Fortune telling for hiccups by time. Signs of daytime hiccups for men and girls. Hiccups on Sunday

The article offers you basic predictions for the Sunday hiccup.

Daytime love hiccup on Friday by the hour for girls, women, men, truthful

Ikalka will help you look into the future and predict upcoming events - classic way fortune telling. To do this, just remember the time at which the hiccups caught you and look at the list of predictions.

IMPORTANT: Ikalka is a strict fortune telling based on the days of the week, and therefore for each prediction it is important not to confuse the list: for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. Sunday, for example, is not a favorable day for serious decisions; it is suitable for relaxation and building relationships with others.

Predictions for the “daytime hiccup”:

05.00-06.00 – Your loved one will soon delight you with an unexpected surprise. Look forward to meeting him and having a pleasant time. Perhaps you will receive an invitation to a date.

06.00-07.00 – Prepare for the fact that all events and plans will not go as you expected. However, a change of events will have a very positive impact on your life and will bring something new into it.

07.00-08.00 – Expect troubles, but don't let them make you nervous. Calmly endure all life's problems and learn your lessons. Whatever happens, everything is for the better!

08.00-09.00 – Unfortunately, you are now experiencing a “dark streak”, and therefore try to protect yourself from any serious decisions, enterprises, purchases and trips, so as not to regret it later. The best thing you can do is rest or spend quiet time with your family.

09.00-10.00 – Lately you have been very weak, inactive, don’t want to work and don’t communicate much with people. The reason for this is a weakened aura, which simply “demands” rest. Take a vacation or go on a weekend trip. A rested body will give you strength and inspiration.

10.00-11.00 – Prepare to be deceived. A person from your inner circle will betray you. This could be a colleague or a good friend. To avoid becoming a victim, try to avoid any conflict situations.

11.00-12.00 – In the near future you will be invited to happy holiday. Feel free to accept it and go on a visit, to a party, concert or family dinner. Such an event will allow you to relax “body and soul.”

12.00-13.00 – Hiccup foretells you a sea of ​​positive emotions and joyful emotions. Spend time with friends and loved ones, your loved one. Don’t sit at home and don’t work overtime, don’t do household chores, mental relaxation and fun will do you good.

13.00-14.00 – Very soon you will be caught in a series of minor troubles, after which you will become stronger and wiser. Think of these problems as life lessons meant for you to gain experience.

14.00-15.00 – Your seemingly harmless joke may turn out to be a serious reason to quarrel with a loved one. Try to “keep your mouth shut” in the near future and not try to offend anyone.

15.00-16.00 – Hiccup foretells you an unexpected, but very pleasant meeting with a person of the opposite sex. You may have already had a relationship with him, as there is clearly an intimate connection. You should prepare for the meeting in advance and be “fully armed” in order to charm this person.

16.00-17.00 – Trouble will definitely happen to you very soon. Be prepared for any news and problems, prepare yourself in advance for the best outcome of things and, if necessary, do not refuse the help of your loved ones!

17.00-18.00 – Take a closer look at the person you call your best friend. Is he deceiving you? Is he secretly jealous of you? Perhaps it was he who caused your series of problems and failures. You should have a serious conversation and resolve your conflicts.

18.00-19.00 – Ikalka confidently advises you not to blindly trust those you love, especially if we are talking about a loved one. You must organize your own happiness and not listen to other people's instructions. This way you will avoid many problems in your personal life!

19.00-20.00 – Your loved one will surprise you with an unexpected gift in the near future. Try to thank him or make a mutual surprise. Giving each other unexpected gifts is the secret to your good relationship.

Wednesday night love hiccup by the hour for girls, women, men true

Night hiccups can warn you of many events for the coming day. Listen to the predictions and try to draw the right conclusions.

Night « love hiccup» by hour:

20.00-21.00 – The next week will be filled with sensuality and romance for you. The reason for this is new love or a flash of passion in an existing relationship. Feel free to go on dates, give and accept gifts, kiss in the rain and walk under the moon, you will never feel such experiences again!

21.00-22.00 – Ikalka confidently believes that if something doesn’t work out for you, you should try again. Luck will be on your side, you just have to put in the effort!

22.00-23.00 – Soon you will receive a message from your loved one. This could be a small gift with a note, a nice good night SMS, or a real letter of confession. You should respond to him/her with the same sensitivity!

23.00-00.00 – Something will make you very angry in the near future, but try with all your might to calm down and calm down your rage so as not to spoil your relationships with others: friends, colleagues, loved ones.

00.00-01.00 – Believe it or not, “unexpected money” will come to you. Agree, the news is pleasant and necessary. Try to spend this money only on yourself to get pleasant emotions and become a little more confident person!

01.00-02.00 – Be prepared for the fact that you won't be able to relax. Soon you will have a large amount of work that will completely occupy your thoughts and hands. On the one hand, this is good, because the trumpets will be fully rewarded, but on the other hand, you risk ruining your relationship with your loved ones by devoting little time to them.

02.00-03.00 – Hiccups portend you large financial waste, which can even cause you to quarrel with your loved one. Try not to spend money on unnecessary things, limiting yourself to the essentials.

03.00-04.00 – You probably have a lot of questions in your head that require immediate answers. Go to bed calmly, because it is in your sleep that you will understand exactly what to do. It’s not for nothing that they say that “the morning is wiser than the evening.”

04.00-05.00 – Hiccup definitely portends you fun, movement, joy and laughter. Don't sit at home or study everyday problems, relax your soul and body, meet a new person or do something you haven’t done before: dancing on a table, kissing a stranger and other nonsense!

The hiccups start - it means someone is thinking about you. Hiccups by day of the week can also mean other things, for example, talk about an upcoming date, failure of plans, separation and quarrel. You can predict by day and hour what exactly hiccups portend.

Hiccups by day of week and hour

When a person starts having hiccups, they laugh at him, they scare him and notice that someone is remembering him. This is such a common occurrence that it doesn’t surprise anyone, but it’s worth being surprised! After all knowledgeable people remember that hiccups can predict the near and distant future.

Hiccups portend different things depending on the day of the week. Let's say that on Friday an unexpected attack of hiccups portends misfortune, on Thursday - a close date, and on Monday they simply remember you. Moreover, the sages know very well that it is necessary to determine the meaning of hiccups not only by the days of the week, but also by the hours, because hiccups in the morning and evening can warn of the opposite.

By day of the week

Signs of repentance are numerous, and some people even write them down so they can seek interpretation as needed.

  1. If the hiccups started on Monday, then people just remember you. Who exactly? Alas, the folk superstition about hiccups says nothing about this. Perhaps an old friend or loved one is thinking about you, or perhaps ex-lover gloatingly grinds your bones in a circle of friends. Or maybe even a passerby, a teacher from the school you graduated from many years ago, maybe even a boss thinking about you while looking at reports. There are a couple of ways to find out who exactly is thinking about you. Pluck a hair from your head (yes, it hurts, but for a good cause) and start wrapping it around your finger, listing the letters of the alphabet to yourself. Whichever letter you stopped at, the name of the person who remembers you on Monday begins with that letter.
  2. On Tuesday, there is no need to resort to such extraordinary methods of identifying intruders, because if you are remembered on Tuesday, it means that a relative thinks kindly of you.
  3. On Wednesday, hiccups foretell some news or message that can come in any way. They can tell you this right on the street, or they can tell you through Skype. Or even send an email.
  4. The sign says: whoever hiccups on Thursday is destined for a quick date or business meeting. We need to prepare for it.
  5. On Friday, a cruel test awaits: a major quarrel or even separation from a loved one or friend, relative. Perhaps it will occur as a result of this quarrel, so on Friday you need to be especially careful in your words and actions.
  6. Saturday is a day of suspicion. Close person will keep a watchful eye on you and catch your mistakes, and what will happen if he thinks that you are flirting with a stranger! Quarrel, scandal, jealousy, resentment. On Saturday you should be on your guard and stop any attempts at scandal. It’s best to devote as much of your time and attention to your significant other as possible these days of the week.
  7. On Sunday you can finally breathe and enjoy life. The losing streak is over.

Stuttering hours are important too

The sign of hiccups concerns not only days, but also hours. To make it easier to decipher the signs, it is worth recording the exact time the hiccups began. The sign of hiccups by time indicates the following:

  1. Monday is generally a very favorable day. For example, in the morning and afternoon you will meet an interesting person or meet with your lover over a cup of tea. There will be a date with sweet kisses. By evening, Monday “turns on a black streak” in the form of disputes, quarrels, envy and similar unpleasant things. Don't be discouraged, because luck will return closer to night. They will hug you, feel sorry for you, caress you, or just have a warm, sincere conversation. Well, or if you go to bed early on Monday, you will dream of a handsome prince.
  2. On Tuesday night, you may have a quarrel with a loved one, and ruthless depression may also set in for no reason at all. In the early hours of the same day there may be a disagreement with an old friend who was considered very close. Tuesday will be relatively neutral, although if you try, something very interesting can happen. Tuesday can be called a boring day, but after lunch there is a chance of meeting someone interesting.
  3. If you started hiccupping on Wednesday, in the morning hours, then your admirer admires you and, perhaps, a new love will awaken in you soon. Moreover, this love will be strong, strong and long-awaited. The only adversity that can haunt Wednesday is gossip. Someone else's slander can seriously ruin the whole mood closer to night. You don't need to pay attention to them. Otherwise, wonderful hours await on Wednesday. If you hiccup, of course.
  4. Thursday, whatever you say, is an ambiguous day. On the one hand, on the fourth day of the week you will be constantly haunted by possible quarrels, depression, and troubles. Thursday is like a black streak compared to the happiness that was on Wednesday. However, from time to time on Thursday, pleasant things will happen, such as an interesting surprise or a delightful date.
  5. Folk sign“Hiccups on Friday” (if you are still free for a relationship) indicates that you will soon start a new relationship. On Friday you will meet interesting person, fall in love and, if you are open to your sweethearts, for a long time. Something unexpected may happen during the day that will shake you up a little, but you should not give up: on this day, self-confidence and your abilities are more important than ever.
  6. A busy day awaits on Saturday. Although you shouldn’t place any special hopes on the fulfillment of your plans, almost the entire day you will literally be haunted by the chances of new love. Some fans will become especially persistent on Saturday and will not leave you alone even after a firm no. However, Saturday morning and lunch will make you worry. Separation from your lover and family quarrel are possible.
  7. Sunday is the most best time. On this day, no matter when you start hiccupping, you will have a happy time with your lover, friends, or alone. A folk sign predicts possible misfortune caused by slander in the evening.

What else lies behind the hiccups

The folk sign about hiccups is an interesting superstition based on time and days. Mostly she prophesies pleasant meetings, but sometimes there are also adversities.

In the article you will find predictions for Friday’s “hiccup” based on the time of day.

Daytime love hiccup on Friday by the hour for girls, women, men, truthful

Ikalka is the easiest way to tell fortunes for any person who does not have special esoteric knowledge and skills. This is done simply - remember the time of the unexpected hiccups and look at the special list of predictions for the answer.

IMPORTANT: For hiccups it is very great value has a day of the week, because everyone has their own special energy, which means that the outcome of events for each prediction may be different. Friday is a day that is ideal for relaxing, doing what you love and building relationships.

Predictions for the “daytime hiccup”:

05.00-06.00 – You have a positive weekend ahead, which will be filled with a lot of interesting events. Try to plan an eventful leisure time and do not sit at home so as not to miss important acquaintances, meetings and news.

06.00-07.00 – Take a closer look at yours best friend(to a friend). Lately your relationship has been quite tense and the reason for this may be resentment. Ask for forgiveness for the inconvenience caused or insults caused, make peace.

07.00-08.00 – Ikalka warns you that all your affairs may go completely “not according to plan.” Set yourself up in advance so that you won’t get upset and give up in the face of problems.

08.00-09.00 – This prediction warns you that you will completely unexpectedly meet a person dear to your heart. Relax, the meeting will be very pleasant and even long-awaited.

09.00-10.00 – Make time for your family and spend the evening having dinner together. It might be worth calling distant relatives and old friends.

10.00-11.00 – The coming day will be very positive. Perhaps you should sit in a cafe with friends and discuss the latest news and gossip. Invite your “other half” on a date to the cinema or cafe, give a nice gift to those you love.

11.00-12.00 – If you're tuned in romantic relationship, feel free to meet the “passions” you like and openly flirt with them. Your day will be full positive energy and therefore in any business you will be lucky.

12.00-13.00 – The man (woman) whom you love with all your heart, but are afraid to admit it, will meet on your way today. Prepare in advance for such a scenario in order to meet it “fully armed.”

13.00-14.00 – You definitely have a secret admirer (fan). This person often gives you favors and sends cryptic messages. Are you in the mood for a relationship? If yes, don’t hesitate and feel free to invite your potential “soulmate” on a date!

14.00-15.00 – All the bad luck that you encountered along the way is far from accidental. A so-called “black streak” has come in your life. Try to just relax and unwind at home, without planning long trips or major purchases.

15.00-16.00 – You will learn news that will surprise and delight you. You have a good weekend ahead with pleasant friendly meetings, romantic dates, gifts and surprises.

16.00-17.00 – In the near future, try not to conflict with anyone. Quarrels with friends, colleagues and family can ruin your relationships at home and at work. Due to a bad mood, you will not be inspired to work and make plans.

17.00-18.00 – In the near future, try to “keep your mouth shut” and not tell anyone your secrets. Some ill-wishers will be able to send secret information against you and because of this you will suffer.

18.00-19.00 – Ikalka advises you not to dwell on the past and not to take to heart the grievances inflicted on you long ago. A lot of time has passed since then and you need to forgive all offenders in order to start a new page in life.

19.00-20.00 – You should devote time only to yourself. Relax after a hard day in the beauty salon or bath. Spend the evening reading a book, watching a movie, or texting with an old friend. Relax mentally.

Wednesday night love hiccup by the hour for girls, women, men true

Almost everyone will agree with the opinion that hiccups at night are strange. Perhaps hiccups at night (and especially when you are sleeping) - these are “signs of fate.” Do not take this feature lightly and be sure to pay attention to it. Check out the list of predictions to read your forecast of events, perhaps there is something you should be wary of!

Night “love hiccup” by the hour:

20.00-21.00 – Get ready for a dream in which you will see answers to life's troubling questions. Before going to bed, think about all your problems, remember the difficulties and make wishes. In the morning try to remember the smallest details dreams and write them down so you can interpret them later.

21.00-22.00 – Hiccup foretells you a pleasant meeting with friends. Perhaps guests will come to you and therefore you should prepare in advance for an unplanned party (treats, drinks, interesting topics for conversation). Be prepared for the fact that among your friends there will be a person of the opposite sex who really likes you.

22.00-23.00 – How the “bad news” will come. However, they will seem bad only at first glance. Try to easily perceive any problems and difficulties, because after overcoming them, you will become much wiser, stronger, more experienced and more self-confident.

23.00-00.00 – If you owe money to someone, be sure to return it as soon as possible to avoid conflict situations. If you promised a friend help, provide it and don’t ask for anything in return. At this point life stage it is important for you to save good relationship with everything around you.

00.00-01.00 – There is a possibility that someone will betray you in the near future. Be on your guard: don’t quarrel with colleagues and friends, don’t lend money or lend it to anyone.

01.00-02.00 – The person you like so much will give you a very nice compliment. Try not to be confused and accept it with all your heart, show yourself with the best side: a discreet, pleasant and amiable person, returning a compliment in return.

02.00-03.00 – You will receive a love message. This could be an email, SMS or a slipped note. You definitely have a secret admirer (admirer) who does not dare to admit his feelings out loud.

03.00-04.00 – Your person is the main topic in discussions for one person. He (she) likes you very much and therefore he (she) cannot stop thinking about you regularly. There is a possibility that this person will “make himself known” in the near future.

04.00-05.00 – You will have a very pleasant romantic evening ahead with a stranger. However, try to discern in him (her) those traits that you really value, because this could be your true love!

IMPORTANT: In “Hiccup” it doesn’t matter how long your hiccups are. What matters is what time it started and ended, as well as what day it happened. You should also take into account its cause; hiccups after eating don’t count!

We all know from childhood that if you hiccup, it means someone is remembering. Even the most non-superstitious person, who is suddenly overcome by hiccups, will first of all remember this sign.

In the old days, hiccups were associated with the machinations of evil spirits. Much attention has been paid to this phenomenon. They tried to get rid of hiccups as quickly as possible, saying “Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, and from Yakov to everyone.” And by the day of the week and the exact time when a person began to hiccup, they tried to determine their future.

The sign about hiccups has one thing general meaning- someone remembers hiccupping. More specific interpretations of the sign follow from this meaning. As a rule, the interpretation depends on the strength of the hiccups:

  • severe hiccups mean that someone remembers you with an unkind word - scolds, criticizes;
  • barely noticeable hiccups - someone praises you, admires you;
  • An unpleasant, painful hiccup is a sign that someone is very jealous of you.
For a girl, hiccups can mean that she has a secret admirer and it was he who provoked the hiccups with his thoughts about her.

For a man, hiccups sometimes mean that someone is competing with him for his place in the sun. It is possible that ill-wishers are plotting behind your back.

It was also believed that hiccups plagued dishonest people. Another meaning of the sign is that hiccups foretell rain.

How to determine who remembers

So how can you determine who is scolding you and who is praising you? Our ancestors had several ways to do this.

The easiest way to understand who remembers you is to start sequentially going through all your friends in your head. You will stop hiccups the moment you mentally name the name of the culprit of your hiccups.

Another belief says that a person who hiccups should rip a hair out of his head and twirl it around his finger. When curling your hair, you should pronounce the letters of the alphabet one by one - one for each turn. Whatever letter the hair ends on, the name of the person who remembers you begins with that letter.

Hiccup by day of the week

The day of the week can also help you figure out who remembers you.

On Monday- someone is thinking about you very persistently. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to find out why this person disturbed you with his thoughts. The hiccups won’t tell you who exactly is thinking about you on Monday.

On Tuesday hiccups mean that a secret admirer or close relative is missing you. You don’t have to worry, you will be remembered kindly.

Wednesday- on this day, the hiccupper anticipates receiving some kind of message. You have important news to learn.

Thursday hiccups occur before a meeting. This could be a business meeting or a romantic date.

On Friday Ikalka warns you about the need to restrain your emotions. On this day, there is a high probability of a strong quarrel with someone important to you.

On Saturday- they are jealous of you. Also, hiccups on this day are a harbinger of an unplanned meeting.

On Sunday hiccups promise pleasant events in your personal life - dates, kisses, romance. If you are alone, do not be sad - the sign promises that you will have a great time in the company of friends.

Hiccuping by time of day will help you more accurately determine the cause of the hiccups. Let's look at the meaning of hiccups by the hour on each day of the week.


0-1: expect uninvited guests.
1-2: yours life situation worries your loved ones.
2-3: a stranger is constantly watching.
3-4: they are waiting for you nice gifts, cash receipts.
4-5: Someone around you is being dishonest with you.
5-6: a new acquaintance awaits you, which can develop into friendship.
6-7: pleasant communication, conversation with a friend or girlfriend.
7-8: unexpected meeting.
8-9: hiccupped on this day - someone will need you.
9-10: someone is looking to meet you.
10-11: Unexpected news or random conversation that will make a strong impression on you.
11-12: waiting for you fateful meeting with an influential person.
12-13: someone or something will remind you of the past.
13-14: date or friendly meeting.
14-15: people envy you.
15-16: quarrel or bad mood.
16-17: changes in matters of the heart.
17-18: something will not go according to plan.
18-19: hiccups at this time - for pleasant shopping.
19-20: someone is secretly thinking about you, perhaps your admirer.
20-21: guests may arrive tomorrow.
21-22: significant event, serious conversation.
22-23: you will have a pleasant time in the company of friends.
23-24: your plans will be successfully implemented, do not be afraid of failure.

Ikalka Tuesday

0-1: thoughtless spending.
1-2: new acquaintance.
2-3: someone is interested in you.
3-4: good luck awaits you in all your endeavors.
4-5: do not get involved in adventures, otherwise you will bring problems on yourself.
5-6: good news.
6-7: unforeseen expenses.
7-8: You may find a good friend.
8-9: you will achieve your plans.
9-10: what you promised is expected.
10-11: Today you will be lucky.
11-12: Someone constantly remembers you.
12-13: you will be deceived or set up.
13-14: someone will fall in love with you.
14-15: Your crush dreams of a relationship with you.
15-16: meeting with friends.
16-17: today your plans may be disrupted, the meeting will not take place.
17-18: grief, tears, worries.
18-19: pleasant new acquaintance.
19-20: an ill-wisher has appeared in your environment.
20-21: try not to blurt out too much tomorrow.
21-22: big expenses await you.
22-23: get news.
23-24: You will spend the next day in a bad mood.


0-1: depression, loss of strength.
1-2: you have a fan.
2-3: loved ones will help you cope with difficulties.
3-4: Someone is counting on you.
4-5: A dark-haired person is thinking about you.
5-6: if you had a dream, it will turn out to be prophetic.
6-7: new adventures, positive emotions.
7-8: it is better to postpone what is planned until better times.
8-9: someone holds a grudge against you.
9-10: new experiences.
10-11: You will soon experience strong sympathy.
11-12: serious conversation.
12-13: minor troubles.
13-14: you will meet your love.
14-15: you are remembered with an unkind word.
15-16: pleasant chores, surprises.
16-17: a friend or lover is thinking about you.
17-18: someone will offend you.
18-19: important events the next day.
19-20: gossip spreads about you.
20-21: someone will write or call you.
21-22: disagreements with loved ones are possible.
22-23: A fair-haired man remembers you.
23-24: not very good news.

Ikalka Thursday

0-1: Receive important news.
1.2: you are admired.
2-3: you can count on the help of loved ones.
3-4: a stranger is thinking about you.
4-5: Have a nice time.
5-6: your secret admirer is thinking about you.
6-7: unravel the secret.
7-8: all your plans for this day will be disrupted.
8-9: meeting with friends.
9-10: Close people miss you.
10-11: You shouldn’t be offended by people today.
11-12: new crush.
12-13: time for rest will appear.
13-14: do not get involved with dubious people.
14-15: business meeting or date.
15-16: you will get an unexpected surprise.
16-17: you are exhausted, you urgently need to rest.
17-18: do not give in to provocation.
18-19: someone you know will be looking for you.
19-20: watch your language, you might accidentally offend someone.
20-21: It's time to relax.
21-22: a quarrel and a break in relations are possible.
22-23: pleasant communication awaits you.
23-24: receive bad news.

Ikalka Friday

0-1: Beware of deception.
1.2: they envy you.
2-3: the day will be successful.
3-4: meeting with your loved one or friends.
4-5: You are expected to be sincere.
5-6: you will worry.
6-7: find out someone's secret.
7-8: your plans will be disrupted.
8-9: Someone will ask you for help.
9-10: socializing with friends.
10-11: new fan, you are admired.
11-12: office romance or sympathy.
12-13: careless words will lead to a quarrel.
13-14: you are not destined to be with the one you are thinking about.
14-15: soon all your plans will come true.
15-16: frank conversation.
16-17: someone will ruin your mood.
17-18: you will receive a profitable offer.
18-19: someone remembers you kindly.
19-20: troubles, obstacles.
20-21: someone is truly in love with you
21-22: loved ones will help you.
22-23: relatives remember you.
23-24: some woman will upset you.


0-1: expect guests.
1.2: something doesn't go according to plan.
2-3: good news.
3-4: Someone will try to deceive you.
4-5: new acquaintance.
5-6: pleasant rest.
6-7: someone close to you will visit you.
7-8: pleasant shopping ahead.
8-9: someone will invite you to visit or to a party.
9-10: unexpected news.
10-11: conflicts are possible in the family.
11-12: Concentrate on work.
12-13: You will need to be patient and persistent.
13-14: separation from loved ones.
14-15: you charmed some stranger.
15-16: plans are not destined to come true.
16-17: friends will help you in a difficult situation.
17-18: changes for the better will soon occur.
18-19: they will turn to you for help.
19-20: your plans will come true.
20-21: tomorrow there will be a serious conversation.
21-22: dream in hand or important meeting.
22-23: changes in the business sphere.
23-24: melancholy, worries.


0-1: Someone will really surprise you.
1.2: fateful meeting.
2-3: the support of your loved ones is guaranteed.
3-4: you will experience love or sympathy.
4-5: Receive a gift.
5-6: Someone shows interest in you.
6-7: a conversation with a friend or girlfriend will end in resentment.
7-8: you will be deceived or betrayed.
8-9: disagreements with lover.
9-10: rest in pleasant company.
10-11: date or interesting meeting.
11-12: your plans will soon come true.
12-13: meeting an interesting person.
13-14: meeting with your lover.
14-15: someone is interested in you.
15-16: they want to fool you.
16-17: fun and joy await you.
17-18: Receive important recognition.
18-19: uncertainty.
19-20: your plans will be disrupted.
20-21: frivolous disagreements.
21-22: interesting trip.
22-23: you are too trusting.
23-24: help will come from an unexpected direction.

How to get rid of hiccups

We figured out what hiccups mean and why they appear. All that remains is to figure out how to get rid of it.

If you remember all your friends, acquaintances and relatives, but the hiccups still don’t go away, then try using another way to get rid of this scourge. Moisten your little finger with saliva and rub your eyebrow with it, while saying the names of people you know. Whose name a hair falls out of an eyebrow is the one who remembers you. After calculating the “intruder”, the hiccups should stop.

Another way to stop hiccups is to cross the little fingers of your right and left hands and keep them crossed for a while.

Using the same principle, you can cross your palms right hand and left foot. Such crossing will help protect against evil spirits and various evil spirits. And the hiccups will pass.

If hiccups overwhelm you after sunset, then this may mean that you are under a magical influence. In this case, it is necessary to read the “Our Father” prayer every day before going to bed.

When we hiccup, people often say, “Someone remembered.” In connection with this, even a small conspiracy appeared: “Remember so much good, but so full of evil.” But in fact, everything is much deeper than it seems at first glance. People have been interested in hiccups since ancient times. After long observations and a number of coincidences, they began to attach sacred significance to it.

Select the day of the fortune telling week:

The predictions that hiccups lead to were distributed by day of the week, and later by time of day and hour. All meanings were transferred to paper and passed on from generation to generation. Ikalka today, of course, looks a little different than in previous centuries. The meanings changed, adapted according to the development of the era and its innovations, but the essence remained.

The division was organized for a reason. At night, a person hiccups much less often, as he is at rest. In this regard, the events predicted for girls by the night hiccups will be more ambitious. During the day we hiccup much more often, so the predictions are less accurate. To avoid unforeseen situations, truthful fortune telling should always be at hand.

Hiccup on Monday

  • 00 – 02 Hiccups at this time suggest breathing problems. You might need to get checked by a doctor.
  • 02 – 03 In the near future you will experience changes related to work (educational institution).
  • 03 – 05 Health hazard and should be taken care of.
  • 05 – 07 Soon you will have problems making a choice.
  • 07 – 08 To an unexpected date.
  • 08 – 09 A surprise awaits you today!
  • 09 – 10 Be careful, the weather may take you by surprise.
  • 10 – 11 You will quarrel with your friend, but it is in your power to avoid a quarrel.
  • 11 – 12 The young blond man often thinks about you.
  • 12 – 13 The brunette’s cunning will cause you trouble.
  • 13 – 14 You will make new friends!
  • 14 – 15 Beware of swearing in public places.
  • 15 – 16 Unexpected expenses, should you leave your wallet at home?
  • 16 – 17 The person you dream about is not at all in love with you.
  • 17 – 18 Today it is better not to rush: “The slower you go, the further you will arrive.”
  • 18 – 19 Hiccups at this time of day promise changes in your personal life.
  • 19 – 20 You are wasting your energy in vain, the people around you will not appreciate it. Better take care of yourself.
  • 20 – 21 Intrigues are brewing.

Hiccup on Tuesday

  • 00 – 02 To unexpected guests.
  • 02 – 03 You urgently need rest.
  • 03 – 05 Beware of the blonde.
  • 05 – 07 Someone is slandering you a lot.
  • 07 – 08 An unexpected conversation awaits.
  • 08 – 09 You will hug!
  • 09 – 10 Watch out for the car today.
  • 10 – 11 Today you will be distracted.
  • 11 – 12 Minor troubles.
  • 12 – 13 Don’t cling to the past.
  • 13 – 14 Romantic dinner!
  • 14 – 15 Pleasure walk.
  • 15 – 16 To the marvel.
  • 16 – 17 You will fall in love.
  • 17 – 18 Bye.
  • 18 – 19 They look at you with love.
  • 19 – 20 Exciting shopping awaits.
  • 20 – 21 You will be given flowers.
  • 21 – 22 You will kiss.
  • 22 – 23 Meeting a new company.
  • 23 – 00 Izvestia.

Hiccup on Wednesday

  • 00 – 02 Complications with sleep spoil the nervous system.
  • 02 – 03 Cold.
  • 03 – 05 Resentment towards relatives.
  • 05 – 07 Think before you say anything to your friends.
  • 07 – 08 Disappointment.
  • 08 – 09 Good news.
  • 09 – 10 There will be some money.
  • 10 – 11 A short trip is planned.
  • 11 – 12 It won’t hurt you to be polite.
  • 12 – 13 They want to be friends with you.
  • 13 – 14 Wait for an important call!
  • 14 – 15 It will be a shame.
  • 15 – 16 News that will shock.
  • 16 – 17 Disagreements with a friend.
  • 17 – 18 Kiss.
  • 18 – 19 Important meetings await.
  • 19 – 20 They are sad for you.
  • 20 – 21 Don’t kiss a brunette.
  • 21 – 22 A red-haired girl spreads gossip about you.
  • 22 – 23 Meeting with friends.
  • 23 – 00 You will be at someone’s holiday.

Hiccup on Thursday

  • 00 – 02 To deep love relationships.
  • 02 – 03 Possible relocation
  • 03 – 05 Smile more often, otherwise you will become depressed.
  • 05 – 07 Stomach problems.
  • 07 – 08 For a boring date.
  • 08 – 09 There will be a party!
  • 09 – 10 Don't trust the blue-eyed guy.
  • 10 – 11 There will be quarrels over trifles.
  • 11 – 12 Wait for guests.
  • 12 – 13 New relationships.
  • 13 – 14 Love is just around the corner!
  • 14 – 15 Pleasant meeting.
  • 15 – 16 Don’t meet people online.
  • 16 – 17 Look around, they are watching you.
  • 17 – 18 To gossip about you.
  • 18 – 19 To change.
  • 19 – 20 To travel.
  • 20 – 21 Be careful with money.
  • 21 – 22 People close to you are worried about you and not in vain.
  • 22 – 23 You will have fun with your best friends.
  • 23 – 00 You will soon receive good news.

Hiccup on Friday

  • 00 – 02 Try to avoid a quarrel in the near future.
  • 02 – 03 Serious meetings.
  • 03 – 05 A miracle awaits you.
  • 05 – 07 Disorders in the digestive system.
  • 07 – 08 Be more tolerant of your loved one.
  • 08 – 09 Meeting new friends!
  • 09 – 10 Love turmoil.
  • 10 – 11 To the find.
  • 11 – 12 To an interesting meeting.
  • 12 – 13 Don't listen to gossip.
  • 13 – 14 Respect other people's time!
  • 14 – 15 A secret from a friend.
  • 15 – 16 To new things.
  • 16 – 17 They confess their love to you.
  • 17 – 18 Contradictions at work with management (in an educational institution).
  • 18 – 19 Minor quarrels.
  • 19 – 20 There will be fun.
  • 20 – 21 To minor losses.
  • 21 – 22 To tears.
  • 22 – 23 You will be invited to the cinema.
  • 23 – 00 To the letter.

Hiccup on Saturday

  • 00 – 02 Perhaps you should get checked by a doctor.
  • 02 – 03 Life changes related to work or family are expected in the near future.
  • 03 – 05 You will have organizational events.
  • 05 – 07 Changes in my personal life are already close.
  • 07 – 08 You will stumble a lot.
  • 08 – 09 Wait for guests!
  • 09 – 10 A handsome man dreams about you.
  • 10 – 11 The quarrel will be heated.
  • 11 – 12 A friend wants to surprise you.
  • 12 – 13 There are rumors about you.
  • 13 – 14 To meet interesting people!
  • 14 – 15 The situation may get out of control.
  • 15 – 16 Unexpected income.
  • 16 – 17 An important message awaits you.
  • 17 – 18 For kisses.
  • 18 – 19 Addition to the company.
  • 19 – 20 You will be invited to visit.
  • 20 – 21 For fun.
  • 21 – 22 Your loved ones will offend you.
  • 22 – 23 You will have fun with your best friends.
  • 23 – 00 To the letter.

Hiccup on Sunday

  • 00 – 02 Get more rest, fatigue is already off the charts.
  • 02 – 03 Unexpected money.
  • 03 – 05 An interesting meeting that will leave a deep mark.
  • 05 – 07 Major changes are expected.
  • 07 – 08 To betrayal.
  • 08 – 09 To the party!
  • 09 – 10 Someone is dreaming about you.
  • 10 – 11 For colds.
  • 11 – 12 The young brown-haired man often thinks about you.
  • 12 – 13 Possible meeting with a stranger.
  • 13 – 14 To get acquainted with a new company.
  • 14 – 15 Don’t be rude to your seniors.
  • 15 – 16 To a quarrel in the family.
  • 16 – 17 You will have a date.
  • 17 – 18 Eat better, there will be a lot of work that requires strength.
  • 18 – 19 To hugs and kisses.
  • 19 – 20 Take care of yourself.
  • 20 – 21 There is no need to quarrel with a friend.
  • 21 – 22 You excite the guy with brown hair.
  • 22 – 23 A fun party awaits.
  • 23 – 00 To the news.