Girlish grape leaves in a hole, what to do. Who can chew holes in grape leaves? Methods to combat phylloxera

Summer residents often notice that grape leaves are covered with holes. different sizes. This is especially troubling for those who use grape leaves for food and makes homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Similar phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. It's about organic matter. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in the case of the initial stages of infection; a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!

None green plant cannot function normally without leaves - all metabolic, gas exchange and synthetic processes occur in the foliage. Therefore, it is so important to keep it safe and sound during the vegetative development of the plant. If we are talking about such fruit-bearing crops as grapes, then we can say with confidence that the quality foliage cover bushes depends on the number of full and healthy bunches. The leaves serve not only as respiratory and nutritional organs, but also protect the berries from overheating and sunburn. But why do gardeners often encounter such a problem as holes in grape foliage?

Diseases or pests?

Experienced winegrowers are well aware of situations when, starting with small holes on the surface, “holeiness” begins to quickly spread throughout the entire leaf cover, turning grape arbors into a torn network. And it is not diseases that are to blame for this, but insect pests, which themselves eat the leaves and lay their eggs under them, from which thousands of grape leaf eaters will hatch in a matter of days. If you do not notice the impending disaster in time, hordes of insatiable larvae can destroy a healthy grape bush literally before your eyes. That is why it is so important to regularly inspect the plantings and, at the slightest sign of insect damage, take immediate action. Preventive treatment of bushes to scare away uninvited guests will also not be superfluous.

What insects are attracted to grape leaves?

Among the abundance of pests that feed on succulent leaves of grapes, we can distinguish several of the most common species that pose a particular danger to vineyard yields:

  • phylloxera;
  • leaf roller;
  • grape mites;
  • odorous woodborers;
  • grapevine;
  • grape cushion;
  • grape leaf miner;
  • grape flea.

Grape borer causes great damage to vineyards

Ways to combat phylloxera

Phylloxera, better known to gardeners as grape aphids, poses the greatest danger to grape plantings, since it can damage not only leaves, but also move into the soil and break through root system bush. To prevent such developments, it is recommended:

  • plant grape seedlings in-depth and remove the surface roots of the plant, where the larvae usually settle;
  • replace the top soil layer with a sand mixture;
  • Seedlings must be disinfected with any insecticide before planting;
  • mandatory spraying of the bush with any insecticides from the beginning of bud swelling 4 to 5 times during the season.

Phylloxera appears as tubercles on the leaves

Fighting the leaf roller

This insect is represented by three types of butterflies:

  • biennial psyllid;
  • cluster budworm;
  • grape budworm.

All these pest butterflies lay eggs under grape leaves and are capable of laying about 400 eggs. The caterpillars that appear a week later feed not only on leaves, but also on inflorescences and even unripe berries, exposing them to the risk of fungal diseases. Leaf rollers can cause crop damage up to 90%.

To prevent the deposition of clutches of harmful butterflies, measures should be taken preventive measures– repeated treatment of the vineyard with any effective insecticides (as a rule, their action is designed for almost all types of pests).

If it is necessary to prevent the risk of larvae being introduced from plant parts that have overwintered on the ground, it is recommended to promptly remove damaged shoots, old leaves and fallen fruits from the vineyard area.

Female grape budworm

Tick ​​control

This microscopic pest is difficult to detect with the naked eye, however, it is extremely dangerous for grape leaves. The fact is that these insects have adapted to winter under the bud scales, causing damage to the plant even in winter. And on leaves infested with mites, first minor deformations and wrinklings appear, and then serious tears, which is why the foliage can literally tear into strips.

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to remove the old bark and spray the buds with colloidal sulfur before blooming. If characteristic damage begins to be detected (wrinkling, deformation of leaves), the plant should be sprayed with any acaricide. During the season, 2-3 sprayings every 7-10 days are sufficient.

The grape mite is very small, it can only be noticed by damage on the leaves

Fighting woodworm

Butterfly dark gray with numerous patterns in the form of strokes and dots, it seriously damages not only the leaves. With the onset of summer, she looks for cracks in the trunk of the grape bush and in the bark of young shoots in order to lay eggs in them. Red ones hatched within a week unpleasant smell caterpillars gnaw through the shoot and make a tunnel in it for wintering. Until spring, the length of the tunnel can be up to 70 cm, then the pest gnaws out a wide passage and flies to the surface in the form of a butterfly. Such damage leads to the death of the entire shoot.

Insect control comes down to timely detection of the pest and taking appropriate measures:

  • regular inspection of grapes;
  • if a round hole is detected on the shoot, cut off the damaged area to a healthy part of the shoot and burn the affected part;
  • in order to preserve the vine, inject an insecticide with a syringe into the enlarged hole and cover the entrance with clay or garden pitch.

The fragrant woodborer gnaws holes in wood

Control of other pests

Measures to combat other pests include preventive agrotechnical and chemical procedures:

  • mandatory collection and burning of fallen leaves and damaged fruits in the fall;
  • digging and periodically loosening the soil around the grape bushes;
  • preventive spraying of plantings with insecticides.

Systematic collection of insects is often more effective than chemicals from caterpillars.

Quite often, gardeners may notice holes of various sizes on grape leaves. First of all, this upsets those who like to use the leaves for food or use them for homemade preparations. However, any damage should immediately cause concern to gardeners. This means that the plant is damaged and cannot fully develop.

Holes in grape leaves can be caused by a variety of pests.

Various pests make holes on grape leaves. If you don’t start fighting them in time, you can lose the entire vineyard. Let's look at the most common ones.

Another name for this pest is the leaf beetle. He eats not only grapes, but also other plants. Looks like a small cockroach. Can jump. It begins to attack plants in early spring. Eggs are laid on the underside of the leaf. It can lay down 30-40 pieces at a time.

The fight against them begins after the buds open. Insecticides are used for destruction. Repeated treatments are carried out every time the sheet is covered with new holes.

The grape flea beetle attacks newly opened buds

Mining moth

It is a small red butterfly. She appears in May. Lays eggs on unfolded leaves. Over time, the leaf becomes covered with holes, turns yellow and dies. Any insecticide can be used to kill pests. As a preventive measure, in the fall you should dig up the entire garden and remove all plant debris.

Large individuals love to feed on grape juice. The pest is inactive, sits on leaves or shoots and is fixed with the help of a piercing-sucking drug. This is how the individual spends its entire life.

The fight against larvae should be carried out in the spring, while the leaves of the grapes have not yet blossomed. Grape bushes are treated with a systemic insecticide. If the vineyard is not large, then large individuals and eggs are harvested by hand. When cleaning, use tough gloves. With frequent inspection, the pest can be eliminated without chemical treatments.

The grape bud attaches to a leaf and spends its entire life on it.

The pest has an oblong body of olive green color. The larva eats the leaf and makes passages in the shoots for wintering. If borer appears on the grapes, the shoots become flabby and the leaves dry out.

To get rid of the borer, it is necessary to remove damaged shoots and leaves and treat the vineyards with insecticides. If you carry out scheduled preventive treatments, you can forget about this pest forever.

Grape borer gnaws holes in the vine


I distinguish the following types of ticks:

Spider mites are rapidly multiplying and destroying vineyards


They can harm any green surface of the grapes. They consume young foliage. There are three types of leaf roller:

  • Grape leaf roller. Looks like a butterfly. The wingspan is up to 3 cm. It is dark brown in color. There is a copper sheen to the edges of the wings. Large individuals do not harm the vineyard, but their larvae eat the leaves. Each female can lay up to 400 eggs.
  • Cluster leaf roller. A butterfly with olive-brown wings. The wingspan is only 15 mm. The caterpillar of this pest eats not only the leaf, but also the ovaries and green berries. If the plant is severely damaged, it is quickly susceptible to various diseases.
  • Biennial leafroller. A butterfly with light yellow wings. The caterpillar is initially light green in color and then turns red with a black head. It eats not only the leaf, but also all the green surfaces of the grape.

To combat these leaf rollers the best remedy is prevention. Every autumn, burning all fallen leaves. If suspicious butterflies appear in the spring, then insecticide treatment is carried out.

When caterpillars appear, the grape bushes should be treated with biological substances.

The cluster leaf roller eats leaves and berries


For prevention, seedlings are disinfected in a solution of insecticides, and all surface roots of the grapes are removed. To combat the pest, plants are treated with insecticides after bud break.

Summer residents often notice that the sheets are covered with holes of different sizes. This is especially worrying for those who eat grape leaves and make homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Such phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. We are talking about organic substances. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in the case of the initial stages of infection; a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!

An integral stage of grape cultivation is to protect the crop from various diseases that affect different parts of the plant, including leaves. It is believed that the most effective method fight is to use chemicals. However, they contaminate the berries and soil with harmful residues and are often quite expensive. A reasonable alternative to pesticides can be folk remedies, which are no less effective both in terms of treating most diseases and preventing them.

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    Black spot

    The disease is caused by a fungus and can affect all organs of the plant. The development of the disease occurs most intensively in places with high levels of humidity. On the foliage, the disease is presented in the form of black dots, which are located near the veins. Gradually, these marks increase in size, forming lacerated wounds on the leaf blades with a light border on the sides. The leaf soon weakens and curls develop on its surface. Then the foliage turns yellow and falls off prematurely.

    The disease is difficult to treat with folk remedies. In this regard, without the use of chemicals, they are limited to severe pruning of the plant.

    Leaf rubella

    This disease of grape leaves also belongs to the fungal category and occurs in areas with insufficient level irrigation. Another cause of the disease is a deficiency of mineral nutrients. Rubella first infects lower leaves and gradually reaches upper parts grape plant. In white varieties, the foliage is covered with brown-yellow spots. Black varieties develop burgundy markings on the foliage.

    U experienced gardeners It is customary to fight against the disease with the help of ash and laundry soap dark colors, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The treatment procedure must be carried out every one and a half weeks throughout the growing season.

    Alternaria blight

    The fungus that causes the disease successfully develops and spreads in warm weather in waterlogged areas. In the first stages, the disease affects the foliage. Marks form on the surface of the plates, in the center of which necrotic spots are observed. The leaf becomes dark in a short time, and after rain it becomes covered gray plaque, consisting primarily of fungal spores. If on at this stage the disease will not be cured, it will spread to the fruits, which will become covered with a gray film, and subsequently to the rest of the plant organs.

    Of the folk remedies against the disease, the most widely used is cow dung, 3 kilograms of which are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. Not only the foliage, but also the fruits and stems should be thoroughly treated with the resulting solution.


    The disease is also known as false powdery mildew. In the early stages, the foliage becomes covered with light oily marks. After a short period of time, a mycelium forms on the underside of the leaf blade, which can be recognized by its white fluff.

    Very effective means against the disease is a decoction of garlic heads (100 grams per ten-liter container of water). It would also be useful to plant dill near the grapes. This plant reduces the risk of occurrence and intensity of development and spread of the disease.

    5 grams of potassium permanganate are stirred in a bucket of water. At the same time, wood ash is prepared and pre-sifted in advance. The back side of the leaf blade is sprayed with the solution, and then, while the foliage is still wet, it is covered with ash.

    A kilogram of ash is diluted in a bucket of water and the solution is infused for a week. After given period you should strain the solution and use it to process grapes. The procedure usually begins in July and is carried out every week and a half. Thanks to this product, they not only achieve protection against mildew, but also accelerate the ripening process and increase the sugar content in fruits.


    In a number of sources, it is bred under the name “powdery mildew”. Forms on the foliage white coating, changing color to dark over time. Brownish-dark marks form. The foliage soon dries out and falls off, and the disease affects the fruits and stems.

    Folk remedies against the disease include a milk solution (a liter of milk per 10 liters of water), which is used to treat grapes at least once a month. To others effective means is 40 grams of soda ash, which is dissolved in a 10-liter container of water. In this case, it is possible to replace soda with 5 grams of potassium permanganate.

    It is also recommended to mow a small amount of fresh grass and place it in a dark, moist area. After some time, the hay will begin to mold and take on a pronounced grayish color. Then this entire mass is placed in a pre-prepared container and filled with water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and filtered. The resulting liquid can be used to carry out preventive treatments against powdery mildew throughout the summer.

    2-3 kg of fresh cow manure is diluted in 10 liters of water and infused for two days. After this period, the solution is filtered and a teaspoon of urea is added to it. The mixture is treated with leaf blades on both sides.

    5 grams of potassium permanganate are diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on the plants.

    Take 35-40 grams of lye, dilute it in a liter of water and mix thoroughly. Then 40 grams are poured into the solution liquid soap. The output is a mixture, which is filled into a spray bottle and sprayed on the bushes.


    Considered one of the most dangerous diseases grapes It occurs in several forms:

    • non-infectious;
    • infectious;
    • edaphic.

    Non-infectious chlorosis

    In the first case, the manifestation of the disease occurs in the form of small-sized formations. yellow spots. Their number increases in geometric progression, and soon they begin to merge into larger formations. As a result, only the veins remain green on the leaf, and the rest of the plate becomes yellow. The cause of the disease is most often the alkaline reaction of the soil.

    Infectious chlorosis

    The infectious type of the disease is caused by a virus spread through pests (such as grape itch) or infected planting material, and manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the veins. The foliage soon becomes mosaic appearance(hence the second name of the disease – mosaic disease). The disease is practically untreatable, and the best thing to do in such a situation is to remove and destroy the affected vine in a fire.

    The edaphic type develops in stressful situations when the plant suffers excessive waterlogging, drought or low temperatures. As soon as the stress factor disappears, the culture returns to normal.

    The disease is poorly treatable with folk remedies. The only thing that can be recommended against chlorosis is not to resort to the use of manure, since it increases the negative effects of lime. Instead, you should use sapropel, peat or composts.

    The disease is often confused with non-infectious chlorosis due to similar symptoms. You can clarify the diagnosis by cutting off a thick stem or trunk. In the case of fusarium, dead vessels can be clearly visible on the cut, and the wood will have a characteristic pink color.

    To treat the disease, marigolds should be collected during their flowering period. Half a bucket of dried flowers is diluted in 10 liters of water and left for two days. After this, the solution is ready for its intended use.

    A third of the empty bucket is filled with fresh cow dung and three liters of water is added on top. The resulting mixture is infused for three days. Then it is filtered and the bucket with the solution is filled with clean water.

    3 kg of wood ash is diluted in a bucket of boiling water and left for two days. The resulting solution is used to treat the trunk sector of the plant.