Give me the strength to be strong statuses. Statuses about the strength of spirit of character. Statuses about prayers

Women have a fortitude that cannot be matched by the valor of men.

The strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation, and that all disagreements can be resolved.

No matter how strong a woman is in character, she becomes weak next to strong man... But she feels protected! Isn't this happiness?)

Tears characterize not so much the strength of a person’s spirit as his soul... Sometimes they cry and are very strong-willed People…

All hopes die only for the weak in spirit.

How is wisdom measured? Was it through years lived, through tears, through experience? - More like happiness...

The word is like the wind different temperatures and the nature of the impact, but a word is not wind, once spoken, it retains its power for many years and leaves a mark on the soul.

Love your problems to death!

Of all the types of weapons that have been invented by man, the most frightening and most terrifying is the word, which can unnoticed destroy or elevate a person!

Everyone has the right to a moment of weakness, but depending on the strength of spirit, for some this minute turns into years, while for others it is reduced to a second.

Whoever comes to us with a sword, we will hit him with a brick.

Surround me with your tenderness and I will become your strength.

For a woman, the strength of her man is determined by her confidence in him.

Lean on me and I will feel the strength...

All people know their weaknesses, but only the strong in spirit are able to fight with themselves and win!

"Let yourself breathe full breasts and don't force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength.”

When you don’t have the strength to raise your face towards the snowstorm, you need to close your eyes... smile... and FEEL the sun in your soul... and the strength will come...

Don't have the strength for the last step? Jump and you will find out how much you underestimated yourself.

Alcohol is for the weak... The strong enjoy depression.

Words coming from the soul have magical power - they console, encourage, heal!!!

The more I see how people deceive each other, the more often I ask the question: Is the inability to deceive a strength or a weakness?

A strong will breaks through rocks.

It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive.

It is impossible to take by force what cannot be obtained by love.

The life of many will survive, only strong individuals remain, whatever one may say...

A woman is only as strong as her relationship with the man she loves.

There comes a time in the life of almost every woman when you want to feel weak so much that you have to be strong to control yourself...

Strength is not justice, justice is strength!

Despite everything, Be Happy!!!

We are RUSSIAN and let the enemy forever remember that only then do we kneel when we kiss the RUSSIAN flag!

The willpower of the weak is called stubbornness.

Life is a very fragile thing. Sometimes the strength of your spirit alone may not be enough to overcome difficulties. But the love of your neighbors can work wonders.

They don’t negotiate with the weak; they dictate terms to the weak.

The word has great power: with one word a person can be raised to heaven, and in the same way, with just one word one can cast him into the abyss... Be careful with words! Think before you say anything...

Courage is not in the strength of the hand or the art of wielding a sword, courage is in controlling oneself and being fair.

A strong woman is born when a weak one has died... and more often, when “she” has been killed...

“There is nothing in the world weaker and more delicate than water, but it can destroy the hardest object!”

A woman needs to be enough strong character in life, to preserve yourself, weak...

Trouble is for someone who is smart but not endowed with a strong character.

Not a single animal can cripple a person the way its relatives can - in a word...

Let the clouds be gloomy, but smile and never, never give up! Statuses about fortitude of character

It is much easier to offend and drive away than to call back and obey.

A healthy lifestyle is, like, fashionable now! I, too, have all quit smoking: friends, guys at work... I’m the only one holding on! This is what I understand - willpower!

A woman seeks power, not money. And it’s not her fault that some semblance of power remains only in money.

Don't be afraid of challenges in life. Strong winds only break weak trees.

While you are waiting for the second wind to open, the main thing is not to close the first...

A woman is just as “adorned” by strength as a man is by weakness.

Strength is in loyalty, and you are so weak.

Strong in spirit is the one who has walked the road of despair and emerged with faith in himself...

Hate can be inherited, love can never be inherited.

It was not a hammer and a chisel that gave the perfect shape to these stones, but water—its softness, its dance, its melody. Where strength can only destroy, gentleness can sculpt.

You and I have a special thing, if we combine them, our lives will not be boring.

The Guardian Angel also sees those who have fallen... it’s just that in this situation it is difficult to help and reach out with your hand to the one who has lowered his hands.

There is nothing stronger than real tenderness; there is nothing more tender than real strength...

A girl who has the willpower to grow bangs is capable of anything!

The strong one is not the one who does not cry. The strong one is the one who smiles through his tears.

- You always smile, hum, and look great! My soul rejoices for you!
- Oh, you're the one who still got me GOOD mood did not see!

I can elevate you with words... I can also destroy you with them...

The main strength in a person is the strength of spirit.

While the indecisive are plunged into doubt, the determined are plunged into happiness.

For strong man there is no good and no evil. There is only a goal.

Am I strong? Strong for now reliable support nearby, always supporting with a word, a look!

A weak character will whine from blows, a strong one will draw inspiration.

The worst thing for a gossip is... when you agree with him)
As a rule, gossipers are people who feed on other people's energy. And if you deprive them of this energy, they will wither and gradually dry out on their own...

A sense of humor is one of the indicators of vitality. And that’s why it makes you so happy in yourself and attracts others...

Strength is not that you shout that you are right, but that you remain silent about it.

If you have the desire and will, there will always be a path along which you can fulfill your dream.

Willpower is the most powerful global weapon for fighting yourself...

Strength doesn't lie where you expect it! - A herd of wild sheep is much stronger than a pack of wolves, but the strength of wolves is that they are not afraid to walk alone!

There are more disabled people among the healthy than there are disabled people among the sick)))

The skunk is the animal with the most developed fortitude.

It doesn’t take long to scold a person, but little benefit comes out of it.

Strong is not the one who is not afraid of death, but the strong one who is not afraid to live...

Beauty is a terrible force! Should I go to the salon and get some exercise...

Strength is excellent without mind. But mind without strength is impossible. Without strength you can’t even turn the page of a book.

How infinitely wrong is the person who thinks that the world can be conquered by force.

The strength of a person's character is determined by the number of weaknesses he has forgiven.

In anger, the strong spit in the face, and the weak in the back.

Moral power, like thought, is limitless.

The weak look for someone to blame, but the strong find a way out! The weak become depressed because of their problems, but the strong are considered!

I won’t stop waiting... I won’t stop believing... because I am driven by LOVE))))

Love, no less than pain, makes us stronger...

The weak run in packs, the strong walk alone)))

We are like newborn children. Our strength is to grow.

Strength of character, regardless of its content, is an irreplaceable treasure. It is drawn solely from natural sources soul, and education should most of all protect this strength, as the basis of all human dignity.

He who is able to forgive is majestic. This is the destiny of only the strong at heart.

Willpower is measured in kilograms for a woman, and in liters for a man.

It is better to be soft on the outside and hard on the inside than hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

Statuses about fortitude of character

The truly strong do not show off their strength.

It’s good to be strong, but people are more united by weaknesses than by strength. Calmness is the greatest manifestation of strength.

5 (100%) 1 vote[s]

Freedom is powerless when the power of freedom is reduced to the freedom of force.

No one knows what his powers are until he uses them.

Sometimes power takes precedence over reason.

All hopes die only for the weak in spirit.

The strength of the body surprises crowds of people, the strength of the mind surprises entire nations, and the strength of spirit surprises generation after generation.

There is a force of aspiration in the human will that turns the fog within us into the sun.

Statuses about willpower

A strong will breaks through rocks.

I have fantastic willpower: I can do absolutely nothing!

Human will is power over powers.

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and don’t force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength.

I can resist everything except temptation.

Knowledge, as the saying goes, is power. But you have strength, you don’t need intelligence!

The power of boobs is great! o_o

I only ask for patience and strength to walk this road, to see the sky, the horizon and my mother’s glorious smile.

How can you test my patience for so long? Someday it will end the same way the wait for your conscience to appear ended.

Do you like that I don't write? Okay, sunshine, I won't. At the same time, we will find out who has more patience. So bye!

We have such a strange system in the country that many people don’t understand when we will get out of the crisis. We look forward to the government's announcement.

Best status:
Previously, to maintain love and peace in the family, it was necessary to endure, love and understand. Now all we need is a couple of computers and televisions.

It is very rare to find a person whom you can tenderly love, admire, catch every glance and look forward to.

Jealousy is a terrible thing. And nothing can be done about it. She's killing mine best qualities: understanding, love, patience and sound thinking.

Enough of the ignoramuses! With their hopes, without regrets, everyone is the same. Your patience has run out, your time has passed.

I’m infuriated by the dull uncertainty, the feeling of limbo (in all areas of life)... I want concreteness - yes or no... patience on its last legs...

How much patience do you need to have, So as not to call you, I know it will be better, Just forget you.

I would like some patience. RIGHT NOW!!!

Reason brings misfortunes, courage fights them, patience and faith win

if you want to be close, be patient.

Summer, come back soon, we are all looking forward to seeing you!!!

- Honestly. what do you feel for me? - patience.

Patience and work - everything is a break...

So tired - alone, breaking my wings, fighting for love...

If you love, you will endure a lot... But someday patience ends...

I say that I don’t love and am not even in love, but why am I so eagerly waiting for you online?

I love, I endure, I appreciate... But even my angelic patience will come to an end...

Today I received a notification from nervous system: “You have exhausted the free disk space of your patience.”

I would buy myself a certificate for unlimited patience

All the guys, my patience has run out, now I will be with you like with toys, just playing... As you do to us, so will I!!!

The inscription in the free blank cutter “Record – 46.1%” I’m looking forward to 100

I will wait forever...give me the strength to be patient...and I’m here at your feet...

I’ve been putting the puzzle together for four days... Who said it develops calmness and patience? I'm already hammering these squares in with my fist, damn!!

I've saved so much for a rainy day that I'm looking forward to it...

We are just classmates, but when we meet, my heart skips a few beats. And in the evening I look forward to a message from him... but we are just classmates...

Hellish patience leads to heaven.

you and I are two fools with failed personal lives, playing apps and looking forward to spring)

Patience is well-packed nerves...

The limit of trust and patience has been exhausted, the “don’t care” mode is activated...

Be patient - buy three liters of valerian.

IN family life the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long.

For happiness in the family you need: love, tenderness, patience, respect, understanding and 2 computers.

When the cup of patience is overflowing, there is only one thing left to do - to drink too much. (With)

In Russia, the cup of patience is measured in glasses.

I would buy myself a certificate for unlimited patience.

When we are alone, we look forward to love. And when love comes to us, we realize with horror that our freedom ends here.

Christ is Risen! Orthodox brothers and sisters, good health, patience, good luck and perseverance in good deeds! Christ is Risen!!!†.

Patience and hard work don't suit me

Do whatever you want and over time life will allow you to do whatever you want!

Sometimes we turn off all our phones so that no one will disturb us. And sometimes we sit surrounded by telephone receivers, unable to breathe, trembling with impatience...

You need to have hellish patience to have an angelic character.

Patience - great power. When it bursts.

Patience is endless, the problem is that it is drowned out by common sense.

and so many thoughts in my head. and only the heart says what gives patience to the body.

“My patience lasts only as long as the player is charged.”

his limit of patience with me is very great, I’m grateful for that

Now for me your text messages are like delayed periods. I look forward to it and rejoice like a child when they arrive!

I still love you, my dear.. I look forward to our meeting!!!=*

wish to the guy: may God grant him patience with me))

5 years at the institute flew by like 5 minutes. I have enough patience, let them fuck others now!

You will learn to endure. After all, love is largely patience, learn to forgive, learn to speak, learn to be silent. Learn to love.

To have an angelic character, you need to have devilish patience...

Where patience ends, endurance begins.

don’t test my patience, I’ll crush you, step over you and move on without turning around...

Sometimes we can achieve more with our patience than with force...

The real sign by which you can recognize a true sage is patience.

A mother’s patience, like a tube of toothpaste, never ends completely... take care of your mothers... because this is the most precious thing we have...

Patience is the adornment of a man, modesty is the adornment of a woman.

God! Give me patience, but just quickly!

I have no more tears, no emotions, no patience... I can’t do anything like open the window and greedily swallow air and instead of crying, sob quietly...

We can achieve more with patience than with force.

Lord, grant me patience! Now! This very minute!

The Internet is a big garbage dump and to find something valuable here you need to be patient

Those who have patience are able to create silk from leaves and honey from rose petals.

Lord, give me the strength to change what I can, patience to come to terms with the inevitable and wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Tell me the address of the pharmacy where I can buy drops for jealousy, a pill of patience, lollipops of hope, and a dose of painkiller for a wounded heart?

Patience and work do more than strength and money.

God, give me wisdom to understand a man, patience to love him, and peace to live with him. Mind you, Lord, I’m not asking for strength, otherwise I’ll beat the hell out of him.

Patience and work will fray your brains.

Patience is not a stone, it can burst, it can slam the cuckoo off your foot!

Kindness is patience well stretched!

I feel that soon my patience will win in the fight against my feelings for you, and you will smoothly, but confidently and quickly go to hell to rest.

With stupid impatience, I opened the door and saw him - my personal miracle. (c)

Infinite patience gives instant results.

With stupid impatience, I opened the door and saw him - my personal miracle.

My patience lasts only as long as the player is charged.

Patience, of course, is a powerful weapon, but sometimes you begin to regret that it is not a firearm.

Patience and work will fray your brains.

There is a remedy for every pain – patience.

Patience and work don't suit me.

Sometimes I want to spit on my intelligent upbringing and bend it with such three-story obscenities so that everyone understands: my patience is not a constant concept!

Loud laughter.. Change of mood.. Training the nerves of my patience..

To have an angelic character you must have devilish patience...

Getting what you want is the reward for being patient and waiting.

And so many thoughts in my head. and only the heart says what gives patience to the body.

This is the fourth day I’ve been putting together a puzzle... Who said that this develops calmness and patience? I’m already hammering these squares in with my fist, damn!!!

for happiness in the family you need: love, tenderness, patience, respect, understanding and 2 computers.

Wish to the guy: God grant him patience with me))

It sucks when you write to a guy that you like him, it’s interesting to communicate with him, that you miss him very much and are looking forward to meeting you again, and he replies “yes, that would be cool.”

Yes, I need to erect a monument for my patience... I still haven’t sent you

It would be nice to stock up on everything in the world, both patience and cooking...

He taught me to be gentle with my hands. to impatience to greedily love always. and I trusted your lips. It seemed to me that all this was forever...

Loud laughter. Changes in mood. Training of nerves, my patience. She is like a genius, she knows what and how, whether I was a fool, whether I was deceived or how.

Everything about religion and faith - “statuses of prayer to God” with detailed description and photographs.

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Statuses about prayers

Here, in the world of people, you can give time, money, prayer - and get nothing in return.

If the children's prayers had been fulfilled, not a single teacher would have survived.

Holy night. The temple is flooded with lights. The prayers of sinners ascend to heaven, like burning incense on an altar. Christ is risen! Truly risen!

The first seven years a child needs to be loved, the second seven years he needs to be raised, the third seven years he needs to be himself. best friend, and then let him go and pray that everything will be fine for him.

The only thing I advise you to do behind my back is to pray!

The prices for medicine are such that people again began treatment with prayers and raspberries.

Without taking his eyes off the table on which lay: nails, eyelashes, a wig. He cried and prayed: “Lord, save me from what is about to come out of the bath!”

Mothers have a sacred office in the world - to pray for their gifted children.

They say the prayer of the mother of all prayers is strongest. He prays with his heart to the creator for his children. Give everyone, God, only peace and have a nice day. So that health is nearby. Take care of my children.

Baptize children on the road, wishing them happiness and goodness, because mother's prayer they are protected like armor.

Prayer is born not of faith, but of fear.

When sending your children on the road, baptize them, wishing them happiness and goodness. After all, maternal prayer will be protection, like armor. is the number one status site. All statuses on one site, best statuses online. Every day we add 100 new statuses about life and love, cool and funny.

Statuses of prayer to God

Cool audio greetings for every day!

Happy birthday

Statuses of prayer

When I see this new life, these shifts, I don’t want to smile, I want to pray.

People. Let us all pray together at least once a day so that on this earth there will be no orphans, sick children, starving children... only together we are POWER. Thank you for your prayers.

The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

I thank you for what I have in life and three times for everything I don’t have!

Poverty today is a deity, praying to him, you forgot about everything. There is so much boldness and fervor in prayer. And tomorrow it will become sad and funny.

My beloved Lord. Clean my brain tonight, erase my memory, take away this feeling that is unnecessary to me - Love! I can't bear it alone. Only two can carry it... Just love me, Lord, a little more and save me from this! You taught me too naively and literally, because just recently I was telling everyone and everywhere that I don’t believe in Love! I understand your lesson, Lord! I think I understand!

Burn, my candle, don’t go out...

My sins are not so grave.

If you want to make someone angry, tell them you will pray for them.

The Jesus Prayer cannot be strong without strong sorrows.

God does not have insomnia, he would sleep like a log, but at night whores and bandits pray to him.

I need to go to God, pray, tell me why I can’t sleep, who I’m thinking about, who I want to pray for. Whose faces I see before going to sleep, what does it mean to me - he. How he frowns when he’s angry, how he kisses your nose and how he strokes his hair. And as if in a whisper, he says my name in his ear, until he trembles, God, I’ll tell you later...

Deliver me, Lord, from the desire to change anything here!

The world is perfect from creation, we just need to find our way.

Words have energetic power. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The word heals, and the word cripples.” A kind words Moreover, the words of prayer can change a person’s entire life.

I don't know how to pray. I have only two prayers: “Lord, help!” - for the most difficult, terrible hour and “Thank you, Lord!” - for the brightest and most joyful. Now they don't fit.

We pray to God to illuminate our path: “Give us light, O all-good Lord! The nightmare of war does not let us sleep.” But on our teeth we have the flesh of dead animals...

More tears are shed from answered prayers than from unheard ones.

Great God! Give me the strength to finish my earthly journey myself. Don’t be a burden until the grave - so that they don’t suffer with me. And don’t deprive someone of your sanity and common sense before parting. So that I myself am responsible for all my actions. God forbid that I should lose my sight, that my heart should become stale and callous. Don't let despair and forgetfulness of hope die first. Amen.

God bless all those I love.

We pray for mercy, and this prayer should teach us to respect merciful actions.

I pray, Lord! Bless the family - our little shelter...

Bless Us all - for life, health, happiness, work...

I am your soldier, my post is difficult, but only he and only you will give me strength, courage, growth, movement, joy and dreams.

And every day, and every hour I strive for You again and again...

I pray, on bended knees, Blessings on - LOVE

Some thoughts are already prayers. There are moments when the soul is on its knees, no matter what position the body is in...

Now I’m not praying for you, but I’m praying to heaven for you.

When going to war, pray; when going to sea, pray twice as much; If you want to get married, pray three times.

If the heart does not pray, the tongue labors in vain.

Prayer “for” is begging. Prayer “against” is doom. Prayer “for” is an unfulfilled hope. For a truly free person, his whole life becomes his only prayer.

Lord, give health to all my enemies and offenders. Lord forgive them their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and may everything be fine with them. Amen Amen Amen.

MAT-prayer to Satan and insult to the Mother of God! Don't be surprised by the troubles in your life.

LORD! Give me strength and pride to overcome these difficulties!

I pray for you, But not with words - with the prayer of my heart. I breathe only by loving, I can’t escape love anywhere. The days are fast - We will lose to them in the race. Save love - (What we build, we often break)... You know that there is one who has long been married to the sky. She's not a dream. She is only the Moon... my woman!

Prayer must remain unanswered, otherwise it ceases to be prayer and becomes correspondence.

If you have a need, turn to God. If you don't have a need, thank God.

Christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tomb! Happy Easter to everyone and God's help in all your affairs!

May the pits and hatches opened by demons bypass you and your suspension. May the prodigal traffic cop never stop coming to you. In the name of black tinting and low landing.

Prayer is not a “spare tire” that you pull out when you are in trouble, but it is a “steering wheel” that guides you through it on the right path.

When you felt good, he walked next to you when you felt bad. he picked you up and carried you until you became strong again. May the Guardian Angel protect and protect you. when your hands go down. May the Lord our Father come into your home and remove from it all the diseases and worries from your heart. May he protect and preserve you and your loved ones. Amen!

God bless you from stupid roads, God bless you from evil tongues, God bless you from lightning and storms, from stupidity and anger, from flattery and bullets, from cold steel, from ice and fire... And somewhere nearby, keep me too...

Lord, in life I only want to know three things - that my parents are alive, that they are happy and that I can always come to my childhood home. Everything else comes and goes, without the rest you can live happily...

About the purchase and sale of health and prayer

Health and prayer cannot be bought with money.

You can pray for hours, or you can cry out once with all your heart, “Lord, help!” and He will hear and help.

God. Please. Well, is it really that much to ask? I just want HIM to meet this one New Year with me, with me. And he stayed! Stayed for life. Well, is it really that much?

I turn to You in my prayer... I don’t need anything - save my children... God, be merciful... Don’t let them fall... In this difficult life, don’t let them fall... Show them the way, loving and protecting... Caress them a little, warm them up by the fire...

The prayer of the heart does not need a conventional canon. It is not words, but the feeling of the heart that creates a miracle.

GOD! Let me easily give and receive comfort, understand and be understood, love and be loved, for only by giving do we gain, only by forgiving do we deserve mercy, and by dying are we born for a new, eternal life!

I will pray for you my friends

May you always be with me.

So that my family is happy,

So that grief passes by...

Without faith in Christ and without prayer, all the years of the Pig, Rat, Dog, Buffalo threaten to turn into a continuous year of the Donkey, sad at the same time, like Eeyore, who has lost his tail.

Lord! Touch the dense soul.

Light up the thorny path with goodness.

Drive away the evil clouds from your heart.

And let me hide from sadness under your wing!

If you find time to pray, then rest assured that GOD will find time to answer you!

Feel with your heart and soul... Who lives with you every day... Who quietly prays to heaven... For your life, and for you... Who every day, closing his eyes... Only dreams of hugging you.

Lord, if you can hear me,

help me today and in every other urgent day, help me cope with the work that you entrusted to me, give me calmness and endurance to come to terms with what I cannot change, and give me the strength and courage to change what I can, and also wisdom to distinguish the second from the first. Amen.

Prayer is the music of the soul directed towards God.

Mothers have a sacred position in the world - to pray for the gifted children. Day and night, the prayers of our mothers sound in the invisible ether. One will fall silent, the other will echo her. Night will replace day, and night will come again. But mothers' prayers do not stop for their dear son and daughter.

I wish that the Angels of Love, Harmony, Health, Wealth and Happiness meet me on the threshold of my home every day!

When the gods want to punish us, they answer our prayers.

I pray to the Almighty for one thing:

Protect the people I love!

Don't be destitute and don't age their faces!

Let me go to a distant capital,

I will forget evil, I will remember kindness,

I will make a wonderful dream come true,

But none of them will happen again!

How can I return the good to them a hundredfold?


If you, a man, do not forgive everyone who has sinned against you, do not bother yourself with fasting and prayer - God will not accept you (Rev. Ephraim the Syrian).

We cannot find time for God, will He really find it for us?!

I ask you, Lord, be quiet in the night

take care of my loved ones from all troubles...

Let your dear eyes not know sadness,

let a tear shine only from joy, happiness...

I whisper these lines of prayer again and again...

You know, I’m ready to give anything for them...

And for me - little... just to hug them alive...

I can’t sleep... and my soul is full of prayer,

And my thoughts crumple in the anxious cramped space...

I would give all the blessings of earth,

Just don’t let the trouble touch the children!

Prayer for a child

Lord, You know everything, Your love is perfect, take my child (child) into Your hands and do with him what I want to do, but cannot.

For me, prayer is more like support and a “safety belt”: reliable, strong, keeps you in good shape, prevents you from falling, lifts you from your knees...

Thank you, Lord, for what I have... and for the fact that I don’t have what others have...

Oh God, give me strength to survive,

All troubles, live life with dignity.

I will beg for forgiveness in church

For those who are in mental pain right now.

And I wish everyone love and happiness!

We need to learn to forgive everything.

Oh, God, drive away bad weather from everyone!

Thank you Lord for what you have given me! And special thanks for what you did NOT give to me, even when I really asked you!

Prayer has a place in the soul or in a church, under a bright dome, under the heavens, and certainly not in computer junk-spam!

I’ll get down on my knees, I’ll ask God, give health to the children, and some to me too! To live to see your grandchildren! And to meet old age! I can feel all the love and joy with them! I will pray and ask God to extend my life’s journey!

Being vindictive and praying is the same as sowing on the sea and waiting for the harvest.

Oh, Lord, how short is the earthly path!

The wind tries to blow out my candle.

I pray you don’t send death after me,

As long as the children need me...

Don't ask God for an easy life, ask him to make you stronger.

“Send me peace of mind so that I can come to terms with what cannot be changed. Send me courage so that I can fight what can be changed. Send me wisdom so that I can distinguish the first from the second." Ancient Incas Spell

Lord, give me wisdom not to be drawn into other people's conflicts!

Lord, I pray to you! Protect those who call me daughter, mother and beloved...

True faith does not lie in knowing which days to eat fast, which days to go to church and which prayers to listen to and read, but in always living a good life in love with everyone, always doing with your neighbors as you want, to do to you.

If everyone in their prayer at least once asks God that parents never bury their children, how many destinies will we save!

No one lies when they pray.

Deliver me, God, from “friends”, And I myself will get rid of my enemies.

Prayer. Read when you feel bad

"My angel come with me

You are ahead, I am behind you"

I bow my head and pray to the Almighty. I don’t ask for fame or heaven, I just ask the Almighty to take care of you, Mom!

Just as water cleanses a person from dirt, so prayer cleanses a person from sins.

How hard it is, without getting up from your knees, to ask for what you cannot, and to make your lips smile when my eyes are empty from tears...

A very powerful Christmas prayer:

Our Father, cross my house and take away all worries and illnesses, and please protect my family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Lord, I love You, I need You, come into my heart now!

The most powerful prayer is thanksgiving to the Lord God. Thank Him for everything you have, and God’s gifts will enrich your life!

Lord, give me the talent to finally understand people.

God! Hear me! I ask you for a little. Before the holy icon I pray, Protect all those I love. All my relatives and all my friends. Feed them with bread and warm them... In difficult times, they sent an angel to save them on the edge of the road. Give them happiness, joy and peace. Forgive and calm all sins. Teach yourself not to lose, Teach them to love and forgive them. Make sure that those who are dear to me Stay longer on Earth. God! I ask a little... Save all those I love!

God, make me an instrument of Your will. WHERE there is hatred, let me sow LOVE. Where there is offense - FORGIVENESS. Where there is doubt - FAITH. Where there is despair there is HOPE. Where there is darkness there is LIGHT. Where there is sorrow there is JOY.

Give me happiness, Lord! Not for me... But for those who did not give up in difficult times... For those who rushed to me in trouble... Who offers prayers for me!

Please help. I really need to get my loved one out. Pray with me for him. I believe that prayer together can do anything.

Years go by... I've been through a lot... Victories... Defeats... Joy... Sadness... The prayers that my mother read after me, now I know by heart...

If prayer is your appeal to God, then intuition is God’s conversation with you.

Give me, God, the strength not to break down... Give me, God, the strength to stay on my feet! And teach me how to still remain a human being in my own eyes

Only prayer, silence and love are effective.

Sincere prayer is a stain remover for the soul.

They say they can’t renounce prison or poverty. And also from illness. I pray to God for only one thing - may children never get sick or die! Lord, please punish adults, maybe they already deserve it. And let sinless children, little angels grow up and not know what pain is!

As long as someone is praying for you, you are not alone.

You need to pray for your parents, not drink.

We dream of the ideal that happiness has a basis, so that opportunities and desires coincide.

May God grant us such a coincidence! I beg you in my prayers...

If throughout your life you have only one prayer - “thank you”, that is enough.

Ask in prayer not for a light burden, but for strong shoulders!

It is better to pray with your heart and without words than with words but without your heart.

For God to hear your requests, you must first hear His commandments. No other way.

The most powerful thing in the world is a person and his prayer.

Do you think that today you read forty prayers instead of thirty-nine, which means you pleased God? Are you completely stupid? Who are you bargaining with? God doesn’t need quantity, but sincerity; sometimes it’s easier to cross yourself, but with all your heart.

Oh my God! I pray to You for loved ones!

Protect your loved ones - my beloved Family.

I'll be with those who left - I'll be in my thoughts,

For those who are nearby - I thank you!

Someone is praying for you too, that’s why you live...

Lord, is it true that eternity is just a minute for you... - Yes, it’s true... - Lord, it’s true that a million is a pretty penny for you... - Yes, it’s true... - Lord, give me a penny... - Well, wait a minute)) -

Pray for those you love... And anxiety will melt like snow... You won’t be alone anymore... Because love is from God... Even if you know for sure... That your feelings are unrequited... Don’t put an end to relationships... Because love is art…

Don’t distract God by asking for what you can achieve for yourself. After all, maybe... right at this second... someone is praying for someone’s life!

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Statuses about God

Only those who live righteously can have a strong faith. Only purity of actions will help you find the core on which faith will be formed!

The fear of God is not in punishment for possible and committed sins. The fear of the Lord is in all-consuming love and in the fear of betraying this love with one’s weakness.

Once you fall in love, you begin to see the depth of a person, his very essence. This is how God sees us!

God is the mind of man. No faith - no reason. No intelligence means you're an idiot!

Cute! When you start beating your little head against the wall because you’ve lost the wonderful me, for God’s sake, fight as hard as you can!

Humans are just an updated version of monkeys, Gods are just updated versions of humans!

God didn't think everything through! Children had to smile and laugh when they appeared in this wonderful world!

It’s incredibly easy to make God laugh—you just have to tell him about your plans for the future.

You need to not only complain to God and ask for his help, but also share your joy, thanking for your happiness!

You can hear Christ only in silence!

There is no benefit from sound faith in a corrupt life.

The reason for the difference in the distribution of Divine blessings is the measure of faith of each.

Don't bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you

God is tired of loving us

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

A person has a hole in his soul the size of God, and everyone fills it as best they can.

Be smart, don't open the door for anyone. - What if it’s God? - Tell him there is no God.

The church is the only business that experiences peak business in bad times.

God exists as long as people believe in him

Who wants what, believes in it

The paradox of a Christian is that the path to victory lies through the admission of one’s defeat, and the path to power lies through the admission of one’s helplessness.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that hell will be as fun as going to hell.

Lord, thank you for the Botox!

All religions are based on the fear of the many and the dexterity of the few.

When the soul comes to its senses, when it is reconciled with the Lord, then the Lord takes the center of life, and we feel warm and blissful

When a person gives himself completely to God, then God gives Himself completely to man

Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

For when you call me, I will not hear you, for your hands are defiled with blood, and your feet are quick to commit murder...

All joy comes from God. Wherever a living soul rejoiced - in dirt, in confusion, in poverty - God appeared everywhere and laid down his rights.

If you talk to God, you are a believer, and if God is with you, you are crazy.

God is not as bad as he is painted, but not as good either.

If there is a God somewhere, then he is far from us...

Faith according to science does not free a person from pride and doubt.

The Christian faith - there is ugliness. ( Grand Duke Svyatoslav) - too harsh, despite the fact that I am a Muslim.

Anyone who has faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains

After all, God doesn't make mistakes.

If you want to overcome the lies and deceit of this vain world, follow the Gospel, and It will lead you to Christ, Who dwells within you

Winter session is a magical period of the year when students begin to believe in both God and Santa Claus.

The Lord wants us to rationally, consciously reject evil and accept Him and His goodness in our hearts

Lord, forgive me my little jokes at your expense, and I will forgive you the big joke you played on me.

The light of the mind generates faith, and faith generates the consolation of hope, and hope strengthens the heart.

Faith is an oasis in the heart that a caravan of thinking can never reach.

The Christian faith - there is ugliness.

My boy, you must believe in God despite everything the priests tell you.

Believing in yourself is the only faith that helps you live!

I believe in atheism and Always sanitary pads

Nes deus intersit! - let God not interfere

Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.

You cannot force God on a person.

God endured and commanded us!

- Father, can a woman be on duty? - You can, my son, but not fatty.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

It is impossible, truly impossible, for someone who leads an impure life not to waver in faith.

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. This is my religion.

Love has no religion. God has no nation...

Is God created from the thoughts of people or are people created from the thoughts of God?

God definitely got drunk!

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in fulfilling His commandments.

and in general, every god is forced to do things that lead to his disappearance. In this we are similar to people. We are hostages of the same economy.

A belief that no one shares is called schizophrenia.

Skepticism is the beginning of faith

Even God himself is not going to judge us until we die. Why do we think that we have such a right?

By faith the Lord will create everything, but the perfection of the Christian life is in humility

God gives us children so that death does not seem like the biggest disappointment in life.

Two old women are talking. - And I stopped swearing. -And I stopped believing in God! - You're fucking! - Yes, that’s the cross!

I have nothing against God. I can't stand his fan club.

Do you want forgiveness? - For God's sake! And trust has to be earned.)

God will not tell you anything - he himself does not understand why the fuss

Faith is the wing of prayer. Not having faith, this wing, my prayer will return to my bosom again.

The Church is the only society on earth that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members.

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and immeasurable love for God.

I don't know what God is, but I definitely know what he is not.

the majority of our population consciously and long ago stopped believing fairy tales about God.

Faith also receives what it does not dare to hope for, as the example of the prudent thief on the cross showed.

God created dinosaurs, God destroyed dinosaurs, God created man, man destroyed God and resurrected dinosaurs. Jurassic Park

The limit or height of perfection of faith is the dispassionate immersion of the mind in God.