What to plant next to hydrangea. What is better to plant next to hydrangea in the garden? What flowers to plant hydrangea

The Hydrangea plant belongs to the genus of deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs of the Hydrangeaceae family. In decorative floriculture, the most famous species are tree-like, paniculate, and large-leaved. The first two of the mentioned representatives of the genus are distinguished by their unpretentious disposition and resistance to cold weather. The third is less winter-hardy, needs reliable shelter for the winter and increased attention to one’s own person, but has the amazing ability to change the color of the inflorescences depending on the type of soil: in acidic soils the caps turn blue, in neutral soils they become beige, and in alkaline soils they become pink or lilac coloring

IN landscape design hydrangea is valued not only for its exquisite beauty and long flowering, but also for versatility. Seated as a soloist, the owner of luxurious flower hats looks elegant and somewhat prim, like a pensive aristocrat who stopped to rest while walking through the garden. By the way, according to one version, the plant received its name in honor of a Roman princess. Later, European botanists gave the genus the name “hydrangea,” which translated from ancient Greek means “vessel of water.”

IN mixed plantings Hydrangea is transformed beyond recognition, turning into an oriental beauty, a Mediterranean young lady, or a frivolous girl familiar from childhood. To set the flower garden in the desired “mood,” you just need to select suitable neighbors for the hydrangea.

The best companions for the beautiful hydrangea will be perennials, presenting the same requirements for growth conditions as she herself. The lush flowering shrub prefers acidic or neutral, well-moistened soil, but it does not tolerate lime at all and suffers from the root system becoming soaked during high penetration. groundwater. The place for planting hydrangeas should be in the shade or partial shade, since under bright sunlight the development of the plant slows down and the caps of the inflorescences become smaller.

The root system of hydrangea grows 4-6 m in width (depending on the type), so it is not recommended to plant annuals and bulbous crops such as gladioli, tulips, and hyacinths in this space. Digging up an area for them every year can easily damage the roots of the bush.

Hydrangea with trees and shrubs

The classic combination of hydrangea and conifers is successful in all respects. Against the background of the austere charm of spruces, junipers and thujas, spherical inflorescences painted in pastel colors look especially gentle. In addition, pine litter acidifies the soil, thereby creating favorable conditions for the growth of hydrangea roots.

Among deciduous shrubs, barberry, cinquefoil, spirea, mock orange, and weigela make excellent company with hydrangea. In an ensemble with rhododendrons and azaleas, hydrangea will perfectly fit into the design of a Japanese garden.

Hydrangea with flowers and herbs

Hydrangea looks unusually attractive next to decorative deciduous perennials, such as:

  • ferns, whose delicate foliage will add lightness to the composition;
  • hostas with blue and variegated foliage, allowing you to place the right accents;
  • cereals (millet, miscanthus, falaris, hakohneloa), shading the green of large hydrangea leaves;
  • the cuff is soft, “illuminating” the bush from below.

If you plan to frame the hydrangea with a low-growing background, moisture-loving ground covers will successfully cope with this task: periwinkles, dark tenacious, ivy, apical pachysandra. Unpretentious and shade-tolerant, they will create a magnificent living carpet under a large bush.

From flowering plants Successful companions for hydrangea are primarily white-flowered plants:

  • anemones;
  • subulate phloxes;
  • astilbe;
  • physiostegia.

To create nuanced and contrasting combinations, experts recommend using low-growing moisture-loving irises, noble daffodils, colorful primroses, graceful daylilies, modest lemon balm and mint, luxurious garden geraniums, ground cover roses, noble hellebores and wormwood. Blooming perennials will not only give the ensemble stylistic expressiveness, but will also disguise the bottom part hydrangea bush.

As you can see, despite the variations on the theme of combining hydrangea with other plants, there are a great many. It all depends on imagination and taste preferences. Considering compatibility ornamental crops, you can create a garden composition of stunning beauty. Experiment and you will definitely succeed!

The shrub owes its name to its small inflorescence. Native places - Far East. IN wildlife found in Japan, China, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Garden form resistant to negative influences environment. The height of the bush rarely reaches 150 cm. The main decoration of paniculata hydrangea is the lush inflorescence. Its sizes vary from 25 to 30 cm. Flowers are presented in two types - bisexual and sterile. The latter remain on the branches for a long time, and the former fall off after pollination.

Color shades during the flowering period range from white to cream, the intermediate color is greenish. Velvet soft leaves perform an aesthetic function after all the flowers have fallen. Their bright color and sharp ends attract attention and give the area original look. The plant can be used for decorative purposes within a year; all that is required from the gardener is to create favorable conditions. In 12 months it grows up to 20 cm. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant. Used by designers and gardeners for decoration and transformation country houses and summer cottages.

Use in landscape design

The beauty and unpretentiousness of the plant makes it in demand and popular among designers and gardeners. The shrub perfectly plays the role of a single planting plant and a hedge in a group planting. Considering the need to constantly replant the plant for up to 5 years, it decorates various parts of the garden. An adult tree gives the site a festive look and leaves no one indifferent. The plant lends itself well to cutting and modeling. His appearance depends on the chosen ensemble.

Primarily used in Russian style. Planting hydrangea with various shrubs and trees, the composition of the soil is taken into account. The plant is its indicator and changes color in response to its composition. Slightly alkaline soil gives pink, from pale to rich. Acidic soil turns the inflorescences deep blue. This happens due to the lack of iron, which is so necessary for the bush. By experimenting with the addition of iron salts, gardeners obtain the desired shade of shrub flowers. A rare exception is the combination of pink and blue flowers on the branches of one hydrangea.

Making the garden picturesque, shrubs are planted on the banks of natural and artificial reservoirs. Reflected in the water during flowering, bright colors give the landscape a vibrant and relief look. The landscape seemed to have stepped out of a painting. A large number of hydrangeas will turn any area into garden of paradise. Flowering occurs later than all popular plants - at the end of summer. This is another reason to plant this miracle. After flowering, the water reflection is decorated unusual leaves, giving a mysterious and even mystical look to this area of ​​the garden.

Long-lasting bush branches are easy to model. The plant is freely transformed into a flowering ball or bright hedge. It can be created from several varieties of hydrangea, depending on climatic conditions. The shrub is quite large and looks harmonious and holistic as a single plant. Planted on a well-kept lawn. No less impressive is the combination of hydrangea with other flowering shrubs: bulldonezh, spirea and others. If desired, you can create a flowering meadow or front garden.

When dividing the territory into certain zones, you can safely use flowering shrubs. Doing your thing functional purpose Hydrangea forms impenetrable hedges and fences. With skillful planting and pruning of shrubs, the plant acquires given size and shape. Decorating a garden or area with hydrangea creates a romantic and cozy atmosphere. Blooming hydrangeas near the gazebo have a relaxing and peaceful look.

Creating a monochrome English flower garden with hydrangea is as easy as shelling pears. All plants from the composition are selected to be of the same shade when flowering. The distance between the objects of the ensemble is the same. Another option for an English garden using hydrangea is a flowerbed of geraniums, ornamental herbs and plants; place the hydrangea closer to the center of the composition.

French charm - planting hydrangeas entrance area, when bright colors and ease of transitions open to the eye. The plant captivates with its late flowering, when most of the plants have already faded.

Combination with other plants

In the Russian style, hydrangea is combined with birch, maple, willow, and lilac. Ensemble various forms crown, flowers and size of plants gives the composition versatility. Plants combine well from an aesthetic and biological point of view.

The combination with represents a bright bloom against a background of noble greenery or steel blue. Juicy graceful flowers in the “neighborhood” with give the site the appearance of a garden. The needles prevent the development of diseases in hydrangea and prevent the appearance of insect pests.

Garden plot in oriental style assigns hydrangea a role in flower beds. The plasticity and unpretentiousness of the culture allows it to be mixed with all kinds of low shrubs and flower representatives. Evergreen azalea, deciduous, dahlias and roses combine well with hydrangea in one composition.

Darkleaf and hydrangea, regardless of loose or clear form, in combination with sakura represent a smooth transition from one crop to another. Hydrangea helps bring many bold dreams to life design solutions and ideas.

Types and varieties

To decide on the choice of shrub, you need to study all known and popular species. The plant has more than a dozen of them. The most spectacular in landscape design:

Hydrangea paniculata. The height of an adult bush is 200 cm. The flowering period is 4 weeks. Slightly acidic soil is preferred. The inflorescences are cone-shaped.

Hydrangea. The most unpretentious and frost-resistant variety. The inflorescence is spherical. An adult representative is 250 cm in height.

Hydrangea largeleaf. Picky and whimsical appearance. Doesn't like frosts clay soil, direct rays of the sun. Height reaches 250 cm.

Hydrangea climbing. A slow-growing vine takes on the structure of a tree over time. Popular when arranging hedges.

Hydrangea oakleaf. Grows in a place protected from low temperatures. The leaves are similar to oak leaves, hence the name.

Paniculata hydrangea has many varieties, here are some of them:

  • vanilla Fraise,

  • pinky winky,

  • grandiflora,

  • limelight,

The plant needs access to the sun and protection from drafts. The perfect solution- planting behind a building or fence. It is necessary to have a source of moisture, no more than one and a half meters away. Only by following all the rules for caring for a plant can you grow strong and beautiful bush hydrangeas. In cold climates, after planting, a small canopy is immediately arranged. It will protect the plant from aggressive environmental influences (wind, frost). The size of the planting hole should be 20 cm larger than the root node. When planting, the plant is fertilized with manure, peat or compost. The soil is compacted and the bushes are watered abundantly.

Abundant watering is an important component of healthy hydrangea development. In early spring and throughout the dry summer, the bush is watered abundantly and often. Most suitable soil- acidified. You can create it yourself using iron sulfate or ammonium sulfate. The plant is susceptible to low temperatures. The near-trunk part is covered with coniferous litter or peat. Pruning is carried out in early spring. Recovering after winter, it has sufficient recovery abilities. Late pruning leads to weakening and disease. Necessary frequent and timely feeding minerals.

Of course, like all shrubs, hydrangea has a tendency to disease and susceptibility to insect pests. Serious troubles can cause fungal diseases and spider mites.

Their influence leads to the falling of leaves, rotting of the root system and the death of the bush is not excluded. The plant should be regularly exposed preventive measures. Bushes are sprayed with a special solution in early spring. If disease occurs, the plant may require a long period of treatment.

Video - planting, pruning, care of Hydrangea paniculata

White, pink or blue hydrangea inflorescences captivate the eye so much that you simply cannot pass by them. To ensure that the majestic hydrangea appears before you in all its glory, choose the right companions for it.

There is hardly another plant that has so many favorites among gardeners. Hydrangea with its lush inflorescences and no less picturesque foliage in summer garden looking for her own kind who help her demonstrate her majestic beauty. In addition, this flower is universal in use due to the wide variety of species and varieties. Therefore, it is not surprising that hydrangeas are now found in almost every garden - as tapeworms, strewn with large inflorescences, and in more modest roles, covering up imperfections and roughness garden design. Properly selected companion plants only emphasize their beauty.

Romance pure water- a combination of pink and purple hydrangeas with roses and clematis.

Comfort for hydrangea

As you know, they are shade-loving shrubs. In principle, most species prefer a place in partial shade, while some, such as tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), tolerate deep shade well. Most types of hydrangeas also do well in sunny locations, as long as they are well-watered regularly, because hydrangeas need a lot of water and like moist soil. For sunny garden areas, panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) and oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) are excellent choices. However, large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is very popular among gardeners, which displays its colorful balls of inflorescences from June to September. This type of hydrangea prefers partial shade, but also grows well in the shade. All types of hydrangeas are united by their love for deep, nutritious soil with high content humus and low level pH ranges from 5 to 6. Like rhododendrons, hydrangeas do not tolerate soils containing lime - although they do not react so sensitively to them.

Under the canopy of openwork partial shade of woody plants, hydrangeas feel quite comfortable and cozy.

Reliable company for hydrangeas

Anyone looking for suitable partners for their hydrangeas is simply spoiled for choice, because there is something for every spot in the garden. suitable varieties these flowers. However, when choosing partners it plays big role not only lighting, but also what type of hydrangea we are talking about. Because, for example, one plant harmonizes perfectly with large-leaved hydrangea, but in combination with Sargent hydrangea (Hydrangea sargentiana) it looks completely unattractive.

Plants that go well with Hydrangea macrophylla and Hydrangea tree

Tree-like and large-leaved hydrangeas are the most popular among gardeners, and their inflorescence caps are the brightest among all representatives of the genus Hydrangea. Their inflorescences impress not only with their large size, but also with a variety of delicate colors. Since (Hydrangea macrophylla) visually dominates compositions, it is best suited to plants that have a more modest appearance. These include shade-loving perennials such as hosts (Hosta), astilbes with white or pale pink flowers, or astrantia (Astrantia) with pastel-colored inflorescences - a champion in terms of flowering duration. If you are a fan of bold combinations, you can, without hesitation, combine blue hydrangea with red astilbes. When choosing companions, it is very important to pay attention, first of all, to ensure that other plant species do not compete with hydrangea for moisture in the soil, because absolutely all hydrangeas react very sensitively to a lack of water. This means that suitable companions should share the same growing conditions, but not compete with the hydrangeas for them.

Tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) at the height of summer captivates with lush caps of white and pink inflorescences. It is especially popular white variety"Annabelle" and its pale pink sister "Pink Anabelle". Their huge, dense inflorescences make them the ideal finishing touches to sunny or part-shade flower beds, and pair well with perennials that display vibrant flowers, such as aconite (Aconitum), paniculata (Phlox paniculata), chinops (Echinops) or tall sedum (Sedum). ). A very successful and modern sound is observed in the combination of tree hydrangea with cereal herbs, giving the ensemble lightness and contrast.

A beautiful picture: a tree hydrangea bathing in the silver-gray waves of the finest feather grass (Stipa tenuissima).

Suitable plants for Hydrangea paniculata

Due to its high tolerance to sunny corners of the garden, paniculata hydrangea can be combined with many plants, and is truly intended for planting in so-called “mixborders”. Its beautiful bush and white and pink inflorescences, similar to strawberry ice cream, look great in the company of flowers of almost any shape and color that perennial and woody plants have. Lace hydrangea flowers look especially impressive against the background of dark foliage. In addition to the evergreen classics such as cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) and yew (Taxus baccata), we should mention here, first of all, woody plants with red foliage. Thus, the dark purplish-red foliage of Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple', as well as the purple foliage of large hazel (Corylus maxima 'Purpurea'), create a beautiful contrast to the creamy pink flowers of Hydrangea paniculata.

Hydrangea paniculata goes well not only with woody plants, but also with perennials, the variety of which is simply amazing, and the choice depends on in which corner of the garden the hydrangea grows. Sun-loving delphiniums (Delphinium), polygonums (Agastache) or paniculata (Phlox paniculata) harmonize well with hydrangea in a sunny garden. Funkias, Rodgersias or autumn anemones are suitable for compositions in partial shade.

In a sunny garden, autumn anomonas, phloxes and rugosa polygonum skillfully emphasize the beauty of the white inflorescences of Hydrangea paniculata “Levana”.

Beautiful companions for Sargent hydrangea and Serrata hydrangea

For lovers of natural gardens, Sargent hydrangeas (Hydrangea sargentiana) and serrated hydrangeas (Hydrangea serrata) are ideal - free-form shrubs of extraordinary beauty. Their flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences, which are often colored blue or purple colors, cannot be called absolute dominants, unlike the inflorescences of paniculata or large leaf hydrangea. Therefore, they must be combined with perennials or woody plants, the flowering period of which is somewhat shifted, for example, like rhododendrons or flowering dogwood, or with plants whose flowers only emphasize the beauty of both types of hydrangeas, but do not create competition for them. Perennials with decorative foliage, such as funcias or (Heuchera), grasses like sedge (Carex), or perennials with modest flowers, like autumn anemones, are ideal in this regard.

In this arrangement, autumn anemones serve as a beautiful complement to white paniculata hydrangea and violet-blue serrata hydrangea.

By the way: various types hydrangeas are easy to combine and look great together. If you plant, for example, serrated hydrangea together with large-leaved hydrangea, you can extend their flowering period, since serrated hydrangea blooms its inflorescences three weeks earlier than large-leaved hydrangea.

Translation: Lesya V.
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If you want to somehow decorate your garden plot, you can try planting hydrangea. This is a magnificent flower, more like a shrub, which does not require special care.

Even an inexperienced gardener can grow this flower in the garden, because hydrangea is unpretentious plant , which is easily propagated and grown in open ground. And fluffy flower caps and various colors will undoubtedly decorate the garden. This flower looks very good in the landscape design of the site and you just can’t take your eyes off it in the photo.

What types of hydrangeas are there?

Hydrangea is one of the most popular garden flower options, which is used to decorate the landscape. The advantage of this plant is the duty of its flowering. In addition, there are many shapes and colors of the plant, which attracts more and more gardeners who strive to grow this miracle in their garden.

It is customary to distinguish several varieties of hydrangeas. They are distinguished by the shape of the plants: spherical or paniculate and by color scheme- white, pink, two-color and others. In the middle zone, the tree hydrangea variety is most widespread. She is considered unpretentious variety plants and even can cope with its cultivation inexperienced gardener.

This hydrangea is also divided into several types:

Another common type of hydrangea is paniculata. There are many videos about caring for the plant, although it does not require special care. Its inflorescences are like brushes, paniculate in shape and it is a rather unpretentious type of flower. For paniculata hydrangea It is easy to care for in the garden and it does not make any special demands on the growing areas. You can plant it in a flowerbed, or you can make a hedge out of it. The variety is frost-resistant and even in bad climatic conditions can recover easily and quickly. The most famous varieties of paniculata hydrangea:

  • "Vanilla Fraze"- has delicate white-pink inflorescences;
  • "Limelight"- hydrangea, blooming in autumn, which has large flowers of light lemon color. It will undoubtedly brighten up a dull autumn landscape;
  • "Pinky Winky"- the peculiarity of this variety of shrubs is bright colors, which have delicate red petals in lush inflorescences.

hydrangea colors

Planting hydrangea - how to do it correctly?

As already mentioned, hydrangea is unpretentious flower, which does not require special care. Even a novice gardener can grow a plant in open ground. It is very pleasant to care for such a plant, because in the end the excellent fluffy caps of flowers will delight the eye.

But in order for the bush to be beautiful and grow well, first of all you need to choose right place for landing. When choosing a place to plant a bush, you must give preference sunny side because he doesn't like the flower for a long time stay in a shady place.

Hydrangea propagates by cuttings or is planted in separate bushes. It is recommended to plant in the spring, when the weather is already warm enough. For example, in May. Or in the autumn, but when the cold has not yet set in. Warm September is best for this.

The plant is planted as follows: dug up landing pit about half a meter deep. The width and length should be approximately the same size. If you plan to plant several bushes, then they should be planted at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other so that the plants are not crowded. If the plant is properly cared for, it will ultimately take much more space when growing, rather than when planting.

A mixture of components such as peat, sand, soil, humus in a ratio of 1:1:2:2 must be added to the dug hole. It is also recommended to add fertilizer when planting. Landscape design experts recommend adding a mixture of urea, potassium sulfide and superphosphate. You need to take 20 grams of these substances.

It should be noted that special soil mixture for hydrangeas, which are sold in stores often not suitable for plants and they can die in such soil.

When planting hydrangea, it is necessary to leave the root collar at ground level. When planting is completed, the plant needs to be watered abundantly. As a result, the plant will grow well and you can find hydrangea growing in the garden - video.

How to care for garden arrangements with hydrangea?

Hydrangea is not demanding in care and it all comes down to weeding as necessary and loosening from time to time. It is also necessary water in a timely manner. And to prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, the soil around the bush can be mulched at the beginning of summer using sawdust or peat.

This perennial needs correct pruning . They escort her out early spring before the start of the growing season. Old shoots need to be shortened by about three to five buds. This will allow the plant to become more magnificent. Also, faded inflorescences need to be removed.

Bushes that are old enough are cut off almost at the root, leaving only a small stump. This allows new, young shoots to begin to develop.

The first two years after planting a bush on a garden plot, it does not need to be fertilized. But then you still have to feed her. They do it according to this plan:

In addition, the plant reacts well to lactic acid. That is, it can be poured with sour milk, whey or kefir and other additives.

Hydrangea propagates in several ways. One of the simplest is to plant a shoot from an overgrown bush. You can also try cuttings or try to propagate the bush using layering. You can even grow a plant using seeds. However, this will require much more time and effort.

Garden compositions with hydrangea

Hydrangea looks great in landscape design. Her photos are simply amazing. White, pink, light green and other shades beckon you to buy this flower and make a charming flowerbed on garden plot. Considering the climate middle zone Russia, in our latitudes it is recommended to plant tree variety shrubs and petiolate, as well as paniculate hydrangeas (a video about caring for which is attached below).

Big ones look good garden compositions with hydrangeas in landscape design. Photos of such compositions are of indescribable beauty. It is not surprising that every gardener wants to plant this miracle in their garden. You can highlight the beauty of this shrub with a green border, which can be created using plants such as spirea or other small shrubs that will highlight the plant.

But with plants that have yellow, red or orange flowers, combine hydrangea not recommended. Hydrangea will look beneficial with plants such as clematis and dwarf junipers. It is even used to create hedges in the garden. Hydrangea paniculata will look especially beautiful in landscape design.