How to get rid of mosquitoes in gazebos. How to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage using chemical and folk remedies. Independent control of mosquitoes on the site

Mosquitoes are harmful and annoying bloodsuckers that can ruin your outdoor recreation and turn your stay at your favorite dacha into a nightmare. Another classic writer wrote about the misfortune common in our latitudes: “Oh, red summer, I would love you if it weren’t for dust, dirt, and mosquitoes...”. But Alexander Sergeevich lived long before the advent of all kinds of means of fighting insects. Therefore, let's see how in our time we can protect our summer cottage from the invasion of the flying midge.

Why fight mosquitoes in your summer cottage?

You can talk as much as you like about the role of mosquitoes in the ecological system and their indispensability in natural processes, but if you or your child are allergic to mosquito bites, then I want the bloodsuckers to perform their irreplaceable role away from the dacha or country house.

Mosquito saliva causes itching, swelling and redness at the site of the bite, and in some cases an allergic reaction.

It is known that mosquitoes are capable of carrying such dangerous diseases like malaria or encephalitis. The cases are quite rare, but they do occur. This is enough to start exterminating these insects on your site.

Infections carried by mosquitoes are transmitted through saliva during a bite.

Methods of combating flying bloodsuckers can be divided into chemical and folk. When choosing a method, you need to take into account that chemicals have all the pros and cons of modern insecticidal preparations. Folk remedies, for all their environmental friendliness, cope with the task less effectively.

To better make a choice, it’s worth taking a closer look at what is offered to us modern market anti-mosquito drugs and how folk experience has been enriched over time.

Chemical treatment

There are two ways to completely destroy mosquitoes on your site: call a special team or deal with on our own using an insecticide.

Disinfestation of the site requires the mandatory presence of a protective suit

Just a note. Total treatment of the area with insecticides will get rid of all insects, not just mosquitoes. Depending on the duration and range of exposure to the drug, you may be deprived of the company of horse flies, midges, ticks, flies and ants for a long time.

Calling a brigade will cost about 2 thousand rubles for every 6 acres of land. If you decide to act on your own, then professionals recommend not resorting to untested means. Using drugs that have already proven themselves will minimize unwanted side effects.

Popular mosquito repellents

A substance that can permanently clear an area of ​​flying bloodsuckers is called cypermethrin. In one ratio or another, this insecticide is present in most chemical mosquito repellents.

Today, experienced summer residents most often use:

  • Digital. Available in the form of an emulsion (packaging - 0.05 or 0.5 liters). The average cost of the product reaches about 900 rubles per 0.5 liter.

    To treat 1 acre you will need to dilute 4 ml of Tsifox in 1 liter of water (depending on the topography of the area)

  • Medilis Cyper. Yellowish liquid (packaging - 0.5 or 5 liters). The average cost of the drug reaches about 1,500 rubles per 0.5 liter.

    To treat an area with Medilis Cyper you will need from 2 to 5 ml of product per 1 liter of water (depending on the density of vegetation)

  • Sipaz Super. Concentrate, packaging - 1 liter. The average cost of the product reaches about 2,250 rubles per bottle.

    To treat 1 hectare of land with Sipaz Super you will need from 3 to 8 ml of product per 1 liter of water

  • Agran. Brownish concentrated emulsion(packing - 0.05 or 1 liter). The average cost of the drug reaches about 1,600 rubles per 1 liter.
  • Sinuzan. Yellow or brown emulsion (packaging - 1 or 20 liters). The average cost of the product reaches about 2,500 rubles per 1 liter.

    In the drug Sinuzan active substance is not cypermethrin, but chlorpyrifos (48%)

  • Doctor Klaus. Ready-made spray, packaging - 0.75 or 1 liter. The average cost of the drug reaches about 300 rubles per 0.75 liter.

    Spray Doctor Klaus destroys not only mosquitoes, but also flies

  • Bioneutral I-50. Emulsion, packaging 0.1 or 1 liter. The average cost of the product reaches about 1,700 rubles per 1 liter.

    It is better to prepare a solution from the drug Bioneutral I 50 immediately before treatment or use it within 8 hours

How to choose the right drug

When choosing a chemical for mosquito control, summer cottage Experts recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  • Availability of water. If there is a body of water on the site or in its immediate vicinity, then you should pay attention to preparations designed to destroy larvae in areas with high humidity.

    It is necessary to be especially careful when choosing a product if ornamental fish live in the reservoir (it can harm them too)

  • Relief of the site. The presence of many shaded areas also requires an individual approach from drugs.

    The more shady and humid places there are in the area, the more likely it is that mosquitoes will lay their larvae there.

  • Vegetation density. In open summer cottages, the concentration of the product may be small, unlike those on which trees and shrubs grow.

    Lush vegetation on the site suggests greater consumption of the drug or higher toxicity of the product

It's important to remember. The selected drug must be certified, with an unexpired shelf life.

Precautions and general rules for treating the area

If you decide to protect your dacha or suburban area from mosquitoes yourself, it is important to consider that an insecticide that is completely safe for people and pets has not yet been invented.

To avoid negative consequences chemical treatment territory, you need to take care not only of the effectiveness of the chosen method, but also of your own safety. You should prepare in advance for the procedure for ridding your summer cottage of mosquitoes. For this purpose you will need:

  • Monitor the weather forecast. Nai better effect can be achieved if the drug is sprayed in dry, windless weather (it is better that no precipitation falls in the next three days after treatment).

    Settled clear and windless weather is the most right time for treating an area against mosquitoes

  • Make sure that there are no people or pets on the territory of the dacha or site. They will be able to return there no earlier than 4–5 days after the area has been disinfested.
  • Clean the area in advance: mow the grass in open areas and remove the remains of last year's leaves and hay.

    To achieve the best effect, the summer cottage must be prepared in advance for processing.

  • If possible, seal open containers of water.

    Small containers with water can be covered with ordinary plastic film

  • Make sure the kit is available protective equipment(respirator, gloves, rubber boots, hat, robe or raincoat). You can use a regular raincoat with a hood.

    When spraying an insecticide, it is important that the entire body area is protected from contact with toxic drugs

  • Have a sprayer with you. It could be country option, gasoline or battery (depending on the size of the area).

    It is better to select the sprayer displacement based on individual physical data and area of ​​the site

  • Make sure there is enough water at room temperature to dilute the drug. If it is taken from a nearby body of water, it is better to filter it or let it settle.

Just a note. It is worth considering that it will not be possible to pick berries or mushrooms in the treated area for 20 to 40 days (depending on the product used).

It is better to prepare the solution for killing mosquitoes immediately before processing, because its shelf life usually does not exceed 12 hours. When preparing the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions and carefully observe the dosage.

Please note that some preparations are designed to treat the area in two stages: destroying larvae and then adult insects.

It is better to start the procedure from buildings located on the territory.

Doors, windows and vents of residential premises must be tightly closed. It is better to treat the vegetation on the site along the perimeter, trying not to get on the sprouts and buds, so as not to ruin future fruits and flowers.

An insecticide against mosquitoes and their larvae can disrupt the normal development of young plant shoots

Female mosquitoes usually lay eggs in damp and shaded places, so anti-clutch and larval agents should be sprayed near sources of moisture (drains, taps, sewers), in basements and all kinds of cracks and cracks.

Mosquito eggs can be found in any damp and dark place

Treatments will also require a place where adult bloodsuckers gather. This is the simplest stage of the entire procedure.

It's important to remember. Most mosquito repellents are also toxic to bees. If there is an apiary nearby, you should limit the flight of these beneficial insects for the time specified in the instructions.

After finishing treating the area against mosquitoes, do not forget to change the water in open containers so that insecticide residues do not cause poisoning of animals.

Traditional methods of fighting mosquitoes

Traditional methods of mosquito control do not imply the total destruction of insects in the entire suburban area. These are gentle measures aimed mainly at repelling bloodsuckers. At the same time, traditional methods are safe for humans and their four-legged friends.

The issue of holiday safety becomes especially relevant if children and pets come to the dacha

Majority traditional methods based on the intolerance of mosquitoes to strong odors. Therefore, our task will be to distribute strong aromas throughout the area using available means.

Treatment with essential oils

Flying bloodsuckers cannot stand odors:

  • lavender;

    In addition to being a repellent, the aroma of lavender also has a calming effect.

  • thyme;

    The thyme plant has another popular and no less famous name - thyme

  • eucalyptus;

    Despite their distinct coniferous aroma, eucalyptus trees belong to the myrtle family.

  • tea tree;

    Tea tree essential oils are widely known for their healing properties.

  • carnations;

    Thanks to high content eugenol essential oil has an antiseptic and analgesic effect

  • basilica;

    Basil essential oil can not only repel mosquitoes, but also lift your spirits.

  • anise

    Anise essential oil can stimulate intellectual activity

To get rid of mosquitoes with the help of essential oils, you just need to distribute aromatic lamps (you can make them homemade) throughout your suburban area at a distance of about 3-5 meters from each other and choose the most pleasant smell for yourself.

An aroma lamp can be a wonderful decorative element

While the aroma lamp is operating, the absence of bloodsuckers is guaranteed.

Using available materials, you can make aroma lamps for the site yourself

The second method of fighting mosquitoes using essential oils involves treating the surfaces of the veranda or gazebo where you like to relax in the fresh air. Wipe with a napkin soaked in such concentrates. country furniture, walls of a house or pillars of a structure. As long as the aroma lasts, mosquitoes will not bother you.

Plants and herbs on the site

The following have a pungent odor that repels flying bloodsuckers:

  • rosemary;

    It is better to plant rosemary on the south or east side of the site

  • mint;

    When planting mint on the site, it is worth considering that it grows quite quickly

  • calendula;

    Many summer residents like calendula for its unpretentiousness in propagation and its ability to withstand frost.

  • marigold;

    Marigolds are also good because even a novice gardener can cope with their cultivation.

  • sage;
  • tomatoes;

    Experienced gardeners know what to do tomato beds mosquitoes do not fly (and many other insects avoid the leaves of this plant, which have a pungent odor)

  • sagebrush;

    Some varieties of wormwood are used for garden design, while others are considered weeds and are mercilessly weeded out

  • tansy;

    Any type of soil is suitable for growing tansy, even with low fertility.

  • carnation;

    The beauty and variety of flowers have long made carnations a welcome guest in any area

  • geranium;

    Many are more accustomed to seeing geranium in flower pot on the windowsill, but these flowers grow well in open ground

  • chamomile;

    When growing chamomile on a plot, it is worth considering that this flower does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater.

  • elder.

    Elderberry grows best in loamy soil with low acidity.

By planting plants around the area, you will receive a living shield against mosquitoes in the form of a lasting aroma. To enhance the effect, experienced summer residents sometimes recommend crushing or pressing down the leaves so that the smell intensifies.

Effectiveness of smoke from a fire

There is an opinion that smoke from a fire is one of the most reliable and effective means of fighting mosquitoes. Experience shows that this opinion is not entirely correct: some modern bloodsuckers have developed resistance to this method of protection. The smoke will not scare away other insects for long.

Please note that repelling mosquitoes using smoke from an open fire is unsafe

If your task is to cook kebabs and quickly leave, then the smoke from the fire may be enough to retreat from the recreation area with minimal damage to the skin.

Some mosquito repellent plants can pleasantly diversify the taste of barbecue

There are safe ways enhance the smoke screen effect:

  • Spruce or pine branches.

    It is enough to throw a few pine branches into the fire to enhance the mosquito-repellent aroma

  • Cones. It doesn’t matter whether they are spruce or pine, they contain substances that mosquitoes cannot tolerate.

    If there is one nearby coniferous trees, there will be no shortage of available mosquito repellents

  • Herbs with a strong aroma. Wormwood, thyme, mint, bird cherry or elderberry leaves - everything that grows near your resting place can be added to the fire so that the smoke becomes unbearable for mosquitoes.
  • Juniper. Experts recommend using dry twigs to make the smoke thicker and richer.

    In the old days it was believed that juniper smoke had healing properties- used to fumigate sick people

When making a fire on the site, it is important to remember the safety rules. If possible, use barbecues and other means of limiting open fire.

Mosquito traps

In an effort to save money, experienced summer residents make mosquito traps with their own hands. The principle of operation of such devices is based on luring insects using odors that are pleasant to them. At home, you can make a trap from an ordinary plastic bottle or make an analogue of store-bought adhesive tape.

To create the first type of structure you will need plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5–2.0 liters, scissors or a knife and bait (to prepare it, you need to mix 1 gram of dry yeast with 2–3 tablespoons of sugar and a glass of warm water).

A self-made bottle trap is completely safe for people and pets.

Making a homemade mosquito trap will not require any money or serious effort.

After adding yeast, there is no need to stir the bait. We insert top part neck down and place in dark place. To ensure reliable darkening, the bottle can be additionally wrapped in paper.

Just a note. Judging by some reviews, this type of trap is not interesting for all mosquito populations, so if you are doing it for the first time, you should first try this method in the absence of family members who are allergic to insect bites.

To make sticky tape you will need a strip of paper and sticky bait. If you have some old stock paper left over for covering windows, it will work great. If not, you can cut the base yourself.

The paper must be thick enough to withstand the treatment of warm glue bait

Depending on the materials at hand, the bait can be made according to the following recipes:

  • Combine four parts of rosin, two parts of castor oil and one each of turpentine and sugar syrup.
  • Mix pine resin with linseed oil in a ratio of 2:1 and add honey with beeswax in a ratio of 5:1. For a glass of resin and oil, a tablespoon of honey mixture is enough.
  • Combine two tablespoons of glycerin, half a glass of honey, a glass of Vaseline and 0.4 kg of rosin.

All ingredients are melted in a water bath, mixed thoroughly and applied to the tape.

A water bath at home can be easily made from two containers of different diameters.

Traps in the form adhesive tapes can be hung on the veranda or mounted on trees in recreation areas.

Homemade adhesive tape can be secured with tape, or you can make a sleeve from cardboard or a tree knot and attach the adhesive paper with thread

Just a note. It is worth considering that homemade traps do not provide a lasting effect and a complete guarantee of no bites, but they can reduce the mosquito population.

Video: folk remedies for insects

Photo gallery: measures to prevent the appearance of mosquitoes in a summer cottage

Water containers on the site must be tightly closed (it must be changed at least once a week) When watering, do not over-moisten the soil and allow puddles to form. There is no need to allow overly lush vegetation and weeds to grow on the site.

When the warm season comes, then they immediately begin all sorts of inconveniences associated with mosquitoes. Not only do they carry out their raids even in dry places, but where there are people and do not live in their usual humid environment, they also prevent people from sleeping with their buzzing. But the biggest danger that can happen is contracting some kind of infection entered the body through a bite or an allergic reaction. It's not always possible to track malaria mosquito you were bitten, or simple.

The domestically produced insecticide “Medilis Cyper” is capable of destroying mosquitoes not only in such objects as open areas of residential buildings, but even inside such premises, such as apartments, hotels, campsites, etc.

  • Includes everything the same 25% cypermethrin, as with the previous drug.
  • The liquid has a transparent yellowish color, is toxic, and has a milky color when dissolved.
  • Distributed in bottles of 50 or 500 ml, as well as in 5 liter canisters.
  • Preparation of the solution - from 2 to 5 ml per 1 liter of water, depending on the density of vegetation.
  • Consumption: 1 liter of working solution per hundred square meters
  • The cost of the drug with a volume of 500 ml is about 1,534 rubles.


  1. Country of origin – Russia.
  2. Available in the form of a concentrate.
  3. Capacity volume – 1 l.
  4. Preparation of the solution - from 3 to 8 ml of product per 1 liter of water. 1 acre requires 1 liter of working solution
  5. Method of application - spraying the product in calm weather over bushes, thick grass and lower branches of trees, as well as near children's play areas - sandboxes, swings, hammocks, flower beds, lawns, etc.
  6. Active ingredient – ​​cypermethrin 25%
  7. The drug is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
  8. The average cost is 2250 rubles.

Warning: Handle this product properly. must be done in the evening when already bees don't fly. The effect of the drug on plants does not have any harmful effects; therefore, it will not harm a honey bee if it lands on a flower in the morning where microdrops of the insecticide have landed. It is also very important to look at the season - as soon as mosquitoes wake up, it is better to treat the area. As a rule, they begin to bother you before the bees begin to actively collect nectar.


Substance diluted with water according to instructions and sprayed through a spray nozzle wherever there is water or a constant humid environment.

  • Great for those dacha areas, that are located near the water, or where there are close to the surface of the earth groundwater. All trolleys, barrels, ditches, drainage pits are also treated
  • Active ingredient: Chlorpyrifos 50%,

Almost an integral part summer holiday at the dacha is mosquito control. There are many methods for exterminating them - from long-known folk ones to ultra-modern technical ones. How to permanently get rid of mosquitoes in a summer cottage, in a house, garden and vegetable garden we will look into this article.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at the dacha?

Every summer resident dreams of finding effective remedy against mosquitoes in your summer cottage, allowing you to get rid of hated insects once and for all. But, unfortunately, there is no such 100% solution yet. In order to prevent bloodsuckers from spoiling your vacation, you will have to approach the problem comprehensively, then summer season you will definitely forget about mosquitoes. As you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to eliminate it. Therefore, you can take care of destruction in advance - by planting mosquito-repellent plants on the site, or treating plantings and buildings with special insecticides.

Comprehensive site treatment is becoming an increasingly popular mosquito control measure. It is carried out by specialized services. In the spring, people in protective suits spray a special mosquito repellent on the site. This is one of the most expensive, but also the most effective method. Cheaper means of fighting bloodsuckers are special repellers, lamps and all kinds of traps. Their big disadvantage is that the former simply scare away insects during operation, and the latter only partially exterminate the population - all this is not a 100% guarantee that you will not be bitten.

Personal protective equipment - creams, lotions - are much better at protecting against mosquitoes. They are applied both to clothing and to open areas bodies. Their effectiveness is high, but not durable. After a few hours the treatment will have to be repeated. Do not forget about popular countermeasures. After all, our ancestors have been saving themselves from this scourge with herbs for a long time and very successfully.

It's not uncommon to have a summer dinner at outdoors Mosquitoes plague. And if electrofumigators are effectively used indoors - devices powered by a network with plates or a solution that destroys blood-sucking insects, then outdoors an ultrasonic outdoor mosquito repeller for the dacha has proven itself to be quite good. It emits ultrasonic waves that are inaudible to humans, but very unpleasant to mosquitoes. The device can be either pocket-sized, designed to protect one person, or operate within a radius of 50-70 sq.m.

Mosquito repellent lanterns for the garden

Mosquito repellent lamps for dachas are also a popular remedy. Their principle of operation is that the insect is first lured and then dies in a special trap. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation, carbon dioxide and propane combustion products serve as bait. And mosquitoes can die from an electric current connected to a special grid or electrode, a fan, liquid or insecticide. The range of action is different for each, from 5 to 30 square meters. m. You can install several of these lamps in your summer cottage.

The simplest outdoor mosquito trap for a summer residence is made from an ordinary plastic bottle. To do this, the neck of the bottle is cut off. Warm water is poured into the bottom, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 1 g of yeast are added. Close the neck, having first turned it over, and seal the fastening points with adhesive tape. The carbon dioxide released will attract mosquitoes, and they will no longer be able to get out. The method is good for its accessibility, but it is not a panacea.

Plants against mosquitoes and midges in the country

It is known that there are a number of plants whose smell bloodsuckers really dislike. First of all, these are conifers - juniper, western thuja, spruce and fir. In addition to them, other plants are planted that repel mosquitoes and midges in the country:

  • walnut;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • black currant;
  • lavender;
  • tomato leaves.

All these plants can be planted on the site, and juniper branches can be thrown into the fire; such specific smoke will definitely repel mosquitoes. To protect against bloodsuckers in the house, these same plants are placed in a vase on the table or at the head of the bed. Consider only individual characteristics: and the acceptance of certain odors. More good option will prepare a decoction and apply it to clothes and skin.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes in the country

Our ancestors also knew how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage. Here are a few popular methods:

  1. The smell of lemon zest or other citrus will scare away bloodsuckers. To do this, rub it on exposed areas of the body. You can replace the crust with essential oil.
  2. To prepare the mosquito repellent infusion you will need 1 tbsp. l leaves of basil, anise, mint, lemon balm or cloves. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over the herb, let it brew and cool, then apply to the skin.
  3. Essential oils of anise, clove, juniper and lavender can be added to aroma lamps. Such smells will definitely repel insects.

Do-it-yourself mosquito repellent at the dacha

You can make an effective trap for bloodsuckers yourself. Mosquitoes really like ultraviolet light. Therefore, an ordinary UV lamp with a power of 20-25 W will become not only an unobtrusive light source, but also a good trap for bloodsuckers. The lamp must be placed in metal mesh, to which the current is connected. The entire structure is hidden in a case to ensure safety. It can even be a cardboard package of something. Mosquitoes, attracted by the light, fall onto the energized grid and die.

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage, vegetable garden, garden or house. There is no universal answer to this question yet. If you like the smell of essential oils and are not allergic to them, you can conduct experiments yourself and use those components that every housewife has on hand.

After the gloriously accomplished garden work I want to relax in the fresh evening air, sit on a bench near the house or in a gazebo. Everything would be fine, but the annoying mosquitoes, constantly buzzing and trying to bite, do not give any peace. These bloodsuckers keep up with us not only on the street, but also at home, especially in the evening when the lights turn off.

The common mosquito, also known as the squeaky mosquito, is a troublemaker for summer residents. Only females, who need it for the development of eggs, bite and drink our blood. The males peacefully “graze” over the beds in search of plant juice.

Mosquitoes love humidity. Around an artificial pond, about summer shower and in the cellar the number of these blood-sucking insects will be higher.

Let's look at the main ways to get rid of mosquitoes:

  1. Take a 1.5 liter plastic bottle without the lid and carefully cut off the top. We turn the cut neck over and place it in the remaining bottle, neck down. Pour a glass inside warm water, add 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 1-2 g of yeast. Mix everything well. Many mosquitoes and other annoying midges will be securely stuck inside the trap.
  2. Mosquitoes are very repelled by the smell of essential oils. In the room where you will sleep, keep an open tube of cedarwood, eucalyptus, anise, clove or basil oil. For greater effectiveness, you can also rub it on different parts of your body.
  3. Install mosquito nets on all windows. At night you can not only sleep without mosquitoes, but also breathe clean fresh air. Mosquito nets Also sold for gazebos, tents and country swings.
  4. Plant more plants in your garden that repel mosquitoes: bird cherry, marigold, tomatoes, basil, chamomile, tansy, wormwood, mint.
  5. If the reason for a large number of mosquitoes in your area is a pond or increased dampness, try to attract frogs and lizards to it. These animals are natural hunters of mosquitoes, and with their significant numbers, mosquitoes will almost completely disappear.
  6. Use fumigator plates or bottles and turn them on at night. From my own experience, I know that fumigators help with varying degrees of success; apparently mosquitoes quickly adapt to new similar drugs.
  7. Spirals have appeared on sale, which are set on fire for 15 seconds before going to bed, then extinguished and left to smolder. The smoke they emit contains special substances that repel mosquitoes.
  8. Ultrasonic mosquito repellers, powered by both batteries and mains. Their range varies, so read the instructions carefully.
  9. Use repellent applied to skin and clothing. Among the well-known ones we can recommend: “Flop”, “Argus”, “Off”, “Gardex”, “Fumitox”.

It is impossible to completely get rid of mosquitoes, but take care of reliable protection simply necessary.

This article contains answers to all your questions and describes in detail, How get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage, so that they do not interfere with rest and work, since gardeners - young and old - are looking forward to warm summer days, not without much trepidation. But as soon as summer appears on the calendar, an annoying problem arises in the form of mosquitoes, whose squeaking often deprives a person of sleep until the morning. Practice shows that there are not many mosquitoes in the city, however, it is a different matter in summer cottages, where gardeners and vegetable gardeners encounter them everywhere.

Plants that repel mosquitoes

Initially, it is worth understanding that danger is not expected from all mosquitoes: only females are naturally endowed with a needle-like piercing proboscis, which can easily pierce the skin. They have a natural need for protein, which is found in the blood. They also spread infections.

The same cannot be said about males: having a less sharp proboscis, they react only to the aroma of nectar and plant juice, where they receive the entire range of necessary nutrients. The latter most often live near bodies of water or hide in bushes, so the aroma of blood does not attract them.

But time is slowly moving forward, and humanity has still not invented effective measures against mosquitoes. Therefore, most often, gardeners and gardeners resort to already proven methods.

  • juniper;
  • fir

In addition to conifers, the following trees have a mosquito-repellent aroma:

  • walnut;
  • chestnut;
  • elder.

The aroma of plants such as: repels mosquitoes and

  • marigold;
  • sagebrush;
  • lavender;
  • black currant bush;
  • catnip;
  • basil;
  • mathiol.

The aroma of tomatoes in greenhouses helps fight mosquitoes. Even if mosquitoes penetrate inside such a greenhouse, they still will not approach the source of the smell.

Watch the video! Top 10 aromatic plants that repel mosquitoes

Chemical repellents against mosquitoes

The choice of chemical products from the mosquito repellent industry is large; one’s eyes run wide with the quantity brands: starting with Digital, Dr. Klaus, Medilis – Zieper and ending with lesser known names. Aerosols, fumigators, sprays or cream - which product is more effective depends only on personal preference.

But you need to be careful when choosing a mosquito repellent. Still, chemistry always remains chemistry, so you should never neglect reading the instructions in order to avoid poisoning and allergies.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home? An alternative is insecticidal lamps. Their action is based on the use of open electrodes, touching which is fatal to mosquitoes. There are already devices that can be used both at home and in the yard:

  • Insect killer EGO-03 60W;
  • Insecticidal lamp Camry CR 7932;
  • Mosquito Expeller;
  • ThermaCELL Outdoor Lantern repeller.

Ultrasonic repellers of mosquitoes, rodents and other insects are popular.

For those who do not sit still and like to go fishing or go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, bracelets equipped with special capsules are suitable. They are attached to the arms or legs, are as comfortable as possible for use and are practically invisible. The person does not feel anything, but the mosquitoes sense the unpleasant aroma from the capsule and approach.

In the house you can connect fumigators- substances that emit a harmful aroma. The most famous of them:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Vertox;
  • Picnic Family.

Watch the video! Comparative testing of mosquito repellents


Folk remedies never lose popularity, which is not surprising: chemistry or the use of electrical traps requires taking into account recommendations and instructions; the use of aerosols, sprays and creams often causes damage to the body. So what is the best way to protect your summer cottage so that its base does not contain chemicals?

Advice! Mosquitoes cannot tolerate lemon scent. It is enough to lubricate your face and hands with the juice to forget about bloodsuckers for a few hours and go about your business.

A drop of clove oil applied to the body also helps. The aroma repels mosquitoes all the way to the neighboring area. An alternative to oil is a repellent:

  • add 5 g of cloves (or a tablespoon of wormwood roots) to 250 ml of water;
  • boil the mixture over medium heat for 25 minutes;
  • add a teaspoon of your favorite cologne to the liquid (it will mask the clove aroma, but mosquitoes will still smell the cloves).

Anise, basil, eucalyptus leaves in the form of aromatic oils will scare off uninvited guests just as well as lemon. But if you do get bitten. TOhow to get rid of itching from mosquitoes? Tea tree essential oil soothes the skin after a bite and protects from itching: a few drops can be added to the cream to use it every day, then the persistent aroma will provide constant protection against mosquitoes.

While relaxing in nature, you can throw a couple of pine cones or juniper branches into the fire, then your family vacation will not be overshadowed by the squeaking of annoying insects.

Wormwood will also be an excellent protection against mosquitoes:

  • Boil 1 tbsp in a glass of water. wormwood roots for 20 minutes;
  • Before going outside, apply the product to exposed areas of the body.

Effectively protect yourself from mosquitoes in the house and using ammonia on the site will help. Just like essential oil, just a few drops of the product is enough to apply to the skin to prevent mosquitoes from interfering with your gardening work.

Advice! Before use ammonia, you need to make sure that the people around you can tolerate its aroma.

Very good remedy, if you are not allergic to vinegar: in 1 tbsp. shampoo add 1 tsp. vinegar, apply to the skin.

How to protect children from mosquitoes

Going on vacation at sea or to the dacha, parents are primarily concerned with how best to protect their child from mosquito bites. Not all remedies are suitable, and some are extremely dangerous. Aroma will come to the rescue apple cider vinegar. It is applied to the child's clothes. Mosquitoes will prefer to fly away from the unpleasant aroma.

Essential oil is also harmless to children: in order not to spoil the child’s clothes, the oil is dripped from the inside out onto the seams. The aroma will repel bloodsuckers, and the clothes will remain safe and sound without the characteristic oil stains.

How to get rid of mosquito bitesand reduce itching? After a bite, to alleviate the consequences, the body is lubricated:

  • soda solution: 2 tsp of soda diluted in 250 ml of water;
  • A vanillin solution will help: dissolve a pinch of vanillin in a glass of water;
  • fermented milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir, yogurt);
  • juice from plantain leaves, parsley, basil, valerian, mint;
  • For adults, Validol tablet and Zvezdochka ointment are suitable.


These are the main methods of protection against mosquitoes, including chemicals And traditional methods. All of them are effective, all you have to do is choose the right one and then your holiday at your summer cottage will not be overshadowed by an annoying squeak in your ear.

Watch the video! How to get rid of mosquitoes using folk remedies