Foundation insulation with polystyrene foam: technology. Determine the required thickness of insulation Calculation of the thickness of insulation for the foundation calculator

The emergence of new insulation materials, namely extruded polystyrene foam, has made it possible to massively insulate structures located in the ground.

The high mechanical strength of this insulation and its resistance to moisture and various aggressive influences have made it possible to insulate underground structures with a high degree of reliability and durability.

What is determined for insulating the foundation and soil?

Insulating the foundation and the soil surrounding the house allows you to prevent the effects of frost heaving and build shallow foundations, without digging into non-freezing layers of soil. This foundation construction technology is very popular in the northern Western countries, but it’s not very common here.

Thermal insulation placed horizontally in the ground along the outer perimeter of the foundation prevents freezing of the soil directly near the foundation.

When insulating the foundation, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

  • width of the strip of horizontal thermal insulation adjacent to the house.
  • the thickness of horizontal thermal insulation with extruded polystyrene foam, including near the corners of the building where there is cross-exposure to cold.
  • thickness of vertical thermal insulation.
  • lower limit of vertical thermal insulation.

Let's make an insulation calculation for a thermally insulated shallow foundation and determine the specified parameters.

Shallow foundation design - diagram

The diagram shows a typical design of a shallow foundation and its insulation. The design includes:

  • vertical thermal insulation located from the base of the foundation to the wall thermal insulation.
  • horizontal thermal insulation located at the level of the base of the foundation.

The diagram shows
4 – horizontal thermal insulation
5 – vertical thermal insulation
6 — protection of insulation (plaster, etc.)
8 - blind area
10 – drainage
11 – thermal insulation of floors

The depth of the base of this foundation for heated buildings is 0.4 meters, for unheated buildings - 0.3 meters (unheated buildings - with a temperature below 5 degrees C).

Under the base and horizontal thermal insulation there is a layer of sand bedding 0.2 meters thick for heated buildings and 0.4 meters for unheated ones.

Therefore, the total depth of the foundation pit for a residential building must be at least 0.6 meters, and the width will depend on the width of the foundation itself and the width of the insulation.

Vertical thermal insulation is installed on waterproofing layer, and a drainage system is made in the sand bedding below the level of thermal insulation.

The blind area must include a waterproofing layer to prevent the backfill from getting wet, as this can negatively affect the condition of the foundation. Together with such a foundation, it is convenient to use floors made on compacted soil.

More important point- increasing the thickness of horizontal thermal insulation around the corners of the building. The calculation also determines the width of the strip near the corner with increased thermal insulation thickness.

The figure shows a contour of thermal insulation around the building, with an increase in the thickness of thermal insulation near the corners in strips of a certain width.

How is the thickness and width of thermal insulation determined?

In order to determine the parameters of foundation insulation, it is necessary to use data characterizing the climate in which construction is being carried out.
The Frost Index is used - IM, data in degree-hours, which are calculated for different climatic zones. For approximate calculations, you can use the frost index map.

For example, according to the map, the IM for Moscow will be approximately 55,000 degree-hours.

All thermal insulation parameters for a shallow foundation are given in the tables, depending on the frost index, - for heated buildings, - thermal insulation parameters for a shallow foundation.

For floors with thermal insulation.

No thermal insulation.

Insulation of floors, foundations, and soil are interrelated measures. Together they affect the condition of building structures and soil in winter.

If floor insulation is used, then the thermal insulation on the foundation wall should be thicker than with cold floors in order to prevent the soil under the floor from cooling, because it will be less heated by heat from the house.

In accordance with the calculations carried out, for a heated house in which thermal insulation of the floors is made in accordance with SNiP in the climatic zone of the Moscow region, the following values ​​​​of insulation of the foundation and soil should be accepted:

  • The thickness of horizontal thermal insulation is 7 cm;
  • The width of the horizontal insulation contour at the level of the base of the foundation (0.4 m) is 0.6 m;
  • The width of the strip near the corners of the building, in which the thickness of the insulation has been increased, is 1.5 m.
  • The thickness of the insulation near the corners of the building is 10 cm.
  • The thickness of vertical thermal insulation is 12 cm.

(Rounded to the nearest higher value.)

Sometimes it is recommended to lay insulation directly under the blind area. But at the same time, the width of the insulation strip must increase; as a result, no savings are achieved. When insulating the foundation, you cannot reduce the thickness of the insulation; here the thermal insulation affects the condition of the main structures of the house.

The use of insulation when arranging the foundation is a common way to improve the thermal insulation performance of a building and protect the foundation from negative influence subzero temperatures air. Among other insulation materials, extruded polystyrene foam has gained great popularity. Unlike conventional foam plastic, the material has an increased strength margin, in addition, special shape plates can significantly simplify the installation process.

Let's figure out how to insulate the foundation of a house with penoplex from the outside with your own hands. The procedure is very similar to thermal insulation of walls. Special heat-insulating slabs are fixed to the side parts of the foundation, which are located above and below the soil surface. The use of insulation allows you to reduce the rate of heat exchange between the foundation walls and soil layers.

Why insulate the foundation

Some owners of private houses refuse to insulate the basement, trying to save as much as possible cash. At the same time, experts in the field of conducting construction work They insist that thermal insulation of this part of the house is simply necessary, and it is better to attach the insulation to the outside of the structure.

General scheme of foundation insulation with penoplex

The following arguments are put forward in favor of insulation:

  • After insulation, the foundation becomes protected from the negative effects of sub-zero air temperatures. This factor is especially important in places with high humidity. If, when the temperature drops, moisture gets into concrete cracks, it begins to rapidly expand and ultimately tears and damages the concrete structure;
  • The degree of protection of the foundation from temperature fluctuations increases. The concrete structure experiences much fewer cycles of compression and expansion, as a result, the service life of the building without major repairs to the foundation is significantly increased;
  • Insulation becomes an additional barrier to groundwater, which strive to penetrate the foundation.

What is the best way to insulate the foundation: from the inside or the outside?

The foundation can be insulated from the inside or outside. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Internal thermal insulation

To the benefits internal insulation include:

  • Improving the microclimate in the basement;
  • Effective control of indoor dampness;
  • Protecting the basement from groundwater penetration.

The disadvantages of internal insulation include:

  • Such thermal insulation does not protect the foundation from soil freezing;
  • Moisture easily enters pores concrete base and destroys it;
  • The dew point shifts inward.

Insulation from the outside

This insulation method has the following advantages:

  • The foundation is reliably protected from freezing;
  • The dew point shifts towards the street;
  • The concrete base is protected from any negative influence from environment;
  • The overall service life of the premises increases significantly;
  • Some insulation materials can provide additional strengthening of the foundation;
  • When installing a thermal blind area, you can protect not only the foundation from freezing, but also the soil within a radius of about half a meter from the installed insulation.

For external insulation it will take more time and materials, and this is the only drawback of this method.

It is very important to understand that external insulation of the foundation provides a reliable guarantee of protection for the entire house, and thermal insulation from the inside will only protect the basement from the cold

Having assessed all the advantages and disadvantages of external and internal methods, we can conclude that it is better to give preference to external insulation.

In order for the insulation to fully cope with the tasks assigned to it, it is worth remembering that thermal insulation foundation work should only be done after all the walls have been insulated. Be sure to treat all joints between the insulation polyurethane foam- this will increase the efficiency of thermal insulation of the room.

By the way, preference for insulating the foundation with inside given only if for some reason it is impossible to install insulation outside.

What is the best way to insulate?

When planning work on installing thermal insulation for the foundation, the issue of choosing and purchasing suitable insulation is initially resolved. The material for foundation insulation should have the following characteristics:

  • Be resistant to deformation against the background of constant pressure from the soil;
  • Do not absorb moisture from the soil.

On modern market insulation materials are presented in wide range, and a newcomer to the construction industry may get confused in the abundance of offers. It is worth saying that the common insulation “ mineral wool» not suitable for thermal insulation of foundations. It is not only not durable, but also absorbs moisture well, as a result of which all its positive performance characteristics come to naught.

Despite fire resistance and low thermal conductivity, mineral wool has a significant drawback - high hygroscopicity

At modern construction For private houses, two materials are best suited for foundation insulation:

  • Polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is a modern insulation material that guarantees thermal, sound and water protection concrete structure. The material is sprayed onto the surface using special equipment in several layers. This application technology eliminates the appearance of gaps and seams. The advantages of the material include:

  • Possibility to apply thermal insulation coating without seams or gaps;
  • Excellent adhesion characteristics;
  • Low thermal permeability;
  • Steam protection;
  • Increased reliability;
  • Long service life;
  • There is no need to purchase additional material for steam and water protection of the foundation.

The main and rather significant drawback is that special equipment is required to lay the material, as a result of which the process becomes impossible to implement at home. In addition, polyurethane foam has a high cost.

Penoplex, in turn, does not require special skills or special equipment for installation. Among other things, it has the following advantages:

  • The cellular structure does not allow moisture to pass inside, as a result of which the slabs do not collapse over time after freezing;
  • Increased strength characteristics;
  • Ensuring a long service life of the foundation;
  • Low cost;
  • Long service life of the material;
  • Saving thermal insulation characteristics during the entire period of operation;
  • Rodents do not use the material as food, unlike regular foam.

Penoplex insulation reduces heat loss by 20% and helps the foundation last longer

Penoplex is an improved version of polystyrene foam. The material allows moisture to pass through very easily, and after several cycles of defrosting and freezing it will simply crumble into segments. Let us add that several years ago on construction market Expanded clay was also in demand as insulation for the foundation. The material is inferior to penoplex due to high cost, as well as reduced efficiency in providing thermal insulation.

Calculation of insulation thickness

Except the right choice insulation, it is necessary to pay attention to its calculation optimal thickness. If the penoplex is of insufficient thickness, this may result in freezing of the foundation and transfer of the dew point inward basement, which will ultimately lead to condensation on the walls and an increase in humidity levels.

You should not take too thick a material: this will not increase the degree of thermal insulation, but the costs will significantly hit the family budget.

Correct thickness calculation insulation material– a guarantee of warmth in the house, lack of humidity and minimal financial costs.

Thermal resistance is denoted by the Latin letter R. This value is constant, but for each region the value is different and depends on the general climatic conditions. For example, for the Moscow region it is equal to 3.28 m 2 K/W. For other regions of Russia, the value can be taken from the table:

RegionThermal resistance, m 2 K/W
Saint Petersburg3,23
Nizhny Novgorod3,36

Thermal resistance is calculated using the formula:

R = h 1 /λ 1 +h 2 /λ 2

where h 1 is the thickness of the foundation (in meters), λ 1 is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the foundation (for a reinforced concrete foundation λ 1 = 1.69 W/m ° K); h 2 – thickness of the insulation material (in meters); λ 2 – thermal conductivity coefficient of insulation (for penoplex λ 2 =0.032 W/m ° K).

Thermal conductivity coefficient of various materials

Therefore, the thickness of the insulation is calculated by the formula:

h 2 = λ 2 (R-h 1 /λ 1)

Let's look at an example of calculating thickness thermal insulation material for a private house in St. Petersburg with a reinforced concrete foundation half a meter thick (h 1 = 0.5 m):

h 2 = 0.032(3.23-0.5/1.69) = 0.094 m, that is, 94 mm.

The value must be rounded up to the nearest centimeter. Thus, the thickness of penoplex for insulating a half-meter reinforced concrete foundation of a house in the Leningrad region is 10 cm.

Insulation technology

Following the sequence of penoplex insulation will allow even novice builders to cope with the process.

It is advisable to carry out work on insulating the foundation at the stage of construction of the future house. This makes the process much easier. But what to do if the house was built several years ago and was not initially insulated?

In this state of affairs, the foundation is excavated to the ground. Ideally, dig to the depth of the soil, but if working resources are limited and it is not possible to cope with such a volume of work, it is worth digging a trench near the foundation for the length of the insulation used.

The thickness of the trench is determined by adding the thickness of the insulation sheet used, as well as the minimum space required to complete the work. Making a trench too wide will be inconvenient, especially if you do not plan to involve specialized construction equipment in the process. A trench that is too small will complicate the work process.

If you decide to use special equipment for excavation, it is recommended to be careful not to damage the foundation walls

The bottom of the dug trench must be filled with sand, the layer of which should not be less than 20 centimeters. Be sure to compact the sand thoroughly and make a slight slope in the direction opposite to the foundation. Sand will act as additional protection against moisture.

After the foundation has completely dried, it is necessary to begin preparing the future surface for laying sheets. We carefully clean the foundation wall and plinth from adhering soil, damaged pieces of concrete and other contaminants. It is most convenient to clean with a brush with stiff synthetic bristles.

After cleaning, it is necessary to level the surface: only a flat concrete wall will ensure a reliable fit waterproofing coating.

Leveling the foundation walls is carried out according to the following principle:

  • We install beacons on the surface of concrete walls, the distance between which should be at least 1 meter from each other. Beacons must be mounted on the entire surface where insulation will be installed in the future;
  • Prepare the solution. To do this, thoroughly mix 4 parts sand and 1 part cement in a container, after which we begin adding water. Make sure that the consistency is not too liquid or dry, otherwise the leveled surface will not be reliable;
  • Pour the mixture onto the surface from bottom to top;
  • We apply a rule to the beacons and with a sharp movement from top to bottom we level the surface, while removing excess solution;
  • After the first layer of the mixture has dried a little, you can apply the finishing layer, which will finally level the surface.

To level the walls, it is recommended to use a rule about two meters long, since working with a float takes too much time

This method is suitable for more or less smooth walls. If differences of more than 2.5 centimeters are observed on the surface, a reinforced mesh is additionally used.

You should proceed to the next stage of work only after cement mixture completely dry. On average, the process takes from 7 to 20 days. If a recently poured foundation is being insulated, insulation begins no earlier than a month after installation.

It is better to isolate the foundation from moisture penetration in two layers with the application of bitumen mastic and waterproofing Technonikol.

It is recommended to buy ready-made bitumen mastic - it’s easier than preparing the solution yourself. If you decide to do it manually, then be sure to add used machine oil to the mixture, which will protect the mastic from cracking when the air temperature drops.

It is most convenient to apply mastic using a roller. The layer thickness must be at least 2 mm. After the bitumen has dried, we proceed to installing Technonikol. The sheets are glued from top to bottom. The back side is melted using a burner, and the joints between the sheets are covered with mastic. The material fills all small pores and cracks and prevents moisture from causing Technonikol sheets to peel off.

To avoid cracking of the mastic under the influence of temperatures, it is recommended to add used machine oil to the solution at the rate of 5 liters of oil per 12 - 15 kg of bitumen

Installation of penoplex

It is most convenient to install penoplex sheets using an adhesive solution or foam glue. Additionally, you can use dowels in the form of umbrellas, but they violate the integrity of the insulation sheet.

Apply glue to the sheet using a notched trowel, then the insulation will lie smoothly, without gaps between the sheet and the foundation wall.

Experts advise giving preference to foam glue in cylinders. It not only simplifies and speeds up the process, but is also used more economically.

After pressing against the wall, the adhesive should cover at least 40% of the foam board

If the sheets are laid in two levels, then a checkerboard order must be observed. In this case, the distance and gaps between the insulation sheets should be minimal. The gaps can be additionally treated with foam.

Reinforced mesh and finishing

To enhance the overall strength of the structure and protect the insulation from external sources, it is recommended to use reinforced mesh. The material is used only if the foundation is above the ground and can be damaged in the future.

The mesh is laid on foam sheets, and an adhesive solution is placed on top for fixation.

At the next stage we begin finishing foundation. You can get by with regular plaster, use siding or any other material for exterior finishing.

If desired, the resulting trench can be filled with sand or expanded clay, and the materials will act as an additional layer of insulation.

Backfilling of the trench is not carried out completely, but space is left for the formation of a warm blind area. The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. At a depth of about 30 cm from the surface of the earth, pour a layer of sand 10 cm thick and compact it thoroughly;
  2. We spread it at the foundation waterproofing material(ordinary roofing felt is suitable, the joints between which are lubricated with bitumen mastic). The boundaries should be adjacent to the foundation on one side and extend from it to a width of about a meter;
  3. We lay foam sheets on the waterproofing layer, and treat all joints with glue or foam;
  4. Next, a blind area is constructed from concrete mixture. It must be done at an angle from the foundation, which allows for further drainage of wastewater.

The foundation is the basis of your home, so don’t skimp and do the insulation well

Only maximum compliance with all the rules for laying insulation on the foundation will protect the foundation of the house from freezing and subsequent premature destruction. Savings on foundation insulation may result in more serious financial costs in the future.

Thermal insulation of a home must begin from the foundation, and the best material This is what polystyrene foam is for. Insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam is a 100% proven option, + the video will help you master the technology. And although this method not the cheapest, but very effective, and also quite simple to implement.

Insulation characteristics

  • 1 Characteristics of insulation
  • 2 Preparatory stage
    • 2.1 Calculator for calculating the thickness of foundation insulation
  • 3 Foundation insulation technology
    • 3.1 Step 1. Surface waterproofing
    • 3.2 Step 2. Attaching polystyrene foam
    • 3.3 Step 3. Plastering the foundation
    • 3.4 Step 4. Filling the foundation
    • 3.5 Step 5. Making a blind area
    • 3.6 Step 6. Finishing the base
    • 3.7 Video - Insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam is a 100% proven option + video

Expanded polystyrene sheets have a large number of positive properties:

In addition, this material is easy to install and lasts about 40 years if the thermal insulation is carried out according to all the rules. Expanded polystyrene also has disadvantages:

To attach polystyrene foam sheets, do not use organic solvent glue or hot mastic. To protect the insulation from damage, it must be transported and unloaded carefully, not thrown from a height, and after installation it must be covered with external finishing - tiles, siding, plaster or at least cement mortar.

Preparatory stage

First you need to calculate how many insulation boards will be needed for the foundation. The dimensions of a standard polystyrene foam board are 600x1200 mm, thickness from 20 to 100 mm. For the foundation of a residential building, slabs 50 mm thick are usually used, laid in two layers. To find out how many slabs will be needed, the total length of the foundation is multiplied by its height and divided by 0.72 - the area of ​​one sheet of polystyrene foam.

For example, if a 2 m high foundation is insulated in a 10x8 m house, the thermal insulation area is equal to 72 square meters. Dividing it by 0.72, we get the number of sheets - 100 pieces. Since the insulation will be carried out in two layers, it is necessary to buy 200 slabs 50 mm thick.

This, however, is a very average calculation, based on the fact that the insulation thickness will be exactly 100 mm. But this value can be greater - it all depends on the climatic conditions of the region, the foundation material, and the type of insulation.

There is a special system for calculating thickness, which requires knowing the R index - this is a constant value of the required heat transfer resistance established by SNiP for each region. It can be clarified in the local architecture department, or taken from the proposed table:

City (region)R - required heat transfer resistance m2?°K/W
Saint Petersburg3.23
Nizhny Novgorod3.36

Calculator for calculating the thickness of foundation insulation

In order not to bother the reader with calculation formulas, below is a special calculator that will allow you to quickly and accurately find the required thermal insulation thickness. The result obtained is rounded up, leading to the standard thickness of the panels of the selected insulation:

Calculation of the minimum insulation thickness for external walls foundation

Enter the requested data sequentially and click the "Calculate" button

Enter the table value of heat transfer resistance for your region ( decimal- through a point)

Select the type of insulation

expanded polystyrene foam extruded polyurethane foam spray polyurethane foam panels

Specify the thickness of the foundation tape

200 mm 250 mm 300 mm 350 mm 400 mm 450 mm 500 mm

In addition to polystyrene foam you will need:

When all the materials have been prepared, a trench is dug along the perimeter of the foundation. You need to dig to the freezing level, that is, to a depth of 1.5-2 m. To make it convenient to work in the trench, its width should be 0.8-1 m. Of course, soil excavation is carried out exclusively by hand, since equipment can damage the foundation. The walls of the base must be thoroughly cleaned of soil, unevenness and cracks must be repaired with mortar.

Foundation insulation technology

The insulation process consists of the following stages: waterproofing the surface, fastening polystyrene foam, exterior finishing of the foundation. After excavating the earth, you need to wait until the base dries well, and only then begin to insulate the walls.

Step 1. Surface waterproofing

Apply to dry, even foundation walls coating waterproofing layer 4 mm. Mastic should be used without organic solvents, better on polymer or water based. The mixture is applied with a roller, trying to fill the pores and small cracks in the concrete well. You can use only roofing felt for waterproofing or combine both materials: apply roofing felt on top of the mastic and glue the joints with the same mixture.

The moisture-proof layer must completely cover the entire surface of the base and base and have no gaps.

Step 2. Attaching polystyrene foam

When the mastic has dried, you can proceed to the main stage. Take the first sheet of insulation and apply glue on the back side either in longitudinal stripes or dotted, the main thing is that the glue is in the center of the sheet and along the edges. 1-2 minutes after application, the sheet is applied to the foundation, its position is checked by level and pressed firmly. The slabs are attached to the foundation only with glue, so as not to disturb the integrity of the base, and on the base the slabs are additionally strengthened with mushroom dowels.

Fastening the dowel-g8bka

The next sheet must be attached to the side close to the first so that the joints are as tight as possible. Be sure to check the level of the location of each fragment - this will prevent the formation of distortions. Laying is done from the bottom up, with vertical seams recommended to be shifted half a sheet to the side. When the first layer is completely fixed, proceed to the second. Everything is repeated in exactly the same way, only the joints of the upper layer should not coincide with the joints of the lower layer - the slabs must be laid offset. Finally, carefully inspect the layer of thermal insulation and, if cracks are identified in the seams, fill them with foam.

When insulating the base, the sheets are laid immediately on the glue, and the dowels are used after 2-3 days, when the glue has already dried. Each slab is fixed at the corners and in the center; To save money, fasteners can be placed at the seams.

Step 3. Plastering the foundation

To protect polystyrene foam boards, another layer is needed, for example, plaster. Basement part can be covered with siding or faced with porcelain stoneware. First, they fix it on top of the slabs fiberglass mesh using dowels with large heads. At the joints, it is necessary to lay the reinforcing material with an overlap of 10 cm. It is recommended to stretch the mesh well so that folds do not form, which will lead to cracking of the plaster layer.

Surface leveling is performed cement-sand mortar or acrylic glue. The first method is much cheaper and therefore used more often. Make the solution thick enough and apply it with a wide spatula, firmly pressing the mixture into the mesh cells. The layer of plaster should be the same thickness over the entire area. The foundation is plastered to the level of backfilling the soil, and the finishing of the base is done a little later.

Step 4. Filling the foundation

The trench cannot be filled until the plaster has dried. First, a 10-centimeter layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, leveled and compacted, then a gravel bed 20 cm thick is arranged. You can replace the gravel with expanded clay mixed with sand - this will increase the thermal insulation properties of the base. Next, the trench is filled with soil with mandatory compaction every 25-30 cm. When 40 cm remains to the top of the trench, a blind area should be made along the entire perimeter of the foundation.

Step 5. Making a blind area

A layer of gravel about 10 cm across the width of the trench is poured on top of the soil and compacted tightly.

We lay expanded polystyrene, reinforcing mesh, install formwork and expansion joints

Roofing felt is spread over the gravel; at the joints the material is overlapped by 12-15 cm and coated with bitumen. The next layer is polystyrene foam: the slabs are laid tightly in one row along the perimeter of the house. Next, formwork is installed around the slabs from boards about 10 cm high. For strength, a metal grid with small cells is placed in the formwork. Prepare thick cement mortar and fill it so that a slight slope forms from the wall. The inclined surface facilitates the outflow of melt and rainwater.

Step 6. Finishing the base

As soon as the blind area is dry, you can begin exterior finishing basement part. Since this area is raised above the ground and is clearly visible, the decoration must be very neat and attractive. The easiest way is to plaster the surface and cover facade paint. Before applying the plaster, a reinforcing mesh is secured to the polystyrene foam boards. If desired, you can give the surface a voluminous texture or, conversely, make the wall absolutely smooth.

Most often, the finishing of the base is carried out decorative stone or tiles. To do this, the plastered surface is primed, dried, and then the finishing material is attached to glue.

It is very important to seal the seams between the fragments so that moisture does not penetrate through them to the insulation.

At this point, the thermal insulation of the foundation is considered completed. If all conditions are met, you won’t have to change the insulation for very long.

Video - Insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam is a 100% proven option + video

Using this calculator Let's determine the load on the foundation strip and the width of the foundation base.

  • dimensions of vertical and horizontal thermal insulation;
  • thickness of the soil cushion.

Initial data:

  • As a heat insulator we take thermal insulation boards made of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) grade 35;
  • The material for constructing a soil cushion and filling the sinuses of the pit is crushed stone with a density r=2040 kg/m3 and deformation modulus E=65000 kPa.
  • The foundation soils are represented by silty sands with a density r=1800 kg/m3 (18.0 kN/m3) and deformation modulus E= 18000 kPa.

Calculation sequence:

Step 1. Definition of MI. We find the specified parameter for the construction site (Smolensk) using the schematic map of IM (see below). MI = 50000 degree hours.

Step 2. Determining the parameters of vertical and horizontal thermal insulation.

In Table 1, the frost index IM = 50,000 degree hours corresponds to the following thermal insulation parameters:

  • vertical insulation thickness by=0.06 m;
  • thickness of horizontal thermal insulation along the perimeter of the building bh=0.061 m;
  • thickness of horizontal thermal insulation at the corners of the building bc=0.075 m;
  • width of thermal insulation skirt Dh=0.6 m;
  • length of sections near building corners Lc=1.5 m.

Step 3. Calculation of the thickness of the soil cushion.

The thickness of the soil cushion for heated buildings with indoor air temperatures in winter not lower than 17 °C is taken to be at least 0.2 m.

Answer. Based on the calculations performed, we finally accept:

  • thickness of vertical thermal insulation from slabs by=0.06 m;
  • thickness of horizontal thermal insulation along the perimeter of a slab building bh=0.061 m;
  • thickness of horizontal insulation at the corners of a slab building bc=0.075 m;
  • width of the insulating skirt Dh=0.6m;
  • length of sections near the corners of the building with enhanced thermal insulation Lc=1.5 m;
  • the thickness of the soil cushion is 0.2 m.

In this case, the depth of the pit under the TFMZ will be: 0.4 m +0.2 m = 0.6 m.

Frost index on the map

Fig.1. Frost index

Frost index (MI): the absolute value of negative degree hours of outdoor air with a probability of 1% or the occurrence of an event with a probability of once in 100 years.

The frost index with such probability is not used in construction practice in the Russian Federation. This security is due to high requirements for the durability of foundations. With reduced requirements for the durability of the foundation, you can take the value of MI probability of 2% (an event with a probability of occurring once every 50 years).

The required MI values ​​are obtained through special calculations. For approximate calculations the MI value can be taken from the schematic map shown in Rice. 1 Watch!— all polls

Until recently, no one thought much about the thermal insulation of the foundation, and all heat losses were compensated for by more powerful heating. Today, the policy of saving energy resources forces us to take a fresh look at the problem. It turns out that insulating the foundation will not only avoid almost 20% of heat loss, but will also provide the foundation comfortable conditions, increasing its service life. As practice has shown, properly waterproofed and insulated foundations are not subject to destruction longer, which means they “live” longer. In the question of what is the best way to insulate the foundation, I took the palm from the good old polystyrene foam new material- extruded polystyrene foam. Despite the fact that this material costs almost twice as much as polystyrene foam, insulating the foundation with Penoplex is becoming a widespread fashion. And all thanks to its unique qualities and durability.

Meet Penoplex

Extruded polystyrene foam is a whole type of materials made from expanded polystyrene by foaming it at high temperature. Seven of the gases freon and carbon dioxide are added to the composition as a foaming agent. The result is a durable material with a dense, uniform structure containing granules of 0.1 - 0.2 mm.

Penoplex is the name of one of the Russian brands, which produces extruded polystyrene foam for various needs, be it insulation of roofs, pipes, road surfaces, walls of a house or its foundation. Each of them has its own unique features that are relevant for a specific application. To insulate foundations, Penoplex Foundation slabs and, less commonly, Penoplex 45 are used.

Advantages of using Penoplex for foundation insulation are obvious:

  • Low thermal conductivity (λ=0.03-0.032 W/(m×°K)). This indicator is the lowest among publicly available insulation materials, which means that slabs of smaller thickness will be required.
  • Exceptional compressive strength - 27 t/m2, which is very important, since colossal loads act on the foundation.
  • Practically does not absorb moisture. As experiments have shown, over 30 days spent in water, Penoplex slabs absorbed and filled with moisture by only 0.6%. Considering the constant influence of groundwater and rainwater, the low water absorption of the material guarantees protection of the foundation from moisture, and the insulation itself will not deteriorate or change its properties from constant contact with water.
  • Wide temperature range - from -50 °C to +75 °C. The material can withstand both severe frosts and heat.
  • Light weight facilitates installation work and avoids additional load on the foundation.
  • Penoplex is not afraid of mold, does not rot or decompose. There are no mice in it.
  • Resistant to many aggressive substances that may be in the soil.
  • The material does not emit harmful substances and fumes and is safe for use in residential construction.
  • Penoplex boards are easy to install, as they are made with a tongue-and-groove system; they are easy to cut, glue and fasten.
  • The material is extremely durable (up to 50 years).

Thermal insulation of the foundation with Penoplex slabs will ensure the durability of the structure and material of the foundation, as well as the basement or basement. I would like to note that Penoplex Foundation has a fire resistance class - G4, i.e. burns. But taking into account the fact that the material will be hidden by a layer of plaster and primer, this is not scary.

Penoplex Foundation is produced in slabs with dimensions 600x1200 mm and thickness 20 - 100 mm (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100). This allows you to select the material of the required thickness for each specific case.

What is the best way to insulate the foundation - from the outside or from the inside?

The location of the insulation on the foundation - outside or inside - has a very great value. In order to protect the foundation as much as possible from the negative influence of the environment, it is necessary to insulate the foundation from the outside. But this is easier to do during the construction process than during the operation of the house. For example, those who want to insulate the foundation of an old house really don’t want to dig up the foundation walls, as this is labor-intensive, difficult and time-consuming. But know that insulating the foundation from the inside is actually insulating the basement or ground floor, but not the foundation, since the structure and material of the foundation remain unprotected and are susceptible to the influence of moisture, frost and soil heaving.

Advantages of insulating the foundation from the outside:

  • The foundation is protected from freezing, the cold does not penetrate inside.
  • The foundation concrete is protected from moisture and numerous defrost-freeze cycles, which extends its service life.
  • Serves as an additional barrier for ground and storm water, presses and protects the waterproofing layer from mechanical stress.
  • Copes well with seasonal temperature changes.
  • An optimal microclimate is created in the basement or ground floor.
  • The dew point shifts, which has a beneficial effect on the foundation material.

If you decide to insulate from the inside, be prepared for the fact that the foundation remains unprotected from frost, soil heaving and water. As a result, seasonal temperature changes, frosts and soil heaving will lead to the appearance of cracks in the foundation and its deformation. Think, maybe it’s worth doing everything right once, rather than limiting yourself to half measures.

Calculation of Penoplex thickness for foundation thermal insulation

The first question that interests you when insulating a foundation is what thickness of material to use. To determine this, you will have to perform a series of calculations. Although the manufacturer indicates minimum thickness Penoplex for different construction regions, it is still better to calculate everything yourself.

R is the heat transfer resistance for a specific region. For Moscow and the Moscow region it is equal to 3.2 m2x°K/W;

H1 - foundation thickness;

λ1 - thermal conductivity coefficient of the foundation material;

H2 - thickness of the insulation material (Penoplex);

λ2 is the thermal conductivity coefficient of Penoplex.

If we are going to insulate a reinforced concrete foundation (λ=1.69 W/m*°K) with a thickness of 400 mm (0.4 m), we get:


3.2=0.24+ H2/0.032;

H2=0.0947 m. This is approximately 95 mm.

In total, it turns out that to insulate a foundation 400 mm thick, you will need a 100 mm layer of Penoplex. You should not round down, it is better to take it with a reserve. For foundation insulation with Penoplex, the price depends on the area that needs to be covered with slabs and on the thickness of the material.

For example, the insulation height is 2 m, the length of the walls is 10+8+10+8 m (for a house 10x8 m). It turns out that the insulation area is 72 m2. The area of ​​one Penoplex slab is 0.72 m2. To insulate the foundation we need a minimum 100 slabs of material.

In order to avoid cold bridges as much as possible when insulating with Penoplex and to cover all joints and cracks, it is recommended to lay the insulation in two layers offset, in a checkerboard pattern. If 100 mm of insulation is required, then two 50 mm slabs must be used. In total, we need 200 Penoplex slabs with a thickness of 50 mm. There are 8 slabs in a package, which means we buy 25 packages. In total, the insulation material will cost 930 - 950 USD.

To insulate the foundation with Penoplex, the cost of the insulation material makes up the lion's share of the budget. To this it will be necessary to add the cost of waterproofing, bitumen mastic for gluing insulation, umbrella dowels, and cement for plastering the surface. All this is just a small thing compared to total cost insulation works.

Technology of foundation insulation with Penoplex

Penoplex is a very technologically advanced material. But to take full advantage of its benefits, it is better to follow the technology of its use for different cases.

Insulation strip foundation Penoplex(insulation cake from the inside out):

  • Foundation wall.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Penoplex slabs.
  • A layer of cement-sand plaster.
  • Backfilling with soil or sand, expanded clay.
  • Penoplex slabs (horizontally) under the blind area.
  • Blind area.

Insulation slab foundation Penoplex(pie from bottom to top):

  • Sand.
  • Penoplex slabs.
  • Concrete slab.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Floor screed.
  • Waterproofing the end part of a concrete slab.
  • Penoplex slabs on the end part of the slab, laid from the depth of the sand bedding to the very top - 40 - 50 cm above ground level.
  • Penoplex slabs under the blind area.
  • Blind area.

Please note that Penoplex slabs can be laid on the foundation slab directly under the floor screed.

Do-it-yourself foundation insulation with Penoplex

All work on insulating the foundation with Penoplex can be done independently, without the help of construction organizations. At least you can save money on this. Of course, it is much more convenient to do insulation at the construction stage, even before filling the pit around the foundation. But if the moment is missed, and now there is a need to insulate the foundation of an old house in use, then you will have to work hard. Please also note that repeated excavation of the foundation may lead to the appearance of cracks in it, as the house will sink unevenly. This is dangerous, so it makes sense to calculate the loads before starting work.

Let's consider this more labor-intensive option.


The first task is to dig out the foundation. A trench is dug along the perimeter of the entire house, deep to the sand, i.e. to the entire depth of the foundation, and a width of at least 1 - 1.5 m. The depth of the strip foundation usually drops to the level of soil freezing in winter; this indicator can be found in the local geodetic service.

Despite the fact that Penoplex does not allow or absorb moisture, it still makes sense to equip a quality drainage. It is especially necessary if in a construction zone high level groundwater or heavy floods. We arrange drainage at the level of the sand cushion under the foundation. Along the perimeter of the entire house, at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from the foundation walls, we dig a shallow trench for drainage pipes. At the bottom of the trench we pour sand in a layer of 5 - 10 cm, then crushed stone 5 - 10 cm, then we spread geotextiles, the edges of which are placed over the edges of the trench. Inside the trench, we lay drainage pipes with holes directly on the geotextile sheet. The slope when laying drainage pipes should be at least 2 cm per 1 m. Then sprinkle everything on top with a 10 cm layer of crushed stone, wrap the edges of the geotextile so as to wrap them around the pipe. The pipes must be drained into a well for storm drainage.

Foundation surface preparation

The foundation and plinth walls must be cleaned of soil residues, broken pieces of concrete and other dirt. To do this, you can use a brush with hard synthetic fibers. After the surface is completely cleaned, it must be leveled. Smooth surface- the key to the durability of the waterproofing coating, which can damage any sharp protruding edge or piece. It is extremely rare that after some time of operation the foundation walls remain perfectly smooth, so it is necessary to plaster them.

Leveling foundation walls:

  • We install and secure the beacons at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from each other. You can use perforated guides. We install the beacons at the entire height at which we are going to attach the insulation - from the very bottom of the foundation to a level of 50 cm above the ground.
  • Mix the solution: 4 parts sand and 1 part cement, add water and knead until thick, but the solution should not be dry. The liquid solution will immediately drain from the surface.
  • Using a trowel, we spread the mortar onto the foundation walls. We make sharp movements with our hands and begin to throw from bottom to top.
  • When the entire surface is filled with solution, take a rule 2 m long, apply it to the beacons and stretch it from top to bottom, removing excess solution. It is advisable not to pull straight down, but to make slightly wave-like movements.
  • After the first layer has dried, you can apply a second layer - leveling.

Important! If there were differences of more than 2.5 cm on the foundation walls, then additional reinforcement must be used for plastering. You can use a chain-link mesh secured with staples.

Do not continue work until the leveling solution is completely dry. This will take from 7 days to 20 if the foundation was poured a long time ago. If we are insulating a new foundation, then we need to wait a month until the moisture is completely removed from the concrete.

Foundation waterproofing

It is better to carry out high-quality waterproofing of the foundation in two layers: the first - bitumen mastic, the second is Technonikol sheets.

Bitumen mastic You can buy it ready-made - unpack and spread it, or prepare it yourself from a purchased bitumen block. If you bought dry bitumen, then you need to melt it in some container, then add used oil (motor) to it at the rate of 50 liters of oil per 120 - 150 kg of bitumen. The oil will add plasticity to the bitumen and then it will not crack in cold weather.

Using a roller, apply bitumen in a layer of 2 - 4 mm to the entire surface of the foundation and plinth. We try to fill all the cracks and small pores. When the bitumen dries, glue the sheets of TechnoNIKOL. We glue the sheets from bottom to top, melting their back side using gas burner. Keep the burner at a distance of no closer than 20 - 25 cm, otherwise TechnoNIKOL will burn. We smooth out each glued sheet, releasing air from under it. We glue the sheets with an overlap of 10 cm, then coat the joints with mastic.

Important! Many people waterproof the foundation only using Technonikol sheets. This is not the most best solution, as it does not allow filling small cracks and pores. And if moisture gets under the sheets, they will quickly peel off. But coating with mastic protects the surface better, although the process itself is very dirty and labor-intensive.

Insulation of strip foundations with Penoplex

After completing the waterproofing work, you can begin attaching the insulation.

Important! Very important nuance- You may come across recommendations that in order to fix Penoplex slabs you need to reheat bitumen waterproofing and sticking material on it, in fact, you shouldn’t do that. There is a high probability of damaging the waterproofing.

We attach the Penoplex slabs to the foundation in a vertical position, starting from the bottom up. To secure it we need acrylic glue or any other adhesive based on inorganic solvents. Apply glue to the Penoplex board pointwise - 5 - 6 points. Then we press the slab to the surface of the foundation and press it down to secure it. We wait 1 minute. All subsequent Penoplex slabs are fastened in the same way, only they must be connected to the already fixed ones using the tongue-and-groove system. We fill the gaps between the plates with polyurethane foam or acrylic glue.

We fasten the second layer of Penoplex slabs in the same way - with glue, but with an offset to cover the joints between the slabs of the first layer.

Important! Fixing Penoplex slabs on the part of the foundation that will be covered with soil cannot be done using mushroom dowels, as this can damage the waterproofing layer.

Dowels can only be used on the base part; there, 5 dowels (120 mm long, 10 mm in diameter) are fastened to each slab. The depressions from the dowels must be covered with acrylic glue. Further work Continue only after the glue has completely dried.

Leveling the surface

Now the Penoplex insulation needs to be protected from the effects of soil; to do this, we plaster the surface again.

We attach a reinforcing fiberglass mesh on top of the Penoplex, joining the sheets with an overlap of 10 - 15 cm so that cracks or chips do not form at the joints where the mesh is attached.

Some sources recommend that all alignment be done using only one acrylic glue, applying it in several layers until the surface is leveled. But you can perform classic leveling using a cement-sand mixture. After the layer of plaster has completely dried, you can fill the foundation pit.

Backfill and warm blind area from Penoplex

Instead of soil removed from the trench, sand or expanded clay can be poured under the house to improve thermal insulation. Although you can fill up the soil that was there. But not completely. The final stage of foundation insulation is a warm blind area.

Approximately at a depth of 30 cm from the top, pour a 10 cm layer of sand and compact it thoroughly. Then we spread waterproofing material 1 - 1.5 m wide from the foundation itself. It can even be ordinary roofing felt, the joints of which are carefully coated with bitumen. After hardening, Penoplex slabs are laid on top, the joints are coated with acrylic glue or filled with polyurethane foam.

When the insulation layer is laid on the ground, you can build a blind area on top. For this purpose it is poured concrete screed at a slope from the foundation of the house to divert waste and storm water from it.

The base of the house, on which Penoplex is also attached, must be decorated with stone, clinker tiles or any other method.

Remember - a high-quality protected foundation is the foundation of your home. Do waterproofing and thermal insulation on time, and you won’t have to regret it, but major renovation you won’t remember the foundation for a long time. Penoplex is an excellent technological material that is very convenient to use for foundation insulation, it is easy to install and does not require special treatment. It is important to know only one thing - extruded polystyrene foam is destroyed by contact with acetone, benzene, alcohol and other organic solvents.

Foundation insulation with Penoplex: video