Pugs and caring for them. Key points to consider when caring for a pug. Furminator for pugs - a smart way to “deceive” shedding

A small decorative breed, a companion dog. It is considered one of the most ancient breeds in the world. They are active and cheerful, love attention and affection. Their origins date back to the early Chinese dynasty. These sociable kids were bred especially for emperors.

In those distant times, they were guardians of temples and were larger in size. The breed adapts perfectly to the owner's lifestyle. If you like to sit and watch TV in the evenings, a pug will keep you company, sitting at your feet.

If you lead an active lifestyle, always take your pug with you for walks. Just make sure that the baby does not get overtired and does not overheat in the sun.

Description of the pug breed and the FCI standard

  • “Rose” - small, folded over the head, laid back, the inside is open.
  • “Buttons” - laid forward, the edges are pressed tightly to the head, covering the internal holes.
  • Neck: slightly curved, strong, thick, of sufficient length, with a well-defined scruff, the transition of the neck to the withers is smooth, the posture is proud.
  • Body: short, stocky with well-developed muscles. The length of the pug's body is almost equal to the height at the withers.
  • The photo shows a black pug puppy

  • Chest: Broad, with well sprung ribs. Bottom part The chest is located no higher than the level of the elbows. The underline is slightly drawn towards the hind legs. Too wide, or “chicken breasts,” is considered a defect.
  • Forelegs: smooth, strong, straight, well-developed muscles with outside legs, forms a smooth arc. They are located far from each other, the shoulders are sloping. The elbows fit tightly to the body and are directed strictly back. The pasterns are slightly inclined. The inclination of the scapula is 45 degrees, forming a right angle with the humerus. The length of the shoulder blade and shoulder are equal. When viewed from the front from the side, the sternum has a good protrusion.
  • Hind limbs: strong, parallel, thighs muscular, knee and hock joints clearly defined.
  • Croup: Full, slightly rounded.
  • Tail: thick, set high, curled, pressed close to the body, densely covered with hair. A double ring is considered a virtue.
  • Coat: short, smooth, close-lying. The guard hair is thin, smooth, shiny. The undercoat is soft and dense. Black pugs have coarser fur than light pugs and have blue skin. Some individuals have no undercoat.
  • Skin: elastic, covers prominent muscles, not saggy, but not tense.
  • Movement: springy, free, elegant.
  • Pug color

    • Black
    • Pale yellow
    • Silver
    • Apricot - deer (with a dark stripe on the back)

    Pugs of light colors have a contrasting black mask on the muzzle, black markings on the cheeks, a diamond on the forehead, black ears and a black “strap” on the back, and a dark stripe runs from the occipital protuberance to the base of the tail.

    Pug character

    The pug is a lively, cheerful breed, with a noble, balanced and affectionate character. Very devoted to her owner and his family. Nervous, cowardly and aggressive individuals are extremely rare. The small compact size allows you to keep a pug even in a small apartment.

    They love children and love to play with them. They get along well with other pets, but they themselves love to be the center of attention of everyone in the house. Despite their small size, they are good and sensitive watchdogs.

    They are highly trainable, these cunning dogs are ready to do anything for a piece of delicious food, and simply love praise from their owner. Therefore, they try to please him in everything.

    Breeders believe that black dogs are more energetic and alert, while white dogs are loyal and calm.

    Photo of a pug in a pink and blue scarf

    Unlike a chihuahua or toy terrier, which do not always need walking, a pug requires regular daily walking, 1 - 1.5 hours, twice a day. The walk can be measured or active. It’s good to walk with him on the sand, in the summer, jogging on the water will give the dog pleasure, in winter you can run him in deep snow. All these procedures are great for toning the muscles of the legs and body. But an active walk should not exceed 30 minutes. In cold or hot weather 10 minutes will be enough. A calm walk can last 1.5 hours.

    Remember that a good muscle frame is achieved not by diet, and certainly not by feeding, but by regular walks and workouts.

    The only small caveat is that the pug can snore at night. But for many breeders this only brings pleasure.

    Pug care and maintenance

    Photo of pug little puppy on the sofa

    How to bathe a pug

    It is not recommended often, except when it gets dirty, or once every 2-3 months, the less often with shampoo (no more than once a month), the better. The skin has a film that performs a protective function, and the coat is covered with sebum, it is naturally elastic and shiny. Therefore, frequent bathing will wash away the natural protection.

    Before washing, close the windows to avoid drafts. When bathing, make sure that water does not get into the ears, dry the dog well after water procedures. You can use dry shampoo for cleaning. It is first rubbed into the coat, then combed out well.

    To care for your pug's fur you will need:

    1. Natural bristle brush
    2. Mitten
    3. Sukonka

    Caring for folds on the face: after eating or walking, food debris, dirt and dust accumulate in the folds, which can cause an unpleasant odor. Wipe them 1-2 times a week with dry cotton pads or Ph neutral wet wipes (available at the pharmacy), then wipe dry with cotton wool. You cannot wipe the fold every day; the natural microflora is disrupted, which leads to infection. The more you wash, the more sebum is released.

    It is enough to comb once every two weeks with a natural bristle brush, then wipe with a cloth or mitten. Such procedures stimulate blood circulation, remove dead hair well, and clean the fur from dust and dirt. During shedding, the frequency of treatments should be increased.

    Pug photo in beautiful flowers

    Eyes: With a short muzzle and large “protruding” eyes, the risk of injury increases. The eyes of a healthy dog ​​are shiny, without souring or tearing. In the morning you may notice accumulations of white or gray, this is just the dust that has accumulated during the day coming out. Remove them carefully with a soft cloth soaked in warm boiled water. In this case, it is not recommended to rinse with tea. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile, or calendula. But make very weak decoctions.

    During walks, do not let your pug run through tall grass; the sharp edges of the blades of grass can injure his eyes. Don’t let them get close to other people’s cats, and doubly watch your own in the house. Cat's claws are quite dangerous for a bug-eyed baby.

    The home medicine cabinet should always contain ophthalmic medications (chloramphenicol drops, tetracycline eye ointment) and antihistamines(“Suprastin”, “Tavegil”).

    The first serious signs of pug eye disease:

    • Suppuration
    • Excessive tearing
    • Whitish spot
    • Corneal opacity
    • dark spot on the cornea
    • Eyeball prolapse
    • The eye is swollen or red

    If any such symptoms occur, contact your veterinarian immediately and never self-medicate.

    Claws: Trim them once a month with a nail clipper, and file the ends to avoid burrs. Always remember about the fifth arrived finger. The claw on them does not wear off when walking. A long and curled claw digs into the paw and causes discomfort to the dog.
    Wipe your paws after walks damp cloth and inspect for damage or cracks.

    IN winter period Wash your pug’s paws especially carefully after walks, making sure that the dog does not lick the reagent that is sprinkled on the snow. To avoid cracks on the paw pads, rub vegetable oil into them and include it in your dog’s diet 1 tsp. per day.

    Ears: inspect once every 2 weeks. A healthy ear has a pleasant pink hue, without excess wax, and unpleasant odor. With simple procedures you can easily clean your pet's ears. Soak a cotton swab or napkin in a solution of boric alcohol and wipe the inside of the sink. They should dry well. Then you can use ear powder or prophylactic liquid. Due to drooping ears, pugs experience ear inflammation; this simple procedure can prevent the disease.

    Pug - ticks and fleas

    If you find a tick, do not panic, they are not all carriers of piroplasmosis (a fatal disease for dogs). Drop on it vegetable oil, after a couple of minutes the tick will loosen its grip, pull it out with tweezers, as if twisting it out of the skin. Treat the wound with an antiseptic, and monitor the pug’s health for the next few days. If he is cheerful, active with a good appetite, no high temperature, that means everything is fine with him.

    But with these symptoms:

    • High temperature(40 - 42 degrees)
    • Lack of appetite
    • Lethargy
    • Refusal of water
    • Brown urine

    Seek help from a veterinarian immediately.

    Pug nutrition

    The future owner must approach the pug's nutrition with all responsibility, since the breed is quite specific, there is often a tendency to be overweight, allergies, and they have quite sensitive digestion. Of course, it is necessary to adhere to the standard rules about feeding a dog, but choose the diet, calorie content, serving size, etc. should be individualized for your dog.

    From puppyhood to adulthood, the pug is fed according to the following scheme:

    • 1 - 2 months - 6 feedings per day
    • 2 - 4 months - 5 feedings
    • 4 - 6 months - 4 feedings
    • 6 - 12 months - 3 feedings
    • After 1 year, the period of active growth ends and metabolism slows down, so an adult pug is fed 1-2 times a day.
    • Pregnant bitches after 1 month of pregnancy, and nursing mothers, add one feeding (feed 3 times a day), especially if there are many babies
    • During the period of active mating in males

    The pug is sad in the photo

    There are two types of feeding for pugs:

    1. natural food
    2. ready-made dry food

    The main rule is never to mix natural food and dry food in one feeding.

    It is better to raise pug puppies on ready-made food, premium or super premium, since you will not be able to balance the necessary diet and vitamin complex required for the puppy on your own. healthy growth and development. In addition, the breed is prone to allergies, and the most dangerous period for identifying them is up to 1 year of life. For the number of servings for a specific age, see the table on the packaging; each food has it individually.

    Be sure to ensure constant access to clean water, especially after eating.

    When choosing natural food for feeding an adult pug, remember the benefits and harms of certain foods.

    Healthy foods for pugs:

    • Lean meat (turkey, rabbit, beef, venison) trim any fat from meat or offal
    • Chicken is considered an allergen, so carefully introduce it into complementary foods.
    • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
    • Seasonal vegetables
    • Apples (in moderation)
    • Green
    • Sea fish without bones
    • Offal (kidneys, stomachs, tripe) boiled or doused with boiling water
    • Fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese)

    Prohibited foods for pugs:

    • Pork and any fatty meat
    • Smoked meats
    • Sweets
    • Chocolate
    • Legumes
    • Seasonings
    • Fried food
    • Pasta
    • river fish
    • Oatmeal (often causes gastrointestinal problems in puppies and leads to inflammation of the anal glands)
    • Any bones, long bones of poultry (especially dangerous)

    Pug disease

    • Obesity
    • Skin fold infections on the face
    • Gum disease
    • Breathing problems
    • Encephalitis
    • Epilepsy
    • Seasonal allergies
    • Eye diseases

    Photo of a pug


    In the first days without mom and brothers, it will be very lonely and scary in your new home, so your task is to make this period as pleasant as possible for the baby. Find a separate place for him where he can feel safe and relax. Until the baby gets used to his new home, pet him often and show him care. This will make it easier for him to adapt to a new place and overcome stress.

    It’s a good idea to take a cloth from the breeder or one with the scent of the native “nest” and put it in the new house - this will help you feel more protected. Also, try not to set up a place for your little pug somewhere far from your bed or the room where your household spends the most time. A pug is small, and a puppy will feel very tiny. Make sure he doesn't get lost in your huge apartment and can find his way to his new owners.

    Pug puppy nutrition

    During the first months of life, you need to monitor your pug puppy’s diet more closely than in adulthood. Be sure to take from the breeder a portion of the food that the baby is accustomed to. For the first 3 days, he should be fed exactly this, gradually introducing new, unfamiliar foods into the diet. Otherwise, the puppy may get an upset stomach, which, you see, is not very good.

    Do not give your pug too liquid food - due to the specific structure of his muzzle, he will have difficulty eating and will constantly choke. The puppy's food should be fresh and of high quality. Never overfeed your pet. Pugs are a breed prone to obesity and you should start monitoring their diet from a very early age.

    Keep an eye on small objects

    Any thing that lies on the floor or within the puppy's reach will definitely end up in his mouth. Therefore, be careful that there are no objects lying on the floor that the pug can chew or swallow: small toys, rubber balls, glass or fragile plastic. Dogs love to chew on everything and this is good for their teeth, but toys must be very durable! It is best to consult a pet store or ask your veterinarian for advice.

    Be prepared for the fact that your phone, favorite shoes or jeans belt may also end up in the little explorer's teeth. If this happens, you only have yourself to blame - after all, it was you who did not put the valuable items away. As for the puppy, these are just toys for him.

    Pets are demanding creatures. They quickly get used to good attitude, tasty, and most importantly, regular food, to soft sofas and long walks. We, the owners, simply need to maintain our reputation in their big and kind eyes.

    When we go outside to walk our four-legged fidget, we pay attention to his fellow creatures walking nearby.

    Of course, your own dog is the most beloved dog, but there are times when its coat loses its shine, becomes dull, and as soon as you brush it, a lot of fluff remains on your hands, and other dogs on the street look simply excellent. ..

    Shedding should not frighten owners, as this is a common occurrence for pets. In previous articles, we looked at the causes of molting and its types. As a rule, the most common of them is seasonal. She overcomes the dog in autumn and spring.

    This is a logical and natural reaction of the dog’s body to changing weather. In autumn - preparation for cold weather, and in spring - for sudden and significant warming. Usually the shedding time for dogs is several weeks, which is not that long, but grooming during this time is mandatory.

    You can significantly reduce the shedding time in dogs yourself!

    It is believed that pugs shed a lot, sometimes this literally becomes a feature of the breed, so grooming is as important as nutrition. Experts recommend washing your dog during intense shedding and, after washing, combing the coat before it dries.

    This method is certainly effective, but has significant disadvantages. Firstly, everyone knows that dogs should not be bathed often, and secondly, combing wet hair is very inconvenient for both the owner and the pet - it is painful and unpleasant, especially if we are talking about a rubber brush.

    Furminator for pugs - a smart way to “deceive” shedding

    In order to use the Furminator, it is not at all necessary to wash the dog, much less run this brush over wet fur. It is worth saying that a special furminator has been developed for short-haired breeds, which will not miss a single dead hair.

    The teeth of this slicker brush are located very tightly, which allows you to easily remove up to 90% of excess undercoat in one use. This way, dogs' shedding time can be reduced to just a few days!

    One of the smallest ornamental breeds. This is, first and foremost, a companion dog. Cheerful and active pugs are the oldest dog breed. They love affection and attention from their owner. If you decide to adopt this animal, then you need to stock up on knowledge on how to properly care for it.

    During the cold season, dress your baby in warmer onesies, especially if he is cold. Be sure to wash your belly and paws after every walk. warm water and wipe dry with a towel. After washing, allow the puppy to run around. If you notice that he doesn’t want to run and is freezing, then wrap him in a blanket.

    Pugs are capricious and stubborn animals, but are considered to have high intelligence. There are several stages for their education:

    1. Get used to his name.
    2. Toilet train.
    3. Train him to use a collar and leash.
    4. Get rid of bad habits.

    Start training by teaching the puppy to your voice and his name.

    If you want to feed him, play or pet him, then call the dog in a gentle voice.

    Use prohibitory commands when the pet tries to chew or spoil any lice thing. Change your voice, make it angry and unpleasant during such commands.

    It's easy to toilet train your pet. After each feeding and sleep, take the pug outside or put it in a tray. These simple steps will help him quickly get used to the toilet. To develop your pet's dexterity and intelligence, spend more time playing. Buy him as many toys as possible that all dogs love.

    Hitting or shouting at a pug is prohibited! He will close himself off and start doing bad things specifically to take revenge. Be patient and persistent while raising and training your animal.



    If the puppy is healthy, then it does not need special care. Don't unnecessarily touch his ears, eyes, teeth, or the crease above his nose. There are times when a fold becomes wrinkled, then it needs to be processed. Soak a cotton swab with chlorhexidine and wipe the problem area with it once a day. Wax from the ears is first removed with a cotton swab dipped in the same solution, then dry. In the morning after sleep, wipe your pug's eyes with a clean cotton swab to remove mucus.

    If your beloved pet gets very dirty during a walk, wash him with a good dog shampoo and dry him with a towel. Frequently washing pugs is not recommended. because the coat may deteriorate and the skin balance may be disrupted. Nails should be trimmed as they grow. Purchase a special nail clipper from the pet store to trim the very tip of the claw.

    Keep an eye on small objects

    Dumb kids are capable try different small objects on the tooth and choke on them. If there are objects within its reach household chemicals, then the dog may get poisoned. Make sure that no small things get in his way that could lead to big troubles.


    Pugs don't need special conditions for accommodation. Your boundless love and a lot of attention are enough for them. They are endlessly devoted to the family in which they live and to their owner. People who spend most of their time at work and outside the home should not get this breed., because during their long absence the dog may become depressed.

    The pug will become a kind of child for its owner, whose appearance in the house will change many rules and habits.

    This dog will require constant attention, communication, affection and love.

    Despite the fact that the owner of such a dog will gain undeniable advantages, it cannot be said that caring for a pug will not be difficult.

    This breed is practically not adapted to independent existence on the street and can only survive at home.

    These dogs have specific skin folds on their faces that require special hygienic care in hot weather.

    Also, the owner of a pug needs to know that this breed’s ear canal has a specific flattened shape.

    For this reason, a dog's ears require special attention. They need constant careful inspection and hygiene procedures.

    It is they who are often exposed to various injuries in pugs and infectious diseases. On the street, a pug can injure the mucous membrane of the eye even with a dry blade of grass.

    Also, the dog's eyes are often exposed to insect bites. If, after a walk, wounds, cuts or scratches are found on the eyelids or mucous membranes, regenerating drops should be applied to the eyes.

    At the same time, owners need to know that eye drops containing hormones are absolutely not suitable for caring for pugs.

    Ear care

    The ears of dogs of this breed require special attention and care. Any inflammatory process for pugs is very painful.

    To prevent chronic otitis media and the development of infections, pugs' ears need to be cleaned regularly. To do this, at the owner’s discretion, you can use:

    • boric alcohol;
    • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
    • special ear gel;
    • warm boiled water;
    • soft cosmetic lotion.

    In order to clean the ears, the cotton wool is moistened in the selected liquid and wrung out. Next, it gently and carefully cleans the folds in the auricle.

    You need to clean the folds until all the wool, dust and sulfur are completely removed.

    It is very important that the pug's ears are cleaned very carefully and gently the first time. This will help the dog avoid developing fear of such hygiene procedures in the future.

    If your pug's ears begin to emit a specific, clearly unpleasant odor, the dog must be shown to a doctor.

    This may be a symptom of advanced otitis media or an infectious infection.

    It will be enough to brush the dog with an ordinary brush once a week.

    In order to reduce hair loss in a pug during the molting period, it is enough to add a fish oil capsule to the food.

    Proper care to ensure the health of your pet involves creating conditions under which the pug will receive daily moderate physical activity.