Do-it-yourself MDF corner panels installation. Interior wall decoration with MDF panels. What are MDF panels

When renovating a house, you always want to kill two birds with one stone and combine high quality low cost materials. At first glance, such an idea seems utopian, but what if we told you that it is quite real?

In this article we will not only talk about how wall cladding is done MDF panels, but we will also show short video how to cover MDF walls.

Something that must not be forgotten

Before moving on to a detailed answer to the question of how to cover walls with MDF panels, let's take a little time useful tips. In order for the repair to be of high quality and last for many years, it must be done in compliance with all rules and regulations.

Often, such rules are neglected, and then, when the finishing begins to deteriorate, they complain about low quality materials and everything else.

Most often in such situations, the problem lies with the person who did the repairs, so here are some practical tips:

  • Before covering the walls with MDF panels, be sure to prepare the base. The walls need additional protection to prevent fungus from forming on their surface. This can be done using special soil. deep penetration or impregnation for concrete or stone surfaces.
  • If the sheathing for the panels is made of wooden blocks, treat them all with wood impregnations, which protect the bars from moisture absorption and from bark beetles. There is no need to skimp on impregnation; the better the wooden guides are protected, the longer the finish will last, and it will not have to be edited.

  • In fact, walls covered with MDF do not need additional protection, but if you install them, for example, in the kitchen (see Wall decoration in the kitchen: choosing a material), where it is traditionally difficult environment, you might consider varnishing the panels. This will not affect the appearance in any way, but will provide additional protection from moisture and mechanical influences.
  • Wall covering with MDF panels can be done in several ways. We’ll talk about this in more detail below, but for now we’ll just say that you need to decide on the method even before purchasing the material. The fact is that the panels may differ in the groove configuration, and for example, MDF for fastening with a stapler is not suitable for fixing with clamps.
  • Modern manufacturers produce a wide variety of panels that differ in quality characteristics. There are laminated and moisture resistant. Of course, the price for them is also different, but in some cases there is no point in overpaying, for example, if you are covering the walls of a bedroom (see Decorating the bedroom: looking for options), then spending on laminated MDF will be simply pointless.

Advice! If you decide to do the repairs yourself, before you start work, be sure to watch how to cover walls with MDF panels video. This will help you understand the essence of the process and glean some subtleties that we cannot mention due to the scope of the article.

So, we have decided on the intricacies of the process, which means we can proceed directly to installation, and it begins not with the panels themselves, but with careful preparation of the surface and the manufacture of the sheathing.

Preparatory work

In fact, covering walls with MDF is not difficult; it is much more difficult to prepare the walls and assemble the sheathing. The subsequent quality of the finish and how long it will last without alteration and restoration will depend on this.

First of all, we prepare all the necessary tools so that we don’t have to look for them throughout the house later. Everything should be at hand, and then the process will go much faster and easier.

So, to finish the panels we will need the following set of tools:

  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Construction level.
  • Hammer.
  • Wood saw.
  • A hammer drill and a drill for it, with a diameter corresponding to the selected dowels.
  • Brushes or paint roller.
  • Construction stapler and staples for it.

Now that everything is at hand, let's move on to the next stage.

Wall marking

Before you cover the wall with MDF and make the sheathing, you need to clearly decide which way your panels will go, horizontally or vertically. It is necessary to decide at this stage, since the installation occurs in a perpendicular order.

If you have decided on this issue, then you can proceed to applying markings. We will talk about vertical installation of panels, since it is considered more common.

First of all, we need to secure the outer bars, and to do this we find the lowest point from the ceiling and from the floor. We retreat approximately five centimeters from these points, and using a building level we draw a line along the entire perimeter of the room.

Now we have the extreme lines, and, starting from them, we divide the entire wall into equal sections, approximately 40-60 centimeters each. This distance is enough so that the panels do not sag and stand level.

Now that all the lines have been drawn, we place marks on each of them approximately 50 centimeters apart. At these points, the guide battens will be fixed to the wall, so you shouldn’t waste time on trifles; the more often the fasteners are in place, the stronger the structure will be.

Construction of sheathing

Instructions on how to properly assemble the sheathing are clearly shown in the video in this article. Be sure to watch it until the end to clearly understand the whole process, and in the meantime we will continue.

In those places where we placed marks on the horizontal lines, using a hammer drill we drill holes of the required depth. Now, using dowels, we nail the metal braces to the wall, which will hold the guides, and bend their ends perpendicular to the wall.

To make the sheathing, you can use three materials, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  1. Wooden beam. The cheapest, but at the same time weak material. As you know, wood is susceptible to many negative influences, and subsequently certain difficulties may arise with it.
  2. Metal profile for drywall. Metal is more resistant to various influences, but upon contact with moisture, it begins to become covered with rust, which after a certain time can appear on the surface of the panels.
  3. Galvanized profile. The most expensive material of all listed, but at the same time the most stable. The galvanized profile is not afraid of contact with water and easily tolerates temperature changes, so it can be used in rooms with an aggressive environment, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

Important! If you need to cut a galvanized profile, under no circumstances use a grinder for this. From high revs, that's all protective coating it will simply burn out and the profile will remain unprotected.

Panel installation

So, our sheathing is ready, which means we have directly approached the question of how to cover the walls with MDF panels. In fact, the worst is already behind us and the process of installing panels is the easiest stage. You can start installation from any side that is convenient for you, there are no specific rules here, we just take the panel, place it against the corner and, using a stapler, through the ridge, fasten it to the sheathing.

One of the photos shows how the installation begins, and that the next bracket is driven into the ridge. We remind you that we are talking about how to sheathe walls with MDF boards using a stapler, and if you choose clamps, the technology will be slightly different, and you can read more about this in one of the articles on our website.

Next, insert the next panel into the groove, the one we just secured and repeat all the steps. This way, all the walls are sewn up, and there shouldn’t be any difficulties at this stage. The walls are ready, and all that remains is to fix the decorative corners. They are mounted with PVA glue. Everything is simple and clear, so we won’t even focus on this.

And in conclusion

Well, now we have figured out the question of how to sheathe walls with MDF. As you can see, there is nothing complicated or impossible here. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, and to boldly get down to work, and if you still have questions, then you can read other articles on our website, where, we are sure, you will find answers to all your questions.

MDF is one of the most popular finishing materials to date. This is largely due to its relatively low cost, but for many consumers, the installation process is much more important. If you can install the finish yourself, this is already a huge plus.

That is why, in this article, we decided to talk about how to attach MDF panels to the wall, and even if you are one hundred percent confident in your abilities, we strongly recommend that you read this material to the end and watch the videos posted in this article.

Preparatory work

Any repair, including attaching MDF panels to the wall, begins with careful and thoughtful preparation. You need to take into account a lot of nuances, and first of all calculate the amount necessary materials. Fortunately, today it is much easier to do this than 10 years ago; you just need to use a calculator on one of the construction sites on the Internet.

Important! Calculating materials using an online calculator may have an error, which can be compensated for by simply adding 10 percent to the result. This way, you will not only accurately guess with required quantity, but also leave a reserve in case of defects during the installation process.

It is not difficult to calculate the number of panels yourself, but only if the room in which the renovation is planned has straight walls, without communications and architectural delights. So, everything has been purchased and delivered, in principle you can start working, but there is one small trick - before attaching the MDF panels to the wall, they need to lie at room temperature for at least a day. open form, that is, removed from the packaging.

This is necessary for the material to gain moisture and produce all the deformations that inevitably occur when changing temperature regime. In the meantime, our panels are getting used to the new room, it’s time to prepare the tool. It is very important that everything you need is at hand; often it takes much more time to find a hammer or nail than to do the repair itself.

To simplify your task with preparing the tool, we present full list what may be needed during the installation process.

Tool set


  • Tape measure and pencil for marks. This most important tool should always be in your arsenal home handyman, and moreover, be at hand. During the entire repair, you will have to use them more than once, so it is better if they are always in your pocket.
  • A hacksaw for wood, but with a fine tooth. If possible, this tool can be replaced with a jigsaw, but if your repair is not planned in a huge room, then it is simply pointless to buy it. MDF panels and sheathing material are easy to cut by hand, and it does not require special physical strength.
  • Construction level. A simple tool that no repair can be done without. In the arsenal professional builders there are high-tech laser levels, but you don’t see it often in the everyday life of a home craftsman. The fact is that the price of this tool can reach 10 thousand rubles or more, so buying it for one repair is simply not profitable.
  • The neighbors' threat is the hammer drill. A very loud tool, but without it you are unlikely to be able to drill holes in a stone wall. You will also need a drill for the hammer drill, and it is better if it has a diamond tip.
  • Construction stapler. If you are still unfamiliar with this tool, now is the time to get acquainted. In many situations, it can replace a hammer and nails, and working with it is much easier and more convenient. You simply apply the gun to the mounting location and press the handle, and the metal bracket itself penetrates the base and fastens the materials.
  • Hammer. They say that any repair can be done with just a hammer and a strong word. Whether this is true or not, we will not say, but it is a fact that fastening MDF panels to the wall cannot be done without it.

So, the entire tool is prepared, and you can rest a little before the next stage, but for now we suggest you watch how to attach MDF panels to a wall video, so that you understand from the very beginning what to expect in the future.

Preparing the base

Our panels are still getting used to their new location, and now is the time for us to start preparing the walls.

Instructions for attaching panels include two options:

  1. Attach the panels directly to the wall. Let’s say right away that this option is not suitable for us, and most often it is offered to their uninformed clients by careless and extremely lazy workers. Over time, such a finish will begin to collect moisture, and for MDF this is certain death, and sooner or later, you will understand that the repair needs to be completely redone.
  2. On the prepared sheathing. This is the only way to protect the panels from moisture. MDF is mounted at a distance from the wall, so this finish lasts much longer. Next we will describe exactly this option, and if at some point the workers try to convince you that the lathing is not important, just look for other performers, these are clearly trying to deceive you.

Preparing the walls begins with removing the old finish, and the more thoroughly it is removed, the better the quality of the base. There is no need to expose the wall right down to the brick; just remove it old paint or wallpaper (see How to remove wallpaper from walls correctly and without pain).

This is very easy to do with the help of a plaster spatula, and if in some places the paint stubbornly refuses to leave its place, just leave it there, which means it has become familiar with your walls and will not interfere with new repairs.

The next stage is priming. It is necessary in order to protect the walls, and subsequently the entire finish, from the appearance of mold, which inevitably forms due to the constant accumulation of condensation. Primers and impregnations penetrate deeply, in this case they work as antiseptics, that is, they do not allow fungus and mold to spread.

If your apartment has not been renovated for a long time, and the walls have lost their appearance– the best replacement for wallpaper or tiles will be MDF panels. They are ideal for interior decoration, as they have an attractive appearance and are made from environmentally friendly materials. pure materials. In addition, high-quality installation of panels can be performed by anyone with basic technical and construction skills. Today we will talk about the features of finishing a room with MDF panels and give step by step instructions on installation.

What is MDF

MDF is a panel finishing material obtained from woodworking waste through dry hot pressing of fine chips. When heated, wood releases a substance called lignin, which acts as a glue. The structure of MDF resembles felt made from wood fibers. The main advantage of such panels is their high moisture resistance. As a result, they are often used for covering walls, floors and ceilings in rooms with high humidity air, for example, in the bathroom or toilet. However, due to its attractive appearance, such finishing is often widely used in halls and offices. Surfaces lined with MDF in the corridor and loggia also look great. Material cost compared to tiles– low, but the walls will be perfectly smooth.

If you decide to install the panels yourself, then first you should prepare necessary tools and materials for work.

What you will need for installation

For high-quality MDF wall finishing you will need following materials and tools:

  • Insulation ( mineral wool, penofol, polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam). We'll look at each type in more detail a little later.
  • MDF panels. There are many models that differ in thickness, color and structure, so the choice is yours.
  • Slats or galvanized profiles for installing sheathing. Width and thickness – 40 and 20 mm, respectively. The length is selected depending on the size of the wall.
  • Self-tapping screws are needed to fasten the panels to the sheathing.
  • Clamps are special elements necessary for fastening panels to each other and to the sheathing. Often available complete with panels.
  • A plumb line is a nut or any other small metal object, tied to a fishing line or thread.
  • Construction level.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • Plane.
  • Metal corner (metal square). Needed for cutting pieces of panels for slopes.
  • An electric jigsaw is used to cut MDF. You can also use a hacksaw or circular saw. The latter, due to its compactness, is very convenient to use. It can cut both wood and metal - simply by changing the complete wheels.
  • Hammer drill with concrete drill.
  • A screwdriver, drill or screwdriver with a screw attachment.

Toolkit in the photo

Preparing the walls

Preparing walls before installing sheathing

Before you begin facing work, you need to make sure that the room is suitable for installing panels. If strong swelling of wallpaper, drywall, or peeling of plaster is visible on the walls, then you should first clean them of old finishing materials. Also, do not forget about skirting boards and decorative corners(if any) used to hide the joints of walls and ceilings.

Helpful advice: It is advisable to remove the old finish completely, that is, up to the main wall. This way you will save on fasteners and reveal hidden surface damage.

When the walls are cleaned, you can proceed directly to installing the sheathing under the MDF panel, but first, let's find out what types of lathing there are.

Types of sheathing

The most popular installation technologies wall panels from MDF today are considered:

  1. Wooden sheathing. This design is easy to make and does not require a large number of fasteners. However, wooden sheathing requires pre-impregnation. special means, in order to prevent the appearance of fungus, rot, and mold. If the room has high humidity, then you should not use wooden sheathing in this case.
  2. Lathing made of galvanized profiles. Often, metal structures are used as sheathing for drywall, although they are quite suitable for covering walls with MDF panels. But galvanized profiles are not suitable for forming a frame on the floor due to their low strength. As for the ceiling, a structure made of light metal rather than timber is just right here.


The installation of lattice structures made of metal and wood has several differences. For example, when using galvanized profiles, they should be fastened only with powerful and long self-tapping screws. Using dowel-nails in this case does not make sense - the tenacity between the profile and the fastener itself will be lost.

The most important point on which the strength of the fit of the fasteners and the entire structure depends is the fixation of the body of the self-tapping screw or dowel-nail (with wooden sheathing) at least 35 mm in the wall. For example, if the thickness of the rail or profile is 20 mm, and the MDF panel is 10 mm, then the depth of the groove for the mounting socket and, accordingly, the fasteners should be about 65 mm, or preferably more. The diameter of the fasteners is selected from 4 to 6 mm, depending on the density of the wall. The stronger it is, the smaller the diameter of the screw should be. All fasteners are equipped with a special socket. When drilling a groove, the diameter must be compared with the diameter of the body of the socket, and not its head, otherwise the safety margin will be insufficient.

Installation of a wooden structure

Installation of wooden sheathing

We start with installation vertical racks. We install slats in each corner in pairs - so that they form a right angle, as well as along the edges of door and window openings along the entire height of the room. To ensure that the racks take an exactly vertical position, we use a plumb line. Now in order:

  1. We apply the strip to the wall and outline it on either side with a pencil or marker.
  2. We make holes for fasteners using a hammer drill with a concrete drill. For structural strength, the drilling pitch should be in the range from 0.4 to 0.5 m.
  3. We drive the sockets for the fasteners into the holes and make marks of their location on the rack itself.
  4. We drill holes in the rail with a diameter slightly smaller than the mounting hole.
  5. We install the racks in place using self-tapping screws or dowel nails.
  6. We install horizontal bars in the same way. The step remains the same. Don't forget to decorate the slopes with slats.
  7. At the end, we remove the ledge elements at the joints of the structure using a plane.

Fastening the metal base

The procedure for installing a structure made of galvanized profiles is completely similar to the above. First, the racks are placed in the corners of the room and in the places of openings for marking the walls. Afterwards, holes are made for fastening and installation of vertical profiles. UD type profiles are used as racks. In the marked places, in accordance with a step of 0.4–0.5 m, insert horizontal profiles CD type. Afterwards, the transverse strips are attached to the racks and the wall. Elements between each other metal structure connected using ordinary self-tapping screws. As was said earlier, such a sheathing needs to be attached to the wall only with powerful fasteners (dowel-nails will not work).

Helpful advice: to cut metal profiles, it is recommended to use a grinder or a hand-held circular saw with an appropriate attachment. The efficiency of a jigsaw even with a metal file is much less.

About thermal insulation

Installation of insulation

The installation of the sheathing is complete, but before moving on to the installation of MDF panels, the walls should be insulated. This will allow you to save a lot on heating the room, and also increase its thermal insulation. In addition, insulation additionally prevents the formation of mold, mildew and moisture in the voids of the sheathing. It is recommended to fill the cells in the sheathing with one of the following insulation materials:

  • Penofol is a relatively new multilayer insulation material, which consists of polyethylene foam and polished foil with a reflectivity of 97%. It is fireproof, environmentally friendly, has good noise insulation and low vapor permeability.
  • Mineral wool. The material has gained great popularity due to its high thermal insulation and moisture resistant properties.
  • Foam plastic. Air is the best heat insulator, and this material consists of 98% of it. All this is thanks to the polystyrene granules that are formed in the foam during the production process. The material has high moisture and vapor resistance.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. This type of foam is obtained by melting with extrusion. The seal is not cheap, but it fully justifies its price. The material has excellent thermal insulation, as well as a high compression ratio. Therefore, it is often used to insulate floors.

Installation of this thermal insulation material very simple:

  1. Sheets are cut from a roll of insulation in accordance with the cell sizes (lathing pitch).
  2. After this they are attached to the wall using construction foam or silicone glue.
  3. Protrusions formed polyurethane foam are removed using a utility knife.

After insulating the walls, we move on to the most interesting part - the technology of wall cladding with panels.

Installation of MDF panels

Installation of panels

Laying the product should start from the corner. The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. We apply the panel to the corner and check whether it fits tightly to the sheathing. Then we evaluate the evenness of the surface using a building level.
  2. If all is well, from the corner side along the entire height of the structure we fasten the panel with self-tapping screws to the sheathing.
  3. Subsequent strips are connected using clamps, which are inserted into the groove of the panel. It is advisable to fix these staples with nails to the sheathing.
  4. We slide the ridge of the next one into the groove of the first corner panel. In this case, it is necessary to control the tightness of their fit. If cracks are found, you should slightly trim the ridge of one panel with a knife and try to put it in place again.
  5. We attach the MDF plank to the sheathing using self-tapping screws along the entire height of the structure.
  6. The installation process is then repeated.
  7. The last panel must be pressed all the way to the penultimate one and secured at the free edge with self-tapping screws.

Important: If the last plank does not fit into the remaining space, you can still carefully shorten it in width using a jigsaw.

Slope finishing

This procedure is similar to installing panels. In addition, when finishing slopes, there are two decoration options. The first is to install the panel lengthwise, the second is to install it across. If the slope is small and its width does not exceed 1.8 times the width finishing panel– transverse cladding is performed. For wide slopes, you can resort to any of the methods.

Useful information: great view have slopes sheathed across, with alternating dark and light tones.

The finished look is given by fittings, thanks to which you can hide the corner joints between the panels. Folding corners cover the shortcomings well. WITH inside You need to apply glue to them and press the product tightly to the sheathing in the corner. To hide the joints with the floor and ceiling, you can use a plinth.

Video instructions for working with wall panels

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing MDF panels, and this work can be done without the help of a builder. We hope that our article will help you produce high-quality finishing of the room, which will not only insulate your home, but will also last for many years.

The modern interior provides a beautiful and original finish, which especially emphasizes the style of housing. Therefore, recently MDF wall panels have become very popular among designers. Unlike wooden board They are inexpensive, come in various colors and are easy to install, giving the room a refined look.


MDF is a unique building material, produced in the form of panels from wood-fiber raw materials medium density. Since the slabs are produced by dry pressing of wood shavings under high temperature and pressure with the addition of urea resin, they are extremely strong and durable in use.

Decorative finishing with such panels has many advantages.

  • Easy installation. The material can be fastened in any direction: diagonally, across or along the surface of the wall. In addition, to install the panels you do not need to carefully prepare the working base. The condition of the walls does not in any way affect the quality of the cladding.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Huge assortment color palette and textures allows you to use MDF for any style. In addition, during installation, a small space remains between the slabs and the base of the walls, which can be used to hide insulation and wiring.
  • Good thermal insulation. The material is characterized by excellent heat resistance, so after attaching the MDF, the room acquires additional insulation.
  • Easy care. To clean the panels from dust and dirt, just wipe them with a soft sponge soaked in warm water. If damage occurs during operation, there is no need to completely change the casing. To do this, the panel with defects is removed and a new one is attached in its place.
  • Durability. This cladding will reliably last for decades.

Despite the presence of positive characteristics, MDF also has some disadvantages.

  • Low moisture resistance. When exposed to moisture, the material is subject to deformation. Therefore, for finishing rooms with high humidity It is recommended to use special boards with a protective layer.
  • Instability to mechanical damage and loads. Decorative panels require careful installation and maintenance.
  • High risk of fire. Electrical wiring, which is laid under the trim, must be placed in the fire resistance of the box.
  • Formation of hollow walls. Since MDF is fixed to the frame, there is a “emptiness” between the skins, so when you need to fix furniture to the walls, you have to use long nails or dowels.

Before purchasing facing slabs, it is important to consider that they are produced different sizes depending on model range each brand.

As a rule, the most common products on the market are thicknesses from 7 mm to 14 mm and sizes 2600×200 mm, 2600×153 mm, 2600×325 mm. Attached wall blocks usually on glue or lathing made from wooden beams and metal profiles. At the same time, installation of slabs on wooden frame it is much easier to do, but before installation, the wood should be coated with antiseptic solutions that protect it from the formation of mold and mildew.

Today, MDF boards have found wide application in various fields. They line the walls, door leaves, window sills, ceilings, and screens for heating and ventilation systems and arches. This finish looks great in modern interior, since the panels imitate not only expensive types of wood, but also natural stone.

Calculation of material quantity

Installation of MDF, like any other material, must begin with preliminary calculation number of panels. To do this, first of all, determine the area of ​​the room: all the necessary measurements are made, and the perimeter is multiplied by the height. It is also important to consider the presence of doors and windows in the room. Their quadrature is calculated in a similar way, multiplying the height by the width, the resulting result is subtracted from the total area of ​​the room.

Then, knowing all the numbers, you can go shopping for wall panels. Since the products are sold in different sizes, you will have to additionally calculate how much square meters in each slab. Usually manufacturers write this on the packs. If, for example, a panel is purchased with a width of 900 mm and a length of 2600 mm, then it is enough to multiply 2600 mm by 900 mm. As a result, it turns out that there are 2.34 m2 in one slab. Then the area of ​​the room that is planned to be covered must simply be divided by 2.34 m2, and you will get required quantity panels.

Preparing tools

An important point before the start MDF sheathing The preparation of the instrument also counts. Since the installation of wall panels is not particularly difficult, it is quite possible to do it yourself, without the help of specialists.

To get the job done quickly and efficiently, you need to have a basic set of tools on hand.

  • Roulette. It is best to use a 5-meter tape measure.
  • Level. It can either be purchased in a store or made from jute, with a nut attached to the end.
  • Drill with a full set of attachments. It will perfectly replace a screwdriver and simplify the task of fastening the plates.
  • Metal square. For installation, the one that has different legs and is usually used by mechanics is suitable. Using a square, panels for cutting slopes will be measured.
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw. It is recommended to stock up on both at the same time. In this case, a hacksaw should be selected with small teeth that have a transverse and longitudinal cut.
  • Bulgarian. It is needed for cutting metal profiles if the frame is planned to be assembled from metal.

In addition to the above, you will also need the usual tools that everyone has in the house: a screwdriver, a knife, a hammer, drills and a marker.

Installation methods

Before sheathing the walls with MDF, it is necessary to determine how to fasten them. Install decorative panels You can use glue or on the sheathing. Each of these methods is characterized by its own installation technology.

Before choosing, you should evaluate the condition of the surface, taking into account some nuances.

  • The boards are made from wood fibers, so the material must be protected from contact with substrates damaged by mold. Installation on walls in rooms with high humidity is not recommended. In addition, the panels must be mounted on a flat base.
  • If the walls are well cleaned of old finishing and dry, then MDF can be installed on them using glue or liquid nails without assembling the sheathing. This will simplify fastening, but will eliminate the possibility of replacing individual plates if they are mechanically damaged.

The installation of wall blocks on a frame is as follows: guides are attached to the surface, serving as the basis for installation, then MDF is fixed to a metal profile or block.

This technique has many advantages.

  • The lathing hides defects in the base, so the walls do not need to be leveled and leveled. This, in turn, significantly saves time and money.
  • The resulting “void” between the skin will serve ideal place for laying important systems communications and laying the thermal insulation layer. In addition, additional sound insulation is created, which is especially important for apartments in which the partitions between the walls have poor sound absorption.
  • Opportunity quick repair finishing if individual panels have been damaged.

As for the disadvantages of such cladding, it significantly reduces the area of ​​the room, and if you need to hang pieces of furniture or decorative elements, then it is worth considering that the structure will not withstand such loads.

Unlike the previous method, planting with glue does not have any significant disadvantages. MDF boards They are attached directly to the wall; in this case, the connecting element is glue. To additionally secure the panels together, clamps are also used. Thanks to this finishing option, the area of ​​the room is not reduced, installation is carried out quickly, without damaging the material with screws or nails. But if the surface of the cladding is damaged during operation, then it will be necessary to restore not just one fragment of the finish, but the entire wall.

When deciding on the choice of one method or another, it is worth taking into account not only the features of the room, but also calculating the costs of covering. For example, in some cases it is much more economical to putty the walls and not build a frame. For large premises Of course, it is best to install the sheathing, since perfectly leveling their walls will be problematic.

Execution of work

MDF panels thanks to their operational characteristics and aesthetic appearance are widely used in finishing works. Wall panels can not only be used to decorate the ceilings of a corridor or hallway, but also to sheathe a doorway or window slopes in an original way. Furniture fittings and wall corners can also be easily made from the material at home. Since the product is easy to install, it is quite possible to do all the work yourself. Before attaching MDF, you should prepare the surface for finishing by cleaning it from the old coating and eliminating all defects.

Regardless of whether the cladding is planned on concrete, wood or brick, the base must be primed; this will protect the finish from the appearance of mold and mildew in the future.

For additional thermal insulation of window slopes, walls and doorways, it is recommended to lay insulating material, he will not only serve good insulation, but will also cope with the task of vapor and waterproofing.

To install panels on slopes, they can be fastened along or across, it all depends on the size of the slope. This finish, made from a combination of light and dark pieces of slabs, looks original. Installation of panels on walls and ceilings is carried out either with glue or with pre-installed assembled frame. To do this, first attach starting profile, and then guides, along the length of which you need to join correctly decorative details. To make a beautiful corner, before installation you should trim the material, rounding its edges.

It is recommended to saw or cut panels using special tools for working with wood. The best option A jigsaw is considered suitable for this, but if you don’t have one at hand, a fine-toothed saw will do. Having decided on the direction of the MDF sheathing, the panels are measured and cut to the required length. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the tenon along the entire length of the first slab; if this is not done, then difficulties will arise when installing the corners.


When choosing a method for attaching MDF to the sheathing, you will first have to make a durable frame from metal profiles or wooden beams. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that wooden structure requires preliminary impregnation with antiseptic solutions that will protect it from rot and mold. If you plan to lay thermal insulation, then the thickness of the beams is chosen according to the thickness of the insulating material. For plating brick walls and rooms with high humidity, wooden frames are not recommended.

To wooden beams were not deformed during installation; it is worth choosing well-dried wood. The structure is fixed perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels, leaving a small margin of 5 cm from the floor and 3 cm from the ceiling. First of all, fix the vertical elements, which are placed along the edges of the recesses, in the corners and next to the openings. The planks should be spaced 700 mm apart from each other. To fasten the structure, self-tapping screws or nails with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm are usually used.

To assemble a metal structure, UD racks and horizontal CD profiles are used. The sheathing pitch is similarly 600-700 mm.

The CD profile is inserted into the rack and everything is secured to the wall with self-tapping screws. Metal profiles can be cut with special circular saw. If the ceiling is finished with panels, then the frame must be assembled only from horizontal elements using additional fasteners.


After frame construction ready, start paneling. MDF slabs are fixed to each other using a tongue and groove lock, consisting of a recess and a ridge. TO wooden sheathing the parts are secured with small nails, they are driven in obliquely with a hammer. To install the material on the metal profile, clamps are used, they are placed in the groove of the slab and secured with self-tapping screws.

When installed vertically, the MDF begins to be fixed from the corner, smoothly redirecting to the left. The first slab is attached to the beam with nails, and from the groove side the fixation is carried out with clamps. Then the ridge of the next slab is placed in the groove of the first. The last panel should be cut to length, leaving a small margin of 5 mm, and its ridge should be cut in half. It must be inserted into the groove of the previous panel and the free edge secured.

Pieces of wall slabs are used to cover slopes. To beautifully close the skin, use special corners. They are placed on liquid nails or glue, decorating the edges near doors and windows. In addition, MDF is excellent for finishing ceiling surface, in this case, the panels are installed in a direction perpendicular to the base of the walls.

Construction market represented by a huge range of MDF panels. For finishing inside the house, a material with a painted and laminated surface is usually used. It can be used to cover both the surface of walls and ceilings, as well as doorways or an arch, which is pre-installed on a plasterboard frame. Depending on the area of ​​application of wall panels, their installation is carried out in different ways.