Uncomfortable apartment. Why is there no comfort in the house? Interior errors. Old carpets and greasy textiles

If your house or apartment suddenly becomes uncomfortable, even if it is always cozy and clean, you can determine the reasons why you often began to experience tension and irritation instead of relaxation.

The first reason is a state of anxiety.

Of course, we cannot live without worries and problems - every day we have to decide something, at work or in the family, sometimes we have to change plans if circumstances change. But living with a feeling of constant anxiety is not a solution to problems.

Yes, we worry about our family members and parents, about their health and well-being. But we must try to put these thoughts into the background, and not get up with them every morning. Unless, of course, something extraordinary happened to them during this period.

Another common cause for concern is in the evenings, after work, “playing out” conflict situations that happened during the day. You can calmly analyze them and decide: are you currently able to fix something?

If possible, find compelling arguments for your opponents to prove that you were right. And leave options for getting out of the situation until the next day. If everything has already happened completely and you cannot change anything, leave what happened in the past, drawing conclusions and trying not to repeat the mistakes in the future.

If you have a constant state of anxiety, instead of taking medications, try changing your diet - add to it. They have a mild sedative effect, will support your strength, and add positive mood. And choose your method which is . Otherwise, you will remain in a closed emotional circle for a long time.

Feelings of anxiety can be caused by an apartment or house that is cluttered with many things that you rarely use or don’t use at all. And you would be sorry to throw them away: memorable dates are associated with them, or they are dear to you as a memory of a loved one, or as a gift. But not all of them! You can leave only the most significant ones. Choose what is more valuable to you - or things.

The second reason is on a subconscious level.

If household injuries begin to happen to you frequently, then you should not “write them all off” to your inattention and absent-mindedness. The reason may be your thoughts that you are not attentive enough to your family members and friends, or that you do not find enough time or energy for them.

You promise to do or buy something, but then you either forget to do it, or you can’t because of your financial situation, or you simply don’t attach importance to the fact that your promise is important to them.

And your own home, as best it can, using its own means, is trying to “reason” with you. You can mix up the taps and get burned by boiling water, simply stumble out of the blue, or constantly hit your knee on a generally conveniently located sofa, table or chair. Or they began to often hit their heads on the closet door, when cleaning, or during other everyday activities.

What to do? Try to make a list of your promises and, if possible, fulfill them. And stop constantly thinking that you are an ungrateful daughter or not enough loving wife, a mother who finds little time for her child, a friend who cannot be a real loved one.

Forgive yourself your voluntary or involuntary sins - we are all not perfect. Just try to get better and organize your free time so that there is, at least a little, enough for everyone. And - forgiveness always helps to restore peace of mind.

The third reason is your fatigue.

A tired person who has been living in a state of stress and chronic fatigue for a long time becomes uncomfortable even within his own walls. But the reasons for this may not only be external factors, but also, one might say, internal, occurring in your own home.

If situations begin to repeat frequently when you do not have time to do everything you planned for the evening or on a weekend, it means that there is an additional “leakage” of your energy, and your home no longer protects you from the outside world.

The energy exchange between you, your home and the outside world occurs through windows. That's why it's so important that they are always clean. Dust on windows not only traps sunlight, but also prevents you from receiving its life-giving energy.

Try to ensure that there is never anything on the windowsills except for low flowers. And find out more about the colors you prefer - some of them do not give energy, but take it away.

Think about window design and what design to choose. It is better to give preference to tulles and curtains in light shades - they visually expand the space, create and give you additional positive energy.

Correctly chosen lighting will also help you reduce fatigue in the evening. Bright light gives off its energy and “feeds” the entire house. And the soft, diffused light of beautiful sconces and floor lamps will help you relax in the evening.

Reason four – things are out of place.

It is difficult to teach everyone at home that all their personal belongings should be in their place. But this is necessary if you do not want to live in constant chaos of not only things, but also thoughts, and lose a lot of useful time every day.

And find your own way to make them keep the house tidy. If you are used to doing everything on your own, then your fatigue, irritability, lack of time for yourself and your loved one will always be at their maximum.

The fifth reason is lack of attention to your home.

This attention does not manifest itself in large-scale matters, although such an epic as a renovation will only be accepted with gratitude by your home. After all, renovation usually entails getting rid of old and unnecessary things. This means that old, negative energy will leave your home. Changing the interior, even moving the furniture slightly, helps renew positive energy.

But your home requires much more attention in the little things: in conveniently located cabinets for storing seasonal items, in hooks and hangers located in the right places, in convenient shelves for household items.

Then keys, glasses and umbrellas will no longer be lost, everyone in the family’s towels will hang in their place, socks will no longer be associated with famous phrases from jokes, and so on.

Great value The plumbing also has a bad condition - a tiresomely dripping faucet not only leads to constant irritation and domestic quarrels, but also threatens problems with the neighbors.

And it’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “You shouldn’t leave dirty dishes in the sink.” Remember for yourself how many times a dirty plate or pan turned out to be the cause conflict situation. They, these everyday quarrels, do not appear out of nowhere - it is your home that reminds you of self-respect, of the need to take care of it.

How to cleanse a house with a church candle.

If you are a believer, then at least once a month, cleanse your home of negative energy with church candle And blessed water. It won’t take much time, but you will immediately feel that it has literally become easier to live and breathe in the house. And in the near future, some of the problems that you were worried about may be resolved.

Cleaning a house or apartment must begin from front door. Light a candle, stand facing the door, illuminate it with a candle, symbolizing the cross. Read the Lord's Prayer. You can read it several times during the cleansing ritual.

And go around the house, moving clockwise. Pay special attention to cleaning the corners. Note the places where the candle may begin to smoke or spark. When you sprinkle your house with holy water, pay special attention to them.

Complete the ritual at the front door by closing the circle and reciting a prayer.

Every day, at least a little, pay attention to your home, and then it will truly become your home and your fortress, which will protect you in any situation, and will return your attention, love and care to you a hundredfold.

How to reduce negative emotions after a busy day at work

Very often at the end of the working day we are emotionally and physically exhausted. Not everyone has the opportunity to eliminate this tension in the cabin. How you can spend a SPA evening at home using aromatherapy.



Together or separately? Spelling dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian language. B. Z. Bukchina, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .


See what “uncomfortable” is in other dictionaries:

    Uncomfortable, unpleasant Dictionary of Russian synonyms. uncomfortable uncomfortable (colloquial) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Dictionary of synonyms

    - (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    I adv. qualities 1. Not distinguished by comfort. 2. transfer Causing a feeling of loneliness and melancholy. II predic. 1. About the lack of comfort. 2. transfer About the state of melancholy, loneliness in which someone is. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    uncomfortable- adv... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    uncomfortable- *neu/tno, adv... Together. Separately. Hyphenated.

    adv. 1. to Uncomfortable. The furniture is arranged n. N. was sleeping. Without documents, he felt like a n. 2. in function. tale About the lack of comfort where l. The apartment was dirty and dirty. It became cold in the garden, no. 3. to whom. in function tale About the unpleasant, sad, etc.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    uncomfortable- adv. 1) to uncomfortable The furniture is arranged uncomfortably. Didn't sleep well. Without documents he felt uncomfortable. 2) in function. tale About the lack of comfort where l. The apartment was dirty and uncomfortable... Dictionary of many expressions

    1. adv. to uncomfortable. All three sat in a dim and cold room at an uncomfortable table against the wall, and Sokolovich was placed especially awkwardly. Bunin, Looped ears. Frankly speaking, leaving Canberra, we felt uncomfortable without documents... Small academic dictionary

    See uncomfortable Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. unpleasant unism. uncomfortable... Dictionary of synonyms


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Tired of the boring monochrome interior. In a monochromatic interior, a visual “hospital effect” often occurs. In order to diversify the boring plain interior and bring originality and freshness to it, you can use common design technique– creation of color “spots”. These can be accessories, textiles or other design elements made in one or two more or less bright colors. Just keep in mind that if you use more than one color, they should either be colors in the same range (for example, blue and cyan, red and scarlet, etc.), or colors that go well together (black and yellow , green and orange, etc.). You can also add any non-standard ones to your boring interior. visual solutions– wall prints, appliqués, large ornaments, etc. Such elements will add expressiveness to the interior, enliven it, and saturate the space with energy.

The apartment, in your opinion, is unoriginal, it has no zest. Indeed, many of us are upset by the fact that the apartment is too standard, unoriginal, does not in any way reflect our artistic taste, etc. One of the main factors in this state of affairs is economic; not everyone can really afford original interior, this is quite an expensive pleasure. And this is where unusual accessories can come to the rescue. For example, pay attention to the ethnic style. High-quality ethnic accessories have a special energy and can make even an unexceptional interior sparkle with new colors. So if you want to create a certain “point of power” in the room, bring some exoticism into it, surprise your family and guests, then two or three interesting ethnic accessories will do the job perfectly.

There is “no place to turn” in the apartment; it is filled with things. Most modern city apartments are not very spacious anyway, and many of us, trying to embrace the immensity, also overload them with furniture and interior items. Of course, furniture in the house is necessary, but if your entire apartment is cluttered, then making it cozy and comfortable for living will be extremely difficult. But you can solve the problem with furniture quite elegantly. Let's take, for example, the living room: massive wall furniture, which was considered an obligatory element of the life of a successful Soviet cell of society, not only takes up a lot of space, it is generally irrelevant in our time, and instead of this bulky structure it is better to purchase a modern multi-level bookcase with open shelves, or even make open hanging asymmetrical shelves. Why do you need a TV stand if modern models can it be hung on the wall? Wardrobes have no place at all in the living room, but if you have a one-room apartment and there is nowhere else to place it, then, as an option, you can abandon the free-standing monster and order a wardrobe, disguising it as a wall.

The air in the apartment is very dry. For a comfortable microclimate in the house, air humidity is required at a level of at least 40-50%, but in most city apartments this figure is much lower, that is, the air in our homes is too dry. And too dry air makes breathing difficult and negatively affects overall well-being; Children are especially sensitive to dry air. This problem can be solved using a household humidifier - a device for adjusting the humidity level. There are three types of humidifiers: traditional (“cold”), steam and ultrasonic. Traditional humidifiers work on the principle of “cold” evaporation, water is poured into the tank, then falls on special evaporation elements, after which the built-in fan takes dry air from the room and drives it through the evaporator, thus naturally humidifying the air. Steam humidifiers: the principle of their operation is similar to an ordinary electric kettle - water is boiled and comes out in the form of ordinary steam. Ultrasonic humidifiers- the most modern format, in which a special membrane with a high vibration frequency turns water into cold steam.

The apartment does not have a single style. One of the rules of interior design says: the main interior items must be combined with each other in style, color and texture. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, especially in such a creative field as design, where you can not only follow the rules, but also break them. But before you break the rules, you need, firstly, to know them well, and secondly, to understand where the border can be, beyond which not creativity begins, but chaos and bad taste. Style is certain basic principles, without knowledge and adherence to which the final result can cause not delight, but confusion. Therefore, when choosing furniture and other elements of furnishings and decor, try to ensure that they more or less combine with each other. After all, a Victorian-style chair will look ridiculous in a high-tech interior, just like a modern modular wall cabinet next to a vintage chest of drawers from the last century.

No place to store things. Insufficient storage space is one of the biggest problems in interior design. Here various solutions can come to our aid. hidden storage. Firstly, instead of a free-standing cabinet, it is more advisable to order a built-in cabinet; this will save several precious centimeters of space. Pay a visit to a company that produces built-in furniture, and when discussing the nuances of the order, inform that you have a small apartment, that you need cabinets “in the ceiling”, and that they should have as many storage areas as possible - all sorts of shelves, drawers, rails etc. A good company will offer you several options for ergonomic cabinet configurations. In addition, if your immediate plans include buying a bed or sofa, then buy furniture not on legs, but on a “pedestal” in which a storage box is hidden.

The finishing of the furniture has become deformed, but there is no way to replace it with a new one at the moment. For some reason, furniture decorating services are not in great demand in Russia, although this is quite practical solution. So, reupholstery will cost significantly less than buying new upholstered furniture, but at the same time the sofa or sofa will look like new again. It happens that the facade kitchen set(and a good set is an extremely expensive pleasure) is damaged in only a few places, in this case it is possible to update the coating only in these areas; if you are afraid that the color may not “hit” the desired tone, then you can even make these several fragments in a different color. In general, for any furniture (including solid wood), experts will help you choose the right solution; in most cases, it will cost less than buying a new wardrobe, bed or chair.

The bathroom is very small, cramped and uncomfortable. In a small bathroom, all decisions should be aimed at maximizing the space available without losing functionality. For example, it is better to prefer a miniature design to a large sink with a long faucet; Instead of a massive cabinet, it is advisable to use a couple of small narrow wall cabinets. There is another one trick– if you prefer closed cabinets open shelves, then hang them a little higher than your usual level, in this case they will “eat up” less space than if they were located at eye level. The principle of compactness fully applies to the toilet (if you have a combined bathroom): a large number of compact models are now produced, and you can easily choose one that will not limit you functionally, but at the same time its external dimensions will be smaller than standard ones.

The apartment seems “somewhat lifeless” to you. The solution to this problem can be very simple - get a houseplant. For many people, home flora is becoming not just a tool for revitalizing the interior, but also a serious hobby. The choice of plants suitable for a beginner is wide: from miniature violets on the windowsill to an exotic one and a half meter palm tree. Here it is important to be guided by a sense of proportion (for example, a monster in a 20-liter tub is not best solution for a small living room!) and remember the principle of compatibility - the flora should be in harmony with the surrounding environment. If you are a notorious lazy person, then choose unpretentious plants that do not require serious care - for example, hibiscus, hoya or aspidistra. And if you don’t mind devoting several hours a week to fiddling with your green friend, then pay attention to more capricious subjects - fuchsia, gardenia or orchid.

Excessive number of things and accessories. Often in our apartments there are many completely unnecessary and unused things. They completely waste precious space, create a feeling of cramping, and act as dust collectors. Gather your strength and carry out a thorough audit - throw away things that have not been used for more than a year or give them to those in need, store rarely used and seasonal items outside the apartment walls (in a garage, in a special warehouse, in a country house, etc.). Your home is a place to relax, not a warehouse; do not turn it into a storage facility for unnecessary junk. Moderation must also be observed in relation to “decorative” accessories - all these vases, figurines, candlesticks, when gathered in a large group, simply steal your space.

We ourselves make mistakes in management household, not paying attention to the little things that spoil general impression. Let's try to understand common mistakes and how to fix them.

1. You hoard unnecessary things.

It is irrational to store trash. By junk we mean all the things that are not useful.

How to fix:

  • Next weekend. Check every item in your apartment - from old boxes on the balcony to grandma's dusty dinnerware in the kitchen. Follow the rule: if for last year If you have never used the item, you can safely get rid of it.
  • Here too. Keep only what really lifts your spirits.
  • Sell ​​what you don't need, give it to friends, or take it to the nearest trash can. Don’t put it all in bags with the words “someday I’ll take it to an orphanage.” Be realistic and follow through.
  • Turn off the “magpie mode” that drags everything that glitters into the house. Before you buy something, ask yourself what function the item will perform and whether you really need it.

2. You don't clean

It’s elementary, Watson: where there is dirt, there will be no comfort. Cloudy windows, trash on the floor, scattered socks - all this is unpleasant to see, but to be for a long time in a room with such a company is completely impossible.

How to fix:

A rag in your hands, a bucket of water - and go! , polish the floor so that you would like to hold a figure skating championship on it. You will probably like the result so much that you will have to organize similar dances with a mop regularly. Cleanliness underfoot will give you a feeling of security, and clean windows will give you a feeling of spaciousness.

3. You are constantly cold

It is quite logical that in cold apartment uncomfortable. If your heating system is unable to keep you warm, there are several ways to remedy the situation. Please note that each item requires a certain investment of money and time. But warm home- the key to healthy and comfortable life ().

How to fix:

  • Buy a mobile heater that can be carried around the room.
  • Connect a reversible air conditioner that will heat the air in winter.
  • Replace window frames. Old. Instead, install modern heat-saving windows.
  • Glaze the balcony - this will improve thermal insulation by 15–20%.
  • Insulate the floors. To do this, you can buy an electric heated floor, which can be easily installed independently, without the involvement of specialists.
  • If all of the above is not available to you for some reason, just wear warm home clothes and drink more hot drinks when you are at home.

4. You have arranged the furniture incorrectly

Most people live in fairly small apartments, with furniture arranged so that it is impossible to walk around the room freely.

How to fix:

  • Draw a plan for the arrangement of furniture, maintaining proportions. Using tracing paper and interior items drawn on it, find the optimal location.
  • Think about how you will move around the room: you should not trip over a table or sofa, nothing should get in the way. But this does not mean that furnishings should be located only along the walls; experiment if the size of the rooms allows it.
  • Avoid growing bulky indoor plants. Collecting soil and shards is a long and tedious task.
  • For the future: buy one that won’t take up much space.

An excellent option would be a transformable ironing board from a home goods store, which disguises itself as a wall mirror with one easy movement!

5. You have the lighting set up incorrectly

If the house is dark, like the Capulet family crypt, it will never be comfortable.

How to fix:

  • Buy a reproduction of your favorite painting, frame your child’s first drawing, create a panel of photographs of family and friends. Paste new, bright wallpaper with an interesting pattern.
  • If you are confident in your abilities, paint the walls using a stencil.

7. Your interior has no character

Look at your home objectively - monotony, characterlessness and dull color palette Not a single house has been decorated yet. Previously, everyone had a Czech wall, but now we can allow ourselves to turn on our imagination and have some hooliganism.

How to fix:

  • Fill your home with personalized details: order mugs with your favorite cartoon characters, write names indoor plants on pots.
  • If you have a sense of self-irony, for example, in the restroom. Let your guests laugh at you heartily.
  • Print out posters of your favorite films - nothing speaks better about your taste.

If you feel uncomfortable and anxious in your own home, then it’s time to do some energetic cleaning. Quarrels, envious guests, simply unfriendly people have brought energetic dirt into your home, it takes away your peace, instills anxiety in your soul, and does not allow you to sleep peacefully.

First, take ordinary salt. She tends to absorb negative energy. Pour salt into a variety of different salt shakers, cups, bowls and place them in all corners, on shelves, on appliances - in a word, everywhere.

Let it sit for two days, then flush it down the toilet. Light a candle and walk throughout the apartment, especially blessing the corners where negative energy accumulates. Do a wet cleaning, making sure to wash the mirrors. The mirror absorbs bad energy so much that simply wiping it is not enough.

We offer you several types of cleaning of an apartment or house, we advise you to alternate them periodically:

Take 3-5 small onions, peel them and hang them in different places. Pierce each onion with a thick needle and red thread and tie the thread around the onion. After seven days, remove the onions and place each on a separate sheet of paper, salt them well and burn. After this ritual, evil forces will leave the house.

Burn church candles in all rooms for several days and even weeks. The fire will drive away the dark entities of the other world.

At night, you can put onions cut in half in the corners, and in the morning, collect them on a scoop (do not touch them with your hands) and bury them in the ground.

The same ritual can be performed with garlic. After all, it has been known since time immemorial that onions and garlic are the best helpers in the fight against dark forces.

Take a branch of St. John's wort or thistle, dry it, light it with a church candle and fumigate all rooms with smoke, even the smallest closets. Walk crosswise in rooms, from corner to corner.

The same fumigation of an apartment can be carried out with heather. To find out what kind of energy is in your apartment, make several different observations. For example, in a house with good energy, spilled water dries up slowly, flowers in vases do not wither for a long time, metal objects They feel cool to the touch, while wooden ones are a little warm.

In “black” houses, a fallen coin does not ring, milk sours faster, hot food quickly cools down, salt instantly dissolves in water, butter melts before our eyes, the candle smokes, its flame darts and goes out.

It’s good to check the energy spots in your apartment with a pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Test places by asking, “Is this a good place? Rocking back and forth means yes, side to side means no. Gradually move away from the dirty place and define its boundaries.

You may not succeed the first time. Either you will not be able to correctly interpret the readings of the pendulum, or at first it will refuse to work with you. But don’t give up, but try to learn how to work with a pendulum.

You can place any electrical appliances in negative areas, but not books. They will immediately absorb the negativity and pass it on to the reading owner.

To places of strength negative energy put pieces of aspen, oak, birch and spruce - they absorb this energy, and maple, bird cherry, rowan, hazel and juniper can even transform it into positive energy. Tree pieces must be changed periodically.

On negative places It’s also good to put glasses of water at night and pour them out the door in the morning. You can put a silver object or an egg in the water. Use plain water, not holy water.

To ensure that your home is always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, anxieties, negative emotions materialize on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, even flowers.

Have some kind of vessel in your house, for example a jug, and mentally put bad moods, sorrows and failures into it. When you feel the jug is full, throw it in the trash and get a new one.

A few more recipes for cleansing energy at home.

Everything that happens in the house creates waves, like a stone thrown into water. Any repeating situations, moods, a certain atmosphere leave their mark on the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, objects, plants, animals and people in this space.

Any event accompanied by strong emotions, physical or mental trauma leaves a very strong imprint. It has probably happened to you, when entering a room in which an argument has just taken place, to feel a heavy, as if heated, atmosphere.

Energy waves, spreading throughout space, accumulate, as if “getting stuck,” in all corners and crannies.

The house you have moved into needs thorough cleansing not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level.

We must begin, of course, with the destruction of physical dirt. It is necessary to scrape, tear off and wash off everything that is possible: old wallpaper, whitewash and paint bear the imprint of the energy of the previous owners. If the floors are parquet, it is better to re-scrape them. But you shouldn’t varnish them: wood is a living material, it must breathe. Then you need to carry out wet cleaning, since the cleaning power of water is very high.

What cannot be washed can be sprayed with water: spring water, infused with spruce or pine needles or on rowan branches. Water with silver salts cleanses well. To do this, you can use a pharmaceutical lapis pencil (one pencil per three liters of water).

Negative energy can be expelled with water into which a silver coin or spoon, or any other object made of pure silver, is dipped. To adjust the energy at home, you can also use small pieces of wood. In places with negative activity, you need to put pieces of aspen, birch, spruce or oak - the tree will catch and absorb negative vibes.

Maple, bird cherry, rowan, hazel and juniper can even transform negative energy into positive. Poplar, linden, and pine will help stabilize the energy situation in the house. But larch, hornbeam, beech and elm are capable of attracting not very good energy substances into the house.

Fumigation with spruce needles, dried wormwood, wild rosemary helps the energy at home; in severe cases, fumigation with burnt amber can be done. After cleaning the space, it is good to light candles in the room for several days, preferably brought from church.