Sidewalk made of plastic corks. The original path made of plastic bottles is a source of pride for the summer resident. A path of whole bottles

Where else can your imagination unfold if not at the dacha. Here the abilities of a housewife are demonstrated in all their glory. In addition, this often does not require large investments. There is so much material around that is practically thrown into the street. Empty bottles and their corks are firmly in first place here. Decorations for the garden are not only beautiful, but also very cheap.

And how much joy they can bring to children and adults. A plastic bottle works 100%. The lids will make beautiful panels on the wall of the house. You can make original tracks from traffic jams from plastic bottles in the garden or lay out beautiful playground near the house. Can be arranged for a child sports corner, where he will not only play, but also receive a boost of energy. The covers can be used to create a path with obstacles. It is better to lay them smooth side down, leaving the ribs on top. This option produces a good massage for children's feet. Paths made from plastic bottle caps turn out to be very beautiful if you create a pattern by choosing harmonious color combinations.

True, there is one condition here. There should be a lot of prepared material, and it’s difficult to cope with this problem alone. You need to connect your friends and acquaintances to collect required quantity. It may take several years to collect the material. But how pleasant it will be to warm the soul if you make it yourself. Photos taken during the warm season will allow you to remember a pleasant trifle even in winter. Collecting corks takes a long time because their sizes are small, so you can come up with another option. For example, make paths from plastic bottles. There are several technologies that you can use. If you want to use the entire bottle, then it is better to make a border out of them, thus defining the shape of the path. For this purpose, we dig a shallow narrow groove on the sides of the path. We place bottles tightly in it, neck down, along the entire route. Then we return the earth to its place and compact everything around. If the land at your dacha is good, then you can stop at this stage.

If clay predominates, then it is better to make the inside of the path from plastic bottle caps. Or combine all parts of the bottles. The tropics created from plastic bottoms look very beautiful on the site. To do this you need to cut bottom part bottles 1/5 of its height. Leave the top for blanks that can be used to create plastic palm tree. To ensure that tracks made from corks or bottle bottoms keep their shape well, it is advisable to prepare a base. If you follow all the recommendations, then you first need to pour crushed stone, compact it well and add coarse sand on top. Having created a dense pillow, you can lay out a pattern of paths from plastic bottle caps. This, of course, is a very labor-intensive process, but what a beautiful plot it turns out to be. If you want to make a more durable coating, then it is better to lay the plugs on a prepared concrete base. But this must be done quickly, before the cement sets. You can also use metal plugs. They also fit well and can serve as decoration.

Bottle caps are an excellent material for crafts and decoration. At the dacha they can find the most various applications. You can decorate an old basin, a bucket, a fence, a flower container or mulch structure, an unsightly corner of the house, a table top, a rug for summer shower, and instead of the usual sign with the house number, make an inscription from traffic jams.

The most painstaking and difficult part, although it may not seem so at first glance, is the garden path. Definitely such a decorative element for summer cottage will be original and exclusive. The main problem will be the number of lids; it will take a lot of time to collect them, even if all relatives, friends and neighbors help with this. Let’s leave the idea of ​​making a garden path out of lids a “snack”, but for now you need to learn how to make simple patterns from them.

Yes, you can attach plastic bottle caps in different ways, the main thing is to learn how to work with them and you need to start with soaking to wash off all the inscriptions or use a solvent.

How to create simple patterns from plastic bottle caps

Before starting work, all the caps need to be sorted by color and a pattern drawn on the selected surface with chalk. If you don’t have success with drawing, then print out the drawing in full scale; it’s more convenient to compose it from several sheets, glue it together, cut it out along the contour of the drawing and outline it with chalk on the area.

Plastic plugs are laid out in rows, gluing to the surface or nailed, 1 nail per cap is enough.

How to make a garden path from lids

To make it, select high-density lids, taking into account that the load here will be considerable. The display can be done with an ornament, a picture, or randomly scattered; any method looks impressive, bright and fun, especially if the lids are multi-colored.

If you do not plan to make a path from the covers for a long time, then it is enough to level the soil and press the covers. Keep in mind that such a “carpet” on a quick fix is very short-lived, the grass will begin to sprout in the space between the lids and the lids themselves will gradually fly out or be pressed deep into the ground.

For a good garden path from plastic bottle caps, you first need to make a base: remove top layer soil, dig a trench 10 cm deep, drive stakes along the edges and make formwork. Place a drainage layer on the bottom broken bricks, crushed stone or gravel, then knead cement mortar(4 parts cement, 1 part sand, 1 part glue), pour onto the drainage layer, place the covers, pressing them into the solution almost to the edge of the surface. When the cement dries and you see excess on the surface, take a stiff brush and clean it off. In summer, cement sets quickly, so do not do a large batch at once, do the work in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of lids

The advantages of a track made from covers will be durability, brightness, resistance to temperature changes, ease of repair and cost-effectiveness.

The disadvantage of a continuous garden path or area in front of a house made of roofs is that they are slippery after rain or snow. But this can be compensated by partially laying out mosaics in the central part.

For a rough calculation: per 1 sq.m. there are about 1100-1200 caps from 1-2 liter bottles.

Caps from plastic bottles can be combined with metal ones, as well as with a bat ceramic tiles or sidewalk. Along with plastic, wine corks are also popular.

Lids from soft drinks - this is an excellent raw material for the production tracks on garden plot . The variety of colors allows you to create various ornaments and designs from them.

Of course, creating such a coating is a long and painstaking process. The diameter of one plug is three centimeters. In order to pave one square meter of path, you will need a little more than a thousand plastic bottle caps.

But such a coating has undeniable advantages. Cheap raw materials allow significant savings on decorative design your site. Simple and convenient way installation of individual fragments does not require labor-intensive earthworks. To lay individual elements you do not need to have special construction skills.

Where can I get bottle caps in such quantities and how can I find enough time to make them? These are the two main problems that summer residents will face if they choose this design method to improve their paths.

There are several collection methods necessary materials. Firstly, there is no need to wait for the moment when required volume traffic jams will be collected. Caps can be found in large quantities on the banks of nearby rivers and lakes. You can also ask close family and friends not to throw away caps from empty plastic bottles.

In between summer seasons There is quite enough free time to assemble fragments of the future track.

Making fragments and laying

First of all, it is necessary to mark future paths and calculate the area that needs to be paved. Then you need to roughly come up with the general composition of the future design of the paths and sketch out a diagram of the arrangement of the ornamental elements.

Options for the parts that make up the composition can be simple geometric shapes made from old lids, such as circles, squares, rhombuses and triangles. More complex designs - concentric circles and various options crosses Animal figures cut out of cardboard will also serve as good templates for the future design of paths.

Tools and materials needed to make fragments.

1. Shilo s wooden handle or electric drill.

3. Fishing line with a diameter of three to four millimeters.

4. A great desire to create something with your own hands.

Lay out the pre-selected shape from the lids. It is better to divide complex drawings into several component elements. Where the sides of the plugs touch, make marks with a felt-tip pen for the holes.

Using electric drill or an awl (the tip of the awl needs to be heated to pierce the material more easily), make the holes marked in the side walls. Connect the covers together using a needle and fishing line. There is no need to try to connect a large number of caps at once. It is better to collect individual elements and then combine them into the desired shape.

The finished coating can be laid as new fragments are made. Having one or two available square meters finished ornament, it is allowed to begin installation.

To improve the garden area, you will need a lot of financial, time and labor costs. But skillful owners figured out how to turn unnecessary things into functional products.

A garden path made from water bottles or carbonated drinks is one such invention.

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Pros and cons of using thin plastic

This material has many advantages:

  • does not rot;
  • moisture resistant;
  • durable;
  • This cheap option coatings;
  • with a choice of different colors;
  • its installation technology is simple;
  • dense placement of elements will eliminate the growth of weeds.

When building a path, you can involve children in the work by assigning them simple tasks.

And if you lay out a path from plastic caps edges up, you will get an excellent foot massager.

The material has few disadvantages, but they are significant:

  • the coating is deformed due to sudden temperature changes;
  • a large amount of raw materials will be required;
  • plastic is slippery after rain or in the cold;
  • cannot withstand heavy loads, so it is only suitable for decorating a pedestrian area.

But these disadvantages can be easily eliminated by coming up with an interesting combination of different materials.

Ways to lay paths with your own hands

Masters have learned how to create garden paths from plastic bottles, using both the whole container and its individual parts.

Required tools and materials

Before construction begins, it is necessary to prepare:

  • sand;
  • boards (for formwork);
  • crushed stone;
  • broken brick;
  • geotextiles;
  • shovel;
  • scissors (for cutting eggplants);
  • rule.

Bottles should be washed in advance, labels removed from them, and dried in the sun.

A path of whole bottles

The work order is as follows:

  1. They dig a trench no more than 40 cm deep. The bottom is compacted.
  2. On the sides, formwork is constructed from boards.
  3. The bottom is covered with a thin layer of rubble or broken brick.
  4. The top is covered with soil. Lay geotextiles.
  5. Cover with a cushion of sand and crushed stone.
  6. Bottles are filled with sand or soil. This is necessary so that the path does not deform when walking along it.
  7. Laying is carried out horizontally or vertically so that the neck of the container is turned towards the edge of the path.
  8. To compact the material evenly, oppression is placed on top.
  9. The gaps between the bottles are filled with sand and dry cement.
  10. They compact it again.
  11. Fill with water so that the cement mortar hardens and the path becomes durable.

If you want a bright pedestrian area in your summer cottage, each row of bottles can be painted in contrasting colors or multi-colored plastic can be used.

We lay out a garden path from the bottoms

The path laid from the bottom of the containers looks beautiful. In addition, it is also a good foot massager.

The bottoms are cut off to the same size and sorted by color. Preparatory work similar to the first option. But the craftsmen recommend doing the installation in sand moistened with water or in wet cement mortar. In the latter case, the path will be stronger. As soon as the mixture sets, the formwork is removed.

To maintain the integrity of the structure, curbs from glass bottles, bricks, stones.

Creating ornaments from plastic caps

If the owners want to get an inexpensive, but original coating, you can use bottle caps. Variety of colors in in capable hands the author allows you to post entire compositions. But you need to understand that even for the smallest pattern on 1 m2 of path you will need more than 1000 covers.

All construction processes the same as when laying whole containers. However, it is recommended to form a path of traffic jams on thin layer cement mortar.

If you want to make an interesting picture or mosaic out of the lids, it is better to assemble the individual parts in advance by connecting the small elements with an awl and fishing line.

You can make an outdoor foot massager by turning the corks upside down. But such a path is not suitable for constant walking, but only for medicinal purposes.

Combined option

It consists of alternating the bottoms and lids of containers. This reduces material consumption, and the path looks like flower meadow. Upper part bottles are used instead of curbs, laying them in place of the removed formwork. Glass containers, which are also installed with the bottom up, are also suitable for these purposes.

Decor for the garden - photos of ready-made examples

Armed with imagination, in addition to interesting garden paths Plastic can be used to make a good fence around the area.

If you buy glue and fasten the lids together in the shape of a circle, you will get an unusual table for tea drinking.

Thematic material:

Mosaic lovers can be patient and try to create a whole picture that will delight the eyes of others for many years.

Simpler, but no less interesting option– use whole bottles, turned upside down, as a fence for a flower bed.

By selecting corks by color and shape, you can create wall compositions. They will become an interesting decoration for a fence, walls of outbuildings, gazebos, bathhouses, and houses.

This is how you get original things out of unnecessary things decorative elements, which are easy to do yourself. And if you invite children to help, landscaping the site will turn into an exciting creative process for the whole family.

There is always little time left to bring beauty to the dacha plot - all the energy is taken up by the vegetable garden and garden. But lately, many people have been sparing no time and effort to make their site beautiful and unique. Take plastic bottles, for example. On every trip to the dacha, summer residents take drinks in bottles like these with them, and over the course of the entire summer a lot of this container accumulates. Of course, you can collect them in bags, take them away and simply burn them. But it's bad for environment. We offer another option and now we will tell you how to make a path from plastic bottle caps. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the bottles themselves, but make a lot of useful things out of them.


- cheap. There are a lot of plastic bottles everywhere, you can ask your neighbors and friends for corks, or simply remove them from those bottles that are lying ownerless in the bushes;

- quite simple to manufacture;

- look elegant, beautiful and cheerful;

- long service life.

1. First of all, select the type of future track. Think about what kind of ornament you will lay out. Then prepare a place for the path. If necessary, dig a trench for one and a half shovels under the garbage.

2. It is best to use cement mortar in proportions of one part cement and four parts sand. Some people, before laying cork mosaics, level the ground, moisten it a little with water and begin laying out the cork carpet. But it won’t last long; after a while the plugs will start to fall out one after another. Therefore, use cement mortar.

3. Make a base from small crushed stone and compact it. Then place about five centimeters of the solution, place it on it metal mesh with cell 3-4. Then there is another layer of solution about five centimeters. A very liquid solution is not needed, otherwise everything will float.

4. Start pressing the lids into the solution. Press them onto the fresh mortar until it sets. They can be laid out in the form of a selected pattern or simply in random order. It will be easier to work if you do not pave the entire path at once, but do it in parts, in sections of about fifty centimeters. It is better to take multi-colored caps, the design of them will look very beautiful.

5. The lids pressed into the solution must be leveled using a sheet of plywood, which should be lightly tapped with a rubber mallet. To prevent the lids from being squeezed back, place the same plywood and press it down on top with bricks along the perimeter and place one in the center. Then the load distribution will be uniform. The process is, of course, long, but the result is indescribable beauty!

1. Make paths from the caps and bottoms of plastic bottles. You can involve children in this, let them cut off the bottoms of the bottles with scissors, and then help you make the path itself.

2. Prepare a place for the path and install box formwork there. On well-compacted soil, pour a layer of sand into the formwork. Level and water.

3. Now start pressing the lids and bottoms into the wet sand. You can lay out a flower meadow from the bottoms, and lay out any pattern or picture with the lids according to the cross-stitch pattern. Take the time and such original paths will bring beauty to your site and joy to all family members.