Correct installation of a ventilated facade with your own hands. Installation of a suspended ventilated facade and typical mistakes Technology of constructing a facade using panels

Among the methods of insulation, the installation of a ventilated facade for private households takes first place in terms of frequency of use. Many people, having insulated their home in this way, do not realize that they used this particular method of insulation.

By correctly selecting the material and carefully following the technology, you can guarantee up to 50 years of life of the system, and, therefore, comfort in the house when minimum costs for heating.

A ventilated facade is an insulation system, otherwise it is called a “dry facade” in contrast to a “wet” facade - a plaster insulation system. The “ventilated facade” system differs from other insulation systems by the presence of a ventilation gap through which water vapor is ventilated. The gap is located between the suspended finishing layer (curtain façade), which is attached to the wall using a metal or wooden supporting system, and the insulation attached to the wall.

An air gap is especially necessary when insulating walls with mineral wool slabs - stone or basalt, which are characterized by increased hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture, which leads to a deterioration in the thermal characteristics of the materials and a decrease in the efficiency of the insulation system.

However, in a narrow air gap at a high building height, a powerful air flow is formed, which gradually destroys and weathers the insulation fibers. To protect thermal insulation in the “ventilated facade” system, it is recommended to use insulation with a laminated (reinforced with a special film or fabric) surface or protect the insulating layer with a moisture and windproof membrane. For ventilated facades, it is possible to use insulation materials that have permission from the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation for use in ventilated systems.

The ventilated facade system is used in low-rise private households and for insulating high-rise buildings for various purposes. The only difference is in the materials for the curtain façade and the design of the supporting system: for a high-rise public building They use a supporting system made of metal; for a cottage up to 3 floors high, they often use a supporting wooden frame, which significantly reduces the cost and simplifies the work.

Installation of a ventilation façade on a metal frame

The supporting system for the ventilation façade is made stainless steel or from galvanized roofing, which significantly reduces the cost of cladding. Due to the significant weight of the metal and the facing layer, especially if it is made of ceramics or slabs natural stone, metal load-bearing frame It is better to use for walls made of concrete or brick. For looser cellular blocks, a calculation of the load-bearing capacity of the wall is required.

Brick wall; 2. Bracket (sheathing fasteners); 3. Thermal insulating gasket; 4. Anchor dowel; 5. Main horizontal profile; 6. Main vertical profile; 7. Vertical intermediate profile; 8. Klyammer private; 9. Starting clamp; 10. Thermal insulation material (insulation); 11. Hydro-windproof vapor-permeable membrane; 12. Thermal insulation fasteners (plastic disc-shaped dowel); 13. Facing tiles; 14. Blind rivet.
The design of the metal brackets allows for cladding to be carried out at different distances from the wall, thanks to this preliminary alignment façade surface is not required.

There are two systems for fastening the cladding - open and closed. Open system involves installing a hanging frame using clamps on the upper and lower edges of the slabs. Closed system uses anchor bolts that are inserted into blind holes in the slabs. A closed system is twice as expensive as an open fastener; if a facing tile is lost, you will have to disassemble the vertical row completely, which is not required with an open system.

Installation of a ventilation system on a metal frame

The installation of a suspended ventilated facade on a metal frame requires the creation of a project - a diagram of the suspended facade and the corresponding diagrams for the arrangement of horizontal and vertical load-bearing profiles, and a diagram for fastening the brackets. Before starting work, the walls must be cleaned of dust, dirt, paint, and repaired if necessary. Remove parapet and window sills.

Installation procedure:

  • The position of the brackets and the supporting system is marked on the wall.
  • Install a base strip with a shelf width equal to the thickness of the insulation.
  • The brackets are fastened, leveling and plumbing the horizontal and vertical in the same plane.
  • Install the insulation with glue.
  • Install a hydro-wind protection - a super-diffusion membrane, joining the sheets with an overlap of 10-15 cm on double-sided vapor-permeable tape.
  • fix the insulation and membrane with disc-type plastic dowel screws with a metal core and a thermally insulated head.
  • Mount the main horizontal profiles on the brackets, then the vertical profiles.
  • Installation of facing panels is carried out.

Fatal installation errors

Violations of the work technology or unscrupulous installation lead to the loss of individual cladding slabs.

First level errors that reduce the service life of the insulation system:

  • installation of fasteners in the masonry joint;
  • incorrect choice of material for thermal breaks - gaskets between the wall and the bracket, they must have a low
  • thermal conductivity (polypropylene, polyamide), so as not to create cold bridges;
  • installation of seals to dampen vibration and lateral shift of the cladding; the fastener design should provide a solution to these problems without the use of seals with a short service life (10 years versus 50 years of operation of the ventilation system);
  • incorrect choice of insulation material - too soft thermal insulation (mats, rolled wool) will slide off over time, closing the ventilation gap;
  • incorrect choice of water and wind protection - the use of polyethylene, foil and foil insulation that do not allow the passage of moisture from the thermal insulation to the outside is prohibited;
  • a decrease in the size of the ventilation gap (min 40 mm, max according to calculation) leads to an increase in wind speed and force in the gap and destruction of the insulation.

Second level errors leading to violation decorative qualities insulation systems:

  • violation of the geometry of the curtain wall - the installation of the load-bearing system should ensure a single plane of the cladding due to the sliding design of the brackets, and not depending on the topography of the wall;
  • Compliance with the standard width of the tile joints guarantees the integrity of the cladding regardless of the linear expansion of the cladding and the required ventilation of the insulation. The absence of seams leads to destruction of the cladding and wetness of the insulation.

Ventilated facade on a wooden frame

Ventilated facade on wooden frameeffective method insulation and increasing the external attractiveness of low-rise private houses. This type of ventilated facade is especially suitable for wooden houses and lightweight curtain façade materials – siding, blockhouse or house timber. on wood makes this method economical and accessible to do it yourself.

Two installation methods have been developed - with insulation in one layer and with insulation in two layers. Single-layer insulation is performed with a calculated heat insulator thickness of 50-80 mm, when one slab can provide the required thickness.

With a greater thickness of insulation, when two slabs are used, it is more logical to use a two-layer method.

Installation of a ventilation façade on a wooden frame

Preparing the façade for insulation involves dismantling the protective flashings, cleaning it from dust and dirt, and carrying out repairs if necessary. The facades of wooden houses are cleaned of mold, mildew, and blue stains, and impregnated with a fire retardant and an antiseptic or a complex preparation. The same impregnation is performed on the bars of the supporting system and counter-lattice.

Installation procedure:

  • Install a base strip with a shelf width equal to the total thickness of the insulation;
  • On the prepared façade, mark the position of the guides; the width of the beam should correspond to the thickness inner plate insulation, thickness – 40-50 mm. The distance between the guides is equal to the width of the insulation board minus 5 mm for the spacer. The direction of installation of the first row of guides corresponds to the direction of the elements of the curtain wall. Guides also frame the openings of windows and doors;
  • The first layer of insulation is laid between the guides using glue and/or dowels, at least 5-6 pieces. per 1m2;
  • Mount the second row of load-bearing bars perpendicular to the first, with a similar pitch;
  • Place the second layer of insulation on the dowel screws (fungus);
  • A counter-lattice with a cross-section of 4x4 cm is used to secure the hydro-wind protection; the counter-lattice creates ventilation gap between insulation and cladding;
  • The curtain façade is being installed.


The main advantage of a ventilated facade is the durability of insulation and spectacular finish. Work on installation of the structure and device curtain facades requires preparation, financial costs and physical effort. The result will be updated, comfortable housing with a presentable facade that will delight the eye for many years.

The hinged ventilated facade is based on the principle of providing natural circulation air between the wall and the finishing material. This helps eliminate moisture, which in turn allows the use of insulation, as well as extending the life of the house facade.

The main properties of a ventilated facade are reflected in its name:

  • mounted- reveals the essence of installation, which is performed on a subsystem of load-bearing profiles and fasteners;
  • ventilated- reflects its ability to remove condensation from the insulation using air flow.

The functioning (action) of the ventilation façade is realized in winter. During the heating season, a significant temperature difference occurs between the facing material and the wall of the building. This leads to the accumulation of moisture in the insulation or on load-bearing wall, which is eliminated due to the presence of a ventilation gap.

Advantages of a ventilated façade

  • universal installation technology. Installation of a curtain facade is possible on buildings of any number of floors, condition and purpose;
  • speed of work;
  • protective properties;
  • aesthetic properties;
  • maintainability;
  • durability. At correct installation and the choice of materials, the service life of the ventilation façade will be more than 50 years;
  • thermal insulation of the building;
  • high cost justified by durability.

Installation of a ventilation façade - types of suspended façade systems

Ventilated façade without insulation

There are no thermal insulation materials or there is no ventilation gap between the insulation and the finishing material.

In the latter case, the wall is insulated, but we cannot talk about constructing a ventilated façade.

Ventilated façade with insulation

An insulated ventilated facade must meet the following conditions:

There is a vapor-permeable insulation (vapor permeability - > 0.1-0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa));
- the insulation is covered with a film (vapor permeability - >800 g/m2 per day);
- a ventilation gap is equipped (size - 40-60 mm).

A lined wall cannot be classified as a ventilated facade if:

  1. there is a gap between the wall and the insulation;
  2. when using thermal insulation material with low vapor permeability (< 0,1 мг/(м*ч*Па));
  3. insulation with specified vapor transmission rates is used (0.1-0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa)), but it is covered with a film with low vapor transmission capacity (<800 г/м.кв. за сутки);
  4. there is no ventilation gap, subject to the requirements for vapor permeability of the heat-insulating material and film.

In these cases, other methods of façade cladding are used.

Ventilated façade design

How is a curtain façade constructed, what components and structural elements The system is assembled, how it is installed and how it is attached to the wall.

1. Subsystem for ventilated facades

The fastening system for ventilation facades combines:

  • aluminum, metal or galvanized subsystems of guide supporting profiles;

Basic horizontal bar - price 65-105 rub/m.p. depending on the thickness of the metal;

T-shaped profile - cost 125-172 rubles/m.p. Used for cladding high-rise buildings;

U-shaped profile - price 110-160 rub/m.p. The main element during installation.

  • Fasteners. These include dowels, anchor elements, brackets (8-80 rubles/piece). The price depends on the configuration, metal thickness, and complexity of the system.

The most stringent requirements are put forward for brackets for ventilated facades, because... their task is to cope with static and dynamic loads, level out wall unevenness and adjust the distance between the guide profiles and the wall. The greater the extension of the supporting structure, the stiffer the bracket should be.

  • Claymers (RUB 7.41-33/piece). The need for their use is determined by the type of facing material.
  • Base profile (946 RUR/2.5 m, width 180 mm). In fact, it is not a mandatory element in the construction of a ventilation facade, but it prevents small living creatures from entering the ventilation gap.
  • Additional materials: corners, end inserts, rivets, sealing tapes, etc.

A distinctive feature of the installation of the subsystem is the absence of wet work; the ventilation facade units are attached mechanically.

2. Insulation for ventilated facades

Installation of ventilated facades is not necessarily carried out using thermal insulation materials. However, insulation is a modern requirement as part of improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

Which insulation for a ventilated facade is best to choose?

The optimal solution when choosing insulation would be to use materials with the following indicators:

  • degree of rigidity: flexible materials (mineral wool or glass wool). Cotton wool is used in 99% of cases when installing ventilated facades with insulation. It is recommended to use mineral wool in slabs rather than in rolls;
  • thickness. Depends on the region, for example, for Moscow and central Russia, a thickness of 50-100 mm is sufficient. For northern regions - more than 150 mm;
  • vapor permeability indicator - > 0.1-0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa);

3. Membrane for ventilated facades

Designed to protect insulation from damaging air flow and atmospheric moisture. Vapor permeability indicator - over 800 g/m2. per day.

  • Izospan, Russia (density 64-139 g/sq.m., price - 1,500-4,500 rubles/roll 50 m.p.);
  • Juta (Utah), Czech Republic (density 110 - 200 g/sq.m., price - 1,359-6,999 rub./roll 50 m.p.);

Also positive reviews about geotextiles

  • DYUK, Russia (density 80-230 gr./sq.m., price 1,580-2,598 rub./roll 50 m.p.).

The maximum vapor permeability rate for the membrane is > 1200 g/m2/24 hours.

4. Air gap in ventilated facades

It is the opportunity natural ventilation informs ventilation facades of their properties. Thanks to the availability air gap the design takes on the properties of a thermos.

Note. The size of the air gap is 50-60% of the thickness of the heat-insulating material. If the building height is more than 4 m.p. it is necessary to arrange intermediate ducts.

5. Decorative cladding of ventilated facades

The finishing of the ventilated facade can be made with various facing materials: siding, metal cassettes, porcelain stoneware, block house, etc. Task finishing materials- protection of the system, insulation, reflection of sunlight and decor (aesthetic functions).

Note. The type of facing material affects the strength of the frame.

Calculation of a ventilated facade

The calculation is based on strength and thermophysical calculations and includes:

  • determination of stresses and deflections of structural elements (profiles and brackets);
  • checking the ventilation facade fastening units (the test takes into account static load, double-sided icing, wind load);
  • calculation of humidity, air permeability, taking into account the size of the gap and the type of heat-insulating material.

Calculation of a ventilation façade can only be carried out by a specialist based on the recommendations of manufacturers of hanging systems, using computer programs. This is due to the fact that ventilated facades of houses are subject to increased requirements for load-bearing capacity, mobility of components, and corrosion resistance.

Note. The ventilated facade system is not installed on houses built from cellular concrete(with the exception of structural foam concrete, which has a density of more than 800 kg/m2), hollow bricks, etc. materials of low rigidity.

Before starting work on arranging the ventilated facade of a private house, you need to prepare: a hammer drill, a screwdriver, a plumb line, a building level, a hammer, an angle grinder, a stepladder, a construction stapler, gloves, and safety glasses.

Installation of ventilated facades

The technology of installing a curtain façade involves performing work sequentially in several main stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Preparing the wall surface

The degree of evenness of the wall is not taken into account. The main thing is that there are no strongly protruding elements, as well as heavily damaged areas. It is mandatory to apply a primer to the wall surface.

Marking the wall

The marking step is determined by the type of thermal insulation material. This type of work must be treated responsibly, because... it determines the quality of installation of the frame and general view facade.

Stage 2 - main

Ventilated facade systems are widely used for finishing the walls of private houses, industrial buildings and high-rise buildings. There are several varieties of such systems that are used in modern construction. They are used by both private craftsmen and reputable construction organizations. The technology for installing the lathing depends on the type of facing material that will decorate and protect the structure from negative factors. The construction of a ventilated facade can be either with or without insulation.
Note - this finishing method can be used in summer and winter.

Types of popular facade panels

  1. Porcelain stoneware slabs - used on large facades, plinths and entrance groups. Can be used with or without insulation. They are attached to a metal frame using special clamps. They last up to 60 years and do not fade. These slabs are heavier than other finishing materials, so in high-rise buildings they are mounted on a reinforced subsystem. Its parameters can be calculated using a special calculator.
  2. Composite panels are aluminum cassettes that are cut and bent from a sheet composite material. Standard sizes sheets are different for each thickness. So for a sheet with a thickness of 3mm - 1.5 * 4m, for a sheet with a thickness of 4mm - 1.25 * 2.5. They have a low weight of about 7 kg per 1 m2, flexibility and a variety of color options. Such curtain panels provide protection for walls from aggressive natural influences. Mainly used on industrial buildings, shopping centers, and as a finishing material for residential buildings.
  3. Fiber cement boards are particularly strong and durable. Made in various colors.
  4. Natural stone is used for finishing the basement of buildings, or as a facing material for large municipal buildings. Unlike porcelain stoneware, this material is hard and more resistant to impacts.

What is a ventilated façade?

To ensure favorable microclimate indoors and protecting the external walls of the building, the design of the ventilation facade consists of various materials. It includes: insulation, membrane, subsystem, facing material and fasteners. As a result of finishing the facade, a system is obtained that provides wall insulation and ventilation between the insulation and the facing material. When installing materials on the walls of a building, the technology must be followed, which we will discuss later.

Compliance with installation technology

Ventilated facade systems work in conjunction with insulation. If the installation is carried out with violations of technology, the system loses its effectiveness. For example, when a layer of insulation does not fit tightly to the wall and has gaps, cold bridges arise that reduce the effectiveness of the insulation . There must be an air buffer between the membrane and the facing material. Some types facade panels have a high coefficient thermal expansion Therefore, it is necessary to properly fasten these elements.

Many private customers make the same mistake: they independently purchase materials to decorate their home. At the same time, they rely on the advice of incompetent sellers with construction markets, who “sell” them extra additional elements or make calculations based on the customer’s dimensions. In fact, it turns out that the customer purchased extra elements or did not purchase any additional materials. It would be more reasonable to entrust the calculations to an organization or a private craftsman who will sheathe the facade.

Add 3-4% reserve to materials. It is worth adding at least 5% to the total length of the profile

Most large construction organizations have qualified engineers and estimators on their staff who will correctly calculate the amount of materials and select the appropriate insulation and hanging panels. But what should the owner of a small private house who wants to make his home beautiful and warm do? After all, not every large organization undertakes small volumes. Hire private craftsmen, but you shouldn’t rely heavily on their statements when choosing materials that “this has already been done” and “everything is fine.”

How to choose material?

This question concerns insulation. Other facade elements can be used in any conditions and can be selected based on your taste and wallet size. In order to choose the type of insulation and its thickness, you need to do the same as qualified engineers. Familiarize yourself with SNiP for insulation that corresponds to your climate zone.
SNiP is a set of norms and rules used in construction.

In these documents you will find information about what layer of insulation needs to be laid under the facing panels. In this case, take into account the type of structure. Brick house or wood, panel or frame. The materials from which these houses are made have different thermal conductivity coefficients, so the layer of filling under the cladding will be different. By recharging yourself with information from competent sources that you can find on the Internet, you will be able to make your home very warm, attractive, and in compliance with technology.

Frame for curtain facades

The frame is a structure that is a lattice made of metal profiles or wooden blocks. It consists of fastening elements for the facing material, load-bearing guides and brackets, which differ in shape and ability to withstand loads (bearing capacity). For example, to decorate walls with natural stone you will need reinforced brackets, and to decorate a small building with siding or metal cassettes you will need a direct suspension (lightweight bracket).

Metal frame

Depending on the type of finishing material, when making the frame, a certain distance is maintained between the profiles and hangers. For example, for porcelain stoneware when using a galvanized subsystem, the distance between the vertical and horizontal profiles is 60 cm. The same step between the suspensions. The design of such a frame contains clamps through which the tiles are attached. Fastening elements are selected depending on the type of wall. Self-tapping screws are used for wood, and dowels for brick. This frame ensures high reliability of the entire façade structure. To make such a frame, professional tools and builder skills are required.

Wooden frame

It is made from bars with a cross section of 50–50 mm. Fastening to the wall is done using direct hangers or screws 100 mm long. The design of such a frame is quite simple and can be made by a novice installer. It is worth noting that heavy finishing materials should not be attached to such a lathing. Vinyl or metal siding should be used on such a frame structure.

Attaching hinged panels to the frame

Porcelain tiles are attached to the facade using clamps, aluminum composite panels are attached to slides - these are special fasteners. The clamps are secured to the frame with rivets, and then a porcelain stoneware slab is mounted on them.
In the instructions that come with finishing panels, there is everything necessary information, helping to carry out high-quality installation. The screws used to fasten the panels are selected depending on the material from which the frame is made. For a metal frame, screws are used for metal, and for a wooden frame, for wood. But for fastening vinyl siding It is better to use screws with a press washer . This will ensure the reliability of the facade structure.

As a rule, the essence of the subsystem assembly is the same for all types of facing material; only the fastening elements, clamps, slides or profiles that are used for fastening differ. Next, we will consider the installation of porcelain stoneware, since it is one of the most common finishing materials.

Installation of ventilated facades with porcelain stoneware slabs

Before starting work, mark the wall. Marks are made at the locations of the brackets and holes are drilled. The diameter and length of the drill used for drilling must correspond to the size of the anchor dowel. After attaching the brackets, begin installing the insulation. It must cover the entire surface of the wall in a continuous layer and be securely attached to it. Rondoli are used for this. They are a plastic dowel with a cap large diameter. When installing roundels, the insulation is covered vapor barrier membrane and fasten through it. Thus, the membrane adheres securely to the insulation.

The design of ventilated facades includes metal profiles, which must be fixed to brackets and at the same time using them to create one plane. To do this, fix the first profile at the corner of the building and the second at the opposite one. When installing profiles, control the vertical position using a level. In order to create a single plane between the profiles, nylon threads are pulled, the distance between them should be no more than one meter. After this, proceed to the installation of the following profiles, which are secured to the brackets using blind rivets.

Advice from the “façade designer”

Note - in order to save money, the use of screws is allowed, but this type of fastening is not recommended, since the screw fastening is unscrewed over time under the influence of acoustic effects.

According to the technology for installing porcelain stoneware panels, special clamps should be used, which are designed for fastening the slabs to the frame and are included in the package of the facade system. This configuration allows you to assemble a ventilated façade very quickly and efficiently. The clamps are attached to the frame using rivets. Before fastening these elements, you can stretch a thread along the frame, which will determine the location of the lower clasps.

It is worth noting that the facade systems include several types of clamps.

It consists of clamps that are located at the bottom of the plate, on the side and on the top. After installing the lower fastenings, install the first plate at the corner and secure it with a side clamp. This is how the entire lower row of facade slabs is installed. After this, attach the upper clamps, which are the lower ones for the second row of plates and repeat the steps described above. If everything is done according to these instructions, your home will be warm, and the facade system will last for many years.

The installation of a ventilated facade is a responsible undertaking, the correct implementation of which depends on compliance technological nuances and choosing the right material for the job. This design is intended to improve technical specifications object and save it from numerous problems. Due to the presence of a gap between the cladding and the base, air flows circulate freely without disturbing the protective properties of the surface.

Ventilated facades play big role in maintaining the durability and reliability of the building. The fact is that it is thanks to their design that the walls do not lose the possibility of free steam exchange. To put it simply, they breathe. This avoids the accumulation of moisture, which leads to the destruction of the structure, as well as the appearance of mold and mildew. A “cushion” is formed that protects the building from seasonal temperature fluctuations and creates a more comfortable environment for indoor living.

What is this design? Ventilated façade is the external cladding of a private or multi-storey building, which has a technical gap between the base (insulation) and the finishing material. Additionally, there are holes in the front part that provide free air flow.

To create a ventilated facade for a cottage or house with your own hands, you do not need to have special skills or use sophisticated equipment. But work with industrial, warehouse or high-rise residential buildings requires special approvals and calculations depending on the specifics of the object.

Types of designs

Existing types of ventilated facades differ in the materials used and general installation technology.

Frame option

This is the simplest and most popular method. Its peculiarity is that metal, wood or combined sheathing is erected along the perimeter of the building. It may include a number of layers that are needed to retain heat, protect the house from excess moisture and improve steam exchange.

When constructing the frame, the following materials are used as external cladding:

  1. Porcelain tiles. These are products of artificial origin, made from pressed and baked clay. It is produced in the form of slabs, which are distinguished by their heavy weight and good resistance to impact. The peculiarity of fastening porcelain stoneware is that the elements are installed on the frame using special clamps (brackets). Gaps are formed between the fragments, which contribute to better ventilation. But this option requires enhanced protection against moisture penetration.
  2. Composite or other types of panels. The production technology allows us to obtain a reliable and lightweight material that has excellent properties. Installation of panels can be done in various ways, which allow you to create an open or closed joint. In this case, open gaps can be equipped with a special moisture barrier.
  3. Glass panels. They are used primarily when working with multi-story office or industrial facilities. They are difficult to operate, so installation is carried out only by professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame ventilated facades

Frame structures have a number of advantages that set them apart from other methods of creating external cladding.


  • Fast construction. If all components are available, installation can be completed in a short time. In addition, if the wall is without significant damage, serious preparation is not needed.
  • Protection. The design reliably protects the house from various types of influences, and also increases durability, since there is no stagnation of moisture due to free vapor permeability.
  • Decorative. Thanks to the wide range of cladding materials, you can choose an option that will meet all requirements and preferences.

There are also disadvantages:

  • The need for clear and correct execution of work. It is technical errors (inappropriate gap size, lack of additional ventilation holes) lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Difficulty when using products laid on glue. Thus, the use of artificial and natural stone or clinker tiles is very difficult. But there is a way out: when choosing such products, the frame is pre-strengthened and sheathed with tile materials. The work must be carried out with special care, because serious requirements are placed on the structure.

In any case, ventilated facades are gaining increasing popularity. This is facilitated by the variety of finishing products and the durability of the surface. With a correctly constructed frame, the external cladding can be easily replaced with a more modern one.

Used when there is no sheathing. This technology involves the use of materials that are installed at some distance from the surface. The classic example is facing brick. The masonry is mounted so that a ventilation gap is formed. For its operation, areas without mortar are left between the parts in the lower and upper rows of bricks. Often the top row is laid out with a gap, which is covered with a decorative strip.

Note! This method is more labor-intensive. To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to observe many nuances, including the correct distribution of the reinforcement or wire bundle. Therefore, the first option is preferable, especially when doing it yourself.

Features of a ventilated façade

Such facades have a specific design scheme that should not be violated:

  1. The top layer is a lining made of any suitable material. It is impossible to create a continuous coating completely devoid of holes.
  2. Frame supports. They hold the finish using special fasteners.
  3. Ventilation gap. It is this that creates the desired effect and protects the structure from moisture accumulation and temperature changes.
  4. Membrane. Closes thermal insulation material and promotes vapor permeability.
  5. Insulation layer. For this purpose, suitable products are used.
  6. Fixation of the frame. Brackets are installed in different ways, fastening directly to the base is considered preferable.

When an object is located near a source of strong noise, an additional layer of sound insulation is laid.

Installation technology

To create a ventilated structure with your own hands, you need to perform a series of sequential steps.

The result will be a facade that will reliably protect the house from various influences and create a special microclimate.

Exterior decoration of buildings is an important part of construction and installation work and architectural design, the purpose of which is to create a presentable appearance of buildings and solve practical problems.

The latter includes strengthening the structure and protecting it from aggressive influences. environment, extension of service life.

IN modern conditions The optimal technology is considered to be a curtain façade. Its features and functionality worth considering in more detail.

The hinged ventilated facade is an innovative finishing system external walls buildings, consisting of finishing materials mounted on the frame.

The peculiarity of the technology is that the method of installing the structure provides for the presence of a layer between the finishing elements and the wall of the structure, thanks to which air circulates freely, reliably protecting the building from excess moisture and reducing the heat transfer of the house.

Hinged ventilated facades are sometimes called “ventilation facades”. This phrase is not correct, since it does not accurately reflect the meaning and scope of the technology.

Modern ventilated facades are a rather complex and universal system. It is the latter factor and the presence of several types of fastening that allow the technology to be used everywhere in both public and private construction.

The ventilated façade, as it is sometimes called, becomes not only a functional element, but also a part decorative finishing Houses. Today, the ventilated facade of a monolithic house is becoming increasingly popular.

This is explained by the fact that the monolith as a base provides high strength and reliability of the structure, which does not require additional measures strengthening Here you can use the most, increase the profile step. This reduces the cost of materials and speeds up the installation process, which becomes in a good way savings.

In addition, hanging ventilated systems will help solve aesthetic problems, which will especially please those who do not like appearance monolithic buildings.

To understand how a ventilated façade is installed and what it is in principle, we advise you to carefully read the explanations below.

Basic functions

By installing ventilated facades, you can solve several problems at once: ensure reliable protection of the building from the destructive effects of moisture, wind and temperature changes, reduce energy costs due to the thermal layer, improve the sound insulation of the internal space, extend the service life of the structure, create an interesting decor with wide range colors and designer finishes.

In terms of their functionality, ventilation facades are universal systems, providing great opportunities for standard and unusual solutions.


The elements of which are:

  1. A frame subsystem that is attached to the wall of a building and serves as support for the entire structure. Most often it is made of galvanized or stainless steel or aluminum.
  2. Insulating layer. It is a multifunctional component that provides protection from moisture, steam, wind, cold, and also reduces the heat transfer of the building.
  3. Gap for air circulation. It is he who contributes constant ventilation in the system.
  4. External decorative shell. Protects the lower layers of the ventilation façade and gives the building a presentable appearance.


In order to obtain units of ventilated facades, it is necessary to obtain an Album of Technical Solutions from the manufacturer.

In this article we will present some nodes from different albums of our choice. But you should understand that the node published here is not necessarily suitable for the system you choose. Standard nodes, common to almost all systems, look like this:

Scope of application

Hinged ventilated systems are used for exterior finishing buildings and structures using wide range finishing materials.

Due to its versatility and variety of installation options, the technology is in demand both in the construction of new facilities and in repair work and reconstruction of old buildings.

Ventilated facades are suitable for private and multi-apartment residential buildings, they are actively used in industrial and public facilities, commercial buildings, technical rooms bus stations, gas stations, etc.

The functionality of materials can be adapted to any needs, which determines the relevance of ventilation facades.

Application in seismic areas

The requirements for finishing materials and installation methods used at sites in areas of high seismic activity are always increased, so the selection of technologies is carried out with special care.

Experts note that modern ventilated facades optimally meet all standards, which is largely due to the strength of metal frames.

Many systems have been tested for seismic resistance up to 9 points. But still, before using the system, it is necessary to perform a calculation static loads.

Methodology for calculating static loads of NVF

Today, load calculations are carried out in accordance with SNiP II-7-81 “Construction in seismic areas", which provides two approaches.

In the first case, which is typical for all objects, a linear spectral technique (LST) is used, based on the decomposition of the building’s motion into its own modes of vibration.

The second technique is designed for increased importance. It involves dynamic analysis of synthesized accelerograms and compilation of instrumental records of the most dangerous acceleration of the base.

In calculations, the relation also plays an important role different types loads A feature of the analysis is the introduction of significant safety factors, the purpose of which is to protect against unforeseen risks of facade collapse.

Weight loads are classified as basic and vary significantly depending on the finishing materials used. Their weight can range from 7-8 kg/m2 to 100 kg/m2 in the case of stone cladding.

It is also worth considering the increase in weight caused by the height of the building and the characteristics of the terrain on which the object is located. All these factors are included in the calculations when choosing options for ventilated facades.

Wind loads

Wind loads strongly depend on the height of the structure, the characteristics of the surrounding space and the wind region. In particularly active zones they can even exceed weight factors.

Wind pressure is calculated in accordance with SNiP “Loads and Impacts” standards, choosing height coefficients and one of three types of terrain.

This parameter belongs to the short-term category, but it should not be neglected. The load from icing can exceed the weight of the finish itself. It can be calculated either from data obtained practically, or using the above regulatory documents.

Types of ventilated facades

One of the criteria on the basis of which types of ventilated facades are distinguished is the type of frame used for installation.

The facade subsystem is a set of frame parts, profiles and fasteners by means of which the cladding panels are attached to the wall of the building.

The most relevant are metal structures, characterized by strength, durability and operational reliability.

Galvanized facade systems (manufacturers)

Ventilated facades made of galvanized steel are quite often used in modern construction due to the optimal combination of functionality and affordable price.

Popular manufacturers of these products are Russian companies“OLMA”, “OST”, “Alternative”, “Stone Belt”, “Kraspan”.

Aluminum facade systems (manufacturers)

An aluminum frame has a higher price than a steel frame, but it also offers additional benefits during installation due to the lighter weight of the structure and anti-corrosion properties.

Products presented on the domestic market Russian brands"NordFox", "U-con", "Sial". Close cooperation between companies and foreign developers of innovative equipment guarantees high product quality standards and excellent performance properties.

The European brand “Hilti”, specializing in power tools, is also popular.

Stainless steel facade systems (manufacturers)

Characterized by good strength and corrosion resistance. It is cheaper than aluminum analogues, and is quite easy to install, which explains its popularity.

Products of the domestic brand “Diat” are in great demand among Russian buyers, combining optimal parameters and favorable price.

Wooden systems for private houses

Wood as a frame for a ventilation facade is a fairly durable, environmentally friendly and easy-to-install material with low thermal conductivity.

Another important factor is its aesthetic appeal. But due to exposure to moisture and the need for additional protection from fire, this material is used only in ventilated facades of private houses.

What is a proper ventilated façade?

The ease of installation and wide functionality of ventilation facades do not exclude the need for a careful and responsible approach to its installation.

The structure, installed in accordance with all rules and regulations, will ensure optimal properties and a long period of trouble-free operation.

In work with hanging systems It is necessary to strictly adhere to the technical instructions provided by experienced manufacturers.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct fastening and strength of fasteners, and the step width of the system. What matters here are precisely selected materials, coordination of the main design parameters, and correspondence of real data to the album. technical solutions. Not only the technical characteristics of the structure, but also the safety of others will depend on this.

Service life of a ventilated façade

The service life of ventilated facades largely depends on the correct installation, environmental conditions, and the scope of its application. But the main criteria are the materials used. So, average term The service life of an unpainted galvanized system is about 7 years. The same coated material will last from 14 to 30 years, depending on the properties of the protective components.

Aluminum facades and stainless steel analogues will last up to 50 years, providing excellent functionality.

Vent gap

The ventilation gap is the element of the façade system that provides ventilation and reduces heat transfer. The quality of hydro- and thermal insulation of the ventilation façade depends on the correctly selected size of the air gap.

There are special formulas that allow you to calculate this parameter based on temperature, air flow speed and heat transfer coefficients of the structure.

On average, the thickness of the gap will fluctuate in the range of 20-50 mm. It is this layer that guarantees optimal air circulation and effective moisture removal.

Pros and Features

The main advantages of ventilated facades include:

  1. High rates of thermal, hydro and sound insulation.
  2. Resistance to negative influences of the external environment.
  3. Fast and convenient installation in any weather conditions.
  4. Excellent repairability in case of unexpected damage.
  5. Reducing heating costs.
  6. Wide range facing materials, color solutions and design techniques.
  7. Durability of use.

Among possible disadvantages hinged ventilated facades highlight a significant reduction in the level fire safety if the installation technology is not followed.

Such consequences can be caused, for example, by imperfect walls, due to which it is necessary to resort to non-standard installation solutions. Incorrect installation structures can affect the anti-corrosion protection and environmental friendliness of materials, reducing their service life.

But with a competent approach from qualified specialists, most of these risks can be successfully eliminated.


No. Name of materials and works Unit change Volume We're standing. rub. Amount rub.
№1 Ventilated facade made of ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANELS
1 sq.m. 1,00 90,00 90,00
2 Supply of COMPOSITE PANEL FR 4.04 all, (G1) taking into account technological waste of 20% sq.m. 1,20 1150,00 1380,00
3 sq.m. 1,10 450,00 495,00
4 sq.m. 1,00 625,00 625,00
5 taking into account construction mechanisms sq.m. 1,00 1400,00 1400,00
Total: 3990,00
№2 Ventilated facade made of CERAMOGRANITE
1 Development of design documentation (KMD) sq.m. 1,00 90,00 90,00
2 Supply of CERAMIC GRANITE (600x600x8) taking into account technological waste of 10% sq.m. 1,10 500,00 550,00
3 Supply of 100 mm insulation, taking into account fasteners and technological waste 10% sq.m. 1,10 450,00 495,00
4 sq.m. 1,00 725,00 825,00
5 sq.m. 1,00 1300,00 1300,00
Total: 3260,00
1 Development of design documentation (KMD) sq.m. 1,00 50,00 50,00
2 sq.m. 1,35 1150,00 1552,50
4 Supply of substructure including fasteners sq.m. 1,00 750,00 825,00
5 Manufacturing and installation of a ventilated facade taking into account construction mechanisms sq.m. 1,00 2000,00 2000,00
Total: 4027,50
№4 Interior cladding made of ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANELS
1 Development of design documentation (KMD) sq.m. 1,00 250,00 250,00
2 Supply of COMPOSITE PANEL FR 4.04 all, (G1) taking into account technological waste of 35% sq.m. 1,35 1150,00 1552,50
4 Supply of substructure including fasteners sq.m. 1,00 750,00 825,00
5 Manufacturing and installation of a ventilated facade taking into account construction mechanisms sq.m. 1,00 2000,00 2000,00
Total: 4627,50
№5 Ventilated facade made of ALUMINUM PANELS
1 Development of design documentation (KMD) sq.m. 1,00 130,00 130,00
2 Supply of ALUMINUM PANELS sq.m. 1,35 2600,00 2600,00
3 sq.m. 1,00 550,00 605,00
4 Supply of aluminum substructure including fasteners sq.m. 1,00 725,00 825,00
5 Manufacturing and installation of a ventilated facade taking into account construction mechanisms sq.m. 1,00 1500,00 1500,00
Total: 4627,50
№6 Ventilated facade made of GRANITE
1 Development of design documentation (KMD) sq.m. 1,00 130,00 130,00
2 Supply of ALUMINUM PANELS sq.m. 1,35 2400,00 2640,00
3 Supply of 120 mm insulation, taking into account fasteners and technological waste 10% sq.m. 1,00 550,00 605,00
4 Supply of substructure including fasteners sq.m. 1,00 950,00 825,00
5 Manufacturing and installation of a ventilated facade taking into account construction mechanisms sq.m. 1,00 2000,00 2000,00
Total: 6200,00
№7 Ventilated facade made of FIBROCEMENT PLATE
1 Development of design documentation (KMD) sq.m. 1,00 90,00 90,00
2 Supply of FIBER CEMENT BOARD, taking into account technological waste of 10% sq.m. 1,00 800,00 880,00
3 Supply of 100 mm insulation, taking into account fasteners and technological waste 10% sq.m. 1,00 450,00 495,00
4 Supply of substructure including fasteners sq.m. 1,00 725,00 825,00
5 Manufacturing and installation of a ventilated facade taking into account construction mechanisms sq.m. 1,00 1300,00 1300,00
Total: 3590,00

Cladding options in the system

The undoubted advantage of ventilated curtain facades is the huge range of finishing materials, among which we can note: it is worth using only mineral wool, since neither penoplex nor rolled materials are able to provide the necessary technical parameters for a ventilated facade.

The standard thickness of mineral wool used for insulation is about 100 mm, although you can choose thicker types with additional insulation.

Often the installation of wool is carried out in two layers, general principle Such a solution provides for density indicators of at least 50 kg/m3 and 80 kg/m3 for the bottom and top layers, respectively. More detailed advice specific manufacturers of façade structures will be provided.

Is film needed in ventilated facades?

This issue causes a lot of controversy, in which film and insulation manufacturers are parties.

Most controversies are caused solely by commercial reasons.

Experts agree that the film is necessary to protect the insulation from the wind inside the gap when using standard 80 kg/m3 insulation. For denser layers there is no need for it.

Design of a ventilated facade

It is a responsible process, the quality of which will determine the reliability of the entire structure. Such a task should be entrusted only to trusted performers, who can be installation companies or manufacturers of mounted facade products.