Hyacinth mix care after purchase. Hyacinth in a pot - home care and cultivation. Hyacinth flowers - varieties: aquatic, oriental, mouse muscari, legume climbing, wild

When growing indoor plants, many questions often arise. Especially if the plant first appeared in the house and its owner does not know how to care for it. And especially if it is not an ordinary houseplant, but one that can be grown both in the garden and at home, such as hyacinth.

Care at home is certainly different from caring for hyacinth in the garden. It cannot be said that one of them is simpler and the other more difficult, but each has its own secrets. We will try to answer the most frequently asked questions problems that arise when growing hyacinth at home.

1. How to grow hyacinths at home?

Since hyacinth is still garden plant, he needs to create conditions as close as possible to garden ones.
For growing hyacinths in room conditions you will need bulbs specially prepared for forcing, i.e. bulbs that have already been summer period peace. They must be healthy, dense, without damage, with a diameter of 5 cm.

2. Can hyacinth be grown as a houseplant?

If you think that hyacinth can live in a pot permanently and delight you with its flowers every year, then, unfortunately, you are mistaken.

The bulbs are used only for forcing at home.

Forcing is the use of a certain set of measures to accelerate the growth of a plant.

In essence, this is a human whim. Such a phenomenon as forcing does not exist in nature.

It follows from this that during the process of forcing the bulbs are greatly depleted; they simply do not have enough strength to flower again (forcing) at home.

Therefore, after forcing, hyacinth bulbs are planted in open ground for recovery.

3. How to adjust the flowering of hyacinths to a certain date?

There are several dozen varieties of hyacinth. The difference between varieties exists not only in color, but also in flowering time. Knowing approximate diagram By calculating the timing, you can adjust the flowering of hyacinth to a specific date or holiday.

Early forcing is considered to be the flowering of hyacinth at the end of December, and for this they use early varieties. Average forcing - flowering in late January - early February. Late forcing – flowering in March-April.

Approximate diagram




Early (December)

10-14 weeks

Anna Marie
Blue Magic
Pink Pearl
Jan Bos

Average (January-February)

10-14 weeks

Blue Djaint
Blue Jacket
Blue Sky
Gipsy Queen
Lady Derby
Oranje Bovenj
White Pearl
and all earlier varieties

Late (March-April)

12-16 weeks

3-4 weeks

Anna Lisa
City of Haarlem
and all earlier varieties

4. Hyacinths - planting and care

Bulbs can be planted one or three per pot. Select the container according to the size of the bulbs; they should “sit” almost close to each other - the distance between the bulbs is 2-2.5 cm.

A drainage layer is required at the bottom of the pot; you can use a 2-3 cm layer of sand. For the substrate, take peat and sand, or compost and sand. The top of the bulb (⅓ part) should stick out above the ground; they cannot be completely buried. The surface of the substrate can be covered with another 0.5-1 cm layer of sand to prevent rotting.

To make flower stalks stronger, you can use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate for watering after planting. Next, the pots with bulbs are placed for 6-10 weeks in a dark, cool place, with an air temperature of +5 ... +9 ° C. You can cover it from light with a black bag. This is necessary to create the same conditions as in the garden in the fall.

And in a couple of months you can “arrange spring” for the hyacinth. Home care is not difficult. For more information about forcing and what a “home spring” should be like for hyacinth, read the article "Hyacinth at home».

5. How to water hyacinth?

Hyacinths love moist soil, but do not like stagnant water, which causes the bulbs to rot. To prevent liquid from stagnating in the pot, it must have a drainage layer, and the water remaining after watering must be drained. When watering, avoid getting water on the buds, bulbs and leaf axils. Alternatively, pour water into the pan.

When hyacinth bulbs are at the cooling stage, it is especially important to control the humidity of the substrate - it should not dry out under any circumstances. How often you need to water depends on the humidity level.

If the air humidity in the room is 90-95%, then with late forcing, 2 waterings will be required, with average - 1 watering (late December - early January), and with early forcing, watering may not be needed at all.

6. Is it possible to expel hyacinths in water?

Yes, when forcing, it is not at all necessary to use the usual substrate; you can place the bulbs in a container with water. The container should be tall with a wide neck. The water level should not reach the bottom of the bulb by 1-2 cm.
The forcing rules for such bulbs are the same as in the version with soil - they must be protected from light ( black paper) and refrigerate. Periodically, instead of evaporated water, you can add complex fertilizer. For example, take potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate in a ratio of 300:500:200 mg/l.

When the cooling period ends, the bulbs are provided with a higher temperature, but the sprouts are still kept in the dark. They must be covered with an opaque cap and not removed until the sprouts reach a length of 10 cm.

7. Why does hyacinth have a short peduncle?

It happens that the hyacinth develops a very short peduncle, and the flowers begin to bloom while in the rosette of leaves. There are at least three explanations for this:

a) Insufficient watering;
b) Short period of rest. It should last at least 90-95 days;
c) Too high temperature and bright light immediately after the cooling period.

In the first few days after cooling, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 10-12 ° C and keep the bulbs in a shaded place, not a dark place. And only when the sprouts are about 10 cm, raise the temperature to 22 ° C and provide bright lighting.

8. Hyacinth - transplant

It is not customary to talk about replanting hyacinth, as is the case with ordinary indoor plants, since the bulbs are dug out of the ground every year to undergo a dormant period.

9. Why do the peduncle and leaves fall out of the bulb?

Let's imagine this situation for a moment. Your hyacinths already have quite large leaves, but the peduncle is still hidden in them. To check if everything is in order, you part the leaves, inspect them and... oh, horror! The peduncle along with the leaves remains in your hands, and there is a hole in the bulb.

This can happen if:

a) The bulb has already begun to rot;
b) The temperature regime was violated during the storage period of the bulbs;
c) During the cooling period, the earthen coma became dry.

10. When can you separate hyacinth babies?

Babies are usually separated before the start of the rest period. But this can only be done if they are easily separated. Before the procedure, the mother bulb is dried for several days.

Small bulbs are planted for growing only in open ground; they are not suitable for forcing. And they will begin to bloom in 3-4 years. If the children do not separate, the mother bulb is planted with them.


Irina 02/12/2017 20:55

I quote Evgeniy:

I quote Evgeniy:

Hello, today I bought hyacinths in the market. Three bulbs in one pot, they have not bloomed yet, they said in three days, but they need to be transplanted into different pots. Or is it possible not to replant, but to plant them in the garden after they have finished blooming? What should I do, please tell me!

If the bulbs are very crowded, there is not enough land and they are supported by the same roots, then replanting is necessary by transshipment and adding the missing soil.
Seating separately is not necessary, but new pot should be large enough so that the bulbs do not touch each other or the edge of the pot. When planting, do not deepen the neck of the bulbs. You can fill up to half of the onion, and after flowering, add more soil.
However, if there is enough soil and the hyacinth has not yet bloomed, then it is better not to touch it. Let them bloom quietly and cut off the flower stalks.

February weather is windy and unstable. There is still no talk of any flowers, even the earliest ones, outside the window! But, which will certainly instill in everyone’s heart the confidence that spring will very soon transform everything around. Their surprisingly powerful aroma and dense inflorescences rarely leave anyone indifferent, and the name is translated from Greek as “flower of rain.” So, let's talk about hyacinths today.

The homeland of these flowers is Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Of course, in nature you will not find the plants that can now be purchased in our stores. After all, the wild ancestors of cultivated hyacinths do not form such luxurious lush flower caps. But, nevertheless, even modest natural forms inspired breeders to begin improving them, and in the end... Purple, burgundy, white, cream inflorescences reminiscent of lilac... These flowers will conquer anyone!

But these bulbous ones will last, fade and, most likely, go... to the trash heap. But true flower growers never do this! After all, after resting, a hyacinth bulb is still capable of producing new blooms. As soon as the hyacinth has finished blooming, cut off the dry flower stalks and continue to water and feed the plant until the leaves dry out. At this time, the bulb gains strength and may even form daughter bulbs. Then remove the bulb from the ground, tear off the dried leaves and dry. In the fall, they are planted in the garden in a place protected from the wind and direct sunlight, where they will bloom again in a year. The hyacinth bulb lives for more than one year, growing overgrown with children that produce new flowers.

Growing hyacinths in the garden is a special topic. But here are the most large bulbs in the fall you can dig them up, dry them and they will wait for the moment when they will please you with their flowers, but already on the windowsill. But in order for hyacinths to bloom abundantly, and for the plant and bulbs to remain healthy, it is necessary to adhere to several simple rules as strictly as possible.

First. Decide by what time you want to receive blooming hyacinths. By the New Year (this is early forcing), January-February (middle), March-April (late forcing). The time required for forcing hyacinths from planting to flowering takes on average 2.5 months.

Second. It is necessary to have a cold, dark place where the hyacinth bulbs will initially be placed (ideally a cellar, but a refrigerator will do), and a cool, lit place where the hyacinth flowers that have begun to grow are placed at the second stage. Plants with blooming flowers can grow at room temperature (but it should not exceed 18-20 degrees) and good light.

For home forcing of hyacinths, choose larger bulbs with a diameter of more than 5 cm. This will be the key to successful cultivation and lush flowering. For forcing at home, all bulbous plants, as a rule, are specially prepared. Therefore, buy bulbs in trusted places − garden centers, specialized stores or people who have been doing this for a long time and seriously. The bulb must be healthy: dense, without damage, with outer scales.

Select suitable containers for forcing hyacinths. These can be any boxes, wide pots, bowls, but must have a drainage hole. Prepare soil mixture(any nutritious soil mixture with a neutral reaction), drainage (sand or fine expanded clay). Now you can proceed directly to planting your favorite flowers.

Place at the bottom of the pot thin layer drainage; then fill with soil so that the tops of the bulbs rise about 2-3 cm above the soil surface. Plant the bulbs in the soil. The distance between the bulbs when forcing hyacinths should be about 2.5 cm. They should sit closely, but not touch each other or the walls of the bowl or box. Thanks to this arrangement, flowering plants look more spectacular. Punch the soil around the bulbs to make it more compact. Then water the planted flowers. Sprinkle with a layer of sand 0.5-1 cm thick. This is necessary so that the bulbs do not rot during forcing. Then place the container with the planted hyacinths in a plastic bag, in which you must make a hole for ventilation.

Place the flower prepared in this way in a cool, dark place (refrigerator). At a temperature of 5-7 degrees at at this stage After forcing hyacinths, the plant takes root, then the first shoots appear. The placement period under such conditions is 6-10 weeks. Check from time to time to see if the soil in the box is dry.

After 10-12 weeks, when green shoots of 2-2.5 cm (hyacinth leaves) appear, move the boxes to a cool, shaded place with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. First place it in a shaded place, after a few days move it closer to the window. The bulbs will begin to actively throw out leaves, and in a few weeks buds will appear. Now you can move the hyacinth to its intended place. It should be well lit (but not exposed to direct sunlight), free from drafts, moisture and away from heating devices. Air temperature 15-20 degrees. The soil should be constantly moist. Rotate the pot from time to time to ensure the plants grow evenly. If necessary, install supports. For the curvy long flowering Feeding with liquid fertilizer is necessary. And then all the guests of your home will be surprised by the aroma and beautiful flowering this amazing plant.

If you want to learn how to care for indoor plants and flowers in the autumn cold, watch video tips from Sergei Novikov!

Caring for hyacinth in a pot at home

To grow hyacinth in a pot and decorate your room with it, acquire a minimum amount of knowledge about caring for plants. The flower is undemanding and develops well in almost any conditions. For long flowering and long-term cultivation, create an optimal microclimate for hyacinth.

Planting hyacinth

Plant the plant in early October. First, sort through the bulbs and make sure there is no damage or rot. Tubers with a diameter of 5 cm or more are suitable for planting in a pot; only shoots grow from small ones; buds are not set. Select a small container so that the distance from planting material there was no more than 3 cm to the walls.

Source: Depositphotos

The growth and development of hyacinth in a pot is possible with minimal care

Place drainage at the bottom of the pot broken bricks or crushed stone, then pour a layer of sand 2 cm thick. Make a substrate from peat, compost and sand, mix the components in equal proportions. Plant 3 bulbs per pot, 2/3 deep into the ground so that the root collar remains on the surface. For successful rooting, do the following:

  • pour cool water;
  • wrap the pot in a thick opaque bag;
  • take it to a pantry, cellar, garage or other cool and dark place, leave for 7–8 weeks;
  • Check the soil periodically for moisture.

When the shoots grow 5–7 cm, bring the flower into the house and feed it with complex liquid fertilizer. Do not place hyacinth near a radiator or near open windows; water it every other day in small portions. After the first buds have formed, move the pot to a permanent place.

Home care for hyacinth in a pot

When growing a flower indoors, remember that hyacinth is a garden plant. Try to create a microclimate that is familiar to him. The most important indicators for hyacinth are:

  • Soil moisture. In nature, hyacinth is found in tropical latitudes, which are characterized by prolonged rainfall. Therefore, the flower does not tolerate drought well. Water 3-4 times a week with water at room temperature.
  • Lighting. During the growing season, keep hyacinth on south-facing windows or a balcony, then put it in a dark corner.
  • Temperature. In summer, maintain this indicator within 22–25 °C, in winter - not lower than 16 °C. Sudden changes in temperature lead to wilting and shedding of buds.

To reduce the number of waterings, add hydrogel to the soil, which will retain moisture. It is not necessary to feed indoor hyacinth. Only during the flowering period apply to the soil once every 2 months. mineral fertilizers. Do not use organics, as such compositions change acid-base balance soil, which negatively affects the development of hyacinth.

When the plant fades and the leaves begin to fall, start preparing the flower for the next season. Cut the stem at the base, dig up the bulbs and treat them with potassium permanganate. Store at a temperature of 16–25 °C.

Hyacinth is often grown as a annual plant. Provide the flower with proper care and admire its beauty for several years.

You can achieve flowering of this wonderful plant almost at any time. It is possible to time the blossoming of buds to coincide with a specific holiday by giving yourself a gift, for example, for the New Year.

The festive room will be decorated not only with a traditional Christmas tree, but also with a majestic living bouquet.

It is necessary to talk about how to force hyacinths at home, whether it is a perennial or an annual flower.

Hyacinth is a member of the Asparagus genus and is a perennial bulbous flower. There are 3 types of it:

  1. Hyacinth Litvinova. With wide spreading leaves and a short peduncle. Flowers with pointed petals, the predominant tone is bluish-blue. Can be perennial or annual. IN wildlife(in the eastern regions of Iran and Turkmenistan) it grows for more than one year, and in culture it is most often used as an annual.
  2. Hyacinth transcaspian. A small plant with narrow long leaves. There are usually more than two peduncles; the flowers themselves are blue and quite small. In the wild, hyacinths bloom in spring in the mountainous regions of Turkmenistan.
  3. The most common is, of course, oriental hyacinth. It is this that is defined as the standard type of crop, and on its basis new varieties and various hybrids are developed, of which there are already more than 300. It has a wide variety of colors.

It is possible to carry out a very conditional division of varieties of oriental hyacinth according to color:

  • blue (Maria, Delftblue, Royal Navy);
  • white (Ailos, Edelweiss, Argentina Arendsen, Carnegie);
  • pink (Fondant, Jan Bos, Pink Pearl);
  • red (Woodstock);
  • yellow (Orange Boven, Apricot Passion, City of Haarlem);
  • purple (Amethyst, Bismarck, Menelik).

Hyacinth Mix is ​​a hybrid with double flowers, which can have very different colors. This is a flower mixture.

Growing hyacinths at home is different from growing hyacinths in the countryside or in the garden. We must try to recreate conditions as close to natural as possible.

It is not at all easy, but not extremely difficult to grow this plant. Any amateur can cope with this task.

How are hyacinths planted and cared for indoors?

The requirements for caring for hyacinth in a pot are as follows:

  1. Soil. A special mixture is used (turf, sand, humus, leaf soil and peat - in equal proportions). The soil in the pot must be calcined (heat-treated) before being used.
  2. Lighting and location. This plant loves light very much. He needs it at least 15 - 16 hours a day. Therefore, it is better to place pots in which hyacinths are planted on the windowsills of southern or south-eastern windows. If this is not possible, then additional artificial lighting will have to be provided. On hot sunny days, plants must be shaded or removed from window sills to avoid sunburn. Hyacinth on the windowsill needs to be rotated occasionally so that the flower is symmetrical.
  3. Temperature. Hyacinths are quite demanding on the air temperature in the room (+20...+22°C). They cannot tolerate drafts, sudden temperature changes and the proximity of heating devices. You can imitate natural conditions by placing the pots on the balcony or loggia in warm weather.
  4. Watering and spraying. Watering is required extremely carefully and carefully. Avoid complete drying out of the soil. Moisture should not get on the plant itself: it may rot. Watering is carried out by immersion in settled, not cold and soft water. There is no need to spray hyacinths in pots. During the flowering process, it is strictly forbidden to moisturize.
  5. Top dressing hyacinths are carried out quite often. For this purpose, you can use any universal complex fertilizer intended for all indoor plants.

Bulbous flowers in pots produce abundant budding solely as a result of forcing.

And this is a whole complex of actions aimed at stimulating the plant.

Conditions are created for planting and caring for hyacinths indoors, the observance of which encourages the plant to actively grow and bloom generously.

Bulbs - selection and preparation

The choice of hyacinth is considered extremely important for the quality flowering of a houseplant. good stuff for landing.

The bulbs should be strong, dense and healthy. They must not be damaged (dents, scratches).

The weight should not raise suspicions about the presence of a void inside, that is, the bulb should not weigh too little.

In terms of size, tubers with a diameter of about 5 cm are considered the most suitable. After purchase and immediately before planting, they must be treated with disinfectant compounds.

To plant a hyacinth flower in a pot, you need to take only those bulbs that have already undergone a dormant period.

Anyone who bought planting material in a store reasonably assumes that purchased bulbs have already passed this stage. A repeat procedure is not required.

If you use your own planting material, then you need to take care of this in advance.

Hyacinth after flowering (in June) is dug up at the moment when the peduncle dries out and the leaves turn yellow. The bulbs are then carefully examined and selected.

Storing tubers at home during rest (rest) is as follows:

  • the first two weeks after digging, garden bulbs should be kept in a humid and warm room (about 30°C);
  • in the next couple of weeks we lower the temperature to 25°C;
  • Before you need to plant hyacinth at home, the temperature background should be below 17°C.

Bulbs - planting and subsequent forcing

First of all, you need to decide on the date by which you want to get the blooming hyacinth.

The forcing period varies depending on the selected varieties. It ranges from 13 to 20 weeks.

Flowering after early forcing occurs towards the end of December, after middle forcing - in January or February, and after late forcing - in the last ten days of March or April.

The planting process, as well as caring for hyacinths at home, is carried out in several stages:

  1. A pot is selected. It is recommended to use fairly wide, but not very tall products. They must have drainage holes.
  2. Drainage (expanded clay) is poured into the pot.
  3. Then a small layer of special soil is placed on top.
  4. Now - a thin layer of sand.
  5. Bulbs are planted on the sand. You can place one or even several pieces in 1 pot (at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other).
  6. The bulbs are slightly pressed (not screwed in) and covered with earth. Planting is done shallow, approximately a third of the tuber should remain outside.
  7. Sprinkle sand on top to avoid rotting of the planting material.
  8. For 1.5-2 months the pots are left to rest in a cool and dark place. This could be the basement or even the refrigerator. The main thing is that the air temperature is stable within +6...+10°C. Care consists of regular moisturizing land. The substrate should not be allowed to dry out. Hyacinth at home is placed in an artificial autumn.
  9. After this period, the flowers need to create an unnatural spring. They move to a well-lit room where the temperature is maintained within +10...+15°C.
  10. The moment the buds appear, the plant is immediately transferred to the required location.

To preserve hyacinth flowers for a long time in an apartment, a constant temperature not exceeding 20°C is required. It is recommended to avoid proximity to heating devices.

You cannot stop caring for hyacinth after flowering, otherwise the plant may die. When the leaves turn yellow and the flower stalks wilt, you should not stop watering and fertilizing. It is necessary to give the bulb time to recover.

After the leaves have completely dried, it is removed from the ground, cleaned and laid out to dry for a couple of days.

If the hyacinth has well-developed children, they are separated. But if small onions hold tightly, it is better not to touch them.

There is no need to replant them right away. How to store bulbs at home?

Leave in a dark and fairly cool place until late autumn, then we plant them in open ground. The bulb will take root well before frost.

Hyacinths that have already survived one forcing do not bloom again. They don't have enough strength for this.

So they should rest in the garden and will probably bloom next spring. There is no need to plant them in a pot.

How does hyacinth propagate?

Propagation of hyacinths at home can be done in several different ways:

  • onion children;
  • seeds;
  • separate onion scales.

Reproduction of hyacinths by children is rightfully considered the most in a simple way for flower growers.

Daughter bulbs usually grow naturally, completely independently.

You just need to carefully separate them from the mother bulb. The only drawback is the small number of children (from 1 to 9).

To increase the number of planting materials, use decorative methods reproduction: cutting (notching) and cutting (removing) the bottom.

To carry out this procedure, select the healthiest, largest and most rested bulb. Then it must be disinfected and dried.

In the cutting method, the bottom is carefully removed so that a notch remains. Then the bulbs are placed in boxes with the cutouts facing up and stored in a room with a temperature of no more than 20°C.

After two to three months, babies will grow along the edge of the cutout in quite a large number (20 - 40 pcs.).

The bulb with the children is transplanted into the soil for growing. When the growing season ends, you can dig up the entire tuber and divide the children.

The transplanted bulbs will have to grow for another 3-4 years before flowering.

With the method of cutting the bottom, several notches are made (2 - 6), from which daughter bulbs are then formed. There will be fewer of them, but they will be larger.

Transplantation of hyacinths is carried out similarly to the previous method. Children raised using this method quickly reach the flowering phase (2-3 years).

The plant also reproduces using scales. They are simply separated from the mother bulb and transplanted into the substrate.

When hyacinths are cared for correctly, soon enough they will turn into full-fledged bulbs.

The most in a complicated way Growing hyacinths from seeds is considered. Used almost exclusively by specialists.

It is also the longest. It takes up to 6 years for a seed to develop into a flowering bulb. Although caring for growing bulbs is not so difficult.

Hyacinth is a rather capricious plant when grown in an apartment. This is usually due to unskilled care. Here are the possible problems:

  • flowers rot (watering is excessive or incorrect);
  • buds fall off (water got on them during watering);
  • leaves wither (insufficient lighting);
  • leaves turn yellow (drafts occur);
  • no flowering (temperature conditions are not maintained).

Caring for hyacinth in a pot at home is not particularly difficult. You just need to follow some rules.

Main characteristics of the plant

Hyacinth is a plant that has the same Latin and popular name. In Latin, its name means "rain flower". It really loves moisture, although it can experience short-term drought. The bulb, which is a large bud, helps him in this.

It consists of fleshy leaves and a dormant shoot. Before the beginning of the growing season, this shoot is fed from the reserves of the leaves of this bud. At the same expense it is carried out rapid growth and abundant flowering early spring.

A rosette of elongated leaves and one stem with an inflorescence extend from the bulb. The flowering stem is a direct continuation of the bottom of the bulb. In hyacinth, like many bulbous plants, after flowering, the flowering stem dries out along with the leaves. After that, in the corner of the top sheet A bud forms inside the bulb. It grows, forming a new bulb.

The flowers are shaped like a bell, but are collected in a raceme inflorescence. The fruit is a leathery capsule with three nests, each of which contains two seeds with a fragile peel.

The wild ancestors of cultivated hyacinth grow in the eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia. In cultivation, this plant has acquired many shapes and colors. The most common flowers are blue, purple, pink, white, and yellow.

How to grow hyacinth at home (video)

The rhythm of hyacinth life in indoor conditions

Despite the fact that hyacinth on the windowsill at home has become a common occurrence, it is difficult to force this plant to vegetate and bloom all year round it fails - the memory of wild ancestors takes its toll. Hyacinth in a pot, just like in nature, needs to rest for some time. The growth of indoor hyacinth consists of the following stages.

  1. After the plant has finished flowering, you need to cut off the wilted inflorescence from the bulb.
  2. Moderate watering of the plant should be continued for some time. This should be done until the leaves dry out completely.
  3. After this, watering should be stopped and the bulbs from the pot should be replanted. They are kept in a cool, dark place for 3 months. At this time, the hyacinth should gain strength and form new bulbs.
  4. The bulb should be planted when new green shoots emerge from it. After this, it’s time to move the flower to a window with good lighting.

At this time, it’s time to ask the question “how to care for hyacinth” in order to achieve abundant flowering.

Care, breeding and transplantation

Before planting hyacinth in a pot, you need to carefully examine the bulb. If young bulbs are easily separated from the mother bulb, they can be separated and replanted, but not in a pot, but in open ground. There they must mature to adulthood. If the bulbs do not separate, they are replanted along with the mother bulb.

In order to understand how to grow hyacinth beautiful and healthy, you need to follow the following rules.

  • Hyacinth should be planted in fertile soil with a lot of organic matter and neutral acidity. Under no circumstances should you plant in acidic soil.
  • To place a pot with this plant, choose the most illuminated places. If there are no such windows, but you want to admire the flowers, organize artificial lighting.
  • It is necessary to ensure a stable temperature of about 20-23 ° C, without drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  • Despite the presence of the bulb, the supply of moisture in it does not save the flower from drying out. The plant must be watered regularly; the soil in the pot must be constantly moist.
  • At home, the soil in a pot can quickly become depleted, so it is necessary to fertilize at all stages of individual hyacinth development. Bulbs that are at rest can be sprayed with a weak solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

  • flowering plant You need to feed it twice a month with special preparations to stimulate flowering. However, caution must be exercised here - too frequent fertilizing can change the acidity of the soil to pronounced alkaline, which is also not desirable for keeping hyacinth at home.
  • Before planting hyacinth, prepare the soil. A large amount of humus is good, but there is one danger here. If you put a lot of easily decomposing organic matter, this can cause high nitrogen levels and excessive leaf growth. In this case, the flower will develop poorly. Problems may also arise with the formation of new bulbs.

Planting should be done in a pot with good drainage, which can be moss. This will make the soil looser, more moisture-absorbing, with an optimal content of slowly decomposing organic matter. Moss can also be used as mulch.

To properly grow hyacinth, care must be carried out at all stages of plant development. Otherwise there may be following problems:

  1. Peduncle too short. This occurs with improper watering, contrasting temperature conditions, insufficient lighting and low soil fertility.
  2. The buds are falling off. This can happen when too high temperature And insufficient watering.
  3. Hyacinth does not bloom. This problem can occur when there is a lack of phosphorus or potassium in the soil, as well as when improper storage bulbs This is usually storage at too high a temperature, which leads to premature loss of moisture reserves and minerals in the onion. Too small an onion can also lead to the same effect.

Specifics of watering a plant

It is important to know in advance how to water a flower. The plant loves moisture, which is why, when growing it in the house, you need to ensure regular proper watering. During this process water is poured exclusively along the very edge of the bowl. If liquid gets into the leaf axils, the hyacinth flower may die. It is better not to use standard watering cans.

To water hyacinth, it is advisable to use melted water or rainwater, it must first be heated to normal room temperature. In addition, when growing hyacinth at home, it is better not to spray it, because such actions can only harm the plant, especially during its flowering.

How to light hyacinth

To properly grow hyacinth, care at home must be impeccable. Particular attention should be paid to lighting, because the flower needs plenty of sunlight. For forcing hyacinths at home to be successful, it is necessary to provide it with at least 12 sundial for a day. In this case you can use artificial lighting.

Hyacinth: care after flowering (video)

Thus, solving the problem called how to grow hyacinth at home is not so difficult. The plant just needs to create favorable conditions for flowering and periodically provide a state of rest for the bulb.

Care: problems and diseases

You need to know how to care for hyacinth, otherwise problems will begin. Among the most common are the following:

    due to non-compliance temperature regime indoor hyacinths stop blooming;

    if you water hyacinth incorrectly at home or place the plant in a draft, its leaves will immediately turn yellow;

    due to insufficient lighting indoor plants begin to fade;

    if water gets on the hyacinth in room conditions, the buds may begin to fall off;

    As a result of waterlogging, the flowers will begin to rot.

Caring for hyacinth at home is not difficult, because there are very few diseases that affect the flower. The most common is yellow bacterial rot. Mucus appears around the bulb, and the leaves become covered with black dots.

If a hyacinth grown at home is sick, it must be destroyed, the pot should be disinfected and the soil should be thrown away. To prevent rot from returning and affecting other plants, preventive maintenance must be carried out periodically. It is better not to fill hyacinth in home vases, and the bulbs must first be etched with phosphorus-containing preparations.

Among the most dangerous pests The following are distinguished:

To destroy them, specialized preparations are used, which are applied before the formation of buds.