There was a chance what a statement for a man. Statuses about chance. The best sayings and aphorisms about a chance in life

As you know, Google knows everything. Both men and women use this successfully. And of course, they look for the most secret and intimate things there. An interesting selection of the most frequent requests unexpectedly suggests that the fair half of humanity is much more intensely interested in sex issues. It turns out that the statistics about men are lying: every 7 minutes they think about how and with whom to sleep

Read more: “All men are womanizers” is a myth

There is no need to make poor men out of them! They, like women, want love and stability in relationships. If he “had a lot of women”, it means that he didn’t want to, couldn’t, and, most importantly, didn’t manage to build a relationship with anyone; this is an absolutely childish position.

Men who often change women lose their masculine nature and waste themselves.

He came to one woman - she had her own smell, her own physiological characteristics, her own habits, her own way of looking at things, and so on. He walked around the edge and “smeared” something, took something from her, whether you like it or not. Then he goes to another - history repeats itself, only the second one has a completely different smell and different characteristics. He changed five women - and he as a person is gone. There is a foreign smell, foreign thoughts, everything is foreign. Because each one “marks” and leaves its mark. And the man leaves too, of course. That's why prostitutes are faceless. Therefore, gigolos resemble women in their manner of being liked.

A man takes his woman by the hand, says: “I know how, let’s go,” and leads her away. He doesn’t need others, because she complements him perfectly, together they are a whole. They have such powerful energy that you can’t break it with anything, the two of them are a strong family.

A man and a woman are an ideal whole. But it is impossible to be half of many entities at once. The whole can be made only with the person you trust, whom you fully accept, whose views you share. Everything else is deviations.

This is the same as putting 5, 10 or 20 other people's plates in front of you and forcing you to eat from them.

There is no need to tell stories about whores who are happy and satisfied with life. This doesn't happen. The body is very personal and the most precious of all material things that a person has. A man protects his organ day and night, covers it first and foremost. And if he shoves it anywhere without thinking, then this is HIS ATTITUDE TO HIMSELF. He doesn’t care about himself (his health, his life). Then why do I or any other woman need such a man?

Such a person has everything written on his face. No one needs a whore-interceptor. Even my wife. Because he, just like a woman prostitute, walks around and offers himself to everyone. This is an internal fear: “Nobody needs me (nobody needs me)”; “I’m afraid to admit to myself that they don’t take me. I don’t know how to build strong relationships. I can’t leave a single woman nearby. I can’t build close relationships with anyone.” This is a position of underdevelopment, a state of inferiority and internal deficiency: “I couldn’t cope. I haven’t realized myself and I’m looking for confirmation from the outside that I’m a man, because I don’t find this confirmation in myself. But I don’t want to admit that I’m poor, so I invent a story for myself and I tell everyone that I just “love having new women all the time.”

Every man and every woman wants to be nearby close person, whom you can trust. There is no one who would not like to feel a covered back, to know the feeling of security.

A man is polygamous only if a woman cannot give him the necessary support for self-realization. Then he will begin to look for the one who will nourish him so that he can “rise.” It is in his nature to internal development in order to obtain material. And for this he needs strength. A woman gives these strengths with her sincere love, care, understanding and acceptance. She says: “You will succeed, I have no doubt. You are my best. As you order, so it will be.” On the one hand, she places responsibility on him, on the other, she thereby confirms her faith in him, “columns”: “And you can do this, and you can do this,” she sincerely believes so. She conveys this faith to him. And then he will give her everything; the man himself, by and large, does not need anything. He goes to great lengths for her sake. So that she says: “You’re great for me. I can’t live without you. Thank you for having me.”

Everything else is a variant of manipulation and, as they say, “from the evil one.”


If you are trying to understand the reason why a girl changes boyfriends like gloves, you should understand that there are several of them. One of these reasons is a lack of male attention. Maybe back in school years This representative of the fair sex was not at all popular among her peers, perhaps they considered her not beautiful enough, unattractive. Over time, when such girls blossom, they begin to desperately make up for the lack of attention to themselves from the stronger half of humanity.

Some girls, constantly changing partners, try to increase their self-esteem or even their sense of self-importance. They love one man after another and at the same time feel their beauty, necessity and power over. Each new victim is another tick and addition to the list. Self-affirmation is the goal of such behavior.

Another reason that pushes girls into new relationships is the constant desire for new emotions and adrenaline. It is known that the former romance fades away over time, and is replaced by routine and everyday life. Not all representatives of the fairer sex are ready to endure a monotonous and boring life. That is why they easily break ties with ex-boyfriends and are looking for themselves new love, which, most likely, will not last long, but emotions will again go through the roof at first. Such girls do not really need a connection with men; they are more concerned about the feelings that they will experience in the process of conquering them. Out of boredom, a woman simply wants to fall in love, and for her it does not matter at all whether this new love will be mutual or not, it is important that her soul does not feel emptiness, loneliness and indifference.

In addition, such behavior can be seen in those ladies who have fallen into despair and are trying at all costs to find ideal man. Perhaps they are already ready for a serious relationship, so they have set high criteria for the candidate for the role of lover. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex meet these criteria, therefore, having discovered shortcomings in a new partner, the girl does not waste time on him, but goes on another search. You should not condemn women for such behavior and label her as a slut, because a relationship with a guy does not necessarily imply an intimate relationship. Think about it, maybe, apart from a few dates, these young people had nothing in common at all.

Tip 2: What do you call someone who changes women like gloves?

Some men change their lovers with enviable speed and create new relationships. They are not selective and are in constant search for ideals unknown even to themselves. In society, such gentlemen are called differently.


A man who changes women like gloves shows an increased interest in the female sex. Basically, he likes every woman in the world, but he doesn't love any of them. The womanizer is in constant creative search, quickly falls in love with the girl, but also quickly becomes disillusioned with her and loses all interest in the further development of the relationship.

By nature, a womanizer is endowed with the qualities of a romantic and an idealist. At first, he readily sees something beautiful in a banal feature of a new acquaintance, but soon he notices her imperfections in other aspects of life, and his feelings cool down. Womanizers, not noticing their shortcomings, do not want to put up with other people's shortcomings and begin new searches in the hope of meeting their ideal.

Don Juan

Men who change women like gloves are often called Don Juans. They cannot stand stability and monotony in personal relationships and make acquaintances solely for the purpose of having fun. They are aware of their wanderlust nature, so they show no interest in learning personal qualities acquaintance. Don Juans, realizing that tomorrow they will look for a new “victim,” do not even remember the name of the previous one.

However, some of them, on the contrary, have a need for self-affirmation, and they find nothing better for this purpose than to keep statistics of their adventures, recording a list of names. They believe that the number of women they defeat increases their authority in the eyes of others. As a rule, among their close circle there are friends with similar views, so all ambitions come down to competition for statistics. Sincere feelings are not typical for such people; they are interested in excitement and entertainment. Don Juans are adventurers who have no moral values.


Lovelaces also change their women quite quickly. Still, this does not happen as quickly and rapidly as in the cases of womanizers and Don Juans. Because ladies' men are attracted not by the quantitative result, but by the process of achieving the goal itself. They like flirting and playing, they strive to charm their new passion. The end result is that they are pleased to see someone falling in love. For them, this is direct proof of their acting talent and personal excellence. Falling in love and admiration greatly warm the soul of womanizers, because they love to be the center of attention. Lovelace is generous with compliments, courteous and attentive.

In essence, such a seducer is a failed actor and romantic: he likes the process of setting the script and dramatic acting, but as soon as the woman finally falls in love with him, he realizes the inevitability

Many women become disappointed in love after their beloved man leaves them. Meanwhile, there are some men who, due to their character type, do not know how to care for only one woman. To understand why they constantly change women, you need to study their attitude towards their mother, sister and other women. Often these men grew up in families where there was no example of respect for women.

Boys who don't got used to it overcome difficulties on their own and do not respect women, grow up to be loving men. Since childhood, they have become accustomed to being surrounded by feminine love and attention, but they were not taught to take care of their mother and other women. Such a child adult life will demand from women only love and care, and he simply cannot make efforts to make her happy due to his improper upbringing.

As soon as they don’t call such men women- heartthrobs, womanizers, ladies' men, Casanovas, machos. But they are all the same and attract many women with their charm, appearance and eloquence. Why do girls fall in love with a womanizer, because there are many serious and decent men around? The answer is simple, every girl believes that she is the one who can make him fall in love with her and change his attitude towards women. To understand whether it is possible to make a womanizer fall in love with you and become the only woman for him, you need to determine what type of womanizer the man is.

There are two types of womanizers: gatherers and hunters. Gatherers are interested in the number of women they conquer, while hunters are after quality. The collectors are ready to have sex with any girl, as long as she agrees. It is important for him to mentally count: “Aha, this is the hundredth!” Such a man wants to prove to himself and others his importance; his main goal is not to make a girl fall in love with him, but to distinguish himself from others and feel like a “hero”.

To the womanizer-hunter The process of conquering a woman is interesting. He won't get carried away simple girls, give him an inaccessible and elegant girl. The hunter spends a long time and recklessly seducing a woman who maintains virginal purity or fidelity to her husband, but having achieved his goal, he instantly disappears. Continuing to court a woman who fell in love with him is as pointless for him as breaking into an open door.

Psychologists I have always been interested in the behavior of men who constantly change. So, according to the famous psychologist Alexander Sviyash, a womanizer is controlled by instincts, and the mind has little control over them. This is due to the fact that men who often change women have a strongly expressed animal nature.

By character womanizers very impulsive, they are always aimed at satisfying their animal instinct - to impregnate as many females as possible. ABOUT possible consequences They don’t think about their behavior. They also behave unmanly in family life. Their attitude towards their wife and children is domineering and aggressive. It is useless for such a man to read lectures and demand from him a responsible attitude towards life. He will go for walks even after the wedding, simply because there are a lot of people around beautiful women, which attract his attention and he wants to satisfy his animal instinct.

Fall in love with someone like this womanizer impossible because he doesn't know how to think with his head. Living with such a womanizer, a woman can only endure and come to terms, or seek help from a professional therapist. Psychotherapist Nikolai Naritsyn believes that insecure men who are afraid of being rejected and abandoned become womanizers. Usually they have already given up on love, having experienced the painful experience of betrayal or betrayal on the part of their beloved. Playing the role of an irresistible Casanova, these men, deep down, are very unhappy and lonely. To take revenge on the one and make her regret leaving him, he changes women like gloves. Making such a womanizer fall in love again is difficult, but possible. You just have to try to understand him and help him get rid of the pain.

Incorrigible womanizer can be recognized already at the first meeting. He is very charming and friendly to you, but is constantly concerned about the impression he has on other women. He will never tell you about his personal life, and will also not be interested in yours. But a womanizer cannot hide his nature, so during friendly gatherings he will generously give signs of attention not only to you, but also to other women.

Not accept Such antics of men for their nobility and gallant attitude towards women. A womanizer's movements will be different from the polite behavior of a well-mannered man; he will certainly take a lady by the hand, constantly look sideways and look at the slender legs of other women.

Womanizer- this is the type of man who loves himself, not women. He builds all his relationships according to calculation, only in order to benefit him. It is almost impossible to correct a womanizer, so before you lie down with a man, first check for his lice, find out if he is serious about you. Don't expect that you will surprise him with great sex and he will love you.

If you are trapped womanizer, then after the first night, promise to call him, and don’t call him again or write SMS. If he doesn’t call you, then you need to forget him, especially since this is not the type of man you should cry and be upset about. And best of all, try not to fall in love with a womanizer, since the lesson that you learn from this love can leave an indelible wound in your life.

A world in which there are no real feelings left, a world in which everyone is pretending, a world in which the only chance to live is to hold tightly to real feelings.

There is always a chance as long as there are feelings.

I always give people a second chance and never a third. Having done it once, a person understands whether he likes it or not. And if a person repeats it, it means he likes it, and he will always repeat it.

Sometimes when you give a person a second chance, you give him another bullet if he missed the first time...

Every day is another chance to change your life!

Everything will be fine, everything will be cool, life gives us a chance every minute.

There is only one chance in life. If you fight, then fight to the end!

People tend to make mistakes, they learn from mistakes, you need to be able to forgive and give a second chance. But if it happens again, it has not passed the test of strength, it is not real. You need to cut such people out of your life. Once and for all.

If a woman says to you “What?” it's not because she didn't hear you. It simply gives you a chance to change what you said.

There are people who are ready to give a second chance their entire lives. Just so that they are close.

If this is fate, then love will give you another chance!

Love and be loved... if you are nearby, then it is destined to be so, life has given you a chance to show what LOVE is!

I wonder how we would live if we had the chance to lie only once in our lives?

Time gives a chance...

There are people who can be given a 10th chance, and there are those for whom even the 1st was clearly unnecessary!

Give me a chance to start over with a clean slate...

Don't give them a second chance, let them appreciate the first.

The basic principle: in any case, at any time, any man has a chance to turn the head of any woman. It is important to find an approach.

– Do you know what’s wonderful about today? Today I had the chance to fall in love with you again...

Every moment is another chance to make a 180 degree turn!

You don't stand a chance. At all. You don't even stand a chance.

Know how to give people a second chance, because someday you will need it too.

If you're bisexual, your chances of having a good evening are doubled. :)

The chances can be given endlessly. Say “no” once...

Always take every chance you have...everything. Even if you think there is no chance...

Everyone is given a chance to be happy, but not everyone is given the opportunity to understand that this is exactly the happiness that he was waiting for.

Sometimes you come across such slippery chances that you can’t hold them even with a tight grip.

The chances you miss are all so beautiful. And those that do get are shabby and unsightly.

Give luck at least one chance.

It's better to regret what you did than what you didn't do.

Knock-knock. Who's there? Your chance. You're lying. Why? Chance doesn't knock twice...

Don't forget that every morning is a chance to start life anew.

If you eat a lot, the excess is stored as fat. If you eat little, your body thinks that hard times are coming and begins to accumulate fat. Neither one chance Damn, not a chance!

Nikita Dzhigurda shouted, “Strike me with thunder,” and God realized that such a chance comes once in a lifetime.

If a man has no chance to sleep with a woman, then he has no choice but to be an honest and devoted husband.

We don’t give a second chance to people, we give a second chance to ourselves, because it’s too difficult to sit down and tell yourself honestly: yes, I was wrong about this person.

But it’s interesting that in the entire history of mankind, has there been at least one case when a person went crazy while studying for an exam? I'm wondering if I have a chance to get into the Guinness Book of Records for this problem? 0_o

Ranetki is a children's chanson.

The meaning of the New Year is to get another chance. A chance to do better, more, love stronger, forgive and not worry about what would have been different, but perceive life as it is.

If in an argument with a girl you are armed only with logic, facts and common sense- you have no chance.

Money and stupidity give the greatest chances of winning elections.

At least the chances are zero. There is still a bag full of hope.

How worse person copes with the job, the less chance of getting rid of it.

Don’t think that life goes in circles, that everything will come back more than once. quickly kiss the devoted hand, drown in the depths of your beloved eyes. Don't miss out on fall, winter, summer. Don't miss your chance for happiness.

Rarely does anyone get the chance to keep a cut diamond with their own hands! So let's drink to ensure that the diamond we cut remains in our hands!!!

don't give them a second chance, let them appreciate the first.

I won't give you an eighth chance! Understood?!

Life gives us a lot of chances, but often we are just too lazy to swim

Love as if it’s the last day of your life, smile - don’t be sad, don’t scream - then you’ll regret it. Every new day is another chance for you

Stop missing summer! You're just as likely to find adventure in the fall!

You won't know how strong you are until you have the chance to prove it.

In order not to miss your chance and find love for life, you need to take the first step on time, maybe it will be the most important in your life. Think about it.

And our chances of losing each other again are zero.

The more you love a person, the greater the chances that you will be truly happy.

In summer, on the beach, it is best to meet an untanned girl. She's just at the beginning summer holiday and you will have a chance to teach her to swim.

You can try to awaken tired feelings and there is a chance that they will flare up again. But never killed.

You cannot betray the One who gave you a chance. You can't turn your back and say I'll come back later. Later may not come.

Only with a child do we have a chance to return to magical world: re-read fairy tales, watch children's films and see the world in bright colors.

Luck comes when you have a constant willingness to take advantage of a chance.

In a family where people know how to negotiate, there is always a chance to continue the game.

It’s stupid not to take the chance and change everything if you have it. just because you're afraid.

A loved one must be reliable - like a control shot and the only one - like a last chance.

When you think life has turned its back on you, look at it from a different perspective. Always remember, when life gives you another chance, you will succeed!

New Year- the only holiday when a drunk man, who has confused the apartment and even the city, has every chance of winning the owner of the apartment from a normal man.

If a woman says to you "What?" it's not because she didn't hear you. It simply gives you a chance to change what you said.

The upcoming New Year of the Monkey gives us another chance. turn into a human.

Don't give people a second chance, because they will give you such an experience that then no one will even get a first chance from you.

My family is not perfect, but if I had a chance to choose another, I would choose MY FAMILY again and again!!!

You know, it happens that you look and understand: here he is “your man,” but there is no chance for him and there cannot be.

Giving chances to a person who betrayed you is probably the same as giving a second bullet to someone who didn’t hit you the first time.

God created women different, and Mendeleev gave each one a chance.

If you hear the alarm clock ringing in the morning, just smile. And there will be a chance that this day will be the most beautiful day of your life.

A person should always be given a second chance, but not a third.

There is always a chance as long as there are feelings.

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What difference does it make what happens tomorrow? The main thing is what is happening today and now! Don't miss your chance. (With)

A man has a better chance of finding happiness than a woman. Because there are much more women in the world who know how to love than men worthy of love.

New Year is a chance for one night a year to become small again and believe in miracles.

Even if there is no longer any chance, there is still a chance that they will appear.

Even if you are loved for who you are, don’t miss your chance to become better.

I’m not looking for anything... I found what I wanted... something I can do without... I’ve lost... All that’s left is what’s important... I’m not looking for the meaning of life - it’s in me... I’m not waiting for a second chance - the first one hasn’t been used yet... I don’t regret anything - this can't be fixed...