Mediterranean style landscape projects. Features of the Mediterranean garden style. Let's create our own garden! Plants in a Mediterranean style garden

As the Sochi Olympics shows, it is quite possible to host the winter games in a summer city. You just need to try really hard. In our article we will do a little the opposite: in winter time let's talk about summer. More precisely, about how to design your garden in Mediterranean style. There is not much left until spring - you will have just time to prepare and plan everything. Well, it’s time to finally continue our series of materials about world styles of garden art. , ... the time has come for Greece and Cyprus!

One of the main functions of a Mediterranean garden is to provide shade. Unlike Japanese and English styles, regular lines, simple and unpretentious plants become a feature of the coastal garden. And most importantly, architectural forms come to the fore.

Coastal landscape

On Russian six hundred square meters you rarely find perfectly flat areas. Sometimes the height difference is 1-2 m. And the soil at such a dacha is heterogeneous. Original and simple solution will become terracing plot. Residents of the Mediterranean have long figured out how to do this. Remember the Greek Santoria, whose streets descend to the seashore like steps. This is a series of flat areas that are connected by steps and inclined paths.

Terraces can occupy the entire site or be part of a recreation area. It is enough to level two or three platforms so that at least one of them is higher than the others. Used as paving wild stone, tiles, wood. Concrete slabs are allowed.

The terraces are connected by steps or paths. When there is a sharp change in height, ladders will come in handy, it doesn’t matter whether it’s two, three or seven steps, stone or wooden.

If the height difference between the terraces is gentle, paths are used. They can be made from tiles or more traditional gravel. Even ordinary trampled earth will not ruin the view. A patio - and this is what terraced areas in the Mediterranean style are called - allows you to fill the gaps between the areas with lush greenery and flower beds.

There is another way to create a resort atmosphere in your dacha. It is suitable for budget-conscious owners. It combines paving surfaces and a pond: next to a spacious rectangular area, a deep pond of regular shape is formed. Its side rises above the terrace. Water, reflecting the sun's rays, scatters light and creates the effect of different heights. The pond performs another role - it provides the recreation area with coolness. In it on warm time year, you can place swordtails or another type of indoor fish, and place a pot with flowering plants next to the side.

Colorful paradise

When the “skeleton” of the garden is ready, the owner of the dacha will have to choose the plants. The basis for a bright and blooming garden will be evergreen conifers. They feel good both in the Mediterranean and in Russian latitudes different types junipers, yews, barberries. Hostas and ferns support the green note. And here the height of the plants plays an important role: as in the case of the patio, trees, shrubs and flowers create a “ladder effect”. Evergreens will retain the bulk of the garden even in winter.

In the Mediterranean style it is not customary to use only perennials. Rose hips, cereals, annuals - their combination will ensure the garden blooms for 6-8 months. It is important to choose plants so that their flowering times vary. Immediately after the snow melts, bright yellow forsythia blooms; the usual lilac pleases the eye from late April to mid-May. Then comes the turn of rosehip and cinquefoil, which bloom until October.

The Mediterranean style allows you to play with colors, and not necessarily just plants. Colored glass and multi-colored ceramic chips are often used for decorative filling of flower beds. This allows you to emphasize the originality of the garden.

Very rarely in Russia trees are used to create a Mediterranean atmosphere. Although during the flowering period the trees of the coastal zone are very beautiful. In addition, their wood is often used to make furniture: chairs and tables made of plane tree are highly valued by connoisseurs for their particular strength.

Yellow acacia emits an unusual exciting aroma during flowering. Such “Mediterranean plants” do not bear fruit, so summer residents are indifferent to them. These trees do not require special care and patiently endure cold winters. They will help create the shade needed for shrubs, flowers and lawns.

In addition to ground plants, coastal residents use trees and shrubs in tubs. For example, lemon or orange. Citrus seedlings are actively sold in greenhouses, and some enthusiasts grow them on windowsills in apartments. Another cheap and elegant option is flowering cactus or oleander. Choose carefully decorative pots for plants. The effect of antiquity and relief patterns are valued here. You can use broken jugs, cans and old barrels for flowerpots.

To maintain plant diversity, it is necessary to water the garden generously twice a day. Make sure that the soil remains moist at a depth of 5 cm. During particularly dry periods, protect plants from direct sunlight using awnings or stretched mesh. For the winter, junipers are tied with a soft cord, drawing the branches to the trunk, and covered with burlap on top.

Creative approach

Residents of the Mediterranean do not separate the garden from the house itself. Sometimes the terrace is a natural continuation of the foundation, and the roof of the gazebo is inseparable from pitched roof Houses. Transformable gazebos are very popular: a frame-base made of timber, pitched roof. Decorative fabrics serve as improvised walls. You can sit on a chaise longue-daybed or pillows of different sizes. This version of the gazebo can change according to your mood, just replace the textiles.

Pergolas - composite structures of arches connected to each other - give a special charm to the garden. They help you hide in the shade on the hottest day. The “corridor”, which forms a pergola, diffuses light and protects plant leaves from sunburn. The pergola is made from processed wooden beam. The wood is painted white or silver and tinted every two years. Often, in order to enhance the “corridor” effect, shrubs 1-2 meters high are planted next to the pergola.

In addition to places equipped for relaxation, small architectural forms are present in abundance in the Mediterranean garden. These can be statues or geometric figures: stone balls on a rectangular pedestal and cubes illuminated by lamps. Multi-colored sculptures of turtles and frogs, hidden in flower beds, will help enliven the garden and will not contradict the overall style.

...Winter is just a little bit away - and you can already start transforming your garden. Mediterranean style - why not? We hope our tips will help you!

The Mediterranean-style garden is similar to southern cities with their charming small streets lined with pleasantly smelling greenery and beautiful and cozy terraces. All this beauty can be recreated on your own plot, and you won’t need to spend a lot of time maintaining it, because in a Mediterranean garden the main areas are occupied by recreation areas, paved areas, open terraces and potted gardens. Here, as in a mirror, is reflected the way of life and mentality of the Mediterranean people, who love to spend as much time as possible not behind the walls of their homes, but on the street, having friendly conversations in the open air in an atmosphere of warmth and carefree fun.

Basic styles of the Mediterranean garden

There are several trends in the design of green zones of this kind that exist in one country or another. The most common garden is the Italian type, built on the principle of clear zoning, perfectly combining strict geometric lines and a romantic mood. Typical elements will be sculptures made in a classical style, elegant terracotta vases, fountains, climbing plants, potted gardens and a lot of other small elements that together give the garden a unique charm.

The Provençal-type garden features elegant wrought iron furniture and pavilions with metal walls. The colors in this garden are not so bright, the main plant is lavender. It is more common to see very fragrant mixborders than potted gardens.

Mixborders usually contain flowers, essential oils and ornamental plants in various combinations.

Finally, the third type is the Greek garden, which inherited the traditions of gardens of ancient times. It can be difficult to take your eyes off the snow-white walls of buildings, furniture and pergolas, painted in ultramarine tones, modeled on the roofs of ancient Greek temples. The paths are covered with rough stone (mostly rubble); the antique spirit of the garden is given by the presence of amphoras, sculptures and dishes made in the ancient Greek style.

Main area – terrace

The main area of ​​the Mediterranean garden is the terrace - an ideal place for relaxation, a pleasant pastime and a friendly feast. As a rule, the terrace is located so that it offers a beautiful view of the plant compositions. Equally important is the covering of the terrace area; priority is given to stone, which is sometimes replaced with concrete or paving slabs.

Not often, but you can find terraces lined with wood. But regardless of the material, the coating must have a light color; terracotta and ocher tones are also acceptable.

The site can have several levels if the landscape allows. The potted gardens located here will serve as decoration and outline the boundaries of the zone.

On the sides of the terrace adjacent to the house there should be walls that protect from gusts of wind. Materials reminiscent of sandstone or white marble. However, glazed walls with blinds are also acceptable. If it is not possible to arrange a terrace on the site south side at home, then you can build a remote terrace in any other suitable place. To do this, a pergola is built over the platform, tables, chairs, and other pieces of furniture are placed.

Plants in a Mediterranean style garden

Of course, plants of southern latitudes do not tolerate our cold weather well, but fortunately, the main elements of a Mediterranean garden are potted and tub plants, while perennials growing in open areas, is given a supporting role. Heat-loving plants in pots will perfectly decorate garden area, and with the onset of cold weather they are simply transferred indoors. Therefore, myrtle, evergreen citrus fruits and luxurious palm trees with vines can decorate the garden in warm weather.

There is another method of growing heat-loving crops in our latitudes. To do this, you need to plant plants near a stone niche, which will collect heat during the day in order to warm the plants at night. In such a niche you can plant, for example, yucca, and in open areas sedum, milkweed, and catnip will take root, and although all these plants come from our area, they have a certain southern flavor. A few tropical plants in pots placed nearby will enhance the southern atmosphere.

Meeting southern plants in tubs, of course, will greatly decorate a Mediterranean garden, but if you don’t have such plants, then they can be replaced with annual crops and herbs planted in pots; their bright flowering will make color scheme the garden area is even more lush.

On open ground In European gardens, slender cypresses and coniferous pine trees usually grow. If the climate of the area turns out to be unsuitable for these plants, then you can try to find a replacement for them. Thuja, Lawson cypress, and juniper are perfect. Skillful trimming of these plants can work wonders. Shrubs you can use are jasmine and tamarix. And if we talk about perennial plants for a Mediterranean garden, then you must definitely mention sage, santolina, lavender, various types ornamental and spicy herbs.

The fountain is an important element of the composition

Water features bring coolness to the green area, and the soothing sound of water creates a relaxing environment.

Landscape design trends (video)

The most typical and indispensable object of the garden is a fountain, in ideal it should be made in the style of Roman street fountains, decorated with lion heads, or have the appearance round bowl standing on a long leg. But don’t limit your imagination; fountains with different designs will also fit perfectly into a Mediterranean garden. The fountain should be surrounded by a potted garden, preferably of herbs and plants in purple and blue tones, easily swaying at the slightest breath. For large fountain forms with several levels, a frame of hanging plants is suitable, which, just like the jets of a fountain, will move from level to level. Large fountains are best placed on terraces, where they will look more impressive.

When creating a Mediterranean garden, pay attention to details special attention. All of them must be designed in a certain style, correspond overall design and emphasize the southern flavor of the composition. At the same time, you should not be afraid to overdo it with their number; the more there are, the more interesting a walk through the garden will be and the more pleasant discoveries you can make in it.

Mediterranean style in the garden (20 photos)

Mediterranean style is one of the most fashionable and popular today. It is actively used to decorate gardens even in places where it is impossible to use Mediterranean plants themselves due to too severe winter frosts. But true southern charm can be imparted to a garden not only with the help of heat-loving authentic crops: to create a Mediterranean environment, you need to properly use the available range of plants.

Mediterranean style landscape. © ninik black Content:

Main elements of the Mediterranean environment

Cypresses, pine trees, luxurious citrus fruits and olive trees- these are the plants that first come to mind when mentioning the Mediterranean style. But you can’t grow them in regions with harsh winters. Which, however, does not mean that it is impossible to recreate the charm of the Mediterranean in your garden. The front garden, recreation area, flower beds near the terrace or a separate corner of the garden can be turned into a real southern oasis. To do this, first of all, you need to correctly formulate your goal.

The expressive structure of the composition, the introduction of evergreen accents and borders, the dominance of greenery, beautifully flowering soloists and bright accents, attention to detail and adherence to the general concept - these are the main elements of success. To create a composition or corner with Mediterranean charm, you need:

  1. Determine the points of attraction and the main dominants (large structural accents) in ensembles, structuring elements (from supporting walls and hedges to supports for vines and plant borders), introduce small architecture objects.
  2. Select plants for the role of beautifully flowering soloists.
  3. Select filler crops - partner textural perennials that will fill the compositions with colors and volume and create the basis of ensembles - in color, “character”, texture.
  4. Don't forget about important details- decor, potted plants and materials.

Criteria for selecting crops for Mediterranean areas


The most important criterion for “selection” is texture: in southern gardens, lushness, the ability to fill the soil with colorful curtains, density and volume play no less a role than the color scheme. The inimitable textures of clipped evergreens, herbs, and landscape perennials create the basis of any composition and underlie its picturesqueness and charm.

The charm of Mediterranean ensembles is largely based on the character of the plants used in it - modest, low-maintenance, but inimitably beautiful landscape stars, skillfully limited by strict frames and accents.


Don't forget about color palette: Authentic Mediterranean gardens are characterized by calm colors and purity and richness of color accents. Silver-gray leaves, muted shades of greenery and the classic dominance of decorative foliage plants are very important for such a garden, as well as right choice blooming soloists with pure colors and partners, who should, above all, evoke coolness and harmonious restraint, effectively emphasizing the beauty of the main blooming accents.

Mediterranean style landscape. © Genevieve


A Mediterranean-style corner will look more authentic the more fragrant crops you manage to use. Plant crops so that from the first step you are greeted by a cloud of aromas.


Shape and lines play an important role in the perception of ensembles in the Mediterranean style. The vertical structure of the compositions, the presence of high and catchy accents in it, the contrast between large and background plants is as important as the structure. They enrich the structure with elongated columnar conifers, standard plants, large shrubs, small architectural objects. Elongated spiers and perfect spheres are the main motifs of the Mediterranean, along with lush “solid” plantings of perennial herbs.

Mediterranean style landscape. © Hansel

Plants that will help create a Mediterranean ensemble

The selection of plants is based on recreating the charm of Mediterranean compositions with the help of perennials that can withstand the conditions middle zone.

The main blooming beauties of the southern style are roses. White or pink, scarlet or original, climbing or bushy, they can be safely used in the design of the southern corner in maximum quantities. The main thing is that the color tone of the petals is clean and rich: the original roses can be left for other styles.

Ground covers and large ones are especially good in Mediterranean compositions. shrub roses, which give the whole ensemble cheerfulness. But they are not the only ones that fit well into Mediterranean compositions. Blooming deutsias are voluminous and romantic, as are charming bushes of tree and herbaceous peonies.

Santolina and helichrysum are ideal for the Mediterranean flower garden. Acanthus with its white and pink flower stalks will also charmingly fit into the appearance of such a composition. But the main partners remain spicy plants and perennials typical of southern landscapes, which can also take root here: oak and medicinal sage, lavender of all varieties, oregano, Schmidt’s wormwood and other species, thymes, catnips will happily create a lush background for spectacular soloists.

Yellow asphodeline, tireless sedum and euphorbia, openwork cuff, stachys with its silver leaves and silver-pink candles of inflorescences will fit perfectly into such an environment.

Well, in no case should we forget about the “outline” - strict cropped frames that will make soloists and curvaceous partners shine in a new way. Topiary boxwoods and yews, with their dark greens and muted colors, are ideal candidates for creating borders, geometric accents and curtains. Low borders and high hedges, clipped spheres add completeness and orderliness to a lush collection of textured plants and are responsible for the structure and integrity of compositions even in winter.

Strict vertical accents, similar in role to authentic cypress trees in gardens in regions with harsh winters, will be placed by the elongated spiers of columnar varieties of junipers and cypress trees.

Mediterranean style landscape. ©homelandguild

Objects of small architecture in southern imitations

If you want to create a real Italian garden in your garden, a small Mediterranean-style oasis, try to actively use small architecture and its capabilities.

The simplest option is to place zoning arches, which will be effectively covered with a flowering blanket climbing roses. With their help, you can both mark the transition to the Mediterranean zone and divide the space into separate areas, add interesting touches to the vertical structure of the compositions. Obelisks will also cope well with the task of structuring.

If you are decorating a relaxation area or corner or a terrace in the southern style, then think about the possibility of building pergolas that will help create an impressive shelter. Grapes, both decorative and fruit-bearing, grow well on pergolas - an invariable participant in Mediterranean landscapes. The same effect of a truly Italian touch will be achieved by grapes when draping the wall of a house or fence, or when grown on trellises.

The following will also fit perfectly into the appearance of the southern style:

  • stone flower beds and raised flower beds surrounded by brick or stone walls;
  • supporting walls that play up height differences;
  • imitation garden ruins;
  • semi-columns and balustrades, plinths and tall stone flowerpots;
  • sundial;
  • wall fountains;
  • strict geometric ponds with fountains;
  • large garden sculpture, etc.

Mediterranean style landscape. © Werner Gartenbau

Decor and accessories that highlight style

You can emphasize the charm of the Mediterranean corner or completely change the character of the design with the help of decor. Terracotta products, garden sculptures and figurines, ceramic kitchen utensils and textile canopies can become an important finishing touch. But most big role Among the accessories, plants should still play: we should not forget that the Mediterranean style is hardly the most active of all modern trends landscape design uses potted gardens and tub plants.

You can grow even the most heat-loving trees and shrubs in containers, and introduce citrus fruits and laurels, agapanthus, pomegranates and olive trees into your garden design. And colorful petunias, herbs in pots, hanging begonias and lobelias with verbenas will only add bright accents. The more pots and tubs you can use, the better. Decorate with them high walls and stands, flower beds and paths, display them along walls and fences and on terraces or recreation areas - in as many quantities as you can take care of.

The Mediterranean style of landscape design unites many countries that, despite their geographical proximity, differ in culture and history. This includes the romantic garden architecture of France, Greek terraces, Italian classical style, and exotic Spain.

But we associate all these countries with hot sunny summers, blue seas and herbs, so a Mediterranean-style garden is suitable for lovers of the south who prefer a relaxed holiday surrounded by aromatic herbs and flowering bushes.

This garden architectural style is an excellent offer for small plots, as it does not require a large amount of lush greenery and lawns.

Site selection

To create a Mediterranean landscape, it is necessary to take into account several main factors, and the most important of them are good illumination of the site and its protection from strong winds. A small garden surrounded by a stone wall or hedge is ideal. An uneven landscape has its advantages, as it allows you to create terraces characteristic of a given style.

Color palette combination

In Mediterranean regions, the color scheme plays a big role, so when creating a design, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the harmonious combination of color and space.

It should be dominated by natural warm colors pink, yellow, brown shades that boldly contrast with areas of blue, violet, lilac and light blue.

You can also opt for a more delicate version, reminiscent of French Provence, choosing a palette of white, blue and pastel colors without bright accents.

What plants to plant in a Mediterranean garden?

The vegetation of the Mediterranean climate is rich in colors, shapes and smells. But when choosing plants for this style, it is necessary to take into account certain restrictions associated with the climate of the middle zone, since many southern crops do not tolerate frost well, and some simply do not survive the winter.

However, many of the plants that grow in our climate are ideal for this style, and some varieties of heat-loving species have adapted well to cool conditions. For good growth For crops that are predominantly drought-resistant, it is very important that the soil has good water permeability.

The southern nature of the garden is emphasized by such evergreen shrubs as: boxwood, rhododendron, privet, and representatives of coniferous crops. To achieve a southern oasis landscape, also use columnar plantings, such as Blue Arrow juniper, cypress trees, pyramidal arborvitae, and yew varieties. In warmer regions, you can try planting pine or dwarf pine.

An important element of this garden design are flowering shrubs and vines. The favorites here are buddleia, hibiscus, rhododendron, yucca, honeysuckle, wisteria, and ivy. A bright accent is created by multi-colored hydrangea bushes in large terracotta pots that can be placed in partial shade. Here you can buy any variety of hydrangea to decorate your garden.

It is impossible to imagine a southern garden without herbs, which give Mediterranean design a unique atmosphere and aroma.
Lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, and oregano are irreplaceable crops of the southern landscape that give Mediterranean design a unique flavor.

Don't forget also about plants such as sunflowers, catnip, yarrow, santolina, nasturtium, pelargonium, sedum, young, and cereals. Hanging flowers in hanging baskets add additional bright accents.

Place a layer of fine gravel around the plantings. Rock mulch perfectly reveals the beauty and individuality of crops. Plant ground cover plants such as maus, erinus or thyme between stones on paths and in the stonework of fences.

Materials and small architecture

The landscape style of the southern regions involves the use of such natural materials such as sandstone, limestone, light gravel, stones, concrete coverings, terracotta, mosaic fragments. You won't find polished or shiny elements here. This style is characterized by artificially aged, matte surfaces and rough stonework.

The Mediterranean style design provides a place to relax. Usually this is a small wrought-iron table with elegant chairs or gazebos entwined with ivy, roses or covered with white canvas, patios with various canopies. The bench in the garden should be small, preferably stone with bright colorful cushions.

An important addition is a variety of vases, jugs, small pots or boxes for herbs and flowers, preferably made of clay, terracotta, ceramic or wood. Clay pots with colorful flower arrangements are placed freely on stairs, terraces or at the back of the garden to create a slightly cluttered appearance. Small fountains are also typical elements small architecture for this type of gardens.

Mediterranean style garden care

To maintain the decorative appearance of the site, it is enough to care for the plants depending on their requirements. The main difficulty is maintaining comfortable conditions for southern cultures. In this case, it is preferable to grow them in a container and bring them indoors in the fall.

Bushes sensitive to frost, especially flowering ones, are covered with agrofibre for the winter and mulched with a thick layer of soil, which protects the root ball from damage. Perennial grasses, especially taller ones, also require shelter for the winter. Their stems are cut and then covered with leaves or spruce branches.