Work in England for Russians. Work in the UK for Russian citizens and CIS residents

Is it possible to make money in England without much experience or special education? It is known - whoever seeks will find!

Work in England, especially in London - the dream of many residents of the CIS countries. Foggy Albion is a place where you can make good money, even without a higher education diploma or any useful skills. All that is needed to find a decent job in England is desire, desire for success, perseverance and hard work.

How to find work in England? If you are already an English citizen, you probably do not need to read this article, as you should be well versed in the English way of life. If you have just arrived in the British Isles or are just planning to visit them, use one of the many Internet resources to view job offers in England.

Students and university graduates who have not yet learned the beauty of manual or mental labor can start their career with something very simple.

Work in England: starting a career

Working in a bar or restaurant

Aren't you afraid of hard and thankless manual labor? Then work in England you will definitely find it. The simplest thing they can offer you is the position of a kitchen handyman. The employee's responsibilities include washing dishes, working in a warehouse (unloading and loading), cleaning trading floors, kitchen and other rooms. If you are diligent, you can achieve the fact that you are appointed as an assistant waiter or cook. You know well English language- you will receive more. The main thing is quickness and intelligence, and success awaits you. The pay is low - 3-5 pounds per hour.

If you can boast of advanced English and minimal kitchen skills, you can try yourself as an assistant cook or kitchen assistant. Work of this kind cannot be called hard, but you won’t be bored either. Are you young, active and speak English? Then get a job as a kitchen assistant.

You can apply your culinary knowledge to a good restaurant. Of course, the desire to work as a cook is not enough to become one; you need to have all the required documents in your hands, good abilities in cooking, experience in a restaurant is highly desirable. But the work of English chefs is paid relatively well - up to twelve to thirteen pounds per hour! Of course, the word “cook” means a qualified specialist; this concept does not include “cookers” who prepare food in fast foods. Their work in England is valued much less and is paid at the rate of 3-5 pounds per hour. There is one advantage - you don’t need high qualifications.

Work in England It’s also easy for former waiters to find. Of course, if you are not fluent in English, you are not suitable for the position of a waiter. No work experience - no problem, you will be taught everything you need in two weeks. The wages of waiters in England are also low - only 3-4 pounds per hour of “running around”. Although the waiter also has room to “turn around”, because his income consists of hourly wages and tips.

If you don’t like working at all and want to earn a little, but easily, then try yourself as a bartender. Preparing cocktails and selling alcohol at the bar are all the duties of a bartender, and the pay ranges from 3 to 5 pounds per hour.

A former sales consultant who speaks fluent English can easily get a job in England. Of course, it is necessary to have experience working in retail chains, and it is advisable to have a good understanding of exactly the area of ​​sales that is targeted for the store. The salary of a sales assistant in England is about 4 pounds per hour.

Manager - highly paid work in England, however, the requirements can be called “exorbitant” for an ordinary student. Want to earn £15-20 an hour? First, get excellent English language skills and work experience in a similar position, collect the necessary documents and prepare for the fact that you will have to train and supervise staff and bear financial responsibility.

Work in a hotel

Working in an English hotel also does not require serious professional experience, but knowledge of the language and understanding are predominant mandatory requirements for hotel staff.

Cleaner - good job, if you know almost nothing. The salary is 3-4 pounds per hour, but it is unlikely that you will be able to earn much, since there will not be much work. Good option jobs in England for those who do not have a lot of free time.

When you want to make a career in a hotel, you can start at the very bottom of the career ladder - working as a maid in England. Very hard work, low pay (no more than £4 per hour, but usually less). Of course, to clean rooms, you don’t need to be fluent in the language of Shakespeare and Byron, so people who don’t speak English at all are often hired as maids. Maids who show zeal can be promoted to managers, with pay almost doubling.

Don't be afraid of dirt - get a job as a handyman in a hotel. Since finding work in England is not so difficult, this option cannot be called ideal, because you will have to load garbage bags, laundry, and possibly clean rooms. The pay is very small - less than four pounds an hour.

Those who have good looks, no less remarkable knowledge of the language, a computer and the sights of the English capital can try themselves in the role of a hotel administrator or hotel administrator. The pay is not bad - 5-8 pounds per hour.

Great Britain is a country with the third largest economy in Europe and one of the most developed financial systems in the world. About 40% of foreigners who arrived in the UK (particularly England) in search of work in 2015 were from Eastern Europe. Citizens former USSR Finding a job in the country is quite difficult due to the high competition in the labor market: employers in most cases give priority to their citizens or EU residents. But nevertheless, there are always job offers, and primarily for qualified workers with good knowledge of English.

How to find work in the UK?

When starting to look for a job in the UK, applicants should carefully study the country’s labor market and soberly weigh their chances. If the applicant is a citizen of a non-EU country, then in addition to the mandatory procedure for obtaining a work visa and work permit, he will have to convince the employer of the advisability of hiring him. The employer, in turn, must provide local authorities with evidence that the required specialist is not among EU citizens.

Get workplace Thousands of migrants from all over the world are coming to the UK

What to remember when starting your job search in the UK

Despite the fact that residents of the European Union have certain advantages when considering candidates, the main point will still be the professional and personal qualities of the job applicant. It is very important not only to be able to present yourself correctly, but also to actually have certain knowledge and qualifications.

First of all, to obtain a more or less qualified job, you will need knowledge of English at least at a minimum level of B1 (in accordance with the CERF classification). You can confirm your level of language proficiency in one of the specialized centers, a list of which is posted on the website. Knowledge of other languages ​​can also increase the competitiveness of the applicant: German, French, Spanish.

UK labor law requires special requirements to the education and work experience of the applicant. There is a special portal where you can obtain confirmation of your qualifications, and such a document will be valid throughout the UK.

Video: job search in the UK

Ways to find work in the UK (including in England)

You can obtain information about available vacancies using online resources specializing in employment. First of all, this is the government portal GOV.UK, which publishes a lot of materials related to job search and employment procedures, as well as constantly updated information on the availability of vacancies in different industries. By registering on this portal, you can post your resume here and receive email notifications about available jobs.

In addition, the following sites are widely known among job seekers in the country:

  • .

The following resources specialize in recruiting employees for certain industries:

  •,,, - for IT specialists;
  •, - for employees of the restaurant and hotel business;
  •, - for health workers;
  •, - for students;
  •, - work for nannies.

Many people successfully find employment with the help of social networks, such as LinkedIn and others. You can try this method as directly contacting the employing company: to do this, you need to go to the company’s website and leave your resume there. Among the print media that publish job advertisements, the most popular are The Guardian and the Financial Times.

You can look for work in the UK via the Internet or through print media

The most in-demand professions in 2016

Statistics cited in reports from various agencies indicate that a trend has emerged in the UK today that will lead to an acute shortage of highly specialized health workers in the near future. In addition, there will be a shortage of IT specialists. These forecasts apply to 2018. And currently the most popular professions in the state are:

  • top managers - income up to 140 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • doctors - 135 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • financiers, marketers, economists - about 100 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • pilots - 95 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • lawyers - 90 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • specialists in the field of IT technologies - 85–90 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • police officers - 63 thousand pounds sterling per year;
  • teachers and managers - 60 thousand pounds sterling per year.

The most common vacancies and salary levels

Migrant workers have the highest chances of finding work in London. The city is developing rapidly, and the local labor market cannot cope with the need for workers. As for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, work here is more difficult to find, and, most likely, it will be related to agriculture or construction.

The following vacancies are found most frequently on job boards of UK recruitment agencies in 2016:

In 2015, the minimum wage in the UK was 6.7 pounds sterling per hour (9 euros), i.e. about 1,400 euros per month. From April 2016 this figure was increased to £7.2 per hour and is now one of the highest in Europe.

Salaries in Britain depend on regions. In London it is higher than in the country, but the cost of living here is also higher than in the regions. Therefore, in percentage terms there is not much difference.

Sharla Tanka

Unskilled workers can count on wages close to the minimum (up to 1,500 euros): nannies, governesses, and caregivers. Sellers and bartenders receive about 1,500 euros per month, medical workers - 2,500 euros, engineers and builders - 3,000 euros, programmers and IT specialists - 3,000–3,500 euros per month.

The average salary in the country in 2016 is 2,800 euros per month. At the same time, there is a noticeable difference in this indicator in different regions: if in London employers offer an average of about 40 thousand pounds sterling per year, then in Northern Ireland - 29 thousand pounds sterling.

Video: salaries in the UK for Russians and not only

Working hours, taxes and other information about working in the UK

The UK tax system is two-tier and consists of taxes going to local and state budgets. Income tax, which is also levied on some types of benefits, can range from 20 to 45% depending on the amount of income. Contributions to the fund social insurance- 12–13.8%. In addition, there are types of taxes such as inheritance tax, housing tax, transport tax, capital gains tax, interest on bank deposits, and stamp duty. The non-taxable minimum is 10 thousand pounds sterling per year.

It is estimated that the average working week in the UK is 43.7 hours, meaning that on a 5-day workday the working day lasts an average of 8.74 hours.

There are certain differences in the labor markets of the UK regions. Thus, in Scotland there is some shortage of employees in the hotel and restaurant business, construction industry, healthcare and financial sector. Most vacancies are offered in major cities- Glasgow, Edinburgh. Features of the Scottish labor market are:

TO negative aspects This can be attributed to the relatively low level of wages and the excess of demand over supply in the domestic labor market.

Wales has traditionally had a strong presence in the coal and steel industries, but these industries are currently in decline. The emphasis of economic development is shifting towards the service sector and trade, which explains the large number of vacancies in these sectors.

In the capital of the state - London - there is a certain shortage of specialists in the field of construction and transport; employees are required to care for the sick and elderly, as well as good chances for employment with IT specialists and bank employees.

Features of the official employment procedure

Legal employment in the UK requires the employee to have a work visa and permission to work in the country.

UK work visa

There are several categories of work visas to the UK:

  1. For qualified professionals:
    • Tier2 (General) visa - for employees who have an invitation from a British employer;
    • Tier2 (Intra-company Transfer) visa - for employees foreign companies who arrived to work in the British branch;
    • Tier2 (Minister of Religion) visa - for clergy;
    • Tier2 (Sportsperson) visa - for athletes.
  2. For high value employees:
    • Tier1 (Entrepreneur) visa - for entrepreneurs;
    • Tier1 (Exceptional Talent) visa - for persons with unique abilities;
    • Tier1 (General) visa - extension and permanent residence;
    • Tier1 (Investor) visa - for investors.
  3. For temporary workers:
    • Tier5 (Temporary Worker - creative and sporting) – for athletes and workers in creative professions;
    • Tier5 (Temporary Worker - charity workers) – for employees of charitable organizations;
    • Tier5 (Temporary Worker - religious workers) – for clergy;
    • Tier5 (Temporary Worker - government authorized exchange) - for migrants who arrived under an exchange program;
    • Tier5 (Temporary Worker - international agreement) – for workers under contracts governed by international standards.

There are other types of visas, a full list of which can be found on the GOV.UK website

There are several categories of UK work visas

Procedure for obtaining a work visa

Obtaining a British work visa is a rather complex procedure and consists of several stages. Most migrants from the CIS apply for a Tier2 visa. This type of visa requires employment with one specific employer. If the employee moves to another employer, a new visa is required. To employ a foreign worker (from a non-EU country), a UK employer must:

  • obtain a sponsor's license;
  • register on the list of sponsors;
  • issue the employee a sponsorship certificate with a unique personal number. The certificate contains information about the working conditions and salary of the accepted employee.

A Tier2 (General) work visa has maximum term Valid for 3 years, which can subsequently be extended. Having such a visa in hand, the employee has the right to volunteer or work part-time in a related field, but not more than 20 hours a week. In addition, the Tier2 (General) visa allows the holder to undergo training in one of the educational programs. After 5 years of work on such a visa, you can apply for permanent residence. The owner of Tier2 has no right to engage entrepreneurial activity and benefit from material assistance provided by public and government funds.

A Tier2 visa applicant undergoes an assessment procedure according to point system, in which you need to score a certain minimum of points awarded for the presence of a sponsor, qualifications, future salary and other indicators. You can learn more about the points system on the migration service website.

Documents required to obtain a work visa

  • valid international passport;
  • old passport;
  • internal passport;
  • one color photograph 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • completed visa application form;
  • an employment contract provided by the employer;
  • sponsorship certificate;
  • a certificate confirmed by the employer about the start and end dates of work;
  • bank confirmation of the presence of an amount of at least £800 in the employee’s account;
  • a certificate confirming knowledge of English at a level not lower than B1 (according to IELTS, TOEFL, etc.);
  • birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate (if available);
  • rental agreement with payment receipt;
  • insurance in the amount of 30 thousand euros.

If you have previously been denied a visa, you must provide the document on the basis of which the refusal was received.

If you have previously (within the last 10 years) been refused a UK visa, it is advisable to attach a copy of the paper refusal.
If you haven’t saved it, don’t worry, you have a stamp in your passport with the number and date of refusal.
For other countries of the world, you just need to indicate the number and date of refusal in the application form, and the refusal stamp is also in your passport.

Ilya Larin

Work visa extension

The following categories of migrants have the right to extend a Tier2 work visa:

  • holders of a Tier2 visa issued according to the rules adopted before 04/06/2011;
  • persons with a work permit;
  • employees of foreign media;
  • ground service personnel of foreign airlines;
  • Jewish Agency employee.

In this case, the sponsorship certificate indicates the level of the position held. The procedure for extending a work visa provides for the accrual of 50 points for an existing sponsorship certificate that complies with the rules of transitional measures, 50 points for work in a profession from the list of the most in demand, 30 points for any sponsorship certificate.

UK work permit

The procedure for obtaining a Work Permit has some differences for different situations, in which the applicant may be located. If the employee is in the country and is employed by another employer, then it is necessary:

  • apply for a new work permit;

If an employee plans to continue cooperation with his employer and is located in the country, then he must:

  • apply for a work permit extension;
  • get new look for residence.

If the applicant is located outside the UK, he must:

Who does not need a work permit

A work permit in the UK is not required:

  • EU citizens;
  • holders of permanent residence in the UK;
  • spouses of work permit holders;
  • refugees;
  • spouses of citizens of EEC member countries;
  • persons who arrived as a “partner” of an EEC citizen with a work permit, if there is no legal possibility to legitimize the relationship (for example, when “partners” are of the same sex);
  • persons born in other countries, but whose grandparents had British citizenship, if there is documentary evidence of such a relationship.

Documents required to obtain a work permit

  • characteristics and recommendations from the applicant’s previous places of work over the past 3 years;
  • copies of diplomas and certificates;
  • confirmation of an advertising campaign carried out by the employer, as a result of which it was not possible to find a suitable candidate among EEC citizens;
  • a copy of the employment contract;
  • copies of accounts and the latest annual report of the employing company;
  • candidate's international passport.

In addition, the following data must be provided:

  • job description;
  • detailed information about the candidate;
  • information about expected salary and possible remuneration;
  • information about the employing company;
  • reasons for refusals to applicants from EEC member countries, etc.

You can familiarize yourself in detail with the contents of the package of documents for each case on the official website of the UK Immigration Service.

Consequences for attempting illegal employment

Until 1997, UK law did not provide for any legal liability for employers for illegal workers or for the deportation of workers themselves. Today, the presence of unregistered employees is considered an administrative offense, providing for major troubles for the employer in the form of fines. The worker faces deportation followed by a ban on entry for a long time.

Almost all the work done by illegal immigrants goes through an intermediary. Our savvy compatriots, who arrived a little earlier but have already realized that exploiting someone else’s labor is much more profitable than selling their own, can act as intermediaries.

Victor Kotovsky

Table: advantages and disadvantages of working in the UK

Internship in the UK

There are many internship programs in the UK for students and young professionals (for Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhstanis), organized by recruitment agencies And educational centers. The purpose of such internships is to improve the level of knowledge of the English language, gain work experience in your professional field and a letter of recommendation from a British employer for further employment. The duration of the internship depends on the program and can range from 4 weeks to 1 year. Students and graduates of universities aged 18 to 30 are invited to participate in internships. Interns live in families or dormitories. If the internship is paid, the amount of payments is indicated in the contract. Other requirements for interns include:

  • language proficiency of 5.5–6.5 points on IELTS;
  • presence of a foreign passport;
  • availability of a receipt for payment of the registration fee.

An internship is a great chance to go to a country, work and get acquainted with the realities of life inside it.

Video: review of how to get an internship in the UK

Business immigration to the UK

For those who plan to open their own business in the UK or buy an existing one, a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) work visa is available. Requirements for an entrepreneur visa applicant:

  • no criminal record;
  • availability of £200 thousand of own funds or £50 thousand from a third party to invest in the business;
  • availability of sufficient funds to support family members;
  • sufficient level of English.

Video: how to open a company in England

  • the purpose of creating a business in the country should be to open jobs, introduce innovative technologies, creation of new products;
  • The government’s task is to provide support for entrepreneurship from the state and private investors;
  • consider reducing the minimum investment amount for those investing £50k and increasing it slightly for those investing £200k;
  • Entrepreneurs are recommended not only to invest in business, but also to take personal part in its management and development.

The UK is traditionally one of the most attractive countries for labor migrants from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries of the post-Soviet space. Our compatriots are attracted by the opportunity to improve their financial situation and realize their professional abilities in one of the most developed countries in the world. The results of the referendum on the UK's exit from the EU that took place on June 24, 2016 may bring certain changes to the state of the country's labor market. The consequences of Brexit can be assessed in the near future, but in the meantime, thousands of citizens of CIS countries are employed annually in various vacancies posted by UK employers.

In recent years, England has seen a tightening of immigration policies aimed at reducing the number of immigrants. In this regard, obtaining a work visa may be associated with some difficulties.

The UK economy is the third largest in Europe in terms of GDP. The country's financial market and production facilities are recognized as one of the most developed in the world. Unemployment is at a low 4.3%. Over the past year, consumer prices have decreased by 0.1%, and inflation by 2%. The average salary in the state is about 4,000 pounds per month.

Competition for jobs in England is intense. Immigrants from the countries of the former CIS have to compete with both local residents, as well as with other EU citizens who also seek to find work here.

For Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, working in England is an excellent opportunity to increase their level of well-being, which is a definite advantage. There is a demand in the state for highly qualified specialists from these countries.

Disadvantages include high requirements for the level of professionalism of employees, long working hours and high taxes.

Professions in demand

The easiest places to find work in England are IT industry specialists, engineers, nurses, builders, sales managers, plumbers and nannies. There is an increased demand for employees with such professions in England.

Salary level

The table shows the salaries of employees employed in various sectors of the English economy:

Profession Min. salary, pounds/month. Average salary, pounds/month.
Engineer1750 2300
Programmer1850 2950
Builder1500 2050
Doctor2250 3200
Nurse1700 2000
Driver1250 1600
Cook1100 1450
Sales Manager1800 2900
Waiter1050 1200
Plumber1700 2150
Nanny1350 1750
Taxi driver1300 1850
Guide1450 1900
Dentist2300 3350
Electrician1600 2050
Welder1650 2150
Foreman1650 2200
Salesman1300 1750
At the factory1450 1900
At the embassy2900 3750
On the farm800 1100
At home1200 1650
For students1050 1200
For women1150 1700

Wages in England are reviewed annually. The rate depends on the professional skills and age of the employee.

How to find a job without intermediaries

You can search for the desired vacancy in England and on our own. Reliable tools in this matter is the Internet and the means mass media.

Popular job search sites

Below is a list of sites where you can start your own job search:

Specialized Resources

Agencies, message boards and specialized resources can also help in finding a vacancy:

Finding a job in the British press is no less effective. The well-known newspaper “The Guardian” () regularly publishes advertisements related to employment. Find necessary options It's easier with her help.

Types of employment

The professional skills and experience of the applicant play an important role when looking for work in England. Employers often require that a candidate's qualifications meet locally specified criteria.

Work without knowledge of the language

Finding a job in England without knowing the language is very difficult. This even applies to professions such as nanny, housekeeper or driver.

Applicants who do not speak English may apply for the following vacancies:

  • construction worker;
  • farm laborer;
  • cleaner.

This type of work is not a prestigious profession and is therefore poorly paid.

Seasonal work

Romanian citizens and workers from post-Soviet countries are in demand in England for seasonal work.

The following vacancies are offered:

  • milkmaid;
  • fruit and berry picker;
  • tractor driver;
  • agronomist;
  • packer;
  • handyman

On the farm, workers are provided with housing and equipment. They pay an average of about £250 a week.

Temporary work

Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians can consider options for temporary work in England.

Companies offer the following options:

  • photographer;
  • factory worker;
  • salesman;
  • administrator;
  • waiter;
  • office manager;
  • builder.

Employers may require applicants for such positions to have knowledge of English.

Other options

They offer to work on a rotational basis in England in the following specialties:

  • housekeeper;
  • nanny;
  • waiter;
  • bartender;
  • builder.

Under a contract, you can get a job in a factory or factory.

Official employment procedure

Without a work visa, an immigrant has no right to work in England.

For official employment, the applicant must have labor contract with the employer and work permit.

Sequence of actions

Stages involved in obtaining a work visa:

  1. Finding an employer who is interested professional qualities applicant and agrees to hire him.
  2. The employer submits an application to the UK Immigration and Border Protection Agency with a request to issue a work permit for the foreign specialist he is interested in. At the same time, the employer will have to prove that the candidate is highly qualified and has a profession in demand.
  3. The applicant receives a certificate of sponsorship from the employer.
  4. A visa application is filled out, a package of documents is prepared and translated into English.
  5. The papers are submitted for processing to the Embassy.

If the decision is positive, the candidate receives a work visa and permission to officially work in England.

Types of work permits

The following types are provided:

  • General- based on an invitation from the employer.
  • Creative and Sporting– implementation of sports and creative activities.
  • International Agreement– carrying out work related to international agreements.
  • Religious Worker– religious activity.
  • Government Authorized Exchange– activities under intergovernmental agreements.

The vast majority of immigrants need the first option.

Categories that do not require a work permit

Citizens of Switzerland and EU countries do not have to obtain a work permit in England.

  • volunteers;
  • students who came to work on the exchange system;
  • artists, during tours;
  • representatives of environmental protection organizations.

List of main documents

Preparation and collection of documents is the most important stage preparation. Therefore, it is better to start it as early as possible.

  • application form and application from the candidate;
  • official invitation from the employer (sponsorship contract);
  • diploma of education and documentary evidence of the declared professional skills;
  • two color photographs 45x35 mm;
  • passport and photocopies of all its pages;
  • an agreement signed by the applicant to accept the laws of Great Britain and the obligation to follow them;
  • a bank statement indicating that the candidate’s account contains an amount of at least £945;
  • a medical certificate confirming that the future immigrant does not have any diseases dangerous to society;
  • receipt of payment of the visa fee.

Documents submitted to the Embassy must be in English.

Applying for a work visa

The processing time for a work visa ranges from 15 to 30 days. A work visa for up to 3 years costs £564. ABOUT the decision taken The British Embassy notifies the applicant by email.

Candidate selection criteria

The process of obtaining a work visa is accompanied by selection based on the following criteria:

  • Level of knowledge of English.
  • The applicant has an employer and a sponsorship contract.
  • Demand for the profession and qualifications.
  • Availability of funds in a bank account. The amount should not be less than 945 pounds to be enough for the first time.
  • The salary requirement for an immigrant in England is at least 20,800 pounds per year.

If a Russian candidate meets the specified criteria, then the likelihood of obtaining a work visa increases significantly.

Work visa extension

If the employee plans to continue working in England, then an extension of the work visa is allowed. The only condition– the employee must remain in the same place where he originally got a job.

It is possible to extend a work visa for a period of no more than five years. The maximum period of stay of a foreign citizen in the UK is 6 years. Once your work visa expires, you must apply for an extension to Immigration and Border Protection.

Business immigration

For foreign citizens who agree to invest money in the UK economy, is provided business visa Tier1 Entrepreneur.

The period for obtaining citizenship depends on the amount that the entrepreneur invested:

  • £200,000 – permanent residence after 5 years;
  • 5,000,000 pounds – permanent residence after 3 years;
  • 10,000,000 – permanent residence after 2 years.

When organizing your business, you need to provide jobs for at least two British citizens.

Features of internship in the country

You can get practice in a variety of areas:

  • sales;
  • marketing;
  • finance;
  • information Technology;
  • telecommunications;
  • tourism;
  • hotel management.

The practical knowledge that students gain during their internship can later help them find employment in England permanent job.

Consequences for attempting illegal employment

If an employer hires an illegal immigrant, he is subject to a fine of £15,000 for each employee. The fine can be increased to 20,000 pounds if the employer is caught in such a violation not for the first time.

An illegal immigrant will be deported from the country and banned from entering the UK for a period of 10 years.

Immigrants living in England don't want to leave. The average salary of 2,000 pounds per month is attractive to them.

Great Britain has a developed and independent economic system, which allows us to say that there is, was, and most likely will be work in England. This is the most popular country for Ukrainians, Belarusians and, of course, Russians to live, work, move up the career ladder, travel and learn the language.

You can work in England either seasonally or permanently. There is a demand for both blue-collar professions and the service sector, and there will be a place for highly qualified specialists in 2019. Watch this video to find out where it is best to look for work in England.

Simple vacancies in England are very popular. This refers to unskilled work - service personnel in hotels, restaurants and work in factories.

There is a shortage of doctors, other health workers (professional nurses), and social sphere. different and vary by profession, here are some categories with averages:

  • An IT manager earns £46,362;
  • Programmers and developers - 44,777;
  • Personal assistants – 28,704;
  • Management staff consultants – 48,385;
  • Designers and graphics specialists – 24,134;
  • Business Development Managers - £29,499.

Men are paid more than women.

Job Search

When looking for a job in England, the question arises whether it can be found here, the answer will always be clear - those who know how to work will always find a decent place, and the earnings here will be much higher than in their home country.

Employment in England at first glance seems like something unrealistic, but it only seems so until you start to engage in this process. Serious recruiting agencies always try to help their clients get hired as quickly as possible. Plus, every month in 2019 in the UK the number of places where knowledge of the Russian language is required is increasing. This is in addition to the fact that engineers and IT workers are constantly needed.

The country's interest in highly professional employees in 2018 is further confirmed by the fact that for the past five years a special program, HSMP, has been in place, designed to attract such workers to England. Moreover, received under this program gives the right to work, create your own business, and after several years,...

Working in the UK will be a good career boost. And upon returning to their homeland, a person who has completed an English internship will not have to look for a job for a long time. Getting a job will depend largely on the person’s status. If you already have British citizenship or have a permanent one, then there are no restrictions at all.

With a residence permit, the search for work will be limited. This will apply to starting your own business and changing employers. Pensioners with existing means of livelihood will not need to look for work at all, as this is prohibited by English law.

Ways to search for vacancies:

  • Printed publications – newspapers;
  • Government employment centers;
  • Recruitment agencies;
  • Outdoor advertising – posted advertisements.

That is, there are enough options to find a job on your own, even without the involvement of intermediaries. Before proceeding with it, you need to honestly tell the employer about the existing problems with the Law, if there are any. This will not mean refusal. Because the check will still take place and during its course everything will be revealed, which will entail the definite deprivation of this job.

Learn more about finding a job in England in this video.

Hiring rules

After the search is successful, the employer provides an employment contract, where a mandatory clause must be 2 months of probation. The contract must contain the salary, official holidays and days off, insurance and pension. The law also provides for 4 weeks of paid leave.

The employee will be required to pay tax and make National Insurance contributions. It helps pay tax contributions for health care and pension fund. The direct employer will do this himself.
The employee has the following rights:

  1. Equal treatment of your person. Gender, nationality, religion or health problems do not affect this.
  2. Payments of the same salaries, regardless of gender.
  3. Be a member of a trade union.
  4. Maternity leave in full.

Specialties in England for foreigners


Many Russian families living in the UK in 2019 need nannies who speak English. native language. And since our compatriots are also looking for work in this country, for many women such work will simply be a salvation.


If you have a philological education, you can take up tutoring. Such specialists are in demand among all categories of citizens, not only Russians. After all, many companies in England work closely with Russian ones, and knowing Russian won’t hurt.

Assistant Manager

In 2019, there is a lot of demand for secretaries who speak Russian. If a girl is looking for a similar vacancy, she can expect to quickly find it and get a job.

Manager at a travel agency or real estate agency

The real estate and tourism markets are very well developed. There is always a need for Russian-speaking specialists there. After all, there are many such people everywhere and they also go on vacation and buy and sell property.

Store Seller

There are enough tourists from Russia in England, so a Russian girl who is looking for work in this country can safely turn to a boutique where she will definitely be hired. Every self-respecting English store like this must hire an employee who knows how to communicate with Russians.

Art critic

The profession is highly specialized, but also in demand. has offices with large auction houses, which have large departments that deal only with Russian art.

Financier and economist

The most common professions in 2019 for which certified Russian-speaking specialists are hired.

Advertising and Marketing

Such specialists are the least in demand, but if you find a company that plans to enter the Russian market, then the chance of getting a job will be great.

Social workers

Social work in England it involves employment in the voluntary sectors. The purpose of such services is to provide a wide range of services. There is also an emphasis on children, the elderly and the mentally retarded.

Social work in the UK includes the provision of housing, education, recreation, library services and personal social services.

Social work in the UK is essentially employment in a service owned by the state or a local government public service department.

How to get a job in England?

Working in England for Russians who are not EU citizens and spouses of someone living in England is possible in two legal ways in 2019.

Availability of a work permit

An employer is found who agrees to hire you and issues it, which in English is called a Work Permit. But some requirements must be met:

  • The employer must prove the absence of an employee for this vacancy from local population. It will be easier to do all this if the foreign applicant is a highly qualified researcher, creative worker or IT specialist;
  • Obligation to work only for this employer. If there are part-time jobs, there must be agreement with the main employer;
  • If the contract is terminated by the employer himself, the employee must immediately leave the country.

Completing the HSMP program

It is designed to attract qualified specialists to the country. It is not necessary to obtain high qualifications in England; you can do it in your homeland. To enter the country with this permit, a form is filled out and certain points are scored - PBS. If there are enough of them, a visa is issued for a year. But you will need to find an employer yourself.

In addition, there must be enough funds available to live in the country until a job is found. If successful labor activity throughout this period, the opportunity to stay in England is extended for 5 years. And after they expire, you can safely apply for a residence permit.

The number of points is considered as follows:

  • The age of the candidate - young people have more points;
  • Availability of education;
  • Salary level for the last six months;
  • Do you have additional education received in England?
  • Excellent command of English.

Documentary evidence of education, experience and salary is required.
There is another option for traveling to the UK in 2019 to work - by. Enterprising students stay in the country this way.

Features of working in England

When getting a job, you need to remember that in England there is virtually no Labor Code. Everything will depend on what kind of agreement there is - individual or collective.
Without English citizenship, work there is available with certain visas. All are divided into groups:

  1. Those that do not lead to the acquisition of a residence permit - student, business, guest, transit (non-immigration)
  2. And, allowing you to obtain a residence permit and citizenship (immigration).

When your non-immigrant visa expires, you should leave the country immediately. It will be impossible to work with her legally. And if it turns out that work is still being carried out, then a trip to the homeland will follow. And a second visit to England will no longer be possible - the authorities here are adamant.

Therefore, if you plan to stay in the UK for a long time, then it is better to do everything according to the Law and live there quietly, making excellent money.

    I would like to find a job in London in a Russian-speaking family or in a Russian-speaking hospice, hospital as a nurse caring for the elderly or sick people. I am a nurse, a high professional level. The general guardian of work in medicine is 29 years old. I have a valid passport with a British visa valid for 5 years. What is the best agency in London to contact to find housekeeping staff? I also really love children of any age and can get along with them. There was an internship in a regional children's clinic, in the department of newborns with pathology. My email address [email protected] cell +79147605983, I have already submitted my resume several times to several agencies, as well as to a newspaper for Russians in London.

    I'm finishing receiving teacher education majoring in Social Work, what is the first thing I need to do to work and live in the UK?

  • I finished Voronezh University Engineering Technologies majoring in “Machines and apparatus for food production”, mechanical engineer (specialist). I have been working in production for a year in my specialty. Where to go regarding employment in England (maybe someone knows an agency, or where to start looking)?
    [email protected](my email).
    I would be very grateful.

    Hello! I graduated from the Agricultural Academy in 2012, worked at a cattle breeding farm, and now work as a veterinarian at a large pig farm. More than three years of experience. I study English on my own. Is it possible to get a job in England in the field agriculture or to an animal shelter? Mail: [email protected]

    I am looking for a job as a nanny, governess, tutor in England or another country. I have a lot of teaching experience (30 years), I raised my children well. I will teach a lot, help and organize the children. Very energetic, lively, strict and serious. Higher music education. You can chat on Skype: karmensita5

    I want to get a job in England, in a good chocolate factory, packaging sweets. And in 5 years I want to become a citizen of England. I also want to marry an Englishman. My phone: 0037368920689.

    I want to get a job as a dishwasher for Elizabeth 2. I have a higher technical degree (IT and IS engineer). I didn’t work in my specialty. She worked as a secretary. My personal qualities are responsible, clean, I love flora and fauna. My phone: 8 960 484 02 57. Email. mail: [email protected] I always wanted to go abroad to work. I think there is nowhere worse than in Russia. I'm tired of Russian lawlessness - when the rich save on common man, infringing on his rights.

  • Received a Bachelor of Arts from a British university more than 10 years ago, majoring in Business & Management. He returned to Russia and worked all this time in his own family business(small chain of stores retail), being a co-owner and executive director. The crises and the internal political and economic climate were pretty exhausting, + we diverged in the vision for further development within the organization. I want to give up everything and radically change my life. What are the chances of returning to England and infiltrating commercial structure for a management position? Or what are the possible alternatives to reorientation and development in general?

    Good afternoon
    My name is Nika, 27 years old, I am from the Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, not married, no children. I want to change my life and go to live in England. English conversational, higher legal education. Last place of work - in a company providing certification services legal entities as head of the sales department. I will be happy to send you my resume and answer your questions. My email: [email protected], WhatsApp: 8919 625 32 67.

    Good afternoon For the last three months I have been visiting friends in the UK. One of them owns a store. How can he issue an invitation for me to his store? I would be grateful for your help, my email address is: [email protected]

    Help me find a job in England. What needs to be done first, where to start, and so on. I am a journalist by training, with more than 10 years of work experience, including in a management position. I can work as a nanny, tutor, nurse, or salesperson. Help please! My mail: [email protected].

    My name is Ivan, 26 years old, married. My wife and I dream of moving to England. I have a master’s degree in civil engineering, I work as a category 1 engineer, I have 5 years of experience, my wife is finishing a bachelor’s degree in the same specialty, but she has no experience yet. What actions do we need to take to move to Foggy Albion?

    I want to get a job in London! Extensive experience in trade, worked at TSUM. Experience as a cosmetologist. No children, not married. 31 years old, Maria. Moscow.

    Is HSMP only for experienced professionals? I’ll graduate from university this year, and I haven’t really worked anywhere. Accordingly, I have no work experience or salary. Does this mean that I cannot use this program?

    Are engineering degrees in demand in the UK? I am a metallurgy engineer, my core area is titanium alloys, my occupation is analytical work. Currently I work in the technical field, but in a different profile. Are there companies in the UK that require this type of scientist?

    I am looking for a job as a nurse for a Russian-speaking family in England. I have a diploma in nursing with over 15 years of experience. Caring for the elderly and sick people. Currently on military pension.
    Help me find a job and arrange everything necessary documents!
    Sincerely, Svetlana, 51 years old.

    I want to work in the UK as a nurse in a Russian-speaking family, because... I don’t know the language, but I really want to learn it. Extensive experience in caring for sick and elderly people. I have a medical diploma as a nurse and paramedic, with more than 16 years of experience.

    Bachelor in Marketing. I have a great desire to work in England, in a company planning to enter the Russian market. I have experience working in a large business unit in Russia (Veon). Knowledge of English at the sub-intermediate level.
    Ready to leave yesterday.

    I'm from Kazakhstan. I would like to get a job in England as a packer of vegetables or confectionery. No knowledge of English yet. I learn everything quickly.

    Like many, I would like to find a job in England.
    Maybe someone can tell me what specialties you can get into without knowing the language?
    If there are addresses where I can contact regarding work, I will be glad.

    I'm looking for a job as a nanny, executive assistant or salesperson.
    My knowledge of English is basic, but I speak Portuguese.
    I have European citizenship and do not require a work permit.

    I am a Hungarian citizen. I'm looking for a job in England. There is no special specialty. Worked as a foreman interior decoration houses. 3 years of experience as a category B driver in the European Union, cargo transportation. I am 36 years old, married, 2 daughters (children 9 and 17). I have a great desire to go for permanent residence.

    I am 29 years old. Married, no children. I am a citizen of Belarus. I would like to move to England. I have been working as a primary school teacher for 10 years + running my own child development center. I would be glad to receive an official invitation to work: [email protected]

    Girl, I work in a bank in the field of compliance, leadership position. English spoken. Nice appearance. I want to move to London. I preliminary agree to work in a store (I have a tourist visa for 5 years). [email protected]

    I really want to move to London. I'm 28. Higher education 2: PR and economist. I have been working in a large company for over 5 years Russian bank, service individuals in Russian and English. English intermediate - conversational. I am ready to consider vacancies both in my specialty and at the reception, nanny, guide... If there are interesting links, I will be glad to help. Thank you.

    Super master of nail extensions, eyelashes, permanent makeup, depilation, pedicure, manicure... More than 13 years of experience! I personally know Jessica Vartukhyan) Resident of Russia)

    I am 25 years old. I trained as a lawyer, I work for public service. Looking for a job in London. Knowledge of the language is available. Ready to consider vacancies in various fields of activity.

    I am looking for a job in the UK related to football activities. I train children from 3 to 7 years old. I will also consider any other work options. Eat great experience in the field of sales. I would be grateful for any information. Email: [email protected].

    I'm a young guy, 21 years old. Previously worked in Turkey and Poland, no knowledge of English, but I have spoken Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian. He himself is a riding trainer, a technologist, and a veterinarian. Is it possible to find a job with such data? Mail: [email protected].

    I would really like to go to work in England. My English is average. I work in the field of software and component repair of computers, laptops, smartphones, I have my own service, I am ready to work either in my specialty or in sales (I have experience). By education he is a radio mechanic. Please write to anyone who can somehow help with the migration. Mail: [email protected]

    I am 30 years old, I am from Belarus. I would like to move to England. I am an economist by training and work as a salesman. I don't know English well. Is it possible to find any job in England and move? Mail: [email protected].

    I am an English teacher. Translator. I would like to work in England. In any field except general workers. I am 44 years old. Athletic build, I look young. Where can I go?
    Mail: [email protected]

    My name is Tatyana, I'm from Russia. I would like to live and work in England. I have a higher pedagogical education (English and German languages). I can work as a nanny, nurse, tutor, teacher, educator, salesperson. I am a sociable, creative, reliable person, with a pleasant appearance and competent speech.

    I want to work in England or Wales. I am 29 years old. By profession - civil engineer. Higher education. Work experience - 6 years, both in industrial and civil engineering. Knowledge of the language is basic, in the process of learning. Is it possible to find a job there, get a job in your specialty? Mail: [email protected]

    Ielts 6.0 certificate available. Citizen of the Russian Federation. Graduated from the Institute of Arts. Currently I work in the trade sector (gift shop). I will be glad to receive suggestions.

    I want to move to live in the UK. I had already been to this country before. I have IELTS 5.5, experience working in children. garden as deputy head. She also worked as a waitress at one time. She is a linguist by profession, but has never worked in this industry. I would really like to move on a legal basis. 29 years old, married, no children.
    Mail: There is housing in Leicester.
    Where should I start looking for a job that interests me?

    I want to go to England to work as a nurse, nanny. I can also work in the trade sector at the company. What documents are needed and where to apply in Moscow?

    I dream of going to England, I don’t know the language. I am 38 years old, single, no children. Specialized secondary education - installer of steel and reinforced concrete structures, slinger. Citizen of Kazakhstan. I wish to find a job in any field of activity. Executive, energetic, able to work in a team.
    Mail: [email protected]
    Tel.: +79892735579 (Whatsapp).

    Guys, turn on your brain, and you will not only have life in England, but in any country. Here's the Briton Alex Tew (Google it) earned more than a million dollars in 4 months on his website, selling pixels - dots. And with a million dollars you will be torn away to any country. And you won't have to work hard. The Internet now allows you to do this without leaving your home. And no one needs losers and lazy people. Needed successful people. Good luck!

    28 years old, Ilya. Higher technical education. Graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute. Work experience: 6 years in the energy sector. Passed all the stages at a thermal power plant, both in the turbine and electrical shops. Currently I work as a shift supervisor at a power plant. I would go to the same field of work. Learned technical English. Married, 1 child. I will send a resume by email upon request.

    I really want to live and work in the UK. I am 37 years old, I have two children, divorced. Higher education. I work in the design field electrical networks and energy facilities, work experience - 16 years. I love my job and want to develop further. Knowledge of English - conversational (A2). I am looking for possible cooperation with companies.

    My boyfriend dreams of working and living in London. In Russia, no problems with the law, have been at the same job for a long time, good salary, more than 6 years of experience, passed the maximum exams and courses in welding, electrician and engineer fire safety. What does he need to do and where to go to find at least some work in England?

    I want to get a job in England. By education, he is a geologist and forestry engineer. I speak 3 English, I can explain myself. In addition to my professions, I have skills in construction, electrical engineering, I also worked in a service station (tinsmithing, painting), as a teacher in a children's sports camp, worked as a manager in a store, as a security chief, and as an administrator in a hotel. No bad habits. I'll be waiting for suggestions.

    A young, beautiful, energetic woman of 32 years old is looking for any job in England in the city of Newcastle. Education: philologist, Russian language and literature. Hair, eyelash and nail extension specialist. I have sales experience. English is weak spoken. Family, there are children.
    Mail: [email protected]

    My name is Ivan. I received my secondary education in England, I have all the certificates, A-levels with honors. I couldn’t gain a foothold and stay on financially, although I was accepted into Chelsea College through a competition. I had to return to Moscow. After living in England, I still can’t adapt and live in corrupt conditions, but an honest person who grew up in different conditions can only resign himself and work honestly for a penny. For a long time I looked for the opportunity to travel and work in England, but even with connections and friends, I never succeeded. In Moscow, he worked as a creative director in a restaurant, then went freelance and worked full time as a web designer and video-editor. I would like to continue all the development in England in the creative segment, starting with an assistant or cleaner in one of the studios. Is this possible, and how to find an employer from Russia?

    WhatsApp: +79180609878
  • I am interested in finding permanent employment in London or similar developed cities around the world.
    Can I send my resume to you for consideration for relevant vacancies?
    I have excellent knowledge of English, Russian and Kazakh languages. 10 years of experience working with foreign partners in the field of attracting investments (FDI) and export promotion, promoting the business of foreign companies, experience in participating in various projects and negotiations (building strategy and negotiation tactics) at a high level abroad, participation in international trainings and seminars, as well as experience as an adviser to politicians, management of private companies, international NGOs, MICE, PR, GR.
    As a valuable asset, I have VIP connections (politicians and business circles) in Kazakhstan, CIS, ASEAN, southeast asia, China, South Korea, Africa to promote the business of foreign companies.
    Based on the above, I ask you to positively consider my candidacy and write your contact information for prompt communication.

    It is a fairly developed and conservative country. Just a few years ago, it was quite difficult to go to work in this state due to the excessive liberalism of the British towards their citizens. Today, the situation in England has changed a little; more and more often in the vastness of this country you can meet our compatriots working.

    Evening view of the business center of London

    Despite the fact that almost all the cities of England are very economically developed, it is London that takes precedence. This city has earned such popularity due to the large number of employment vacancies provided to foreigners. The second aspect is the fact that both a highly qualified employee and a person without higher education will be able to find a job in London in 2019.

    To legally get a job in London you need to have two things:

    1. An employment contract with the employer.

    There are two ways to enter the country:

    1. By invitation from the employer.
    2. On one's own.

    International airport in London

    The second method involves passing tests to assess qualifications. Testing is carried out directly at the consulate in the country of actual residence. It is worth noting that this method is suitable only for highly qualified employees with higher education.

    The government of England developed this system with the aim of attracting professionals to their country. In order to be able to travel to London without an invitation from an employer, a person must score a minimum number of points, which is 75 points. Basically, to carry out work legally, a work permit is required. But there is a category of people who do not need it.

    It includes:

    An invitation is not required for investors, trainees and business partners.

    To get a job in London in 2019, you must initially have a very convincing resume in your qualifications.

    Londoners research previous jobs and pay attention to recommendations from past employers in vain. Without this document, it is almost impossible to get a decent job. To search for work in London on your own, it is better to use the services of recruiting agencies. The employees of this organization will help you choose the most suitable vacancies based on specialty and work experience.

    Recruitment agency office in London

    They send a person directly to an interview with an employer and accompany him until he is fully employed in one of the proposed vacancies.

    Recruitment organizations exist both in London and beyond. Even if a person is in his home country, he can contact such a company with a request for employment.

    The most common vacancies

    Working in London involves the provision of various vacancies in different industries. This city provides huge selection specialties for “every taste”. Both artists and ordinary workers are in equal demand here.

    London is one of the few cities that not only welcomes people who speak Russian, but, one might say, even really needs them. Therefore, for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, finding work in 2019 in this place will not be difficult.

    Detailed map of London showing main highways

    The most popular professions for Russians and Ukrainians are:

    1. Governess.
    2. Russian language teacher.
    3. Secretary.
    4. Guide.
    5. Realtor in real estate agencies.
    6. Salesman.
    7. Auctioneer.
    8. Marketer.
    9. PR manager.

    Finding a job as a governess for young children in 2019 is not difficult. A fairly large number of Russian families live in London, which opens up prospects for Russian-speaking people who want to find work.

    But not only in Russian families are nannies and governesses from Russia and Ukraine in demand. Londoners are very respectful of our domestic system of education and teaching, considering it one of the most effective in the world. This is why there is such a demand for domestic staff among Russians.
    To work as a governess or nanny in a Russian family, it is not at all necessary to know English perfectly; it will be enough to speak it at a conversational level. Finding a job as a Russian language teacher in 2019 in London is possible only if you have a philological education.

    Also, people with similar education can get jobs as translators. They are often required in large companies, cooperating with Russia.

    Similar structures may also require secretaries and personal assistants to managers. Every year the number of real estate purchased by Russians increases several times. In this regard, real estate agencies require realtors who speak good Russian and English. London is a very popular tourist destination.

    Boutiques and tourist shops in central London

    In this regard, the number of elite stores of various goods has increased several times. If a person owns several foreign languages, he will be able to get a job in one of them without any problems. This city is also popular for holding a large number of auctions, so auctioneers and appraisers are highly valued here.

    Undemanded professions

    In London, there are both in-demand and undemanded specialties. The list of unclaimed specialties includes the following:

    This attitude towards these professions is primarily due to the fact that education in these professions was received outside of England. If a foreigner has such a diploma, it will be impossible for him to get a job using it. The way out is to confirm it in the UK. This scheme applies only to people who are looking for work on their own, already directly in London.

    It is possible to work in one of the professions only if there is an invitation from the employer.

    Work for students

    London provides for student work activities, but this only applies to representatives of London educational institutions. Today, most of our compatriots receive their education in this city due to a very effective and high-quality teaching system.

    For Russian and Ukrainian students, work in London in 2019 can be found in the following vacancies:

    1. Dishwasher.
    2. Cleaner.
    3. Waiter.
    4. Promoter.
    5. Baby sitter.

    These professions do not require special specialization. But it is worth remembering that if a person is studying at one of the London educational institutions, he can devote no more than ten hours a week to work. A fairly important advantage is that a work permit is not required.