Ideas for forfeits. Playing forfeits - funny and original tasks for children

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for yourself and don’t forget to bookmark them. Fanta is famous game, which is suitable for large and fun company. Its roots go deep into history, and its name German language translated as "collateral".

The essence of the game is to complete the so-called tasks for forfeits. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will receive.

It is a mistake to believe that this is a game only for children. It's fun for adults to play too different ages. And this is a fact already proven by time.

3 Types of Games for Fanta

  • With the help of the leader. Players give the host any of their things, for example, jewelry, mobile phone, keys. The presenter puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as an ordinary hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?” The presenter comes up with a task for everyone for their forfeit. After finishing the game and completing all tasks, the item can go to its real owner.
  • The second version of the game is using cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you could do yourself. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and basic desires, for example, to jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Forfeits using matches. This type of game is unsafe, so you should not play this way with children. But still it takes place. Players set fire an ordinary match and pass it around to each other. The person who puts out the match must complete the task.

As you can see, you can play this game in different ways. The main condition for a good party is good and slightly noisy company.

But how can you come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your aid. We have selected only the most interesting and funny forfeit tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, here are the 50 best fantasy tasks:

  1. Show some action without words, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a photo with all the players, but prerequisite- arrange everyone in some original poses.
  3. Stuff your mouth full of corn pops, popcorn or candy. And then say something funny phrase. This is a good task for forfeits, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish them happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone, and then demonstratively lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a robe and sunglasses and go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best Fanta tasks in the summer, preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue cute mustaches and walk like this until the end of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto the balcony and shout: “People, I adore you all!”
  9. Show an athlete, an animal, a plant, a stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Give free rein to your imagination and make delicious cocktails for your players.
  11. For an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget even once, start again.
  12. Do it to any player beautiful hairstyle or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. IN winter time year, bring a snow woman from the street into the house. Possibly in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide for yourself.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. Pretend to be a foreigner for 10 minutes. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say non-funny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something using a pierced straw. If you pierce it well, it will be very difficult to do.
  21. Give yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. For 20 minutes, turn into a fairy-tale or cartoon creature.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without your hands. A good Fanta task, especially in a company where alcoholic beverages are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone has forgotten about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out a scene with the help of other players. For example, about how my husband returned early from a business trip.
  28. Perform a performance called “Blue Light”. Assign roles to other players yourself.
  29. Kiss your neighbor's knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Come up with best way escape from prison. Don't be trivial.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins over the past couple of years.
  33. Tell me 10 times how great you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Draw a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go together at all. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. Burst balloon using your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Do a dance, such as the cancan, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen in your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread “yellow” and false news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady will be perfect.
  43. Propose marriage to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantic as possible.
  44. Place the tights on your head. Wear this hat with ears for the rest of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different objects by touch, blindfolded, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only pronounce the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in Dzhigurda style for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw on a solid eyebrow and sit there for the rest of the evening.
  50. Invite five people for a group slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

11. Tell a funny joke

12. Name your main drawback and tell how you deal with it.

13. Using pantomime, tell about an event known to everyone present.

14. Draw a person in a dentist’s chair.

15. The fant must depict a boiling kettle, a moving train, a flying plane, etc.

16. Use your teeth to remove the candy from the saucer where the flour is poured.

17. A tougher option is to remove the ring with your teeth from the saucer where the sour cream is poured.

18. The phantom must crawl under the table.

19. Take a full glass of water in your hands and dance the cancan.

20. Shout from the balcony “People! I love you!

21. Try to eat an apple tied to a string. An easier option is to eat a banana (peeled and on a plate). Of course, all this must be done hands-free. A tougher option is to eat an apple floating in a bowl of water.

22. The fant must drink a glass of vodka or wine (in children's version juice or milk) from a saucer.

23. Draw a statue (everyone can change your pose).

24. Draw a mirror (everyone can look at you, you need to copy facial expressions and movements).

25. Depict someone famous person.

26. Make the most unusual cocktail from what is on the table, try to drink it.

27. Show 7 different emotions on your face.

28. Say a tongue twister quickly. For example, “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don’t cut wood at the edge of the yard.”

29. Portray as a fortune teller and predict something funny for the neighbor on the right.

30. Ask guests for alms (for travel to hometown, on breast milk for a child for a Bentley for yourself, etc.), extort until you get 100 rubles.

31. Sell something from the table (a bottle of mineral water, a sandwich with caviar, etc.) and describe the properties of the “product” until one of the guests buys.

32. Portray a candidate (for deputies, mayors, governors) and promise one in order to be guaranteed to be elected.

33. Move the money with your nose along the floor to a specific goal (you can also move it along the table).

34. Dial a random phone number and prank the person on the other end of the line.

35. Fold a newspaper or sheet of paper into quarters using one hand.

36. Portray an athlete so that the audience guesses the sport.

37. Fant must draw a cow while holding a felt-tip pen in his teeth.

38. Act as a presenter and hold a competition.

39. Come up with a funny, but not offensive gossip.

40. Imagine that you are a journalist and “turn inside out” the neighbor on the right.

41. Play a melody with your finger on your lip, for example “Let them run clumsily...”.

42. Fanta will sit for 1 minute with an angry face, saying “I’m offended by you,” while the others will try by all means to make him laugh.

43. The phantom should get on all fours and imitate a car reversing parallel parking into the space between two chairs.

44. The fan should tell (preferably in the form of a funny story) how he will get out of the difficult situation proposed by the presenter.
For example:

- You lost the salaries of your subordinates or public money in a casino.
- You were accidentally locked in the office late at night.
- Your dog ate an important report that you must submit to the director in the morning.
- You are stuck in an elevator with general director your company.
- You come to work, and another employee is sitting in your place.
- You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors are having a big party that is keeping you awake.
If a woman gets to be a Phantom, the presenter can suggest the following situations:
- You came home, and an unfamiliar man was sleeping on your bed.
- You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying.
- You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to recolor it, there’s a reception coming up.

45. The fan must convey the information written on the card using pantomime.
For example: for example, imagine that she (if a man is only funnier) is in the maternity hospital, having just given birth to a boy. Looks like dad. The eyes are like my mother’s, the hair is like my grandfather’s. Svetlenky. He eats well.
The rest of the guests act as a crowd outside the window and must understand what Fant is conveying to them.

46. ​​The presenter reads a poem, for example, “Luggage” (the lady checked in a sofa, suitcase, travel bag, etc. as luggage), and Fant must act as a sign language interpreter.

47. The phantom must, based on the presenter’s description, understand what object is meant.
For example:
- This item is in every home, but it is not used so often.
- This item happens different sizes, various colors and forms.
- In the hands of an experienced woman, this item can bring pleasure to both the woman and her family.
- Sometimes this item is used by particularly economical men.
- Even with a strong desire, you cannot buy this item at a pharmacy or Soyuzpechat kiosk.
- This object in the hands of a woman can turn into a terrible weapon for a drunken head.
- You can't bake a pie without this.
The answer is "ROLLING ROLL"

48. Fant is given two eggs, it is said that one of them is boiled, the other is raw (in fact, it is better if both are boiled). He is given time to choose one egg, while he is allowed to conduct any experiments. Then the phantom must crush the egg he has chosen with his forehead on the table, you can help yourself with your hands, put a small piece of paper between your forehead and the egg so as not to cut yourself. It is better not to tell anyone that the second egg was also boiled. Let Fant be considered a brave man who knows about eggs.

49. The fan must choose his “twin” among the guests, explain what they have in common: the color of their eyes, hair, the ability to disable any equipment, love of fishing, etc.

50. Fant turns his back to the guests, and a portrait of a famous person is attached to his back. Fant must ask guests questions and, based on their answers, understand who he is. For example: Am I a man or a woman? Am I an artist? What movie did I star in? etc.

This is the letter I received in the mail regarding the topic of this article. Sorry Nastena, I corrected something:

"Hello, Olya.

I was preparing a party (for my colleagues on the occasion of their birthday) and came across your article about forfeits. Although I had never heard of playing forfeits with the possibility of “jumping” and with a bank before, the idea seemed interesting to me.

Knowing firsthand the disposition of my colleagues, I decided that it would be safer this way. We started playing, the contribution to the bank for the “dismount” was set at 100 rubles. At first it was very boring. Either the amount was small, or the tasks were too difficult, but the forfeits did nothing - they just jumped off.

The amount reached 2000 (with a hundred contribution). And then, instead of the forfeit who had the chance to perform a striptease (I tell you, my colleagues are still the same) there was a volunteer, Vanya the student, a courier. Although he did not completely expose himself - he remained in his shorts, but managed to ignite the crowd. We gave him panties full of money, all the 2000 that were in the bank, not only in hundreds, but in tens and even small change.

After that it started. In the bank, it’s not like it didn’t reach five hundred until 2000. They especially had a blast mocking the “statues” and “mirrors.” You write that these are harmless tasks - you simply do not know the perverted creativity of some of our compatriots, especially under the influence of alcohol.

What can I say in the end? The most difficult thing is to rock the crowd, then you don’t need to invent anything. If you have any thoughts, write.


I don’t know whether you will like my answer, but since I posted the question, I simply have to answer.

I wrote in the article in Russian that playing forfeits, where guests are allowed to come up with tasks, is possible only in the company of close friends. In all other cases (and your case is one of the others), it is recommended to use pre-prepared cards with tasks for forfeits.

In my article there are fifty such tasks, and from some you can make a dozen. Enough even for very big company. No, of course, if the idea is to turn corporate party to a swinger orgy, then your question has a right to exist.

For such a case I answer:

Firstly, I would not be opening America if I said that the main means of igniting the company is alcohol, strong and in large quantities. If guests prefer wine to strong alcohol, then the ancient Romans found a way to get them drunk: use spices, they cause thirst and the amount of wine or beer drunk grows exponentially, and unnoticed by the victim.

Secondly, before embarking on such extreme entertainment as your version of playing forfeits, the crowd should be warmed up with something less extreme. On my website you will find things that you and your imagination, I am sure, will be able to turn into foreplay.

Thirdly, if such an outcome was already assumed in advance, why hope that there would be Vanya the student who would ignite the crowd with an intimate dance, you organized this disgrace - you had to go in the vanguard.

The Fanta game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for both children and adults, and mixed groups of different ages. You can play forfeits on New Year, and for a birthday, and just in company to have fun.

The name of the game “Fanta” comes from the German “Pfand” - pledge, mortgage.

There are several varieties of the game:

Forfeits with the presenter. Each player pledges one personal item. This could be an item of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name, or any valuable thing that you would be sorry to part with. For example, a mobile phone or a watch. Players place things in a common bag or box. The presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?” The presenter assigns each phantom his own task. The person who owns the item must complete it. Moreover, the presenter also has to redeem his collateral. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Forfeits with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of forfeits in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Next, either the players, without looking, draw out their phantom tasks, or the presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may encounter their own task. Therefore, it is better not to wish for something that you yourself do not dare to accomplish.

Forfeits with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever's match goes out will fulfill the players' common wish. This game option is not suitable for children. Matches are not a toy for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or a portrait of your neighbor on the left (options: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of the birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some fairy tale hero: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Draw some animal: lion, pig, hedgehog, cat, monkey, etc.
  5. Draw a bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. Portray a famous person or movie hero: Marilyn Monroe, Rinata Litvinova, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. Pantomime a sparkler that refuses to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Draw a mirror (you go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray it).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about the birthday boy.
  19. The birthday boy says any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for it.
  20. Sing a song (you can make the task more difficult - make him sing under the table or with matches in his teeth).
  21. Sing a song about a little Christmas tree, pressing a spoon or pencil to your nose with your upper lip.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns in the text with words derived from the name of the birthday boy or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song “Two Cheerful Geese”, smacking your lips - “sending kisses” to the birthday person or the neighbor on the right.
  24. Play the tune of the song “Let them run clumsily...” with your finger on your lip.
  25. Answer “yes” to any question asked by each player in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with “P” and “G” (any letters).
  27. Dance the dance of the little ducklings (possible options: swan lake, lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with the sound “vzhzhzh”.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, saying “I’m the only lunar rover, peep, pip...”
  31. Say “Oh, how beautiful I am (beautiful)!” 7 times in different ways, looking in the mirror without laughing.
  32. For each player, name 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Give a compliment to the neighbor on your left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute right hand and at the same time pull out left hand forward with your palm clenched into a fist and your thumb raised up. Say at the same time: “Wow! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players can).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol of the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.
Sample tasks for forfeit.

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth group or a group of close friends:

At home

  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass placed under it.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a floor plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with humorous captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is currently poured into the glasses.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Make a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring them a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water.
  9. Do a “You should marry me” scene with the neighbor on the left.
  10. Enjoy a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a “brudershaft” drink with your neighbor on the right.
  12. Extinguish the lit candle by shouting (you cannot blow).
  13. Put on your flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of the little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head out the open window and shout loudly: “I see Japan!!” or “People, I love you!”

Table of contents:

For decades, even hundreds of years, they remain one of the most fun and popular entertainments. Once upon a time this was the favorite pastime of Russian aristocratic society. This slightly adventurous game reached its greatest popularity at the end of the 18th century. early XIX i.v. at the time of A.S. Pushkin and I.A. Krylov, who, along with other authors of that time, often described it in their works...

Forfeits are entertainment that is interesting for both adults and children. They can be played by any number of players. Here there is a place to fully express your unbridled imagination, coming up with the most incredible tasks.

Rules for playing forfeits

A phant (German: pledge, pledge) is something that a player lost, gave to the presenter, and then must be redeemed by completing a task.

  • “Whose forfeit, what should he do?”, “What should this forfeit do?” - the presenter asks the driver, and he comes up with the next task.
  • Forfeits can be collected in different ways:
  • just go around the circle, taking one thing from each of those present (watch, phone, ring, cufflink, belt, hairpin, etc.), and then give the owners of the things tasks to redeem them;
  • you can play several games in advance, the losers will have to pay a forfeit in order to stay in the game;
  • when asking riddles: if the player does not guess correctly, he pays forfeit.

There are a lot of options - it all depends on your imagination, mood, desire and company:

Classic version with a leader

Each player takes off one item and puts it in a bag. The presenter stands with his back to the players, someone takes things out of the bag one by one, asking a question about what the forfeit should do. The leader gives everyone a task. The deposit is returned when the task is completed.

Option with cards

Players write their wishes on a piece of paper, after which all the pieces of paper are mixed. Then, the players either draw their forfeit themselves, or the presenter does it.

Game for one

All participants sit in a circle, light a match and pass it to each other. The one in whose hands it has gone out will have to fulfill the wishes of all players.

Tasks for children

Birthday forfeits games for children require considerable ingenuity: not just asking a riddle and getting an answer, but the child must depict the answer in such a way that other children can guess. You can come up with tasks in poetic form in advance. If a child is embarrassed, for example, to sing a song, then everyone else should help him together. Children's forfeits are usually accompanied by eating sweets as prizes and presenting various souvenirs to the most active participants. It would be nice for the hero of the occasion to make wishes. Of course, if he wants it. The tasks could be something like this:

  • Pop a balloon without using your hands.
  • Walk around all evening with a drawn mustache.
  • Put a saucepan on your head and jump on one leg.
  • Sing a song in dog or cat language.
  • Draw something with your eyes closed.
  • Quickly repeat the tongue twister.
  • Portray an alien.
  • Curtsy like a princess.
  • Tell us what you dream of becoming when you grow up.
  • Name the 3 most best features character of the birthday boy.
  • Jump like a frog throughout the apartment, etc.

Fanta for adults' birthdays

Fanta in absolute adult company- it's a lot of fun! They can have light erotic overtones or be overtly sexual in nature. Most often, they try to involve the birthday boy in the most active participation, or, on the contrary, for him, guests fulfill wishes, which can be, for example, the following:

  • Tell a poem, inserting after each word the same strong expression.
  • Collect as many lipstick marks as possible on your face, as well as on other parts of the body.
  • eat the grapes lying on the dish without helping yourself with your hands.
  • Depict famous paintings: “Deuce Again”, “Girl on a Ball”, “Three Heroes”, etc.
  • Stick your head out the window and shout 3 times: “Ku-ka-re-ku!!!”
  • Name 50 words with one letter.
  • Dance a striptease.
  • Tell an anecdote, a poem, a tongue twister on the topic of the day, that is, on the topic of name day.
  • Sing a birthday song.
  • Sitting astride a chair, portray Chapaev.
  • Tell a fairy tale about “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood” or any other story in a new way.
  • Make the balloon located between a man and a woman burst - they need to hug so tightly!
  • Go out into the street and shout loudly: “How beautiful I am, who will get me!?”
  • Advertise something so that one of the guests will buy it.
  • A man should do an unusual hairstyle for a lady.
  • Be able to confess your love without words.<
  • Kiss your table neighbors.
  • Depict any animal or bird during the mating season.

Good old birthday forfeits will not let you get bored under any circumstances! If you approach the preparation of entertainment in advance and with due attention, then this particular day can remain in the memory of the birthday boy and his guests for a long time. Forfeits are always a game without losing, in which friendship wins, and therefore after it all that remains is a great mood plus pleasant memories of time spent fun and carefree with friends!