfly species are harvested to create fabrics such as silk and mascara. What insects have a pupa? The list of them is quite extensive: the mentioned butterflies, praying mantises, hornets, wasps, May beetles, house flies, ants and others. Let's tell you more about some representatives of this group.


When answering the question about what insects have pupae, you should pay attention to butterflies. Immediately after formation, the pupa of this insect remains open: its small legs and wings adhere very loosely to the body and can be easily bent.

However, the soft outer shell hardens quite quickly, and the limbs are firmly glued to the body with a special liquid. Upon superficial examination, the pupa is very similar to a caterpillar, but if you are careful, you can notice some features of an adult butterfly: the makings of wings, a sketch of the head, abdomen, proboscis and antennae. The durable shell of the pupa, as a rule, is devoid of hair, but in some species of butterflies there are still individuals decorated with a small amount of hair.

What insects have a pupa besides the butterfly?


A female can lay up to 120 eggs at a time, and over the course of her life this number increases to two thousand if environment turns out to be favorable. The egg develops completely within 8-50 hours. The housefly is an insect prone to complete transformation. Its larvae reach a length of thirteen millimeters, have no legs, the shape on the side of the mouth is pointed, and the tip is truncated. They live in feces, as well as in other rotting substances with a semi-liquid structure.

After about two weeks, the larva completes its last molt and crawls to a secluded place, where it turns into a pupa. This phase of life housefly lasts about three days. An adult lives up to a month, but when favorable conditions this period may double. After one and a half days after the completion of the transformation, the fly is able to reproduce.

Besides flies, what insects have a pupa? There are enough of them.


When looking for information about which insects have a pupa, you may encounter ants. Their life begins with the appearance of an egg, from which larvae very quickly emerge.

By itself, it practically does not move; it is looked after by working individuals: fed, transferred to special “rooms”. Having gone through all the larval stages, the future ant pupates. The insect is not able to independently get rid of the shell covering the pupa, so adults help it finally emerge into the world.

Puppet Puppet

stage of individual development of insects with complete metamorphosis, following the larva. K. does not feed and is usually motionless. Intense internal activity occurs in it. restructuring, in the process of cutting the insect turns from a larva into an adult - an adult; in this case, most of the larval organs are destroyed, and the organs of the imago are formed anew from special rudiments - imaginal discs. The duration of the K. stage is from 6-10 days (in some flies) to many. months (if K. falls into diapause). There are 3 types of K. Free(open) K. wings, antennae and legs are tightly pressed to the body, but not linked to it (for example, in lacewings, hymenoptera, most beetles); K. caddis flies and camels even actively move with the help of their limbs. Covered K. the general cover covers the legs, antennae and wings (for example, in butterflies, long-whiskered and straight-sutured short-whiskered dipterans); such K. are less mobile than free ones. Larvae usually pupate in cocoons and other shelters, less often openly. In the hidden, or barrel-shaped, K. the larval skin is not shed during the last molt, but turns into a false cocoon (puparium), in which the K. lies, for example. in flies and gall midges.

.(Source: Biological encyclopedic dictionary." Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial team: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Stage of insect development with complete metamorphosis. The larvae of butterflies, beetles, dipterans and other insects turn into pupa after the last molt. Usually the pupae are immobile; they do not grow or feed. Often, before pupation, the larvae surround themselves cocoon. During the transformation of the larva into a pupa and the transformation of the pupa into the next stage - imago a deep internal restructuring is taking place. The duration of this stage can be from several days (6-10 in flies) to several months (in wintering butterfly pupae).

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)


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