Is it possible to clean laminate flooring with a Karcher steam cleaner? Instructions on how to wash laminate flooring. Will cleaning with a steam cleaner damage parquet flooring made of expensive wood?

It so happened that in different rooms with us different laminate. After several years of use, I began to notice that with the same care, the laminate floor in one room looks like new, but in another it is clearly worn out. Obviously, it's a matter of quality of coverage. But not only that.

Which laminate can be washed?

If you know how, you can wash any type flooring. But some people can only withstand the touch of a well-wrung out rag, while others don’t even care about a floor steam cleaner.

You should think about care even at the time of purchasing laminate, choosing it according to the degree of moisture resistance and installation method:

  1. Moisture resistance. The higher the class of the laminate, the higher its resistance to moisture, abrasion and other influences. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the markings on the packaging. U different manufacturers They may differ, so if in doubt, it is better to contact the seller to decipher the icons.

Moisture resistance is most often indicated by three drops or a faucet with a drop. And also the inscription “Aqua Resist” or “Aqua-Protect”. As a rule, the price of such coatings is higher. But they can be laid in the kitchen and even in the bathroom.

  1. Laying method. When laying “seam to seam” or with glue, there are gaps between the panels that water will get into when you wash the floors. A lock connection is much more reliable, especially if the locks are treated with wax.

Of course, we did not save any packaging, so now we cannot find out the properties of our laminate. We only remember that they took very budget option on sale. So he turned out to be very capricious.

In such cases, in order to understand whether laminate flooring can be washed with water, I can advise you to conduct an experiment. If there is a cutting, moisten it generously and look at the changes after some time. If there are no scraps left, wet the floor in an inconspicuous place. For example, under the bed.

If the material swells or becomes deformed, it means that it cannot be washed; you can only wipe it with a well-wrung out cloth. And even more so, you should not use a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner for laminate flooring.

How and with what to wash laminate flooring?

Even if you are confident in the moisture resistance of your coating and its high-quality assembly, questions about care still remain. After all, whatever one may say, this material is made from wood, which requires a special approach.

Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is possible to wash laminate flooring with a steam cleaner or a washing vacuum cleaner, whether it is possible to use cleaning products and what is better - a rag or a mop?

Let's figure it out. But first, a few words about what should precede wet cleaning.

Before you wash...

The laminated flooring protects this flooring from moisture. top layer. If it is damaged - scratched or worn out - the degree of protection drops.

And it can be scratched not only by chair legs or heels, but also by sand brought in from shoes from the street, dried bread crumbs and other debris. If you don’t remove it and immediately start rubbing the floor with a rag, it will work like sandpaper.

Therefore, no matter what you choose for wet cleaning, you need to do dry cleaning first. The instructions recommend using either a regular broom or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush to remove dust and abrasive particles from the surface.

How to wash laminate flooring - with a rag or a mop?

Mop or rag - no difference. The main thing is that there is not a lot of water left on the floor. Therefore, when choosing which rag is best to wash laminate flooring or which attachment to use for a mop, you need to give preference to those materials that absorb water well and are wrung out. It can be microfiber, sponge, or ordinary household fabric.

You can wash it with plain water or add products to it that make the coating shine. And some also create on it protective film.

  1. Preparing the solution. The detergent is added to the water according to the instructions. As a rule, the cap plays the role of a measuring cup.
  2. Wet the rag. After wetting it, you need to squeeze it out well.
  3. Wipe. Do not wash with a wet cloth, but rather wipe with a damp cloth. This is quite enough to remove dirt from a smooth surface.

  1. Wash off clean water . The technology is the same, we just wet the rag in clean water, changing it more often. Here's a note: if you used special means for shine and the formation of a protective film, they cannot be washed off. This is done only when using detergent compounds that leave whitish stains on the floor after drying. Therefore, we always read the instructions carefully.

It is worth paying attention to detergents.

Many manufacturers of floor coverings produce related products. Including special chemicals, and even care tools. These include such well-known companies as Egger, Tarkett, Quick-Step, EPI, Parafloor, Alloc, Pergo.

They can be purchased at specialized stores, and use it for its intended purpose without fear of damaging the coating.

There are also non-branded detergents on sale that are designed specifically for laminate floor care. Among them:

  • Emsal Laminate. Production - Germany. A soap-based liquid that removes fresh and old dirt, adds shine to floors and creates temporary protection against dirt.
  • Mellerud. An effective Swedish product for removing dirt and grease, as well as many other types of dirt.
  • Mister Proper. Thanks to advertising, it is known even to those who have never washed their floors and have no intention of doing so. But the product is really good, suitable for different coatings, leaves no traces at all.

They are also not capable of harming the floors in any way, if you strictly follow the recommendations for use. But cheap compounds of unknown origin or other purpose (for example, dishwashing liquid or washing powders), are capable. And if you decide to use them, test them first on an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor.

But it's better not to take risks. If you don’t have special equipment on hand, you can use regular table vinegar instead - one tablespoon per half bucket of water. This solution will clean well and add shine.

Use of special equipment

To answer the question whether laminate flooring can be washed with a steam mop or steam cleaner, you need to know everything about the quality of the coating. If it is not moisture resistant and is laid without sealing the joints - definitely not.

But even the most high-quality laminate flooring with waxed locks must be cleaned with these devices with certain precautions. Because hot steam supplied under pressure can harm it too. I would recommend listening to the following advice:

  • Instead of the napkin included with the steam cleaner, use an old terry towel folded in half;
  • Do not supply steam continuously. And if it is possible to adjust the supply power, choose the minimum;
  • Try not to use steam generators too often.

If you have a choice: a washing vacuum cleaner or a steam cleaner, then it is better to give preference to a vacuum cleaner. But only one that has good suction power and immediately removes splashed liquid, preventing it from affecting the surface.

In the instructions for such devices, manufacturers usually indicate the scope of application. If in doubt, I can again advise you to conduct your own test on a separate panel or in an inconspicuous place.

By the way, my cheap laminate began to lose its appearance just after purchasing a Karcher steam cleaner. But it did not harm the coating in the other room at all.

So again we return to the fact that the cleaning method must be chosen taking into account the type and quality of the laminate.

How to remove stains?

It is not difficult to clean the floor from ordinary household dirt. But what to do when stains are found, what cleaning products can be used? It depends on the type of pollution:

  • Traces from a marker, felt-tip pen, or nail polish can be removed with acetone, white spirit, or alcohol-based window cleaner. The product is applied to the stain with a swab and immediately washed with a soft, light cloth.

  • Black shoe marks can be erased with a school eraser or washed with a baking soda solution.
  • Hardened wax, fat or chewing gum is carefully scraped off with a spatula. Before doing this, you can put a bag of ice on them. If during the cleaning process it was not possible to avoid scratches, they should be covered with a special putty or wax for parquet, matched to the tone.

  • Blood stains are also best removed with window cleaning spray. After spraying, blood stains should be wiped off with a soft cloth.

But what is better not to use in such cases are ammonia-containing compounds. They may be able to deal with stains, but they will also dissolve the protective film.

Well, and most importantly: if you spill something on the floor, be it water, tea, juice, wine or other liquid, you need to immediately wipe it up before it penetrates into the joints.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for laminate flooring. You just need to take into account its features and try not to get the coating too wet if it is not moisture resistant. It is best to use a rag or mop and special products. And if the floor material is wear-resistant and laid in a locking manner, then special equipment can also be connected to cleaning.

Learn more about all this in the video in this article. And if you disagree with something or have questions, welcome to the comments or to the forum.

Although wooden floors hardwood Easy to keep clean with daily mopping, steam cleaning promises to disinfect and deodorize floors. In this article we will tell you about the effectiveness of steam cleaning of hard floors, as well as the steam cleaning technique.

Hardwood floors are undoubtedly the most elegant flooring available. available options. And although they require a significant initial investment, they are generally worth the money. In addition, wood floors are easy to maintain. Daily is enough to maintain shine wooden floors for many years. However, from time to time, you may need a little more than just a wet mop.

Allergies caused by microbial growth, as well as stains and discoloration associated with heavy traffic, require specialized cleaning tools to combat. Steam cleaning is one such way to thoroughly clean wood floors.

Efficiency of a steam cleaner for cleaning floors

Cleaning hard floors with a steam cleaner kills bacteria and other allergens. This cannot be achieved with conventional wet cleaning. A steam cleaner will also take care of any unpleasant odors that may appear on the floor. In addition, steam helps control mold growth and kills dust mites. All this significantly reduces health problems in the household.

Moreover, steam cleaning hard floors is an environmentally friendly solution. Cleaning with a steam cleaner does not require the use of cleaning agents and mixtures, not to mention aggressive chemicals. A steam cleaner uses only water, which it converts into steam. However, when cleaning floors with a steam cleaner, you must ensure that the machine only uses dry steam, moisture can be harmful to wood floors.

Cleaning hard floors with a steam cleaner

A steam cleaner can be purchased at any store. household appliances at a price of 4,000 rubles. These machines are available in a wide variety of brands, and steam cleaners offer different capabilities and temperatures. WhiteWing Steamer, Bissell Steam Mop and Sargent Steam some machines high quality, completely safe for home use.

You can buy any of them for your home. And when you go to use one of these machines, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, since different machines may have different operating modes.

Typically, you will be required to sweep wooden floor before using one of these machines. Fill the steam cleaner canister with water to the recommended level. Connect the machine to the network. The water takes five to ten minutes to heat up. Once you are done with these settings, turn on the steam cleaner. Start working from one corner of the room to the other.

Try not to take more than one square meter at a time. Once you are done with the room, you can put the steam cleaner away. Take a dry towel and wipe the area you just cleaned. This solution ensures that wooden floor there will be no moisture left.

Cleaning hard floors with a steam cleaner is only recommended for sealed and laminated hardwood floors. You should not use a steam cleaner on unsealed or varnished wood. If you do this, water can get into the wood and cause the wood to swell and then rot.

It goes without saying that this will ruin the wooden flooring. Likewise, you should avoid using a steam cleaner on laminate flooring. Additionally, it is not recommended to use steam cleaning on protected wood if the surface is suffering from scratches or other wear. Water can easily seep through the scratches, but it will not be possible to dry it.

So, overall, steam cleaning is great solution looking for clean and shiny hardwood floors. However, if you don't neglect to clean your floors regularly, you will rarely need a steam cleaner to maintain your floors.

Laminate is a popular type of modern flooring that has become a top seller in the last ten years. construction markets Russia. Read about the types of laminate. Such interest in laminate arose due to its particularly valuable qualities:

  • High level of wear resistance;
  • Coating strength;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Wide range of color solutions;
  • Huge selection of flooring designs;
  • Made from environmentally friendly materials.

Depending on the class, laminated panels can be used in any room:

  • Corridor;
  • Office space;
  • Industrial premises;
  • Bathroom;
  • Kitchen.

The popularity of laminate is also due to its ease of maintenance. However, according to experienced specialists, the wrong approach to caring for laminated surfaces can lead to rapid wear, abrasion of the outer protective resin layer, and even to the fact that the laminate begins to emit an unpleasant squeak. A guide on which sealant to choose for laminate flooring.

In order for the floor to last as long as possible, you must follow three basic rules:

  1. Cleaning is required daily;
  2. The surface should be properly cleaned to remove various types of contaminants;
  3. The detergent for laminate flooring should be selected in accordance with its type and class.

Laminate has a multilayer structure. The topmost layer of coating is the most significant. Today it is a film made of melamine or acrylic resin. It is this layer that protects the surface from moisture, ultraviolet rays, and also from physical damage (scratches). Therefore, it is necessary to care for it most carefully. Among other things, the top layer repels dust, therefore, to clean it, it will be enough to simply vacuum the surface. But what if the coating requires wet cleaning?

Is it possible to wash laminate flooring and what is the best way to do it?

Most of the “users” have no idea how to wash laminate flooring without damaging the outer acrylic layer. Read the manual about that. At the moment, there are various detergents on sale that are intended specifically for caring for such surfaces. These cleaning products will easily remove traces of felt-tip pens, organic fat, shoe polish, and glue from the laminated surface.

In order to rid the surface of complex contaminants, you can use acetone, but this should be done in small quantities.

In addition to the fact that special products should be used to clean the laminate, it is also necessary to wipe the surface with a well-wrung-out floor cloth until it is completely dry so that there are no streaks left on it.
When cleaning laminate flooring, many people ask the question: “how to do this?” So, you can wash the laminated surface in the following ways:

  • Washing laminate flooring with a vacuum cleaner is acceptable; the only requirement for such cleaning is not to leave streaks on the surface;
  • washing laminate flooring with a steam mop is possible, but you just need to use a model that is specifically designed for this;
  • washing the laminate with water is the most common type of surface cleaning; after using water, the laminate should be wiped dry, this is especially important if the surface has a glossy appearance;
  • Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with a steam cleaner - yes, but you need to use a medium level of steam supply; in the case of a Karcher steam cleaner, you should use a special napkin that comes with the device;
  • Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with white - no, it is not advisable, because this chemical drug can lead not only to damage to the acrylic coating, but also cause a number of allergic reactions;
  • Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with a steam generator - yes, this option is acceptable, but just as in the case of a steam cleaner, you need to use a special cloth. Cleaning with a steam generator can be done twice a week;
  • Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with bleach - despite the fact that bleach has highly disinfecting properties, this is a thing of the past. Emphasis should be placed on more modern cleaning products, although it can still be used in small concentrations;
  • Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with Domestos - no, it’s not worth it. Domestos includes chemical elements which can cause damage to the top layer of the laminated surface.

Washing vacuum cleaner

So what kind of vacuum cleaner can you use to clean laminate flooring? At the moment, various manufacturers are ready to provide their products for cleaning premises of any class and purpose. Today, the following types of washing vacuum cleaners are very popular:

  • robot vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring – very convenient device, does not require any labor. The only thing you need to make sure of is the quality fiber from which the “brush” is made;
  • Karcher washing vacuum cleaner for laminate – today there is a professional line of washing machines that are suitable not only for cleaning parquet, but also for washing other more “sensitive” floor coverings;
  • Thomas washing vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring is no less popular than the Karcher vacuum cleaner. Price and quality are fully consistent.

The best cleaning vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring was the Karcher product. For many years now he has not given the palm to his competitors. Developers regularly equip mechanisms additional functions and make them most comfortable for domestic and industrial use.
The cost of a washing vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring ranges from 16,000 to 200,000 rubles.


Which mop is best for cleaning laminate flooring? The following types of mops should be used for cleaning:

  • Universal mop;
  • Household mop;
  • Professional mop for cleaning the premises.

For the most part, all of these options have a surface made of wool or microfibers that do not scratch the laminate.


With growing popularity laminated coating The number of detergents for this surface is also growing. But there are not so many really high-quality and safe ones among them. According to manufacturers, preference should be given to those cleaning products that will not harm human health, although they are relatively expensive. Read about which one to choose.
What detergents are used to clean laminate flooring:

  • streak-free laminate floor cleaner is an alcohol-based substance;
  • A detergent for laminate flooring with wax will help maintain the shine of the coating and provide additional protection against moisture. You should not use it on a glossy surface - the laminate will lose its shine;
  • Laminate floor cleaner that adds shine should also be used carefully. Some substances must be diluted in water.

Advice! Before using the detergent, you need to test it on an area hidden from view. If after using the substance the coating remains intact and all excess dirt has been removed, you can continue to use it.

How to wash?

In order to wash laminate flooring without streaks, you must use an alcohol-based cleaner or add white vinegar to water.
If the purpose of cleaning the coating is to achieve shine, then you should thoroughly wipe the laminate with a soft cloth, after making sure that there is no dust on the surface.
If cleaning is carried out after repairs, then you should pay attention special attention large furniture, because in the case of a laminated surface, moving the furniture can cause significant damage to the coating. Read the instructions for preparing floors for laminate flooring.


Otherwise, caring for a laminated surface is incredibly simple and does not cause much trouble. To do this, you just need to read the instructions included with the cleaning products and follow them carefully.

Cleaning is a routine process that haunts us throughout our lives. This almost everyday work takes a lot of time and effort from housewives. But they could spend this time playing with children, meeting friends, watching a movie. Therefore, most women in the world use various household chemicals to speed up the cleaning process.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine high-quality cleaning without the use of chemicals. They have firmly entered our lives. But this type of cleaning also has reverse side. Cleaning products, while affecting stains and plaque, also affect our skin, eyes and internal organs. And this can lead to unpleasant consequences over time.

Today, many modern manufacturers of cleaning equipment, including the Karcher company, taking care of people’s health, have offered a gentle alternative to cleaning detergents- cleaning with steam. This is the simplest and most environmentally friendly way to remove household contaminants of varying degrees of complexity. Steam cleans the surface no worse than chemicals. At the same time, it does not have any mechanical effect on the surface.

One of the devices that can clean almost any surface from dirt using steam is a steam cleaner. The steam supplied under high pressure not only dilutes grease and removes dirt, but also disinfects the surface being cleaned, eliminating most bacteria, microbes and allergens. In this case, synthetic cleaning products are not even used, which helps reduce cleaning costs and improve the environmental situation in the house or apartment.

However, I would like to make a small disclaimer: hot steam is not a magic wand, with a wave of which you will remove even 10 years of dirt, and a steam cleaner is not a device that can clean your apartment in 5 minutes. Although it will allow you to bring shine and cleanliness to your home 2 times faster.

In general, the steam supplied by a steam cleaner works well against greasy or food stains in the kitchen, mold and plaque in the bathtub and toilet. It also quickly removes simple stains from upholstered furniture refreshes textiles and leaves indoor plants, and also disinfects children's toys.

What can you steam clean?

Any surface that is not afraid of high temperature. And in an apartment you can’t count such surfaces: stove, burners, oven, microwave, extractor hood, refrigerator, sink, tiles, joints between tiles, plumbing fixtures, bathroom and toilet, radiator, radiators, windows, mirrors, glass coffee table.

With a steam cleaner, the housewife will spend significantly less time cleaning these objects. In addition, the steam generator is capable of washing almost any floor, except waxed parquet (exposure to hot steam will lead to deformation of the wax). Nowadays, many people, having suffered from cleaning carpets, are switching to parquet or laminate flooring, which requires wet cleaning. The basic package of the steam cleaner includes a special nozzle for cleaning floors and a microfiber cover. They help remove all the dust, hair and dirt from hard floor surfaces.

The steam cleaner comes with many more attachments. Burners, handles, taps, seams between tiles, radiators, baseboards are washed with a nozzle with a round brush.

A wider nozzle is suitable, for example, for washing shower stalls, stoves, doors, and kitchen cabinet doors. The kit even includes microfiber wipes. When the surface is treated with steam, the dirt lags behind and transfers to such a napkin. By the way, these napkins are very easy to wash in the washing machine.

Dust mites – will it remove them?

A device such as a steam cleaner is a very important thing, especially for people suffering from allergies. Indeed, today, according to statistics, every 5 people suffer from allergies and half of them are small children. Very often the cause of an allergic reaction is dust mites. By cleaning the apartment with a steam cleaner, we destroy dust mites and other allergens invisible to the eye and thereby make life easier for allergy sufferers. At the same time, steam cleaning also removes unpleasant odors and humidifies the air in the room. After it you can breathe much easier.

Large quantity harmful microorganisms lives on soft toys. Therefore, for the benefit of our children, such toys simply need to be steamed regularly. Steam cleaners help to destroy all these health pests.

What can't be cleaned with a steam cleaner?

Many people ask this question before purchasing a steam cleaner. The answer is simple. Surfaces that can be deformed under the influence of high temperatures should absolutely not be cleaned with a steam cleaner. First of all, this is, of course, parquet covered with wax. Textiles are products made from natural wool and linen.

But for those who are afraid of excessively moistening surfaces, a solution has nevertheless been found. You just need to set the steam cleaner to a lower steam level and you can start cleaning. If you have to wash parquet or laminate, it is best to choose the minimum level.

Also, this device cannot be used to clean electrical appliances and soft plastic products.

How is a steam cleaner iron different from a regular steam boost iron?

Ironing is an additional bonus that a steam cleaner equipped with an iron provides to its owners. The steam generated by the steam generator enters the iron via a practical hose and from there under high pressure gets on the fabric. Moreover, the effect of steam is so strong that you will not need to iron your clothes from several sides. After all, thanks to the steam high blood pressure extends to the entire depth of the fibers. Now you are without extra effort You can smooth out all the wrinkles even on pure wool and linen items.

The indisputable advantage of a steam iron over a regular iron is that it acts on the fabric not with a hot steel sole, but, as already mentioned, with steam. It creates an air cushion between the sole and the textile, which protects delicate fabrics (velvet, silk, guipure) from damage.

Also with steam iron housewives will need much less time for ironing. Unlike traditional version, the steam iron does not need to be refilled with water so often. After all, the steam cleaner from which steam comes into it can hold up to approximately 3 liters of water. This, in turn, should be enough to iron a mountain of things.

Is there excess moisture in the house?

Many people believe that cleaning with steam leads to excessive air humidification and thus dampness in the apartment. But this is a misconception. Steam, once on the surface, quickly evaporates, leaving the object being cleaned almost dry. At the same time, the air becomes fresher and more humid. And in winter this is even a plus. After all, hot radiators dry the air, and after such wet cleaning you can breathe much easier.

But if you are still afraid that residual moisture will damage the surface, then after cleaning it can be removed with a dry cloth.

Will a steam cleaner replace a vacuum cleaner?

Another important fact that you need to know about a steam cleaner is that it will never replace a vacuum cleaner. This device does not suck up dirt. It will not be able to collect large dirt like a vacuum cleaner or broom. Using a steam generator, you can remove stains, remove plaque and remove dust, hair and fur from the surface being cleaned.

However, the Karcher company, taking care of the comfort of its customers, offers an even more modern and advanced device - a combination of a steam cleaner and a vacuum cleaner - a steam vacuum cleaner. This miracle technique combines 3 operating modes: steam cleaner mode, regular vacuum cleaner mode and steam vacuum cleaner mode. In the latter case, it releases steam, liquefies contaminants and sucks them inside. In this mode, you can clean the floor, carpet, stove, oven, microwave, and hood.

What kind of water should I fill?

As you know, before you start cleaning with a steam cleaner, you need to fill its tank with water. There is an opinion that for steam generators would be better suited distilled water. But that's not true. Yes, such water is completely purified from the mineral salts and other impurities it contains. However, it produces steam less well and is more difficult to evaporate. Therefore, we do not recommend using it, especially for ironing.

In fact, regular tap water will do just fine for the steam cleaner. If the water in your area is particularly hard, it can be mixed with distilled water.

How to descale a steam cleaner?

Using tap water causes scale to form on the steam cleaner's boiler over time. To get rid of scale, the “steamer” and other attachments come with special anti-scale sticks that dissolve in cold water. These sticks are absolutely harmless to human health and environment. The frequency of descaling of the steam cleaner depends on the hardness of the water. On average, the device is cleaned once or twice a year.

In 2015, Karcher introduced two new models of steam cleaners (SC 3 and SC 3 Premium), which do not have a heating boiler. In them, water is converted into steam using flow heater. To maintain the performance of such units for many years and protect heating element against scale, these models do not use anti-scale, but special cartridges.

According to experts, a person spends about 5 years of his life cleaning. A steam cleaner allows you to speed up the cleaning process. This device strives to solve all the issues of maintaining cleanliness and order in our apartments and houses. Thanks to him, we have more free time to spend with family and friends.

The main thing is that we do not use any chemicals during the cleaning process. Therefore, it does not remain on the surface, and neither we nor our children breathe it. Steam treatment will cope with all the problems on the way to cleaning.

Steam cleaner can be selected