How to clean a Shih Tzu's ears. Hygienic measures and care of the Shih Tzu coat. FCI breed standard

The fur of the Shih Tzu breed, which came to us from China, is the main asset of these dogs. It flows and shimmers in the light, and is soft and delicate to the touch, like high-quality Chinese silk. Of course, such royal wealth requires royal care.

The Shih Tzu breed is long-haired. These dogs have a thick and soft undercoat and all this luxurious hair can cause a lot of trouble for the owner. If you decide to get yourself a Shih Tzu dog, you will have to learn a few rules for caring for their coat. We hasten to reassure you: the rules are quite simple and if you apply them in life, you will soon understand that taking care of the beauty of your pet’s coat is not so much a troublesome as a pleasant task.

We wash ourselves correctly: regimen and preparation

First. Follow the regime. Long-haired pets should be washed at least once every 7-10 days. If your pet has a haircut, bathe him once every 2-3 weeks. When bathing, make sure that the skin is well washed: after it is freed from dead cells and begins to breathe better, the hair will grow better.

Second. You need to wash your dog correctly. What does it mean? Consult a specialist about which bath products are right for your dog. You need to select cosmetics according to the type of coat: if it is too soft, in addition to shampoo, you need a balm with protein, ceramides and herbal extracts that increase volume. For dry and brittle hair, you need protein-containing products with vegetable or animal fats (wheat germ, mink, etc.). Some representatives of the Shih Tzu breed have slightly curly hair. Such dogs need rinsing balms that make the coat heavier, thereby straightening it.

Bathing technology

Tangles are main problem long-haired dogs. Despite the abundance of products that make it easier to untangle tangles, dealing with a tangled “mane” can cost the owner his nerves, and his pet several tufts of fur. Therefore, be sure to check your pet’s paws, armpits, belly and ears before bathing: this is where mats appear most often.

Try to follow bathing techniques. If you find matted wool, treat it with special detangling sprays. Pet Silk professional cosmetics have proven themselves well. Almost all products of this brand are concentrates and must be diluted with water before use. There is also good means for Shih Tzu wool from Grown Royal, Baldecci and others. Dilute the required amount for your dog in a basin and whip up the foam. Then you need to wet the pet’s fur and apply the resulting foam to it. Massage well-soaped skin and then rinse. This procedure must be repeated twice. If the wool is well washed, you will know this by the characteristic squeaking noise it makes when you run your fingers over it. Water flows from washed fur like dewdrops.

After washing - rinse. The procedure is similar. Dilute the required volume of conditioner in a basin, apply it to the coat and rinse after a 5-minute massage. Special attention Pay attention to the quality of rinsing: the flowing water should become absolutely transparent. After this, you can lightly blot the fur with a towel and allow the dog to shake itself off.

Drying and combing

Final stage water procedures- drying and, if necessary, drying with a hairdryer. If you use a hair dryer, make sure that the air stream is not too hot and does not hit the dog's face or ears. Do not overdry the coat, as this will make it weakened and brittle. An antistatic grooming spray (for example, in the Grown Royal range) or a fixative with silk particles from Pet Silk will add the final touch.

Proper nutrition is the key to the ideal condition of your pet’s coat.

Good appearance a dog is directly related to how it feels. This means that for the beauty of wool it is necessary. The saying “ We are what we eat" That is why it is very important to ensure that your four-legged friend’s food is balanced.

It doesn’t matter what type of food you choose: prepare the treat yourself or buy commercially produced food, the main thing is that the food contains all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the dog’s health. As for beautiful fur, skin and claws, they need: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, cereal B vitamins (Bi, Bis, Br, B and others), vitamins A, D, E and, of course, biotin. Biotin is included in the list of required elements for dogs participating in exhibitions, nursing mothers and all long-haired breeds without exception. All dogs also need biotin during shedding. Bioadditives from natural algae provide wool with bright color and shine. Today, most manufacturers use such additives in their products.

Saving when preparing a healthy diet for a dog is not appropriate. The fact is that obtaining dietary supplements requires considerable funds, which naturally affect the final price of the product. That's why - not the best best option for your pet. It may not be hazardous to health, but it will certainly not be useful at all.

We wish you pleasant moments spent with your pet, and your Shih Tzu excellent health, because only a healthy and cheerful dog can be truly beautiful.

; for still others - a Rottweiler, Great Dane or Boxer with short, smooth, glossy hair. In a word, this is a matter of taste, which, as you know, is not disputed. Another thing is obvious and indisputable - a beautiful dog, be it an ordinary mongrel or an elite specimen, is a healthy, cheerful and well-groomed dog.

And don’t expect miracles from hairdressing: no amount of tricks can hide the lack of proper dog care.

Thus, the basis of the basics is a properly raised dog. Selection of food, conditions of detention appropriate specific features every breed general care- this is the guarantee that both the exterior and the coat of your pet will always be in excellent condition.

And the hairdresser will only emphasize these aesthetic advantages.

Dog coat. Wool protects the dog from external adverse influences and helps maintain normal body temperature. Adaptation to different climatic conditions, in which the dog is kept, naturally causes a change in its coat. Various breeds Dogs have fur that varies in both length and shape.

The coat consists of undercoat (down hair), guard hair and outer hair. There are also so-called tactile hairs - vibrissae, which are longer or thicker. They are located in small tufts above the eyes, on the upper lip and under the lower jaw.

Grooming. A dog, like any domestic animal that lives next to a person in his home, requires constant care. These include general daily hygiene procedures (care of teeth, eyes, ears, paws and claws, as well as combing the coat), and cleanliness of the coat, and, of course, the aesthetics of appearance - the dog’s hairstyle. The entire set of these events, both daily and one-time, is designated English word grooming.

Since all grooming procedures are an unnatural phenomenon for a dog, it is advisable that from the first days of arrival in your home the puppy gets used to them. Let them be more symbolic in nature during this period; it is recommended to even simply imitate some movements and gestures so that the baby can get used to them. He must get used to your hands - always confident and patient, as well as to the many tools that will later be necessary to create his hairstyle.

Now let’s take a closer look at daily hygiene procedures and techniques for creating dog hairstyles.

Shih Tzu from the kennel "Chesvet Line"

Eye care. The most remarkable thing about a dog is its eyes. But the eyes must be clean and healthy. If your dog has discharge from his eyes in the morning, this should alert you. Suppuration of the eyes and other catarrhal phenomena in puppies and young dogs are often the first symptoms of distemper.

Sometimes eye discharge is a manifestation of an allergic reaction in the dog's body or a sign of the presence of worms. It is important not to miss acute eye inflammation or corneal clouding. In acute inflammation, the eye is half-closed and constantly waters. The causes of inflammation are varied: from mechanical irritation from ordinary dust or hair getting into the eyes to infection with viruses and cocci.

Before visiting the veterinarian, you can relieve your dog's condition by repeatedly washing the eyes. aqueous solution boric acid, instillation of any human eye disinfectant drops. Some authors (Mychko, Lifanova) do not recommend using sleeping tea due to the presence of tannins in tea, which greatly irritate the animal’s eye membrane and the inflammation only intensifies.

Rinse your eyes from the outer corner of the eye to the nose.

Shih Tzus require special care - dogs with a “flat face”, who also have long hair, falling onto the face. Even if the strands are picked up with a ribbon, this will clearly not be enough: natural discharge from the dog’s eyes, mixing with dirt, encounters an obstacle in its path in the form of deep folds lying under internal corner eyes.

In these cases, it is best to carry out the following daily procedure: remove the dog’s hair as much as possible from the area around the eyes, using a comb with frequent and short teeth. Using a soft natural bristle toothbrush, use boric acid powder to clean all such wrinkles.

Then, using the same comb, remove the paste mixture formed during cleaning.

Shih Tzu from the kennel "Chesvet Line"

Shih Tzus with bangs that fall into their eyes should be supervised daily. The most important thing is to prevent the formation of tangles above and around the eyes.

Another little advice: Before each bath, put protective eye drops into your dog's eyes, which will protect them from irritation if the shampoo accidentally gets into them.

Ear care. Once a week you should take care of your ears.

Here are some tips to help prevent infection and other painful phenomena in the ear area:
- first, you need to pluck the hair inside the ear canal. This is done with long tweezers or the thumb and forefinger, after dipping them in boric acid powder;
- secondly, the Shih Tzu's hanging ears should be washed weekly with a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution. The ideal would be to drop a few drops of liquid into the ear canal while lightly massaging the ear for one minute, starting from the base. Then, slightly tilt the dog's head, allow the liquid to flow out. Collect the leaking liquid and dirt using a piece of cotton wool and tweezers. Not good dirty ears you can clean it with a cotton swab, after dipping it in slightly warmed Vaseline or vegetable (preferably olive) oil;
- thirdly, if you have a dog with a predominant light color, then as a final ear care procedure (or after bathing) it is recommended to sprinkle a small amount of magnesia powder or boric acid around the base of the ear. This will help remove brown stains on the fur around the animal’s ears. Boric acid has good absorbent properties, and magnesium has bleaching properties.

Among decorative dogs, the Shih Tzu breed especially stands out. Such a pet will not only become a tailed decoration of your home, but will also turn into a friendly companion. Competent care and maintenance of a Shih Tzu, training and pregnancy, estrus and childbirth - we will consider all these points in detail.

Some owners prefer to buy miniature houses for their pets. But if space in the apartment is limited, a regular sun lounger will do. Not far from sleeping place For your Shih Tzu dog, it is recommended to place a tray (aka toilet), as well as bowls for food and water. Be sure to organize a full-fledged sleeping area for your pet.

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Caring for a representative of the Shih Tzu breed at home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to take into account the basic recommendations. In this case, you can provide for your four-legged friend comfortable accommodation. Caring for such a miniature dog includes several basic provisions.

Hygiene procedures

It is advisable to accustom your dog to regular hygiene procedures as early as possible. In this case, the pet will treat them calmly, and it will be easier for you to provide proper care for it over time.

First of all, make sure your ears are clean. If necessary, try to pluck hairs that grow in the ear canal. It is very important to clean the tweezers immediately before the procedure. boric acid so as not to cause any infection. Another key point: Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to a cotton swab from time to time and then wipe the animal’s ears.

In order for your Shih Tzu puppy to grow up healthy, it is recommended to take care of clean teeth. Use a special one at least once a week toothpaste for animals and brush your four-legged friend's teeth. Representatives of this breed often suffer from the formation of tartar. If such problems arise, contact your veterinarian, but do not remove hard growths yourself.

After each walk, it is necessary to inspect the animal’s paws and remove any dirt that accumulates in them. The claws are cut off using a nail cutter after the next bath - then the plate becomes more pliable and the claws can be cut much faster.

The Shih Tzu's eyes tend to become sour, so the hair on the head is usually kept in a bun to provide proper ventilation to the eyes.

Animal nutrition

For the normal development of a puppy of this breed, it is necessary to provide him with a balanced daily diet. You can give preference to both dry industrial feed and natural products. The main thing is not to mix these two types.

Please remember that industrial feed formulations high quality- This is not only a balanced food for a pet, but also a whole complex of vitamins. As for the frequency of feeding the dog, puppies are given food in small portions up to 6 times a day. When the dog is about a year old or more, he can be safely transferred to twice feeding.

Organization of walking

As soon as your tailed creature is about 3.5–4 months old, you can start taking him out for walks. But do not forget that the first such walks last no more than 15 minutes.

Small pets can be bred fresh air often (up to 5 times a day), but for short periods of time. In the future, the frequency of walks is reduced, but their duration increases significantly.

As for adult pets, the best option for them is to walk them once a day for no more than an hour.

Education and training

Shih Tzu training and education is another key point. This process is aimed at establishing interpersonal contact, socializing the pet, as well as mastering basic commands. At first, you can train the dog through regular walks (this way, he slowly gets used to society).

How to train a small Shih Tzu to use a litter box is one of the first stages of education that is worth paying attention to. By the way, you can put a small piece of diaper soaked in the smell of urine in the dog’s toilet, and soon your pet will not need to be forced to go to the litter box.

In the future, take on more serious tasks: master basic commands, do it in a playful way.

Features of breeding

Since the weight and size of an adult Shih Tzu are not the largest, there is no need to rush into mating. You can decide to mate for the first time when the dog is about 1.5–2 years old. Estrus begins at the age of 7–8 months. Be sure to enter all the data in a special notebook - this way you can accurately calculate the suitable days for mating the animal.

As for pregnancy, it lasts about 60–63 days for Shih Tzus. Monitor the condition of your mother in labor, and at the right time, arrange a special corner for her, and be there to help her if necessary.

Raise your Shih Tzu and care for it competently.

Video "Shih Tzu breed"

From this video you will learn everything about the care and rules of keeping a Shih Tzu.

The Shih Tzu dog breed, bred by Tibetan monks in ancient times, still does not lose its popularity. Thanks to your decorative sizes and unsurpassed qualities of character she is the perfect pet for keeping in a city apartment.

Origin story

The origin of the Shih Tzu breed is shrouded in mystery and legend. If you believe them, then a dog of this breed accompanied the Buddha and, in case of danger, rushed to the defense of its owner, turning into a ferocious lion.

The breed received real recognition on the day when several dogs of this breed were presented to the Chinese Emperor by the Tibetan Dalai Lama. Since 1653, the Shih Tzu began to be considered a symbol of imperial power.

Breed Features

The Shih Tzu dog breed is distinguished by its nobility and delicacy. Its representatives have a pronounced breed characteristic: females look much smaller in comparison with muscular and larger males.

They have a well-developed bone and muscle corset. The height of dogs, depending on gender, varies from 23 to 28 centimeters. The weight of such dogs can be from 4.5 to 8.5 kilograms.

The extraordinary appearance, for which it is simply impossible not to fall in love with this breed at first sight, is given to it by its luxurious wool with a thick undercoat.

When describing typical signs Characterizing the breed, the following can be distinguished.

There are no strict restrictions on coat color, and according to the standard, any color is allowed. Of particular value are dogs with multi-colored fur and white strands in the muzzle area and the end of the tail.

Character of dogs

The main quality that characterizes this breed can be considered mannerism. TO strangers they express disbelief. But, as the owners of these dogs assure, first impressions can be deceiving. Dogs of this breed suffer from neglectful attitudes of their owners and love full attention.

These dogs behave very delicately and do not impose themselves on their owners when they are busy. They know how to wait, but they demand gratitude for it. Future owners should also take into account such a quality of their pet’s character as narcissism. These pets love to be the center of attention.

With proper upbringing of a puppy, it will grow into an excellent and very flexible pet. This dog can be considered a long-livers: correct content she can live about 19 years. The Shih Tzu not only gets along well with everyone in the household, but also gets along well in the same territory with other animals.

The only drawback can be considered a great love for oneself and the unbearability of a dismissive attitude. The Shih Tzu will not tolerate insults even from small children and will protect its dignity. Therefore, dogs of this breed are not recommended to be kept in families with small children.

When a child grows up and is able to adequately evaluate his actions, a dog of this breed can be considered for him best friend for joint games. These dogs are very inquisitive and cheerful, especially up to the age of one year.

In adult life they look lazy and lethargic. They will be excellent companions for older people, able to lift their spirits. They sense changes in the owner’s mood very subtly and show their activity in moderation.

Training and education

Possessing a difficult character, a dog of this breed needs timely education and training. Like a child, a puppy of this breed must undergo initial training through play. Dogs easily remember many commands in play activities.

If you skip the training process and just admire the maturing pet, you can end up with an uncontrollable, spoiled and wayward animal. Constant loud barking can be considered another sign of bad manners of this dog.

Character traits such as grabbing the legs of household members with their teeth, growling and howling when the owners are absent can also manifest themselves. These qualities have been present since ancient times, when dogs had to help shepherds.

Well-mannered dogs never allow themselves to bark for no reason. But education should be done from day one. Owner during training must show composure, fairness and prove his superiority over the dog. Training should be carried out step by step and consistently, without raising your voice.

These are dogs with well-developed memory, pride and self-esteem who perfectly understand human speech. The course of training should be selected taking into account their sociable qualities and it is better to obtain specialist advice before training.

Before purchasing a puppy of this breed, you should remember the history of its origin. This pet will need a comfortable house or pillow to rest in. In terms of grooming, these long-haired dogs are not very demanding. Despite their inherent mobility, they do not need long walks. Due to their inherent cleanliness, they can learn to use a tray from an early age and use the toilet even in the absence of the owner.

These dogs do not have a specific smell, which can be an undeniable advantage when kept in an apartment. The only parameter that requires careful care is their long coat. So that she doesn't get into tangles, the dog must be washed and brushed frequently. Moreover, when there is not enough good care the wool loses its attractiveness and silkiness.

Owners often give their pets a variety of hairstyles using hairpins, elastic bands and ribbons. When bathing, it is recommended to use special shampoos, sprays and conditioners. It is recommended to bathe puppies no more than twice a month, and adult dogs no more than five times a year.

After bathing, the wool is wiped with a towel using blotting movements and dried with a hairdryer. If you don't have enough time to care for long hair, you can get a short haircut. In this case, caring for the dog will be minimal, like for a short-haired breed. Owners should also consult a veterinarian about ways to measure body temperature.

The ears and eyes also require care. Due to their anatomical structure, the ears are difficult to ventilate and, if not properly cared for, otitis may develop. Nails need to be trimmed as needed. To avoid problems with your teeth, you need to brush them every day. This requires introducing your dog to a toothbrush from a young age.

Diet of a four-legged friend

With an incorrectly selected diet representatives of this breed may develop obesity. In order not to experience big problems with feeding the dog in mature age, you should not accustom her to younger age to food from your table. When does the dog get food? from the owner's table, she becomes selective in food, which can cause some trouble.

The most acceptable type of diet is balanced feed industrial production. It is better to purchase a brand of food such as from breeders. Most often this is premium or super premium brand food. These foods do not require any additions and can be used independently, while the pet will receive everything essential vitamins and microelements.

Industrial feed can be produced in the form of granules or canned food. When calculating the amount of feed per meal, you should take into account that the packs indicate daily norm, which is divided into two for an adult animal. Adult dog needs nutrition in the morning and evening.

Followers of natural nutrition can create a diet for pets from the following products:

Meat products must make up about 70% of the daily diet.

Price of puppies

Many people who decide to purchase this cute creature are interested in the issue of cost. In this matter, you should focus on the following parameters:

A Shih Tzu puppy always evokes tenderness and sincere delight. All you have to do is take this fluffy miracle in your arms, look into his devoted and intelligent eyes, and that’s it! You just won't want to let go of this little bundle of happiness and tenderness! However, before you decide to buy a Buddha dog, you must first answer the question for yourself - “Do I have enough patience, desire and strength to provide proper care for a Shih Tzu?”

Caring for a Shih Tzu with long hair involves brushing it at least once every 2-3 days. But some breeders do this daily. You will also have to brush your dog every day during your pet’s first shedding period. The fact is that at this time the dog’s fur becomes matted and tangled especially quickly.

It would seem, what’s wrong! I took a comb and scratched for my health! However, in the case of Shih Tzu, everything is not so simple. First, you need a good comb. And not alone. Most often, a high-quality massage brush and a metal comb with long teeth are used (preferably double-sided, with different tooth frequencies).

It is best to start grooming your Shih Tzu from the hind legs. They do this carefully, strand by strand. First from bottom to top, then in the opposite direction. It will be more convenient if the dog lies on its side. All tangles must be removed by hand. Finally, be sure to go through the wool with a comb. He will help you make sure that the combed area is free of tangles and tangled hair.

Then brush the front paws and belly in the same way. We pay special attention to the armpits. After this, we put the dog down, separate the fur on the back and comb it from top to bottom. Some people get used to doing this when the dog is lying down. Of course, the pet will be more comfortable this way.

The next stage is the head. It is important to comb the fur behind the ears properly because... This is where it often gets tangled. As for the direction of combing, the main guideline for you will be the hollow on the dog’s nose. All the hair located above it is scratched upwards, respectively, everything below it is scratched downward. Don't forget to part your mustache evenly and comb it down as well.

If your pet has a lot of tangles, then they need to either be sorted out manually or cut off. And what you definitely shouldn’t do is bathe a dog with mats. This will only make the situation worse, and then the only way out will be short haircut Shih Tzu. But remember that even a haircut does not completely cancel brushing the dog, but makes it simpler and not so long.

Eye and ear care

The short muzzle and large expressive eyes are the highlight of the breed, but at the same time they are also an increased risk factor. Therefore, from the first days, make it a rule to examine your ward’s eyes every day. Wipe them with special lotions.

Moderate tear tracks are the norm for Shih Tzus. To make them as small as possible, always remove hair from the eye area, tie tails (top notes) on the head, and possibly on the dog’s whiskers. Also monitor your pet's diet. Increased tearfulness is often a consequence of food allergies or metabolic disorders.

Are your dog's eyes red or cloudy? Does she scratch them with her paw often? Or maybe you found a white dot on the eyeball? – Any of these symptoms requires urgent consultation with a veterinarian. Otherwise, your pet may develop an eye ulcer and then surgery will be necessary.

Caring for a Shih Tzu also involves regular inspection of the ear, cleaning it and removing hair. Of course, the procedure of plucking hairs from the ear is not the most pleasant, so you need to gradually accustom your dog to it. To a little puppy remove just a few hairs at a time. Next time a little more, and so on until the dog gets used to it. Special ear powder will also help reduce discomfort.

Shih Tzu ears are cleaned with a clean cotton pad or swab soaked in a special shampoo or chlorhexidine. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe your ears dry with a clean napkin.

Subtleties of bath procedures

Dogs of this oriental breed are bathed as needed, but at least once a month. Dirty hair not only spoils the appearance of the dog, but also significantly complicates the care of the Shih Tzu. Before starting bathing procedures, be sure to comb your pet.

You can wash your Shih Tzu in a regular bath, but be sure to place a mat on the bottom so that the dog’s paws do not slip or move apart. Comfortable water temperature + 39 C.

Very often, first-time owners wonder about the best shampoo for Shih Tzu. And they also often encounter a lot of the most different advice on this score. Why is this happening? The thing is that a dog's fur, like human hair, has its own characteristics and nuances of texture. Breeders usually look for cosmetics that are most comfortable and effective for their dogs. Often by trial and error.

But we can definitely say that shampoo for Shih Tzu should not dry out the coat. It is better if it moisturizes it and protects it from the negative effects of blow-drying. And the main rule of washing is to thoroughly rinse off the remnants of any detergent. The wool should, as they say, creak in your hands.

You can’t do without balm. Especially if you decide not to cut your dog's hair. Better with the addition of mink or coconut oil. It is very important to distribute it well throughout the dog’s entire coat, and not just go over the tops.

After washing, never rub your dog with a towel. Just blot it (you can wring it lightly), and then wrap it in a dry cloth for a few minutes. The final stage Bathing should be followed by blow-drying and combing the dog. The Shih Tzu's coat is very thick and will take an extremely long time to dry on its own, and this is fraught not only with a lot of tangles, but also with hypothermia of the dog.