DIY running wheel for a hamster. How to choose a hamster wheel: useful tips. Video: how to make a hamster wheel from a hard drive with your own hands

Small pets are usually extremely active and love active entertainment. Some need to be walked daily, while others independently run circles around the owner’s apartment. One of these lovers of frolic is the hamster.

Since this rodent is tiny in size, its home is not very large. And you can’t let such a fluffy out for a walk around the house. What to do in this situation? After all, an active lifestyle is so important for an animal. The only one The solution is to equip the baby’s cage with a running wheel. and decide how you can accustom your pet to it.

Do you know why hamsters run on a wheel? The hamster is a nocturnal animal and wildlife During waking hours, it can run from 5 to 10 km in search of food. Of course, he does not eat the food that the hamster finds during the night, but leaves it in reserve.

Running helps such a fluffy to escape from predators who want to eat him. Nature has it in such a way that the rodent is endowed with an enviable supply of energy, which in nature it effectively wastes. However, the hamster is limited and cannot demonstrate the required mobility. In such a situation A treadmill is the animal’s faithful “assistant” for “sports”. This is why and why the hamster spins the wheel.

Presence of a wheel – prerequisite keeping such a pet.

In this case, the animal does not need additional motivation to run. Often, just put this simulator in the furball's cage, and he will immediately start twirling it.

In addition, it is not necessary to spend material resources on purchasing entertainment, since it is not difficult to build it yourself.

What types of homemade wheels are there?

It is a mistake to start building an attraction right away. First, you should understand the types of wheels and what criteria are important for choosing a toy for an animal.

First of all, we pay attention to the diameter of the simulator. It depends on the length of the pet itself. For the Syrian fluffy, the diameter of such equipment varies from 12 to 18 cm, and for the Djungarian - from 10 cm. If the animal is dwarf or is still in the process of growing, then a wheel with a smaller diameter will do. When your pet grows up, it is important to replace the attraction with a suitable one.

The wheels also differ in the method of fastening. There are only 2 types:

  • Those that are installed on a stand.
  • Those that are attached to the bars of the cage.

The last option is considered to be the most safe and reliable. A wheel on a stand can cause harm to a fluffy cat if the necessary distance between the parts is neglected.

What will you need to do it yourself?

Materials that are suitable for self-construction There are a lot of such attributes. Initially, it is important to decide on the type of fastening and study which wheels are distinguished depending on the material from which they are made. So, they are made from metal cans, wood, plastic and cardboard.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make an attraction

From a hard drive and a jar

This accessory is quite durable and will serve the animal for a long time. To make it, you will need a tin can of suitable diameter and a screwdriver, a tool for cutting metal and an unnecessary hard drive, hot melt glue and wire.

Remove the cover from the drive by first unscrewing the screws. Then comes the turn of fasteners that secure the mirror plates. Now the engine is accessible, we remove it from the hard drive. Don't forget to also remove the extra screws that secure the spindle to the frame.

Now it's the turn of the tin can. Make sure that its walls are not too thin, otherwise the animal will bend them and the wheel will not fulfill its purpose. It is important to cut off excess material evenly and accurately from a solid container. After cutting, sharp edges will appear on the workpiece, which must be sanded, otherwise the rodent risks injuring itself on them.

At the next stage, we measure the bottom of the jar and find the center. Then glue the spindle to the marked place. It is important that the engine is placed exactly in the middle. You will also need porous and soft material, which should be used to equip the inside of the ring. This, of course, is not necessary, but it will make the fluffy more comfortable. Using wire, we attach the exercise machine to the bars of the cage.

From cardboard

The attraction will not be so durable, like the previous option, but with precise and careful work it will last a long time. You will need a ruler, a stationery knife, cardboard, a metal sleeve (preferably thin), scissors.

It is better to choose thick cardboard. From it we cut out 2 circles equal in diameter. We cut out wide holes on the parts that will serve as the “entrance” to the simulator. From the remaining material we cut out the base, path and wall, which will act as fasteners. We equip the track with protrusions on both sides so that they fit the holes in the circles.

We connect the running strip with round blanks. We attach a wall to the base, in which we make a hole equal to the diameter of the sleeve. We attach a metal part. We place the cardboard wheel on the hub. Do not forget to equip the structure with jumpers so that the toy does not slip off.

Made of wood

To make such a wheel, we find strong wooden beams (possibly from under a popsicle), wire, and a wooden beam that will act as an axis. We use a metal thread to make two large circles of equal diameter.

You will also need to build 2 smaller circles, they are necessary for attaching the axle. We place small circles inside the large ones and connect them with jumpers. We attach wooden beams to the surface of the upper circles and secure them with wire. We insert the rod inside and fasten the wheel to a suitable place.

How to make a silent attraction yourself?

Since hamster is a nocturnal animal, then the peak of energy falls on dark time days when the owners are already sleeping peacefully. At this moment, the fluffy is running in a wheel, creating a rumbling noise that can disturb an insensitive sleep.

Therefore, many rodent owners are wondering how to make a silent hamster wheel with their own hands. Let's figure it out together.

Let's prepare a round plastic tray or box for storing discs. You will also need a dowel with a curved screw and an awl. Then everything is elementary. We make a hole in the center of the base into which the smooth end of the screw will fit. Using an awl, we make through punctures in the running area so that the fluffy's paws do not slip. We insert a curved screw into the dowel from the outside between the rods so that fastener ran into a cage, and with inside hamster apartments metal part We put on a plastic blank.

It is natural that there is nothing complicated or incomprehensible in such a piece of furniture for a hamster. But it’s worth listening to some recommendations.

  1. Do not remove the wheel from the cage. The rodent needs access to it at any time.
  2. Baby hamsters do not immediately understand why they need this device in the house. At first, you should put a treat inside the toy. When getting to the provisions, the baby will put the simulator into action.
  3. Don't forget to wash your wheel regularly. Once every two weeks is enough for this procedure.

How to train a rodent to run?

How to train a hamster to a wheel? If he is categorically inclined towards the attraction and does not want to frolic in it, then first of all it is important to check that the accessory is attached to the cage correctly and firmly. The wheel should rotate freely and not flop from side to side..

It is important not to forget that the simulator must be suitable for the animal in size.

If the wheel is metal, try replacing it with a plastic one and vice versa. Perhaps the material from which the attraction is built is not suitable for the baby.

It also doesn’t hurt to make sure that the hamster has free access to the wheel and nothing prevents him from getting there. When all conditions are met, the hamster needs several days to get used to the changes. If he is still mischievous and refuses to “cooperate” with the trainer, then it’s time to use a treat. We post deliciousness on treadmill and don’t forget to report it periodically.

Hamster ignoring his toy again? Don’t be upset, because not all rodents are delighted with such a simulator. Most likely, your pet belongs to this group of animals.

As you can see, building a running wheel for a hamster with your own hands is not difficult. Choose the option you like best and start creating an indispensable toy for your fluffy. Remember: use only safe materials , not covered with paints or varnish.

Useful video

Silent wheels are very important for hamsters, because in nature this animal runs up to 10 km in one night in search of food. Therefore, a special exercise wheel will help give the small animal an outlet for energy. In this case, you need to take into account where this device will be located, since the animal can run around in it all night, which can create extraneous noise. You can see how a hamster moves in a wheel in the photo.

Parameters of a suitable wheel

In a store, purchasing a toy will cost from 150 to 1,500 rubles - you can choose one to suit every taste and budget. But if you have some free time and a couple skillful hands, then it is quite possible to make a projectile with your own hands. The children living in the house will be happy to participate in the creative process, we just have to offer it to them. So, what and how to make a hamster wheel with your own hands?

Making a hamster wheel by hand

For any hamster, a wheel is a wide circle within which the animal runs. Such products differ in material, size and cost of the product. The simulator can be made of the following materials:

  1. Wood products are not so common due to their high cost. But the pet will be able to chew such material without much fear.
  2. The popular treadmill stainless steel, which refers to budget options. This option is particularly durable.
  3. Plastic products are presented in a wide range.

You can make a simulator for rodents with your own hands. In this case, a number of points need to be taken into account. For example, requirements for work surface. If it is lattice, the animal may be injured. The mesh should be fine so that the animal’s paw does not disappear there. Additionally, it can be made safer using cardboard. There are even special non-slip surfaces.

It is also worth considering safe fastenings. Fixing the structure between the rods is considered safer. But a model on a stand can also lead to injuries. If the cage allows, then you can instead standard version buy a running circle.

You can build a running wheel for any hamster with your own hands. After all, this is a great opportunity to get an inexpensive but high-quality exercise machine. In addition, you can make the product according to your wishes. There is no need to specifically purchase materials.

You can make a silent hamster wheel from plywood. To do this, you need to cut two identical circles from a sheet. The diameter of the circle should be equal to the diameter of the future product. Both parts are connected to each other with twigs. This product makes less noise than similar options.

They also make a running structure for the hamster from a computer hard drive. You can see how it looks in the photo.

To prevent the machine from making noise, you can make a hamster wheel on a special bearing.

Here's a simple method from the CD box:

  1. In the disc box you need to measure 5 cm from the top, and then draw an even line around the circumference.
  2. It is necessary to cut along the line using a jigsaw.
  3. Then, using a drill, holes are drilled at a distance of 0.5 cm.
  4. The cut area needs to be sanded using sandpaper.

You can make other accessories for hamsters with your own hands. From plastic bottles It turns out to be an unusual maze for a hamster.

From scrap materials you can build a practical and convenient product for your pet’s active activities. It is important to correctly calculate the dimensions and choose the material for a high-quality wheel.

You can make an attraction for the fluffy miracle yourself. Middle-aged boys will especially like the idea. school age who already know how to work with some tools and materials. Involve your kids in creating an exclusive simulator for a cute animal - they will really like the process itself and your trust.

There are several options for creating a simulator. They use different materials, and the level of complexity also differs. We will tell you how to make a hamster wheel with your own hands in different ways.

Thrifty owners rarely throw away broken hard drives. After all, they can be used in some way, for example, to build an attraction for your favorite furry.

You will need:

  • damaged hard drive;
  • wide metal can;
  • insulating tape;
  • upholstery material;
  • superglue;
  • wire.

In the process of creating a toy, you will need the following tools: scissors for cutting metal, a screwdriver, writing utensils for applying markings.

The instructions will tell you how to make a hamster simulator:

  1. Unscrew the screws on the faulty hard drive and remove the cover.
  2. Disconnect the spindle (metal cylinder).
  3. Use a marker to mark the jar so that the height of the edge from the bottom is 5 cm (for dwarf hamsters) or 7 cm (for Syrian hamsters).
  4. Using metal scissors, cut the can along the marked outline.
  5. Now glue the spindle to the bottom and wait for it to dry.
  6. Cut a piece of fabric to cover the running surface. Polystyrene foam is perfect for this purpose, as it will make the wheel silent (the claws will not scratch the metal). Make the width 1 cm larger than the height of the jar! This will help disguise sharp cuts.
  7. Glue the fabric, fold the edges outward and secure them with insulating tape.

A comfortable and silent wheel is ready! Attach it to the cage with wire and call your hamster for the first training session!

If you don’t have an unnecessary hard drive, we suggest you make a hamster wheel with a bearing from a CD drive. The assembly principle is exactly the same as in the case of a hard drive.

Cardboard wheel

Even a schoolchild can make a wheel out of cardboard for his animal. But in order for the piece of furniture to turn out durable and beautiful, everything must be done carefully and accurately.

You will need:

  • thin metal sleeve;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.

First, cut out 2 identical circles of the desired diameter from thick cardboard. Make wide slits on one of them, through which you will later put the hamster in the wheel. Stepping back 0.5 cm from the edges, cut narrow rectangles along the entire circumference with a penknife. Then cut out the base and the wall to which the wheel will be attached.

Now let's start assembling:

  1. We fix the track between two circles so that its protrusions fit into the rectangular holes.
  2. Then we attach the base to the wall.
  3. Make a hole in the wall and insert a metal sleeve into it.
  4. Place the running wheel on the hub and place jumpers on both sides to prevent it from slipping off.

The attraction is ready! The downside of a cardboard trainer is that the homa will chew it. A plus is the low cost, availability of materials and ease of manufacture.

If you have the makings of a carpenter, perseverance and a couple of hours of free time, then try making a wooden attraction for your furry pet. A running circle made of wood will last your pet much longer than a cardboard one. The principle of its creation is the same. The front wall can be made either open or closed.

Hamsters are very energetic. In nature, they sleep during the day, and at night they go in search of food, and are able to cover several kilometers. Some hamsters also become numb or frozen.

It should be washed once every 2 weeks.

You don't have to buy a treadmill from a pet store. It's easy to make at home.

Having an unnecessary hard drive from a computer, you can make a silent, durable, fast-spinning product.

  • non-working or old hard drive;
  • thin screwdriver;
  • tin (aluminum) clean drink can, with a flat bottom;
  • knife or scissors for cutting metal;
  • superglue or hot glue;
  • soft rough material;
  • wire or plastic ties.

Assembly instructions

  1. Disassemble the hard drive by removing the screws from the cover and plates. The torque element inside the disk is the spindle. It must also be freed from the screws and pulled out.
  2. Cut the jar at the required distance from the bottom (5-7 cm). Finish the edges to make them smooth. If the tin bends, you need to attach a circle or slats made of plastic or thin wood to the bottom of the can with glue.
  3. Glue the spindle clearly in the center of the bottom of the can. At correct location The rotating accessory does not vibrate.
  4. Cover the inside of the treadmill with soft protective material against slipping and abrasion of the feet, securing it.
  5. Thread wire or ties through the holes on the spindle and carefully screw them to the cage bars.

The spindle can be replaced with a drive bearing, and the tin can can be replaced with a plastic CD can with punctures in the walls.

Some people prefer homemade and want to make an accessory for their hamster with their own hands. The reasons for this may be: inflated prices, insufficient quality and lack of choice. When you do everything yourself, you can customize almost everything to suit your pet. As a rule, they do not buy anything additional and make everything from existing materials. The method is not suitable for those who have never done anything with their own hands.

You can make a silent hamster wheel by hand. To do this, take plywood and cut out 2 identical circles. The diameter of the circle is equal to the diameter of the future accessory. We connect them together and wrap them around them with twigs. The advantage of such a wheel is that it is much quieter than plastic or metal ones. And you can save a lot on your purchase, since it’s quite expensive to buy a high-quality running wheel for a hamster. There are other ways to do it, but this one is the cheapest and fastest.

Attention, if you don’t have the opportunity to either make it by hand or buy a high-quality wheel, put at least some in the cage. The main thing is that it fits in size. It won’t be of much use, but perhaps it will provide the rodent with at least some activity.

Which simulator to choose depending on the type of animal

Making a wheel from this material is absolutely not difficult; it may not last long, but it will last for a while. The work process itself is within the capabilities of even a junior schoolchild. For this craft you will need:

  • a small bushing made of thin metal;
  • sheets of cardboard;
  • paper knife or scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

First you need to make the blanks. Draw 2 circles of the required diameter on cardboard with a pencil, then cut them out with scissors. A slot is made on one of the parts through which the hamster will climb into sports equipment. After this, first draw and then cut rectangular holes along the edge of the circle at a distance of 5 mm from the edge.

Now start making the track. It is cut out from a strip of cardboard of the required width, leaving protrusions at the edges for quadrangle slots on the circles. After this, cut out the base and the wall to which the simulator will be attached.

During assembly, the track is inserted with protrusions into grooves on the circles. Then the base and the wall are fastened together. A hole is made in the center of the wall for a metal sleeve and the part is installed in the resulting hole. After this, the resulting wheel is put on the hub and secured at the ends with plugs so that the structure does not fall apart. This completes the assembly process. We can only hope that the hamster will not chew his toy into small pieces so quickly.

There is nothing fancy about this attraction, but there are several recommendations that you should pay attention to:

  1. The toy must be in the cage at all times.
  2. If the purchased wheel begins to creak unpleasantly, remove it from the mounts and lubricate them with sunflower oil.
  3. Young hamsters do not immediately understand why such a toy is needed. In order to accustom your homa to sports, put him on a treadmill, and place a treat a little higher. When trying to take food, the fluffy will set the wheel in motion.
  4. The running wheel should be washed and dried at least twice a month.

And one more thing: if you are going to install a hanging wheel, and not on a stand, adjust the simulator so that the hamster can climb on and off without hurting himself.

As you can see, the creation running wheel For a fluffy, it’s not that difficult. Make your pet a toy so that he can have fun in your absence and at the same time keep himself in shape.

Tin can wheel

You can make your own hamster wheel from an old hard drive and a tin can. This option is much stronger, but also more labor-intensive. For it we will need:

  • tin can of suitable diameter;
  • spindle from an old hard drive;
  • piece of material;
  • superglue;
  • insulating tape;
  • wire.

For self-made The simulator will also need metal scissors, a screwdriver and a marker. First you need to release the spindle, for which you unscrew the screws on the hard drive box and remove the cover. Spindle inside the box appearance similar to a bearing, but still it is a slightly different mechanism. It will be needed to rotate the finished wheel.

Then you need to tackle the tin can. A metal circle is cut out of it around the circumference, retreating from the bottom approximately 5 cm for small hamsters and 7 cm for larger ones. To make the cut line smooth, it is better to first mark it with a marker. Then glue the spindle to the bottom of the workpiece with superglue and wait until the joint dries.

For interior decoration cans cut out a strip of material. Porous polystyrene is ideal; it absorbs noise and will prevent the rodent's paws from sliding off the surface. The width of the strip should be such that there is allowance for the edges, because the cut of the can is sharp. The fabric itself is glued from the inside, and the edges are folded up and secured with a piece of electrical tape. After this, all that remains is to attach the structure to the cage with wire.

The wheel is installed in the cage and remains there permanently. If there were no similar structures in the house before, the hamster may not immediately understand what it is for and how to use it. Help him with this. Place the animal on the treadmill and spin it slightly. You can put some treats inside higher up. In an attempt to reach it, the hamster will set the wheel in motion and immediately guess how it can be used.

Be sure to wash the wheel once every two weeks. The cage must be kept clean, this also applies to all accessories. If your pet has a commercial wheel that has started to squeak, you can correct the problem quite simply. Lubricate all fasteners with any vegetable oil and turn the wheel back and forth several times.

If you purchased suspended structure wheels, it needs to be hung at such a height that the pet can easily climb in and out.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making the life of a pet hamster more interesting and varied. In addition, regular jogging will improve his physical fitness.

Hamsters in the wild lead an active lifestyle. In search of food, the rodent runs 10-12 kilometers per night. In captivity, in a cramped cage, deprived of the usual pace of life, the nimble baby will quickly wither away. Lack of physical activity will lead to excess weight, muscle atrophy and other health problems. To maintain decent physical shape for their pets, caring people have come up with special exercise equipment. The most popular of them is the running wheel. Pets enjoy racking up the miles, losing excess weight and strengthening their heart muscle.

Zoologists have discovered why hamsters run on wheels. Rodents in nature constantly forage for food, even when they are not hungry. They make very large reserves for the winter. In addition, by constantly running it is easier to protect yourself from owls, ferrets and other predators. The average speed at which the animal runs is 5 km/h. The instinct inherent in nature forces animals not to sit still even in captivity. So the running wheel comes in handy here.

You can buy it at specialty store for animals. What types of exercise machines do stores offer, which one is suitable for your pet, how much does a wheel cost? Let's try to answer these questions.

Types of wheels and choice

First of all, decide on the size. A machine diameter that is too small will cause your athlete to sag when running. This can lead to poor posture and even injury. A wheel that is too large will be difficult for a hamster to spin and will be reluctant to use it. A diameter of 14–16 cm is suitable for a Djungarian hamster or a baby Syrian. The Syrian hamster needs a treadmill with a diameter of 18 cm and above.

To prevent the hamster from flying out of the wheel, the treadmill must be wide enough. For dwarf breeds - 5 cm, for Syrian - 7 cm.

From the right choice the simulator depends not only on the convenience, but also on the safety of the pet. It is important that there is a gap of at least 1 cm between the mount and the rotating part. Otherwise, the baby’s paw will get stuck in too narrow a space and the hamster will be injured. Fractures and dislocations often occur due to incorrectly selected toys and attractions.

Materials from which attractions are made:

  • Tree.
  • Metal.
  • Plastic.

The wooden wheel is the most expensive, but the safest. If your baby decides to sharpen his teeth on his exercise machine, there will be no harm.

Flaw metal structure The problem is that it starts to make a lot of noise over time. It is especially unpleasant if the toy squeaks at night, because the hamster is a nocturnal animal. He sleeps during the day and trains at night.

The plastic wheel is silent and comfortable. Make sure that the running surface has ridges. This is necessary so that the athlete’s paws do not slip on the surface.

Be careful when choosing a treadmill. If it is wood or plastic, it should not be smooth and slippery. It will be difficult for the baby to push off with his paws, and at speed the little one may simply fly out of his ride and get injured.

If the surface is metal, choose a fine mesh so that the runner's foot cannot fall into the cell.

Wheels by mounting method

The hamster trainer is attached to the cage in three ways.

  1. Mounted. The simulator is hung on a net and secured with wire or special fasteners. This is a great option if the cage is not very spacious. The toy will not take up much space. But during use, knocking on the wall is possible.
  2. Floor. Running wheel on its own stand. Often not stable enough and takes up a lot of space in the cage.
  3. The best option is on a stand with fastening to the floor of the cage.

There are also exercise machines that are attached to both the floor and the wall at the same time. In addition, the pet store will offer you another variety - a running disc. This is a plastic plate mounted on a stand at an angle. The running disc is comfortable for the animal and resistant to tipping.

Upgraded wheels

You can make a treadmill for a hamster with your own hands from scrap materials. The inexhaustible imagination of the masters suggested using even an old computer disk drive as a basis for such a simulator. Some craftsmen attach electric generator, and the little athlete trains for the benefit of his owners. Of course, a hamster on a wheel will not provide electricity to the entire apartment, but charging mobile phone he is quite capable. Please note that driving a wheel with a generator for a homa is much more difficult than “running empty”.

If you replace the rotating parts with a ball bearing, it will make less noise.

Let's start buying wheels

So, let's summarize the selection criteria:

  • Compliance with the pet's height;
  • safety and comfort of the running surface;
  • method of attachment to the cage;
  • the material from which the simulator is made;
  • price.

The cost depends on the material and ranges from 100 to 3000 rubles. Cheap plastic rides break quickly. It's better to choose the average price, but good quality. The models from the following companies are in greatest demand: Trixie, Darell, Beeztees, Ferplast, Triol. They produce plastic, metal and wooden toys for pets.

But even if you buy the most expensive toy, this does not mean that your home will like it. This is another very important point, which should not be overlooked when purchasing a simulator. The hamster must like the wheel! Otherwise, the costs will be in vain, and the animal simply will not want to use the new toy. It is almost impossible to accustom a hamster to a wheel if he does not like it. And yet, if the baby is in no hurry to appreciate all the delights of the gift, try to help him by placing his favorite treat on the treadmill. Trying to reach the next piece, the baby will gradually move higher and spin the wheel. Over time, he will like it and will climb inside the simulator on his own.

In order not to make a mistake when buying a hamster, it is advisable to immediately purchase a running wheel.

There is another reason why a rodent refuses to use the exercise machine. This is a significant age for the pet. Hamsters do not live long, only 2–3 years, and their activity decreases with age. They use useful attractions less and less often. There's nothing you can do about it, time takes its toll.

In addition to the treadmill, people have come up with other useful toys for their pets. For example, a walking ball.

Accessories in a hamster cage are very important, especially the purchase or construction of a running wheel that will allow the animal to use up the energy accumulated during the day. This article will discuss the basic requirements for a running wheel, why hamsters use it, and how to make such an accessory at home.

Why do hamsters run in a wheel?

In the wild, hamsters travel tens of kilometers a day to feed themselves, so purchasing or constructing a wheel and installing it in a cage will allow your pet to do what he loves, since hamsters are quite active animals.

As you know, they constantly eat and love this business very much, therefore, without sufficient activity, the animal can eat up to an impressive size, which will make it inactive. The hamster's minimal activity entails serious problems with health, and the animal will not live long in such a situation.

The best option to keep your pet constantly on the move is to purchase a running wheel.

General requirements for the accessory

When purchasing a treadmill or designing it yourself, you need to consider mandatory requirements, which will allow the animal without special effort use it.

Such requirements include:

How to make a hamster wheel with your own hands

If you do not want to purchase a treadmill for a hamster in a store for some reason, you can make it yourself with minimal material and time costs.

To make a running wheel at home you need to use:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • bamboo wallpaper;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • broken hard drive;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • small carnations;
  • wire.

Step by step instructions

Let's consider step by step process Making a running wheel for a hamster:

  1. First, we make markings on the plywood, draw a circle with a compass that will serve as the basis for the wheel, and an outer ring for fixation. To do this, measure a radius of 11 cm, outlining a circle on plywood - this will be the outer ring, then inside the drawn circle, using a compass, draw another circle with a diameter of 10 cm - this will be the basis for the wheel.
  2. Then you can start cutting out two parts - the ring and round base. A jigsaw is used for this. Initially cut out big circle with a diameter of 11 cm, then an inner circle with a smaller diameter of 10 cm is cut out of it.
  3. To strengthen the structure, you will need another ring with an outer diameter of 12 cm and an inner diameter of 9 cm. After cutting, the inner circle will not be used; another part of the structure can be cut out of it.
  4. The inner circle with a diameter of 9 cm, which was obtained after completing the previous step, must be used to cut out a part of the structure that allows the wheel to rotate and attach it to the cage. To do this, we cut out a trapezoid with dimensions: sides - 6 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 4 cm. On the bottom of the trapezoid, on each side, we make holes for the wire with which the wheel will be attached to the cage. Thus, along the bottom line of the trapezoid, you will have 2 holes. Let's put this element aside for a while; it will be finalized later.
  5. The next stage is working with bamboo wallpaper. It is necessary to measure a strip on them: width - 11 cm, length - 66.5 cm. Two such strips need to be cut in order to glue them together and prevent the hamster from contacting adhesive base wallpaper
    To glue the strips, you should use non-toxic wood glue and a regular brush with which it will be applied. Let the running part of the structure dry.
  6. In order to get the necessary parts from the hard drive, you need to open it. The disk will be needed to remove the bearing from it, which will allow the wheel to rotate, and another element attached to the trapezoidal part of the future structure. This element that you need to find has the shape of a crescent with a tail (outside, in the middle).
  7. Let's return to the base of the running wheel. In the center of the base - a circle with a diameter of 10 cm - you need to drill a hole with a drill. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the bearing that was removed from the hard drive.
  8. We insert the bearing into the prepared hole and work out the place where it comes into contact with the plywood using hot glue so that they are firmly connected to each other.
  9. After this, you need to nail the dried running surface to the base of the running wheel with the bearing using small nails and a hammer. To do this, we wrap the running surface around the base, so that there is free space inside the structure where the hamster will run. Nails are driven into the base and end part of the treadmill, connecting them to each other.
  10. After this, we attach a ring with an outer diameter of 11 cm to the open side of the treadmill using nails and a hammer. This element will allow the hamster not to fall out of the structure while running.
  11. We attach a ring with a diameter of 12 cm to the base with nails for more reliable fixation all elements of the simulator.
  12. It remains to attach the part from the hard drive (a crescent with a tail) to the trapezoidal element so that the edges of the crescent are attached to the upper part of the trapezoid, and the tail is on the outside. After this, the tail is attached to the bearing on the wheel base. It is very important that the wheel rotates easily once attached to the trapezoidal element.
  13. All edges of plywood must be processed sandpaper, so that the surface of the simulator becomes as smooth as possible, thus preventing injury to the hamster when using the accessory.
  14. The final stage is attaching the simulator to the cage. To do this, use wire. Pass its edges into the holes of the trapezoidal element on back side wheels and securely fix it to the bars of the cage.
Video: how to make a hamster wheel

How to teach a hamster to run on a wheel

Teaching a hamster to run on a wheel is quite difficult, especially if the animal does not show interest in the installed accessory. As a rule, rodents immediately actively get acquainted with a new simulator and quickly get used to it.

Important! In order for the animal to quickly learn to run in a wheel and get used to it, it is recommended to purchase this accessory when the hamster is still small.

If after installing the simulator the hamster does not show interest in it, it is recommended to help the animal master it using some tricks. Initially, the hamster is placed in the simulator and the exit is covered with a paper sheet or palm.

They place a treat inside the structure and begin to rotate it. Thus, the hamster rushes for a tasty treat and learns to use the treadmill for its intended purpose. Usually, after such manipulations, the hamster happily returns to the simulator every day to run around.

Possible problems

After purchasing or constructing a treadmill, some problems with the design may arise, resulting in the hamster refusing to use the accessory, so let’s look at what these problems are, and also possible ways their decisions.

The wheel squeaks

If during operation you notice that the simulator emits extraneous sounds, they can be eliminated by lubricating the axis of the structure olive oil. To do this, take the oil, apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the wheel axle.

It is recommended to remove any remaining oil with a paper napkin so that the animal does not get dirty while using the accessory. It is allowed to treat the axle with silicone grease, which is also safe for the animal.

Hamster doesn't run on a wheel

Typically, rodents are very interested in a new accessory that has appeared in the cage. The animal will definitely try to run on it in the near future. It often happens that after the first use of an accessory, a hamster suddenly completely loses interest in it, so you need to figure out what this is connected with and how to correct this situation.

First of all, it may be inconvenient for the hamster to use the exercise machine due to the inappropriate size of the wheel: if it is too large, it is inconvenient for the rodent to move on it; if it is too small, the hamster may cling to its back and slide off the track. To avoid such problems, choose a wheel in accordance with the recommended sizes.

Did you know? Hamsters use their cheeks not only to stuff more food into them, but also to float on water. When they fall into the water, they draw air into their cheek pouches, which allows them to float on the surface like a float.

If the structure is poorly attached to the cage, it can rattle and frighten the animal, so the hamster will be afraid to use it again. To correct the situation, remove the exercise machine and attach it again, more securely.
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The hamster belongs to the genus of rodents. The body length of the animal is from five to thirty-four centimeters, depending on the breed and. The diet includes plant and meat foods, but they especially prefer to feast on. When choosing a hamster, you need to pay attention to its species, since some breeds prefer to live in groups, while other species are solitary by nature. The female's pregnancy lasts from sixteen to twenty days. Speaking about living conditions, it must be said that the cage should be quite spacious, because these are very energetic animals and this feature must be fully taken into account in order to comply with the rules for caring for the animal.

What should a good running wheel look like?

The requirements for selecting a place for an animal are to comply with the following recommendations:

  • Hamsters are afraid of drafts.
  • They do not like places that are too hot or cold.
  • Dampness.
  • It is not recommended to place the cage on the floor or windowsill.
  • It is important to place the cage in a smoke-free room.

The bottom of the cage must be covered with dry wood sawdust. The hamster should be kept active by placing it in a cage:

  • Climbing ropes.
  • Swedish wall.
  • Running wheel.
  • Labyrinths.

These devices will help your pet meet its motor needs, which will help prolong its life and improve its health.

How to choose the right wheel for a hamster?

The pet store provides wide range products for pets, including a variety of wheels for a hamster cage. But it is worth noting that when choosing this type of device you must be guided by the following basic rules:

  • Pay attention to the size of the wheel.
  • When choosing, be guided by the size and age of the pet.
  • There should be no squeaking or hesitation when the wheel mechanism rotates.
  • Pay attention to the structure of the wheel itself; it should be solid, without gaps, since the hamster can injure its paw.

Rotation mechanism material:

  • Environmentally friendly wooden mechanism and manufacturing details.
  • Stainless steel types.
  • Plastic.

Let's start making a running wheel

Each owner of small pets strives to provide them with decent care and give them all their love. But it is worth considering that the hamster is a nocturnal animal, so it is necessary to ensure the need for its activity. By following our recommendations, you can create a wonderful hamster wheel with your own hands without spending a single penny.

How to make a hamster wheel from a computer disk and a tin can

DIY materials:

  • The computer internal (system) disk is in a faulty state.
  • Can.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Glue Moment.
  • Wire.

The first step at home is to unscrew the lid of the broken computer hard drive, disconnect the metal cylinder, then cut the jar so that its height is about seven centimeters in height. After all the manipulations have been done, glue a device to create a rotational movement from the broken hard drive to the bottom of the cut can. To ensure the safety of the hamster, the sharp edges of the jar should be lined with cloth and insulating tape.

Cardboard wheel

This is one of the most simple options creating a wheel. To complete the work you need the following materials:

  • thin metal tube, knitting needle;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • compass.

At the first stage of work, it is necessary to draw two identical circles using a compass, then it is necessary to trim the base and wall of the wheel. Cut holes in the circles rectangular shape. Next, you need to cut a long strip of cardboard. These will be paths cut out of cardboard paper. After all these steps, let's move on to assembling the device mechanism itself. We take the two resulting circles, glue our straight path between them, then determine the center and pierce the wall with a knitting needle. Then we attach the mechanism to the cage using wire so that the wheel does not come off.

Wheel made from a plastic bottle

This bottle hamster wheel method is pretty basic. To make a hamster wheel, you will need the following materials:

  • plastic container;
  • dowel;
  • nail.

Trim plastic container so that the height is about seven centimeters in height. Then take a dowel with a diameter of one centimeter and a curved nail. Insert the nail into the dowel. Make a hole in the center of the bottom of the bottle and insert the head of the nail into it. Secure the rotating mechanism in the cage with a dowel.

To create accessories for your pet’s cage, you don’t have to go to specialized pet stores; you can make them yourself, and make a wheel yourself from scrap materials. Be sure to treat all components with soda and soap solutions, to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards and rules for animal care. Keep your pet safe by covering all sharp edges to prevent injury.