Automation of technological processes and production: who should work in this specialty? Process automation tools

In reality, this process includes a large number of activities that involve the creation and use of special tools that work automatically, development technological processes, which provide an increase in labor productivity, make the increase in this indicator constant.

Automation issues and trends

Automation of technological processes and production is associated with problems

which most often arise due to the fact that each specific solution must relate to a specific process, product or part. So all the features characteristic of these elements must be taken into account. It can be especially difficult to fully comply specified dimensions and shapes. The quality of the part must also meet the highest requirements, otherwise the work process will not be possible to organize.

What requirements must businesses meet to move to automation?

First of all, to increase productivity in this way, it is necessary to train personnel who can not only manage new technology, but also to offer something new in this area. Cooperation and

At the same time, the automation of technological processes and production itself should be carried out only in a comprehensive manner, not in relation to specific parts or elements, but to the entire system. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the resources that are already available at the enterprise as competently as possible. Only if this condition is met will the system work without any problems for a whole year.

How else can you increase productivity?

First of all, automation of technological processes and production makes it possible to reduce total number workers who are involved in production. Thanks to modern technologies one worker can service several pieces of equipment at once. So energy and output increase, no matter in what direction a particular enterprise operates.

In addition, automation allows you to improve not only yourself but also the equipment that is used during work.

Finally, attention can be paid to reducing the cost of production itself. Cost reduction can be achieved through unification and standardization of parts, mechanisms and assemblies used in the organization. When organizing a process such as automation of technological processes and production , It is simply impossible to do without resolving such issues.

Features of modern automation

The main condition and requirement imposed by automation systems

technological processes - use of the most simple circuits to achieve maximum results. It is necessary to unify not only the parts themselves, but also their specific elements.

In addition, we should strive to give as much detail as possible to the details themselves. simple form. The main thing is that the form itself corresponds to the level modern production, satisfied all his requirements.

To simplify modern production, materials that are difficult to process should not be used.

At the same time, any part that is being processed must be firmly and securely fastened. Automation of industry processes always requires this. Thanks to this, there will be no need to artificially change anything or use additional equipment.

Have you studied “automation of technological processes and production”, but don’t you even imagine what kind of work you’ll do? This probably indicates serious gaps in your education, but let’s try to understand the issue together. We use it daily automated systems without even realizing it.

The need for automation - is it there?

Any production process is a waste of resources. Thanks to new technologies and production methods, we can save the amount of raw materials and fuel that goes into making products.

But what about human resource? After all, highly qualified specialists can be used to implement other projects, and the control of the conveyor by workers itself is an expensive pleasure, which increases the price of the final product.

The problem was partially solved several centuries ago, with the invention of steam engines and conveyor production. But even now in most workshops on the territory former Union there are still too many workers. And besides additional expenses This is fraught with the “human factor”, which is the main cause of most problems that arise.

Engineer or 5 other specialties?

Having received a diploma upon graduation, you can count on a position:

  1. Engineer.
  2. Designer.
  3. Designer.
  4. Researcher.
  5. Head of Development Department.
  6. Operations department employee.

The engineer's profession was fashionable years 40 years ago, now few people are ready to think with their heads and take responsibility. Of course, with your diploma you will be a very narrow specialist; the list of main tasks will include the implementation and development of new management and control systems in production.

But most often, all you need to do is maintain the entire system in working order, correct minor faults that arise, and further plan the work.

Any projects to optimize or update the system will be carried out under the leadership of immediate superiors, through the efforts of the entire department. So don’t worry, on the very first day you won’t be forced to develop something innovative or implement absolutely new way control. The requirements for specialists are quite adequate, wages depends on the region and industry.

Development and design of the project.

U designers and constructors the tasks are slightly different. They're already doing it new projects, at almost all stages of development. First of all, these employees are required to formulate and set the task.

When the goal and scope of future work have been determined, they begin to draw up a general plan for the implementation of the future project. Only after this does the designer have the right to move on to drawing up more detailed plans, developing architecture and selecting means.

And on final stage It will also be necessary to draw up documentation for the same engineers.

The designer’s work is not much different from the given work plan, so there is no point in focusing on this. We can only say that representatives of these two professions are somewhat closer to theory and science, but still maintain a direct connection with production and are well aware of the final product of their work.

Researchers in the field of production automation.

And now it's time to talk about those who like white coats and science laboratories. Actually we are talking about mathematics in pure form . Design, creation and improvement of models, new algorithms. The ability to solve such theoretical problems, sometimes somewhat divorced from reality, manifests itself even at school or university. If you notice this about yourself, you should adequately assess your abilities and find a place for yourself in a research center.

Offers from private entities are more highly paid, but most firms will require all rights to the results of your intellectual activity. Working in a government structure, you can conduct scientific activity, there is a greater chance of gaining some recognition among colleagues. The only question is to set your priorities correctly.

Leadership positions and personal responsibility.

You can count on the position of department or project manager in two cases:

  1. An attempt to curry favor by realizing one’s ambitions and aspirations.
  2. High level of responsibility and personal skills.

The first point will not suit you right after university, young specialist They won’t trust you with a serious position, and you won’t be able to handle it without a certain amount of experience and knowledge. But it will be problematic to shift responsibility for failure onto someone else.

So just know that if you perform your duties in a high-quality and timely manner, you can count on career advancement; your diploma allows this. Therefore, no arguments from the authorities about the discrepancy in the level of education will not work. But think about whether it’s worth it - responsibilities will increase and the level of responsibility will noticeably rise.

Professionals from the Faculty of Automation of Technological Processes and Production know who to work with already from their first years. Don't be embarrassed if workplace managed to get it thanks to acquaintances. No one will keep a useless specialist in a responsible position, so this is not a very compelling argument.

Video about the profession

Next, in the video, within the framework of the “Specialists of the Future” program, it will be discussed who to work with after graduating from the Faculty of Automation of Technological Processes and Production. What are the nuances, pros and cons of this profession:

Types of automation systems include:

  • immutable systems. These are systems in which the sequence of actions is determined by equipment configuration or process conditions and cannot be changed during the process.
  • programmable systems. These are systems in which the sequence of actions can vary depending on the given program and process configuration. Choice necessary sequence actions are carried out through a set of instructions that can be read and interpreted by the system.
  • flexible (self-adjusting) systems. These are systems that are capable of selecting the necessary actions during operation. Changing the process configuration (the sequence and conditions for performing operations) is carried out based on information about the progress of the process.

These types of systems can be used at all levels of process automation individually or as part of a combined system.

In every sector of the economy, there are enterprises and organizations that produce products or provide services. All these enterprises can be divided into three groups, depending on their “remoteness” in the natural resource processing chain.

The first group of enterprises are enterprises that extract or produce natural resources. Such enterprises include, for example, agricultural producers and oil and gas production enterprises.

The second group of enterprises are enterprises processing natural raw materials. They manufacture products from raw materials mined or produced by enterprises of the first group. Such enterprises include, for example, automobile industry enterprises, steel mills, electronics enterprises, power plants, etc.

The third group is service sector enterprises. Such organizations include, for example, banks, educational institutions, medical institutions, restaurants, etc.

For all enterprises it is possible to select general groups processes associated with the production of products or provision of services.

Such processes include:

  • business processes;
  • design and development processes;
  • production processes;
  • control and analysis processes.
  • Business processes are processes that ensure interaction within the organization and with external stakeholders (consumers, suppliers, regulatory authorities, etc.). This category of processes includes marketing and sales processes, interaction with consumers, financial, personnel, material planning and accounting processes, etc.
  • Design and Development Processes– these are all processes associated with the development of a product or service. Such processes include the processes of development planning, collection and preparation of initial data, project implementation, monitoring and analysis of design results, etc.
  • Production processes are the processes necessary to produce products or provide services. This group includes all production and technological processes. They also include demand planning and capacity planning processes, logistics processes and service processes.
  • Control and analysis processes– this group of processes is associated with the collection and processing of information about the execution of processes. Such processes include quality control processes, operational management, inventory control processes, etc.

Most of the processes belonging to these groups can be automated. Today, there are classes of systems that provide automation of these processes.

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Process automation strategy

Process automation is a complex and time-consuming task. To successfully solve this problem, it is necessary to adhere to a certain automation strategy. It allows you to improve processes and gain a number of significant benefits from automation.

Briefly, the strategy can be formulated as follows:

  • understanding the process. In order to automate the process, you need to understand existing process with all its details. The process must be fully analyzed. The inputs and outputs of the process, the sequence of actions, the relationship with other processes, the composition of process resources, etc. must be determined.
  • simplifying the process. Once the process analysis has been carried out, the process needs to be simplified. Unnecessary activities that do not add value must be reduced. Individual operations can be combined or performed in parallel. To improve the process, other technologies for its execution may be proposed.
  • process automation. Process automation can only be done after the process has been simplified as much as possible. The simpler the process, the easier it is to automate and the more efficient the automated process will be.

Implementation in enterprises technical means allowing to automate production processes is a basic condition efficient work. Diversity modern methods automation expands the range of their applications, while the costs of mechanization, as a rule, are justified by the end result in the form of an increase in the volume of manufactured products, as well as an increase in their quality.

Organizations that follow the path of technological progress occupy leading positions in the market and provide better quality working conditions and minimize the need for raw materials. For this reason, it is no longer possible to imagine large enterprises without implementing mechanization projects - exceptions apply only to small craft industries, where automation of production does not justify itself due to the fundamental choice in favor of hand made. But even in such cases, it is possible to partially turn on automation at some stages of production.

Automation Basics

In a broad sense, automation involves the creation of such conditions in production that will make it possible to perform tasks without human intervention. specific tasks for the manufacture and release of products. In this case, the operator’s role may be to solve the most critical tasks. Depending on the goals set, automation of technological processes and production can be complete, partial or comprehensive. The choice of a specific model is determined by the complexity of the technical modernization of the enterprise due to automatic filling.

In plants and factories where full automation is implemented, all production control functionality is usually transferred to mechanized and electronic control systems. This approach is most rational if operating modes do not imply changes. In partial form, automation is implemented at individual stages of production or during the mechanization of an autonomous technical component, without requiring the creation of a complex infrastructure for managing the entire process. A comprehensive level of production automation is usually implemented in certain areas - this could be a department, workshop, line, etc. In this case, the operator controls the system itself without affecting the direct work process.

Automated control systems

To begin with, it is important to note that such systems assume complete control over an enterprise, factory or plant. Their functions can extend to a specific piece of equipment, conveyor, workshop or production area. In this case, process automation systems receive and process information from the serviced object and, based on this data, have a corrective effect. For example, if the operation of a production complex does not meet the parameters of technological standards, the system will use special channels to change its operating modes according to the requirements.

Automation objects and their parameters

The main task when introducing means of production mechanization is to maintain the quality parameters of the facility, which will ultimately affect the characteristics of the product. Today, experts try not to delve into the essence of the technical parameters of various objects, since theoretically the implementation of control systems is possible at any component of production. If we consider in this regard the basics of automation of technological processes, then the list of mechanization objects will include the same workshops, conveyors, all kinds of devices and installations. One can only compare the degree of complexity of implementing automation, which depends on the level and scale of the project.

Regarding the parameters with which automatic systems operate, we can distinguish input and output indicators. In the first case, these are the physical characteristics of the product, as well as the properties of the object itself. In the second, these are the direct quality indicators of the finished product.

Regulating technical means

Devices that provide regulation are used in automation systems in the form of special alarms. Depending on their purpose, they can monitor and control various process parameters. In particular, automation of technological processes and production can include alarms for temperature, pressure, flow characteristics, etc. Technically, devices can be implemented as scale-free devices with electrical contact elements at the output.

The operating principle of the control alarms is also different. If we consider the most common temperature devices, we can distinguish manometric, mercury, bimetallic and thermistor models. Structural design, as a rule, is determined by the principle of operation, but operating conditions also have a significant influence on it. Depending on the direction of the enterprise’s work, automation of technological processes and production can be designed taking into account specific operating conditions. For this reason, control devices are developed with a focus on use in conditions high humidity, physical pressure or the effects of chemicals.

Programmable automation systems

The quality of management and control of production processes has noticeably increased against the background of the active supply of enterprises with computing devices and microprocessors. From the point of view industrial needs the capabilities of programmable hardware make it possible not only to provide effective management technological processes, but also to automate design, as well as conduct production tests and experiments.

Computer devices that are used in modern enterprises solve problems of regulation and control of technological processes in real time. Such production automation tools are called computing systems and operate on the principle of aggregation. The systems include unified functional blocks and modules, from which you can create various configurations and adapt the complex to work in certain conditions.

Units and mechanisms in automation systems

The direct execution of work operations is carried out by electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices. According to the principle of operation, the classification involves functional and portion mechanisms. IN food industry Such technologies are usually implemented. Automation of production in this case involves the introduction of electrical and pneumatic mechanisms, the designs of which may include electric drives and regulatory bodies.

Electric motors in automation systems

The basis of actuators is often formed by electric motors. According to the type of control, they can be presented in non-contact and contact versions. Units that are controlled by relay contact devices can change the direction of movement of the working parts when manipulated by the operator, but the speed of operations remains unchanged. If automation and mechanization of technological processes using non-contact devices is assumed, then semiconductor amplifiers are used - electrical or magnetic.

Panels and control panels

To install equipment that must provide control and monitoring production process At enterprises, special consoles and panels are installed. Devices for automatic control and regulation, control and measuring equipment, defense mechanisms, and also various elements communication infrastructure. By design, such a shield can be a metal cabinet or a flat panel on which automation equipment is installed.

The remote control, in turn, is the center for remote control- this is a kind of control room or operator area. It is important to note that automation of technological processes and production should also provide access to maintenance by personnel. It is this function that is largely determined by consoles and panels that allow you to make calculations, evaluate production indicators and generally monitor the work process.

Automation systems design

The main document that serves as a guide for the technological modernization of production for the purpose of automation is the diagram. It displays the structure, parameters and characteristics of devices, which will later act as means of automatic mechanization. In the standard version, the diagram displays the following data:

  • level (scale) of automation at a specific enterprise;
  • determining the operating parameters of the facility, which must be provided with means of control and regulation;
  • control characteristics - full, remote, operator;
  • possibility of blocking actuators and units;
  • configuration of the location of technical equipment, including on consoles and panels.

Auxiliary automation tools

Despite their secondary role, additional devices provide important monitoring and control functions. Thanks to them, the same connection between actuators and a person is ensured. In terms of equipping with auxiliary devices, production automation may include push-button stations, control relays, various switches and command panels. There are many designs and varieties of these devices, but they are all focused on ergonomic and safe control of key units on site.

Automation of technological processes is the reduction or elimination of manual labor spent on installation, clamping and removal of parts, machine control and dimensional control.
Automation is carried out in the following directions:
a) automation of individual machines and units, which is carried out both when designing newly created equipment and when modernizing existing equipment;
b) creation of automatic lines for the manufacture of a specific part or product;
c) organization of automatic workshops and enterprises for the production of products that are produced in large quantities.
Automation of individual machines provides varying degrees of worker participation in the operation. Machines with a semi-automatic cycle are being created, during which the functions of the worker are to install the workpiece, start the machine and remove the processed part. An example would be multi-cutting and gear-cutting lathes and machines with an automatic cycle, equipped with devices that ensure the operation of the machine without the participation of a worker; automatic turning-turrets; machines for grinding the end surfaces of piston rings, etc.

The simplest method of automation is to equip machines with longitudinal and cross stops, dials, measuring rulers, automatic limit switches and switches, automatic devices for editing grinding wheel, hydraulic or pneumatic clamps, loading devices, automatic controls, etc.
Production lines for processing mass-produced parts are created by using equipment with varying degrees of automation. Automatic production lines can be created on the basis of existing equipment by equipping machines with automatic transport and loading means. However, when producing complex parts machined different types, organizing an automatic line based on existing machines can be expensive and difficult. Therefore, most automatic lines are equipped with modular, special-purpose and universal machines, the designs of which include the possibility of including them in automatic lines.
In automatic lines, operators usually work on the first operation (installation of the part) and on last operation(removal of part). The rest of the workers—adjusters—are busy adjusting machines, replacing tools, and troubleshooting problems that arise.

The advantage of automatic lines is the reduction of labor costs, more high performance, reducing the cost of products, shortening the production cycle, the volume of backlogs and reducing the need for production space.
In the automotive and tractor industries, agricultural engineering, production of ball bearings, metal products automatic lines receive everything greater application not only for machining parts, but also for the production of blanks, cold stamping of parts and assembly of components. The design of technological processes for processing parts on automatic machine lines should be carried out taking into account the features of automatic machine maintenance. It is necessary to strive to simplify the line and make it more reliable, to provide for the possibility of creating a certain supply of parts in storage between operations, ensuring the operation of the line when adjusting one of the machines, to facilitate the conditions for changing tools, to ensure good removal chips, availability of units for repair and adjustment. With a large number of operations, it is advisable to divide the line into several parts, combining homogeneous operations (milling, drilling, boring, etc.).
A large place in the automation of technological processes is occupied by the introduction of machines, units and lines with program control. The simplest method of program control on automatic and semi-automatic lathes is to control all movements of the machine parts using camshafts with cams. The setting of the camshaft and cams determines the operating program of the machine.

On copy-milling, hydro- and electric-copying lathes, the caliper movement program is set by a copier. Machines are produced in which the program for moving the working parts is drawn up in the form of a perforated card and entered into the reading machine. This device transmits via electronic device commands to actuators, including certain mechanisms of the machine. Machine tools in which the program is recorded on magnetic tape have a similar device. The recording of the program of movements of the working bodies on such machines can be done when processing the first part by a highly qualified worker; the program is then played back an unlimited number of times by the reading machine.

Automatic lines from many machines also operate as program controlled machines. The program of these lines is set by setting the system of limit switches, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic relays and other equipment. Machine tools and automatic lines are becoming widespread, in which the control of the working parts is carried out by computers operating according to a given program.
Computer-controlled machines provide automation of the processing process, reduce processing time, and increase labor productivity. Changeover of computer-controlled machines that work with punched cards or magnetic tape does not require much time. This allows you to automate the manufacturing processes of parts produced in small batches.

The material of the article is written on the basis of the literary source "Production Technology of Internal Combustion Engines" M. L. Yagudin