Why do you dream about hugging each other? What does it mean to hug in a dream. Various images of a man in a dream

Dreams, undoubtedly, sometimes bring no less, or even more, pleasant emotions than real events in reality.

Of course, there are also creepy, unpleasant, scary dreams, but often you still have to experience the most pleasant feelings. What could be more joyful than melting in the arms of your beloved man, or that guy you really like and about whom all your thoughts are!

Alas, it happens that the very young man you secretly like does not take steps towards you in reality. And then hugging him in dreams is even sweeter and more pleasant.

But besides emotions, the dream also carries a hidden meaning. And, perhaps, hugs with a guy, a beloved man, or maybe even a stranger, promise something very important, some significant changes.

So, when remembering dreams, it would be useful to find out why hugs are dreamed of - probably this does not happen in dreams without a reason. There is no need to rush, because the interpretation of the dream depends on exactly whose arms you found yourself in in your dreams and what they were like.

In addition, the emotional coloring of dreams is also extremely important. If, while hugging someone, you felt joy and happiness, calmness, pleasant peace - rest assured, the dream promises only the best. When feeling anxiety or sadness, it is worth remembering that there is a possibility of some losses or even separations in reality, or maybe just minor troubles.

The interpreter will tell you in more detail why hugs are dreamed of. The dream options are as follows:

  • Hugging in dreams with your own spouse.
  • Finding yourself in the hands of a stranger in a dream.
  • Tender, affectionate hugs in a dream.
  • I dream about someone hugging me very tightly.
  • Passionately hugging someone in a dream.
  • Hugging a friend, sister.
  • Hugging a child.
  • A loved one, a partner.
  • Hugging your loved one while feeling sad.
  • To be hugged by the guy you really like.
  • The one you like suddenly hugged you tightly in a dream.

Such visions most often leave a sweet, pleasant aftertaste after waking up. Sometimes you really want the dream to last and not end! But don’t rush to be sad, perhaps the dream book will predict events for you that will turn out to be no worse than those that happened in the dream itself!

What to expect in reality?

As already mentioned, when remembering a dream before interpreting it, it would also be useful to remember the feelings and emotions that overwhelmed you in it. Although in general, a dream about hugs cannot promise any trouble, since this is a good sign.

On the contrary, hugs are a symbol of friendship, affection, warmth and love. So rest assured, nothing bad awaits you in reality. But the dream book will tell you what exactly to expect.

1. As the dream book says, hugging your own husband (or wife) in dreams is a good, bright sign. It promises you happiness in your family and love life. Perhaps a new period, a flourishing of feelings - strong, mature and conscious. There will be harmony and reliable peace in the family.

2. Such a dream, where you happened to feel the arms of a stranger, always portends a big surprise, most often unexpected guests. And this is where it’s worth carefully remembering what you felt.

If there is joy or at least calmness, then an unexpected surprise in reality will be pleasant for you, or even make you happy. But if it was very unpleasant for you in a dream, and you experienced any kind of negative experiences, the surprise is unlikely to bring you much joy.

3. Tender, affectionate and careful hugs in dreams are a symbol of great happiness in love. If you are still free, then know that this is temporary - very soon that same feeling will come into your life, and it will change you!

4. If you dream that someone is hugging you very passionately, beware of uncontrollable feelings in reality! You may be overwhelmed by a storm of joyful and pleasant emotions, but still, try to keep them under some control so as not to ruin everything.

5. A tight hug in dreams is a symbol of your man’s reliability. Do not doubt, your loved one is faithful to you, and you can definitely rely on him - there is no reason for jealousy or mistrust!

6. If you dream of hugging your girlfriend, sister, friend, this is also a good sign. A joyful meeting awaits you, which will bring many pleasant minutes!

7. Hugging a child in a dream is a wonderful sign. In reality, cloudless, serene happiness awaits you. Everything around will make you happy, problems will disappear as if by magic, and a white streak will come for a long time.

8. If your loved one hugged you, know that your union will be strong and harmonious. Be firmly confident in this, and do not be afraid of anything. It is your relationship that has the chance to become ideal if you believe in your partner and appreciate him!

9. Hugging someone you love while feeling sad is a warning. Perhaps some troubles may soon arise in your union. But don’t be afraid - everything depends only on you.

And if you can show patience and wisdom, if you remember how important it is to preserve strong union and do not lose trust in each other, if you always respect your partner, then no troubles are scary. You will be able to endure difficulties with dignity without losing anything - they will only make your relationship stronger!

10. A pleasant dream in which you hugged a guy whom you secretly (or openly) like in reality means either a quick date with this person, or at least good news from him. You shouldn’t expect your chosen one to just propose to you tomorrow, but rest assured, this is a good sign.

11. If this same chosen one in your dreams unexpectedly hugs you tightly, in reality he will probably take a step towards you. Or maybe he is just thinking about it, but everything is not decided. Maybe you should take the first step?

Dreams of this kind are rare, and you are lucky to see a hug. Know that only good things are ahead - and believing in this will certainly make reality much happier!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Hello. 8 months ago I met a guy who I really liked. We saw each other only 2 times. never after that. It's my fault. I see in a dream how he hugs me and I feel terribly pleased and feel great joy and warmth from his hands. We stand tenderly hugging. I don’t remember how, I understand that he doesn’t want to marry me. The feelings during those minutes while we stood were so strong that I only think about him, and it seems to me that I love him. Although I had never experienced such strong feelings before. Help me understand the dream.


Today I had a strange dream... As if I was lying on a huge terry sheet, soft as feathers, and he was hugging me unknown man. And he is made of ice. I try to peer into his face, but the translucent ice hides the outlines, making them blurry. He touches me and goosebumps run across my skin. I lean towards his face, there’s a chill blowing from him, but it’s not bad, but rather pleasant, as if from fragrant mint... We are overcome by passion, we roll on the terry sheet, and I’m overcome by thoughts - how will we do THIS if he made of ice? Will I be pleased? After some time, I realized that it would be... I run my hand over the terry sheet on which we lie after... Snowflakes remain on my palm, turning into droplets... After all, our makeshift bed is also frozen water... ...And I wake up... I wonder what this could mean ?


Images of ice and snow in dreams are always associated with stagnation and rigidity. From your unconscious perspective, you were not using the full power of your own eroticism by having sex with a dysfunctional partner. However, a dysfunctional partner is just a consequence. What pushes us to this “ice bed?” Submitting to obsession, a person cuts himself off from real life pleasure, which, according to the plan of Genesis, should first be earned by a responsible attitude towards himself and his actions. In one of the poems, Pushkin gives preference to “cold” partners because he liked the result of their “warming up”. But during the day we do this consciously, and in sleep mental reactions are weakened, so sleep - in this case - indicates imprudence.


I dreamed that they hugged me, picked me up, put me on their shoulders, and lifted me up just like that. I also dreamed of blue, blue eyes. Log house. The house stood on a cliff, I stood next to this house, I dreamed of a school office. Pleasant sensations, I didn’t want to wake up.


In a dream, I hugged a person who was not familiar to me in reality, but I knew him in a dream, I wanted to console him and hugged him, I felt so pleased, as if I had met a very close friend whom I had not seen for a long time, and I didn’t want to let him go anywhere.


I go up to a person to whom I feel affection to ask about how he conducts the program, he stops me and says “wait”, hugs me and I see that there is a heavy brown door lying on his head, and it seems like it should put pressure on me, but it’s easy for me, I turn to him, I understand that in theory we should fall, but he holds me and we stand, I say “we’ll fall now,” he replies, “What, I only drank vodka and cognac,” and then he looks into the eyes and He says, don’t you understand that I love you, I fell in love with you wildly, madly,” and pushing me against the wall, he begins to kiss me. I try to fight back by pointing out that we are among people and feel a sense of confusion. and I wake up. note: this person is married. we have sexual relations. but we are friends. but we hide our relationship. I have never dreamed of this man. I am 22 years old, he is 30.


I hugged a girl with whom I used to study in the same class, but we hardly communicated, although I liked her and she seemed to like me too. Before this dream, I didn’t even think about her after we last time we saw each other... in the dream we just hugged and lay, when I said that it was time to go (in fact, I didn’t want this) she delayed me and I loved her even more and we lay and enjoyed just the fact that we were lying together... In the morning it appeared I feel like I’ve loved her for many years... I'm a nice guy, 16 years old


It’s warm outside, twilight. Late summer or early autumn. he comes up and takes me somewhere. we are hiding from his wife, on the shore of the lake. then, under a large tree (probably an apple tree, but without fruits), he hugs me from behind by the shoulders and presses me tightly to him. I feel very good, calm, protected and happy. Closing my eyes, I simply enjoy his hugs. and we stand like this for a very long time. he says something beautiful to me and I feel the happiest in the world. then the fuss begins, someone’s birthday (most likely my friend’s). I'm 17 (almost 18), I'm a girl. this guy in real life my beloved, we have been communicating for almost 8 years. he has been married for about a year.


The guy wanted to throw something at me. I ran up to him and wanted to take it away, but it turned out that I hugged him. I was very pleased. Then we walked with him hand in hand. I thought we were in love. Then we met again, I wanted to hug him, but it didn’t work, and then I told him: “What is it, why don’t you hug me.” He replied: “What do you need?!” That’s when I realized that we were just friends, although in the dream we didn’t even ask anyone’s name. I am 14 years old and a girl. The guy I dreamed about is Zhenya, I really like him, but I’m not entirely sure if he likes me. I really want him to come and meet me.

The stronger the hug felt in a dream, the stronger the friendship symbolized. Therefore, the person who asked the question “What to expect if you dreamed that they were hugging me?” needs to analyze their relationship with those who are dreaming. A dream in which a person understands “I am being hugged,” but does not see the hugger, speaks of loneliness.

What if I dream about being hugged?

If a girl sees being hugged in a dream, this often indicates great importance the emphasis she places on the close relationships and friendships in her life. Hugging a stranger in a dream means a lack of experience in communicating with people, or the person sleeping in this case does not strive to find strong and long-term relationships. A person who is in a marital relationship and sees hugs in a dream is most likely not very happy in his marriage. If he embraces his partner, this means a lack of intimacy in the relationship that worries him, and if he dreams of an acquaintance or stranger, then most likely the sleeper is burdened by his marriage.

Hugging your child in a dream promises a quarrel with him in the very near future. Also, this dream can be caused by fear for the health of their children; sometimes this fear does not have sufficient grounds, but still torments the parent.

If the sleeping person is hugged against his will or he does not dare to ask for an end, most likely the person hugging in real life has great power over the sleeping person. The dream calls for influencing the current situation before it is too late, since this suffocating relationship cannot lead to anything good. Very often, children whose parents abused alcohol or often resorted to assault have dreams about unpleasant hugs. Such people also adult life They often feel helpless in the face of circumstances and do not dare to end a relationship that they do not like.

Seeing and feeling yourself in a strong embrace in a dream and enjoying it means finding a long-awaited support or goal in life, solid ground, fulfillment of desires. It could be good job or a successful move to another country, or the opportunity to fulfill an old dream.

Hugging, stroking and caressing a cat in a dream means meeting a rather self-centered and selfish person who does not value the opinions of his colleagues and friends. If in a dream a person sees hugging and playing with a dog, such a dream means a faithful friend who can stay close for many years. Hugs with fairy-tale creatures such as dragons can speak of the dreamer's vivid imagination and belief in miracles.

A person who hugs a clergyman in a dream feels the need to believe in some unshakable truths. Most often, such dreams appear only if the existing faith has already been shaken for some reason. Hugging distant relatives or close relatives living very far away means needing support. If in a dream a person sees friends who have come to him from afar and hugs them, this means the speedy fulfillment of desired prospects and the further development of existing plans.

Watching hugs in a dream dear person, which for some reason take place in a public place - suffer from the fact that the details of your personal life will be made public. Most often, such a dream haunts people during the first days in a new place, or any other job in a new team, which is not too easy to fit into. Also, this dream may be the result of a conversation or acquaintance with a person who, intentionally or unintentionally, does not respect boundaries in communication, asking interlocutors awkward questions. The dreamer, in order to get rid of awkwardness in reality and in a dream, should limit communication with such a person.

What does it portend?

If a drunk person comes in a dream and strives for an embrace with the sleeping person, this can be interpreted as a desire for a close relationship. Perhaps the sleeping person, for some reason, does not have a close friend nearby who would thirst for his advice and share events with him, and this fact saddens him. Seeing yourself drunk in a dream and giving out hugs left and right is a sign warning about the need to respect boundaries in personal communication.

Hugging your spouse tightly in a dream often foreshadows family disagreements and even scandals. But such a dream can also come to a person who is forced to endure separation from his family.

Often, hugs in a dream serve as a harbinger of unexpected guests who do not warn the owners about their visit or come at an inopportune time. It has also been noticed that hugs are often seen in dreams by lonely people suffering from this state of affairs.

How nice it is when your loved one hugs you or close person. But is the interpretation of a dream in which you are hugging someone so favorable? Why do you dream of hugging? What could such a dream mean?

Why do you dream about hugging - the main interpretation

If you dream that you hugged someone tightly, such a dream, unfortunately, does not promise you a tight hug in reality. Most likely, on the contrary, you will be disappointed in the person with whom you hugged tightly in a dream. But you shouldn't worry so much about this. Life will definitely compensate you for the communication and positive emotions that you did not receive from this person.

What you should pay attention to Special attention, if you had a dream in which you hug?

Who exactly are you hugging?

What emotions do you experience at the same time?

What does the person who hugged you tell you?

Who else is present in your dream.

It is important to interpret a dream by analyzing all its participants. So, if you dream that you are hugging your loved one tightly and at the same time experiencing pleasant feelings, perhaps even love - such a dream promises you a strengthening of relationships and connections between you.

If in a dream you see a picture of your lover hugging another woman, this may become true in reality. It's time for you to add charm and charm so that your loved one does not exchange you for another. The dream book advises to take a closer look at whether those hugging in a dream are happy. If you are happy, then you will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain the relationship, but if not, you should not worry. Your opponent will not be able to break up your pair.

If you dream that you are hugging your lover and crying at the same time, perhaps a long trip or separation awaits you. But don’t be discouraged in advance. This will be a temporary separation that will allow the relationship to reach new level.

If in a dream you hug one of your relatives and at the same time experience melancholy and fear, such a dream may indicate that the person will soon be overcome by an illness that will be difficult for him to cope with on his own. You will have to lend a helping hand. If in a dream you hug your mother and remember how you were a little girl, such a dream suggests that you lack care and warmth. You give a lot of love to other people and receive little in return.

Hugging a child in a dream means wanting to become a mother, wanting to join the family. Hug an elderly woman– fear of losing beauty and health. The dream book warns you against groundless worries; while there is no point in thinking about old age, it’s time to enjoy life.

If you hug an animal and your soul becomes calmer, you will receive help from a friend. This will be the care and support that you have lacked for so long. If you dream that some man is hugging you from behind, you need to beware of casual acquaintances and casual relationships; new opportunities will soon open up for you, but manage them wisely.

A dream in which you hug a tree and at the same time enjoy peace and quiet speaks of an imminent opportunity to relax and enjoy life. Unfortunately, this will be a fleeting vacation that will quickly end. But this will be enough for you to regain your strength.

A dream in which someone tries to strangle you during a hug promises trouble. Someone is really trying to control all your steps and your life. If you know this person by sight, if this is your lover, try to defend your right to freedom, your right to personal space.

If in a dream you want to hug someone and the person disappears into thin air, you dream of a career, love, but you don’t go beyond your dreams. It is worth supporting dreams with actions, it is important not to drown in illusions, not to dwell on a dream, but to constantly move forward, constantly set new goals and see new horizons. If you stick to this rule, then everything in your life will get better pretty quickly.

If you dream that you are hugging an enemy, such a dream promises you a stab in the back. If you experience fear and indignation when hugging, most likely your enemy will be useful in an important matter. He will tell you, without meaning to, how to get out of a deadlock situation.

Why do you dream of hugging according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says why you dream of hugging. Such a dream often indicates a hidden need for intimacy and tenderness. You lack understanding and warmth if in a dream you hug your lover and experience tender feelings for him.

If you dream that you are hugging ex-lover, which means that you will soon begin to compare your current relationships with your past ones. It is important not to escalate the situation and not cause conflict with new passion. Don't try to reproduce pleasant moments from past relationships in your current relationship. Try to discern in your new partner positive features character - this is the advice of the dream book.

If a lonely girl dreams that a stranger is hugging her, such a dream does not always promise her a pleasant meeting and new acquaintances. She is so absorbed in herself that she simply does not notice the beautiful world around her. The dream book advises her to leave the confined space towards a new relationship. Otherwise, she will remain drowning in her dreams.

If a man dreams that someone else is hugging his beloved, such a dream means that he is overly jealous and does not allow his lady of his heart to take a step. These shackles, the golden cage in which he locked his beloved, will sooner or later open and she will fly out to meet new feelings.

If you dream that someone stranger is hugging your children, you should worry about their health, perhaps an unpleasant incident will happen to them. If you don’t have children, you will dream about offspring for a long time and try to have your first child, but your attempts will be in vain. This is not due to a combination of circumstances, it’s just that the time hasn’t come yet. The dream book advises not to despair, but to wait for the right moment.

Why do you dream of hugging according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that if you hug an enemy in a dream, expect new attacks from him. If you dream that you are hugging a friend and experiencing a feeling of horror, such a dream promises you enmity with him. Perhaps he is already unfriendly towards you, and now your worst fears will come true.

If in a dream you hug your lover and say goodbye at the same time, such a dream means that life will give your relationship a new chance. Even if you were in a quarrel before, now you have every chance of reconciliation.

If you dreamed that you were hugging a friend you haven’t seen for a long time, he will soon appear in your life. This will not be an easy meeting. This person will be able to change the course of events. If you have been plagued by troubles and difficulties for a long time, he will help you resolve them.

If you dream that you are hugging on the platform, such a dream warns you against traveling and significant plans for the future. Everything will change soon, but don't make grandiose plans for the future right now.

Why do you dream of hugging according to other dream books?

Miller’s dream book says that a dream in which you hug should be interpreted taking into account the emotions that it brought to you. If you hug your lover and feel joy at the same time, everything in your relationship will be smooth. You may expect a pleasant surprise from him, maybe even a marriage proposal. If you feel coldness from your lover and unpleasant emotions, it means that he harbors a grudge against you in his soul.

The dream book from A to Z says that hugging a stranger promises a quick acquaintance with your future husband. If you hug women, you will be suspected of malicious intent, of a negative act. You don’t have to make excuses or prove your position. It will be enough to wait out the moment and just make plans for the future.

If in a dream you hug children, such a dream promises you peace and quiet in your home. You will become a support for your loved ones. They will appreciate you for the most best qualities. After such a dream, you will enjoy family happiness for a long time. You shouldn’t shift all responsibility for your actions onto your dreams. They only guide you along the path to your goal. You take the most important steps yourself. The main thing is to interpret the dream in its entirety and use all its clues. Even if it promises not entirely pleasant events for you, you must be determined to overcome difficulties.

Why do you dream of hugging? Many dream books claim that if a person dreams of hugging someone while sleeping, this means changes in the sphere of personal relationships, and is usually a favorable sign. However, for a correct interpretation, it is worth taking into account many factors, ranging from the emotions experienced from hugging in a dream and ending with the person with whom you dreamed of hugging.

For women, hugging in a dream is often seen before starting a new relationship with a man who is used to getting his way and courting persistently. This relationship will be joyful and happy. You shouldn’t waste this opportunity, and it might be worth taking a closer look at the person who is trying so hard to win the dreamer’s attention.

For men, such a dream promises a quick meeting with an interesting, young person who will give many new impressions and adventures in the love sphere. It is possible that the relationship with this person will further develop, leading to a happy marriage and wonderful children together.

Miller's Dream Book

The popular scientist and leading psychologist of the century before last, Gustav Miller, studied for many years the influence of the sequence of images in a dream on further destinies absolutely different people. Miller's dream book is the most popular today. And he interprets dreams in which a person hugs in his own way.

Hugging a loved one or husband in a dream is a great joy on the way of the sleeper. Hugs from the back foreshadow sincere love, as well as the beginning of a new, white streak, success in all planned directions. However, if at the same time, the sleeper experienced not joy, but sadness or melancholy, troubles may arise between you. But do not panic, since all events will not be serious.