How to make slate plastic bottles. How to make transparent slate from plastic bottles. Decorative greenhouse made from plastic bottles

With the beginning of the summer season, another avalanche of empty PET bottles rolls in. How Colorado potato beetles, these bottles penetrate into all corners of the country: in cities and villages, on streets and squares, in parks and on the beach, in entrances and basements, etc. I once saw an almost thriller-like story on TV - tens of hectares of the river bordering Slovakia are covered with a decent layer of PET bottles. The picture is not for the faint of heart.
The authorities, environmentalists and a huge number of other specialists are constantly looking for an opportunity to solve this problem, or one might even say “catastrophe”. I decided to join them too. If something is lying under your feet, then no one needs it anymore. Therefore, if you make something useful out of PET bottles, they will very soon disappear from under your feet. I make transparent slate for the roof from plastic bottles. From the traditional industrial method, which is very complex, energy-intensive and expensive, mine differs in its simplicity and accessibility.

In empty bottles I cut out the cylindrical part. The resulting cylinders are cut vertically into 2-3 (or even more, depending on the volume of bottles) plates.

The plates are fastened together in longitudinal intermediate rows, i.e. I connect them together along the length.
I connect the intermediate rows to each other in the transverse direction so that the protrusion is followed by a depression, etc.
As a result, sheets are formed like slate, but they have significant advantages:

  1. Firstly, slate made from plastic bottles is much lighter than any other covering material.
  2. They have high ductility and flexibility, which is convenient for installation.
  3. Slate made from plastic bottles is transparent, making it great for covering greenhouses.
  4. And most importantly - cheapness.

I connect the plates with silicone or glue, but you can connect the plates using heat treatment, although this is a rather labor-intensive process. Most reliable way connections – combined – adhesive + mechanical. Anyone who is not lazy can make such sheets, right in the kitchen, while watching TV.

Scope of use of sheets

For those who have at least a piece of land - these are greenhouses, fruit dryers, fences, shelters for haylofts, fuel, auxiliary buildings, etc. - as far as imagination and imagination is enough. And for amateur winegrowers there is a wide prospect of making fuller use of the opportunities to grow grapevines under a screen using the method of Kharkovchanin L.S. Shugin. Those who do not have land can make them for sale, exchange food from peasants, etc. For the poor and needy, such a trade can become good source income, and perhaps for some it will be a good business.
Thus, PET bottles can easily turn from enemies into human friends. And what our country will be like tomorrow, a big landfill or a beautiful greenhouse-oasis, depends on each of us.

A plastic bottle is an inconspicuous thing in everyday life. Once upon a time, it was valued in everyday life - the older generation stored scarce containers in reserve, and then used them for going out for milk or storing compote. Times have changed, there are a lot of PVC bottles, people don’t have time to throw them away. And many have already seriously thought about what to do with such a lot of unnecessary containers - after all, as you know, plastic takes about 100 years to decompose.

Little by little, they began to be used. Almost everyone has a bird feeder made from a plastic bottle on their balcony or a transparent homemade “lampshade” in their garage. Many ideas have arisen for reusing unnecessary containers. People have adapted to making any crafts from plastic bottles - both purely practical and purely decorative.

Thrifty gardeners

A common problem for many summer residents is the construction of a house and outbuildings on a small garden plot with limited funds. Moreover, the seasonal operation of such a house does not require the construction of serious capital buildings. Enterprising gardeners solved the problem with typical Russian ingenuity - they took the most ordinary PVC bottle and looked at it as original, affordable, easy to process and practically free building material.

What can be done for the garden from plastic bottles - these, at first glance, useless containers! Real walls of houses, greenhouses, and gazebos are being erected. The masonry technology is quite traditional - using cement mortar. But the brick is replaced by a plastic bottle filled with sand. The result is an original building in an unusual style.

Country house

Although there is nothing complicated in its construction from PVC containers, some nuances still need to be taken into account. It is better to lay the rows of masonry with wire reinforcing mesh to improve the adhesion of the solution to the smooth plastic of the bottle. For the same purpose, make small holes in the container - the solution will come into contact with the sand inside, which will increase the strength of the masonry.

During the work, be sure to secure the bottles with wire or rope, otherwise the rows will move apart. Do not forget that plastic does not tolerate heat and frost well, and in five years the house will have to be restored. However, taking into account the availability of material and the ease of construction, such an economical house can be “updated” more often.

The cylindrical shape encourages the construction of round houses and gazebos. You can also make a roof from them. How? Here are two interesting ideas.

Plastic tiles

Expensive tiles can be replaced with homemade ones, made with your own hands from plastic bottles.

A large number of them should be carefully compressed. If you do this without heating, the container will simply crack. Place the bottles in the sun, then flatten them.

The resulting PVC modules are attached to the frame in several layers with self-tapping screws. A roof made of such tiles can be of absolutely any shape, including cone-shaped - for example, for a bathhouse or gazebo.

Plastic slate

Another option for a product made from plastic bottles for a homemade roof is slate sheet.

Cut off the neck and bottom of the container. We cut the remaining cylindrical part of the bottle in half lengthwise, and connect the resulting semicircular elements with PVC glue into a wave-shaped surface.

An existing building (or one being built from brick, wood, etc.) can be decorated along the facade original decor from PVC bottle caps. Having them in large quantities, it is easy to come up with a floral pattern, a geometric pattern or a “cartoon” design.

Gazebos and greenhouses

A greenhouse made from plastic bottles is one of the most rational decisions. Traditional polycarbonate is quite expensive, but in essence it is the same material. Transparent bottles are quite capable of refracting sunlight and perform the same tasks as laminated plastic or glass.

Moreover, if traditional rectangular shape you are bored, a greenhouse made of plastic bottles can be made in the form of a hemisphere using metal frame. Having built it, take a drill, a hammer with nails or a hot knitting needle and make holes in the bottoms of the bottles. Then string the plastic vessels onto a wire or fishing line slightly longer than the planned height of the building.

Stretch the resulting “garlands” and attach them to the frame - you get walls. For stability, you can fix the bottles in the transverse direction by tying each row with wire. If you take multi-colored containers, you will get an original ornament.

Gates, fences and fences

What else useful can you make from plastic bottles for your garden?

You will save a lot of money by using them to fence your area. The principle of use is the same. Fill the space between the posts with plastic containers. A little creativity - and an extravagant border will not only protect, but also decorate your property.

And flowers from plastic bottles of different shades will add originality to such a fence.


A common problem is the lack of space on the site to park a car. Building a full-fledged garage is time-consuming and expensive, and the car often remains exposed to the scorching sun, rain and winds for days on end.

The same plastic bottles will help preserve your iron friend. You can experiment with them endlessly, replacing damaged ones with new ones. A carport made from them is not only functional, but also adds originality to the landscape.

Such a canopy is made in a similar way to a greenhouse. Bottles with pierced holes are strung on wire and secured in rows. Then a couple more holes are made in them (on the sides) and a transverse “firmware” is pulled through them. As a result, we have a flexible and movable “bottle fabric” of the size we need, which remains to be fixed on the frame.

Solar collector

Products made from plastic bottles can be complex designs using engineering and technical thought.

If you are not at the dacha central water supply and the boiler, and wash at the end working day If you want warm, not ice-cold water, we suggest making summer shower with a solar collector made from the same bottles. The principle of its operation is that hot (more dense) water moves upward, and cold (less dense) water moves downward. One is enough for 1 person to bathe square meter such a solar panel.

The panel, assembled from plastic bottles, receives cold water from the tank, and comes back already warmed up. You will need about 60 two-liter bottles, pipes, tees and PVC corner, black paint.

The bottoms of the bottles are cut off and inserted one into the other. The frame is assembled from PVC pipes using tees; plastic, painted black, is placed under the bottles to increase heat absorption. You can take milk cartons.

Bottle panels are located on south side roof below the water tank. It is advisable to replace them every few years, as the plastic becomes opaque and loses its desired properties.

Another energy-saving idea is to illuminate a windowless room on a bright sunny day. To do this, it is enough to hermetically insert a plastic bottle of water into the roof, which refracts the sun's rays and illuminates the room.

Watering plants

From buildings we move on to growing vegetables and flowers. And here products made from plastic bottles will serve us. It is convenient to grow seedlings in our favorite container by cutting a hole and filling it with soil. At the same time, do not forget about drainage. Containers for plants can be painted with stained glass paints or covered with corks.

For small plot sizes, vertical gardening can be organized. Plastic containers hung on a fishing line along the wall. You will immediately save space and decorate an expressionless surface.

By making many pinholes in the bottle, you will get a drip irrigation device. You can also pierce miniature holes in its bottom and attach the bottle to the hose - the tool is ready. And if you install such a homemade water sprayer on a platform with wheels from an old toy car (or a frame from a baby stroller), you can move it throughout the entire area. In this case drip irrigation from a plastic bottle will make the life of an inventive gardener much easier.

Garden and country furniture

Furniture items transported to the dacha quickly lose their appearance due to constant dampness. You can avoid problems by making practical and easy-to-clean furniture from plastic bottles with your own hands.

The table and chairs are easy to make and do not require special skill. A round or square ottoman can be made from bottles placed close to each other, wrapped in a sheet of foam rubber and covered with inexpensive, practical fabric. The chair is made according to the same principle, but using a metal frame.

Garden lamps

On lighting fixtures You can also save money for the garden. We take colored plastic canister, cut off the neck, insert the light bulb in the socket inside. The lamp is ready!

A more complex design is created by heating and deforming bottle plastic, melting the edges and painting. Such original lamps They will serve as an excellent replacement for factory ones and will decorate both the house and the site. Moreover, candles, including decorative ones, can also serve as a source of light.

Landscape decor

Making garden decorations, they use everything - whole bottles, separately the neck, bottom and middle part, as well as cut out parts. A special issue is traffic jams. The decor for the garden comes out original and expressive - paths, walls of the house and the plane of the fence.

The decorations in the form of three-dimensional or flat figurines of animals or plants that imitate real ones are stunning with their originality. And the feeder made from a plastic bottle is simply a classic of the genre.

Flowerbeds can be divided with multi-colored paths made from them; such a “cut” will give the flower garden completeness. Bury small bottles, neck down, along the contour of the flower bed. Choose them in the same or contrasting colors. Birds from plastic bottles can both feed and drink. Do you want to constantly enjoy the chirping of birds? Hang drinking bowls and feeders cut out from the same container and painted on the trees.

Garden sculptures made from a variety of materials are now extremely popular. Swan made from plastic milk bottles white with a gracefully curved neck can be not only a decoration, but also a mini-flower bed. Between its wings there is sometimes a real flower garden. Several of these flowerbed islands will miraculously transform any garden. And such a swan is made from plastic bottles quite quickly and simply. Moreover, if you don’t have opaque white plastic at hand, acrylic paints will come to the rescue.

It’s a little more difficult to make a peacock from plastic bottles. Here you will have to tinker, cutting the lush fringe for the tail. But the result is worth it. A peacock made from plastic bottles can become a real work of art; there is no shame in placing such a sculpture in the most visible place.

Garden paths

Laying them is always a difficult and quite costly issue. Temporary option his solution will be to fill the paths on the site cement mortar (thin layer) and immerse the plastic caps tightly to each other. You can lay out a variety of ornaments and even inscriptions.

Outdoor washbasin

We hang a bottle with the bottom cut off, filled with water, with the cork down on a pole or tree. If you need to wash your hands, unscrew the lid slightly and the water begins to flow.

Another option is whole bottle hung with the cork up, holes are made in the bottom. You twist the cap slightly, air gets in, and water flows out.

An outdoor shower works on the same principle, only the container will need a much larger size.

Volumetric sculptures

Creating decorative installations is a fashionable trend nowadays garden and landscape design. What kind of things are these sculptures made from? And plastic bottles are no exception.

This kind of work will require a lot of patience and some skill. For starters, you can try making one out of bottles. christmas tree- according to the “sleigh in summer” principle. If you come to celebrate the New Year at your dacha, but there are no coniferous forests nearby, a plastic Christmas tree will come in very handy.

The basis of the design will be a rigid rod: bottles are either simply hung from it, or put on a wire and wrapped in a garland in several tiers. With the help of auxiliary supports, the tree can be shaped into a tent. Moreover, the Christmas tree does not have to be a classic green color - a variety of bottles are suitable. They can be cut, melted, deformed, sliced thin stripes, imitating fluffy pine needles, and also painted in the most unusual colors.

Decorative garlands and miniature ornaments will come out of the lids. And the tree itself does not have to be disassembled for the summer - having a cone-shaped shape and a solid size, it will serve as a gazebo for children to play with.

A miniature Christmas tree will be made from green Sprite bottles. It is enough to cut their curved walls into “noodles” and stick them on the base frame.

Country interior

Internal situation country house You can diversify with the same bottles. What can you come up with here? Yes, anything! Screens, partitions, decorative panels and even curtains - products made from plastic bottles exist in a lot of options. You will enjoy the results of your own creative work and acquire an exclusive item that no one else has.

Airy screens dividing space are made by cutting off transparent bottle bottoms, connecting them into garlands with fishing line or wire, and hanging them in the opening. A multi-colored curtain with an original pattern is assembled from the same lids.

Playground at the dacha

Bright fences made of bottles will help separate the area for children's games. It is possible to designate mini-golf courses, build sandboxes, swings and even fairy houses. You can make a football goal or a labyrinth for kids.

If close garden plot There is a pond, so you can diversify your holiday on the shore. It is enough to make at least the simplest watercraft. Getting to a deserted island, going fishing, or just taking a ride along the shore - all this will be possible thanks to the same universal, irreplaceable PVC bottles!

Bottle boat

You can limit yourself to a small narrow boat like an Indian pirogue, which can accommodate one or two. Or you can “swing” at a serious boat for three or four passengers. The easiest thing to make is a rectangular raft; you can fish from it not far from the shore. It will turn out to be quite stable and reliable.

If you are planning a boat in the shape of a kayak, insert bottles with the bottom cut off one into the other, you will get something like a long pipe. Reinforce the joints with wide furniture tape that is not afraid of water. Assemble the bottom and sides from separate pipes using the same tape, and give the structure a wedge-shaped shape. In this case, it is necessary to observe the ratio of the width and height of the vessel.

The design is more complex - a boat. Bottles standing vertically are connected in two rows and the bodies are sealed with bags. You can even install a small motor on such a boat.

Palm tree from a plastic bottle

All trees and shrubs made of plastic are made according to the same principle. You will need the bottles themselves, wire, scissors, and paint for plastic. For palm trees, their middle and lower parts in dark shades are suitable. From the others - greenish ones - we will make foliage.

The bottom of each bottle is cut off, another of the same type is inserted into it, and continued to the desired height. A wire is pulled inside the center. The neck of a green bottle without a bottom is attached to the top. Then you need to cut a lot of "fringe" from green plastic strips and glue them with lush branches hanging down.

It is better if the palm tree made from a plastic bottle does not stand alone in the garden. An island of them will become an original decoration of any garden in winter and summer. Plastic is a fairly resistant material to cold and rain. For safety reasons, do not forget to melt the edges of the bottles.

Children will take part in such work with great interest. This is a great way to keep kids busy and give them the opportunity to show their efforts and imagination.

Butterfly for garden decor

Variegated butterflies - original decoration any dacha, for example, garden gazebo. To do this, cut out the middle of a bottle of any color. Then we prepare a cardboard pattern in the shape of butterfly wings. We cut out the plastic according to the attached template, and attach the wire to the fold line.

We decorate the homemade butterfly with any beads, and paint the wings with acrylic paints. Color palette should be matched to the gazebo.

Small butterflies from bottles can serve as original hair clips; you can also pin them on curtains or magnetize them to the refrigerator. The smallest crafts made from plastic bottles are bracelets and other original pieces of jewelry.

Vases made from plastic bottles

They come in both tabletop and hanging. From one bottle, cut in half along the height, you can get a cylindrical pot (from the lower part) and a cone-shaped flower pot from the upper part.

You can decorate vases from plastic bottles with anything - fabric, yarn, corrugated paper etc. By slightly heating the plastic, it is given a wide variety of shapes. It is easy to give the edge a fancy shape using hot, sharp scissors.

Plastic daisy

It is very easy to make from a white bottle or regular transparent white paint. Prepare more containers, let the flowers be large and expressive, with petals as long as the height of the bottle.

To maintain the even and beautiful shape of our flower, it is better to make a paper pattern in the form of a circle of small diameter with petals. We give the petals a rounded shape, and pierce a hole in the center of the workpiece with an awl. A beautiful bend of the petals can be achieved by heating them with a candle flame.

We make the core from a yellow bottle or painted transparent. We cut out the petals and sepals from the green one and heat it into the desired shape. We connect all elements with wire. In the same way, any flowers are created from plastic bottles, but you will need containers various shades or paint.

Animals made of plastic

Making them is easier than it seems. For example, the body of a plastic pig can be easily made from a five-liter canister. The animal's ears and legs are cut out from ordinary small bottles. After all work is completed, the structure is painted with bright pink acrylic and installed in a visible place.

A rattle for a baby, as well as a piggy bank, is made like this - the top parts of six one and a half or two liter bottles are cut off evenly so that, by combining them, you get the right ball. They stick together. The necks can be varied with stoppers of different colors.

The item can be used as a piggy bank, or as a rattle. Place buttons or beads inside, screw the lids tightly, after lubricating the threads with glue - so that the baby does not take them apart.

Cars and other toys

Kindergarteners can also handle these crafts. We place bottles of any size horizontally, glue the legs, ears, and tail. Eyes and mouth can be drawn or made from paper. If you have to make not a little animal, but a car, then the wheels will be the same corks or cardboard circles.

Birds made from plastic bottles are a little more complicated to create; here you will need to cut out and glue the “wings”. But the effect can be wonderful, especially if you work hard on the “feathers”.

And dolls made from plastic bottles are simply wonderful! The face is drawn or pasted on, hair is made from thread, clothes are any unnecessary scrap of fabric.

Bottle slippers

They will come in handy in rainy weather in the garden and will help protect your shoes from dirt. Take a couple of identical bottles, small for a baby, larger for an adult. We get closed-toe shoes by cutting off the middle part and bottom in half, flip-flops by cutting one bottle lengthwise and securing a plastic strip on top with glue or thread.

Broom made from a plastic bottle

Excellent and very useful thing! How to make it? We cut several bottles into small strips and fix them on a wooden or metal holder. A durable and tough broom for cleaning the yard is ready!

In addition to it, you can make a scoop in the same design - cut off the bottom and half of the side to the middle of another bottle, and attach it to the handle.

We hope you will now agree: plastic container- a wonderful material for making a huge variety of useful and decorative crafts. Get creative. And good luck to you!

Plastic bottles, of which there are a lot of which are currently collected in every home, are difficult to expose recycling. After all, they not only occupy significant volumes, but are also very, or rather almost, not decomposed in nature. But why throw away what is an excellent and durable material if it can be usefully used to arrange your summer cottage?

How to use? Below we will look at all the most popular methods.

Buildings made from plastic bottles

If you are just starting to use bottles to arrange your summer cottage, then start by building a gazebo. For it you will need a lot of bottles, and if you do not have assistants, then the entire construction process may take 3-4 days, but the result will certainly please you.
So, before you start building, you should thoroughly prepare all the necessary “ingredients” for the future gazebo. You will need:

  • several hundred plastic bottles;
  • cement mixture;
  • dye;
  • sand or earth.

Work will begin with the most tedious task, but alas, inevitable: you will need to fill the bottles with sand or earth.

After this, a recess is dug for the foundation of the gazebo and construction begins.

The cement mixture is diluted to the desired consistency, and some of the bottles with sand are placed at the bottom of the recess, after which the foundation is poured. While it cools and hardens, you can finally decide on the height of the future gazebo and add sand to the remaining bottles.

The construction of the gazebo begins on the finished foundation. For this purpose, they are made in the corners load-bearing columns from bottles as follows:
the corner is covered with connecting cement mixture and a circle of bottles is laid out on it. Then the connecting mixture is laid again, so as not only to cover the bottles, but also to fill the voids that form between them. The process is repeated until the required column height is achieved.

If you planned to make just an open covered gazebo, then next you will need to place a roof frame on top of the columns and cover it.

How to make a roof from plastic bottles, we we will describe below.

But if you want a gazebo that looks like a secluded house, then in this case, be patient and continue to lay out the walls and carved openings from the same plastic bottles. As you have probably already noticed, construction technology using plastic bottles not much different from construction techniques with bricks or blocks. Therefore, all masonry methods and designs of gazebos can be taken from other construction resources.

Let's give you one more hint: in the gazebo you can make a table and benches from the same bottles, which will create pleasant atmosphere intimacy and peace.

A gazebo built in this way will delight you and yours for many years. And you start building a garage.

Yes, yes, we're not kidding. In exactly the same way, you can build an entire garage for your car. Moreover, you can equip it with a special inspection hole, if you have a desire to go a little deeper into Mother Earth and dig.

Building a garage from plastic bottles

Starting construction of a garage is also worth start from the foundation. And if you still decide to make a car inspection hole, then you will have a lot of digging work to do.

First, you should dig a hole for the entire foundation of the future garage, then, having carefully calculated the dimensions of your car and your personal ones, you need to start digging the hole. Traditionally, the depth of such a pit is 150-160 cm, depending on the driver’s height, and the width is 80-100 cm.

Remember, you will have to dig a much wider hole, since it will later have to be processed and secured with a cement-bottle mixture.

After carrying out the “digging” work, you should strengthen the inspection hole; to do this, first place bottles on its bottom and fill it with cement mixture, leveling it. After drying we proceed to strengthening the pit walls: We lay the bottles in rows, bottom to ground, sandwiching them with cement mortar.

When the pit is completely equipped, in the same way, as in a gazebo, we fill the foundation of the future garage.

After it hardens, we build a garage, adhering to classical construction technology.

But how can you save money on roofing materials using plastic bottles?

Oddly enough, it’s very, very simple. Today craftsmen in practice, they have tested and use as many as 2 types of roofing materials made from plastic bottles: tiles and slate.

Method for making tiles from plastic bottles

To make shingles from plastic bottles, you simply take the bottle, heat it slightly in the sun and press it together. The result: a translucent, durable plastic tile sheet.

Making slate from plastic a little more complicated, because you have to do a lot of cutting and gluing. First, the bottom and neck of the bottles are cut off, then the remaining part is cut straight in one place. After which the sheet is unbent and glued to another similar sheet exactly along the seam with PVC glue. The result: plastic corrugated slate, which can be used both for the roof of a gazebo, and for the roof of a garage and carport.

As you have probably already noticed, the technique of building from plastic bottles is not complicated. This means that you can build absolutely anything from them. For example, finally making that wonderful new fence for your summer cottage. After all, everything you need is already at hand: bottles, sand, cement, water and your desire. You can use either column or solid wall techniques when building your new fence.

Using bottles you can easily create complex shapes such as arches, oval and rounded corners.

Add to your desire a little imagination, perseverance and work, and in less than a month your dacha will become a magical castle that you will make from (just don’t tell anyone!) bottles.

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles

You can add even more beauty to your summer cottage using bottles in the design of flower beds and gardens.

So simply by digging up a flowerbed and inserting bottles upside down into the ditch, you not only prevent soil from crumbling in the flower garden, but also give it a special decorative look.

Making interesting accessories

No less popular today are crafts in the form of flowers made from painted plastic bottles, which, like fairy-tale inhabitants, settle in the gardens and front gardens of summer residents. Try making a cute smiling daisy or daisy too. After all, all you need to do is take a knife or scissors and cut the bottle into petals, then color them with paint.

From the same bottles you can cut practical ones that are so useful in the cold winters bird feeders. Here you can show your imagination in cutting out windows and doors through which the birds can get to the food you carefully left.

Those made from bottles have also become especially popular. garden lamps. Usually they are one bottle with the bottom cut off. But some craftsmen make entire chandelier balls by gluing cut bottle bottoms together into large spheres. If you have the time and desire, try to do something similar, we assure you the result will not only surprise you, but will also delight you every time you walk around the site.

By the way, during such a walk it would be nice to walk along a convenient garden path , which can also be made from bottles. To do this, you will again need bottles filled with sand and a cement mixture.

You can greatly transform your dacha using plastic crafts - it's very interesting!

First, mark the boundaries of the path and dig bottles along its perimeter on both sides; they will create a special side that will be the basis of your path. Then, as when pouring the foundations of a gazebo and garage, place the bottles and fill them with cement mixture. If you want to get a perfectly smooth path, then level the surface of the mixture and wait 1-2 days until it hardens completely.

If you want to create the illusion of a stone path, you can use less mixture by lightly covering the bottles with it and then not leveling the surface of the path.

This is not all that you can do with plastic bottles in your area and, undoubtedly, you will do much better. After all, besides the fact that you make yours more beautiful summer cottage plot, at the same time, you contribute to protecting the ecology of the planet by not littering it and using recyclable materials.

The structure will have to spend a tidy sum. An excellent way out of the situation is a gazebo made from plastic bottles.

Gazebo made from plastic bottles. The main thing is to show your imagination and the cozy building will soon be ready.

Preparatory stage

The frame of the future building is best made from wooden beams; plastic bottles can be used for the walls. But first it will take a long time to collect material. For garden construction, 1.5 and 2 liter bottles are suitable, from which the labels are first removed.

The plastic structure can be made in two ways - in the form of a house and a classic gazebo with a roof.

Preparation for construction includes the following stages:

  1. Clearing space for construction.
  2. The ground should be leveled and sand should be added.
  3. Install supports for the foundation. It could be pieces metal pipe or bars.

After installing the supports, you can begin construction plastic construction. Arrangement of the foundation will increase the cost of the building, but will additionally strengthen it and make it possible to make a floor. This is necessary if the soil is too damp.

The use of multi-colored bottles will allow you to get a unique design.

Plastic containers are painted from the inside with liquid acrylic paint using a spray bottle.

Benefits of building a gazebo made of plastic

The construction of a gazebo made of plastic has the following advantages:

  1. Originality. An unusual building will make the site stand out among others.
  2. Putting bottles to good use. Usually they are simply thrown away, which is harmful to the environment.
  3. Saving on materials and construction services. It is much easier to build a gazebo from bottles than from metal, brick or wood.


Even for such a simple design, you will need a drawing that will help you correctly calculate the number of bottles needed for work and determine the shape of the future building.

Video: Review of gazebos made from plastic bottles

For the gazebo you should stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • Wooden beam with a cross section of 10 cm for the frame and 5 cm for the rafters,
  • Boards 2.5 cm thick - for the roof,
  • Metal pipes for supports,
  • Reinforcement with a cross section of 1-1.5 cm,
  • 1.5 liter plastic bottles.
  • Cement, sand, crushed stone,
  • Shovel,
  • Scissors or knife
  • Wire,
  • Fasteners - screws, nails, staples,
  • Hacksaw,
  • Glue, tape,
  • Construction level, plumb.
  • Axe.

All bottles should be the same size and moderately rigid.

Assembling a plastic structure

Assembling a gazebo from bottles can be done in two ways. The first method involves the following sequence of actions:

1. If wooden beams are not used in the construction of the frame, the container located at the base of the gazebo should be filled with sand and pebbles for weighting. Pebbles can be painted different colors, so the gazebo will look more attractive.

Bottles are being prepared. The bottoms are cut off and the bottles are inserted into each other.

2. The soil is leveled and holes for supports are prepared. Wooden beams are installed horizontally and vertically in them.

3. The walls are made of bottles joined together using tape or glue. When using timber for the frame, the bottles are strung on wire and secured vertically. Install the gazebo frame from timber.

4. Made rafter system from thinner timber for the future roof of the gazebo. A lattice of frequently spaced beams is laid on them.

5. For a sloping roof, half the support wooden beams set a little higher than others.

The second version of a gazebo made of plastic bottles looks like this:

1. Mount the frame of the gazebo from wooden beams located in the vertical and horizontal directions. The part of the base that comes into contact with the ground should be immersed in it. Bottom part the bases are immersed in the ground, securely fastened.

2. Plastic bottles for construction using the second method can be smaller in size. Analogs of bricks are made from them, filled with sand and crushed stone.

3. The first layer of bottles with pitch is placed on the base. They are connected to each other with concrete mortar.

4. A lattice is made consisting of thin beams for the roof.

The result is a more durable structure, in no way inferior to a wooden or brick gazebo.

Manufacturing and installation of roofing

The roof can also be made from bottles. Their bottoms and necks are cut off. The resulting ring is cut in half.

But the pieces of plastic first need to be straightened. They are dipped in hot water and then put under oppression for a couple of days. A kind of plastic tile is suitable for roofing.

The finished roof elements are laid starting from the edges and upward, overlapping. TO wooden sheathing The plastic is attached with self-tapping screws. Rubber gaskets will help prevent damage to homemade plastic tiles.

The method of laying the last, topmost layer depends on the shape of the roof. For a sloping roof, the final layer of shingles is secured with the top members resting on the wall to protect all joints.

With a gable or hip roof, the joints of adjacent parts are closed, securing them at both ends of the roof.

Roof made of bottles. Lightweight and durable roofing.

Multi-colored corks will serve for a mosaic floor. To do this, the soil is carefully compacted around the perimeter of the future building. Install the formwork and pour in wet sand. Then the caps are pressed into it and the original floor covering is ready. The only drawback of this floor is its fragility. Extend service life flooring Cement or cement glue will help from corks. A mixture of cement and tile adhesive works well.

Bottle bottoms are also suitable for curtains. They can be hung instead of a door or in window openings. Openwork curtains will add originality to the gazebo and decorate it. Making them is simple - just heat the sand in a frying pan and melt the edges of the bottoms. To achieve this effect, the bottoms are pressed against hot sand. This will help eliminate
burrs formed when cutting them.

Plastic bottles are used not only to make the gazebo itself, but also for individual elements.

In several places, usually along the edges, the bottoms are pierced with a needle. The puncture locations are selected depending on the intended design of the curtains. The wire is threaded into the resulting holes. Curtains can be continuous and located around the perimeter of the gazebo or in the form of separate stripes. Such a curtain is more suitable for covering the entrance to a building.

Plastic bottles are an excellent building material, suitable for making almost any interior item. It is easy to make a table, chair, bed or sofa from them. All you need for this is tape, scissors and a little imagination. To strengthen the structure, the bottles are stacked one inside the other or taped to each other. Ready-made furniture decorated with a tablecloth or cover.

A self-made gazebo made from bottles will delight you with its simplicity and affordability. You can receive guests in it or simply relax after work at your summer cottage.