The installation height of sockets is normal. Location and installation height of switches and sockets. Examples of placement of sockets and switches in modern apartments

Rules for the location of sockets and switches

PUE 7. Rules for electrical installations

7.1.50 The minimum distance from switches, plug connectors and electrical installation elements to gas pipelines must be at least 0.5 m.

SP 31-110-2003. Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings

14.33 It is recommended to install switches in apartments and dormitories on the side door handle no higher than 100 cm..

It is recommended to install general lighting switches in public buildings at a distance of up to 1.5 m.

14.35 In schools and nurseries preschool institutions in rooms for children, switches and sockets should be installed at a height of 1.8 m.

In the power network of public catering and retail establishments, sockets should, as a rule, be installed at 1.3 m...

GOST R 50571.11-96 (IEC 364-7-701-84). Electrical installations of buildings. Part 7. Requirements for special electrical installations. Section 701 Bathrooms and Shower Facilities

In this state standard the positions of sockets and switches in bathrooms, shower rooms and other wet rooms are regulated. At the same time, the exact locations are not indicated, but the minimum distances are described in detail; take them into account when choosing heights.

SP 76.13330.2016 (SNiP 3.05.06-85) Electrical devices

6.9.16 In schools and preschool institutions in rooms for children, switches and electrical sockets should be installed at 1.8 m.

Installation of lighting and power sockets in other public buildings and rooms is selected convenient for connecting electrical appliances to them, depending on the purpose of the premises and interior design, but, as a rule, no higher than 1 m from the floor.

6.13.21 From heating cables there must be at least 200 mm to the installation electrical equipment.

The information provided in the regulations is not enough to select the location of electrical installation equipment for the entire apartment or house.

Perhaps that is why it was formed and received widespread, the so-called -

“European standard” height of installation of sockets and switches

by which:

- sockets are installed at a height from the floor - 30 cm

- Installation height of switches from the floor - 90 cm

The very concept of “European standard” came simultaneously with the concept of “European renovation”, with the advent of new materials, construction technologies and, most importantly, the desire of people to have a more functional and comfortable surrounding space.

Before this, the installation height was chosen everywhere according to the “Soviet standard”, according to which:

Switches were installed at shoulder level 160cm from the floor

Electrical sockets at a distance of a person’s waist - 90 cm from the floor surface

Each of these mounting options has pros and cons.

Yes, even Many people still consider the “Soviet” way of placing switches to be the most convenient:

The switch is located in the field of view

Furniture or household appliances installed under the switch do not interfere with turning on the light

No accidental clicks

At the same time “European standard” for installing switches:

More ergonomic

A person controls the lighting without raising his hands, “without looking”

Children turn on the lights in the rooms themselves, without help

The plugs, which are located at 90 cm, according to the “Soviet” standard, make it easier to plug in electrical appliances without having to bend over.

If the device does not require constant unplugging from the network and is located in the same place, it is more convenient to place the socket lower, for example, 300mm. This hides the equipment's power cords.

These unspoken standards will help place sockets at a convenient height, especially those designed for portable electrical equipment - a vacuum cleaner, power tools, extension cord or just “just in case” and almost all switches.

But there are exceptions to this rule:

So, when a person turns on the light from a bed (lying) or a chair (sitting), the comfortable distance from the floor is different:

Switches above bedside table in the bedroom or near the sofa, in the living room they are installed at a distance of 60 - 70 cm from the center to the plane of the floor covering.

As for sockets, different rooms, their provisions for technology differ:

Installation height of sockets in different rooms

Living room or hall

Under TV, in the living room, at a height of 140 cm.


Over desk 900 mm because standard tabletop 75cm + required space 15cm

Above bedside tables: 600 - 700mm

For a TV in the bedroom - 150cm. Depending on the height of the TV installation, it changes; we have already written in detail about all the options. .

In the kitchen

Above the tabletop on the apron - 110 cm

For refrigerator 10 - 30cm

Under the stove, dishwasher, built-in oven: 10cm (under the plinth kitchen set), 30-50cm behind the stove or in an adjacent cabinet

For kitchen hood 155-165cm to floor tiles.

In the bathroom

You can choose the correct installation height for sockets and switches using the following rules:

1. Decide on the arrangement of furniture and electrical appliances in the premises.

To do this, draw up a diagram, preferably to scale, on which to mark the furniture, as well as household appliances and equipment that is connected to electrical or low-current networks, indicate the height to the floor.

2. Put all sockets (including TV, Internet, telephone, etc.) on the plan, for electronics, kitchen appliances etc., plus reserves.

For stationary equipment (computer, TV, washing machine, air conditioner, etc.), place electrical outlets so that there is easy access to these places, but at the same time, so that they are hidden behind electrical appliances.

Connection points located on open areas It is better to make walls that you plan to use periodically at the same height - 30cm (European standard). Provide a minimum amount so that the vacuum cleaner reaches all rooms.

Above the desk, bedside tables, chest of drawers, they are placed at a height of 15-20 cm from the furniture surfaces.

3. To correctly determine the height of installation and switches, first you need to decide which way the doors will open. Then place the switches on the side of the door handles near the doorway. At a height of 80-100cm, depending on your height (determine experimentally).

4. The location of the switches depends on room type, so for example:

In a long corridor or on a staircase, it is more convenient to install at the beginning and at the end

In the bedroom or living room, best option, when the switches are located at the entrance to the room, as well as at the bed or sofa, in order to control the lighting without getting up.

Select the installation height of the switches taking into account from what position they will be accessible, i.e. if it is at the entrance to the room, then choose a height of 80-100 cm, and if it is near a bed or sofa, then at the height where the switch can be reached with an outstretched hand.

5. In those places where you have not decided on the location of furniture or electrical appliances, we recommend installing electrical sockets at a height of 30cm and switches 90cm from the floor level, this is the most convenient option installation height.

It is clear how to apply all the above rules and how to select the installation height of sockets and switches, using the example standard apartment, shown .

Using this information, common sense and safety precautions, you can achieve optimal location equipment at your home.

Remember that it is better to correctly calculate and provide for everything right away than to redo the electrical wiring later.

What should be the height of the sockets from the floor? modern premises? The main requirement for this indicator is safety during operation of sockets and switches. That is, the height should be such that during use, sockets and switches are protected from mechanical damage and moisture.

Additionally, it is important to take into account the length of the wires of electrical appliances - the height of the power sources must be such that the wire is in a free position without tension.

Norms and standards

Today there are no strict rules regarding how to install sockets and switches, which does not limit the flight of imagination of designers when developing exclusive projects. Nevertheless, certain standards established by the PUE will have to be adhered to, at least to avoid ignition of the electrical wiring.

The maximum height for the location of power sources is no more than a meter from the floor, for switches - 1.5-1.7 m from the floor. These standards were used back in Soviet times.

Nowadays, the location of sockets and switches more often involves compliance with European standards, taking into account the characteristics of the room and the vision of the overall picture by the owner and designer. The height of sockets and switches is not categorical, but most often sockets are located at a distance of 30 to 40 cm from the floor, and switches - from 80 to 100 cm from the floor.

Both options have both advantages and disadvantages. Installation the old fashioned way with switches at shoulder level and sockets at a distance of 90-100 cm from the floor may seem most convenient to some. This option is as safe as possible for children.

In turn, from the ergonomic side, European standards open up more possibilities: you can use switches without bothering, holding your hand in a comfortable position.

As for the sources of electricity, in the “Soviet” version of installation they are more convenient because they are at an acceptable height - frequent switching on and off of devices will not require physical effort. On the other hand, devices that constantly operate from the mains without being turned off are best combined with power sources at a distance of 30-40 cm, which allows the wires to be masked.

Installation design

The following rules will help you correctly design the distance and location of power sources and switches:

  1. Calculate the height based on the design for placing electrical appliances and furniture in the room.
  2. Make a diagram of the placement of switches and sockets. It would be better if their number was provided with a reserve.
  3. Take into account maintaining constant access to frequently used power sources - do not obscure them with furniture and electrical appliances.
  4. The optimal distance from the floor for sockets on open areas of the walls is 30-40 cm. Their number should be such that when using a vacuum cleaner it is possible to clean all parts of the room.
  5. It is better to mount the socket above the bedside table, desk, chest of drawers at a height of no more than 20 cm from the surface of the furniture.
  6. Remember that the installation height of the switches largely depends on the side in which the doors will open.
  7. The location of switches and sockets also depends on the purpose of the room. It is most convenient when the switches are located at the entrance to the vestibule or warehouses, by the bed or sofa - in the bedroom and living room. As for height, the height indicators of the users of the room will play a certain role here.

Use these simple tips, install sockets and switches, not forgetting common sense and, most importantly, safety. And remember that a small error of a centimeter or two will not affect the final result.

Below we will consider rational options for installing switches and power supplies in rooms, depending on their purposes.

Kitchen preparation

The kitchen is a room where sockets play a particularly important role, if only because all the work here is based on the use of electrical appliances. Every day in the kitchen the oven, microwave, blender, food processor, coffee maker, juicer and other important components are turned on and off comfortable life modern man. The refrigerator, dishwasher, and some have a stove and freezer are constantly running from the mains.

In order for the location of sockets and the height of switches to be rational, design must begin with creating an accurate kitchen layout that takes into account the location of furniture and electrical appliances.

There are certain standards for installing sockets in the kitchen, following which you can achieve maximum convenience and indoor safety during operation of electrical appliances:

  1. Electricity sources for dishwasher, washing machine (if it is located in the kitchen) and refrigerator should be located at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the floor. This distance is optimal, taking into account the length of the wires of these electrical appliances.
  2. Sockets for small electrical appliances - mixer, kettle, blender - are more convenient to use if they are placed low above the countertop work surface- 20-30 cm.
  3. For a range hood or electric speaker in the kitchen, the socket can be mounted at a distance of two meters from the floor or higher.

If the kitchen has additional lighting fixtures V wall cabinets, then it would be correct to place the sockets for them at a distance of 5 to 10 cm above them.

But for built-in equipment, in addition to the requirements regarding the location of sockets and switches, you need to take care of access to them without restrictions.


The peculiarity of the bathroom is a high and constant level of humidity. Therefore, the installation height of sockets and switches must be designed taking into account the basic requirements of GOST and PUE.

Obviously, sockets are installed at a certain distance from the shower stall and sink. The distance between them should be at least a meter. As for the height, here you need to take into account the average length of the cords intended for the operation of electrical appliances. Below are recommendations regarding the height of electrical supplies in the bathroom:

  1. For a boiler and hood on the wall, the distance from the floor is at least 1.5 meters.
  2. For small electrical appliances (hair dryer, razor, etc.) - 1 meter.
  3. For built-in devices ( washing machine) - 20-30 cm from the floor.

Pay attention! Sockets placed too low with an obvious violation of the requirements of the PUE above the floor are a risk short circuit during a possible “flood” in the bathroom.

Bedroom and living room

The installation of sockets and switches, no matter how many there are, both in industrial, office and residential premises, in addition to safety, must meet the requirements regarding the comfort of their use. If we talk about the bedroom, then it would be convenient to place one switch and socket on both sides of the bed.

The best option in this case is to install sockets at a distance of 70 cm from the floor. This distance will allow you to use a bedside lamp without the discomfort associated with a lack of wire, charge gadgets, and adjust the lighting level right in bed.

It is important to think about placement additional sources power supply in work area and near dressing table, if there is one. At what height should the socket be installed in this case? A suitable height would be 30 cm from the floor near the desktop (a block of several sockets would be appropriate) and 15-20 cm from the surface of the dressing table for ease of use of small electrical appliances (hair dryer, curling iron, etc.).

In the living room, there must be several sockets behind the TV at a distance of one meter from the floor. Additionally, it will be necessary to provide sockets for other devices operating in the room, taking into account its division into functional areas. A backup outlet for an air conditioner, fan, humidifier or iron is always useful.

It is more convenient to place the main switch in the living room at the entrance. If “complex” lighting is used, then the same “complex” switches based on several keys will be required.

Installation according to the rules in premises for various purposes

The Electrical Installation Rules (ELR), mentioned above, represent certain requirements for the installation of switches and sockets in different types of rooms.

Plug sockets can be installed:

  1. In industrial premises, where the distance from the floor to the socket is from 0.8 to 1 meter; in case of supplying wires from the top of the wall, installation at a height of 1.5 meters is allowed.
  2. In administrative and office buildings, residential and laboratory premises at a height that is optimal for the interaction of sockets with electrical appliances, taking into account the features of the interior, but not higher than 1 meter. Installation on baseboards made of non-combustible materials is possible.
  3. In schools and kindergartens at a distance of 1.8 meters from the floor.

Switches for main lighting should be located at a distance of 0.8 to 1.7 meters from the floor in ordinary rooms, and in institutions for children - at a distance of 1.8 meters. A switch installed under the ceiling requires a cord to be connected to it.

In bathrooms, showers and other rooms with high humidity plug sockets can only be installed in hotel rooms and residential apartments. All switches and sockets in this case should be located at a distance of 0.6 meters in relation to the shower stall opening.

Plug-in power supplies in residential premises and places where children are staying must be equipped with a protective device that prevents access to them when the plugs are removed.

The distance from sockets and switches to parts of electrical installations and gas pipelines should be 50 centimeters. Switches should be installed correctly on the wall at a height of up to a meter from the side of the door handle or under the ceiling with a cord.

An important point in conclusion: after finishing electrical installation work with the connection of sockets and switches in accordance with the PUE, it will be necessary to carry out electrical measurements. This will help to ensure safe operation of electrical appliances in the future and to identify possible failures in the operation of the electrical network.

In fact, in construction there are no strict rules regarding the number and location of sockets and switches, either in an apartment or in a private house. But there are two documents that say how and where it is better to place sockets and switches. The first document is SP 31-110-2003, which states that switches should be placed on the side of the door handles, the distance from the floor to the switch is no more than one meter. Sockets can be placed anywhere, but also at a height of up to a meter. The second document, Rules for Electrical Installations, talks about safety rules when installing sockets and switches. The distance from sockets and switches to gas pipelines, it must be at least 50cm. In bathrooms, it is allowed to install sockets at a distance of 60 cm from sinks, bathtubs, showers, etc. Such sockets must be protected by an RCD with an operating current of up to 30 mA (residual current device).

Currently, the European standard for installing sockets and switches has become firmly in fashion, according to which sockets are installed at a height of 30 cm from the floor, and switches at a height of 90 cm from the floor. This arrangement of sockets and switches is convenient for all family members. Since the child can turn on the light himself, and an adult does not even have to raise his hand to the switch because it is at arm’s height. Cords from electrical appliances plugged into sockets lie on the floor and do not interfere with the passage. Comfortable!

Figure 1. According to the European standard, sockets are installed at a height of 30 cm, and switches 90 cm from the floor level.

Previously, in the Soviet Union, a standard for installing sockets and switches was used, according to which sockets were installed at a height of 90 cm from the floor, and switches were placed at a height of 1.6 m from the floor. This standard also has its advantages, and it is no worse than the European standard. Therefore, many people currently prefer this standard. For example, the switch is always in plain sight, and you can insert the plug into the socket without bending over. Which standard to install sockets and switches is up to you personally; both options have their pros and cons.

Figure 2. According to the Soviet standard, sockets are installed at a height of 90 cm, and switches 160 cm from the floor level.

There are no prohibitions or restrictions on the height of installation of sockets and switches in the kitchen, as in other rooms, so they should be placed based on considerations of practicality and ease of use, but taking into account the requirements of the PUE. Which says the following.​

7.1.48. Any switches and sockets must be located at a distance of at least 60 cm from the doorway of the shower stall. Therefore, from the sink.

7.1.50. Minimum distance from switches, plug sockets and elements of electrical installations to gas pipelines must be at least 50 cm.

Based on standard sizes kitchen furniture, a certain standard has been formed for the height of installation of sockets and switches in the kitchen. According to which it is customary to install sockets on three levels.

First level 10-15 cm from the floor on which sockets for an electric stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, waste shredder are installed... This height is optimal in terms of access to sockets, because after installing the “kitchen” it will be possible to get to them only from below.

Second level 110-130 cm from the floor, on which sockets are installed for connecting a kettle, blender, multicooker, microwave oven, that is, for those electrical appliances that will be used on the work surface (table) and used for cooking.

Third level 200-250 cm from the floor, sockets are installed here to connect the hood and lighting. This height was also chosen taking into account the possibility of access to sockets. You just need to stand on a chair and the sockets are in front of your eyes. And standing on the floor they are not visible behind the upper kitchen cabinets.

Figure 3. In the kitchen, sockets are installed on three levels. Switches can be installed both according to European standards and Soviet standards.

Installation height of sockets and switches in the bathroom.

The bathroom is a room with high humidity, therefore all sockets installed in the bathroom must be connected via an RCD and have a degree of protection against moisture of at least IP44, with a splash-proof cover on a spring, this is required from us by the PUE and common sense. Once again, it is necessary to install sockets and switches at a distance of at least 60 cm from sinks and showers. It is also not allowed to install sockets under and above the sink. But the installation height of the sockets must be chosen so that it is as convenient for you to use such household appliances as a hair dryer and electric razor.

Figure 4. Sockets in the bathroom are installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the shower stall and sink, and are connected through an RCD, in accordance with the requirements of the PUE.

Recommendations for installation height and location of sockets and switches in the bedroom.

My clients often ask me where to install sockets and switches in the bedroom? Based on personal experience I make the following recommendations, which are based on comfort and ease of use. For example, if a double bed is installed suitable option, when there is a socket on both sides of the bed and two-button switch at a height of 70 cm from the floor. Sockets so that while lying on the bed you can connect, for example, a phone to charge, and switches so that you can turn on or off the light in the room or sconce without getting out of bed.

Figure 5. In the bedroom, we select the height of sockets and switches based on the conditions of comfort and ease of use.

In such a scheme, you can fully control the lighting from three places: one switch is traditionally installed at the entrance and the other two are on both sides of the bed, as shown in the figure. It's very convenient!

Dear site visitors, at the end of the article I would like to invite you to watch a video about how exactly you should not install sockets and switches in your apartment. This video provides specific examples of the most common mistakes in all rooms of the apartment. Watching this video will help you avoid problems and mistakes, because after installation you don’t want to redo everything!

Before you begin the actual installation of sockets and switches, you must plan their location in advance. Make a plan for placing electrical appliances in the room, draw up a diagram location of sockets and switches, calculate the required number for each room.

For example, if this is a living room, then, as a rule, there will be a TV, a computer, table lamps and sconce.

All these points must be taken into account at the very stage of preparation for electrical installation.

Surely, before installing sockets or switches, you wondered about choosing the height of their location.

If you need to install these elements in accordance with all the rules and regulations, then I suggest you look into the “Electrician’s Bible” - Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE) in the section concerning the installation of electrical wiring in residential buildings.

Location of sockets

— in residential premises they are installed at a height of 0.2-0.3 m from the floor surface. For a family with small children, it is advisable to install sockets with protective curtains, since at such a height they are easily accessible to the child.

- in kitchen areas, as a rule, at a height of 1.3 m from the floor. This value may vary depending on the height and placement of your furniture. Also, do not forget the requirements of paragraph 7.1.50 of the PUE: minimum distance from sockets to gas pipelines there must be at least 0.5 m;

— in rooms with high humidity (baths, showers, saunas), sockets are installed at a height of 1 m. It is prohibited to install sockets directly in shower stalls.

Switch locations

There is a lot of discussion about what height to install switches - shoulder-high or arm-mounted?

In Soviet times, switches were placed at the height of an adult’s shoulder, which is approximately 170-180 cm.

Nowadays, switches are installed according to the so-called European standard: located on the side of the door handle at a distance of at least 10 cm from the doorway, the installation height is at the level of the hand lowered down, approximately 0.8-0.9 m. Many people find this more convenient than the Soviet standard.

As for the rules, the PUE does not give specific values ​​​​for the location of switches. The only thing you need to remember:

From the above listed rules and regulations, according to location of sockets and switches in houses and apartments, one should not forget about such important principles as practicality and convenience.

After all, if you live in a private house or apartment and, for technical reasons or needs, you need to change the indicated distances, then I think that there will be nothing wrong with this, as they say, every owner does it for himself. But you shouldn’t forget about your safety and that of your loved ones (PUE 7.1.50).

And if you place electrical devices somewhere, in a store or some other public place, then of course it is better to listen to these rules of the PUE and do everything as needed, so that some inspector does not come later and fine the owners for non-compliance generally accepted norms and rules.

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Electrics in the house

20/07/2011 11:22:17

Installation height of sockets and switches

During the process of building a house or renovating an apartment, the question very often arises: what height from the floor should switches and sockets be installed?

There is also no notorious European standard. It's done like this comfortable to people. How convenient? You can find completely different data in different sources. Basically, these sources state the following: installation height of switches from level pure the floor is 85-90 cm, and the sockets are 30 cm.

This is dictated by the following reasons. It is more convenient for a person to turn on the light as they move without raising their hands. If you do it lower, the person will stretch; if you do it higher, you will raise your hand.

What height should the installation of sockets be according to the rules?

Following these recommendations, I made switches at a level from 85 to 90 cm and realized that for my height 178 cm is low! To turn on the light, I had to straighten my arm completely, and this turned out to be uncomfortable. Then I conducted a series of experiments with myself and other household members, including children, and determined that optimal height installation of switches from the level of the finished floor is 97-98 cm (that is, from 95 to 100 cm).

Only in this case you don’t have to stretch and tilt your body. This height is convenient for both relatively tall people, and for people of average height. An interesting fact is that the standard height for door handles is exactly 95-100 cm. And in this sense, it’s not entirely clear to me where 90 cm for switches came from.

After all, 1 meter is what is optimal for a person.

Important! That the height is calculated from the clean floor, that is, with all finishing coatings(screed, laminate, tiles, parquet). Sometimes switches are marked from the level of the floor slab, and when a screed is made, it may turn out to be thicker and the switch will end up lower. In this case, I recommend laying the wires with a margin of height, and after the rough ones are done finishing work(screed) just walk around the premises and, simulating switching on, lean your hand in the place against the wall where the future switch will be.

Only then will you understand at what height it is more convenient for you to make the switch.

Distance of the switch to the door opening.

Here I also made a small mistake by installing several switches at a distance of 20-25 cm from the opening. This turned out to be inconvenient. Entering the room at dark time days, as a rule, it’s not the first time I find the switch.

In other rooms I installed switches at a distance of 15 cm (from the edge of the opening to the edge of the switch) and this turned out to be much more convenient. From my point of view, the distance to the switch from the door opening should be 10-15 cm, no more!

Height of sockets

Nowadays, sockets are made lower than 50 years ago, at a height of approximately 20-35 cm from the floor, so that they themselves and the hanging wires do not disturb the aesthetic appearance of the room.

There are no such ergonomic requirements as with switches, but there are nuances. Sockets general purpose it’s better to do it really lower - 20-35 cm. However, near work tables and desks, in kitchens and other places where you know how and what you will plug into the sockets, it’s better to determine the height locally, again based on ease of use. If you have a desk planned, then to connect a computer, charger for telephones and other equipment, it may be more convenient for you to place the socket above the table plane at a height of 80-90 cm than to then crawl under the table.

The same applies to the distance to the corners. It is necessary to have at least an approximate plan for the arrangement of furniture, otherwise it may turn out that all the sockets will be behind the cabinets and beds.

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2018-02-12 23:19:53 | Vladimir
I tried it on, and being 176 inches tall, switches at 85 are comfortable.

As for the proximity to the doorway - exactly, you need to leave a minimum distance between the switch and the cladding - five centimeters, but no further.
As for the door handle, there is a different movement of the hand: the hand is bent and placed on top of the handle, so it should be higher. You don't have to bend your arm to operate the switch.

2013-05-21 12:42:14 | Victor
Thank you so much for the practical advice!

2012-11-20 16:49:20 | Alex
I completely agree with the article.

I’ll add from experience: I made some of the sockets above the desk behind the monitor (not visible, but they are there :) - you can plug in all sorts of adapters and power supplies for long-term use), two sockets are visible - it’s convenient to plug in chargers for cell phones, electric shavers, etc. To connect computer equipment, I screw extension cords-pilots to the inner side of the table, but I plug the pilot itself into separate socket, installed just under the table.

Electrical and lighting planning. Light switches, lighting devices, location of sockets in a private house.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

● It is imperative to make a plan for laying external/internal utility networks and strictly follow this plan.

At installation work it would be nice to do photographic recording of electrical wiring locations(and not just electricians). In later life, such photographic documents will more than once help you get rid of various problems during repairs, remodeling and other actions.
● You should not do electrical wiring without first planning the interior decoration and furniture arrangement.
● It is better to use copper wires in the wiring and have a spare cross-section.
● Electrical networks in a private home include: local network, toilet, TV, computer, alarm, intercom, boiler temperature sensor, fire alarm, kitchen hood, hoods in the toilet and bathroom.
● When installing electrical networks in the house, it would be good to provide power and video cable output to entrance group.
● If the ceiling is high enough, then to make washing the chandelier easier, you can equip it with a cable - in this case, the chandelier can be lowered.
● When planning and installing electrical wiring, it is better to immediately implement a lighting system in the local area.

● It is better to install an automatic machine for each device that consumes electricity, so as not to experience inconvenience later.
● An electrical appliance such as a washing machine must be connected to a personal machine.
● It is better to install meters and machines outside buildings.

Installation height of switches and sockets from the floor

Thus, when the switch is turned off, the voltage in the entire house disappears.
● In a private home, for security purposes, you can install individual smoke alarms - they are inexpensive.

Light switches.

●U front door you need to make a central switch - this will allow you to turn on/off lighting and electrical appliances right from the doorstep.
● Install only “Euro” switches.
● It is better to make more so-called “pass-through” switches in order to turn off the lighting without returning from room to room.
● The height at which the switches should be installed should be 80-90 cm - so that the child can easily reach it.
● It will be convenient if install illuminated switches.
● You can install two switches in the bedroom - at the entrance and next to the bed.
● On personal plot You can install remote switching on/off of lighting, path lighting, swimming pool and other buildings.
● In a child's bedroom, you can use dimmers - rheostats so that the light fades out slowly and not abruptly.

Location of sockets in a private house.

● It is better to install double sockets rather than single ones.

In terms of costs, this is almost the same, and in the future double sockets They will come to the rescue more than once and there will be no need to adapt various tees.
● Places for installing sockets must be planned based on the future arrangement of furniture.
● You should not install sockets “in the floor”.

In this case, they will be constantly open and dust will certainly accumulate in them, but cleaning the floor will be somewhat problematic.
● The height of the sockets is determined based on their purpose. It makes no sense to install sockets in plain sight in cases where electrical appliances will not be frequently turned on/off in these places.
● In the room where the computer will be used, it is better to place the sockets above the system unit.
● Avoid installing too many sockets.

If you install five sockets in a frame, it is not a fact that they will all be used.
● In the kitchen, sockets should be installed higher than the electrical appliances used: coffee maker, microwave, electric kettle, toaster, etc.

p. Thus, turning on and off is done without unnecessary movements of electrical appliances.
● In the bathroom, it is also better to install sockets at a certain height so that there is no need to move them household appliances.
● Don’t forget to install an outlet in the hallway and hallway.
● It would be a good idea to install external waterproof sockets in the yard and along the facade - this can be done as a separate group on the main panel. When using various power tools (washer, lawn mower, etc.)

d.) using a carrier is not always convenient.

Lighting devices.

● It is better to use LED bulbs in lighting fixtures - with constant lighting in several rooms, the savings will be significant.
Spotlights in the style starry sky"It's better not to install.

All this “creativity” will quickly get boring, and besides, the light bulbs in this system tend to burn out.
● It is better to use lamps with conventional sockets E 27, E 14. This is more reliable and, if desired, you can easily change the light bulbs to energy-saving ones.
● Installation of recessed ceiling lamps with incandescent lamps with a thin base upwards is fraught with the fact that in the future it will be quite difficult to change the light bulb, which will definitely “bite” in the socket.
●B kitchen area It is imperative to install lighting above the work surface.

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Installation height of switches and sockets: rules and standards

1. Frame system.

For many years it has been possible to group sockets into frames from 1 to 5. And not only power ones, but also computer and television outlets and even switches.

The center-to-center distance between joined socket boxes should be exactly 71 mm. Drill in concrete wall under the socket boxes you need a crown of at least 68 mm (this is the diameter of a normal socket box), but more is possible - 70, 73. Even 80, then the risk of the socket boxes not fitting together is reduced to zero.

The socket boxes are fixed in concrete using plaster mixture. Easiest to use gypsum mixture like Knauf Rotband, since it is viscous enough to comfortably glue the socket boxes.

For installation of socket boxes in plasterboard, the center-to-center distance is 71, but the hole is strictly 68mm, since it is attached to plasterboard (and other sheet material) due to the “legs”, attracting the base to the sheet.

If you make the hole larger, the socket box will simply fall into the cavity behind the sheet.

Needless to say that the socket boxes are installed when the cable has already been brought to the installation site? Said.

2. Distance from the floor.

For standard sockets distance from the center of the socket to the floor 300mm.

For standard switches distance from the center of the switch to the floor 900mm.

For thermostats distance from the center of the thermostat to the floor 1500mm.

With television outlets things are trickier.

Here you need to try it on, but it’s best to draw the future TV on the wall, foresee where the mounting frame will be located, and at the bottom of the TV (so that it covers the sockets) provide for the placement of sockets.

For a 30-40-inch TV located opposite the bed, for example, the normal height of the sockets is 1100mm from the floor to their center.

In bathrooms and toilets, it is safe to place sockets and switches above the sink at least half a meter.


Distance from slope.

The distance from the slope to the first outlet in the group should be 150-200mm, and be the same in all rooms. It is almost impossible to accurately measure these distances before leveling the walls with plaster, therefore ideal option reschedule the marking and installation of socket boxes until all the walls are already formed.


Grouping of sockets.

It is customary to separate high- and low-current sockets from each other at a distance of at least one more socket in order to minimize interference created by the field from power cables. That is, to form a block of sockets for a TV, you need to make two socket boxes for power sockets, skip one socket, and then two socket boxes for low-current sockets.

Low current outlets include computer outlets, television outlets, satellite outlets, FM outlets, and cable outlets.

The layouts of modern apartments involve dividing the total area into separate functional zones, in which various electrical appliances and light sources are used. For their proper functioning, it is necessary to carefully consider the electrical wiring system, the number and location of connectors and switches.

Novice craftsmen do not always understand at what height to make sockets. Meanwhile, from the right approach This issue affects not only the comfort of the residents, but also their safety. It is important to take into account all the nuances: the purpose of the room, recommendations of regulatory documents, placement of furniture and interior items.

Oddly enough, today there are no unambiguous requirements for the location of installation of power supply points. There are some rules that are general. Whether to follow them or not is up to each apartment owner to decide.

Electrical Installation Rules (PUE-7)

  • Sockets, along with switches, can be placed at a distance of no closer than 0.6 m from the bathroom door.
  • The minimum distance from the gas pipeline to any power supply devices should be 0.5 m.
  • The lift of the switch above the floor covering should not exceed 1 m. It is best to install such devices on the wall where the door frame. If it is necessary to move the switch to a height of more than 1 m or to the ceiling, resort to cord control.
  • In schools, kindergartens or other places where children live, switches are located at a level of 1.8 m from the floor.
  • Plug sockets in areas where children are located must be protected with special enclosing covers or screens.

However, such uncertainty was not always present. In the USSR there was a GOST with more stringent requirements:

  • The height of the socket from the floor should be 0.9 m.
  • The height of the switch is no more than 1.6 m.

Despite the outdated and inapplicable standard, this arrangement was very convenient. The switch was at eye level, and the height of the socket eliminated the need to bend over to install the plug. Furniture leaning against the walls did not block access to the connectors, which is especially valuable for small apartments.

Eurostandard: myths and reality

In many thematic articles or on forums you can find the term “European standard”. This is not an entirely correct concept, since in different European countries there is its own regulatory framework regarding the placement of sockets and switches.

The generally accepted height of sockets according to the European standard reaches 30-40 cm from the floor line. The switches are placed at a height of 0.8-1 m. If you think about it, you can find its advantages in this arrangement - there are no cords and cables hanging on the walls, the wiring is less noticeable. And the low placement of the switches allows you not to raise your hands to turn the light on and off.

Keep in mind that the size of the Euro socket and the distance between the holes for the pins are larger than those of domestic analogues. Imported products are designed for current up to 16 A, and ours - up to 10 A. Therefore, more powerful electrical appliances can be used in conjunction with Euro sockets.

How to arrange sockets in living rooms and bathrooms

Photos of sockets in a room posted on the Internet help you better understand how to arrange furniture correctly. If the room has a double bed, then the power sources are placed on both sides of it at a distance of 0.3-0.9 m from the floor covering.

In the case of a whole set of beds and bedside tables The socket is placed at a distance of 15 cm from the top of the cabinets. The same applies to the sofa. To connect a floor lamp to the network, it is convenient to use a connector located at a level of 30 cm from the floor.

With the bathroom, everything is a little more complicated. A few decades ago, an outlet in the bathroom was considered a bad design decision. But today, installing connectors in rooms with a humid environment is simply necessary - the operation of a washing machine, boiler, hair dryer, electric razor and other equipment depends on it.

For a washing machine, it is better to equip a separate dedicated line and install an outlet with a built-in protective shutdown system. The device must rise above the floor by 1 m.

Electrical sources located above the countertop or sink should be 0.6 m away from the water source.

All sockets in the bathroom must be equipped with moisture-proof covers to prevent splashes from entering the product.

The second number in the outlet marking must be at least 4. It characterizes the product’s ability to resist moisture.

The wiring connected to the bathroom must be hidden in channels - grooves. This is the only way to comply with safety rules when performing water procedures.

Photo of sockets at optimal height