What is coaching in simple words. Who is a coach and why is one needed?

Coaching differs from classical consulting or training in that it does not contain strict recommendations or advice. The coach looks for a solution to the problem together with the client. From psychological counseling coaching is distinguished by setting motivation, achieving the desired goal in work or life.

What is coaching

There are many definitions of coaching. This is also a training for personal self-realization, where the trainer leads the client to the desired goals in the form of a conversation. Executive coaching (personal consultant) creates conditions for the comprehensive improvement of a person’s personality. Coaching is also a system for realizing the social and creative potential of all training participants. There are four basic levels of coaching:

  • setting life goals;
  • checking the reality of the direction;
  • building ways to implement them;
  • achieving a result (will stage).

Who is a coach

Couch is a specialist who professionally helps his clients achieve their goals. A coach is an accomplished person in life, successful man who constantly improves his knowledge, works on himself, and masters techniques for developing human resources. A business coach must receive education from one of the world's certified schools that issue permission to provide coaching services. Personal coach:

  • works with the client to determine their own potential;
  • teaches the rules of self-regulation;
  • motivates a person for personal and professional growth.

Types of coaching

Today there are several types of coaching. The main classification is based on the quantitative composition of clients. Depending on the area of ​​application, the following types of coaching are distinguished:

  1. Individual coaching. The consultant works with the client one on one. In the course of cooperation, individual problems are solved that affect different areas of a person’s life: career, business, health, relationships, family.
  2. Team coaching (group). A business coach works with a group of people. The peculiarity of a coaching session is that several people have common task. They could be family, business partners, a sports team, or public organization.
  3. Organizational coaching. The consultant interacts with the top person of the organization. Training involves the use of systematic techniques aimed at identifying the potential of a manager, employees or the entire enterprise. What makes organizational coaching different from others is that it addresses the interests of the entire company, not just individuals.

Life coaching

One of the most important blocks of life coaching is goal setting. The main thing in working with a client is to teach him to clearly understand what he really wants. During training, a person understands himself more deeply, confidence in his actions appears, and awareness increases. Coaching has nothing to do with psychology or psychotherapy. A person works in the present to create the desired future. So, life coaching – what is it and when is it needed?

The pace of life of a modern person leaves no chance for the implementation of most plans. After all, when they have a free moment, people expect peace and quiet and want to not think about anything. A personal life coach not only helps to manage time, but also allows the client to evaluate each area of ​​their life. Trainings promote balance between career, health, financial well-being, personal life.

Coaching in Education

Coaching techniques are successfully used in education. The student reveals his potential, achieves high results in learning without coercion. What is coaching in education? The training forms the students’ readiness for self-development, designs educational environment university or school, helps to build the learning process taking into account personal qualities student. Teachers also benefit from coaching. They take a fresh look at the learning process, focusing on the free implementation of non-standard approaches. The teacher helps to form a responsible personality.

Business coaching

Coaching was originally formed for the business environment. For entrepreneurial activity training technologies are best adapted. Coaching in business is used to bring a person to new level, help formulate goals. A business coach helps not only make a career choice, but also speed up career. Professional coaching is far from a person's specialization. The courses help the learner find smart solutions to complex problems. Managers organize coaching for their staff to make the company's operations more efficient.

Sports coaching

The method of consulting and training is also used in sports. This is a special world where there are rules aimed at achieving victory. Coaching in sports helps participants learn to manage their emotions, develop strengths, achieve professional goals. A fitness coach advises top athletes who compete at world championships, helps them remove fears and become more persistent in achieving high results.

Personal coaching

This is individual work with a client, when a coach helps him achieve his goals as effectively as possible. The coach’s task is to remove from a person the influence of past disappointments and failures on today’s successes. The learner stops belittling his abilities, gains confidence, and begins to understand his uniqueness and value. Individual coaching helps the counselee increase their income, because, as a rule, lack of self-confidence and fears prevent them from increasing it.

Coaching in management

More and more managers are approaching management with a coaching philosophy to improve the performance of their organizations. This style consists of two techniques. The first includes management with planning, motivation, communication, decision making. Coaching in personnel management helps eliminate limitations and expand the potential of employees. The second method can be characterized as structuring relationships in a team. Coaching management teaches employees to act proactively and responsibly.

High Performance Coaching

The classic textbook on revealing a person's personal qualities is not a book on psychology, but the work “High Performance Coaching” by John Whitmore. It is interesting not only for individual training, but also for corporate training. Effective coaching is an art that requires understanding and a lot of practice. The book teaches you to overcome misconceptions about business and helps you take a fresh look at management and people. She talks not only about financial coaching, but also about relationships with others.

Coaching techniques

There are several coaching techniques that can help you look into the future and foresee all possible developments. Although everyone’s motives are different, they can be achieved if you adhere to the basic principles of training. Basic coaching techniques:

  1. Everyone is fine. The most important principle that teaches not to label and not make diagnoses.
  2. All people have necessary resources to achieve what you want. We must remove from ourselves the belief that we are insufficiently competent or uneducated in this or that matter.
  3. People always do the best the best choice of all possible. The principle gives good opportunity come to terms with decisions taken and their consequences.
  4. The basis of every action is made up of only positive intentions. Every person strives for love and happiness, but uses different actions.
  5. Change is inevitable. This process does not depend on our desires, because the body is renewed every seven years. What changes there will be tomorrow depends on what a person does today.

How to become a coach

The coaching profession does not require detailed knowledge of psychology and neuroscience issues. He does not have to be an expert in all the problems with which he will be approached. The consultant simply asks questions, helping to intensify the research or cognitive activity person. How to become a coach? First, a person must decide for himself the following: whether he is able to regularly develop communication skills and whether the desire is true.

Becoming a professional in this matter is an extraordinary step. You need to live with complete clarity about your future, put your life in order and set personal goals. Many coaches started with the following steps:

  • tested readiness to become a professional using special tests;
  • mastered knowledge under the guidance of a mentor-coach in a preparatory program and received a certificate;
  • found new clients based on the knowledge gained;
  • after the first 100 paid sessions, they decided to invest in further career growth.

International Coaching Academy

In Russia there is a unique coaching academy, Mak, which trains professionals online and issues an international specialist certificate. The company provides training via electronic means and innovative technologies. The course is taught remotely in an understandable language, so it is suitable for both beginners and those who are already developing in this area. The Academy regularly conducts various master classes on skills development. Here you can learn children's or adolescent training, as well as take a coaching course for people with ADHD.

Coaching courses

It’s easy to find a huge number of courses on the Internet that offer to learn a profession and raise your level. Any coaching center provides students with video and audio materials, books, and live communication with professionals. Some of the most popular topics include the fundamentals, tools and techniques of coaching. The courses are useful for both business managers and ordinary people who are interested in how to live in harmony with others and with themselves.

Video: why coaching is needed

A person’s desire for personal success and successful overcoming of life’s obstacles gave impetus to development new profession- coach

Coaching is what a coach does. The meaning of the profession is that one person helps another person move towards their goal.

With the help of coaching, people achieve their goals faster and more effectively, they become more confident and act in accordance with their plans.

Professional support from a coach helps a person independently clearly formulate his goals and develop strategies to achieve them.

Focus on the future

Coaching training differs from conventional psychotherapy. Because the described approach is aimed at what should bring happiness and success in the future.

But this focus helps to work on your present. A person working with a coach begins to look at life differently, to realize his true intentions and desires (and not those that society imposes on him).

He gradually gets rid of internal barriers, which, most often, prevent him from achieving his goal and finding his own profitable solution.

How can a coach help?

So, who is the coach? A coach is a trainer who helps you achieve success. This is an instructor who guides you to personal success.

People can contact him regardless of specialty or age. The most important thing is that they feel a lack of success or what they want and really want to attract it into their lives.

Coaching training helps:

  • Choose a life goal.
  • Avoid obstacles on the way to what you want.
  • Solve relationship problems in any area, etc.

The coach helps set new life goals, and also directs attention to changing and adjusting old goals.

Real and imposed goals

It very often happens that modern man strives for what he doesn’t really need, but was imposed by society or family. Achieving such goals will never bring success, happiness and satisfaction.

Only if you understand what exactly a particular person needs, will it be possible to achieve the goal and get pleasure from it, feel happiness and the desire to move on.

A life coach is a person who is focused on success. He takes into account only the categories of success and always thinks with them.

Many compare the work of this specialist with the work of a psychoanalyst, personal growth coach and business coach.

How does coaching work?

Coaching is a long-term accompaniment, so communication with a coach does not always take place in person.

Since consultations are needed on a regular basis, communication is also supported through Skype, correspondence via e-mail etc.

When meeting for the first time, the trainer asks the person questions, what happens is oral interview or the client fills out a form.

What is a coach? This is a person who, depending on the answers to questions, will help identify a predisposition to a certain type of activity, the reasons conflict situations and can even reveal hidden abilities.

Communication is built in such a way that the coach helps the person to understand his own mistakes and take targeted actions to eliminate them.

Successful man

If doubt remains and the question rings in your head: “Coach: who is this?”, it is necessary to additionally emphasize that this is a successful and accomplished person in life.

In addition, he has systemic knowledge that helps his client achieve almost any life goal.

How to become a coach? There are several options. But the first step is to try yourself as a coaching client yourself. Then choose training and find a new profession.

In what situations is coaching relevant:

  1. When the goal is so big that achieving it requires support and a lot of energy;
  2. If you want to fulfill your dream as quickly as possible;
  3. When you need to achieve results on your own and want to use all potential opportunities for this;
  4. If you want to learn not only to achieve goals, but also to set true, and not imposed goals;
  5. To increase efficiency and responsibility;
  6. To achieve balanced success in all areas of life;
  7. If it seems that finding a solution to a difficult situation is unrealistic.

Coaching sessions

A coaching session is a process where a coach meets with a client or several clients and works through certain situations.

There are several areas of coaching:

  1. Personal. A person meets with a coach because he wants to achieve goals that are in his area of ​​interest. Goals can be set in any area - relationships, personal development, health, etc.
  2. Group. The coach works with the team to achieve professional and personal goals.
  3. Business coaching. This may be group or individual work, but it is aimed at improving business performance.

Modern successful people note coaching as an effective practice that allows them to achieve their goals as quickly as possible and with minimal effort.

It is important that a professional coach works with a person, who has himself achieved success in life and can motivate and guide other people to this.

Coaching, as a teaching method, according to a number of experts, appeared in the second half of the 19th century in the USA. Initially, coaching was understood as the psychological preparation of athletes - tennis and golf players. However, the famous American coach Timothy Gallwey drew the attention of experts specializing in developmental psychology that the methods used by coaching can be used not only in sports, but also in business and for the purpose of personal improvement. His book, The Inner Game of Tennis, first published in 1974, is considered by many to be the coaching bible. It pioneered the concept of the “inner game,” which has formed the basis of many coaching methods used today. The success stories of athletes who used coaching contained in the book attracted the interest of many businessmen, politicians and public figures. And already in 1992. was published A new book about coaching - “Coaching for Performance” (“High Performance Coaching”). The popularity of the book has given John Whitmore, its author, the fame of “the father of modern coaching,” and the book itself is recommended as a Coaching Guide for all aspiring coaches.
Today, the effectiveness of coaching is known all over the world. It helps people more effectively learn new skills that help them succeed in life. various areas life. According to the popular Canadian newspaper National Post, coaching is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This is due to the enormous speed of change taking place around us, adaptation to which requires equally rapid learning. Traditional forms of education, including seminars and trainings, are not always able to motivate a person to make positive changes or ensure their long-term effect. This is where coaching can become additional way mastering new skills for personal development and career growth.

Basic Coaching Methods

The methods used in coaching are easy to use and are considered very effective. Among the main methods are the following:

  • training method- involves conducting individual and group trainings. The training method is used by the coach to teach the client deficient skills and develop them.
  • consulting method- within this method, the coach offers the client ready-made solutions
  • mentoring method- It is also called the method of questions or the Socratic method. The essence of the method is that the coach formulates questions, answering which the client independently comes to make the necessary decisions.
  • processing method- “Do as I do” method. A coach who uses this method shows the client the actions that need to be taken to solve a specific problem.
  • hypnotherapy method- the coach helps the client turn to internal resources (enter a resourceful state), which significantly increases the client’s ability to solve the problems facing him.

Coaching Schools

Along with the growing popularity of coaching, the number of training centers that train coaches is also growing. I bring to your attention a list of such centers, both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

1. International training center "M-TRAINING".

2. International company “STEP&GROW”

Has the exclusive right to educate, train and certify professional coaches in the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries Central Asia and the Caucasus under the Erickson International (Canada) programs “Science of the art of transformational coaching”, “Coaching of effective teams”, “Management coaching”. Certificates are accredited by international standards ICF and are valid in more than 90 countries.
Training conditions on the website: http://step-grow.kz/

3. Representative office of the International Erickson University of Coaching in Russia and the CIS countries.

The representative office is located in Moscow, but conducts its training events in most major cities of Russia and the CIS.
Training conditions on the website: http://erickson.ru/

4. International Coaching Academy MAXIMUS

5. International Association of Russian-Speaking Coaches (MARK)

6. International Institute for Coaching Parents, Children and Adolescents (ICIYA)

Specialized coaching school. The school's programs are aimed at preparing child and adolescent coaches, as well as people who, during their professional and personal activities, encounter children and adolescents.
Conditions of training on the website: http://coachforkids.ru/

7. US Academy of Professional Coaching “FOWLER INTERNATIONAL”

Distance learning in Russian. At the moment A The academy offers 5 online courses with a Fowler Academy certificate:Life Coaching (16 hours), Business Coaching (30 hours), Group Coaching, Style Coaching and Weight Loss Coaching. Conditions of training on the site:

What is coaching? This cooperation, helping a person clearly define his goals and objectives and achieve results in his professional and personal life. This art, promoting human development. This creating an environment, facilitating movement towards cherished goals.

Word " coaching"derived from English" coach" - to mentor, train, inspire, since the roots of coaching lie in the field of sports and are based on the methodology of positive, cognitive and organizational psychology.

How to consciously manage your life, realize your potential, how to find inner balance, live and act effectively - this is where coaching is applicable.

Coaching is a system in which you can move from problem zone to problem zone effective solution, a system that allows you to feel new approaches and possibilities.

The coach does not give advice or teach. He asks you questions that lead to a deeper understanding of the situation, problem and solution. To effectively relax and engage both hemispheres, techniques are used NLP And yoga. Breathing and meditative techniques of yoga can achieve amazing results.

By answering the coach's questions, a person can discover his hidden capabilities and find perfect unexpected decisions, go beyond your patterns and the stereotypes that hold you back. A coach challenges a person.

Each person has all the necessary resources and abilities, and a coach helps a person realize their potential. Clarify your intentions, develop an action plan to achieve your goals. The basis of the method Timothy Gallwey, the founder of coaching, is the idea that a person is not an empty vessel that needs to be filled, but is more like an acorn that already contains everything that is needed to become a mighty oak. To do this, it needs to be fed and illuminated. The ability to grow is already inherent in a person. " The opponent inside our own head is more difficult than the opponent in real game "- writes Gallwey in his book" Indoor tennis game". Timothy developed effective technique learning to play tennis, which he then transferred to the business sphere.

A person’s potential has no limits and a coach helps to unlock this potential. A person knows about himself and his difficulties much better than any consultant and can help himself in the best and most effective way. A coach only helps a person to activate his capabilities and abilities and develop awareness.

Openness - important condition effective coaching.

The difference between coaching and coaching, mentoring, counseling and psychoanalysis is that it is a direct impact with an immediate improvement in efficiency and results! Coaching works with the present and is aimed at building the future!

Coaching opens a wide range of possibilities to a person and focuses attention on where a person is at the moment and what he is willing to do to get to where he wants to be.

In the coaching process, it is possible to realize which resources are limitations, and which limitations can also be a resource. Having freed himself from internal contradictions and gained integrity, a person more consciously moves towards his intended goal and opens up new opportunities.

Coaching is an opportunity" know yourself", grow as a person, act more effectively and at the same time enjoy the process.

Today we will learn what coaching is and what is the secret of its effectiveness. Coaching cannot be called ordinary consulting or training. Yes, this method took a lot from psychological counseling and borrowed elements of training, but it has its own distinctive features expressed in this technique.

Determining the value

What is couching?

First of all, it is worth understanding what is included in the concept of coaching. WITH English word“coach” is translated as “to train”, “to instruct”, “to inspire”. Why did the method get this name? The fact is that its origins lie in the field of sports. And methodological principles and techniques were borrowed from organizational, positive, and cognitive psychology.

Coaching is a method that combines the principles of counseling and training, but not classic form . First of all, the difference is that in coaching the main place is given not to instructions, but to motivating the client to change.

A professional coach (trainer in coaching) will never give any strict recommendations . He, together with his client, seeks answers to questions that arise during the consulting process. That is why the main tool of a coach is the art of asking questions that gradually lead the client to the right exit. In the process of a kind of interview, he helps a person reveal his potential and develop it to the maximum.

Coaching recognizes that no one knows more about personal problems than the person himself, so it is he who must find the right solution. And the coach plays the role of a guide in this process. It is possible to study coaching in Russia in several organizations, for example, training is offered by the National Institute of Professional Coaching, they provide good education and are located in Moscow.

In coaching, all work is built on four stages, each of which must be completed to achieve a sustainable result.:

  1. Setting a goal.
  2. Checking whether the goal is realistic.
  3. Developing a plan for achieving the goal, which should include ways to achieve it.
  4. Direct realization of the goal is the stage of will.

Coaching is a system of interaction aimed at quickly achieving positive results. . In the “here and now” mode, the coach, together with the client, looks for ways to achieve a clearly defined goal, for example, in the area of ​​work, personal life or self-development. But, unfortunately, coaching will not be able to help the person who does not want any changes. This is expressed in the fact that he wants to get a result, but at the same time is not ready to take any action, looking for excuses for his passivity.

Key Coaching Concepts

We have understood the concept itself. There are also other concepts that exist within the method:

  • Client. The client can act as individual person, and the organization. That is, this is a person who uses the services of a coach and expects positive results. British coaches can still call a client a player.
  • A session is a process of conversation between a coach and a client, taking place according to a specific structure.
  • The coaching format is, directly, the interaction itself or the means of interaction between the coach and the client.

By the way, in coaching, for effective relaxation that promotes openness of consciousness to finding the right solutions and positive changes, elements of yoga can be used, breathing exercises and even NLP.

Who founded the method

We owe the emergence of coaching to Timothy Gallwey. In his book The Inner Game of Tennis, published in 1974, he formulated the concept of this method. The main idea is that the athlete's main rival is not another person or some circumstances. The so-called “enemy in the head” becomes an obstacle to achieving the goal.. It is he who interferes with the realization of goals.

The coach acts as a mentor who, however, does not impose anything on his client. It teaches the player to independently seek ways to achieve stated goals by overcoming internal obstacles. When a person learns this, he will no longer need a coach.

In 1992, John Whitmore continued to develop coaching ideas, applying them to management and business. He embodied his thoughts in the book “High Performance Coaching.”

One cannot fail to mention Thomas J. Leonard. He became the founder of the University of Coaches and a number of other organizations that train and unite coaches who practice the coaching method.

The most popular varieties

Known today different types coaching, which were developed as this method developed, based on the need to adapt it to certain conditions or scope of application. It can be classified according to several parameters:

  1. By number of participants:
  • Individual coaching.
  • Group (or corporate).
  1. By area of ​​application:
  • Business coaching. Its purpose is to find effective ways to achieve the company's goals. A coach must work with both organizational leaders and groups of employees.
  • Career coaching. Its purpose may be to accompany the client in his job search, to assess professional capabilities and competencies, to choose the most effective path of development, etc.
  • Life coaching. Involves individual work with the client. A person can turn to a coach with various problems: in work, personal relationships, self-esteem, health. Together with the coach, the client looks for ways of positive achievements in problematic aspects of life.

Modern technologies open up wide opportunities for both the client and the trainer himself. If previously only the face-to-face format of coaching (personal meeting) was available, now the correspondence format is also being successfully implemented. For example, telephone coaching and online coaching using social networks, programs.

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