My name is Egor. Love and family relationships. Egor and his personal life

Meaning of the name Egor: The boy's name means "farmer". This affects the character and fate of Yegor.

Origin of the name Egor: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Egorka, Egorushka, Grief, Zhora, Egorsha, Egosha, Egunya, Goga.

What does the name Egor mean: The name Egor comes from the ancient Greek "georgos". The word is translated as "farmer". The meaning of the name Egor is incompatible with fun; the man is more gloomy and taciturn, especially when he is distracted from what he loves. For Egorka there is nothing more important than a hobby - he finds an outlet in it after have a hard day At work. A guy with this name will always strive for the truth; he cannot live without freedom, so he gets married late.

Patronymic name Egor: Egorovich, Egorovna; decomposition Yegorych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Egor celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • May 6 (April 23) - The Holy Great Martyr Yegor the Victorious warrior declared himself a follower of Christ during the persecution of Christians; denounced the pagan king for wickedness and, after great torment, was beheaded in 303.
  • December 9 (November 26) - New Martyr Yegoriy of Chios suffered from the Turks in 1807.

Signs: St. Yegoriy is prayed for the protection of girls and patronage of all rural work. May 6 - Yegory the Victorious, Yegory the Brave: “Egory brought spring to the threshold.” Egoriev's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments: they roll on the dew to get health. This day is the feast of the shepherds: St. Yegory himself, invisible to people, rides out into the field on his white horse and grazes the cattle, protecting them from the animals, over which he also rules. December 9 - Yegory is cold. Yegory the winter is the lord of wolves: the beast will not touch any cattle without his command, therefore they say: “What the wolf has in its teeth, Yegory gave!” - and they throw the bad lamb to the wolves. On Egori autumn snakes - birthday girls; Neither sinners nor saints will be spared, so you can’t go into the forest on this day!


  • Zodiac Egor - Sagittarius
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • Color - blue
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - lily of the valley
  • The patron of the name is the white bull
  • Talisman stone - sapphire

Characteristics of the name Egor

Positive features: A man named Yegor is diligent and hardworking, loves when there is complete order in life, and strives to put everything “on the shelves.” Hates lies.

Negative features: The guy's character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness, which sometimes turns into a fair amount of boringness.

Character of the name Egor: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Egor? A man with this name will find a way out of any situation. A guy who has overcome his youthful wildness (it can lead him far down an unrighteous path!) is able to reach significant professional heights, from which his weakness for drinking and sensuality can overthrow him. Although a man named Yegor appreciates straightforwardness, seriousness and integrity in a woman, he may well lose his head because of a person of the exact opposite character. In general, he has at least three chances in life - to fly very high, and to fall with a deafening roar.

Egor and his personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Egor promise happiness in love? A man will not be seduced by a flashily dressed girl with bright makeup. His chosen one is modest, feminine, serious. No one is immune from mistakes, and Yegor can lose his head because of a beauty with a harmful character. But it won't last long. He is a wonderful family man, an exemplary owner. He is strict with children, does not contradict women’s weaknesses in small things, and takes serious matters upon himself.

IN love relationships- He is not able to deceive a woman. This is a simple-minded person and his declarations of love are sincere and serious. A man named Yegor is a good family man, an exemplary owner, and a little strict with children. She does not mind the wife being the leader in the family, but in serious matters she reserves the final say. Naturally endowed with pedagogical talent, he is an excellent teacher. He attaches great importance to sex.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Egor is hardworking, diligent, loves order and system in everything. A guy with this name has good business qualities and can find a way out of the most difficult situations. In the service, they listen to his opinion, believe him and know that before making a decision, he weighed everything well and checked it more than once. A guy named Yegor, he often takes leadership positions. True, he loves to scold the offender, is quick-tempered, stubborn and distrustful.

Business and career: A broad-minded, businesslike, very hardworking person who knows how to find a way out of any situation. He is distrustful, quick-tempered, and sometimes even cocky, as his name implies. Egor moves up the career ladder easily. A man with this name has good business qualities. If he becomes a boss, he reprimands his subordinates for a long time even for minor offenses. For him, integrity, pedantry, and determination are of particular importance, but at the same time, he is afraid.

Health and energy

Health and talents: A fidget and a bully from the cradle, the one with the name Yegor will always strive for freedom and truth. The concept of honesty for him is the main criterion of behavior. And since childhood, this kid knows what self-esteem is. It is thanks to these three qualities that Egorka, not a handsome man, not a hero, first occupies a worthy position in school, and then in society.

The fate of Yegor in history

What does the name Egor mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Egor P. Kovalevsky (1811-1868) - famous traveler and a writer, engineer and philosopher. Travels and historical research gave him material for many books, which were later included in the posthumous five-volume collected works, among which are interesting: “Four Months in Montenegro”, “Wanderer by Land and Seas”, “Travel to China”, “Count Bludov and His Time " and many others. Kovalevsky was one of the founding members of the Society for Benefiting Needy Writers and Scientists (Literary Fund, which still exists today!) and served as its chairman until his death.
  2. Egor Ligachev - (born 1920) political figure.
  3. Egor Stroev - (born 1937) political figure.
  4. Egor Abakumov - (1895 - 1953) Russian figure coal industry.
  5. Egor Beroev - (born 1977) Russian theater and film actor.
  6. Egor Letov - (1964 - 2008) in documents - Igor; Russian rock musician, poet, leader of the rock group “Civil Defense”)
  7. Yegor Gaidar - (1956 - 2009) Russian statesman and political figure, economist, Doctor of Economics.
  8. Egor Sabler - (1810 - 1864) Russian astronomer, student of V.Ya. Struve.
  9. Egor Konstantinov - Russian historian; prepared the “Training Book of the History of the Russian State” (1820) and translated from German: Galetti, “Abridgement of General History” (1811) and Schreck, “Training Book of General History” (1818; 1819-1820).
  10. Egor Sokolov - (1750 - 1824) Russian architect, representative of classicism.
  11. Egor Sabinin - (1833 - ?) Russian mathematician.
  12. Egor Sozonov (Sazonov) - (1879 - 1910) Russian revolutionary, Socialist Revolutionary, terrorist, murderer V.K. PlevEgor
  13. Egor von Reinecke - (1790 - 1868) consul Russian Empire in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
  14. Egor Ivanov - (born 1991) Ukrainian football player, midfielder.
  15. Egor Konev - (born 1970) Belarusian writer and playwright. Writes in Belarusian. Son of film playwright Fyodor Konev.

Egor in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English translated as George (George), in Spanish: Jorge (George), on German: Georg (Georg), in Polish: the name Jerzy (Irzhi), in Ukrainian: Egor.

Egor (George) - “farmer” (Greek)

Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If the neighbors' dog brings three puppies, then Yegorushka cannot explain why last time there were only two of them. In addition, he is very stubborn and distrustful.

A person who deceives him at least once risks losing Yegor’s favor forever.

He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer to another school, since the child will not study.

Adult Egor has good business qualities and finds a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will grumble due to his manner of reprimanding for a long time even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues respect him for his integrity, pedantry, and determination, but... they are somewhat afraid.

What he values ​​most in a woman is modesty. He does not tolerate it when she is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with her behavior, dresses loudly, and behaves provocatively. Yegor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declaration of love and proposal are, as a rule, true and have serious intentions.

In marriage - a respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict small things, and shows firmness in big matters.

He faces sinusitis and nervous system disorders.

“Winter” Yegor is decisive, persistent, and has an analytical mindset.

“Autumn” - practical, not influenced. He can work as a designer, a lawyer, or become a military man. The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Anisimovich, Grigorievich, Mironovich.

“Summer” - purposeful, energetic.

“Spring” - jealous, narcissistic. Can become a teacher, announcer, actor. Patronymic names: Yuryevich, Tarasovich, Stepanovich, Glebovich, Georgievich - for him.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 2

Meaning and origin:

Farmer (Greek). In Russian, this Greek name is more often used in its other form - Yuri. Another variant of the name is Egor.

Energy and Karma:

The name George conceals a tendency towards ambition, perhaps even a certain arrogance, but it also seems to hint to its owner about the fraught nature of such an elevation above people. Listen to the sound of this word, it begins on the rise, then its tension increases and at the end - uncertainty. Maybe that’s why Georgy often prefers to be called simply Zhora, while the diminutive version could sound differently - Hera. No, the name Zhora more smoothes out or masks dangerous ambition.

Secrets of communication:

If you want your conversation with Zhora to take a more confidential direction, you can risk opening your soul to him, telling him a little about your dreams, and dreaming up a little. Most likely, he will be able to respond with sincerity to fragility. Most easy way to mortally insult George and make him your enemy is to doubt his merits; on the contrary, George loves well-deserved compliments and praise, which is often taken advantage of by those around him.

  • Zodiac sign: Gemini.
  • Planet: Moon.
  • Name colors: dark steel, sometimes white.
  • Talisman stone: tiger eye, ruby.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 3

Russian folk form of the name Georgiy is a farmer. Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If a neighbor's dog brings three puppies, then there is no way to explain to him why last time there were only two of them!

In addition, Yegor is very stubborn and distrustful. A person who deceives him at least once risks losing the boy’s favor forever.

He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer him to another school: he will no longer study here. He has good business qualities and knows how to find a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will have to get used to his manner of reprimanding him for a long time even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues value him for his integrity, pedantry, purposefulness and... they are somewhat afraid of him.

In women, Egor values ​​modesty most of all. He does not tolerate it when a woman is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with flashy clothes or defiant behavior. Egor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declarations of love and proposals are, as a rule, sincere and serious. A respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict little things, and shows firmness in serious matters.

There are many chances to be happy in a marriage with Aurora, Ada, Vera, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Nina, Rimma, Serafima, Tatyana, Yana. Luck in marriage with Agnia, Valeria, Varvara, Galina, Louise, Lyudmila, Maya is problematic.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 4

Cunning, internally sneaky, opportunistic, always looking where it is deeper, contradictory in life situations, not everyone's favorite. Their actions are incomprehensible to others. Capable of being excellent friends, but only to some.

Sex is of great value to them, in which they experience not only physical pleasure, but also maximum emotional experiences. They are usually faithful to their partners. If they are unlucky in sex, they look for a field of science or art that can take away all their strength.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 5

Egor - from Greek. farmer, folk Georgy.

Derivatives: Egorka, Gora, Zhora, Egonya, Egosha, Gosha, Goshunya, Egunya, Gunya, Goga.

Name days: January 21, February 4, 17, 24, March 6, April 17, 20, May 2, 6, 26, 29, June 8, August 31, November 16, 23, December 9.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Uncle Yegor came out from behind many mountains.
  • The arrogant Egorka has boasts and excuses.
  • There is a saying for every Yegorka.
  • Fedora doesn’t marry Yegor, but Fedora goes, but Egor doesn’t take him.
  • On Yegorya (May 6) there will be dew - there will be good millet.
  • There will be frost on Yegorya (December 9) - there will be millet and oats.
  • It's frosty in Yegorya - buckwheat is good.
  • These seedlings will reach Yegorye and the cabbage will grow.
  • There are two Yegoryas in Rus': one is cold (December 9), the other is hungry (May 6).


In his youth, Yegor, like many others, was not without daring and daring; he knew no limits either in his brave adventures or in drunken revels. But having overcome “childhood illnesses”, Yegor can achieve a lot. He has all the data for this: hard work and diligence, love of order, accuracy, neatness. In a word, a capable fellow, worthy of all praise, if only... if only, in his desire to “put everything in order,” Yegor was not so boring, and sometimes quick-tempered (not everyone is as committed to order as he is!).

It happens that the impulses of youth “fly” at Yegor just when you need to have a clear head in order to choose a life partner. He may make an irreparable mistake. Or he might pull out his lucky ticket, especially since Yegor has his own ideal of a woman: she should be open, honest, serious and respectable.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 6

Egor is a broad-minded person. Business-like, hardworking; knows how to find a way out of any situation; has an analytical mind. Quite stubborn.

With such character qualities, you can be an excellent leader, which most often happens to Yegor.

At the same time, he is a grumpy, hot-tempered, and even cocky person when drunk. There is a predisposition to alcoholism.

Egor is a respectable family man, a hospitable host, but a little despotic, in any case, he does not let his wife and children forget who is the boss of the house. An excellent, although very strict teacher, he is endowed by nature with a pedagogical gift. He loves and appreciates beauty, Egor has a weakness for flowers and grows them himself.

Egor is one of the simplified forms male name George, the meaning of which can be translated as “peasant”, “farmer”.

Origin of the name

The variant of the ancient Greek nickname fell in love with the Slavs so much that it became very popular and turned into the independent name Egor. The meaning of a name for a child in its main characteristics is similar to the interpretation of the progenitor word, however, the qualities that it endows its bearer with are somewhat different. The ecclesiastical form of the name is Yegoriy.

General characteristics

Egorushka is a restless kid who sometimes tires his parents, quiet games in the sandbox or alone with toys are alien to him, this tomboy constantly comes up with noisy fun, in which all his friends happily take part.
The boy is a wonderful friend to his peers and a favorite among adults. He grows up as a spoiled boy who constantly needs the attention of others, and he knows how to attract it by showing his best sides in public.
At school, Egorka tries her best to become one of the best students, working diligently and diligently on every task. However, a young person’s aspirations can be discouraged for a long time by one teacher’s remark or words of criticism. To prevent this from happening, parents should explain to their son from an early age that not all comments are made out of malice, and teach him not to take other people’s words too seriously.

Positive character traits

From an early age, Yegor does not need instructive conversations explaining which actions are good and which cannot be done; he himself is able to distinguish good from harm.
Difficult obstacles on the way to the goal do not frighten the guy; he always confidently goes to the end, adhering to a clear plan. He does not commit rash acts, he always thinks ahead about the possible outcome of an event and tries to calculate his actions as much as possible.
The owner of a “hardworking” name makes a good leader. Being a demanding boss, he skillfully copes with managing the team.

Negative character traits

Egorchik sets very high demands on girls. He is ready to spend years searching for the one who will later become his wife, so he is lonely for a long time.
In relations with members of the household, the guy is as strict and serious as with his subordinates; most often he marries a modest girl who will agree with him in everything. As a father, Egor is often too principled - he will not coo and play with the child, and he will not allow other relatives to spoil the baby.

Zodiac sign

When choosing a name for their child, parents should take into account that the most favorable sign for Yegor is Sagittarius.
The boy's patron will be the largest planet in solar system- Jupiter.
The owner of this nickname should get jewelry with sapphire - a talisman stone.
The blue color is a symbol of all related names: George, Yuri and Egor.


Egorchik, Egorka, Egorushka, Mountain, Gorka, Gosha, Zhora, Goga.

Name options

Egory, Georgy, Gregor, George, Yuri, Jorge, Georg, Jorge, Djordju, Jerzy, Georgios, Jiri, Gregory.

Historical figures

1750 – 1824 – Russian architect Egor Sokolov.
1796 – 1860 – writer and poet Yegor Aladin.
1809 – 1868 – Russian traveler Egor Kovalevsky.
1847 – 1878 – Russian mathematician Egor Zolotarev.
1919 – 1983 – military pilot Yegor Chalov.
1964 – 2008 – poet and rock musician Yegor Letov.
Born 1972 - actor and film director Yegor Druzhinin.
Born 1976 - Russian football player Yegor Titov.
Born 1977 – popular Russian actor Egor Beroev.
Born 1988 – young Russian actor Egor Kutenkov.
Born 1991 – Ukrainian football player Egor Ivanov.
Born 1970 - Belarusian playwright, writer Yegor Konev.
Born 1985 – Russian basketball player Egor Vyaltsev
Born 1994 singer Egor Creed (Bulatkin).

The male name Egor is a form Greek name George, which means “farmer”, “farmer”. In ancient times, it was used more as a designation for an irresponsible person or a drunkard, but gradually lost this meaning and was separated first into the name Yegoriy, and then into the name Yegor.

Characteristics of the name Egor

Phonosemantically, it gives the impression of something rough, hard, and Yegor’s character is somewhat similar to this definition, because he is, as a rule, very balanced, practical, emotionally cold, with a clear mind and common sense Human. IN childhood This is a restless and cocky child who has a developed sense of self-esteem and is vulnerable to criticism. He will not reveal his experiences to anyone, prefers to hide his emotions deeper, and if he is forced to share his feelings, he becomes irritated and closes down even more. At the same time, parents know: Egor is potentially very affectionate, but there is no need to rush him, he will open up on his own when he deems it necessary. An adult owner of this name, thanks to endurance, seriousness and hard work, as a rule, occupies a worthy position in society. This is an enterprising, economic man, whose life seems to be sorted into pieces. Egor values ​​honesty, responsibility, and integrity in people, but at the same time he is often too demanding of them and can be boring and grouchy. He has quite a lot of friends; they love him for his gentleness and good humor.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Egor is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn, that is, from December 22 to January 20. The persistent and law-abiding Capricorn is in many ways similar to Yegor, who will be endowed with patience, modesty, some asceticism, discipline, conservatism, hard work and the desire for success.

Pros and cons of the name Egor

What are the pros and cons of the name Egor? It is characterized positively by its energetically strong sound, rarity, good combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, as well as the presence of such euphonious diminutive forms as Egorka, Egorushka. Egor’s strong-willed but complex character can be considered both a plus and a minus, but this name has no obvious drawbacks.


Yegor's health is usually good, but he should take care of his eyesight, give up alcohol and avoid stressful situations.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Egor represents faithful husband and a caring father. He chooses a modest, serious and sensible woman as his life partner, who will be behind him like behind a stone wall. Usually, in everyday life, Yegor does not need to be forced to do something around the house, because he knows well where else he might be needed male hand and does a lot to ensure that his family lives in comfort.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, Egor is suited to engage in entrepreneurial activity, trade. He can also become a hotel or bar manager, manager, publisher, driver, doctor, fireman, official.

Name day

Yegora’s name day is not celebrated, because pure form their name is not in church calendars, although they are often credited with George’s name day.

The male name Egor has Greek roots. It is considered a colloquial version of the name George - "farmer", which has undergone profound changes in pronunciation and meaning over the previous two centuries.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: sapphire
  • Color: blue
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: lily of the valley
  • Animal: white bull
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character Traits

Egor's character type can be classified as choleric. He is usually irritable, hot-tempered, and grouchy. First he does something, and then he thinks. If he gets carried away with something, he works until he completely loses strength. Gets tired quickly and gets angry because of the inability to finish the job efficiently and quickly. A man named Egor loves money and comfort, but does not know how to set a limit to his needs and capabilities. This causes loss internal forces and the appearance of aggression. A closed character and touchiness create difficulties in life and lead to depression.

As a child, Egor is a good student, efficient, obedient, and hardworking. The adult owner of this name is ironic and distrustful, rarely compliant in resolving conflicts, smart, enterprising, secretive. He achieves his goal by any means. He is distinguished by his integrity, successful career, and pragmatism. He is a first-class official. But he rarely occupies high management positions due to his grumpy nature, inability to get along with people, and high demands on his subordinates.

Interests and hobbies

Egor never gets carried away with useless activities. He is very enterprising. Fishing with the condition: catch a big fish; draws - if there is a career prospect and a reliable teacher; cooks food when hungry or to create an image. The range of his hobbies is very wide and is rarely limited to something permanent.

Profession and business

When choosing a profession, Egor sets himself the task of achieving maximum fulfillment in it. He seeks delight in his work. The combination of a selfish character and the desire for financial well-being removes him from the profession, the name of which is embedded in the primitive meaning of this name - farmer. He is more interested in his career. Moving up the career ladder brings more satisfaction than material rewards.

Most often, Egor becomes a middle-level manager, an official in the educational and medical fields, a financier, a banker, and a researcher. Born in winter time The owner of this name can become an excellent lawyer, military man, and in the summer - a television journalist, actor. In business he is looking for a reliable partner, but he himself is not always a strong partner in cooperation.


A child named Egor loves sweets very much. If this “hobby” is not controlled, problems with the pancreas and excess weight arise. An adult owner of this name is predisposed to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and metabolic disorders. He needs moderation in nutrition, additional complexes of vitamins and microelements, and rest.

Sex and love

The secret of the name Egor hides very passionate man. He is considered the best lover. Appreciates in sexual relations imagination and variety. Loves to hear compliments and praise from his partner. Prefers long-term relationships. Many consider him a ladies' man. Does not skimp on expensive gifts for his beloved. He very rarely shows deceit in relationships with women.

Family and marriage

Yegor marries a modest, beautiful and intelligent woman, preferably from a wealthy and influential family. He does not hide from others the fact that he counts on help from his wife and her relatives in resolving career issues. In the family he can be tough and demanding of children. Treats his wife well. Shows condescension towards women's weaknesses, but never gives in on fundamental issues.