Volsk Preschool Pedagogical School. Books that shaped my inner world

 /  Information about the college

​ GAPOU SO "Volsky" teacher training college named after F.I. Panferov" is a state autonomous professional educational institution of the Saratov region

The founder of the college is the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region.
The college has the status of a legal entity

The institution was created in 1875 as the Volsk Teachers' Seminary. In 1919, the Volsk Teachers' Seminary was transformed into three-year pedagogical courses, and in 1921 - into a pedagogical technical school. In June 1937, by order of the People's Commissariat of Education No. 465b, a school was created on the basis of the technical school. pedagogical school, a preschool pedagogical school was opened in the city of Balakovo, which in 1947 was transferred to the city of Volsk. In 1939, the Volsk School Pedagogical College was transformed into a teachers' institute. In 1956, the Teachers' Institute was reorganized into the Volsk School Pedagogical College No. 2. In order to perpetuate the memory of the writer F.I. Panferov, by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated November 5, 1960. No. 1666 Volsky School Pedagogical College No. 2 was named after F.I. Panferov. In 1975 for achievements achieved in the education and training of teaching staff, the Volsk School Pedagogical College No. 2 was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. From 1956 to 1998, there were two pedagogical schools, which, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Saratov Region No. 496 of October 20, 1998, were transformed into the Volsk Pedagogical School named after F.I. Panferov.

In 1999, by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region dated May 14, 1999. No. 371 it was renamed government agency average vocational education“Volsk Pedagogical School named after F.I. Panferova". By order of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region dated July 12. 2001 No. 536 “On the certification of the Volsky Pedagogical School named after F.I. Panferov" the school was given the status of a college with the name state educational institution secondary vocational education "Volsky Pedagogical College named after. F.I.Panferova.” By order of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region dated November 21. 2011 No. 3557, the institution was renamed into the state budgetary educational institution of the Saratov region of secondary vocational education “Volsky Pedagogical College named after. F.I.Panferova.”

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region dated December 20, 2013 No. 3725, the college was renamed into the state autonomous professional educational institution of the Saratov Region "Volsky Pedagogical College named after F.I. Panferov."

The college has 2 structural divisions: full-time and correspondence departments.

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students.


Times change, but the teacher's tasks do not change:

    give the student solid and deep knowledge of the subject;

    arouse the student’s interest in knowledge, teach him to have his own opinion;

    to cultivate in students independence, curiosity, honesty, personal initiative, and self-confidence;

    become their friend, reveal the wealth of their souls.

I understand and accept this.

About me

Graduate of the Volsky Pedagogical School in 1976.

Graduated from Saratov pedagogical institute them. K. Fedina, Department of Mathematics.

1976-1980 worked in elementary school, and from 1980-1988 a mathematics teacher in high school No. 2 Volsk, Saratov region.

Since 1989 I have been working as a teacher at the Volsky Pedagogical School named after. F.I. Panferova, who currently has college status, is a teacher of mathematics and methods of teaching mathematics in primary school..

She took part in the experiments: “Teaching geometry using the textbook by A.V. Pogorelov”, “Teaching using the system of L.V. Zankov in elementary school.”

Books that shaped my inner world

Over the years of my work, I immersed myself with interest in the methods of teaching mathematics, and became interested in developmental education, the founder of which was L.V. Zankov. I was lucky enough to meet the author of books on mathematics, I. Arginskaya. The book “Pedagogy” by V. Andreev aroused great interest. In it I learned about new approaches to teaching and educating schoolchildren. I began to look at many things in pedagogy differently.

My achievements

Honorary worker of the Russian Federation, 2000.

Refresher courses:

  1. Center for Personality Development of MOOVFO "Personality Development of a Junior School Student", 1992, Moscow.
  2. Center for Personal Development of MOOVFO "Didactic System of Academician L.V. Zankov", 1993, Moscow.
  3. Laureate of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year-95", Saratov.
  4. European school of correspondent training "Introduction to programming", 2006, Belgorod.
  5. SAOU DPO "Saratov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers" according to the program " Project activities using new information technology: Learning in the 21st century" using distance learning technologies.

My portfolio

“A teacher’s portfolio is an individual “folder” in which the dynamics of his personal achievements in professional activities at the level of quality of the result." It is the portfolio that represents the teacher, his creative activity, his achievements and not only within the framework of his subject, contributes to advancement.

On July 2, the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Tavrida” started in Crimea, which this year has become a key platform for active youth in Russia. The organizers of the event are the “Rospatriototsentr” of Rosmolodezh, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Public Chamber Russian Federation and the Commission for Support of Youth Initiatives of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The forum participants passed a competitive selection - 5 people per place - the organizers received over 16 thousand applications from all over the country. 500 participants were selected from 84 regions of Russia. The delegation of the Saratov region included 5 people: the best students of the Law Academy, a teacher from Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky and teacher of the Volsky Pedagogical College named after. F.I. Panferova Ulyana Silantieva.

The theme of instilling patriotism in the younger generation became the main motive of the first shift of Tavrida. Guests of the forum were: hero of Russia Nikolai Belyaev, hero Soviet Union Valery Vostrotin, heroes of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Bocharov and Alexey Romanov.

Representatives of military-patriotic clubs took the initiative to develop basic course educational program on civic-patriotic education and the creation of a unified information portal to share experiences. The program “Educating Patriots of Russia” presented by the Pedagogical College was highly appreciated; the innovative ideas of the Volsky teachers were awarded a certificate signed by the Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation A.V. Brechalov, head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs S.V. Pospelov and director of the Rospatriottsentr K.D. Razuvaeva.

Congratulations to the Volsky Pedagogical College named after. F.I. Panferova with another achievement and wish further success at work.